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7 months ago

Making actually good updates to Clash Royale every day until Supercell fixes their stupid game

We hit a week in

Day 7: Clans

I'm going to do clan wars in a different one because that's an even bigger mess but clans is easier and I'm feeling lazy today soo...

Clans are kinda useless and dumb right now, and considering their only useful feature is a dumpster fire right now, this thing needs some updates.

Change 1: Kill Epic Sunday

Epic Sunday might just be one of the dumbest things in the game right now, because it's useless. Just let me request some goddamn epics on Saturday! I think making replacing Epic Sunday with something like Legendary Sunday might be better, considering this feature is either completely obsolete to some people and very annoying to others. Having Legendary Sunday adds the ability to request Legendaries, which would be cool.

2: Request card limits

Request card limits are also kinda dumb. Like why can I only request 4 measly rare cards at a time? Make the amount of cards you can get per request MUCH bigger, and maybe even scale it with arenas. The higher the arena, the higher the amount of cards you can get per request. Plus, remove give limits entirely. If I have unnecessary rocket cards, why can I donate only one at a time?

Change 3: Making Trades Not Dumb

Trades are so incredibly dumb and need fixing.

Fist off, why do trade tokens exist? They are so unnecessary! Completely remove them. Or make the rarities of the trade not matter and make all the trade tokens become one currency, then make them way more accessible and also add them to the season shop.

Speaking of rarities...


*ahem* Cards of different rarities can now be included in the same trade.

And for this final trade, I would like you all to imagine something...

So you're playing on a new account, and you just got to PEKKA's Playhouse. You jump into your first game in this new arena, and you immediately see a card you have never seen before. You check, and you can't find it in the new cards available. You go into this person's account, and see that the card is called a MEGA KNIGHT. THERE IS A PERSON. USING MEGA KNIGHT. IN PEKKA'S PLAYHOUSE. Now, this person didn't hack the game and give himself a card he can't get yet. No, he just traded for it. And now he has access to a card no one else in his arena has. This is not healthy for the game. People should not be getting cards from later arenas. If you don't have a card and it is from an arena you have not yet been to, you CANNOT get that card from trades anymore.

Clans fixed, supercell can go suck my d-

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7 months ago

Making actually good updates to Clash Royale every day until Supercell fixes their stupid game

I teased this idea before but this much of a hot mess is hard to fix

Day 9: Clan Wars

Clan Wars is hot garbage. There is no better way to describe it. It's just a mess.

Change 1: Leveling

Clan Wars is actually very different from the main game (shocker, I know) and one of the main differences are the decks. In Clan Wars, you have four decks that can only be used once every battle day. But each card in those decks use the levels the person playing with the deck has for those cards. Most f2p players only have the resources to upgrade their main deck, which means a grand total of 12 severely under leveled cards will be in the clan decks. This is such a dumb system, and it would be much better if all cards in Clan Wars were level 11, aka the "challenge level".

Change 2: Boat Battles

Remove boat battles. They are not fun and half the player base doesn't know they exist.

Change 3: War Battles

So another big difference between the main game and Clan Wars are the battles. There are two ways to battle; boat battles (which I said just to delete), and the event challenges. Clan Wars is basically the only place you can play Clash variants like touchdown or infinite elixir against people besides your friends. But only a few of these are available at a time. I propose a different system. Players can choose between any variant available in Clan Wars today, or they can play a different mode that picks the variant for the players. The picking mode would award much more progress in the war than a game where you pick the mode, do you can design a deck specifically for one mode and play try your hand at that, or use a general deck or something you are good at to see if you can win the harder random mode challenge. Also remove the three deck game. It's not fun, and random variant mode can just take its place.

Change 2?: Boat Battles

Ok so the reward system for Boat Battle wins is actually pretty cool, but the actual games are horrible, so I'm going to try to fix this, but it may still be trash.

So in Boat Battles the levels matter a lot more. Not only are your troops levels the same as their actual levels, but your king tower level also affects the Boat turrets. So just like before, everything has to default to level 11, except the turrets.

A level 11 turret is kinda trash, so they get a rework. Boat defences now use tower troops instead of turrets. The tower troops are the exact same as they would be at level 11, expect for the health, which is 3x what it is in regular games. Each boat defense also produces elixir at 1.5x regular elixir production speed, but they all have 4 less card slots, so use those wisely.

Boat Battles are already pretty hard, usually taking multiple decks for a full clear, but I probably made them so much harder by upping the elixir production of Boat defences, so I'm giving the attacker more time (3:30 to be exact) and every minute will higher the player elixir production.

Lastly, because card levels don't matter, Boat defences should now all be worth the same and should need to be attacked in order. But if one Boat defense has already been attacked, it has to be finished off before you can move to the next.

Change 4: Aesthetics

The theme of Boat Wars doesn't really fit with the rest of Clash Royale in my opinion. There are at least a million different ways you could solve this, but in my opinion an aesthetic change is needed for Clan Wars.

Let's see if this Clan Wars 3 idea is as bad as the other two.

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7 months ago

Making actually good updates to Clash Royale every day until Supercell fixes their stupid game

I'm doing another card cuz they're easier to do than big things that matter

Day 6?: Mirror



Have I already done this...

Wait it's not day six...

What is going on?

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7 months ago

I'm stupid

So I accidentally made yesterday's Clash Royale post private

I reversed it now

And if it isn't clear I'm making this thing an arg

Sorry about that dumb mistake

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7 months ago

Making actually good updates to Clash Royale every day until Supercell fixes their stupid game

This feature is so slept in it's criminal

Day 11: Classic Challenges

I honestly forgot these existed until earlier today. They're that forgettable. So I'm making them cooler.

Change 1: Rewards

The rewards are actually a major improvement compared to the price of gold for gems usually. For winning (I think?) 4 battles I got 2000 gold in the mega draft challenge, plus a few cards. That is double what you can get for 60 gems in the shop. Keep in mind a mega draft challenge has a 50 gem enter fee, so that is CRAZY value. Even with this, I think the amount of cards given should be upped SLIGHTLY. Not too much.

Now that I think of it, Supercell might have forgotten about classic challenges too, because that is one of the only features they haven't run to the ground with unnecessary monetization!

Change 2: Game modes

Right now, in the challenges, there are classic challenges, which has fewer rewards for a cheap entry fee, grand challenges, which has a high entry fee but a lot of rewards, and mega draft challenges, which are in the middle, and the only classic challenge you can do that doesn't take your deck into account. We should have more choices. We need regular draft, triple draft, and ESPECIALLY touchdown challenges. Touchdown challenges might be the most hype thing added to Clash since evolutions were announced. You know, before we knew they were pay-to-win as fuck. We need that. I need that. Also I'm stealing an old idea and putting it here. Randomizer challenge! Every battle is a different game mode. I proposed this for Clan Wars, and I'm bringing it to Challenges as well.

Change 3: Better advertising

Make challenges more known. As I said, I forgot these even existed until earlier today. I'm sure most players in midlatter don't know these exist either, which sucks because they're ACTUALLY GOOD! THERE IS A GOOD FEATURE IN CLASH ROYALE AND BARELY ANYONE USES OR CARES ABOUT IT!!!! MORE PEOPLE NEED TO KNOW ABOUT THIS!!!!

I didn't expect to not have to do that much work in improving something in THIS game, but I guess there's a first time for everything.

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7 months ago

Making actually good updates to Clash Royale every day until Supercell fixes their stupid game

So I do have an actually good update but I'm saving it for Tomorrow because I had I funny idea for a card.

Day 13: The Turtle


Rarity: Epic

Elixir: 5

Turtle Health: 5000 (at lvl 11)

Shell Health: 1500 (at lvl 11)

Damage: 10

Attack speed: 2 secs

Deploy time: 2 secs

Speed: 0.25 tps (tiles per second) NEW SLOWEST CARD IN THE GAME

The Turtle is a single targeting slow tank that targets buildings only.

The Turtle has a whopping five health marks (like what the Goblin Demolisher has) and each time it hits a mark it goes into its shell.

When in the shell, the turtle will not move or attack until the shell is broken. The shell can't exist forever, because it gets the building treatment and dies over time.

After three seconds of being in a shell, the turtle will start healing (the turtle not the shell). Once the shell is broken, the turtle comes out again, and after three more seconds the turtle shell will start healing (although if a health marker is hit before the shell starts healing the shell will be at one health). This cycle of shell and no shell repeats until the turtle finally dies. Keep in mind that if the turtle heals in his shell the heath mark that brought the shell out last will have to be hit again.

So technically this can iso three crown if your opponent is not careful, but any swarm or either inferno card can destroy this thing (although a turtle valk electro wiz push can probably devastate your opponent.

This is just a dumb idea I thought of, serious update tomorrow.

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7 months ago

Making actually good updates to Clash Royale every day until Supercell fixes their stupid game

So I'm doing another card if you want a good update look at yesterday's post

Day 15: Balloon Skeletons

Rarity: Epic

Card: troop

Balloon health: 1

All other stats are identical to the skeletons

This card spawns four skeletons tied to balloons. These balloons let them float in the sky and attack air troops, but if the balloons were to pop, the skeletons will fall down and act like normal skeletons. The balloons act like shields for the skeletons, tanking a single shot for them.

These Balloon Skeletons are a good way to counter a lot of flying troops, which makes them a direct competitor to the bats. They aren't very strong themselves, but paired with a tower,they can distract and take out a lot of pesky flying support troops.

Inspired by the flying skeleton defences in Clash of Clans.

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7 months ago

Making updates to Clash Royale every day until Supercell fixes their stupid game

So heads up I'm not going to be making a Clash Royale post tomorrow cuz tomorrow is my birthday and I'll be doing other things but here's another big change to cover for tomorrow

Day 16: Tower troops

Tower troops were a cool idea in practice, but had a horrible execution. But the concept is still salvageable.

Change 1 & 2: Troops

So change 1 and 2 are kinda related to each other so I'm doing them together.

Having the tower troops become actual troops is a crazy, but honestly feasible idea. I would love to see a cannoneer on the battlefield. Not so much with the Dagger Duchess, but it could probably work if made right. This also makes the possibility of existing troops being put on the towers too. It would honestly be awesome to see a ninth slot for tower troops where you could just put any card on it. Although some cards like the Mega Knight on a tower would be weird considering only the melee attack would make sense, I'm sure that could be worked out. Doing something like giving towers with melee troops on them much more health would be cool. But I especially want to see buildings on the towers. An X-bow tower troops would be absolutely crazy to see in a real game. Granted, all of this would be probably the biggest update to Clash ever, and it would need a crazy amount of balancing, but with enough balancing and working things out, tower troops could be super cool instead of not great.

I know I kinda crammed all of today's update into one big paragraph, but both changes were very similar so I felt like I had to. This one would be a big update in practice in execution, but it could definitely work. And it would be interesting to see a Mother Witch tower troop like the concept I've seen circling around in an actual game.

But that's today's (and tomorrow's) update.

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7 months ago

Making updates to Clash Royale every day until Supercell fixes their stupid game

So this one is a bit of a deep water for me cuz I don't buy the pass Royale but I have looked at the price and rewards and also I know a few things about the pass before the repeated nerfs to the economy of this dumbass game so it thinks I can do this.

Day 18: Pass Royale

The Pass Royale was a feature added to Clash right when Fortnite was popping off. This is important because Fortnite basically pioneered the idea of a season pass. This idea has honestly destroyed some games, but it has benefited others. In Clash Royale's case, it used to benefit, but now it's dumb. I'm here to fix that.

Change 1: Rewards

All of the rewards in the pass are shitty as hell. In the early days, you could buy a pass for five bucks and get a book of books among other rewards. Nowadays the free pass gives you absolutely nothing, or you can buy the pass for only 6 bucks! What do you get? A tower skin, an emote and depression. Oh, and there's also the option to get the diamond pass and fuck yourself sideways with an animated banner, for only double the price! Such a good deal. Honestly I understand how giving away a book of books (and more!) for five bucks was hurting the economy, but this is hurting the economy too. Just give us some actually good rewards.

Change 2: Pass End

I play Clash Royale an... Unhealthy amount. Because of this, I almost always finish the pass a week before the season ends. And now crowns are worth nothing. Just give us a golden chest or a bit of gold at the end of the pass, it's such an easy fix.

Change 3: Money

So I talked about this in the shop fix, but even if it's a worse deal,switching money for gems may be an idea worth exploring. It gives a f2p player the chance to get the pass every few seasons.

I should become a video game dev, I'm doing this better than Supercell

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7 months ago

Making actually good updates to Clash Royale every day until Supercell fixes their stupid game


I'm also coming back with a simple card idea because those are significantly easier than actually significant updates.

Day 17: Cloud Cannon

Rarity: Legendary

Card: Building

Elixir: 3

All other stats identical to a cannon

The Cloud Cannon is a simple idea. It's a Cannon on a cloud. The only differences it has from a regular cannon is flight. It can attack air troops, and only air attackers can get distracted by it.

This is an interesting idea because of the tradeoff between distraction and defence. The interesting thing about the Cloud Cannon is that it's an air building, so it won't be able to distract ground targeting troops, like knights. But it also can't distract some win conditions, like the giant (although for win cons like Balloon or Lava Hound I think the Cloud Cannon could distract them because ya know they're air troops so they should be distracted by air buildings). But the Cloud Cannon has the added benefit of attacking air troops, which the cannon cannot do.

I honestly think this card will be very iffy considering its gimmick, but I think it could work. If the Cloud Cannon is bad enough, you could make a major rework to it to make it similar to the Cannon Cart where the cloud can act as a shield and when it dies the Cannon falls down and acts like a regular Cannon, but I also feel like it you were to implement that it would need an elixir cost hike to 4 elixir, so it would be a VERY big change. All in all, the idea could be tossed around a bit, but I don't really expect an actual developer for Clash Royale to see any of these posts, so it probably won't happen.

Also I want to quickly mention that my post schedule for this series has been... Messy at best. So I'm trying to incorporate this into my schedule now so that doesn't happen anymore. TLDR, Clash Posts will be more consistent from here on.

Also I added a legendary building before Supercell I'm a better game developer.

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7 months ago

Making actually good updates to Clash Royale every day until Supercell fixes their stupid game

As I'm easing back into this series I'm going to start off with more of the easy card ideas than actual changes, so just a heads up.

Day 18: Skeleton Drone

Rarity: Legendary

Card: Troop

Elixir: 4

Health: 500 (at lvl 11)

Damage: 50 (at lvl 11)

Attack speed: 0.8 second

Skeleton deploy: Every 0.25 secs

Deploy time: 0.5 secs

The drone is an interesting idea for a defensive card. The drone itself only attacks flying cards. But when above a ground troop, it will drop skeletons on it repeatedly, and will follow the ground troop until the troop dies or until the drone dies. If your opponent isn't careful, there will be a swarm of skeletons coming their way.

This card idea is interesting to me. The drone is honestly pretty weak, but as a skeleton spawner it could work. You may notice I'm doing a lot of skeleton stuff in retaliation against the goblin stuff going on in Clash Royale around this time. I liked skeletons better anyway. So I'll be doing more skeleton stuff for the next few days.

Or what could be funny is if this was just the tombstone Evo.

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7 months ago

Making actually good updates to Clash Royale every day until Supercell fixes their stupid game

Hey it's an actual update

Day 20: Daily rewards

The daily rewards were added just a few months(?) ago. They were supposed to boost progression for f2p players. But because Supercell is a company of greedy fucks (or at least the people behind Clash Royale are), they took half the rewards from the item shop and put them into the daily rewards. I'm here to bring this feature some justice.

Change 1: Rewards

So the reward system basically gives you three tasks of increasing difficulty to do every day, and each task you do will give you a better rewards. The best reward you can get is a lucky box for getting three wins, and it operates basically the same as the star drops from Brawl Stars (which is an actually good and f2p friendly game from Supercell). I'll talk more about lucky boxes later. But the other two possible rewards (3 and 10 crowns respectively) are trash. I finished the pass 19 days before the end of the season, meaning those crowns are completely useless. I don't need the extra crowns to get to the end of the pass anyway. I could do it without them. The pass is actually quite short. I propose replacing the crowns with more lucky boxes. This would actually help all the way through the season. Plus, for the hardest task, you could guarantee a lucky box that starts at rare instead of common, so doing the hardest task still gets you a better reward.

Change 2: Lucky boxes

So the lucky boxes themselves aren't even that great. They're ok, but nothing special really. So I'm fixing them in the most obvious way possible, buffs. Increase the chance of getting to a new lucky box rarity significantly, and increase the rewards themselves. I know, it's a lazy fix, but it works and it makes sense.

Star drops are still better tho

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6 months ago

Making actually good updates to Clash Royale every day until Supercell fixes their stupid game

I literally have nothing to say for this little blurb

Day 22: Trebuchet

Rarity: Rare

Card: troop

Elixir: 5

Attack damage: 600 (at lvl 11)

Burn damage: 15 per tic

Burn tic speed: 0.5 secs

Burn duration: 6 secs

Health: 1379

Attack speed: 2.5 secs

Range: 7 tiles

The trebuchet is a long range single targeting troop that shoots flaming cannonballs at the opposing troops. Each of the shots only hit one troop, but if the troop was next to any other opposing troops when hit, all of them will catch on fire from the cannonball.

The trebuchet can help as a way to deal with mini tank + swarm pushes. It also has the range of the magic archer, helping it stay away from enemy attacks and help from afar. This compensates for the trebuchet's disgustingly slow attack speed. Plus it's just really fun to say.

I think this might be a very fun card to play with. It would be alone to defend most "mini pushes" (a term I coined to describe any push without a win con), but it can also be used to counter any swarms helping a win con. Overall, this seems like a balanced card.

Seriously tho, it's really fun to say. TREBUCHET!

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6 months ago

Making actually good updates to Clash Royale every day until Supercell fixes their stupid game

I'm back, but this time, it's different

So I've been posting suuuuuuper lately night basically since the start of this entire thing, and that basically puts a lot of pressure on me to rush making the post, and then I forget about it the rest of the day.

But now I have a better and more consistent way. Instead of posting at 11:59 PM, I'll post at 12:01 AM!

So now I'll be posting very early morning. This will be the final late night post of this series.

That also means this one and the next one will be much closer timewise to each other than any other two Clash posts.

With that being said, Clash post!

Day 23: Sniper

So this is a really weird and interesting idea I thought of and it's loosely based off of the sniper monkey from BTD6 but that doesn't mean it can't be in Clash.

Rarity: Legendary

Elixir: 4

Attack: 2400 (at lvl 11)

Health: 190

Attack speed: 12 secs

Range: 13.5 tiles

Movement speed: 1 tps (tile per second)

Can only reload while standing still

The sniper is basically an amalgamation of the princess and the sparky combined into a squishy MENACE. It's single targeting, meaning literally skeletons can take it out, but if it hits something, that something takes a LOT of damage. Letting this thing run on your tower is game over almost immediately. But it is very easy to deal with considering its low health.

The sniper would be VERY annoying if not dealt with properly, but honestly isn't as overpowered as it may seem. This may actually become a midlatter menace, whilst seeing no play in top latter. If it's added, that is.

Welp, see ya in a few hours.

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6 months ago

Making actually good updates to Clash Royale every day until Supercell fixes their stupid game

Wow it's been so long that's craaaaaaazy

Day 24: Hoggy Bank

The Hoggy Bank might be the most overlooked thing in Clash. Sure, if you fill it up fully, you get your money's worth, but who would buy this? Me, actually, but only after the changes I propose are implemented (if they're implemented)

Change 1: Gold limit

I don't think there should be a gold limit. I feel like if you play enough you should be able to get a lot more gold than 185000 (which, granted, is a lot of gold, but I'll get to that). Removing the gold limit entirely would be harsh, which is why we're doing some more things to change the hoggy bank.

Change 2: Gold collection

The gold collection of the hoggy bank is crazy. It's all the gold you usually get from battles x5. I think, considering that we just removed the gold limit, we should also need the gold collection. Now it will just equal the gold you have amassed over time with no multiplier.

Change 3: payment

If you've read my other entries in this series you'll know I'm not a fan of in-game offers that use actual money instead of in-game currency. This is why the hoggy bank will now cost 1500 gems instead of 4.99$ is fair in my opinion. On one side f2p players can now get the hoggy bank every few years. On the other side, the hoggy bank just more than doubled it's price (this drastic price increase also compensates for the no gold limit because maniacs like me who play this game too much will get such a good value off of a 4.99 no limit hoggy bank).

So yeah hoggy bank fixed.

Props to the devs for great name tho

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6 months ago

Making actually good updates to Clash Royale every day until Supercell fixes their stupid game

So I was going to do my early morning thing like I planned but then I fell asleep (that's a new experience for me) so I'm doing it now

Day 25: Vortex

Rarity: Epic

Card: Spell

Elixir: 3

Radius: 3.5 tiles

Duration: 0.5 secs

The vortex is essentially the portal or Teleportation spell that has been suggested all too many times. Except the teleport spell is too overpowered, because you can just teleport your entire push away from a defence. The vortex will teleport OPPOSING troops.

It works exactly like a mighty miner's ability, but for a group of opposing cards. Any cards that are in the vortex's range or walk in during its duration will be teleported to the other side of the map, split across the middle vertically. So if you put your lava hound in the left corner and your opponent plays a vortex on it, the lava hound will go to the right corner (still on your side, but if you ace it in the corner of the pocket the vortex will to it to the other side outside the pocket). This spell does not affect towers.

The void can help separate pushes. Two small split lane pushes are usually easier to deal with than one massive push. Or the vortex can move your opponent's push away from your lower health tower, so you can prevent them from doing enough damage to win a tiebreaker. This card could definitely fit in a lot of decks, and would be a good way to diffuse very bad situations.

This isn't even a bad card idea actually

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6 months ago

Making actually good updates to Clash Royale every day until Supercell fixes their stupid game

I fell asleep early again

Day 26: Chill Pill

This is a dumb idea

Rarity: Common

Type: spell

Elixir: 1

Radius: 2.5 tiles

Slowdown percentage: 50% speed

Slowdown duration: 2 secs

Heal: 1/3 of troop total health

The Chill Pill is essentially a pill that can does the same thing to enemies or allies, and can be helpful or hurtful depending on the situation. It heals any troops in its range's health, but also slows them down.

This is an interesting idea because of its uses. You can use it to hinder the opponent's troops, or to help yours. Or in specific situations, maybe even both. It would be interesting to see in a real game.

This was kinda a lazy post, because I thought of it on the spot, but it's not like anyone reads these posts anyway, so...

Supercell we need chill pill card

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6 months ago

Making actually good updates to Clash Royale every day until Supercell fixes their stupid game

Hey we're back to early-day schedule

Day 27: Bear Trap

Rarity: Champion

Type: spell

Elixir: 1

Ability Elixir: 2

Radius: 1 tile

Damage: 15

Tic speed: 0.25 secs

The bear trap is essentially a trap for a small group of troops. At first, it does absolutely nothing. Completely stationary. But when you activate its ability, the bear trap snaps up any troops on the tile that it was placed on. It can take up to 3 troops at a time. Once a troop is snared, it CAN'T get out until it dies. The bear trap doe a continuous small bit of damage to any snared troops. When a troop is snared, all allies of the bear trap retarget to a different one (if they were targeted at the snared troops). The bear trap can never hit flying troops.

The bear trap is an interesting idea. I'm pretty sure it was thought of as a card way back when before evos, champions, and all the p2w stuff we have now. But now it can be used as a champion! This also means it can't be baited, because the player controls when it snared enemies. I would see this being better against tanks honestly

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6 months ago

Making actually good updates to Clash Royale every day until Supercell fixes their stupid game

Back to late night shit

Day 28: Rematches

This idea just randomly came to me while I was taking a shit yesterday so I decided to post it here.

Also I think this is the first time I'm suggesting a feature addition. Like I've revamped and reworked features, I've made changes to and made custom cards, but never a completely original feature.

Well there's a first for everything.

A rematch is basically saying "that was luck I can beat you this time" to someone. If you suggest a rematch against someone, a notification will appear when they're not in a game (similar to how the wish list works) that tells them that someone wants to play them again. In the friends tab, they will find a rematch request (like any other game request). They have the option to accept or decline the request. If they decline, well what do you think will happen? But if they accept...

Upon accepting a rematch, both parties will get into a game with the SAME CONDITIONS AS LAST TIME. So let's say someone plays another person in a regular game. Even if the other person switched their deck, or upgraded a card, accepting a rematch will make them play with the exact conditions as last time, for that one game. For any draft games, the drafts will NOT be the same. That's the only time a rematch will not have the same conditions as the game being rematched.

No rematches will NOT give trophies or whatever the hell path of Legends is. They can give gold crowns and chests, but nothing else.

Also to clarify, if you play one game, for this example let's use mega draft, and then play another with the same person, this time infinite elixir, and then you challenge your opponent to a rematch bely clicking the mega draft game and asking for it, you will get a rematch of MEGA DRAFT, NOT THE INFINITE ELIXIR.

So yeah that's rematches.

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6 months ago

Making actually good updates to Clash Royale every day until Supercell fixes their stupid game

I forgor earlier today soooooo

Day 29: Tournaments Part 2

Ok, so I know I already did this one, but hear me out. (Also this is in addition to the other changes)

Change 1: Move the tournaments

The final tab of the home page will now be exclusively the season stuff. The Pass Royale will also be moved there cuz that's a seasonal thing too. The regular tournaments and event tournaments will be added as the newest tabs to the game modes in the main screen.

Change 2: Latter Tournaments

So I always hated the Goblin Queen's Journey because I felt it would be better as an event thing that comes and goes. But now I have a solution to kill it. Replace the Goblin Queen's Journey with Latter Tournaments! The Goblin Queen game mode will now be a mode you can play as a tournament, and the latter aspect will now be for the tournaments themselves!

But how will tournament latter work? Well, I envision it similar to the Path Of Legends. Tournaments will now add to a path that you can climb, and you can only climb tournament latter by winning games in the paid tournaments. This latter will obviously have better rewards, considering you have to pay at least some amount of gems to get in tournaments. Also this latter is a long with the tournament rewards themselves. (And season tournaments will not contribute to this latter. They will be their own game mode, and will work virtually the same, just moved to a different place in the home area)


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