dreamer95 - My Decision, My Mistakes, My Life✨
My Decision, My Mistakes, My Life✨

25/Mexican/Dancer/Chan’s BabyGirl🥰

839 posts

Love Me Not (Part 2)

Love Me Not (Part 2)

Love Me Not (Part 2)
Love Me Not (Part 2)

Theme; Angst…Very Angst.

Warnings; Heartbreak, Sadness. Super Low Self-Esteem. Abuse & Toxic Relationship. Mention of sex.


    “Congratulations you have been accepted to attend the University of Seoul. We cannot wait to see you and become part of our campus.”

    You looked down at the paper in your hand. You couldn’t believe it you got accepted into the biggest university in Korea. You remember you were so excited to tell Jimin about your application but now you couldn’t share the happiest moment. 

    You felt proud of yourself it was hard to get into the school, but you manage to get accepted. Maybe this was your new beginning to be happy.

    The day had finally arrived, and you got ready for your first day at school. You were excited and nervous but mostly happy. You made your way around the campus trying to figure out your schedule. 

When somebody bump into you.

    “Seriously you again!” You remember that voice like it was just yesterday it was screaming at you at the park.

    “I’m sorry but you bumped into me” you told him in a quiet voice. “Did I fucking ask you?” He stepped closer to you.

    You looked down at your hands scared to say anything else. You didn’t want a repeat of last time.

    “You know you still owe me for ruining my jacket last time” He was standing so close to you that you could feel his breath on your face.

    “I’ll pay you for the dry cleaning” you tried stepping away, but we are stuck between the wall and his body.

    “Nah, I have a better way for you to pay me. You know you’re not that bad looking when you’re not cover in coffee. From now on you’re my girl, got it. You do everything I tell you to do. If you don’t then I guess they would be some consequences” he told you feeling his hands on your waist.

    “I’m sorry but I just got out of a relationship and I’m not ready for another one. I can pay you instead.” This guy had danger all over his face, he didn’t give you a good vibe. And besides that, a relationship was the last thing you wanted at the moment. 

    Moving on from Jimin wasn’t easy, he was your longest relationship somebody that showed you that happily ever after did exist. Maybe not for you but for everybody else.

    “I don’t give a fuck what you want. I’m the head of the school, you wouldn’t want people to start talking about you. Would you?” He asked you with a smirk on his face.

    The last thing you wanted was drama, you just wanted to lay low, finish your first year and be able to move on with your life. He wasn’t kidding you know he would make your life living hell. 

    Maybe this can help you move on from Jimin. I mean he did move on from you rather quickly and this might not be the ideal relationship, but it was something.

    You were desperate to stop hurting, to stop yearning for Jimin to come back and tell you he loves you. You were tired of crying yourself to sleep at night because all you could think about was how Jimin was kissing and doing everything he did with you with her.

“Okay” You whispered.

    “Glad we are on the same page baby” he said letting you go. You could breathe again.

    You walked towards your locker pulling your books out for your class when you looked to your right and saw the girl that was dating Jimin.

“What is she doing here?” You asked yourself.

    She looked up at you and smile. “Hello I’m Yuri, nice to meet you! Are you new here?” She asked you smiling at you so kindly.

“Umm yea today is my first day.”

    “Oh goodie. You’re going to love it. This is my last year.” She told you closing her locker giving you her full attention.

“Oh really? What are you studying for?” You asked curiously.

    “Business. I’m actually an intern at BigHit just started working there a few months ago.” There it was you knew it was her Jimin was dating. You gave her a fake smile and closed your locker saying goodbye to her making you way to class. Your first day and you already hate it.

    School was finally over, and you were at your locker when someone slam their body next your locker. “Hey baby” you heard Jake say give you a kiss on the cheek.

    You felt yourself crinch at the feeling, it was nothing compare to Jimin’s kisses. “Stop thinking about him” you mentally smacked yourself.

    “Let’s go the boys are waiting and I hate being late” he said closing your locker  before you could finish and pulling you away rather harshly.

    You saw Yuri talking on the phone, while having a huge smile on her face. You saw her jump from joy and that’s when you saw him. Waiting for her at the end of the gate. He looked so happy to see her. You felt your heart breaking you didn’t think it could break any more than it already was. 

You missed him terribly and seeing him happy was just so heartbreaking.

“Hey stupid! I’m talking to you!” You heard Jake said smacking you on the head.

“I’m sorry. I was lost in thought”

    “I honestly don’t know what you could possibly be thinking about. You seem pretty stupid to me” Jake didn’t care about your feelings and to be honest with everything going on you felt like you deserved it for not being good enough. This is the only type of relationship you deserved to be in.

    You couldn’t stop looking at Jimin and Yuri. You had to admit they were perfect for each other. Yuri was beautiful from head to toe; she was kind and had a wonderful personality. She was the perfect fit for Jimin. You loved everything about Jimin. 

    Jimin was a whole package deal, he had an amazing personality, the cutest smile, he was drop dead handsome. He was an amazing dancer and singer. You couldn’t think of anything wrong with him. He was perfect and you could tell so was Yuri.

    When you started dating Jimin it surprised you that a guy like him would even give you a chance. You were so normal so boring, why would he give you the time of day. But Jimin proved to you that you were enough even if at the end you ended up getting hurt. 

    You sigh getting pulled out of your thoughts when Jake and his friends laughed about something you were clearly not paying attention too. But their loud laughs grabbed the attention of the people walking by even Jimin.

    You quickly looked away when you saw Jimin give you a confused look. 

    “Hey babe, lets get out of here. What do you say we go back to your place?” Jake said pulling you harshly by your wrist. You could already feel a bruise coming.

    “Oh, umm maybe another time. I have tons of homework and I want to get it done before tomorrow” You lied. You didn’t want to risk being alone with him.

    “Oh, come on baby! Maybe I can help you with some of that homework.”

    “No really It’s okay.” You said trying to get out of his hold.

    “Maybe you didn’t understand what I’m trying to say. But I’m coming over to help you with your homework” Jake said with through his gritted teeth.

    “Oh okay” you felt the pain in your wrist. Trying to mask the pain but failed miserably. Jake said goodbye to his friends and start walking towards his car, you following like a lost puppy behind him.

    You noticed Jimin was still staring at you, you quickly looked down at your feet and walked faster.

    Jimin recognized the guy, he couldn’t forget the face of the low life who dare put hands on a woman, nether less you. But he couldn’t stop thinking why you were with him in the first place. He was pulled out of his thought when Yuri called out for him starting to walk away towards his car but not before sparing you a second glance. You face had some many emotions but the one that stood out the most was sadness.

    You were back in your apartment, instead of doing homework Jake had other plans. You were in the shower trying to scrub off his scent, his touch everything out of your body. He was nowhere near as gentle as Jimin. Jimin was soft and gentle unless you wanted otherwise while Jake was rough and only care about himself not giving you the attention your body needed.

    After what felt like hours your got out of the shower and just threw on one of Jimin’s old shirt that he left behind. It still smelled like him, hugging yourself feeling safe.

    You stared at the wall in front of you wondering what you did to deserve this. Why couldn’t you be happy? You kept thinking of everything that was wrong with you. That is why Jimin left you.

That was all that was going through your mind.

    The doorbell went off pulling you out of your thoughts. Walking rather slowly towards the door you opened it not bothering to ask who it was. What else could go wrong that night.

You were shocked to see a very out of breath Jimin on the other side of the door.

“Jimin what are you doing here?” You questioned.

    Jimin took a while to answer you taking in how you looked. He noticed the bruises on your neck and your arms. He felt angry but only because he still cared about you… right?

“Can I come in?”

    “Oh, umm sure.” You moved away from the door to let him in closing it behind him. Making your way towards the living room. Sitting down on the couch him following your steps. This brought you back memories and not the good ones.

“Why are you here?” You asked.

    “Why were you with that guy? Wasn’t he the same guy you bumped into at the park?” Jimin asked giving you a confused look.

    “Oh jake? Yea he is umm my boyfriend?” You said looking down at your hands to scared to see Jimin’s reaction.

“I’m sorry Your what?” He almost yelled.

 Part 3 coming soon🦋

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More Posts from Dreamer95

4 years ago

The Right Moment

The Right Moment

Summary, Who would of thought that a stranger would make you feel safe and loved. 


     You sat at your local cafe just thinking back on the past year that has been nothing but pain and suffering. You were so caught up in your own mind that you didn’t notice the young man sitting next to you. Looking up at you once he heard you sniffling. It wasn’t until you felt a touch on your shoulder that brought you back to reality, wiping away the tears that you didn’t know have fallen. 

     “Are you okay?” the kind stranger asked. You turn your head to look at him, only to be taken back by his beauty.

     He asked you again and you took a deep breath, “Um. Yes, I’m sorry!” You told him while looking away. He looked at you for a while make you feel subconscious about yourself. I mean a hot guy was staring at you when you probably looked like a crack head.

     “Are you sure? you look like you need a shoulder to cry on” He told you making you chuckle. “Well not every day is a good day,” you told him giving him a small smile.  

     “You know, I’ve been told that talk about it helps ease the pain,” he told you looking into your eyes. All you can do was melt into his eye, “I don’t know if you would want to hear my miserable life haha” You said chuckling at your statement. 

     “Try me,” he told you with a gummy smile.

     You didn’t know why you spilled everything to a complete stranger but something about him made you feel safe. For a year now you have been dealing with a rollercoaster of emotions regarding your ex-boyfriend. He was your best friend at first but later turned into something that you thought would be special for both of you.

     But it turns out to be the complete opposite, he made you hide your relationship, like if he was ashamed of you but he being your first love you didn’t think too much of it. Your friends would tell you he wasn’t the one for you that you needed to move on because he was only using you. But by the time you noticed it was too late. 

     You were so in love with him that every little wrong thing he did you just pushed it aside like it was not a big deal. It got to the point where people would tell you he was cheating on you and the girl he was with was pregnant with his kid but you told them that he would never to that to you.

     Last night, you guys got into a horrible fight causing him to break your heart more than it already was. 

     “You think I actually loved you? No, I fucking didn’t you were just someone I could come to when I needed a quick fuck. You were stupid enough to believe that you were actually worth my time. And yes she is pregnant with my kid, we are getting married soon” Your ex said to your face, to broken to tell him something. The last thing you heard was him walking out and leaving you there like you were worth nothing. 

     By the time you were done you were in tears again but this time the kind stranger was holding on to you let you cry your heart out. Once you were calmed you pulled away, “I’m sorry I didn’t mean to ruin your shirt or spilled everything on you” you gave a faint laughed as you wiped away your tears. 

     “You know, your ex is pretty stupid to let go of someone so beautiful, kind and strong girl like you. You don’t need a guy like that to make you feel special, you’re special in your own unique way. Oh, by the way, I’m Yoongi!” He told you while wiping the last tear from your cheek. 

     “(Y/N). I told you my story without even knowing who you were haha” You told him. After a while of getting to know each other, you couldn’t help how he made you feel. 

     Days passed and you were getting ready to go on a date with Yoongi. You were excited to see him again. Yoongi took you to a fancy restaurant for your date, every time he gave you a compliment or did a cute gestured you couldn’t help but feel your heart beat faster it felt like it was going to jump out of your chest.

     From the corner of your eye, you saw your ex and his girlfriend walking your way, you stiffened and Yoongi noticed 

     “Well look who we have here? (Y/N)! What are you doing here?” Your ex asked you while giving you a smirked. 

“As you can see, she is on a date!” Yoongi fired back at him. 

     “Wow (Y/N) I didn’t know you had it in you to get a rebound!” Your ex said laughing. “Actually, I’m her boyfriend. Plus, why do you care your nothing to her” Yoongi said while holding your hand.

     His girl turns to you, “Your boyfriend is Suga from BTS? You really expected us to believe that. You are just desperate for attention aren’t you. You paid him to be with you.” His girl laughed.

     You looked back at Yoongi shocked; you knew he looked familiar you just couldn’t put your finger on it. Not it all made sense, but it only pissed you off. 

     “What shocked that I can actually do better than your worthless baby daddy?” You fired back making them look back at you with wide eyes. 

     “Oh, come one (Y/N) you’ve been in love with me for the longest time, I doubt you will move on from me that quickly” Your ex said while reaching out for you.

     Yoongi got in front of you protecting you from his touch. “I was (Y/E/N) but looking back at the hell of a year you put me through made me realized that I hate you more than anything and you aren’t worth my time. I found someone that treats me with more love than you ever did. So, I wish you both the best but if you excuse us, we have a date to get back too” You told them taking a seat and Yoongi seating next you.

     Your ex and his girl left without another comment and you were glad because for once you felt like you were going to explode. 

     You turn to Yoongi and you saw him smiling back at you. “So, you are from BTS? I thought you looked familiar” You said while laughing. 

     “Yea I didn’t think you were a fan,” he told you. “Are you kidding Jungkook is my bias!” You told him laughing.

     He looked back at you and smirked, “I’ll make sure to tell him when I see him, but I will tell him that you’re mine.” The rest of the night felt amazing by the time it was time to say goodbye he gave you a long passionate kiss. After, that night you felt like you found your prince charming.

It was the beginning to your happily ever after. 

-The End🦋

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4 years ago
Dont Come Closer, You Will Become Unhappy[ ]
Dont Come Closer, You Will Become Unhappy[ ]
Dont Come Closer, You Will Become Unhappy[ ]
Dont Come Closer, You Will Become Unhappy[ ]
Dont Come Closer, You Will Become Unhappy[ ]

“Don’t come closer, you will become unhappy”  [ 불행해질 거야 다가오지마 ]

                                                                                          - highlight reel, [cr.mintae]

4 years ago

Unexpected Surprise (Chan)

Unexpected Surprise (Chan)

Theme; Fluff💖


Chan stared at you while you got dressed, he could not help but think how beautiful you looked.

“What?” You asked him to give him a glance adjusting your dress and shoes.

“Have I ever told you how beautiful you look!” He said making his way towards you, stopping right behind you.

You look at him through the mirror and smile, “only about a million times.” You faced him & gave him a small peck.

“I love you so much baby. I can’t believe I get to call you my wife, best friend, & now baby momma” Chan pull you back into his arms & have you a kiss on your head. “You make me so happy baby. I couldn’t tell you how much you mean to me.” Chan gave you a passionate kiss.

“I love you too so much baby but as much as I would love to stay here and cuddle with you. We cannot be late to the gender reveal. Minho and Jisung already gave me an earful about how if we are late, they are going to kick your ass because they can’t hit me” you said getting out of his grasp.

Chan laughed, “Haha I mean they can try.”

His phone went off, “hello?”

“You guys better be driving already! I swear Chan if you guys haven’t left, I am going to explode” Jisung said on the other side of the phone.

“Geesh, chill out Man! We are on our way!”

Chan and you made your way towards your car, getting in and driving off.

“You always say that, and you are the one that is always late!” Minho said in the background.

“Okay okay! That was one time!” Chan argues with his friends.

“Yea maybe in doggy years. You have been late more than the rest of us” Changbin commented while laughing.

“Okay we are here! Chill!” Chan hanged up the phone and help you get out of the car.

You guys made your way to the door but before you could knock it swung open revealing a very anxious Minho and Jisung.

“Okay good you are here!” Jisung pulled you in and gave you a hug.

Chan and you walked in and said hi to everybody. Yours and his family were there as well waiting patiently to the reveal of their new family member. Before the big reveal you guys are and chatted with everybody. Finally, it was time for the big reveal, and you couldn’t be more excited.

You turn to Chan and you noticed that he was looking rather nervous but excited. He had always talk about starting a family years after you guys got married and now that dream was coming true.

“Okay everybody get ready” Minho yelled to get everybody to quiet down and started to made their way to the backyard to find a seat.

Jisung and Minho came out with blindfolds and two spray cans.

“Okay Seungmin & Felix are going to be holding two white pieces of wood. That is where you guys are going to spray the cans to reveal the gender. But you guys are going to be blind folded for it. WE CANNOT yelled out the gender of the baby until Chan & (y/n) uncover their eyes. Okay?” Jisung stated while putting the blindfold around your eyes & Minho around Chan eyes.

“Wait how do we know that we are actually hitting the board and not Seungmin or Felix?” Chan stated.

“We are going to be holding your hands towards the place you have to spray.” Minho stayed.

“Yea, the last thing I want is to get paint on my favorite shirt!” Felix said making everybody giggled at his comment.

“Okay ready?” Jisung asked.

You got ahold of Chan free hand and gave it a small squeeze telling you were ready. You felt a hand on your hand holding the spray Can steady.

“Ready, set, go!” Minho screamed. Both you and Chan started to spray and heard everybody screaming. You guys stop and took of your blindfolds.

You looked up at the board and started to scream and cry as Chan pull you in for a hug and spin you around.

“IT’S A GIRL!!!” Chan yelled with his arms around you.

You were crying happy tears, Chan kissed you and you heard everybody yell out of happiness. You saw Chan tearing up and it made you heart skip a beat. Seeing Chan soft side was always a beautiful sight.

“Okay hold up. We have a surprise for you.” You heard Hyunjin yelled out trying to calm everybody down. Once everybody got quiet, they all looked at Hyunjin waiting for him to continue. You were anxious what was going on. You saw Chan give his friends a confused look.

“Okay we both gave you guys a spray paint can because it reveals the gender of BOTH YOUR BABIES!” I.N yelled.

“Wait what? We are having twins!?” Chan asked confused.

Everybody started to scream again, you couldn’t believe it you were having twin girls. TWIN GIRLS. Two Babies.

“Omg we are having twins! Twins (y/n)!” Chan pulled you in for another hug.

“I love you so much! Thank you for making me the happiest man alive!” Chan whisper in your eyes kissing you passionately.

The End💖

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4 years ago

All I Want

All I Want

 Inspired by song; All I Want by Olivia Rodrigo

Genre; Fluff 💖


      Thinking back on how you guys met, you should have seen the signs. You were a trainee at JYP Entertaining, getting ready for your solo career. You loved it there, you got to meet ITZY, GOT7 and Stray Kids. You loved everybody there, but you got closer to Stray Kids, they helped you with your music, vocals and dance. 

     You were enjoying your life because for once you were happy. Growing up you had it tough, single mom, trying to make a living to keep a roof over you guys and food on the table.

     Lee Minho, the guy you fell for since the beginning. He was cold towards you but as time went on, he became more friendly with you. You guys became best friends in a matter of months. 

     Yes, you were close to the other boys but Minho & Jisung were the ones you went when you needed someone. You tried to hide your feelings from Minho but the other boys knew about them. You were like an open book that everybody could read, except for of course Minho.

     As time when on, anything that Minho would tell you were blushing like mad and it could be something small like, “I like how you hit that note” or “I like how you did that move, very you” You hated how he would make your heart thump like thumper’s foot. 

     He gave you all these different feelings & he didn’t even know about them. Jisung did because every time Minho did something you would tell him. Jisung always told you to be honest with Minho, to tell him how you felt before it was too late.

     You were afraid. You had relationships before, but they weren’t so great and because of those past relationships you were afraid to deal with another heartbreak. It’s been years since you actually healed from your last heartbreak & you didn’t want to deal with another one. 

     You were in the studio writing a new song you been thinking about when you heard a knock on the door before someone poked their head in.

     “(Y/n)? You’re still here? It’s late? What are you doing?” You heard Minho’s voice before turning around. 

     “Really? What time is it?” You asked while stretching and yawning. 

     The door close and Minho pull a chair next you, “it’s midnight” he said with a chuckle. 

     “Midnight? Oh lord, I was writing this new song. I was in my zone. Wait what are you doing here?” You asked confused to why he was here. 

     “Oh I was just working on a dance for our new song, there’s is one part I can’t get and I thought that by staying back I would be able to get it but it wasn’t the case.” He said while chuckling. 

     “Oh, I’m sure you’ll get it. You are the main dancer anyways and you are really good!” You told him bumping into his shoulder.

     “Can I hear what you’re working on?” He asked you suddenly after a pregnant silence. 

     See with Minho it was easy to be you. You didn’t have to worry about anything or how you acted because both you of you were comfortable with one another. 

     “Oh umm, it isn’t finished yet, but I guess I could show you the chorus?” You said giving him a smile small. Minho smiles at you and lean closer to you on the piano. You started playing,

“All I want is love that lasts, is all I want too much to ask? Is it something wrong with me? All I want is a good guy. Are my expectations far too high? Try my best, but what can I say? All I have is myself at the end of the day. But shouldn’t that be enough for me?”

     You stopped playing & turning to face Minho, only to find him so close to your face that you guys could kiss. Your lips so close, you looked into his eyes, him already looking at yours. 

     “You have a beautiful voice. The song is good.” He whispers looking down at your lips and back to you. 

      You heart was racing, you could literally lean in and kiss him, but you were holding back. 

     “Tell me if you want me to stop” he said capturing your lips with his. It took you a second to register what was happening, but you kissed him back. He pulls you closer & deepens the kiss.

     You both gasp once you guys pulled away. 

     “You don’t know how long I’ve been wanting to do that” he said with a smile on his face. 

     “You don’t know how long I’ve been waiting for it” You said smiling. It felt like a dream, he kissed you and it felt like heaven. 

     “Listen (y/n), I’ve liked you for so long & I don’t think I can hide my feelings anymore. I’m going crazy just being around you. And given by you kissing me back I can tell you might have feelings for me as well” he said looking into your eyes. You felt you heart racing again and butterflies in your stomach. 

     “Minho, I’ve liked you since I met you, everyday my feelings just getting bigger & stronger. You make my heart race every time I see you smile or hear your voice. 

“Then I guess there only one thing left to ask?” He said giving you a smirk.

“Will you be my girlfriend?” You kissed him and he smile in the kiss. “Does that answer your question?”

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