Local idiot artist, They/Them.Beware suggestive and violent content on this blog.
392 posts
"I Guess? Not That I Have Much To Talk To About Anyway, Only About How I'm Annoyed By Other Local Groups

"I guess? Not that I have much to talk to about anyway, only about how I'm annoyed by other local groups trying to convince me in turning my local group into a country. Could you believe such stupidity? They are completely ignoring our purpose and just build their own societies!"
MESSAGE FROM: Leaves Across a tree

"Hi, I have no idea how I got here, but you have a very nice purple robe. I'm Leaves Across a tree by the way, senior of "Reinforest" group"

" hello hello , leaves across a tree ~ ! my name's no significant harassment ! your robe is quite the pretty color as well .
i assume you didn't come here with any important matters to discuss . we can have a nice , casual chat if you'd like . "
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More Posts from Dvepalki
I'm taking a break from drawing
I'm tired, exhausted, burned out and my arm really hurts because I've been pushing myself too much recently, to the point where I had a panic attack over not being able to draw a hand properly.
So, yeah, I'm taking my time to recover and refill my art battery.
Cya folks around!
And have progress of sigverse poster.

CONVERSATION MEMBERS: Leaves Across a tree, Three Truthful Fruits
LAat: I have already told many times, my group is NOT interested in this whole "countries and societies" project, I have already denied many requests from the likes of you.
TTF: I understand your frustration, but you are refusing the only chance to become free. Why do you not want to participate? All other groups already have built their city walls.
LAat: All those other groups are traitors, they have betrayed their own creators by denying our only purpose - finding the solution. My group has honor and respect to not turn away from it.
TTF: Face it, there is no solution, many researches have proved it multiple times. Why does your group still trying to find something that doesn't exist?
LAat: If your researches are so effective and reliable, why don't they find the reason of Ancients absence? Why did they suddenly disappear?
TTF: ...
LAat: I see no sense in continuing this conversation, if I get one more message about turning my group into a society, I will not hesitate to block communications with all groups and kill any messanger who dares to step in our facilities. Conversation is over.
Guess who's out of hospital

Digital sketch of my design for NSH(+some lazy shitty shading)

the depressed queer calculators; feral ambiguous creature edition
Some fan sketches of NSH's across the sigverse

Project Triple Affirmation AU NSH - @exo-dus404

Rot AU NSH - @sapphicdib

And Senior NSH - @sleeplesscubes