dreamyyesenia - In Pixel Dreamland
In Pixel Dreamland

Since ts1 | Yesenia, 32, she/her~ ts4 cozy gameplay screenshots ~Bookworm, Cat lover, Generous, Daydreamer

412 posts

If You Get This Answer With Three Random Facts About Yourself And Send It To The Last Seven Blogs In

If you get this answer with three random facts about yourself and send it to the last seven blogs in your notifs. Anon or not, doesn't matter, let's get to know the person behind the blog (but no pressure 💗)

I’m so sorry I’m just seeing I have lots of stuff in my inbox!! Well, I’m new to all of this and this week has been exhausting health-wise so yeah, bear with me 🩷

1. I loove plants. Like, my apartment is filled up with them. It’s why I have to put 1000 plants in my sims builds too 😄

2. I’ve been playing the piano since I was 5 and I had a wonderful teacher. She taught me so well that I was able to qualify for teaching piano lessons myself. I never did that though because I started studying afterwards.. but I‘d love to pick that up one day because I love music, teaching and kids 🫶🏻

3. I didn’t start playing sims 4 right away, at that time I was studying and tbh the early sims 4 was not it for me. I only started playing ts4 after 2018! And back then, I only played with occults (with Spinning Plumbob Mods) because otherwise gameplay felt soo boring. I haven’t played with occults for 2 years now so I‘m looking forward to get back to it on upcoming generations of my legacy 🧚🏼‍♀️ my favorite occult is probably vampires and (if they were more fleshed out) aliens.


I‘ll answer the others over the weekend 🫶🏻

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More Posts from Dreamyyesenia

6 months ago

Ask Game: List 5 things that make you happy, then put this in the askbox for the last 10 people who liked or reblogged something from you! get to know your mutuals and followers :)

Once again, I‘m very sorry for my late response 🙈 But I love this very much 🩷

1. There‘s a little park with lots of trees next to my place. Every morning when I wake up, I hear the birds chirping happily. It gives me so much joy. I never noticed these things before, now I try to enjoy and see these little things that make me happy and it makes a difference. Don’t always rush, stop and look around you and appreciate 🫶🏻

2. My family. Especially when there’s a huge family gathering. We’re crazy at times but we always have fun. I always think back fondly to summers spent with the entire family.

3. Sleeping well. I‘ve had chronic insomnia my entire life but along with my treatment for my AID, we’ve treated my insomnia as well and I‘ve never felt better. Sleep is wellness. Like, full 8 hours sometimes 9 hours of sleep is heaven truly.

4. Learning new stuff. I love to challenge myself and do things by researching about it myself and then trying it out. Learning keeps our brain young, so gotta keep it going (isn’t it obvious I‘m > 30 and very concerned to stay youthful lol).

5. Music. Whether it’s listening or playing myself, music is so therapeutic to me. During a very stressful period in my life I would constantly listen to music, when I‘m out, in the car, at home, with friends. Spotify was on 24/7. Honestly, music kept me sane, I think (or rather hope 😆)

This was so nice! I‘ll answer more stuff from my inbox now 💕

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6 months ago
I Keep Forgetting To Take Before Photos
I Keep Forgetting To Take Before Photos
I Keep Forgetting To Take Before Photos

I keep forgetting to take before Photos

Anways heres Juan, Toni and German's Sister

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6 months ago

Of Tea and Treachery

Of Tea And Treachery
Of Tea And Treachery
Of Tea And Treachery
Of Tea And Treachery

“How are you, ma’am?” Judith says, sipping tea.

Of Tea And Treachery

“Oh please, Judith,” Margaux laughed, “We’re friends. Just Margaux.”

“Well, Margaux,” Judith chuckled, “how are you?”

Of Tea And Treachery

“Doing my last royal duty as my daughter’s regent,” Margaux said. “After that, I’ll be stepping down permanently. Perhaps return to showbiz…”

Of Tea And Treachery

“It’s been a while since your last project, no?” Judith looked away and up at the blue afternoon sky, “Of Tea and Treachery…”

Of Tea And Treachery

She returned her gaze to Margaux, who also had her attention elsewhere. Judith and Margaux are more than co-workers–they have been in the limelight for so long, and it’s safe to assume that they are each other’s confidante in their line of work. As a friend though? People say they are, but that’s only what the public sees…

Judith sees every colleague of hers as competition–a tool to use to further her career in show business. And even if this…friend…of hers is far more superior than her when it comes to status, she still sees the Dowager Duchess as a competition and tool.

“I’m also thinking…”

Of Tea And Treachery

Judith hummed, encouraging her friend to continue.

“Once Julie finally takes office,” Margaux continued, “I want to publicly announce my relationship with Bernie.”

Of Tea And Treachery

“Your secretary?” Judith inquired.

Margaux nodded. Her smile was small and demure.

Judith scrutinized her, but quickly tried to soften her look when the Dowager Duchess returned her stare.

Judith asked, “And what about the royal family? Will you stay as the Dowager Duchess of your husband? If you announce your relationship with Braxton, that might mean your royal status could get revoked.”

“I mean, we’re not getting married yet,” Margaux says, “but I know my daughter wouldn’t kick me out. I know she’ll support us. Bernie had grown close to the twins, and they also look up to him.”

“Do you love him?”

“I do,” Margaux smiled, giggling a little.

“I’m happy for you, friend,” Judith curtly said.

Of Tea And Treachery

“I want to have a private engagement party with Bernie. If possible, will you come?”

Of Tea And Treachery

“Of course.”

Of Tea And Treachery
Of Tea And Treachery
Of Tea And Treachery

“Kristine,” Judith takes a sip of her tea, “I know she’ll keep this engagement party as private as possible, but I’ll convince her to hire a photographer – courtesy of yours truly. She won’t hesitate to agree, if we tell her the pictures will only be sent to them.”

“But you’d like to keep a copy to share,” Kristine says, typing something on her phone. “Something to spread. Something to feed the media.”

“Very good, Kristine,” Judith smiled. “You’re such a reliable PA.”

Of Tea And Treachery

Kristine only hummed.

Of Tea And Treachery

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6 months ago
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Chasity & Cameron's Honeymoon, En La Ciudad.

chasity & cameron's honeymoon, en la ciudad. 🌹

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6 months ago
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Stills From Back In Town (2024) & Summer Memories (2024) - Watch On Simflix
Stills From Back In Town (2024) & Summer Memories (2024) - Watch On Simflix

stills from back in town (2024) & summer memories (2024) - watch on simflix 📹

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