ecofmaster - Revolutionist Ecof
Revolutionist Ecof

Join the revolution cuz we have a god on our side and the queen does not

785 posts




This might be the first good update in so long

So I'm just going to go through a quick rundown of what makes it good

Btw this still counts for the series


So we got lucky box rework, second Evo slot rework, the most overpowered Evo AGAIN, and a new card.

Change 1: Goblinstein

Goblinstein (I think that's what it's called?) is a new champion coming to the game. He's five elixir, and he's basically two intertwined troops. There's the monster, which is basically just a ripoff giant, and Goblinstein himself, who feels like an isolated zappy. The ability is a big lightning bolt between the two troops, And this ability is actually pretty menacing. Taking out the monster will not stop the ability from being usable, so you have to take out the scientist (btw in the book the scientist is the one named Frankenstein, not the monster). Take out the zappy boi and you're mostly fine.

Change 2: Lucky box rework

So they also reworked lucky boxes. Now lucky boxes only have three raities with each rarity being easier to rank up to and giving slightly better rewards (I think? Don't quote me on the last part). The later, more rewarding rarities are gone now tho. But we also get an extra lucky drop per day, along with like 2000 free ones.

This shit is fire. Now it's easier to get better shit but also super lucky players won't have a crazy advantage.

Change 3: Evo slot rework

So I'm kinda on the fancy e about this change. Basically they made the second Evo slot appear at challenge level (which makes sense), and I'm split. On one hand, I GOT ANOTHER SLOT BABYYYYYY but on the other hand, that could also be foreshadowing a third Evo slot...

Change 4: Evo electro dragon


So now every time e-drag hits multiple enemies the chain will keep going


Oh, of course that isn't the stupidest idea supercell, of COURSE!

Well that's all for today. Pretty sure I mentioned this in a previous post but this series ends if I hit day 100 or if Clash makes 2 consecutive good updates in a row. And now it looks like the latter might happen.

Well then

This has been interesting

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More Posts from Ecofmaster

5 months ago

Yeah I still don't know why people think being immortal would be cool. It would suck. Like, REALLY suck. Probably the worst power.

It would probably work if you had a kill switch tho, so at some point you can finally leave this mortal coil.

ecofmaster - Revolutionist Ecof
ecofmaster - Revolutionist Ecof
ecofmaster - Revolutionist Ecof
ecofmaster - Revolutionist Ecof
5 months ago

How about the deredere that the ENTIRE PAGE IS ABOUT???

Guys I made a page about Sayori in my journal because she is my hyperfixation atm

Guys I Made A Page About Sayori In My Journal Because She Is My Hyperfixation Atm
5 months ago

Making updates to Clash Royale every day until Supercell fixes their stupid game

I thought I'd do some harder evos today so

Day 36: Gimmick spell evos

So I'm taking spells with gimmicks and giving them evos. No troop spawning spells btw, those aren't "gimmicks".

And I'll do M I R R O R another day.

Evo 1: Rage

So this one is funny and complicated and dumb and I love it. It's rage MORE. Basically any raged troops STAY raged for UNTIL THEY DIE but if they kill something in the rage, they get MORE rage and the duration for the rage increases.

Evo 2: Tornado

Evo tornado is now a hurricane. It stays on the field for like a century, and it's pull is so vacuous and strong that nothing can resist it. It also has a MUCH bigger range. This shit is LITERALLY a hurricane, I was not joking.

Evo 3: Freeze

Frostbite. Best Evo idea anyone has ever had. Opposing troops not only are frozen for longer, not only do they take more damage (which isn't a lot but still) not only do they get slowed after escaping the freeze, but they ALSO have reduced damage until they die after getting hit by Evo freeze.

So yeah I just made the best Evo.

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5 months ago

Hello dear๐ŸŒน

hope that you are well

Please help us,May God bless you ๐Ÿ™

I'm Etaf from Gaza Palestine

I am a mother of five smart children.

speaking to you with a heavy heart on behalf of my family who urgently need help.

The war has destroyed everything we own.

It destroyed everything my husband and I built for these children.

Now we don't have anything, We do not have the price of rent, or education. We want you to contribute to open a project for my husband, please.

read and Share the link Private in my campaign

My campaign has been verified by Gaza Vetters In line 88 .

Also verified by gaza-evacuation-funds and determinate-negation .

You can visit my profile page and check that. ๐ŸŒฟ

donate, not hesitate to do so and rest assured that God will reward you because we are in dire need of that. And share the link on social media that would be kind of you. May Allah make you happy all your life dear Thank you. ๐Ÿ™

So now I'm getting bombarded with this shit?

Can you at least read the other post I made about this?


5 months ago

Making updates to Clash Royale every day until Supercell fixes their stupid game

First update I'm making since the actually good update by Supercell

Still worried about e drag evo tho

Day 39: Giant evos

I'm just finishing the giant evos

Evo 1: Giant

Giant now has a bit more health and an awesome gimmick (in my opinion). Every time he attacks he has a slight bit of immunity and heals. (Doesn't have to be both, I just think either could make him a better tank, which is what he mainly is). This can make the Giant a better tank, which is what is mainly is.

Why am I getting deja vu from that line...

Evo 2: Giant Skeleton

I believe Giant skeleton is a skeleton card, not a Giant card, but he technically counts as a "Giant", so I'm putting him here anyway.

The Giant skeletons bomb gets a small damage buff, along with the big boy's gimmick being centered around it. The bomb now launches troops MUCH further back, and stuns them for half a second. The bomb was the focus of the Giant skeletons anyway, so the bomb not being the center of the gimmick didn't really make sense.

Evo 3: electro giant

Okay this on will get annoying fast

The e Giant doesn't get any buffs. It's gimmick involves his electro ring (who would have guessed). The ring now shocks every time the e Giant attacks, along with Its normal attack speed. This just makes e Giant a shock machine.


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