Independent Kakyoin Noriaki from JoJo's Bizarre Adventure. Select the third arrow on the right for navigation!
955 posts
Amaryllis : What Is Something Or Someone That Your Muse Takes Pride In ?how Do They Express That Pride?
• amaryllis : what is something or someone that your muse takes pride in ?how do they express that pride ?
• chamomile : what is your muse likely to take away from a painful experience ?are they one to be haunted by adversity , or to use what they’ve gone through to become stronger ?
• fern : does your muse believe in magic or cosmic forces , or are they more likely to think their life is ultimately a matter of their own control ?
Amaryllis. Noriaki is very conscious of his outward appearance and how he's perceived, opting to maintain a tidy look and polite manners at all times in the public eye. Much of the way he interacts with the world around him is affected by this. However, it isn't all just an act. He truly is proud of his looks, and has cultivated a balance between what's socially acceptable or expected and what he prefers. I imagine that as he gets older and has more social attachments than the superficial, he'll dress more to his liking.
Chamomile. While he isn't very experienced with grief, he is a lot more familiar with many of anguish's other forms. He tends to redirect his feelings into more useful endeavors, both as an unconscious defense mechanism and as an intentional push for efficiency. It's rare that painful experiences can actually keep him down.
Fern. This is an especially interesting question with regards to this character, so I do want to start by saying thank you for sending this one in. Now. I think before meeting Jotaro and the rest of the group, he gave very little thought towards things like this. As a matter of principle, he uses logic to keep himself grounded, and tends to rationalize things according to what he perceives as scientific sense. If something isn't adding up, his first instinct is to assume he missed something, and not to jump to supernatural explanations. However, his proximity to the Joestars has definitely opened his eyes a little to the concept of fate. It must, as it very strongly governs them and everyone who entwines themselves with them. It's undeniable when you look at their history... and, well, how many people do you know who have survived multiple plane crashes? He simply never would have been able to say that he himself had if he hadn't crossed paths with these people.
stardstschlar liked this · 6 months ago
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@grctia replied to your post “How much of a sinner is Noriaki? ❝. . . ?❞”:
Mai vc: Well....Looks like I've been outdone.
❝With all due respect, I think the crown fits you better.❞
Noriaki telling some morbid facts to jotaro while they eat (please)

stardust crusaders dinner table shenanigans will always be my favorite
“But it didn’t break me. Nothing can break me unless I let it.”
— Rainbow Rowell, Fangirl (via theliteraryjournals)

Meme redraw!