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4.1 archon quest
I'm continuing my thread on Lyney x traveller as I'd promised to do another analysis if they interact together in the future (and I write here because I've run out of space to put photos in the other thread).
* Fontaine quest Act 4 :
In this quest, they meet again ✨ Of course they were not ready to see each other especially in prison but it shocks more for the traveller since they will not understand why Lyney is here in the first place since they managed to defend him.

(Every time they meet , it's always ‘’awkward’’ but it makes it even more funny personally, like here, I laughed when they looked at each other with surprise as they weren't ready to see each other in prison lol.)

Lyney explains how they ended up in prison but the traveller knows that they are not here just because of that.. or more importantly : ‘Why are YOU doing here?’ They suspect that he is hiding something else but I don't think they are angry with him like last time at the trial. Lyney understands and decides to tell them everything, it’s pretty cute how he no longer wants to hide secrets from the traveller because he doesn’t want to hurt them again (so I suppose it affected him pretty much, poor guy…) but even if he says he will say everything, I still have the feeling that he will hide something from them at some point, still we all want to trust him and we know that he doesn’t have bad intentions, it’s already been ‘’proven’’.
★ Fun fact : Lyney JP VA even said that ''Lyney doesn't have the desire to betray or deceive the traveller''.

(He doesn’t want to hurt or make the traveller angry aww….)

This is where Lyney has a suggestion : he asks the traveller if they would like to team up with them. You will think that it is ‘normal’ he asks this so that it would be more efficient for their objective (Tartaglia + secrets) even if we can find it shady at first. However, there is another reason why he wants them to team up (I will explain later) but the traveller refuses because even if they have "reconciled" in Lyney's story quest, it doesn’t mean that they completely trust him. They want to trust him but they hesitate, preferring to remain on their guard. We already know that they work with Arlecchino and her goal is to capture the gnosis but we still don’t know what is her real goal. Again, don’t blame the traveller : their reaction and action are understandable, you should already understand until now.
-> Imagine : you became friends with someone where you had a good time together even if it was just for a short time and you already trust him but right after, they lied to you as they were part of an ‘evil’ organisation that somehow traumatised you and where you had the most difficult times. Even if they don’t have bad intentions, they shouldn’t have deceived you, besides that doesn’t mean you can completely trust them after what happened even if you became friends again.

So, Lyney thought about trying to find another way to convince them (he won’t force them if the traveller really doesn’t want to). You may think that he is trying to do this to advance in their research but there is another reason too. He is not wrong because it would be more effective if they cooperate to share information afterwards but more importantly : Lyney also wants to get closer to the traveller and try understand them a little better.
(And I like how he ‘quickly’ changed the subject from Arlecchino to team up. He really wants to get closer to the them huh?)
Here, Lynette says ‘’See? I told you’’. Does that mean that Lyney had been ready to ask them this question for a while? Like he spent his whole day thinking about how he was going to approach them? He told Lynette about it but it turns out that she wasn’t sure that they would accept? Or, did Lyney feel that the traveller was going to refuse but still wanted to try, ignoring Lynette’s answer?

I love when Lynette ‘really’ makes us understand how Lyney feels towards the traveller, to the point that it makes him embarrassed (as he rubs his head and looking in all directions). She really decided to end this situation so that Lyney could stop thinking too much like an idiot lol. We already know that Lyney is always trying to reach an understanding with them and he can no longer hide his feelings when Lynette is here lolol. This guy was all confident in front of the traveller but when his sister tells us how he felt about them, he becomes all shy and embarrassed lmaoo
No one can change my mind that : LYNETTE SUPPORTS LYNEY X TRAVELLER 🫵 she even said that he should open up a little => he should express his feelings more openly if he wants to get closer to them. (Something like : ‘’Come on brother, don’t be a coward and tell them how you feel.’’)

Yeah, so basically he had the feeling and knew that the traveller was going to refuse but still tried lol, but hey it’s better to try than to do nothing. Plus, he was prepared so I was wondering what he might have been thinking to prepare for the worst. That is why he didn't really react when the traveller refused, which means he was ready for their answer but when they ‘’agreed’’ to cooperate with him, it rather surprised Lyney because he wasn’t really ready for them to accept ‘’so easily’’ because according to him, he thought he still had to think about how to convince them (it would take time). But look at him, we can notice that he knows the traveller remains vigilant but is still happy that they have agreed to work for them since basically, it was a bit part of his plan to get closer to them and he knows very well that they agreed to have more information on Tartaglia of course.

A few days later, they meet again to give news on their investigation.
We can see that they work well as a team and do their best to look for information about the place. I find that the traveller is starting to ‘’open up ‘’ to Lyney and are ready to communicate together as soon as they can. Anyway, before leaving on their own for a new mission, Lyney tells them to be very careful and that security always comes first but it is just after he realises that he used to talk like that to his siblings. I like it here because the options here are different and have different answers, this is where we have a cute little moment where the traveller asks if they were the big brother/sister instead? Basically: ‘’Would it change anything if I was older instead? Will you see me in the same way or otherwise?’’
I leave your imagination to this conversation but I find it kinda cute that Lyney thinks like that of them, it means that he already see them as his ‘family’ (he will confirm that later)

Once again, Lyney is grateful to the traveller for their help, he knows very well that the only problem in their relationship is their identity. The traveller helps the twins because they care and see them as a ‘friend’, as I already said : even if they’re still hesitant and vigilant towards them, it doesn’t mean they don’t care about them, in the contrary, the twins are already in the traveler’s heart in some way. I also think that’s where the traveller start to change their point of view towards them : their relationship is gradually starting to recover, knowing that they pretty much know that Lyney and the siblings care for them, which is sweet.

(‘’As long as it comes from you’’ - I love this sentence, Lyney really trusts the traveller when he doesn’t trust people easily normally.)

So later, Lynette and Freminet were captured by Wriothesley. Of course, it drives Lyney in rage as he is really worried about his siblings because he doesn’t know what’s going to happen to them. If you notice correctly, the traveller will have a lot of thoughts towards Lyney. They understand why he’s acting like this, that’s why they keep describing Lyney’s face and know what he’s thinking. If you still think that they don’t care about him and his siblings, then you’re wrong. In this quest, it will ‘’clarify’’ all the misunderstandings of what happened in the trial. The traveller will notice that Lyney cares a lot about his siblings as we can really see that he is sincere to save them. They will also notice that Lyney was ready to give himself to Wriothesley if only he releases Lynette, this is also where it touched the traveller in my opinion.

They stopped Wriothesley to help Lyney who was very hesitating. I would like to make it clear : the traveller cares for the siblings and they want to save Lynette and Freminet. ‘’ Why would they want to save them? They don’t care about them at all.’’ I don’t know you tell me? Stop saying that the traveller doesn’t care about them at all. Move on, I will not repeat myself since I have already explained in my previous thread.
During the investigation, they got along well together and helped each other when they crossed paths (also because working as a team is pleasant.) However, it is true that the traveller wanted to work with them just to have more informations but they ended up enjoying the teamwork. Besides, they have talked about themselves during the investigation : the traveller will notice that the twins are sincere and do not look for the bad side of things (they will also see that the siblings really care for each other which the traveller can understand this feeling). All this will change the feelings of the traveller. They ended up ‘’trusting’’ them in this quest, they really ‘reconciled’ as this will lead to a new kind of friendship ✨
Of course, I think the traveller will still remain on their guard but at least in this quest, it has clarified suspicions and misunderstandings they had in their relation (especially with Lyney) because now, after everything that happened between Wriothesley and Lyney, the traveller begins to « understand » Lyney as they ended up caring for him (and the others) for real and will not hesitate to work with them in the future, I guess they really enjoyed working with them.

Yeah the traveller doesn’t care about Lyney. So why do they ask him if he’s okay? Since all this time, they had a lot of thoughts describing Lyney’s face and everything? Of course everyone can do that but what I mean is: even by having thoughts about him, they really understand why he acts this way and make sure to take care of Lyney who was about to lose his mind. If the traveller didn’t care about him, then why do they often ask if he’s okay? Why have a lot of thought about him while observing him? They were even relieved that he was feeling better now after reuniting with his siblings. Yeah, they still don’t care about him at all~

After meeting Arlecchino, the traveller decides to tell the siblings about it. They remain suspicious of her but Lyney reassures them that ‘everything’ is fine that they should not worry. Even if at first, he was surprised because he didn’t think their 'Father' would be happy to work with the traveller. But I really like how happy and excited Lyney got when they told him that Arlecchino was looking forward to working with them in future. I mean I get it why he’s happy but why though lol? Sorry, i just found this funny and cute at the same time because it’s like : ‘’Wow Father approves them, that means I can spend time/work with them in the future!’’
I can’t help but find it cute because his goal was to get closer to them when he has the opportunity and when Arlecchino said she would be happy to work with the traveller, that allowed Lyney to have a chance with them lol.

I love this: Lyney is someone who does not open up and trusts others easily. And here, for him to say that he considers the traveller as a family is really important for Lyney’s character. At first, I thought he friend zoned them but when I reread, I understood what he meant by that. For him, family has another meaning too : being part of his family means someone he desires to protect, it’s something that can give him the right to get closer to the traveller. I guess he meant that he has ‘special feelings’ and would protect them as he protects his own family.
( Tho, I also think that as a marriage proposal LMAO : Being part of the family = let’s get married 😂)
But also the fact that they spent little time together, Lyney always has an attachment to the traveller. It’s incredible how this magicien who tells lies and doesn't open up easily to the others, has opened up to he traveller, where they still ‘’barely’’ knew each other. Still, the traveller helped and defended them until the end so I can understand why Lyney began to ‘’open up’’ to them and same for the traveller thanks for 4.1 quest.
thoughts about the end of fontaine (ACT 4)

reading this line really made me feel like it was some sort of shade, or like manipulation in a way, a way to continue to shame furina but subtly. "Those who work hard deserve gratitude and praise." As if Furina isn't working hard (although Neuvillette mentioned in like act 2 that she'd been keeping herself up late at night or something trying to figure it out)
And as if Furina wasn't there, in a way? Maybe I'm seeing way too into this and seeing stuff that isn't there
I've also noticed she's done a lot of baiting in a way? Like, so, she acts all worried about Childe to bait Paimon into saying something to 'sooth her worries'. And then immediately questions it at all while also getting an understanding of what we've found on that part.
(it might just be because I've been pretty cautious of her, and reading her lines carefully for manipulation tactics? Or any I understand anyway)
I do think Furina does have a plan, or at least an idea of what to do, but also. The Knave likely seems terrifying, someone that'll tear down through all her plans, and then after that, what does she have next? I like to think that she's scared of saying this whole grand plan, and The Knave scoffing and laughing at her, like 'that's it?' Because at the end of the day she has feelings, she doesn't know how to talk to people, and she gets hurt easily.
Admittedly, I think I see her as a bit of a child (which would make sense considering she's newer in a way? I don't know the circumstances, of course, but I'd imagine it would be hard to try to figure out what her place in all of this is, and how to interact with the people. They probably worshipped her because she was a god, but in the end I think she's very self-conscious. Not that she isn't bratty or selfish at times, or annoying, but from what I understand of her, she kind of does stuff mostly because the people expect her to? Like, she didn't prop up the idea of a duel until the people around us were being like 'ohh is she gonna fight the traveler' or something like that, I can't remember exactly, but then back in the magic show iirc, people were also like 'Furina's gonna [blah blah blah]' which pushed her to y'know. Do stuff. Not that it isn't her fault for doing it, but I think she has reasons, and is easily peer pressured.
(Also maybe I'm giving her too much credit, but if she's panicking over the prophecy publicly, how do you think the people would react? Although it would probably sooth the worries of those wondering if shes even doing anything or worried about it. Also, idk man, I see being an archon as a huge load of responsibility, so maybe I've just been giving her a lot of slack. Idk. But this is also coming from a person who doesn't actually dislike her, so.)
Basically. I do understand where people are coming from because yeah Furina can get annoying, and I'm probably reading into this wrong and she's possibly a horrible person who has no respect for others or whatever. But I'd like to think she has her own reasons, and we'll find out in the future.
Although I do realize that we haven't actually seen even a hint of Furina's power. We've seen Venti's when we were blown into the sky and shot at Dvalin in Mondstadt, technically we saw Zhongli being a huge dragon (which if that doesn't speak powerful, then idk what does), the Raiden Shogun has the thunderstorms surrounding the island, not to mention how lightning strikes are often, or the stories about her being really powerful, something to be feared (for example kazuhas story about his friend), and we saw Nahida during the samsara festival.
(This is me talking about hints in the first few acts, NOT the end)
Furina on the other hand? Nothing, nada. However we have seen Neuvillette, especially during Act 2 during the trial where he took down Childe so easily, Childe who we know how powerful he is canonically considering he has his own boss fight, and we know what number harbinger he is.
We see his power again when he pushes back the primordial water.
It's really interesting.
4.1 Spoilers ahead 💜
I was so surprised to see Lyney- in prison that I screamed at 12 AM 💀
At the same time l I was pissed because BRO ALL OF THAT WORK FOR YOU TO SHOW UP HERE ANYWAYS- I was mad a him for a solid minute.
Also, this poor kid. He's so stressed right now. I knew he had anxiety but Jesus dude.
Edit: So I figured out how to change text color :D
So I was combing though the Twins voicelines and story again because they're one my mind 24/7 and I've noticed some things. So now I have part of an analyst. This is actually a series of headcannons too because of I don't share my mind will explode.
1. Lyney only answers your questions half the time.
When looking through the interactions and voicelines, I noticed that for certain questions he won't answer and instead will just distract the Traveler or answers it in a roundabout way. I guess it's because he doesn't want you to know about it or it makes him uncomfortable to talk about. He doesn't really lie, but he doesn't answer either. He doesn't like to give information about himself unless absolutely necessary.
2. Lyney has a tendency to say some weird things.
Lyney says nothing about it, but Lynette has an idle line about it. What type of strange is unknown, but Lynette is worried about what he says. It also seems to be a pretty normal occurrence.
3. Lyney's chattiness is a front.
This one is actually talked about by both the twins. Lynette says that he's just more quiet when they're alone and Lyney says that he only uses "verbal" magic to get closer to other people. I have more to say about this but I'll wait until my headcannons.
4. Lyney isn't his happy or cheery as he initially seems.
This one is confirmed in his voicelines and story quest. He explicitly says that he believes Traveler would feel sorry for him if they knew his real personality. Then at the end of his story quest when you talk to him. He's a lot more subdued than he had been for most of the quest. He also says some questionable things and it leads to my next point.
5. Lyney doesn't really have friends.
He actually admits this himself at the end of his story quest with the empty auditorium analogy. He comments how the way he acts only pushes people away and after Cesar he doesn't really have anyone beyond family left.
6. Lyney hates how he lies.
In his character story quest and his actual Character story in part 4, he mentions how much is lying bothers him. It's practically effortless but by this point it comes so easy that it gives him an identity crisis. Lyney has lied so much and played the part so often, he isn't sure what his actual personality is anymore.
Note: I realized I have way more to say than I anticipated so now this is gonna be a series of posts.
Lyney Headcannons
Courtroom Headcannons
Lyney Headcannons
Okay- headcannon time~ This is really just an excuse for me to write angst about him. He just had so much free real estate. I feel like if I don't talk about this somewhere that I'm going to explode.
1. Lyney doesn't talk about his problems because he feels he hasn't suffered enough too.
He just seems like the type of person to be super empathetic towards everyone but himself. When his siblings have something bad happen to them, they don't deserve it. When something bad happens to him? He should have done better, it's all his fault, it's what he should have expected. They should feel free to talk about their pain whenever they're ready. He thinks that compared to his siblings, he's just hasn't had it bad enough to talk about it.
2. Lyney doesn't remember how to talk to people authentically.
I like to think with how much he tends to put on a front he doesn't know how to properly talk to people. He's so good at playing the part that there is not such thing as a normal conversation without all the bravado and sugary words.
3. Lyney refused to eat unless he knows Lynette has.
It was a habit he developed while they were living in the street, but since he was so young it kinda just stayed with age. In fact, he gets incredibly anxious if he ever gets food without knowing of Lynette has had anything. Unless he sees her eat, he'll adamantly refuse food.
4. Lyney is the quiet anxiety type.
He holds all of his emotions in and has had several anxiety attacks in public. If it's just him and Lynette, he'll start pacing and occasionally he'll follow his anxious trian of thought. He's prone to harm scratch at his skin or pull his hair so they keep his nails short.
5. Lyney has a dissociation problem.
The habit was worse when he was younger, especially when they were under the abusive nobel. He would just space out if he wasn't actively performing or Lynette wasn't there. He'd either spiral or his mind would be absolutely blank. Occasionally, he'll slip from reality, especially when Lynette isn't around to keep him grounded.
6. Lyney has cat-like eyes.
I literally cannot explain it. It's just what he inherited and I will stand by it for the rest of my life. It's especially prominent in the sun. He's got slits instead of the round pupils and when they lived on the streets people wouldn't look him in the eyes because they thought he was creepy.
7. Lyney was locked in a closet as a kid but he has no memory of it.
My brain came up with this and I can't even explain it. Under the abusive nobel, there was an incident that resulted in him spending the night in a closet, neither twin really remembers it. Lyney was dissociated the whole time and the dark doesn't help. It's remember on a subconscious level but Lyney's just ignores it until he can't anymore.
8. Lyney does card tricks when he's nervous
When he's nervous and alone, he'll pace back and fourth and do card tricks to try and calm him down. They're like his fidget and it was an idea that Lynette came up with instead of him putting his hands in his hair. When around other people, he does the tricks but doesn't let his nervousness show on his face.
This is the second part of this post:
Lyney's Character Analysis
Courtroom Headcannons
Edited: Links