dreamyyesenia - In Pixel Dreamland
In Pixel Dreamland

Since ts1 | Yesenia, 32, she/her~ ts4 cozy gameplay screenshots ~Bookworm, Cat lover, Generous, Daydreamer

412 posts

I Keep Forgetting To Take Before Photos

I Keep Forgetting To Take Before Photos
I Keep Forgetting To Take Before Photos
I Keep Forgetting To Take Before Photos

I keep forgetting to take before Photos

Anways heres Juan, Toni and German's Sister

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More Posts from Dreamyyesenia

6 months ago

Ask Game: List 5 things that make you happy, then put this in the askbox for the last 10 people who liked or reblogged something from you! get to know your mutuals and followers :)

Once again, I‘m very sorry for my late response 🙈 But I love this very much 🩷

1. There‘s a little park with lots of trees next to my place. Every morning when I wake up, I hear the birds chirping happily. It gives me so much joy. I never noticed these things before, now I try to enjoy and see these little things that make me happy and it makes a difference. Don’t always rush, stop and look around you and appreciate 🫶🏻

2. My family. Especially when there’s a huge family gathering. We’re crazy at times but we always have fun. I always think back fondly to summers spent with the entire family.

3. Sleeping well. I‘ve had chronic insomnia my entire life but along with my treatment for my AID, we’ve treated my insomnia as well and I‘ve never felt better. Sleep is wellness. Like, full 8 hours sometimes 9 hours of sleep is heaven truly.

4. Learning new stuff. I love to challenge myself and do things by researching about it myself and then trying it out. Learning keeps our brain young, so gotta keep it going (isn’t it obvious I‘m > 30 and very concerned to stay youthful lol).

5. Music. Whether it’s listening or playing myself, music is so therapeutic to me. During a very stressful period in my life I would constantly listen to music, when I‘m out, in the car, at home, with friends. Spotify was on 24/7. Honestly, music kept me sane, I think (or rather hope 😆)

This was so nice! I‘ll answer more stuff from my inbox now 💕

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6 months ago

99% of the time, I use my own. I do like to use premades for my stories, asfriends for my sims, romancing them etc. However, I have used premades from my custom save files, after giving them a makeover of course. That happens rarely, I really need to connect to that sim. Fun fact: Rosemary Hinkle is a sim from @lostinsophiesave 😄 As soon as I saw her I was in love, I changed her a bit but she’s still her and it blew off from there 😅 but in my other legacies they’re all my creations, I see them as my pixel children so I need to be the one creating them, I guess 🫶🏻

 Simblr Question Of The Day: Do You Make Your Own Characters, Only Use Premades/EA Characters Or Do A

📩 Simblr question of the day: Do you make your own characters, only use premades/EA characters or do a mix of both original and premades?

answer in whatever way is most comfortable for you and feel free to share this SQOTD around, make sure to use the hashtag SQOTD and tag me in separate posts ~ 💛

This question was contributed by an anon ~ Thank you for submitting multiple questions ~ (this is question 2 of 9 from this specific anon)

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6 months ago
By Now, Dulce Knows A Thing Or Two About How To Get Likes And Follows On Social Media. So, Why Not Share
By Now, Dulce Knows A Thing Or Two About How To Get Likes And Follows On Social Media. So, Why Not Share
By Now, Dulce Knows A Thing Or Two About How To Get Likes And Follows On Social Media. So, Why Not Share
By Now, Dulce Knows A Thing Or Two About How To Get Likes And Follows On Social Media. So, Why Not Share
By Now, Dulce Knows A Thing Or Two About How To Get Likes And Follows On Social Media. So, Why Not Share
By Now, Dulce Knows A Thing Or Two About How To Get Likes And Follows On Social Media. So, Why Not Share
By Now, Dulce Knows A Thing Or Two About How To Get Likes And Follows On Social Media. So, Why Not Share
By Now, Dulce Knows A Thing Or Two About How To Get Likes And Follows On Social Media. So, Why Not Share
By Now, Dulce Knows A Thing Or Two About How To Get Likes And Follows On Social Media. So, Why Not Share

By now, Dulce knows a thing or two about how to get likes and follows on social media. So, why not share her knowledge? She helped her mom create a Postres de Alegría account; not that it really needs it. Princess Jillian came to visit after all, remember? Still, it's a good way to engage with the community. Dulce has also been helping her boyfriend make a name for himself and to showcase his skills. She wonders about the kind of team they would make if they worked together.


Noemí: Does this look okay?

Dulce: Maybe try something with a bit more... pizzazz? You look kinda nervous.

Noemí: What about this?

Dulce: Perfect, I think we got it.


Caruso: Wow, Alegría. How do you do it? It’s kind of scary putting out my first video. Isn’t it overwhelming? Competing in a cooking competition show? Being interviewed for a magazine? Being recognized in public?

Dulce: Babe, you got this. You’ll get more comfortable as time goes by, trust me.

Dulce: Watch us become the ultimate celebrity chef power couple.

Caruso: Haha, yeah.

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6 months ago

I download builds from the gallery/tumblr and then redo the interior, sometimes I add on or expand the build. Even though I’ve been playing for 20yrs, I’m just not a builder. I used to be embarrassed and mad at myself but honestly, there are SO many talented builders in this community and they share their builds with us to use them, not just look at them, right? 😄 I’m a storyteller first and foremost and I love decorating and dressing up my sims. And if that brings me joy, that’s what I’ll keep doing.🩷


I want to set up my resources page soon if you guys are interested I can list my favorite builders (my go-to’s when I quickly need sth specific for gameplay). I 99% of the time use No CC builds, I only use CC for my main family households (just a precaution for my poor laptop lol)

 Simblr Question Of The Day: Do You Prefer To Play In Premade Houses, Build Your Own Or Get Them Off

📩 Simblr question of the day: Do you prefer to play in premade houses, build your own or get them off the Gallery/from other simmers?

answer in whatever way is most comfortable for you and feel free to share this SQOTD around, make sure to use the hashtag SQOTD and tag me in separate posts ~ 💛

This question was contributed by an anon ~ Thank you for submitting multiple questions ~ (this is question 3 of 9 from this specific anon)

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6 months ago

If you get this answer with three random facts about yourself and send it to the last seven blogs in your notifs. Anon or not, doesn't matter, let's get to know the person behind the blog (but no pressure 💗)

I’m so sorry I’m just seeing I have lots of stuff in my inbox!! Well, I’m new to all of this and this week has been exhausting health-wise so yeah, bear with me 🩷

1. I loove plants. Like, my apartment is filled up with them. It’s why I have to put 1000 plants in my sims builds too 😄

2. I’ve been playing the piano since I was 5 and I had a wonderful teacher. She taught me so well that I was able to qualify for teaching piano lessons myself. I never did that though because I started studying afterwards.. but I‘d love to pick that up one day because I love music, teaching and kids 🫶🏻

3. I didn’t start playing sims 4 right away, at that time I was studying and tbh the early sims 4 was not it for me. I only started playing ts4 after 2018! And back then, I only played with occults (with Spinning Plumbob Mods) because otherwise gameplay felt soo boring. I haven’t played with occults for 2 years now so I‘m looking forward to get back to it on upcoming generations of my legacy 🧚🏼‍♀️ my favorite occult is probably vampires and (if they were more fleshed out) aliens.


I‘ll answer the others over the weekend 🫶🏻

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