Hi, yes, My name is Tea. |They/Them.| Aro| I do random stuff and talk about blorbos| 18 [Reblogs: @Oolonglivethemonarch]
26 posts
Courtroom Headcannons
Courtroom Headcannons
(Technically, I'm pretty vague about it.)
AN: I've been working on this entirely too long-
Status: Unedited
Headcannons of the reactions during 4.0 and after the trial.
The initial reaction
Lyney: Stressed out of his mind. He's freaking out and feels super guilty. He thought the trick was safe and his mind could only think about how it could have been Lynette. The sounds and sights are burned into his mind.
Lynette: Her tail immediately puffed up and she was startled. It took all of her effort to stayed in character. She's also stressed as an accident happening at a show doesn't mean anything good for their reputation.
Revealing the trick
Lyney: Would honestly rather cut if his hand or die before he'd reveal one of his tricks. They're all his sacred brain babies and a product of his creation. He never wants anyone to know such details. If it weren't for Lynette telling him to, he probably wouldn't have cooperated. Then again, he'd prefer if people knew nothing about him in general.
Lynette: Contemplated pretending to be a puppet. She was honestly surprised that they were being tried for a case that they were even old enough to ask on when it initially started but she wasn't going to say anything. She just wished Lyney would cooperate so it would go fast but that was just the way he is and she doesn't blame him.
Lyney: He spiraled hard. Initial they'd put them in different rooms but he'd manage to convince the guards they needed to be together. Even then, Lyney struggled to stay present. He knew he wasn't a serial killer, but he felt so guilty. All the bad habits he suppressed we on full display. He should have known better and it was his show, so it was his fault. No matter how he looked at it, he should have known better.
Lynette: Agitated. Not only where they framed and it caused someone's death, but they were being tried over a bogus claim. She was tired it was a performance day and she normal spent the time after relaxing and here she was being watched constantly. It put her a little on edge, but her main concern was her currently pacing twin. She'd tried to get him to calm down but nothing seemed to work. At some point she had to physically intervene to prevent him from hurting himself on accident from clenching his fist to hard. Even now, some older anxious habits were showing.
Lyney: He was an internal mess. He didn't want to be in the court room in the slightest. In fact, he never wanted to go there ever again. He could feel all of their eyes and the way they look at him makes him feel dirty. He tries to distract himself with the case and making sure nothing happens to Lynette.
Lynette: She wanted to go home and take a nice nap in her nice bed and have the fastest slice of cake she could possibly have. She wants nothing more than to enter standby mode and space tf out. She didn't because she needed to watch her brother and pay attention to what they're saying but it's tempting. The people are giving her the ick and this entire situation is just absurd.
Lyney: He's so stressed, man is barley keeping it together. One of his closest guarded secrets just revealed in court to be used against him. What made it worse, is everyone believed that because he was Fatui, he was automatically guilty. Internally he's pacing up a storm but he makes sure to keep this mask up. What the Traveler said only made him feel worse. He said awful things about himself, but when other's said it just hurt way worse. He couldn't stop thinking about what he would do if the Traveler decided to leave. He was determined to not drag Lynette down with him.
Lynette: Didn't really want to be there. People aren't her thing, she good at sneaking around and listening. Talking in slightly emotionally charged situations? Not unless she has to. She did feel a little bad for not tell them earlier but in her defense when would she have time to say something.
Lyney: He's relieved that he's not going to the Fortress of Meropide but the damage is done. Cowell, no matter how awful he secretly was, is still dead by his prop at his performance. No matter how he looked at it, it was his responsibility for him to go through and make sure any assistance were reliable people. If it slipped past him, it meant that things weren't as safe as his thought. An agent of someone else's manage to infiltrated his staff and almost got away with a crime under his nose. What was stopping the victim from being Lynette? Absolutely nothing but dumb luck. They could have really hit him where it hurts and if he wasn't careful, someone else could in the future.
Lynette: She was relieved that she can go home. This was too much peopling for her today. Listening to people talk bad about her and believe the shoddy reasoning if the Archon only annoyed her. It was just the way it was, but she could still be mad about it. The whole thing was an unpleasant reminder that they needed to be more careful but she couldn't fix it now, it was over.
Lyney: His confidence has been destroyed. Cowell was closer to him, so his feelings of safety have been destroyed. His self image was in shambles. He's closed up more emotionally then he was originally. He's absolutely shaken up but pretends everything is fine. Mentally, it's done nothing good for him. His paranoia is through the roof.
Lynette: Concerned. On her end, she was just glad it was over and she could finally go home and recharged. She needed sometime to do things she enjoys and process her emotions. However, he brother simply went to pretending like it'd had never happened despite how much it was effecting him. She could physically see the effects but he refused to talk about it.
Lyney Headcannons
Lyney Character Analysis
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More Posts from E-steamedtea
I have been sent to the corner 😅
My friend doesn't want to hear about my headcannons so time to harass the Internet~
Hear me out: Genshin Daycare. Aka...Everyone but the Archons (plus Nevulliette) as little children.
Ugh it's gonna rot my brain if I don't talk about it...To the drafts!
I've been here for a year??? What??? How??? I've posted absolutely nothing.
Edit: So I figured out how to change text color :D
So I was combing though the Twins voicelines and story again because they're one my mind 24/7 and I've noticed some things. So now I have part of an analyst. This is actually a series of headcannons too because of I don't share my mind will explode.
1. Lyney only answers your questions half the time.
When looking through the interactions and voicelines, I noticed that for certain questions he won't answer and instead will just distract the Traveler or answers it in a roundabout way. I guess it's because he doesn't want you to know about it or it makes him uncomfortable to talk about. He doesn't really lie, but he doesn't answer either. He doesn't like to give information about himself unless absolutely necessary.
2. Lyney has a tendency to say some weird things.
Lyney says nothing about it, but Lynette has an idle line about it. What type of strange is unknown, but Lynette is worried about what he says. It also seems to be a pretty normal occurrence.
3. Lyney's chattiness is a front.
This one is actually talked about by both the twins. Lynette says that he's just more quiet when they're alone and Lyney says that he only uses "verbal" magic to get closer to other people. I have more to say about this but I'll wait until my headcannons.
4. Lyney isn't his happy or cheery as he initially seems.
This one is confirmed in his voicelines and story quest. He explicitly says that he believes Traveler would feel sorry for him if they knew his real personality. Then at the end of his story quest when you talk to him. He's a lot more subdued than he had been for most of the quest. He also says some questionable things and it leads to my next point.
5. Lyney doesn't really have friends.
He actually admits this himself at the end of his story quest with the empty auditorium analogy. He comments how the way he acts only pushes people away and after Cesar he doesn't really have anyone beyond family left.
6. Lyney hates how he lies.
In his character story quest and his actual Character story in part 4, he mentions how much is lying bothers him. It's practically effortless but by this point it comes so easy that it gives him an identity crisis. Lyney has lied so much and played the part so often, he isn't sure what his actual personality is anymore.
Note: I realized I have way more to say than I anticipated so now this is gonna be a series of posts.
Lyney Headcannons
Courtroom Headcannons
This stupid funky little magicman has taken my thoughts hostage. What the hell- I'm just constantly thinking about him. He's got so much angst potential.
Lynette is also there. Just being her amazing and cool and Iive for it.