Draganora Chitters - Tumblr Posts
Me, half-dead, staring at Ingo, Emmet, and Volo with a pen in my hand having to write this entire short story for school in 2 days: I'm doing this for you
Will I turn the music off? No it's the music of my blorbos going insane, why would I do that?
Sitting and waiting for my brain to give me a sudden hyperfixation on trains due to the Subway Bosses because I can feel it coming.
The one driving force pushing me to finish this writing assignment is the fact I get to draw Melli being the superstar he deserves to be afterward.
Ok the Stay A While quest got to me :sobfks:

holy SHIT dude
I'm still doing the Stay A While quest and it is just getting sadder and sadder oh my god

Q: Can I repost your art? A: As an edit or between friends, yes, with credit! On other platforms (such as Instagram, Twitter, ect.) no.
Q: Can I have your art as my profile picture? A: Yes!
Q: What is a muse? A: A muse is the character the mun is portraying in their roleplays, or a personification of my inspiration to create a character. Feel free to ask more about them!
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#draganoras creations - My artwork, writing, ect.!
#draganora chitters - Random posts or discussion about creations!
#draganoras askbox - Answers from my askbox!
#draganoras pawprints - Interractions I've had on other blogs, for example, my asks being answered.
It has just now dawned on me I can post all those WIPs I was trying to finish for YouTube here. ... Teehee.
Soooo, I'm putting together a Vox Machina + How To Train Your Dragon AU and I'm having a hard time choosing dragons for each of the members because there's just... so many. So, I thought I'd put it to a vote!
Starting with:
Now for the extra fun other discussion. I decided to go with Sharp and Stoker class dragons to search mostly. I considered Strike, but, I decided to save those for Vax. (We're going to politely ignore the fact I put a Skrill in there.) I also had to hold back from giving him all of my favorite dragons as options because I am... biased.
I'm also aware that the Swordstealer and Armorwings are Mystery Class dragons, but! I thought it would be interesting seeing as they already hold that sort of 'forging' vibe to them that would help him plenty. Plus the fact they make armor out of it being overall defenseless dragons without it - who else to go to than the party inventor? He's bound to have scrap around.
This also made me think about adding the Razorwhip, but I decided against it. I was also extremely surprised while looking through the dragon to find out that the Silver Phantom was a Stoker Class dragon! I love the design of the Silver Phantom, but I don't think that it first Percy with how little information is given on it.
More Critical Role-How To Train Your Dragon AU polls, this time, Vax'ildan!
When I started making this poll. I immediately ran toward Strike Class dragons like the Furies. I'm going to be honest, I didn't want to add Night Fury for him, but, after considering he becomes a champion of the goddess of death? I think he deserves a little treat.
After realizing that the Strike Class has basically nothing, I moved to checking out the Sharp Class. I thought it would be really fun for him to have a Speedstinger, but, they're flightless sadly so I scrapped it. I nearly let the idea of him having a Stormcutter go due to their size, but when I stopped to think about their owl traits, I thought... what if raven? Which then turned to me adding back in Deadly Nadder as well.
But, I still wasn't satisfied with what I had, so I finally took a turn into the Mystery Class. There had to be something that fit the rogue and a meaningful way. Now, I didn't find much - but I did find an option for when I get around to Vex, the Sandbuster!
While queueing up the Vex vote, I remembered about the Sentinel, ancient dragons that protected Valheim(?) so I thought that would also be a nice nod toward the Raven Queen pact.
We're back, baby! I plan to do a poll like this for each of the characters in Vox Machina, so stay tuned!
It's today that I realized the missed opportunity to give the twins one of the multi-headed dragons. I hate it. Anyways, time to find the Trinket of the party!
As I said in my Vax poll, I already had found a dragon that fit Vex to an extent - the Sandbuster, due to the fact they protect treasure so closely!
Comments and headcanons always appreciated!
More Critical Role-How To Train Your Dragon AU polls, Keyleth of the Air Ashari is up next!
Comments and headcanons always appreciated!
I was originally going to do Grog next, but... I love Scanlan too much and I've been thinking about his dragon for a long while, so, he's up next for the How To Train Your Dragon polls!
At first I immediatley ran to the Death Song, but after thinking about the lore - I decided that it was way too dangerous for him. But, the Mystery Class was still the best way to go! I remember when going through the dragons for Vax, I thought about the Dramilion for Scanlan, but I don't remember exactly what my reasoning was for it.
I considered the Changewing, but if I recall, they can't change their colors individually, they can only do it to blend in with their surroundings - and I doubt one would change it for any show type stuff. Then, it hit me. The Snaptrapper! I remember the old Book of Dragons short which said that they put out the smell of chocolate, and I thought that was hilarious and weirdly fitting for Scanlan. It also makes him a utility for if anyone else's dragons to awry (which could maybe lead to something).
But, after going through the entirety of the Mystery Class I only had two options, which wasn't sitting right with me. This was also when I realized that I missed out on giving Percy a Windwalker, Sea Shocker, or Shockjaw and then I proceeded to beat myself up over that for the next 13 minutes.
I ended up coming short on options for him, which was sad to me. In the end, I ended up adding the Death Song just to see what everyone else thought, and stumbled across the old concept of it - the Songwing.
I was just about to finish this post, when I remembered one of my ideas - the Hobblegrunt! I liked the idea of Scanlan hiding away his emotions but his dragon essentially being unable to, making them opposites in a way. Also the idea of him noticing it upset and then just approaching the room like "okay so who the fuck hurt them."
Comments and headcanons always appreciated!
Grog time! This one was pretty easy I'll say, I immediatley went looking into the Boulder Class. How To Train Your Dragon poll time, gang!
I thought the Thunderpede would be really fitting for the Titanstone Knuckles. The Boneknapper I thought would also be an interesting addition, considering Craven Edge.
It was also this day that I realized we could have given Vax a Deathgripper.
Comments and headcanons always appreciated!
Last one! I'll be honest right here right now, I don't know too much about Pike. So, let's hope I can get this right! How To Train Your Dragon AU vote time! After this, I may do a vote going back on ties in past votes, and argue for extra options (such as the Deathgripper for Vax and Windwalker for Percy because... god those were such a missed opportunities.)
I'll admit I popped Monstrous Nightmare in just because MONSTAH - but it might fit, who knows! We'll see what the masses think. I decided to go for more bulky dragons similar to Grog, but I wasn't scared to pitch in ideas such as the Razorwhip and Flamewhipper, even though they weren't added to the poll. My idea for this? Little gal, big fuck off dragon. And this is why I considered the Light Fury as an option because like Vax - she deserves a little treat. Another part of me wanted to add the Tide Glider but... it just felt too calm and sweet.
So, round 2 for Percy! I came up with some story for him this time. I was thinking that he could initially have a Swordstealer, and then switched to another dragon, so let's poll for that!
I was thinking the Swordstealer could be reminiscent of Orthax, looking at its design. I could go two ways with this. He gets rid of em for a dragon of the Briarwood's after it attacked him and the party (dragon hunting kinda thing? not sure yet). Or, he could just retrain it. I'm still working on the mechanics of all this, so feel free to pitch ideas!
Hey *taps on mic* Ib artists? I've been listening to USSEEWA and I'm thinking way too much about Garry doing the "HUH?" so if someone would be so kind
So, I've been thinking about my CR-HTTYD AU and I realized that I forgot a dragon for Vax entirely! So, round 2 on his votes!
I also considered him having a Night Light along with his sister, but, I'm not too sure I want to lock Vex into that.