Aus - Tumblr Posts

1 year ago
DSOD Kaiba Cat. (design For A MAP Part)

DSOD Kaiba cat. (design for a MAP part)

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1 year ago
And You Are You! The Only Yugi Mutou In The World!

and you are you! the only yugi mutou in the world!

i am not immune to spiderverse. introducing dual spider (duel spider individually) (it was the best name the discord could collectively come up with), domino city’s very own spider-men! - my current rough idea is that atem is a version of yugi from another universe and he Somehow ended up in domino with a bad case of amnesia. poor bastard. ill elaborate more the more i figure out lore

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10 months ago
Very Short Completed Part For A MAP Outro

Very short completed part for a MAP outro


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1 year ago


So, about Leshy...

Apparently, we now have confirmation as to what his exact species is.


At first, the use of “caterpillar” struck me as odd. In-game, there isn’t any real evidence to suggest that he’s anything but an adult. He’s eligible to be married when recruited as a follower, and he can fall in love with other cultists. So I did some Googling on bagworms, and I found something interesting out.


Adult females, larviform, and Leshy is male… As such, I think there’s only one logical conclusion can be drawn here:


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1 year ago

Same thing here

I have a lot of ideas for aus like

Kaz Kalinkas from (Chaotic Cartoon)

Jack Spicer from (xiaolin showdown)

Starscream from (Transformers: Prime)

And a long list

I give your drawing a rating

10000 out 10000


Hope you have a good week

How many aus do u have

How Many Aus Do U Have

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1 year ago

you know what would have been funny? i was busy thinking of some Imperial! Anidala AUs and there's one which just crossed my mind.

Imagine Padmé joins Vader on Mustafar, Vader beats Obi, and kills Sidious to take over. Vader tries to deepen his connection to the Dark Side as he and Padmé rule over the galaxy. Vader tries to portray himself as this evil, fearsome autocrat but is way too popular: he doesn't create the Death Star because neither he nor Padmé likes it, he abolishes slavery because duh, literally all of the clones (they don't get replaced) love him, he's still seen as the war hero, he's very handsome, and Padmé's presence + coregency mellows him out a lot. Padmé and his children are also there, and his love for them is wayyyyyy too much that he isn't nearly as evil and dark as he should be

Eventually, Vader comes to Padmé crying about how his connection to the Dark Side is weakening because of how much he loves her and the children and how he can't fuel his inner darkness anymore. He isn't really a Sith anymore and eventually Padmé convinces him to just let it go, renounce his darkness, and let the love flow through him so now he's just emperor anakin, former jedi and failed sith

emperor vader: suffering from success

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4 years ago
I have quite a few aus on tumblr @fanartfunart, with many themes and tones and styles! Which one fits you the best?

Honestly expected to get it if though I didn't go for the obivious choices like which my fav aestethic was. Still really happy though it's in my top 3 of favourite AUS from you.

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1 year ago

I’m doing that thing again.

You know, the one where you think of another cool au idea when you currently have 5 others already in the works at the same time.

So many au ideas. So little time.

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5 months ago

people need to post about ur au's more (or I need them on my feed more) like no I don't know who any of these people are anyway yes I'll read about their powers

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1 year ago
Love Drawing Jesters And He Turned Out Really Cute-

love drawing jesters and he turned out really cute-

am finally putting out drawings now and had an idea inspired by a tweet my boyfriend sent that he said sounded like bagginshield… a court jester flirting with the king…

like gandalf brining bilbo along for adventure and they travel to Erebor.. gandalf saying bilbo is quite a funny fellow and would make an excellent court jester.. bilbo being a bit offended at first but gandalf just shoves him in away.. presenting bilbo to newly king thorin.. since bilbo knows riddles and stuff he’s not a bad jester and thorin takes interest.. soon they become quite friendly and eventually even more than that-

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1 year ago

i know my brain is constantly cooking up aus and one that has kept coming to me is like a the hobbit au but it’s like a heist movie… like oceans 11 HDJSHB

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1 year ago
Au: The 10th Companion

au: the 10th companion

a quick drawing of the hobbits, being lead by bilbo. had the hc that hobbits like to go in groups (hold hands to stay together when nervous) so heres them huddled together

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1 year ago

Tw1tter post with the poll there here

Bagginshield case book — smau in which the company solves mysteries. From time to time, I will update with a new crime, like episodes. Yes or no?

(Yes. H/w bagginshield somehow. And not exactly.)?

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3 years ago

Les Amis Modern AU: What They Wish Others Believed About Them (Part 2).

[I kind of wrote this in response to some general trends in characterising the Amis. There are some stereotypes which I'm not quite comfortable with. ]


• They get weirded out when people always expect them to present femme, wear flower crowns, flowing ponchos and skirts. They do love these, especially flowers. But they barely get time to slip on a T shirt over a pair of shorts and tie up their hair in a messy knot before going out for last minute groceries. Some days, they actually like wearing plaid shirts, hoodies, berets and jackets. And they did have a "I'M BORED WITH MY LONG HAIR LEMME CHOP IT OFF" phase. Or multiple such phases. They look amazing, both ways.

• They wish people stop perceiving them as tiny and fragile. They are actually pretty regular sized. They are actually taller than R and Joly, as tall as Marius and Courf, and can give a mean right hook to anyone who threatens to assault them and people around them. They get slightly miffed when people don't expect them to pack in a punch to defend themself.

• They really wish that people didn't assume that they have the solution to all their emotional problems. They are a mess too, yannow? With lots of tea, a few potted plants and a decorative skull. And they really wish that they could have a meltdown in front of some people in turn.

• They aren't always all calm and zen. Woe betide anyone who interrupts Jehan in a writing session. Or a proof-reading session. Or catches them hitting their head on the corner of the table while trying to clean the dust under it. And woe especially betide anyone who interrupts these activities of Jehan to pine for the umpteenth time.

• They don't always entertain valentine poetry requests just because they specialise in Romanticism. "Romanticism with a CAPITAL R", they yell, "ALSO includes poems like the Masque of Anarchy, and novels like Frankenstein! I'm NOT reading hours of Schlegel for this!" Some of their slam poems are fierce af , and rip the establishment a new one. Also, they don't write poems on every available surface (because they usually hide the more private and sweet poems).

• They wish that people wouldn't hover around them like helicopter parents when their date is edgy ( *Montparnasse*). They can take care of themselves, and will definitely come to people for help if shit hits the fan (that never really happened though). They want to let people know that toxic people can also materialise without leather jackets and piercings.

• They also want to let people know that their relationship dynamics with 'Parnasse is regular af, and not any chewed-out Sinner and Saint trope.


• Is impatient. Anyone would be impatient if they are working their arse off in three part-time jobs, an Etsy business, classes and assignments. AND Les Amis work. He's tries not be rude, but is often blunt and brusque and has no time for the wounded sentiments of those he calls out for their privilege. Feuilly is hardly the quiet, angelic figure people initially think he is, and can be quite fiery in meetings. He feels frustrated when people don't quite get it.

• He goes out of his way to help his friends. That doesn't mean that he is a handyman for free. He does not have time to fix every article of machinery or furniture his friends happen to damage, definitely not for free. And his friends know that, and never stress him out. He does give them a lot of discounts, though, and is always there for any emergency.

• He finds a lot of rich-people-food tasteless. Lavender tea blends? Perfumed water. Champagne? Meh. Caviar? Nevermind. Canapes? Why?

• He's always afraid that his friendships will fall apart. He cannot hope to attend all meetings, let alone movie nights. He's terrified of dinners and parties, because he's worried about expenses. He cannot trust simple acts of service from his friends because he hates charity. He's also a little self-conscious about his old thrift-shop clothes. He's always terrified of losing his jobs. It takes a lot of time for the Amis to convince him to trust them, and they try their level best to make sure that they don't hurt him in any way, and help him as much as he permits (sometimes even more).

• He is learning how not to judge people for their apparent privilege without knowing their life-stories, and, whenever not tired, takes an active role in trying to know people's histories.

• Education is rough for him, because most professors insist on standards of work presentation which are usually learned by really privileged people. Even if he is low-key a genius who learns really fast and gives tons of content in his paper, he gets mediocre grades because of vague things like "colloquialism usage", "cluttered style" and "unacademic presentation".

• Sometimes has meltdowns and panic attacks, particularly at the end of the month. Feuilly knows what homelessness is like, and does not want to repeat it again, even though he's financially in a better place than before. He wakes up with nightmares about being passed out at the back of a subway train.

• Feuilly is an old soul. He knows when an Ami is sad, or in trouble. But he'll wait till he knows they are ready to tell him what's wrong. It can sometimes seem bordering on tough love. He hopes that no one thinks him to be insensitive because of that.


• Likes bar brawls only when it involves kicking someone's ass for being creepy, homophobic, sexist, racist and similarly-ist assholes. He absolutely does not like gratuitous violence for its own sake. And FFS, he doesn't really like Tarantino.

• Wishes people don't look at him weirdly when he is doing regular stuff like groceries, parking his motorbike, playing with Gavroche or Azelma, or going plant-shopping with Jehan. He knows that people stare as though he was a ticking time bomb, waiting to go off in a reassuring display of toxic, hypermasculine machismo. He hates that. -_-

• Similarly, he hates it when people assume that he's all brawn and no brain, particularly after knowing him to be a law school dropout. He has a grim satisfaction in seeing a newcomer to the Musain look at him agape, expecting him to be some kind of tropey backbencher only there for brawling, but finding him actively engaged in articulate brainstorming while the others nod enthusiastically.

• He likes bar crawls. That doesn't mean he encourages R to drink. He's done a LOT of work helping R to work on his drinking problem and was one of the happiest when R got his first bronze sobriety chip.

• In fact, Bahorel is notoriously good at dancing in a bar, and often goes for the dancing only. In bars, he takes care of everyone - including the DD who lingers in the corner with a beer and their phone, uncomfortably anxious, and desperately needing company (looking at you, Ferre).

• Dropping out of law school has made him really uncertain about life. For the first few months after dropping out, he regretted every bit of it, cried himself to sleep after feuding with his anxious family over the phone, and had quite a few suicidal thoughts. It's not that he's completely certain that life is okay now, but he's much happier studying journalism.

• As a kid, he hated his height and build because he was considered too big for a certain really cute boat ride in an amusement park. He also had eating disorders in high school.

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1 year ago

List Of Alternate Universes

Alternate Universe (also known as alternate reality), is commonly abbreviated as AU and it is a descriptor used to characterize fanworks which change one or more elements of the source work’s canon. The term most often refers to fanfiction, but fanart can also depicted the characters in AUs.

Unlike regular fanfiction, which generally remains within the boundaries of the canon set out by the author, alternate universe fiction writers like to explore the possibilities of pivotal changes made to characters’ history, motivations, or environment.

Keep reading

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1 year ago

I know it has been a while since I mentioned my two Welcome Home AUs, and I'm sorry I have not made many updates on them. I promise soon I will be making little animations and comics for them!

Aswell as character sheets!

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6 months ago

Another angst idea, this time for the Murderbot series. (MCD)

Something has seized physical control of MB and is causing it to rampage while MB is basically stuck in its own head.

The only thing it can do is to call out warnings or for help over the feed.

MB manages to connect to ART and beg it to stop it.

The only problem is that ART is so far away and there’s no systems around except MB that ART has any control over.

The only way for ART to stop MB is to fry its systems.

ART doesn’t want to do it but MB is distraught and begging it to stop it because it’s in the middle of massacring its humans and tells ART to stop it by any means necessary.

ART caves.

It reaches out into MB’s systems, sharing the space like they have done before, allowing ART to feel what MB does.

MB’s head feels like it’s underwater, and systems go dark as ART cuts them off from MB’s awareness.

The pain, vision, and sense of time all fade away.

It’s just MB and ART alone in the nothingness, plunging MB into an artificial calm.

It reminds MB of when it had been held when it was too injured to walk on its own.

ART says goodbye.

And pulls the trigger.

ART had already cut off MB’s ability to feel pain, so it didn’t feel the electricity shooting through its systems, frying organic and inorganic parts alike.

One moment Murderbot had been floating in the digital void, and the next there was no more Murderbot to feel anything at all.

On the planet below, MB’s body collapsed.

ART would never completely forgive itself.

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