78 posts
Mood Ring
Mood Ring
Summery: Eddie and reader share a quiet moment on the trailer roof. (bestfriend with a crush, may miss it if you blink)
Trigger warnings: light use of drugs

Eddie looked up at the starry night sky.
Every day he wondered anew if he might have turned out all right if he had had other parents. Parents who would have actually cared for him and not disappeared from his life at such an early age.
He blew the smoke of his cigarette into the cold autumn air and let his mind wander as he often did.
What would have become of him if his father had had an office job, or been a doctor? His mother a teacher, or kindergarten teacher? Boring people, just living their boring lives in a small town, in a small house with a white picket fence? Would he still be himself? Would he appreciate it? Would doctor-kid-Eddie know what he had, or would he just artificially complain about the bad, bad world like most teenagers?
He did not know. He was not the son of a doctor or a teacher. He was the son of a drug dealer and a woman who was afraid to leave the house. He had moved in with his uncle. The uncle who scraped together his little money to feed him.
And yet, this man had been the one to teach him how to ride a bike because his parents had never done it. His uncle was the man who had taught him how to shave. He was the man who had given him a home when the world had not wanted him. To his uncle he owed everything he had.
How selfish was he to wish for anything else? To want more, when in most of the parallel worlds of his life he would not even have what he had now. How ungrateful was he to still be on his back?
He should have just quit after the first screwed-up graduation and gotten a job. He could make money, but his uncle had objected. He shouldn't waste his talent. He would be intelligent. Eddie didn't notice much of that. He stumbled from one test to another. He was bad. Really bad. He didn't have to kid himself. He knew it wouldn't get him into college. And for what, anyway?
History. Sang the little voice in his head. He shook off the thought. What was there to do with it? Become a teacher or a professor? He and teacher? He grinned. Probably not. But otherwise, all that was left was to be a cab driver and continue to sell drugs. He sat up with a sigh.
A light shone intrusively at him from the side before it dissipated in a flash. Once more.
He turned to the left and looked from the roof of the trailer, where (Y/N) was standing with a flashlight and waving at him.
She had gotten into the habit of calling attention to herself that way because she didn't want to be too loud. In genrell she was one of the quietest people he knew. He pointed his head in front of him where the ladder was still leaning against the wall of the house.
(Y/N) wordlessly climbed onto the trailer roof and dropped down next to him. Without saying anything, he held out his lighter for her to light her joint. She plopped down on her back and stared up at the sky. Eddie did the same.
"Head-chaos?" asked Eddie into the silence.
(Y/N) blew the thick smoke into the air. "It's like a damn train that just won't stop," she muttered, taking another big drag.
Eddie turned his head toward her. "What was it this time?"
She shrugged. "I was going to do math. Then I wondered why we have to studying something like that in the first place. Then I thought about Mr. Miller. Then of my teacher in elementary school. Then of a comment from a girl I went to elementary school with. Then of her now living at some fancy boarding school. Then about me being here. Then I thought about my relationships with other people and came to the conclusion that none of my friends actually ever really liked me." She continued to stare at the sky. "Now I'm thinking that I should work out more and watch what I eat so that maybe someday I'll be attractive to someone." Her eyes flicked to him.
"Hobbit.", he sighed. "We all like you."
She dropped her head to him. "Why?"
"Just like that. For no reason. Because you're you."
She shook her head and looked back up at the sky. "I don't even know how I feel." She was silent for a moment, thinking. "What if I'm a psychopath and I don't have any feelings at all? How do you know you have feelings?"
Eddie chuckled. "You had tears in your eyes when ET said goodbye to go home. I think we can be sure you have feelings."
"Well now I don't know what I feel," she mumbled, pouting.
He looked at her for a moment until he pulled the ring off his left middle finger. He reached for her cold hand and placed the ring on her index finger before pressing the two metal arches of the size-adjustable jewelry closer together.
She looked at him in irritation. "What are you doing?"
"It's a mood ring." He shrugged and smiled at her. "If you don't know what you're feeling, all you have to do is look at the ring."
She looked at the now black stone. "And what does it say?", he asked.
"Probably that my hands are cold," she murmured.
He smirked. "You have no sense of magic."
She boxed him, but smirked, too. She tried to pull the ring off her finger, but he stopped her. "Keep it. You can use all the magic you can get."
She boxed him again without emphasis before lying back down next to him.
They both looked out into the nothingness of the universe. "We had mathhomework?", he asked.
She laughed.
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More Posts from Drmaddict
Take that as a threat
Summary: Reader is insecure about her body. August makes shure she forgets about it.
Word count: 432
Warnings: SoftDom!August Walker, princess, no smut, just foreplay, body insecurites

August had shown patience. Insane patience. He had waited and earned my trust. I felt all the worse when I noticed how my body twitched when he wanted to pull my shirt over my head. He had waited three long months, reading my every wish from my eyes, until now he was kneeling in front of me, setting me down on the edge of the bed and still towering over me as his hands stroked my stomach under my shirt.
"What's wrong?" asked August with warm severity, pausing in his movement.
I looked up at him with my best puppy eyes. "What's supposed to be wrong?"
"You're stiff as a board. You tell me." he returned dryly.
I shook my head.
August put his big hand around my neck and lifted my jaw with his pointer and index fingers. Forced me to look deep into his eyes. "Don't lie to me princess. I can tell."
My skin crawled. "It's nothing. Really."
He tightened his grip. "No lies." he commanded forcefully.
I exhaled a shaky breath. Taken in by his domineering manner.
"If you want to stop, that's fine." He stroked his thumb along my jawbone more gently now. "Because you should know one thing about me princess. I'm an insanely bad person, but I'm not a rapist."
I shook my head. "I don't want to stop... It's just..." i faltered. It was childish.
"Words princess!"
"I'm not a particularly big fan of how I look." I said hesitantly, looking intently at his cheek so I wouldn't have to look him in the eye.
August's eyebrows drew together. "Why?"
"Well you look like Aphrodite chiseled you as a graduation piece and I'm just me," I muttered as I looked over his shoulder.
August emphatically turned my face back toward him. His eyes bored into my soul. "Who made you think that way?"
"Some people.", I tried to laugh with a shrug, but August's grip tightened again. "I need names." he growled, like the animal he always said he was.
It took my breath away for a moment. "What would that change?", I breathed.
August took a controlled breath in and out before literally flinging me all the way onto the bed, trapping me beneath him. "When I'm done with you, you'll never think like that again." He kissed me so hard and deep it made me dizzy. "Take that as a threat." He said, sliding down my body.
And if one thing was clear in this grotesque world, it was that August Walker was making good on every single one of his threats.
Better Half
Summary: Napoleon's better half is not what anyone would have expected and yet it is exactly what one should expect.
Warnings: none
Word count: 448

"I know someone," Napoleon said, taking a sip of his drink.
Illya looked at him emotionlessly. "Those are top-secret KGB files. Not even I had access to them."
"Jealous that I might know more?" he grinned at him and winked teasingly.
"It's impossible."
"That word doesn't exist in their vocabulary."
"And who is this mysterious gentleman supposed to be?" asked Waverly. "A friend from...the art trade?"
Napoleon shook his head. "SHE deals in other merchandise...information. There's nothing she can't get her hands on." He smiled into his glass. "If there's one thing I've learned from her, it's that a room is never truly empty."
Illya rolled his eyes. "We don't have time to waste on an untrustworthy affair."
Napoleon looked at him piercingly. "I wouldn't suggest her if I didn't trust her."
Waverly tapped a pencil thoughtfully on the tabletop in front of him. "And what makes you so sure?"
"If she wasn't trustworthy, I wouldn't have married her.", he replied simply. "Albeit under a different name." he shrugged and downed the rest of his drink as the rest of the gathering stared at him in bewilderment.
They were sitting in a ramshackle motel. Only Napoleon remained standing, meticulously keeping away from all the furniture. Dust layed thick on the small dresser next to the bed, whose springs had also seen better days and squeaked happily when Gabby changed her position.
The door opened silently, although that shouldn't be possible with the rusted hinges. A small figure entered the room. She wore a worn flat cap, a too-long brown coat, and baggy pants topped off with a pair of scuffed brown leather shoes.
At first glance, anyone would have seen a fourteen-year-old paperboy. It was only when the figure removed their cap that the too-long hair became apparent. Napoleon moved toward her with elegant steps and took off her coat.
"Still quite the gentleman." she grinned at him.
"When am I not?" he asked teasingly.
"Oh I can think of a few situations.", she returned just as teasingly before reaching into her waistband and pulling out a piece of paper. "You know the drill. I was never here and this piece of paper never existed." She gave him a quick kiss on the lips. "I'll see you where there are no stars."
"On the fifth of May?" he asked.
"Sounds good." She tugged playfully at his tie, destroying the symmetry of the elaborate knot, before disappearing from the small room as quickly as she had come.
"Cute." said Gabby as Napoleon held out the small note to her.
"What's her name?" asked Illya.
Napoleon grinned with a soft expression around his eyes. "That ist something noone really knows.“
Photo negatives
Summary: Ransom and his soulmate are photo negatives. But it works.
Word Count: 654
Warnings: fluff, use of (y/n)
Here is how Ransom met his soulmate: https://www.tumblr.com/drmaddict/719495908948049920/soulmate?source=share

Ransom was pretty sure that he and his soulmate were photo negatives.
She was shy. He was quick-tempered. She preferred to never leave the house. He wanted to go out partying. She was an early riser. He slept late into the afternoon. She loved animals. He never wanted pets.
Wanted. And yet the old one-eyed cat looked at him from the sofa, annoyed. Not even a pedigree cat had it become. She had gone to the shelter and asked which animal had the least chance of being adopted. Home she came with a 16-year-old mummy, who was missing an eye, had several bald spots, was half blind in his existing eye, and had chronic sinusitis. The cat jumped up and left the living room. Ransom looked after him disapprovingly. He called it a creature. She called him Edgar.
Once, for her sake, he had given the bastard his pills. Afterwards, he had recorded that he would rather shave his head than be mauled by the critter again. (Y/n) had amusedly disinfected the "scratch" on his hand. "That's not funny." "Of course not... A little lower and we would have had to go to the emergency room." He'd ignored her smirk and had the band-aid applied. It had been a serious injury.
She could cook. He could burn water. He wanted to take her shopping to spoil her and she wanted to drag him to a secondhand store first of all.
They weren't a good match. Except in bed. Ransom smirked at the thought. For someone so quiet and shy, she had insanely creative ideas.
But that aside, he just didn't understand why fate had stuck the two of them together of all people.
He was... happy. With her he was really happy. With her simple nature. No ambush. No drama. Well. Almost no drama.
For the past few weeks, she had gotten it into her head that she wanted to meet his family. Today they would all meet and she wasn't going away from the idea, that it would be best to rip off the metaphorical band-qid quickly and all at once. He had sworn to himself to be tough. Now here he was, waiting for her to get ready for his damn family's celebration. It wasn't going to go well. It couldn't go well. She would leave him. If his mother got a hold of her at the latest, she would leave him. No one would be willing to put themself through that for the rest of his life. Especially not because of someone like him. When had he started to see this as the rest of his life? He broke out in a sweat.
(Y/n) came down the stairs. She was wearing a simple black dress. They had picked it out together. He had bought it for her. "Too much?" she asked uncertainly, pointing down at herself. "Perfect," was all he returned. He had never seen her look so chic.
"Can we?" she asked. "Are you really sure?" he asked for the hundredth time. She smiled at him calmly. "I've been waiting tables in luxury restaurants since I was seventeen." She poked him on the nose. "Your family must be going all out to make me back down." She stroked the back of his neck. "You're not nice all the time because nothing bad ever happened to you."
He gave her an appraising look. She giggled. "Come on. The sooner we get there, the sooner we can leave." She kissed him on the nose. "I have a reward for you, too." He looked ather testingly. "What kind of reward?" "I went to your favorite store." She grinned. He grinned back. "I get something to play with?" "And a pretty package."
He grabbed her hand and tugged her toward the door. "You’ll have a stomachache after dinner because you couldn't stomach something," he determined.
She willingly let him pull her along, grinning.

But the thought of Eddie being so unapproachable and “scary” with everyone else, but when he is with you or talking to you he’s all
“I love you so much my sunshine, baby cakes, *kissy noises * no you hang up” kinda attitude!!!
twirling the phone cord around his finger while talking to you on the phone. One day the the hellfire guys over hear him on the phone not believing their ears bc that cannot be eddie talking?they start mocking him. The second he hangs up he is back to being all macho man again they start mocking him to his face but they start to get scared