I obsess over certain characters and put them in situations in fics. Why? Cause I can.
297 posts
Im Doing That Thing Again.
I’m doing that thing again.
You know, the one where you think of another cool au idea when you currently have 5 others already in the works at the same time.
So many au ideas. So little time.
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More Posts from Draconicsparkle
ErrandBoyTV was the one to suggest this one! And boy oh boy it was cute.
Will Hajime ever stop spoiling his little naga? Oh heck no. It’s his life mission now.
Also, sorry Kaz. You make it too easy for the snek.
Hajime could easily trace the exact path of events that lead to him beginning a weeks long scavenger hunt in his own apartment. Oh yeah, it was not hard to recall what had led him to this.
It all began with a quick trip to a craft store as requested by Kazuichi. His friend had requested assistance on gathering materials for a new project and Hajime had figured he could tag along for moral support and to be an extra set of arms.
It was at the store that he had spotted them, sitting innocently on a shelf in an aisle they were in. A box of mini pencils, thin and delicate. Practically the perfect size for a certain someone he knew. So Hajime had grabbed it, knowing it would be adored by the recipient.
Sure enough, the gift was received very well. Nagito had been astounded and overjoyed by the present, pulling each individual pencil out and looking them over with wonder in his eyes. To the human’s surprise, he didn’t use them right away, instead dedicating the rest of the evening to hugging and expressing his gratitude. Which Hajime had no issues with; he liked those sessions, too.
The next day, Hajime had cut up sheets of paper and had laid them out for Nagito to try his new pencils out on. The naga got to work instantly, eyes focused on his task as he practiced writing and drawing. It worked as a great distraction as Kazuichi had swung by to show off pictures of his project to his friend.
“It’s coming along super well! The parts we got yesterday were exactly what I needed. Thanks for the help, by the way. You are the greatest soul-friend a man could have!”
Hajime had rolled his eyes at the dramatic declaration, but still nodded with a supportive smile. “No problem. Glad to help.”
Kazuichi grinned before putting his phone away. “So what are your plans for the rest of the day? Studying? Or something fun?”
“He is to provide me with love and attention, if you must know,” Nagito spoke up, drawing the humans’ gazes to him. The tone changed in a second once the naga shifted his full attention to the brunette. “Look, Hajime! I was able to draw a clover! Do you like it?”
He was sure that his cheeks were a bit red from the words, but he again nodded. “Looks fantastic. You got the hang of that pretty fast.” Hajime had then smirked. “Are you going to now turn into the doting partner who leaves little notes everywhere?”
But his joke had ignited some fire in Nagito, green eyes filled with inspiration. “What an absolutely wonderful idea! Yes! I shall!” He then turned his sharp gaze to the other human. “And you shall assist me in this task.”
Kazuichi looked down, terrified. “What?! Me? Why?”
Nagito scoffed. “Because if Hajime helps me with this, it’ll ruin the surprise. Now come on! We have work to do!”
And so, under the strict guidance of Nagito, Kazuichi had become the naga’s temporary assistant in scattering the notes around. The naga had gone with the pink haired human, instructing him on where to place the various bits of paper. Meanwhile, Hajime just sat back on his chair, sipping water and listening to the nervous chatter from his friend.
Which led to now, as a very frazzled and stiff Kazuichi returned to the living room, nearly collapsing onto the couch. “Can I be free now? Are we finally finished?”
The naga, who had been clinging to his wrist with tight coils, sighed. “I suppose we can be. I’ll release you now.” Nagito loosened his hold and slithered onto the plush cushions, making use of their angle to ascend to the couch’s armrest. “It is done, Hajime! We hid them all around the apartment. But don’t go looking for them yet! Wait until later, okay?”
“Fine, fine. I won’t, I promise,” Hajime assured, reaching over to offer a hand to the naga. He felt the smooth scaly tail quickly make contact, crossing his arm and reaching his shoulder in no time. “You are spoiled rotten. You know that right?” he asked as he felt Nagito get comfortable on his shoulder.
“You like spoiling me. Don’t deny it,” was the reply.
Hajime huffed, not admitting out loud that it was true.
Kazuichi groaned from the couch. “If y’all are gonna be mushy, I might as well see myself out. Hajime, you should definitely come by my place next time. I can show you my progress in person that way!” The pink haired human stood up and made for the door, pulling his shoes back on.
Hajime smiled at his friend. “Sounds like a plan. I can’t wait to see it. Good luck!” he called out, getting an enthusiastic thumbs-up before his friend exited the apartment.
“It’s just us now. What bliss,” Nagito muttered dreamily, nuzzling and sighing contently.
“You say that as if we don’t spend a good majority of time together,” Hajime pointed out, though he did nothing to stop the naga’s actions. “By the way, can you try and be nicer to Kaz? Or at least tone down the sternness? He’s already apologized a hundred times for grabbing you that one time. And we both know he’s not brave enough to ever try that again.”
Nagito hummed in thought, making the note last several seconds. “I suppose I can try. Though I make no promises.”
“Just keep it in mind the next time you see him, okay? For me?” He knew that last part would get him somewhere. If Nagito was allowed to play him like a fiddle with sweet words, he would do the same.
“For you? Anything.” Sure enough, it worked. “But enough about him, let’s get back to the main focus! My notes to you. I’m going to set rules that you can only find and read one per day. Draw it out as long as you can. Then I can hide them all over again once all have been discovered!”
Hajime laughed a bit. “Alright, I suppose I can do that. But how many did you hide?” he asked as he took a sip from his glass.
Hajime nearly choked on his water. “45? That many? How did you make that many?”
He felt Nagito hug his neck. “Determination for my one and only, obviously. As I said, anything for you.”
It now was very apparent that Hajime had quite a task ahead of him. One he was eager to do.

Despair is your duty!
So this is something that I’ve had pictured in my brain for years. No joke, it’s been years.
When I listened to The Happiness and Peace of Mind Committee, I instantly felt like it had Junko vibes. I thought it fit her pretty well. And thanks to the amazing and talented @karugoround, she is now a reality! But yeah, I hope y’all love it as much as I do! And thank you Karu for drawing this!
PS: Here’s the song link if any wanna take a listen.
So is this a bit out of nowhere? Yes, and I freely admit that. But hey, sometimes inspiration strikes when you least expect it. Such as when I was listening to a certain song by Utata-P. (This one in particular: https://youtu.be/D-SeN8ccXHM)
With that, and aided by the fact that I see komahina everywhere, I had an idea. And I know that these ideas will fester inside my mind until I write them down. So here we are! Hope y’all enjoy this little one-shot.
SCP! SCP! You want it? You got it!
This was one I was eager to get to as soon as I thought of it. Made me grin like mad whenever I recalled that it was coming up on my list. And now it’s here!
It was so fun to write. And I’m sure it will be fun to read as well.
If you make a character a cosmic being, might as well give him some crazy abilities! Oh and don’t worry, I shall explore more abilities in the next SCP au too.
“Hey, can you clean up the dishes? I’m really tired tonight and don’t have the energy or motivation to do them,” Hajime requested his companion, who was sitting across the table from him.
The SCP tilted his head, but still nodded. “I can most certainly clean up. But if I may inquire, are you doing alright? Anything worrying you or stressing you out?”
“Nothing that you need to concern yourself over. Just… tired.” The brunette slowly pushed himself out of the chair and stepped over to the bedroom. He shut the door behind him, sighing as his hands left the doorknob. He wasn’t sure why, but he just felt drained today. He had tried his hardest to overcome it all day, but he had no more energy left. Hence his request to avoid doing the clean up.
But… he supposed there was something that could have influenced this energy deficiency. Lately, he had been thinking more about the friends and family he had left behind when he came to this place. Were they thinking of him? Were they doing okay? Did they worry about him? Would he ever see them again?
“Ah, so that’s what is on your mind.”
Hajime didn’t even flinch when the entity’s voice suddenly appeared behind him. Nor when the arms wrapped around his waist. He only sighed, not speaking.
Nagizuru was quiet for a few moments, but spoke again soon. “You know, perhaps we could, I don’t know, sneak out of the facility during the next containment breach. They wouldn’t know if we, let’s say, paid your family and friends a visit. How does that sound, my dear?”
Instantly, Hajime’s heart felt lighter. “You… you mean it? We could… go see them?”
Nagizuru laughed softly, the vibrations of the action felt through their physical contact. “Of course. They may not hold much meaning to me, but they do to you. And your happiness is my top priority.”
Hajime sighed, nearly shedding tears at the thought. “Thank you so much. I can’t believe I’m saying this, but I’m eager for the next containment breach.”
“Indeed. Best not share this with the staff. They would surely not be of similar thinking.” The entity squeezed him a little tighter. “But in the meantime, let us preoccupy ourselves with other activities.”
The human raised an eyebrow. “You sound like you have something in mind.”
Hajime blinked rapidly. The voice… had come from Nagizuru who was now standing in front of him. But if he was there, then who was holding him? He looked back and to his shock, the one holding him was the same person. “Wait! What? How?”
“Oh, Hajime. You underestimate my abilities.” That voice came from his left, where a third entity grabbed hold of his arm.
“I am quite capable of doing this. Is it that surprising?” a fourth asked, grabbing his right arm.
The one behind him tugged him backwards, so that they were now on the bed. The one in front extended a pale arm, pushing on his chest so that he fell back onto the other’s lap. The two on his arms wiggled close, still holding tight. And the one in front moved so that he was laying on the human’s legs.
He was now unable to move, trapped by four copies of the same creature. His heart and mind felt like they were about to explode from both confusion and being more flustered than he had ever been in his life.
Front looked at him with an amused grin. “I’ve not seen this expression on you before.”
Right rubbed a thumb on his shoulder. “It’s a sight I wouldn’t mind seeing again.”
Back ran his fingers through the brown hair. “Penny for your thoughts, Hajime?”
Left maneuvered so that he could whisper in his ear. “I would love to know.”
The human had to really fight to speak without squeaking in embarrassment. He could barely keep himself composed. Who could blame him? But he did manage to ask his question with only a bit of shakiness. “Are you… all different people? Isn’t… cloning yourself a bad idea? Won’t you fight each other to be the one true body?”
All four laughed. “Where did you get that idea? So silly,” Right asked him.
“Perhaps too many sci-fi films? They get so much about the universe wrong,” Left tacked on.
“As if they know anything of the horrors lurking at the edge of the universe,” Front commented, eliciting a bit of a shiver down the human’s spine.
Back pet his hair. “But to answer your question, Hajime, we are not separate.”
“We are one and the same.”
Hajime gulped as the four spoke at the exact same time. It was a little freaky, if he was being honest. Not to mention the implications of his earlier comment. “Uh… what did you mean by the horrors?”
“Oh, don't worry about it, Hajime.”
“You have nothing to fear from them.”
“They won’t come this far.”
“I’ve made sure of it.”
Again, that did little to calm him. “How powerful… are you?”
“Don’t concern yourself with that.”
“It doesn’t matter.”
“All that matters right now is us.”
“And making you feel better.”
“Huh? You are… trying to make me feel better?” Hajime asked, not having expected that to be the reason for the clones.
“Of course!”
“You were feeling down and tired.”
“So I wanted to help in some way.”
“And I decided on comforting touches.”
Hajime let out a huff. “Don’t lie. You also wanted to do this to see my reaction.”
Groaning a bit, he laid his head back with force on the lap he was resting on, the only movement he could accomplish at the moment. Four sets of identical giggles filled the air, and the soothing touches began again. “I… guess I’ll admit that this is nice. But I’m surprised it’s taken you this long to do. Knowing you, I’m shocked you didn’t do this from the start.”
“Oh, it was considered.”
“Multiple times, in fact.”
“But I refrained.”
“I didn’t want to overwhelm you.”
Hajime raised an eyebrow. “Your definition of overwhelming is clearly not the same as mine. You waited for this but didn’t on inverting another person in front of me?”
The brunette decided to give up, knowing that winning was an impossibility. “At least you are comfortable,” he conceded.
The four smiled wide, the two on his arms slotting one of their hands into each of his. He curled his fingers around the hands, feeling them squeeze back.
“That’s right.”
“Let your worries fade away.”
“And your mind ease.”
The combination of the various hands massaging him made all the tension in his body fade away. He felt himself go limp, not wanting to move at all. He was practically a rag doll now. He had half a mind to drift off, but would that be rude?
“You may if you desire to. This can certainly be repeated. And allow me to assist in another way.”
Hajime supposed he was thankful for the mind reading capabilities for now, as he didn’t have to speak to express his wants. He closed his eyes as the four around him began to hum in harmony. The gentle tune along with the gentle touches were enough to make him drowsy. And with one final squeeze, he fell asleep while held by the entity.
Here comes the boy!!! Hello boy! Welcome! There he is! He is here!
Let us all take a moment to bask in his glory. And maybe give him something nice for once, cause man, he goes through some crap. Imma pretend like I have nothing to do with that for now though. Just focus on the nice stuff, Nagizuru!
Also! Gaze at this lovely artwork by @duckybathperson!
It had taken him far longer than he had wanted for him to accomplish this task. Far too long, but he hasn’t wanted to risk getting caught. However, he had finally managed to snag the last thing he needed for his plan.
Carefully concealing the small half dozen carton of eggs, Hajime quickly ducked into the elevator. He sighed as the doors closed, taking him up to the fifth floor and to safety. The cameras on the fifth and sixth never worked anymore. After a few attempts to repair them only for them to break, the staff had given up trying. They saw it as a waste of time and money, so Hajime was able to get away with sneaky objectives from time to time.
And he was ecstatic that after such a long time, he could finally accomplish something he had been wanting to do since the very beginning.
Make something nice for Izuru to eat.
The staff here were very strict on the types of food their experiment was allowed to have. Light food that provided just enough nutrition to keep him alive and stable, but the options were very limited. Hajime had done his best over the months to try and ease the monotony of the meals, throwing in whatever spices were provided and changing it up as much as he could, but it never felt like it was quite enough. And although Izuru had never complained about the food, it didn’t take a genius to know that he was bored with the menu.
So, Hajime had been determined to give him a decent meal at least once. He was careful and managed to sneak into the food storage for the other staff’s cafeteria. Slowly, he gathered ingredients and stored them away on the fifth floor, away from prying eyes and blabbermouths. The eggs had been last, and he had them in hand now. Therefore, Hajime rolled up his sleeves and got to work in the kitchen.
For the first time in a while, he was excited to make his charge’s meal. He dove into the task with excitement and motivation, expertly handling the kitchen equipment as he created his dish. And soon enough, he had the dish plated, warm, and ready.
He really had to hold himself back from rushing up to Izuru’s room as soon as it was done, knowing that he had to be careful to not jostle it. He placed a metal cover over top of the plate, which would help to keep the food warm. And perhaps add an element of surprise for the Ultimate Hope, to make things interesting for him. He took a deep breath, placed his hands on the cart, and began pushing it to the elevator.
Finally, he scanned his card and walked into the room, unable to keep the excited grin off his face. “It appears you have something new to share or provide,” Izuru observed as he sat up in his bed. “And what did you manage to sneak by the fools below?”
“You’ll see,” Hajime replied, grabbing the clipboard. “Let’s get these tests over with so you can have your surprise.”
“Very well. Proceed.”
So they did, Hajime writing down the results and administering the sedatives, though a little quicker in pace than usual. But Izuru made no comment on it, eyes occasionally flicking over to the cart to analyze the contents. It hadn’t taken long for him to notice the covered dish on the bottom, his gaze honed on it upon discovery. It made Hajime even more anxious to get to it. But he knew he had to do the boring parts first, then they could spend more time on the more interesting portions of this session.
Hajime couldn’t help the relieved sigh when he was finally able to put the clipboard back down on the cart. “Done. Now I can give you this.” He knelt and pulled the covered dish from the bottom shelf, pleased when it was still warm. He handed it to the white haired man, who gazed at the shiny metal cover with interest. Hajime grabbed the top of the cover, lifting it and revealing what he had made. “I was able to gather enough ingredients to make you a fresh omelet. It has bits of ham, grilled peppers, melted cheddar, and is topped with parsley. I… I hope you like it.”
Izuru hummed as he took a fork from his caretaker. “I can imagine how difficult it was to gather everything to make this. Let it be known that your efforts are noted and appreciated.”
The words made a genuine smile creep onto the brunette’s face. “Well, wait till you try it before praise. I want to see if it matches your palette.”
“Then I shall not waste a second more. Thank you for the food,” Izuru said as he cut a corner off and delicately ate it. His ruby reds locked with Hajime’s hazel. “My dear caretaker, you have done very well. This is the tastiest food item I have consumed upon my awakening. Take pride in this.”
Hajime found himself fighting the urge to pump his fist in excitement. Izuru liked it! He even praised it! It was the best possible reaction he could have asked for. “I am truly honored, sir.”
Izuru then seemed to get an idea, his smile morphing into a smirk. But before Hajime could ask what it was about, the experiment had cut off another piece of the food and speared it with the fork, raising it up and towards Hajime. “I know I am not the only one deprived of variety in the food category. Come now, give your creation a try.”
The brunette shook his head while feeling his cheeks redden. “I couldn’t possibly! It’s entirely yours to enjoy. I don’t deserve it.”
But instead of backing off, Izuru reached forward and grabbed the chain on the metal collar. It was tugged so that Hajime was forced to lean down, face now inches away from Izuru’s. “I insist, my dear caretaker.”
Swallowing down the lump in his throat, Hajime gave a small nod of understanding. It was now a request he dared not reject again. So he allowed the Ultimate Hope to feed him the forkful of egg. He had been correct, it was pretty good. It made him want to try and recreate this again. Provided, of course, he was able to obtain more ingredients.
Izuru didn’t immediately release him after he finished chewing. The grip on the chain remained solid as the other hand released the fork and rose to caress his cheek. “I can see the thoughts running through your head. If you desire to attempt more creations in the kitchen to provide for us both, I shall send you off with my blessing. But it would be wise for you to retain your sense of caution. I wouldn’t want anything unfortunate to happen to you. After all, you are the only one I will allow this close without consequences.” Then the grip on the chain was released, the experiment returning to eating with pleased hums.
Hajime took a step back and covered his mouth as he failed to control the heat in his cheeks. Whenever Izuru spoke to him like this or forced them to be close, it made him react strongly. And he was sure that his reaction was getting stronger and more obvious with each new action. But he knew Izuru enjoyed eliciting such reactions from him. And who was he to deny the Ultimate Hope of sights he clearly wanted to see?
He had received luck’s blessing. That was the least he could do for such a gift.