Writing, creativity, plenty of issues. Likes Tony Stark a lot. Commonly nicknamed either Eir or Lys. You can find my fics on Ao3 as well.
396 posts
Hii! Idk If You Still Remember That Werewolf!bucky Moodboard You Did For The Tony Stark Bingo But, Do
hii! idk if you still remember that werewolf!bucky moodboard you did for the tony stark bingo but, do you still plan to write a story for it? bc im still in love with that idea but no problem if you dont! i love all your winteriron fics :)
Hi Nonny ^_^
Thank you very much for the ask! I do remember that moodboard - the only disadvantage is that there’s currently a pile of… well, quite a few WIPs and ideas and events that I’m working on. So while it’s still the idea to write a story for that one day, I’m afraid I cannot give any guarantees as to when that will be.
Have a lovely day!
reinazdogz liked this · 5 years ago
lifehatesmeandihatelife liked this · 5 years ago
More Posts from Eirlyssa
Whumptober days 17-20 - "Stay with me"; Muffled Scream; Asphyxiation; Trembling
A combination fill for @whumptober2019, since I’ve been absent for a few days. It’s a bit longer, so I’ve added a read-more line. Be careful of the triggers that start showing up after that line - there’s some fairly graphic violence, including murder, in this story. Also available on Ao3.
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It happened so suddenly that there wasn’t anything to do. One moment, it was a regular day where they were calmly wandering the streets, discussing where they should go for dinner.
The next, there was a dart sticking out of Bucky’s neck and he was fading fast.
Reacting quickly, Tony made sure he didn’t hit the ground too roughly as he fell unconscious, pressing the alert button on the side of his watch at the same time. Considering the efficiency, it wasn’t likely to get them help in time, but at least the others would know something was up and hopefully manage to get something set up.
When the men got out of the van, they were wearing masks to make sure they were unrecognizable. But Tony knew that insignia, knew he couldn’t let HYDRA get Bucky back. Not like this.
So he fought, going at them with everything he had. It became clear that they weren’t after him, not at all - if he’d let them, they’d have dragged Bucky with them and left Tony right there on the street to look after them and worry. But he didn’t let that happen, using every single technique any of the other Avengers had ever taught him to make sure he did not get separated from Bucky.
In the end, realizing they needed to get away, they cursed and threw him into the van as well, into the same cage that had been intended for just Bucky.
It was a tight fit, and it left Tony unable to fight them any more as they locked it behind them, but at least he was still with Bucky. And as long as they were together, they could figure out some way to escape, hopefully.
(And if not, well, Tony wouldn’t have been able to live with himself if he’d just let them take Bucky.)
Even though he’d been prepared for it, it still hurt when they dragged him out of the cage, prepared as they were for his resistance and too many of them around to fight. He curled into himself as they kicked at him, trying to keep them from getting at his chest and face. Silently, he suspected some of them were getting in some revenge for some of the hits he’d managed earlier.
He knew there wouldn’t be anything he could do, not if they decided to drag him away. There might only have been five of them earlier, that had to deal with getting Bucky off the street as quickly as possible and that also had to contend with Tony’s fighting, but they had a lot more time and a lot more people now.
So he was grateful when he was dragged to the same room Bucky was, though they handcuffed him to the cot in there while they put Bucky’s unconscious body on the other side, where some special (and probably super-strength resistant) cuffs had been attached to the wall.
Unfortunately, they didn’t leave them alone. Instead, there were three men standing inside the door and no doubt some reserve outside.
It could have been anywhere between a few minutes to an hour before Bucky started stirring - considering his tension, Tony honestly couldn’t tell, and it wasn’t like it was really important anyway.
The moment Bucky opened his eyes, one of the men started speaking. “Желание… Ржавый…”
“No,” he groaned, shaking his head. It was obvious he was still affected by whatever they’d used to knock him out, since he barely even managed to struggle against the chains like he obviously wanted.
“Bucky, stay with me,” Tony implored, even though he knew it probably wouldn’t help. Not if they had the trigger words. “Stay with me, please.”
As much as he didn’t think it would help, clearly HYDRA thought differently. He grunted as one of them hit him, hard, making his head smack into the cot roughly. Then, before he could even try to get Bucky’s attention again, the other shoved a gag into his mouth.
Though his words were muffled through the gag, Tony didn’t give up on trying to get Bucky’s attention, calling out his name. It seemed to be working when, rather than weakly struggling against the chains, Bucky looked at him instead, eyes pained.
Unfortunately, HYDRA seemed to notice as much as well. Before Tony could even try to avoid it, a solid boot came down on his lower leg. He couldn’t help but scream into the gag as he could feel the bones breaking.
His breathing came in gasps, made more difficult by the gag blocking his airways and his eyes and nose filling up due to the pain. He refused to cry, though, refused to give Goons One and Two the satisfaction. Instead, he clenched his teeth around the gag, trying his best to steady his breathing so he wouldn’t end up suffocating.
Bucky was trying to pull out his chains one more, except now it was to get to Tony. There was no doubt he could still hear the words the asshole was saying, but it wasn’t something he was focusing on anymore.
“Возвращение на Родину…”
It took everything Tony had not to whimper at the pain rushing through him in time with his heartbeat. Instead, stubbornly, he locked eyes with Bucky, saying everything he couldn’t through the gag in his mouth. You can do this. I’m here for you. Please stay with me. Don’t let them take you again. We can do this. I am not leaving you.
Please, Bucky… Don’t leave me, either.
“Грузовой вагон…”
Considering how warm Bucky’s eyes usually were, it was eerie to see how flat they went the moment those final words were spoken. He wasn’t completely unfamiliar - the inquisitive look was still obviously there, though less curious and more analytical. His face had gone still as well, no emotion allowed to shine through anymore.
More than his broken leg, the broken look in Bucky’s eyes made Tony want to cry, and he trembled with the effort not to. It had taken so long to get him comfortable around the Avengers, to get him to trust that HYDRA wouldn’t just be able to get a hold on him again, and here they were.
And there was nothing Tony could do except hope that there was something of Bucky left, enough that it would make HYDRA lose their hold on him enough.
“Солдат?” It was the asshole that had been saying the trigger words out loud, not happy with being ignored.
Some of Tony’s hope died when Bucky - no, the Winter Soldier - instantly replied. “Я готов отвечать.” His voice was nearly as flat as his eyes, though Tony couldn’t help but notice how those gray eyes flicked back to him briefly before focusing once again on the guy that should be able to command him now.
Tony wanted to smack the smirk off the HYDRA asshole’s face, but had to settle for a glare that could have burned him alive.
“Very good,” Asshole said, grinning as he looked straight at Tony. He was fully confident he had Bucky under control now, as evidenced by the fact that he walked straight over to undo the cuffs. Disappointingly, Bucky did not spontaneously attack him, instead standing up slowly.
His normal grace was still obvious, though much like everything else, it seemed more calculated now. There was no unnecessary movement, no casual twitches, no tapping his thumb against his fingers the way Bucky usually did when standing still (or tapping his fingers against Tony’s hand when he was holding it).
“Now…” Tony really didn’t like the look in Asshole’s eyes as he looked down at him. “Break his other leg.”
He couldn’t help his slight flinch at that, no matter how much he didn’t want to show weakness. The broken leg was painful enough on its own, but the idea of Bucky being the one to break the other one…
For a few long moments, the Winter Soldier just looked at him, assessing. Then, just as calmly, he turned to his ‘handler’. “Нет.”
It felt like everyone in the room stopped breathing at that, tension rising quickly. Never before had the Winter Soldier outright refused, not like this, and it was clear HYDRA had no idea how to deal with it.
To be fair, neither did Tony, but since no one was breaking his other leg, he was fine riding this one out from the side.
“What!?” Tony honestly could have told Asshole that getting pissed at the Winter Soldier might not be the best idea when he didn’t seem to have full control of him, but clearly that hadn’t occurred to him. And Tony himself was too busy trying to breathe through his pain to be able to do all that much. “I said, break his other leg!”
Before any of them could even react, the Winter Soldier had moved, metal hand closing around Asshole’s neck.
Goons One and Two jumped into motion, but not nearly quick enough. The Soldier grabbed the gun from the guy’s belt, shooting both of them straight through the forehead before they’d even been able to aim their own guns.
In the meantime, he was still choking Asshole, who was starting to look increasingly purple as he tried to grab at the Soldier’s metal arm. It had no effect, its strength far too much for a regular human to be able to do anything against it, and slowly his struggles grew weaker.
Tony couldn’t say he felt any regret when Asshole joined Goons One and Two on the floor. He wasn’t too sure what to do about the Winter Soldier, though, who appraised him carefully before approaching.
He tried to still his trembling as much as possible - the Soldier had said no, had refused to listen to the guy who’d just recited all of his code words, and had just taken all of them no. After being told to hurt Tony. So he tried to remind himself as much as possible that the Soldier, despite everything else, had just refused to hurt him.
The Soldier was astonishingly gentle as he took the gag out of Tony’s mouth, kneeling down so they were at almost the same height. Then, without saying a word, he looked down at the cuffs keeping Tony tied to the cot and yanked, ripping them loose from the cot without hurting Tony’s wrists.
Before he could even start to think of what to say or do, the Soldier himself spoke up, sounding far more hesitant than he had before.. “Лучик?”
He couldn’t help his blush at that. Being called a ray of sunshine by the Winter Soldier was about the last thing he’d been expecting. “What’s up, Winter Wonderland?” he asked, trying for casual. The fact that he sounded like his throat had been sandpapered probably didn’t help, but he thought he pulled it off admirably.
And when the Soldier said “я готов отвечать” again, it sounded less strained and more like he was choosing to let Tony be the one to decide.
It was the biggest show of trust Tony could’ve ever imagined, and he was determined not to let the Soldier down. Not after what he’d just done for Tony, after making his own decision and turning away from HYDRA for Tony. And when they got back to the rest of the Avengers, they were going to figure this entire thing out, Tony and Bucky and the Soldier together.
They’d figure it out.
Whumptober day 24 - Secret Injury; 25 - Humiliation; 26 - Abandoned
Another fill for @whumptober2019, and another one that’s pre-WinterIron and an amalgamation of multiple prompts. It’s also available on Ao3.
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"Never again," Clint groaned.
From around the Quinjet there were sounds of agreement, though none of them had the energy to do more than that.
Today's battle had been simply awful, and none of them had gotten out of it without at least a few bruises, if not worse. Hours upon hours of fighting meant they were also completely exhausted.
Most of them had collapsed where they'd been standing when the fight finally ended. Bucky and Natasha had held on by a single stubborn thread, but Tony had carried all of the others to the Quinjet in the armor, trying to get them as comfortable as possible before getting behind the controls and starting to fly them back somewhere they would have medical attention they could trust.
Once he had the jet in the air and set to fly under JARVIS' control for a while, Tony stared out of the window for a little while. Then, shutting his eyes briefly and taking a deep breath, he got up again.
The Quinjet might not have a large amount of medical supplies, but it did have some emergency things stocked. "J, keep track and order new supplies." He knew he didn't have the energy at the moment to make note of whatever he was using, let alone remember it to replace it later. Fortunately, that was why he had JARVIS.
Sam was the first he saw to, if only because the gash on his arm still hadn’t stopped bleeding. He honestly didn’t imagine it would without stitches, but it was at least important to staunch the flow a little. So, after rinsing it out quickly to make sure there would be as little dirt in there as possible, he smeared some disinfectant cream over there and wrapped it up. The doctors would do better later, but for now it was important to keep him from bleeding too much.
“Any other big wounds?” he asked, managing to sound far less tired than he felt.
“Nothing open,” Sam admitted. “Bruises, wrist might be sprained or broken.”
Grabbing one of the multitudes of cold packs was quickly done, and after putting it down on Sam’s wrist and seeing him relax, Tony moved on to Steve. His supersoldier healing was already at work repairing the damage, but that didn’t mean there wasn’t a lot of it.
It took some bandages and cold packs, but soon Steve relaxed at least some. Bucky had the same deal, though he did admit his leg might be broken as well. Since he honestly didn’t know enough to be sure of how to set a leg so it’d heal right, Tony just made a mental note to have it checked out by a doctor as soon as possible.
Slowly but surely, he worked his way through all of them. Most of his work involved applying cold packs to wherever things hurt the most and hoping it’d help with the pain at least a little, since he didn’t want to play with medicine when the doctors might need to give some of them something and it could possibly interact. He did at least notice some of their strain easing a little, so he had to be doing something right.
Finally, Bruce only needed a blanket - the Hulk had taken damage, but that didn’t transfer to Bruce. But he was even more exhausted than usual, not even responding when Tony gently eased him up a little to drink a meal replacement shake. It was cautious work when he wasn’t entirely conscious, and Tony almost wanted to skip it, but he knew the Hulk spent enough energy that leaving Bruce to just sleep it off might mean he’d end up in the medical wing anyway due to a dangerously low blood sugar level. At least this way, he wasn’t in immediate danger, though it was likely he could still use an infusion for the first few hours.
“Dude… How?” Clint groaned as he finally stepped away from Bruce, empty packet in his hand.
“Regular insomniac,” Tony told him with a fair attempt at a grin.
“And a suit that protects you extremely well,” Sam noted, managing to sound both complementary and a little jealous.
“Regular genius insomniac,” he allowed. He couldn’t say he was too surprised when both Clint and Sam graced him with a look only slightly better than if they’d stuck out their tongues. His huff was close enough to laughter that it made both of them glare playfully. “You’re just jealous.”
“Very,” Sam deadpanned, but since Clint hissed out a “Yesssssssss” at the same time, he didn’t take it to heart.
“I mean, our protective suits are great, but it’s gotta help when you’ve got your mechanical suit to do a lot of the fighting.”
Tony just grinned at them. He was well-aware of how easy it was to assume the suit did most of the work, especially since he usually managed to look pretty bright-eyed and bushy-tailed even after a long fight. It wasn’t always ideal, but he preferred it over having them worry about him.
Once they finally landed, he took them to medical one by one. Bruce, as expected, got an IV line and a bed to rest. He didn’t even wake up when Tony picked him up, so he was glad there were experts to look after Bruce now.
Sam got stitches for the gash in his arm and had, unfortunately, broken his wrist. Once that was taken care of, the doctors ended up setting a couple of bones for both Bucky and Steve, though their healing would have to take care of the rest. Little by little, Tony watched as his teammates were taken care of, the doctors busily working around all of them as they switched tasks smoothly.
Perhaps, for situations like these, he should see if there was any more trustworthy personnel that could work on the Avengers? They were enough after regular missions, but now even the less human members of their team needed extensive treatment.
Still, he was sure they were in good hands.
Abandoning them to the care of the doctors, Tony headed off to his workshop. Once the door closed behind him, JARVIS immediately spoke up. “Sir…”
“I know.”
Now that he didn’t have the others to worry about worrying, he didn’t bother putting in effort to keep the strain from his voice. Instead, he stumbled over to the corner he’d designed for when taking the armor off on his own was either too much or simply impossible.
“I would advise you to see a doctor, Sir,” JARVIS informed him as he went to work gently removing the armor.
“They’re busy with the others,” Tony dismissed him. “Not to mention that, even if my ribs are bruised or broken, there’s not a lot to do except take pain medication and cooling it.”
“They would be able to tell if anything was displaced, however. Not to mention there appear to be some other injuries as well that should be checked out, including but not limited to a possible fracture in your left arm and a sprained or broken right ankle.” JARVIS was matter-of-fact about it, and Tony knew he was right. He didn’t think anything was too bad, but without a scan, there was simply no way of being certain.
Still, he shook his head. “I’ll just take it easy for now. They’ve got the others to worry about. I’ll go see them later.”
It was obvious JARVIS disapproved, but rather than push it, he simply guided DUM-E to support Tony for a quick toilet visit before moving over to the couch. Then, he encouraged the ‘bot to grab some cold packs for the injured areas, as well as some bottled water. Tony was grateful for it, resolving to do something nice for his creations when he was feeling better.
One advantage of the suit was certainly that it tended to keep his bones in place, meaning he wasn’t too worried about anything starting to heal wrong. Especially in the few hours it would take for the doctors to take the best care of the others.
He dozed off a few times, but only slightly. The pain made it impossible to truly relax, and every breath hurt just enough to keep him awake despite his exhaustion.
“Sir, the doctors are done with taking care of the others,” JARVIS alerted him.
As he started to get up, he found that he simply… couldn’t. The exhaustion and pain made it so he could hardly even move his mostly uninjured right arm, let alone the rest of his body. So rather than getting up like he knew he should, he just remained where he was.
He wasn’t too sure what to say. ‘I can’t move’ was incredibly embarrassing, but he’d also sort of promised to go see the doctors once they were free. “I… think my body might be a bit done with today?” he settled for, grimacing a little at how silly that sounded. “I’m trying, but…”
Before he could get too worried, or doze off again - it was honestly a toss-up at the moment - JARVIS announced he had a visitor. “Sergeant Barnes is at the workshop door, Sir.”
Frowning in confusion, Tony couldn’t help but let out a surprised “why?”.
“From what I can gather, he appeared concerned for you upon noticing you weren’t in the medical wing with everyone else. He then asked me if you were on your floor or in the workshop, and I informed him the latter was the case.”
Part of Tony was embarrassed to be seen like this, but another part of him was honestly warmed that Bucky had actually worried about him. It was that part that won out, nodding to JARVIS for permission to let the supersoldier in.
Of course, he regretted it almost immediately when Bucky frowned with concern, sharp eyes noting the multitude of cold packs that DUM-E had kept regularly taking off and reapplying.
“How hurt are you?” was the first question he asked, moving straight past worrying and into caring.
“I was going to see the doctors after they were done with all of you,” Tony justified himself.
At that, Bucky’s eyes softened just a little. “Not blaming you - your body, your choice. Not gonna pretend I like it, but you do what you think is best. Just worried about you.” He stepped closer, giving DUM-E a pat on his claw as the ‘bot came to say hello. “Docs are done with us though - nothing left to do but wait for everything to heal now. Steve and Thor are keeping an eye on the others for now, since we’re mostly healed already.”
His face felt like it was burning up, though he wasn’t sure if it was exhaustion or embarrassment. “I… can’t move,” he admitted, and yeah, it was humiliation.
Despite the way worry sharpened his eyes, Bucky remained gentle and respectful. “Do you… I mean, are you okay with me helping you over there? Or is there anything else I can do?”
And yes, he was incredibly embarrassed. Ever since he’d been young, he’d been taught that needing help was weak, and that he should be able to do things on his own no matter what. But even though there was nothing he could do at the moment, even though his body didn’t even listen to him, Bucky did. Rather than let his concern take over, he asked Tony what he wanted, and there was no doubt in his mind that Bucky would respect his decision even if he decided to just keep sitting there.
It was that respect that enabled him to overcome his embarrassment enough to nod just a little. “I… If you could? Support me?”
He didn’t think he’d be able to handle Bucky carrying him, no matter how much that might be the wiser option for his ribs. And rather than argue, Bucky just nodded, gently helping him off the couch and supporting him as much as possible while still allowing him to stand on his own.
If he had to pinpoint it, that was the moment that started to transform his basic attraction into more.

Winter Soldier selfie. (2017)
I tried to draw a “Winter Soldier” version of the selfie Sebastian posted yesterday on Weibo but finally, it ended up as something quite different, particularly the face. ^^;;
Hi everyone! The absolutely amazing Marvel Trumps Hate auction is underway again, and I am proud and excited to say I am participating again this year! So if there’s something you’ve been wanting for me to write, this is your chance!
That being said, I am not the only one by far. There are so many amazing creators that can be found here. The WinterIron server I am a proud member of also has multiple incredible creators participating, as can be found here. If you’ve got some money to spare, this is a good purpose for it!
In case you have any questions (about the auction or about possible fills), please feel free to message me!

See Eirlyssa’s existing works here and here. Preferred contact methods: Email - eirlys.windchaser@gmail.com Tumblr - eirlyssa Preferred organizations: - Anything from the list of approved organizations Will create works that contain: Tony-central, Tony!whump, Tony Stark being loved, bottom Tony Stark, Team Iron Man, healthy relationship between main characters,, domestic Avengers, team feels, team-fic, hurt/comfort, (angst with a) happy ending, A/B/O dynamics, fluff, cuddling, bed sharing, (mutual) pining, getting back together, fake marriage/relationship, jealousy, pre-slash, presumed dead, wingfic, wrong number, identity porn, de-aged/kid-fic, 5+1s, outsider POV, various AUs (e.g. high school/college AU, soulmate AU, canon AU, sentinel/guide AU, shapeshifter AU, fairytale AU, non-powered AU, fantasy/medieval AU), crossovers (so long as it’s another fandom I’m familiar with). Will not create works that contain: Top/alpha/dom Tony, unhappy endings, smut/kinks, heavy angst, major character deaths, graphic drug abuse, gore, explicit physical or emotional abuse, terminal illnesses, permanent major character death, suicide, dark-fic, scat, watersports, sexual age play, maiming/extremely graphic torture, animal harm, graphic pedophilia, some AUs (e.g. dystopian AU, villain AU), dark/evil, CACW Team Cap. In main pairing/from main characters (I could write this done by someone other than the main character(s), e.g. in a previous relationship): non-con/rape, dub-con, consent issues, abusive relationship, infidelity, gaslighting, underage, adult-child relationships, statutory rape, incest, breakups/divorce.
– Digital work (graphic/edit, gifset, manip, mood board, etc.) –
Auction ID: 069 Will create works for the following relationships: James “Bucky” Barnes/Tony Stark - MCU, AvAc Loki/Tony Stark - MCU James “Rhodey” Rhodes & Tony Stark - MCU, AvAc Steve Rogers/Tony Stark - MCU, AvAc Natasha Romanov & Tony Stark - MCU Tony Stark/Stephen Strange - MCU T'Challa/Tony Stark - MCU Tony Stark/Thor - MCU Tony Stark & Jan van Dyne - AvAc Work Description: A moodboard for a story of your choice, though if it’s not your own story, permission from the author is required. Should be able to finish December 2019 at the latest (though earlier dates can be discussed). It might hint at intimate situations/violence, but I will not go too graphic (e.g. visuals of intimate parts/graphic torture). Please let me know if you are uncertain whether I would be able to fill your request. Ratings: G, Teen, Mature CLICK HERE TO BID ON THIS WORK
– Fic or other writing –
Auction ID: 070 Will create works for the following relationships: James “Bucky” Barnes/Tony Stark - MCU, AvAc Loki/Tony Stark - MCU James “Rhodey” Rhodes & Tony Stark - MCU, AvAc Steve Rogers/Tony Stark - MCU, AvAc Natasha Romanov & Tony Stark - MCU Tony Stark/Stephen Strange - MCU T'Challa/Tony Stark - MCU Tony Stark/Thor - MCU Tony Stark & Jan van Dyne - AvAc Work Description: Minimum of 2500 words (might end up being more if particularly inspired, but you don’t pay for more than 2500), should be able to finish February 2020 at the latest (though earlier dates can be discussed). The mature rating is only for the possibility of violence/cursing, since I am not great at writing smut. Please let me know if you are uncertain whether I would be able to fill your request. Ratings: G, Teen, Mature CLICK HERE TO BID ON THIS WORK
– Fic or other writing –
Auction ID: 071 Will create works for the following relationships: James “Bucky” Barnes/Tony Stark - MCU, AvAc Loki/Tony Stark - MCU James “Rhodey” Rhodes & Tony Stark - MCU, AvAc Steve Rogers/Tony Stark - MCU, AvAc Natasha Romanov & Tony Stark - MCU Tony Stark/Stephen Strange - MCU T'Challa/Tony Stark - MCU Tony Stark/Thor - MCU Tony Stark & Jan van Dyne - AvAc Work Description: Minimum of 5000 words (might end up being more if particularly inspired, but you don’t pay for more than 5000), should be able to finish February 2020 at the latest (though earlier dates can be discussed). The mature rating is only for the possibility of violence/cursing, since I am not great at writing smut. Please let me know if you are uncertain whether I would be able to fill your request. Ratings: G, Teen, Mature CLICK HERE TO BID ON THIS WORK The auction runs from October 19 (11:59 PM ET) to October 26 (11:59 PM ET). Visit marveltrumpshate.com during Auction Week to view all of our auctions and to place your bids!
Whumptober day 16 - Pinned Down
My sixteenth fill for @whumptober2019, also available on Ao3.
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“Should we surrender?”
Steve’s jaw clenched with stubbornness. “We are not surrendering,” he insisted. “They will not beat us. Not like this.”
“We have nowhere to go, Steve,” Clint insisted. “This isn’t a fight we should’ve started, and you know it. We’re out of ammo, and nowhere close to get any. We’re lucky we’ve got cover now, but…”
“The moment we leave it, we’re done for,” Sam agreed, though he sounded no happier about it.
They watched as Steve clenched his fists, trying to think of a way, any way, they could still win this. It didn’t look good, though.
“As much as I dislike agreeing with them, I must admit it seems we are at a disadvantage here,” Thor gravely told them. His hammer was mere feet away, but it might as well be an entire world for all that it would be of no use to them. “It would, perhaps, be best to admit defeat and submit to the tender mercy of our enemies.”
“Tender mercy?” As much as he agreed they wouldn’t be winning this fight, Clint had no illusions. There would be no mercy, not for them.
But despite everything, Steve retained his determination. “Clint’s right. There will be no such thing. And wouldn’t it be better to go down fighting, to be defeated honorably rather than to take the cowardly way out?”
It seemed to spur Thor on at least, but both Clint and Sam looked at him dubiously.
“Yeah, you wanna go down with honor, you go for it,” Sam told him dryly, “but I’m not taking any more hits because you don’t know when to quit.”
“Same,” Clint agreed instantly. When Steve looked at the both of them, betrayed, he glared at the supersoldier. “We don’t have your super healing factor, or your super stubbornness. What we have is common sense, and while I’ll freely admit we should’ve used that a bit sooner so we wouldn’t have ended up like this, at this point surrendering is about the only way I can see of getting out of this without ending up dead or worse.”
“You think they’ll be kind?” Steve asked dubiously.
“I’m mostly hoping they’ll be happy enough to have won that the consequences won’t be too bad,” Clint shrugged.
“So you won’t stand with me? Try one more time, one more push, and see if it can make the difference?” It was clear that Steve wasn’t going to surrender - it went against everything that he was to stop going before he’d given everything he had.
Both Clint and Sam shook their heads. “Sorry, Steve. This is the only way.”
“Thor? Are you with me?” Steve asked, back straight and eyes intent.
“One final stand,” Thor agreed, nodding. He held out a fist, which Steve touched with his own. “Together.”
With horrified awe, Clint and Sam watched as they both jumped out behind the sides of the couch with a loud war cry that was abruptly cut off by two pillows hitting the two of them straight in the faces, hard enough they both stumbled backwards a bit. It left them unstable enough that the next pillows took them down instantly, their war cry now transformed into a cry of pain.
Before they could be struck again, they both rolled back behind the couch, curling up to make sure any other shots wouldn’t hit any vital parts.
“Ready to surrender now?” Sam asked the both of them dryly, arms crossed and eyebrow raised. With two superhumans and a guy known for his impeccable aim, he’d thought he’d picked the right side in this fight.
As it turned out, he’d severely underestimated how much damage a team-up of Bucky, Natasha and Tony could do.
“We’ll surrender,” Steve finally conceded, gingerly feeling his reddened nose.
Definitely the wrong side.