Natsu Dragneel - Tumblr Posts

2 years ago
 Dragon Slayers: Evolution
 Dragon Slayers: Evolution
 Dragon Slayers: Evolution

🌱 Dragon Slayers: Evolution 🌱

This took a long time, but it was so fun to practice drawing full bodies (and cats 😭) for once! I actually sketched out the concept for these 3 pieces months ago— and recently decided to commit to proper drawings :D

[These pieces were for pure nostalgia, and to revisit media that was part of my artistic journey as a tween! I know the series has major flaws— the treatment of female characters, tasteless fanservice and poor relationship writing, to name a few. I despise these aspects, of course.

I want to make it clear that I drew this art to explore something that shaped my younger self's work. I don't condone Mashima's writing choices, nor did I even keep up with the later arcs of the story and the spin-off(s). Thank you for reading!]

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2 years ago

Cute! 🥺💖


Art by Hiro Mashima (Twitter)

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5 years ago

I can't explain that the hell is happening, but this is neko!Zeref and his strange euphemisms. And Natsu. Just Natsu.

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4 years ago
Just My OTP Doodles In New Year.
Just My OTP Doodles In New Year.
Just My OTP Doodles In New Year.

Just my OTP doodles in New Year.

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4 years ago

headcanon that natsu traces lucy’s guild mark whenever he gets worried about her or has a nightmare about her getting hurt(he especially does this whenever he has a nightmare about future lucy) or just needs to reassure himself that she’s still there, with him, alive and safe.

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9 months ago

Current State of NaLu:

Current State Of NaLu:
Current State Of NaLu:

The new 100YQ chapter just reaffirms the current theory of Natsu thinking him and Lucy are dating without asking her or knowing that she doesn't think the same 😭.

NaLu was never "will they, won't they", it's "when will they (realize that they're totally not on the same page about their relationship despite having mutual feelings because one is thinking about marriage while the other is convinced her feelings are unrequited)"

Anyways I'm free from exams so I'll have free time!!! I'll try to improve my art lol. Toodles—!

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9 months ago
the-complexity-of-love - What matters is 'you' and not the state of you.


Inspired by the new Lucy figure and also an old picture I found on Pinterest

I'm pretty sure the source was Tumblr but I can't find it sadly.

the-complexity-of-love - What matters is 'you' and not the state of you.

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8 years ago

Natsu's (and Other Dragon Slayer's) Motion Sickness

I haven't seen all of the anime episodes yet, and I haven't been about to read much of the manga, so if this is explained, great. If not, maybe this will explain it for you.

I think that Natsu's motion sickness has to do with the fact that he's a dragon slayer. I know that's said in the Grand Magic Games. Stay with me though. Dragon slayers are pretty much dragons in human bodies. That's how they act sometimes at least. How often does a dragon ride a train, or in a carriage? I think his motion sickness comes from the fact that a dragon is made to fly, not to ride some vehicle.

There's some good proof for this too. In the second episode, Natsu says that he doesn't get motion sick when flying with Happy because he considers Happy as his friend. Taking that logic, Lucy carrying him shouldn't cause any problem, yet Happy says something along the lines of, "First the train, then the magic mobile, and then Lucy," during the Lullaby arc. Now, I take a lot of what Happy says with a grain of salt. He may have been joking, but he my also be right. What if being carried by Lucy really DOES make him motion sick? That would go against what Natsu said earlier. BUT when does Natsu not get motion sick?

When he's flying. Happy. That Legion thing in Edolas. Neither make him sick. True I haven't seen him ride other animals, so I can't say that it's not just the fact that they're animals, not vehicles.

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2 years ago
Hey, You Wanna Lend Me A Hand Here? Ive Never Seen A Frog Like This Before. We Should Take It Back To
Hey, You Wanna Lend Me A Hand Here? Ive Never Seen A Frog Like This Before. We Should Take It Back To

“Hey, you wanna lend me a hand here? I’ve never seen a frog like this before. We should take it back to Lucy as a souvenir!”

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2 years ago

Fairy Tail Headcanon:

-the dragon slayers purr

-including Laxus and Cobra (they both get motion sick too so)

-they only do it when they are comfortable/tired

-Natsu sometimes does it when he’s really happy at the guild, or when he’s with Lucy and Happy snuggling in bed

-Lucy was very shocked to know this but thought it was cute

-Gajeel only does it in front of Levy and Lily in private

-Will not admit he does it for the life of him

-Wendy is more like Natsu, but especially does it when she gets headrubs

-Sting and Rogue used to only do it front of each other and Frosch and Lector during the Jiemma period

-after Sting became Master, they do it more now

-Rogue still reserves it for Frosch but it slips sometimes

-Sting will do it if anyone scratches where his hair and his neck meet, or if Yukino makes him blush

-Laxus refuses to admit it’s a thing he can do

-he did it once if front of Freed but he promised not to say

-Erik does it only when he’s about to fall asleep/wake up

-Kinana rubs his head, massages his neck, or threads her hands through his hair. If he presses his ear to Kinana’s chest to listen to her heart, he’ll do it too

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5 months ago

His Little Flame (NSFW)

This is Quite Literally my first Post. A bit nervous about how it turned out but hope you Like It!

MDNI! Ageless Accounts will be blocked.

Warnings: NSFW, Size Kink, Y/N crying, Fire is used.

His Little Flame (NSFW)

Natsu does not care about the way the enemy gets hurt in battle. Natsu does not care if the master Scolds Him. And Natsu for sure does not care if anyone hears you Both.

Natsu Has His scarf over your hands to keep you from moving so much.

I said Stay still! I can't make you feel good if you keep moving Like This Y/N! He whispers in your ear.

you shiver a bit.

S- Sorry.. N- Natsu.. It's J- Just that.. Y- You look.. So.. B- Big..

Natsu Stares At them blankly. Well i'm sorry i can't control that princess. If it makes you feel better i'll only put the tip in. Sounds good?

You Nod weakly knowing your voice would betray you mid second. Natsu then grins and pulls you in his lap quicker than Happy Can Pick up Lucy.

You squeal and hide your face in his neck. He chuckles and Lines You Up with him. He gently thrusts inside of you. That moment tears came to your eyes. N- Natsu.. Aggh.. S- Stop.. P- Please..

Natsu sighs. You know I'm doing this because i love you? Right? He questioned in a worried tone. You nod in shame.

We don't have to do this you know that right? I just wanna make you happy and show my affection to you since you always say i like Lucy More than you.

you blush in embarrassment knowing what he says is true. You know i get jealous easily! I'm sorry.. But.. N- Natsu? C- Could we stop?.. I- I don't wanna mess up anymore and i sure don't wanna waste your time.. You have a mission tomorrow for gods sake.

He grins Y/N.. Then just say that but since i don't listen to women and you probably won't do anything i'm gonna continue.

He harshly thrusts into your cunt. You cry in pain and pleasure. And grip his pink hair. He laughs at this.

I Love you Little Flame.

I- I-.. I Love you Too N- Natsu..

His Little Flame (NSFW)

I'm so done with this. NEXT UP: "Welcome to my Crew!" Masterlist

I may not write again after this😭 btw some of it is part of a true story my boyfriend and i had when we were teens😭🙌🏽

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