For the Glory of Merlin, Daylight is mine to command ☆
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E-ndlessness - Wanheda - Tumblr Blog

#fairyweek2020 → day 1, magnolia. best magic: dragon slayer (fire type).

CONNIE: Not bad - you sign with a southern accent. Daryl Dixon + signing in season 10
Tag yourself: Modern monsters.
Vampire: Black leather jackets and sunglasses, night owl, blood-red lipstick and black eye shadow, deep kisses, mysterious, is a picky eater, intelligent and witty, buys old stuff for “the aesthetic”, wants to see the world, is a wine-person, can do a perfect snarl, eye-rolls at stupid people.
Werewolf: Long and colourfull nails, loves puppies, eat a lot of meat, playful, is athletic, protec and attac, can’t do math, is sweet and lovable, hoodies and running shoes, loves to cuttle, always knows when the next full moon is.
Siren: Coloured hair, wears skirts and dresses, swims at night, shiny highlighter, doesn’t wear shoes, seduces people with her songs, eyes as deep as the ocean, shallow kisses, laughs at her own jokes, sings in the shower, likes the stars, collect crystals and seashells.
Zombie: Wears statement t-shirts, mixes food together, can’t do sports to save her life, knows all the memes, a fangirl TM, would lose her head if it weren’t attached to her body, pillow-forts and blankets, is very lazy.
Witch: Wears all black, magical symbols as tattoos, carries her potions in water-bottles, her house is full of plants, has a pet bird, loves the outdoors, grows her own greens, vegetarian, wears hats, scientific, cat-person.
Ghost: Is shy, cold colours, clothes that flow in the wind, sensitive, cries a lot, mostly stays at home, owns an ouija-board, want everyone to get along, pale, soft lipgloss, is always freezing, walks lightly, doodles on everything, stares through people, remember embarrassing things too often.

coser:Anucha Sangchart
My Favourite Anime Boys/Men
Maeda Toshiie ( Sengoku Night Blood )

Yamato Kurosawa ( Say ’I Love You’ )

Ōdanna ( Kakuriyo No Yadomeshi)

Gray Fullbuster ( Fairy Tail )

Usui Takumi ( Kaichou Wa Maid-Sama! )

Sata Kyouya ( Ookami Shoujo To Kuro Ouji)

Kiba Inuzuka ( Naruto )

Alucard ( Hellsing )

Yakumo Saitou ( Shinrei Tantei Yakumo )

Soushi Miketsukami ( Inu X Boku SS )

Toma ( Amnesia )

Ayato Sakamaki ( Diabolik Lovers)

Victor Nikiforov ( Yuri! On Ice )

Arsene Lupin ( Code Realize )

Ruki Mukami ( Diabolik Lovers )

Ginji ( Kakuriyo No Yadomeshi )

Ichigo Kurosaki ( Bleach )

Hak ( Akatsuki No Yona )

Allen Walker ( D.Gray-Man )

Sebastian Michaelis ( Black Butler )

Levi Ackerman ( Attack On Titan )

Light Yagami ( Death Note )

Kaneki Ken ( Tokyo Ghoul )

Dazai Osamu ( Bungou Stray Dogs )

Fairy Tail (PS4, Switch, Steam) Release date: TBA 2020

yes these are void drifter and hor’s christmas interactions

me, during test: OK i got this
my brain: *anime opening starts playing*
Jin scolding Namjoon during that one vlive
the poor me can relate ㅠ~ㅠ

“What do I look like to you, Lucy?”

Zen Iphone Wallpapers (750x1334) feel free to use!

Fairy Tail Season 2
If you want to, you can vote for your favorite season 2 opening here. ^_^