Join the revolution cuz we have a god on our side and the queen does not
785 posts
Making Actually Good Updates To Clash Royale Every Day Until Supercell Fixes Their Stupid Game
Making actually good updates to Clash Royale every day until Supercell fixes their stupid game
So I'm back to custom cards
I feel like lightning is going to be very good in the meta soon enough because of the Goblin Frankenstein thing and the OP as hell electro dragon Evo so I'm giving it some competition
Day 37: Implosion Spell
Rarity: Rare
Card: Spell
Elixir cost: 5
Radius: 1 tiles
Damage: 1369 (at lvl 11)
Hit speed: Immediate
The implosion spell is just straight damage. it's very simple, and similar to rocket, except easier to use for less damage. It's able to do one tic of MASSIVE instant damage to anything within a tiny area.
So we got mini rocket now
More Posts from Ecofmaster
Fuck you
Shit you're right
I’m tempted to tell my IRL friends about the gimmickverse.
No Clash post today
I'm fucking exhausted today
Don't even know why I barely did anything productive today
Making updates to Clash Royale every day until Supercell fixes their stupid game
First update I'm making since the actually good update by Supercell
Still worried about e drag evo tho
Day 39: Giant evos
I'm just finishing the giant evos
Evo 1: Giant
Giant now has a bit more health and an awesome gimmick (in my opinion). Every time he attacks he has a slight bit of immunity and heals. (Doesn't have to be both, I just think either could make him a better tank, which is what he mainly is). This can make the Giant a better tank, which is what is mainly is.
Why am I getting deja vu from that line...
Evo 2: Giant Skeleton
I believe Giant skeleton is a skeleton card, not a Giant card, but he technically counts as a "Giant", so I'm putting him here anyway.
The Giant skeletons bomb gets a small damage buff, along with the big boy's gimmick being centered around it. The bomb now launches troops MUCH further back, and stuns them for half a second. The bomb was the focus of the Giant skeletons anyway, so the bomb not being the center of the gimmick didn't really make sense.
Evo 3: electro giant
Okay this on will get annoying fast
The e Giant doesn't get any buffs. It's gimmick involves his electro ring (who would have guessed). The ring now shocks every time the e Giant attacks, along with Its normal attack speed. This just makes e Giant a shock machine.
Fuck Verizon
Making actually good updates to Clash Royale every day until Supercell fixes their stupid game
We hit a round number lesgo
Day 40: Cold Evos
So like ice wiz, ice golem, supercell already did ice spirit...
I already did freeze...
Evo 1: Ice golem
So this is a cool idea (haha get it) for the ice golem because I thought of a way to give it an Evo gimmick without giving it a health buff. I feel like if ice golem had even a bit more health hog cycle would be too much for me to exist, so I didn't bug its health. In fact, this Evo concept has no buffs to the ice golem's stats at all. But every time an opposing melee troops hits it, the troop slows down for a second. Ice golem was mostly used to kite melee troops anyway so it's fine that it doesn't work for projectiles.
Bonus points if every time a melee opponent hits it the ice golem gives the opponent the ice spirit Evo periodic freeze effect. That would be OP as hell. So that's probably what Supercell will add.
Evo 2: Ice Wizard
This thing NEEDED an Evo BAAAAAADLY.
It's trash. Like so trash. I feel bad for ice wiz players because Supercell did them dirty with this card. Which is why an Evo is appropriate for it!
Ice wiz shoots the ice spirit's Evo freezing thing. It's that simple. This would definitely make him viable, honestly. It may be lazy, but it's a cool as hell idea (pun again).
I got that ice in my veins.