ecofmaster - Revolutionist Ecof
Revolutionist Ecof

Join the revolution cuz we have a god on our side and the queen does not

785 posts

Making Actually Good Updates To Clash Royale Every Day Until Supercell Fixes Their Stupid Game

Making actually good updates to Clash Royale every day until Supercell fixes their stupid game

So this is my first ever attempt at an Evo so don't judge me

Day 32: Skeleton Spawner Evos

So when adding evos I'm going to group similar cards together just to make my life easier so yeah

Considering the skeleton Evo is already out, I would be easy to do skeleton spawning cards. Which is why I'm doing them!

Today will be Evo witch, graveyard, and tombstone

Evo 1: Witch

This one I think would actually change the most. It would have the same stats, and spawn the same amount of skeletons, but these skeletons are Evo, of course. Just like the regular skeletons Evo, each spawn of skeletons can summon a max of 8 skeletons. Notice how I said SPAWN of skeletons. This means every time the witch spawns skeletons, that set can spawn it's OWN 8 skeles. Along with this the witch itself gets a magic barrier that makes anything near it weaker. This actually helps it because high damage minitanks like Valkyrie are usually the way to go to counter this thing, but now it won't be as effective.

Evo 2: Graveyard

So this is literally each (Evo) skeleton can spawn 5 new (Evo) skeletons, so that's a short one.

Evo 3: Tombstone

So along with the same evo skeleton set (this time every pair of skeletons spawned is in a set of five max) I also decided to give tombstone the skeleton king treatment. Every time something dies, it will equate to one more Evo skeleton by the end of the tombstone's life. The Evo skeletons that pop out of the tombstone at the end are in a set of ten, but can go up to 20 if enough things die before the tombstone does. I could honestly see logbait getting so much worse from this

So ye those are my evos goombye

  • ecofmaster
    ecofmaster liked this · 5 months ago

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5 months ago

Making actually good updates to Clash Royale every day until Supercell fixes their stupid game

Evos are honestly so much easier to do than real cards and especially full updates seriously it's basically just giving an existing card a gimmick

Day 34: Small spell evos

So I thought there should be competitors to the Evo zap

So now there is

Evo 1: Log

The log will now hit surfaces and bounce back away from them. The log Evo itself has a slightly longer range (maybe 1.5 tiles) but the log, if it hits a building, will bounce off of it. After bouncing, the log gets a bit more range (maybe 2.5 tiles per bounce) so you could make some dumb infinity logs in 7x elixir friendly battles by placing buildings now. This bounce also means it can hit troops twice (and push them twice), but the bounce will not affect troops, meaning you can still knock a golem if you really want and the log will not bounce. Keep in mind the log will not bounce off of your own buildings (if it did the Evo wouldn't work against goblin barrel). This Evo is 2 cycle (which I just realized I didn't mention the cycle time for the other cards. Just use the elixir president Clash already uses.)

Evo 2: Giant snowball

The giant snowball is now hilariously fun to use. The slow lasts longer, and slows more. But the snowball has two more influential changes. It gets the range of arrows and gets a MASSIVE knockback boost. Basically the giant snowball is now a MORE giant snowball. The new knockback and range can be helpful for getting more defences away from your attack, which is also true for the slowness buff.

Evo 3: Barb barrel

My personal golden child. My new gimmick idea is also pretty funny. The barb inside the barrel is almost the same as regular Evo barbs, with one key difference. Every troop the barrel kills his increase the rage time on the Evo barb. This means if it kills no troops,a regular Evo barb would come out. But if it destroyed a skarmy, for example, on it's way to coming out, it will now have a rage time of the usual, plus half a second for every skeleton that died.

Supercell plz add this Evo barb barrel

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