Nonsims - Tumblr Posts
10 Things Meme
I was tagged by @esmeiolanthe
Last movie you saw: In theaters? I don’t remember...I watched the first Harry Potter movie again the other day on my computer...
The last song you listened to: "Good Morning, George” from Veggie Tales Rack, Shack, and Benny. (I like Veggie Tales! The ones I grew up with at least...)
Last show you watched: Stranger Things on Netflix --same as Esme, apparently. I don’t watch a lot of Netflix, but I did watch a couple of episodes of that the other day...
The last book you read: I’ve been listening to the Harry Potter books again (for the zillionth time) and just finished the first book again. I don’t think I will ever get tired of Harry Potter.
Last thing you ate: Pizza
If you could be anywhere right now, where would you be: Here is nice, but it’ll be better once my cat is here. (My parents are bringing him to me on Monday! I’m excited!)
Where would you time travel to: I don’t know...I think I’d let someone else choose and I’d go along for the ride.
The first thing you would do with lottery money: I really don’t know. I think I’d give a good chunk of it to my parents and then use some to buy a house...I don’t actually play the lottery, so I’ve never thought about this...
Fictional character you would hang out with for a day: Luna Lovegood. I’d love to have her over for tea and just see what sorts of kooky things she said.
Time right now: 6:44 pm
I don’t tag people, but if you want to do this, go right ahead. :)
When you get this, reply with 5 things that make you happy, then send it to the last 10 people you have notes from in your activity! 💖
Thank you! If you see this, consider it passed on to you. (I don’t usually tag people...)
5 things that make me happy are:
My cat
Working with kids
Telling stories
Technically cursive is still being taught in the school where I work (which teaches 3rd through 6th grade), but it is no longer required by the state. I love writing in cursive, but it does seem to be dying out...
Re-blog if you can write in cursive.
I heard cursive is dying. I want to see who still uses it.
I don’t remember who all tagged me. I think it was a couple of people. I’m not tagging anyone, but if you want to take the questions and answer them yourself, go for it!
Name: Anne
Nicknames: Anne, Annegirl, Miss Anne, Teacher, Hey Lady...(I assume there are some more unflattering nicknames floating around the school I work at, but I haven’t heard them. There are kids there who don’t like me much, though. I make them do their work. I know! I’m so mean!)
Zodiac sign: Cancer
Height: 5′ 8″
Favorite fruit: clementines or strawberries
Favorite season: spring
Favorite book series: the Harry Potter series by JK Rowling
Favorite flower: Lilies
Favorite scent: The salted caramel tea I’ve been drinking lately smells amazing!
Favorite color: Purple and blue (mostly purple)
Favorite animal: cats
Coffee, tea, or hot cocoa: Tea, tea, tea, tea.
Average sleep hours: 7-8 hours, unless the cat decides that 2 am is a great time to be awake, and then I’m up. (I’m not good at going back to sleep when I’ve been woken up.)
Cat or dog person? cat
Favorite fictional characters: Neville Longbottom (my computer is named after him), Belle (my favorite Disney princess)
Number of blankets you sleep with: one, but with a couple others at the foot of the bed if I need them
Dream trip: Can I go to Hogwarts? I think I want to go to Hogwarts...(Seriously, though, I don’t know...)
Blog created: 2012, I think? 2013? I don’t remember...
Number of followers: a bit over 350, I believe
Hi! Answer this question with five things that make you happy, and then send it to the last 10 people in your notes! Have a great day/night! :)
Thanks! Five things that make me happy are:
1) Having games work on my computer - not something to take for granted with a Mac
2) Reading a good story
3) When my cat is adorable (so, you know, all the time)
4) Feeling creative
5) Looking in a mug and discovering that you still have hot tea left when you thought it was all gone
Thanks for the tag. I don’t really tag people for this kind of thing, but if anyone wants to do this, go for it. Otherwise, have a cute picture of my Marshall cat being cute. I hope it makes your day happy. :-)

Getting to Know You Meme
Tagged by @penig and @jacquiesims - Thanks!
Relationship Status: Single
Favourite Color: Purple
Lipstick or Chapstick?: I hardly ever wear makeup. I like eos chapstick because the flavors are nice and my cat likes to play with the empty ones. (He can’t tell when they’re empty, though, so I tend to go through a lot of them because he knocks them off the nightstand and loses them.)
Last song you listened to: Um...Wild Horses by Charlotte Martin, apparently. (I just kind of put my iTunes library on shuffle and let it play...)
Last movie you watched: Shrek 2
Top 3 Characters:
Elizabeth Bennett
Neville Longbottom
Moist von Lipwig
Top 3 Ships:
Can I just skip this one? I can’t pick. I don’t ship any characters in a “I love this ship so much and I will always root for them in any story”. If you can write a pairing really well and make me like the characters, then I will root for them.
Books and manga you are currently reading: Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, for the zillionth time. Neverwhere by Neil Gaiman, surprisingly for the first time.
Top 5 Musicals: (These are actually some favorites off the top of my head...I love musicals!)
Rodger and Hammerstein’s Cinderella
Beauty and the Beast
Once Upon a Mattress
Singin’ in the Rain
The Music Man
Again, I’m not tagging anybody, but if you want to do this, go ahead. :-)
Hello! Answer this question with five things that make you happy, and then send it to the last 10 people in your notes!
Thanks! Here are five things that make me happy today:
Seeing my family
Getting ready to teach SCIENCE!
Seeing my cat go into his carrier by himself, just to be comfy. (Foolish kitty! He’s falling for my evil plan. He’s going to ride in that carrier in the car on a trip in two weeks. And now he’s going to like it! Bwa-ha-ha!)
Spending time with my sister
Knitted things

“Oh, you’re doing that string thing again? Well, I guess I can take a break from sitting at the computer for you and help with that.” Random cat is random and adorable, and I felt like sharing him.

Okay, time to (finally) get to these, because I am so bad at answering these things. (I also never pass them on...sorry!) Thank you, @greenfooddog and @twofee for thinking I’m wonderful. I think both of you are wonderful!
And it looks like I owe 15 things that make me happy (thanks @greenfooddog , @aondaneedles , and @jaydesims ) so here we go!
My cat
Having enough time to do things
A room full of books
Disney movies
Being inspired to write something
Breakfast with my sister
Seeing a student finally get something I’ve been trying to teach
Replies and messages from amazing people like you!
Bam! I’m off to work now, but when I get home this afternoon, I’m going to try to get to all those replies to my Bluewater posts. Prepare yourselves - there will be a long post coming!
Okay. It took me way too long to get this ready to post, but here (after about eight tries at recording and two previous attempts at posting) is my accent challenge response. @greenfooddog tagged me a little while back and I finally made this video today. (My sister is out of town, so I don’t have to worry about her walking in on me...) It’s far from the most professional video out there, but if you want eight minutes of my goofy voice, including a dramatic reading of the first chapter of Pride and Prejudice, click the YouTube link. Enjoy!
Nickname(s): My dad calls me Annegirl. Gender: Female Sign: Cancer Height: 5′8″ Time: 12:24 pm Birthday: June 29 Favourite Bands: No clue. I listen to Disney music, Broadway soundtracks, and audiobooks. I don’t pay much attention to bands or artists... Favourite Solo Artists: (See above.) Song stuck in my head: None at the moment. Last movie I watched: Last show I watched: Fullmetal Alchemist When did I create this blog: To post stuff from my game. What do I post: Bluewater Challenge and occasionally some other random sims stuff, plus goofy memes like this. Sometimes I post pictures of my cat. What did I last google: Other blogs: I have a (neglected/abandoned) Sims 4 tumblr and a fairly new tumblr for my knitting and crochet projects. Do I get asks: Not very often, although I’m always happy to get them. Why did I choose this URL: I’ve used annegirl13 as a username online since I was 13 years old. Following: 343 Followers: 439(!) Average hours of sleep: Not enough. I’m trying to get better about going to bed on time Lucky number: I don’t know... Instrument: I played piano in 2nd grade but my teacher was mean. I played violin in 4th and 5th grade but gave it up in favor of choir in middle school. (They told me I had to pick, and I was better at singing than playing the violin.) What am I wearing: White tanktop, black skirt, underwear, glasses. Dream job: A full time teaching position in 4th or 5th grade. Favourite Food: Pizza or grilled cheese. Also anything chocolate. 3 favorite fandoms: Sims, Harry fairy tales count? I like fairy tales and fairy tale retellings. Sims is still the one I’m most active in at the moment.
I never tag anybody when I do these, but if you want to answer, go ahead! :)
I’ve seen a few posts about Tumblr eating asks lately. I tested it by sending some to myself and, sure enough, they didn’t show up. If you have sent me an ask recently, please let me know. I feel like I don’t get a lot of asks anyways, but I’d hate for someone to send something and have it get eaten before I even knew about it...
I was tagged by @thesimtraveler. This is not an exhaustive list by any means. If anything, these could be categories for my favorite kinds of films. Let me know if you can guess what these are from the gifs (I tried to pick ones that make it obvious) and, if you’ve seen them, tell me what you thought about them. I love them all.

I’m not going to tag anyone, but if you want to share your favorite movies via gif, I’d love to see them. I’m having fun trying to guess everyone’s favorites.
Pass the happy! 🌻🌈 When you receive this list 5 things that make you happy and send this to 10 of the last people in your notifications!💖
Thank you, Anon! 🌻🌈 💕 Anyone else who wants to list 5 things that make them happy is welcome to. 😊
Reading aloud -- I get to do this more at my new job and I love it!
My cat -- He is fluffy and cute. He always makes these lists.
Sunflowers -- They’re my favorite flower. I have a vase of fake ones on my desk and they cheer me up.
Getting things done -- I’ve spent all day working to get things ready for this coming week. I’ve finally gotten nearly everything I need to do done and it feels so good.
Spending time with my family -- I got to spend time with my mom today (when I wasn’t working) and it was nice to get a chance to talk to her.
Thanks again, friend! 🌻😊

cuuuute ꒰⑅ᵕ༚ᵕ꒱˖♡ tagging @virsancte @simbaes @cowplantbebop @moonhze & im tagging you 🫵🏻 who are reading this !! (;
i wanna see more cute pixel people 🫶🏻🩷

picrew chain?
@fizzytoo @lucidicer @beebeesiims @birdietrait @barbieaiden @yekkiz @daminini @solargrove
my first tagged quizz ever! and that's by @lazyislays, thanks you :)
Rules: tag 9 people you would like to get to know more/catch up with
Last song: Starlighter by Jupiter
Last show watched : Esterno Notte. it was really good
Currently watching : i'm late to the game but Succession is sooooo great
.Currently reading : Outrageous Acts & Everyday Rebellions by Gloria Steinem. It's a collection of her essays and articles.
. Current obsession: i guess Sims 2, Pathologic, Movies, and i'm going through my Bollywood phase again
i don't know a lot of people on here, but i'm gonna tag @ho3sferatu and @renfree. feel free to ignore :)
15 questions for 15 mutuals
i was tagged by my favorite vampire expert @ho3sferatu. thanks you!
1. are you named after anyone?
yeah a painting. my mom and dad didn't had any idea for my name, then went to a museum, liked a portrait of a lady and gave me her name.
2. when was the last time you cried?
last week. depression is a bitch
3. do you have kids?
no i don't want any!
4. do you use sarcasm a lot?
only when it's gonna be funny
5. what sports do you play/have you played?
i used to jog a little, swim, and i danced even though i'm the worst dancer. but ngl i'm not the most sport person
6. what’s the first thing you notice about other people?
i guess their eyes and the way they positionned themselves. like do they think they're the shit or not.
7. scary movies or happy endings?
scary movies that disguise themselves as happy endings >:)
8. any special talents?
well, since i want it to be my career, i hope acting and singing can be listed here. other than that i have a really good hearing memory
9. where were you born?
Paris in France
10. what are your hobbies?
watching movies, playing games, playing ukulele, and i'm trying to pick up drawing again
11. do you have any pets?
no :( i had a cat but i'm still in kind of a mourning period tbh
12. how tall are you? 1 70 cm / 5 ' 6
13. fave subject in school?
litterature, english and history
14. dream job?
actress, and perhaps one day director? a girl can dream
15. eye colour?
somewhere between brown and hazel.
i don't have 15 mutuals, but keeping the quality, i tag @renfree and @lazyislays :)