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Edit: So I figured out how to change text color :D
So I was combing though the Twins voicelines and story again because they're one my mind 24/7 and I've noticed some things. So now I have part of an analyst. This is actually a series of headcannons too because of I don't share my mind will explode.
1. Lyney only answers your questions half the time.
When looking through the interactions and voicelines, I noticed that for certain questions he won't answer and instead will just distract the Traveler or answers it in a roundabout way. I guess it's because he doesn't want you to know about it or it makes him uncomfortable to talk about. He doesn't really lie, but he doesn't answer either. He doesn't like to give information about himself unless absolutely necessary.
2. Lyney has a tendency to say some weird things.
Lyney says nothing about it, but Lynette has an idle line about it. What type of strange is unknown, but Lynette is worried about what he says. It also seems to be a pretty normal occurrence.
3. Lyney's chattiness is a front.
This one is actually talked about by both the twins. Lynette says that he's just more quiet when they're alone and Lyney says that he only uses "verbal" magic to get closer to other people. I have more to say about this but I'll wait until my headcannons.
4. Lyney isn't his happy or cheery as he initially seems.
This one is confirmed in his voicelines and story quest. He explicitly says that he believes Traveler would feel sorry for him if they knew his real personality. Then at the end of his story quest when you talk to him. He's a lot more subdued than he had been for most of the quest. He also says some questionable things and it leads to my next point.
5. Lyney doesn't really have friends.
He actually admits this himself at the end of his story quest with the empty auditorium analogy. He comments how the way he acts only pushes people away and after Cesar he doesn't really have anyone beyond family left.
6. Lyney hates how he lies.
In his character story quest and his actual Character story in part 4, he mentions how much is lying bothers him. It's practically effortless but by this point it comes so easy that it gives him an identity crisis. Lyney has lied so much and played the part so often, he isn't sure what his actual personality is anymore.
Note: I realized I have way more to say than I anticipated so now this is gonna be a series of posts.
Lyney Headcannons
Courtroom Headcannons