drogglethatjug - A Nutjob
A Nutjob

My little side blog for Edna and Harvey Hatsune Miku my Beloved 20 Years old, She/her

311 posts

The Airport Scene Pretty Much

  • thewingedwings
    thewingedwings liked this · 8 months ago

More Posts from Drogglethatjug

8 months ago

We're all huddled together in this cage

this is actually the first time i am actively using tumblr. i'm actually a very active twitter user but there is no e&h fandom on twitter so this was my last resort...

8 months ago

What if I… Just make an Ace Attorney Prosecutor thats a mix of Dahlia’s perceived innocence and Manfred’s wrath in the court room

*slaps down new design*


What If I Just Make An Ace Attorney Prosecutor Thats A Mix Of Dahlias Perceived Innocence And Manfreds

Opinions? I also need a name

8 months ago


This video made me so happy!! I want to share it with more people

8 months ago

Your forgot to mention Detective Butz' name is Junior :DDD

I would love to hear about all of your OCs 🙏

Leon Layback belongs to my fiance @drogglethatjug

Johanna Von Karma is the older sister of Franziska, and the mother of Kaila (Manfred mentioned having a 7yr old granddaughter so i ran with it)

Johanna was locked up for helping sell file information to the mafia (and helping forge evidence) but she was framed by Gant to keep suspicion off of him and Manfred.

Monica Von Karma is the mother of Johanna and Franziska, and Manfreds wife, and she most definitely did not have an affair with Gregory Edgeworth a year before Manfred killed him, no, not at all, no drama there :D

Kaila gets adopted by Franziska and becomes a prosecutor like her and Miles as they are her idols, her and Leon end up falling for eachother and it makes cases harder for poor Leon to work on when his girlfriend wont stop flirting

Detective Butz is Larry’s kid, he knew his dad always got into trouble because of the lack of work put into the detective department so he joined them to make sure investigations go as clean as possible and no evidence goes unfounded

This may be a fan game I wanna work on 😌😋