We're Back, Baby! I Plan To Do A Poll Like This For Each Of The Characters In Vox Machina, So Stay Tuned!
We're back, baby! I plan to do a poll like this for each of the characters in Vox Machina, so stay tuned!
It's today that I realized the missed opportunity to give the twins one of the multi-headed dragons. I hate it. Anyways, time to find the Trinket of the party!
As I said in my Vax poll, I already had found a dragon that fit Vex to an extent - the Sandbuster, due to the fact they protect treasure so closely!
Comments and headcanons always appreciated!
serrantsaloto liked this · 1 year ago
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So, I've been thinking about my CR-HTTYD AU and I realized that I forgot a dragon for Vax entirely! So, round 2 on his votes!
I also considered him having a Night Light along with his sister, but, I'm not too sure I want to lock Vex into that.
More Critical Role-How To Train Your Dragon AU polls, Keyleth of the Air Ashari is up next!
Comments and headcanons always appreciated!
death of carl (colorized)
Light purple scav belongs to @north-winds1 if my notes are correct
Hey *taps on mic* Ib artists? I've been listening to USSEEWA and I'm thinking way too much about Garry doing the "HUH?" so if someone would be so kind