empressofthesunwriter - Writing FanFics By Moonlight, Winning Followers By Daylight.
Writing FanFics By Moonlight, Winning Followers By Daylight.

SHE/HER! !MINORS DON'T INTERACT! Hi, and welcome to one of my many fanfiction sites.English isn't my first language, but it doesn't stop me from creating new stories!I'm in a lot of fandoms.I love OCs and Reader-Inserts.I'm sure you will find something to your liking. :DSo please show a poor author some love and leave a review! Even an emoticon makes me happy :DI'm also on:-Wattpad-Fanfiction.net-Quotev-Ao3-Tumblr-DeviantArt-TikTok-Ko-FiIt's always EmpressOfTheSun Or Empress_Of_The_Sun_Writer ^^I'm now also a Streamer/Let's Player!You can find me as: PixelettaGames!

266 posts

Hii! Thank You So Much For Your Hiccup Stories. Your Ideas Are So Unique & Lovely To Read! It's So Nice

hii! thank you so much for your hiccup stories. Your ideas are so unique & lovely to read! It's so nice to see someone else doesn't quite fall for the hiccstrid trope, I mean they work, but do they really? Lol I have so many thoughts they might erupt into a fanfic. Been taking a long break but maybeeee....👀🤣 heeh I'd love to see your take on Hiccup falling for someone else tho. Thank you again for your writings💙 let me know if you need to brainstorm ideas for anything httyd! My head is full of them rn. OH and I haven't watched 3 yet (so I might not be amaaaazing help) but I've watched httyd, rtte & httyd2!

Thank you for your kind words ^^

Well, Leandra was my OC for Hiccup but she clearly showed me that she was done with him.

Everyone who says OCs don't have their own will is lying XD

So I don't think I will write a new love interest for Hic ^^u

I'm currently on Hiatus, lost my passion for writing, I did try to come back with a new story, but it seems like no one likes my well thought stories and only stupid ideas I had at 3 a.m. *side eyes Iseakai'd as Chloe hard*

So it's nice to see that a few people like the story I worked hard for, like you with To Belong ^^

Maybe I will re-post Together, we map the world, an AU of To Belong if Hiccup left with Leandra Berk. There is where they both would become canon ^^

We will see :)

Have a nice day :D

  • jindongdongie
    jindongdongie liked this · 10 months ago

More Posts from Empressofthesunwriter

9 months ago

Yin and Yang: Book 1.09

Yin And Yang: Book 1.09

Balance is a key aspect in the world, so why shouldn’t the Avatar have an opposite?

In a world where Raava and Vaatu merge with humans, the Avatar and the Daimon try to keep the peace between the four nations.

Aang and Hua are the current incarnations, but wake up 100 years in the future.

How will these two learn all four elements in one year and defeat the Fire Lord?

Yin And Yang: Book 1.09

Hello guys, sorry for the long wait. 

This chapter is probably not my best, but I don’t know anymore what to write, so there.

Also, I want to inform you, that if this fanfic doesn’t get any comments I will abandon it.

Would not be the first one I do so.

I see you reading it, I just want some feedback.

I know it’s probably a bit boring because Hua is just added in the episode but I can promise you we will have a big canon divergent soon.

I’m just saying wait till The Blue Spirit then things will change. :D

So please be patient, comment, motivate me and we can arrive at this point in the story.

Now have fun with the chapter.

Book 1.09: The Two Scrolls





Long ago, the four nations lived together in harmony. 

Then, everything changed when the Fire Nation attacked. 

Only the Avatar and Daimon, masters of all four elements, could stop them, but when the world needed them most, they vanished. 

A hundred years passed, and my brother and I discovered the new Avatar and Daimon, an airbender named Aang and an earthbender named Hua. 

And although his airbending and her earthbending skills are great they have a lot to learn before they’re ready to save anyone. 

But I believe Aang and Hua can save the world.


The day for our young heroes started with two panic attacks from the Avatar and Daimon.

Aang was pacing around on Appa's saddle, breathing heavily, while Hua had wrapped her arms around her knees and was swinging back and forth.

You could hear her mumbling something about the world being so doomed.

Katara looked worried at her young friends as Sokka called out from his place on Appa's head: “Would you sit down, Aang? If we hit a bump, you'll go flying off. What's bugging you two anyway? Hua looks like she is ready to fall over.”

“It's what Avatar Roku and Daimon Lixue said.”, answered Aang worried.” We are supposed to master all four elements before that comet arrives.”

Jokingly Sokka told them that they only needed 112 years to learn air- and earthbending, he was sure they would master the other ones by next summer.

This was when Hua stopped her manic back and forth swinging to glare at Sokka: “I don’t know if you noticed, I’m not exactly a master earthbender. What I can do I learned while helping construct buildings in the Lower Rings of Ba Sing Se, from Bumi and inventing moves I copied from other bending. I still need a master for earthbending too.”

“You never told us this.”, said Katara softly. 

She saw in Hua's twisted face how she disliked talking about it.

“That my family was poor. Poorer than poor? Yeah, I don’t like to think about that.”, grumbled Hua.

The Daimon looked at her knees to not see the pitiful glances of the others. They could never understand how it was to grow up never being full, wearing clothes which didn’t fit and working the whole day to help bring money home.

If she had looked at her friends she would have seen that they didn’t look at pity at her. They looked sad for her, that she had such a hard start in life.

No wonder she didn’t like to talk about it.

“Hua at least started learning airbending with me.”, tried Aang to change the subject. It was the least he could do. “But we haven’t started waterbending and we're still weeks away from the North Pole. What are we gonna do?”

“Die.”, proclaimed Hua drier than the dessert.

“You know, not even I feel optimistic enough to talk back.”, admitted Aang.

He sat down beside Hua and together they swayed back and forth.

Not that Sokka didn’t understand that these two had a huge responsibility, however, reducing themselves like this was not the way.

So he called out to his sister, in hopes she could cheer them up. 

This was Katara's thing, not his.

“Calm down, it's going to be okay, Hua and Aang.”, told Katara. She kneeled before them, taking a hand each. “If you want, I can try to teach you some of the stuff I know.”

“You'd do that?”, chorused the Avatar and Daimon with hope in their voices.

Their friend agreed and told them they needed to find a good source of water for practice.

Always the jokester Sokka said they could probably find a puddle for them to splash.

The puddle turned out to be a huge waterfall with a river.

The girls and Aang made ecstatic faces, as Sokka frowned and murmured: “Nice puddle.”

How the universe loved to prove him wrong!

Appa flies down into the river and creates a huge splash that soaks and almost knocks Momo off the rock he is standing on, turns over, and floats on his back. Jaiyi, who had hidden behind Hua, made a fox laugh at her lemur friend. Momo was just cooing embarrassed.

Aang wanted to take a bad with Appa too, but was reminded by Katara and Hua why they were here.

It was time to practice waterbending.

Sheepish he dressed himself.

Meanwhile, Sokka wonders what he should do, while they practice and Aang tells him he could clean the dirt from Appa's toes.

Strangely Sokka agreed.

Maybe he was that utterly bored.

Whatever, like good students, Aang and Hua sat down beside the shore and looked up at their teacher Katara as she explained their first lesson.

”This is a pretty basic move, but it still took me months to perfect. So don't get frustrated if you don't get it right away.”, reassured Katara, while the younger ones nodded. She moves her hands back and forth and makes small waves in the water.“Just push and pull the water like this. The key is getting the wrist movement right.”

Hua and Aang stand up and copy what Katara is doing.

“Like this?”, asks Aang.

“That's almost right. If you keep practicing I'm sure eventually—”

Katara can’t finish even her sentences as Aang calls out that he is doing it. 

His waves were even bigger than Katara’s!

“I got it too!”, chirps Hua happy. Her waves were higher than Katara’s, but tinier than Aangs. “This feels a bit better than airbending.”

“Wow, I can't believe you two got that so quickly. It took me two months to learn that move.”, tells Katara surprised.

It’s…a bit weird to see both Aang and Hua having success on a move she worked so long on.

“Well, you had to figure it all on your own.”, begins Aang.

“We are lucky enough to have a great teacher.”, ends Hua with a smile.

Touched Katara thanks them.

“What now Sifu Katara?”, questioned Hua her best friend, as Aang nodded along.

Aww, this made Katara feel all fluffy inside being called Sifu. She hardly was a master but Hua and Aang saw her as one.

Precious darlings!

“This is a more difficult move. I call it streaming the water.” She moves her hands and raises a stream of water from the river into the air and moves it around. “It's harder than it looks, so don't be disappointed if-”

The waterbender stops talking as she sees how flawlessly and fast Aang executed this move, even Hua was faster and more elegant than her. Both children let the water flow back into the river, while Katara's orb splashed down the ground.

She felt…annoyance rise in her.

How could Hua and Aang get this so fast?!

“Nice work.”, she praises them and then frowns at Aang. “Though the over-the-head flare was unnecessary.”

Aang says sorry but begs for more move, Hua is right along with him giving Katara the best puppy-seal eyes.

A bit unsure she shows them the move she was still working on. The idea was to create a powerful wave. Sadly Katara fails.

Curious Aang and Hua copy her, a big wave and a medium-sized wave, form, mesh together and race down the river. 

Poor Sokka falls victim to it.

Excited Avatar and Daimon ask for more moves, but Katara annoyed about their success tells them practice is over.

Sokka agreed since their merged wave managed to make their bags with supplies float down the river.

Both kids say sorry, they didn’t mean to, but Aang was sure they could find somewhere to replace their supplies.

Defeated Sokka murmurs how his life was hard enough when they were just airbender and earthbender and sank down the river.


Luck was on their side.

They found a little harbour with market stands not that far away from their camp.

The only problem was the folks who wandered around.

A lot of armed men staring at the quartet. 

Hua, Sokka and Katara looked nervous while Aang looked around in wonder.

The Daimon was glad that she left Jaiyi with Appa. She had a feeling these friendly people would do anything to get the pelt of a ninetails.

Currently, they were waiting for Sokka to return with their supplies.

He comes out of the shop and signs: “We've got exactly three copper pieces left from the money that King Bumi gave us. Let's spend it wisely.”

Sadly this advice came too late since Aang bought a bison whistle, which even didn’t work.

All gave him annoyed looks and Katara told Aang she would hold into the money now.

Our quartet started walking again and passed where a man was talking in front of his boat docked in the water.

“Earth Nation! Fire Nation! Water Nation! So long as bargains are your inclination, you're welcome here! Don't be shy, come on by!”, advertise he for his shop aka. boat. The man wearing an earring zero in on them and runs up to them. “Oh! You there, I can see from your clothing that you're the world-travelling type. Perhaps I can interest you in some exotic curios?”

“Sure! What are curios?”, ask Aang innocent.

The earring guy blinks confused.

“I'm not entirely sure. But we got 'em!”

He puts his hand on Aang's shoulder and smiles, walking him into the ship. The others follow them.

Inside the ship they spread out, to look around.

Hua was looking at some pretty hair ornaments, only listing with half an ear how someone wants to buy Momo, when she wanders over a shelf.

There already was Katara browsing it as she let out a gasp: “Hua look!”

“Is this a waterbending scroll and firebending scroll?!”, said Hua surprised.

Neither expected to find something like this here.

Katara picks up the water scroll, while Hua the fire scroll.

“Look at this, Aang. It's a waterbending and firebending scroll!”, calls Katara for the Avatar, who joins the girls. “Check out these crazy moves.”

Aang turns to the captain, excited, wondering where he got these two scrolls.

The captain takes the scrolls from the girls, putting them back in their places and tells them he found the water one up north and the fire one, and gave them a nice firebender.

For free.

That’s when Sokka realizes: “Wait a minute ... Sea-loving traders, with suspiciously acquired merchandise and pet reptile birds? You guys are pirates!”

“We prefer to think of ourselves as "high-risk traders."”, tells him earring pirate, friendly an arm around Sokka's terrified form.

Meanwhile, the other three wander over to the counter, where the captain stands behind.

“So, how much for the, uh, traded scroll?”, asks Katara.

“I've already got a buyer, a nobleman in the Earth Kingdom. Unless of course, you kids have four hundred gold pieces on you right now.”

Oh by the spirits no, they would never get the scrolls like this.

So Hua did something she hadn’t done in a long time.

Casual she walked over to the shelf and faster than lighting put the scrolls in her bag.

That’s when Katara walks over and looks stupefied at the missing scrolls on the shelf.

She looks at Hua as her friend nods and pats her bag. Katara smiles, giving her a thumbs-up and calls for Aang to leave the pirate ship.

The boys follow the girls out back into the street, wondering why all of a sudden they wanted to leave the ship.

Neither Hua nor Katara gives them a clear answer about just how they felt weird on the ship.

They were still too close to tell the boys what they did.

Luck again wasn’t on their side, because the pirates noticed the theft and chased them all over the harbour.

The bender used their elements to slow them down, but in the end, they fled all together on Aang's glider.

It was a wonder how this was possible.

Soon they reached their campsite.

They were now safe.

“I used to kind of look up to pirates, but those guys are terrible.”, said Aang putting his glider away.

“Yeah, that’s why we did this!”

Excited Hua and Katara show the scrolls to the boys.

“No way!”

“Aren’t they great?”, asks Katara rhetoric.

“No wonder they were trying to hack us up! You stole their waterbending and firebending scroll!”, scolds Sokka.

“Actually it was me!”, admins Hua. “Not the first time I stole something.”

“What really?!”

“Sokka, if you grow up so poor as I am then sometimes you have to steal to get food for your little brother.”

“Also if Hua hadn’t grabbed them, I would have done it.”, tells Katara. “I prefer to think of it as high-risk trading.”

Aang laughs: “Good one, Katara.”

Seeing how Sokka still wasn’t happy with them Katara asked him where he thought the pirates got the scrolls from.

They probably stole it from a waterbender master and a firebender one.

“It doesn't matter.”, makes Sokka clear. “Hua, and you put all of our lives in danger just so you could learn some stupid, fancy splashes and some fiery, sparkly flames.”

“These are real waterbending and firebending forms. You know how crucial it is for Aang and Hua to learn waterbending! Also, Hua needs to learn firebending like yesterday, where else should we find help for her to do it?!”, challenges him Katara.

The oldest boy just waves it away with a whatever turning his back on them.

“Well, what's done is done. We have them, we might as well learn from them.”, told Aang.

The three benders decide how Hua should have a go first with her firebending scroll.

Katara holds it open for her, as she examines the forms.

“Okay, the first one.”, the Daimon mumbles. “A simple Fire Punch. Seems good enough.”

Nervous Hua faces the water, while all her friends look equally nervous on.

Would she bend fire and get it out of control?

Or would she master it?

With a deep breath, Hua goes through the steps and then…flame shoots out of her fist!

All exclaim in surprise.

“I did it!”, shouts Hua happy. “I firebenden!”

“How does it feel?”, asks Katara.

“Good, better, like how it’s supposed to. Oh let me try the next form.”

The next hour or so they watch how Hua performs the firebending forms flawlessly and with elegance.

Aang was reminded of when Kuzon would bend for them and Katara and Sokka saw for the first time how fire can be pretty.

Hua herself feels at complete ease.

It was how it should have been, first learn fire then the next elements in her Daimon Cyle.

She has a feeling she will now learn air and water better.

After Hua finished her set again, Katara called out for a break.

She sees how her best friend was breathing heavily and was sweaty. So she gives her one of their water bags and Hua gulps it down.

They decided now it was Aang and Katara's turn to use the waterbender scroll.

It works…not well.

Katara was so determined to get the water whip down, that she shouted at Aang as he tried to help her.

Seeing how she hurt the feelings of her friend, she apologises and gives him the scroll.

She doesn’t want to do anything with it more if it turns her into this jealous bitch.

In comfort, Hua pats the back of her best friend.

The Daimon can understand her feelings well. If Aang starts one day to learn earthbending and he is better than her, she would be angry too.

What was done was done, for today's practice was over.

They all needed to calm down.


Hua was currently dreaming about eating the biggest mochi of her life when she was rudely woke up.

“Huh, guys what's wrong?”, she yawned, then frowned.

Where was Katara?

“She took the scroll!”, answered Sokka her unspoken question. “She's obsessed with that thing. It's just a matter of time before she gets us all in deep-”

More he can’t say as a pirate throws a rope around his arms and drags him forward. He rolls away and charges at the pirate while another two pirates capture Aang and Hua in a net each and drag them away.

Offended Sokka asks if he is not good enough to be kidnapped and gets as a reward kidnapped.

A while later, Aang, Hua and Sokka, bond by their wrists, and stand with the pirate on one side of the shore, while Prince Zuko and his man are on the other. Katara was bonded on a tree.

Prince Zuko praises the pirates, while Katara says sorry to Aang and Hua. 

All was her fault.

The Avatar and Daimon try to reassure her that it is okay, but Zuko's uncle just says to Katara that it was indeed her fault.

Now the pirates and Prince Zuko argue about who should hand over their bargain chip first.

This uses Sokka to his advance, telling the pirates how Aang and Hua were the Avatar and Daimon and how the Fire Lord would pay them more gold, than the two scrolls together.

The deal was off and fighting started.

Prince Zuko and two of his soldiers send a blast of fire at the pirates. 

The pirates jump back and Earring Pirate runs out, throwing smoke bombs and jumping into the cloud as the fight ensues. Some of the soldiers run out to Hua, Sokka and Aang, who are struggling with their ropes, but are stopped by several pirates, who also throw smoke bombs down. 

“Okay, let’s try this!”, Hua mumbles to herself.

She concretes and burns her robes off.

“Nice! Sokka, Aang, where are you?!”

“I’m here Hua!”, she hears Aang from somewhere on the left.

“I don’t know where I am.”, comes from Sokka, somewhere on the right.

“Let’s just get out!”, advises Hua.

After a few seconds, she was out of the smoke, followed by Sokka and then Aang.

They run the shoreline down and find Katara who was trying to push the pirate ship into the water.

The three join her in trying to push the boat, but can't.

“We'd need a team of rhinos to budge this ship.”, bemoans Sokka their fate.

“A team of rhinos, or three waterbenders.”, corrected him Aang.

Katara looks touched at the Avatar, while Hua gets in position.

“Let’s do it guys, push and pull!”

Hua, Aang and Katara push and pull the water until the boat rises up.

They board the ship and sail through the river.

The Avatar sees how the pirates are following them in Zuko's ship and begs Sokka to go faster.

He admits he doesn’t know how, since the boat isn’t Watertribe.

Several of the pirates jump onto the ship but are quickly swept away by Aang's waterbending. 

Two pirates go after Hua but she spins herself around and sends a fire whip after them. This shocks the pirates so much that they fall over the ship.

Determined, Katara performs a perfect water whip to throw the last pirate off.

Aang and Hua congratulated her on her water whip, and Katara admits she wouldn’t have got it down without Aang's help.

Sokka meanwhile was being held in place by two pirates and begs them to stop congratulating each other and help him.

This time Hua water whips at the Pirates, who let go of Sokka, and one goes even overboard.

Earring Pirate turn to Aang who whistles in his Bison whistle.

The pirate was more than confused, but this gave Sokka the chance to throw him off the ship.

Then Katara calls out to them.

They are nearing a waterfall!

Thankful the watertribe girl has an idea and together with Aang and Hua they push and pull the water again, creating a vortex which stops the ship.

Their triumph was short-lived since the enemy boat rammed them and all four fell off the ship and down the waterfall.

However, they are lucky as Appa, with Jaiyi and Momo, appears and catches them on his saddle.

Fast they flew away.


Safe and sound Team Avatar-Daimon flies throw the clouds.

What a day they had and it just started!

“Aang, I still owe you an apology.”, begins Katara. “You were just so good at waterbending without really trying. I got so competitive that I put us all in danger, I'm sorry.”

“That's okay Katara.”

“Besides, who needs that stupid scroll anyway?”

“Is that really how you feel?”, asked Sokka sarcastically holding the water scroll up.

“The scroll!”

Her brother puts his hand in front to keep Katara from grabbing it.

“First, what did you learn? Hua, you listen too, alright.”

“Stealing is wrong.”, chorus the girls together.

Katara takes the scroll back and adds cheeky: “Unless it's from pirates.”

This makes Aang and Hua laugh.

“Good one, Katara.”



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9 months ago

Yin and Yang: Book 1.13

Yin And Yang: Book 1.13

Balance is a key aspect in the world, so why shouldn’t the Avatar have an opposite?

In a world where Raava and Vaatu merge with humans, the Avatar and the Daimon try to keep the peace between the four nations.

Aang and Hua are the current incarnations, but wake up 100 years in the future.

How will these two learn all four elements in one year and defeat the Fire Lord?

Yin And Yang: Book 1.13

Book 1.13: The Blue Spirit





Long ago, the four nations lived together in harmony. 

Then, everything changed when the Fire Nation attacked. 

Only the Avatar and Daimon, masters of all four elements, could stop them, but when the world needed them most, they vanished. 

A hundred years passed, and my brother and I discovered the new Avatar and Daimon, an airbender named Aang and an earthbender named Hua. 

And although his airbending and her earthbending skills are great they have a lot to learn before they’re ready to save anyone. 

But I believe Aang and Hua can save the world.


A pot with vegetable soup was sitting on the fire pit Hua made.

The Daimon stirred the soup and tasted it.

“Mmh, a bit more salt.”, she mumbled to herself.

She added the spice, as Katara called out to her: “How is the soup going, Hua?”

“Nearly done, Katara, how is our patient?”

Together they looked at poor sick Sokka. He was lying against Appa, coughing and sweaty, huddled in his sleeping bag. 

Thank the spirits they had found this old ruin to make camp or Sokka would suffer more.

At least here they were safe from the weather and it was cosy warm.

Katara pressed a wet rag onto Sokka's forehead.

“This should bring your fever down.”, she cooed at her brother.

Hua put the soup in a bowl and joined them.

“Here Sokka, something to eat. It will help you too.”

But the older boy was so delirious from his fever that he just said: “You know what I love about Appa the most? His sense of humour.”

“That's nice. I'll tell him.”, said Katara a bit amused.

Appa growls.

Sokka laughs. “Classic Appa.”

“Come Sokka, eat a bit of the soup.”, pleaded Hua and raised the spoon towards his mouth. “It will help.”

“I want meat soupy.”, he whined like a child.

The Daimon signed so Katara shovelled the soup down her brother's throat. 

At least he eats it like that.

That’s when Aang returns from his little scavenger trip.

“How's Sokka doing?”

“Not so good.”, tells Hua with crossed arms.

“Being out in that storm really did a number on him.”, adds Katara, shovelling the last bit of soup down his throat.

The sick Sokka gulps down his soup but starts sniffing pitifully.

“I couldn't find any ginger root for the tea, but I found a map.”, explained Aang, putting said map on the floor. “There's an herbalist institute on top of that mountain. We could probably find a cure for Sokka there.”

“Aang, he's in no condition for travel. Sokka just needs more rest. I'm sure he'll be better by tomorrow.”, says Katara, however suddenly she starts coughing too.

This alarms Hua and Aang.

“Not you, too!”, they shout together.

“Relax, it was just a little cough. I'm fi-”

She coughs again, this time with greater force, and lightly groans after.

“It’s like how Sokka started yesterday.”, reminds Hua. “Now look at him, he thinks he is an earthbender like me.”

“Take that, you rock!”

“See?!”, waves Hua to Sokka as flails his arms as if he is hitting something.

“A few more hours and you'll be talking nonsense, too. I'm going to go find some medicine.”, decides Aang. He grabs his glider and begins to head out just as a flash of lightning strikes. “Uh, maybe it's safer if I go on foot.”

The black-haired girl steps towards him and holds him by the shoulder.

“Wait a second Aang.”


Hua gives him a big hug, which makes both blush, as she whispers in his ear: “I take care of Sokka and Katara, you be careful. You will be all alone, the last we need is you getting captured by Prince Zuko or somebody else.”

Aang hugs her back, nodding.

“I promise.”

They let go of each other and with a last smile, Aang runs out of the ruin.

The girl signs, wondering why her stomach feels all flattery before she turns to the water tribe siblings.

“Don’t worry guys, I will take care of you.”, she promises.

From her friends came only pitiful groans.

A sweatdrop runs down Hua's forehead.

Well, better start caring for them.

So Hua helps Katara into her sleeping back and feeds her then with the soup.

Then she rotatory wipes away the sweat on her friends faces and entertains Sokka's hallucinations.

This goes on for a while, with wiping their face and giving them food and entertaining them, till Hua notes they are out of water.

“So thirsty.”, croaks Sokka.

“I know Sokka.”, coos Hua at him. “I will take a quick trip to the river and fill our water skins, okay?”

“Be careful”, coughs Katara, even sick she still worries for her.

“I promise, maybe Aang will be back then. He is taking his sweet time.”, grumbles Hua a bit.

She really hoped he was just taking his time and not something terrible happened to him.

With a sign, she slugs the water skins to herself, gets out of the ruin and earthbends an avalanche under her with it she surfes down to the river.

As she reaches the river and starts to fill the first water skin, she feels eyes on her.

Fast she twirles around and creates a whole of ice between her and the unknown danger.

“An arrow?”, she mumbles stupified.

More arrows struck the wall before two more landed in the same spot and sliced the arrows that came before it. 

The ice cracks and another set of arrows pin the green sleeves of her kimono top to a fallen tree in the water.

Before she can react a net is launched at her.

Scary Hua looks into the face of the archer who captures her.

Who are this?

And what are they gonna do to her?


As it turns out they cart her into a Fire Nation fortress and lock her up in a cell.

Hua was bound at her legs and arms with chains, barely able to move. 

Angrily she struggles against the chains.

Oh, whoever did this to her will pay?!

Her cell door opens and Commander Zhao enters with a smug look on his stupid face.

She growls at him.

“Feisty aren’t we?”, he musses and stands before her. “So this is the great Daimon. One of the two masters of all the elements. I don't know how you've managed to elude the Fire Nation for a hundred years, but your little game of hide and seek is over.”

“I will show you who is feisty!”, she growls back. “Untie me and I will make you pay for implying that I hide from cowards like you!”

“Uhh, no. Tell me, how is it to find yourself in a world where all your loved ones are dead?”

Anraged Hua shows him her teeth. How she wants to bite this asshole!

“Don't worry, you won't be killed. See, if you die you will just be reborn and the Fire Nation would have to start searching all over again. Even if you would be reborn in the Fire Nation. We simply don’t have time for this. So I'll keep you alive, but just barely.”

The arrogant asshole turns his back on her to step out of the cell, as Hua takes a deep breath and spits a fire stream after him.

Sadly he can bend it away.

“Nice little trick, who taught you this?”

“I learned it myself!”

Strangely Zhao laughs and the next words make Hua shiver all over. “You are indeed a feist one, the Avatar just attacked me with an airblast, but you…you were going for the kill.”

“Avatar…”, she repeats shocked. “You have Aang?!”

“We caught him before you. Sadly you won’t be seeing him, who knows what you two would do together.”

With a last arrogant smirk Zhao leaves, leaving a panicked Hua behind.

Oh no.

Oh no!


This was so bad you needed a new word for bad!

The Fire Nation had both of them.

Oh spirits!

Angry tears fall from Hua’s green eyes as she tries to free herself.

She needs to get out and find Aang!

How long she tries to free herself she can’t tell, only how out of nowhere she hears battle sounds.

Surprised she looks up and that’s when Aang steps into the room!



He runs up to her and hugs her the best he can.

“Did they hurt you?”, he asked worried, taking her face in his hands.

“No, No. Did you get hurt?”, she asked back, looking him up and down.

“No, I’m fine too.”

Both signs relieved, then Aang steps away, Hua misses his hands on her face, and a tall man in all black with a blue spirit mask steps towards her.

“Aang, who is this?!”, she asked scared.

“A friend. He released me.”, he explains. “He will do the same for you. Don’t get scared of his swords.”

Hua does haven’t the time as Blue (she will call him this in her head) takes out Duo-Swords and frees her from her bindings.

She thanked her saviour with a bow, and then she and Aang embraced each other again, happy the other was okay and that they were together again.

The Daimon can’t explain since when she craved so much Aang touch, she just knows she felt safe and happy in his arms.

“Yeah, you are right, we should go.”, says Aang to Blue, who had pointed at the cell door.

The Avatar and Daimon take each other hand and follow Blue through the fortress.

They managed to reach the innermost wall of the fortress, scaling it on a rope as they got spotted!

A soldier appears at the top of the wall they are climbing. He cuts the rope and the trio falls down the wall.

Thankful Aang airbends them to a soft landing. 

When the dust clears, the Blue Spirit unsheathes his swords and they run.

A wild prison breaks take place, where they have to fight and climb up the walls of the fortress.

Thanks that Hua was an earthbender, she just smashed holes into the walls, where they could escape.

They are nearing the last wall, however, four firebenders unleash their flame on them, but Aang and Hua put the masked man behind them and he airbends and she firebends the flames away.

“Hold your fire!”, commands Zhao. “The Avatar and Daimon must be captured alive!”

The Blue Spirit instantly comes up behind the two children and crosses his swords in front of their throats, surprising Aang and Hua.

A stand-off takes place, in which Zhao gives in and commands to open the gates.

The gate is opened and the Blue Spirit backs out with his captives, swords still at their throats.

The Blue Spirit continues backing away from the fortress. Zhao now looks on from the top of the main gate.

Then all happens fast.

Hua recognizes the archers who capture her and tries to warn Blue and Aang.

“Get down!”

Blue takes the swords from their troats and wants like them to drop down to the floor, but the arrow hits him in the shoulder!

With a pained groan, their silent ally falls down on the floor.

“No!”. scream Hua and Aang together.

Aang creates a huge dusty cloud as Hua checks for Blue.

“This is bad Aang.”, she tells him. “The arrow pierced his whole shoulder, if we don’t help him, he will bleed to death.”

“Alright, let’s take him with us!”

Hua grips Blue's arms and Aang his legs, together they airbend away from the scene.


Luck was on their side and they reached their campsite with Blue without any more problems.

Hua and Aang put Blue on Hua's sleeping back, as Katara called out to them: “Aang, Hua, where were you, who is this?”

She coughs pititful.

“Ah, I forgot the frogs, I will be back soon, okay!”, proclaims Aang and races out.

Hua deadpan after him.

“Sure, I will try alone to save the life of our saviour.”

She signs at gets to work.

As she collected the things she needed, she explained to Katara what happened. 

Thankful her best friend was lucid enough to understand, other than Sokka who said Blue was a Demon and here to eat his heart.

Sitting beside Blue, Hua checks their supplies. Bandages and some salves. Thankful she had one full water skin before she got captured so she could clean his wound.

Careful with her knife she opened his black shirt up where the arrow had gone through and checked it.

Okay, it seemed no bone was hit, this was good and the arrow had gone through nicely.

Alright, she could do it.

First, she slowly cleaned the wounds in front and in the back with water and put the antiinfection salve on it.

Then she cut the rest of the arrow with her knife away.

Only the little bit who looked out of his back remained.

Now she needed to carefully slip it out and pray he didn’t bleed to death.

Taking a deep breath she pulled the arrow out.

Blue screamed in pain.

Katara gasped.

Sokka shrieked about how the demon hoards would come for them.

And a blood fountain gushes out from Blue wounds.


Shit, shit, shit!

Hua let out some really creative curses, which made Katara even more gasp, as she tried to stop the bleeding with the bandages.

They get soaked in seconds.

She tries with water to wash it out and then bandaids over.

It bleeds and bleeds and bleeds!

“Oh come on please!”, she cried, holding her wet hand on the wound. “Stop please.”

Then something unexpected happened.

Her hand and the water started to glow blue and like a miracle closed the wound!

Unellegant Hua's chin meets the floor.

What happened?

What had she done?!

Whatever it was, it had probably saved Blue life.


“So let me get this straight you get captured by Zhao, Blue Mask over there saves you and you manage to get him wounded and then you bring him here without knowing who he is?!”

“Sokka, he saved mine and Aang's lives he can’t be bad.”

“I don’t trust masked vigilante! They always have something to hide.”

“What done is, is done. I’m with Hua and Aang. He can’t be that bad if he saved them.”

“Katara, you are too trusting.”

Zuko woke up to loud voices squabbling over him. 

He blinked behind his mask the black dots away and turned his head.

There were the Avatar and Daimon together with the two teens of the watertribe and their three animals.

The humans were sitting around a fire, eating something which looked and smelled like soup, which made him notice how hungry he was himself.

What should he do now?

His prizes were before him, but also a bison, a kyuubi, a waterbender and a guy with a club.

He couldn’t just snatch them up.

Also, his shoulder still hurt.

No, he had to analyse the sitation before he did something stupid.

“Ah, I think our guest woke up.”, said the water tribe girl and walked over to him. With a friendly smile, she kneeled beside him, offering him a bowl of soup. “I don’t know who you are, but you saved Aang and Hua. This makes you in my eyes a friend.”

The water tribe boy groaned behind her.

Zuko just said nothing.

He wasn’t used to people who treated him nicely, well besides his uncle.

So he better stay still.

“Not a talker are ya?”, giggled the girl. She put the bowl and a spoon beside him. “You have your reason to hide your face, so no one will look when you eat. Enjoy it.”

“I still think this is stupid.”, grumbled the water tribe boy.

“Sokka, people have a right to their privacy.”, scolded the water tribe girl.

With that, she stood up and joined her friends again.

Incredibly they really turned their backs on him and talked just with each other, even if he could see how the water tribe boy fought with turning around.

Slowly Zuko got an idea.

If they already trusted him for saving the Avatar and Daimon…maybe if he stayed a few days with them, and played their ally, they would leave him eventually alone with the two youngest and he could take them to his ship and then the Fire Nation.


He could play a few days being nice, he just hoped his uncle wouldn’t worry so much.

Maybe he could send him a message?

Whatever one thing after another.

He ate the soup, which was after years on the sea with a cook with a bad temper, really tasty and enjoyable.

Soon, he would get his honour back.

He just had to be patient.



Tags :
10 months ago

Change the Narrative

Change The Narrative

If people knew the truth, they would call her a selfish monster.

But Katara had sacrificed anything for the world, for an ungrateful husband!

This time she would always choose herself first!

Change The Narrative

Here is a little one-shot of my anger about what happened to Katara in canon.

I want to give her the end she deserves, so I hope you enjoy it!

Katara knew it was time for her to die.

She felt it in her old bones.

Alone she lay in her bed at the South Pole and watched how the snow was falling.

At least she would die seeing the beauty of her homeland.

It was a good death.

The old woman blinked tears away and tried to be positive about her nearing death.

She would see Sokka, her father, her mother and Gran-Gran again.

It was good.

She had lived a long happy life.

Something burning and unsettling spread through her chest as she thought this.

Was it a happy life?

How often did she and Aang argue over simple things?

How often did she beg him not to play favourites with Tenzin? Yes, their youngest was an airbender, but what about Bumi and Kya? They were his children too.

But no!

The Air Nomad legacy was more important than their two oldest children and their pain.

Once upon a time when she was a young girl and fantasized about the man and family one day she would have, she never would have guessed how she became the kind of mother, who didn't fight for her children.

Who didn't call out her husband for his wrongdoings?

However, she had so with Aang. Since she had met him, she always had mothered him, shielded him from things which didn't fit his narrative.

He was the Avatar, the only hope to end the war, with a track record of running away.

They couldn't lose him, so she had protected him the best she could.

And she did so to her children.

No wonder Bumi and Kya didn't even visit her and Tenzin didn't have much of a relationship with her.

Where did she go wrong in her life?

When did she become a shadow of herself in the name of love?

Why did she even choose Aang?

Was it because of Aunt Wu's prediction, she would marry a powerful bender or because she had a feeling Aang...deserved her?

He loved her and had ended the war.

Was it so bad to give him a chance?

Sadly after sacrificing her best years for him and being rewarded to die alone without her children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren around her, it may have been the most stupid decision she ever made.

Spirits, was she a bad person to think that?

She loved her family, really she did, but deep down she had to admit...she wouldn't do it a second time.

Katara wouldn't sacrifice herself, her ideals, and her dreams for Aang's dream.

She had her whole life given and given and was now at the end of it rewarded with nothing.

Tears streamed down her cheeks, as she slowly closed her eyes.

Soon she would join her loved ones...


If she could...

If the spirits were so kind...

If dear Yue heard her...

She wanted a second chance.

She wanted to live a life for herself and herself alone.

Katara had given in this life all and more...was it so bad that she wished for a second chance to get it this time right?

Was she selfish?



But anyone had a point in their life where they had to put themselves first.

Her only regret was that she did not realise it sooner.

Katara closed her eyes and felt the last beats of her heart.

Never noting how the moon was shining brightly down at her...


She felt pain in her head.

Katara hissed and touched her forehead.

Why did she get a headache?

Where was she?

She blinked to banish the shadows before her eyes.

Slowly she could see.

Ah yes.

She was outside General Iroh's tea shop in Ba Sing Se.

The waterbender had seen Aang walk out and wanted to join him.

It was high time that she gave Aang her answer about them being a couple.

She had been unsure a few days ago, but now with the war over...why shouldn't she give him a chance?

He was standing at the balustrade watching the setting sun, it was the perfect moment.

As the waterbender made her first step towards him, an avalanche of emotions and vision filled her whole being.

Katara gasped quietly, trying to make sense of this.

It was too fast and also too slow...however, she felt it in her bones...whatever she had planned kissing Aang and getting together with him...it would be the worst decision of her life!

No, she didn't want what she had seen.

How could she sell herself, her principals, and her honour for a guy?!

How could she be together with someone who would play favourites with their children?!

No, absolutely not!

Whether this was a vision from the future to save her from this faith Katara didn't know, but what she knew she wouldn't make the same mistakes twice!

So angry she walked up to Aang and tapped his shoulder.

The Avatar turned smiling towards her. He seemed so happy and hopeful and looked at her like she had hung the stars and the moon.

For a second she flatter, which only made the vision come forth again and made her anger tenfold.

Oh no!

Not with her!

"Aang.", she began. "I don't love you and I never will! Stop pestering me about us being a couple! If you don't accept my feelings I will waterwhip you do your next incarnation, do you understand me?!"

To say he was shocked was the understatement of the century. She could formally see the heartbreak in his eyes and how he tried to speak up, maybe to guilt trip her, however, she wasn't having anything of it.

"Nothing you will say and do will ever change my mind! So don't even try. I will go back with Sokka to the South Pole and rebuild my home. That's where I belong!"

Dramatically she turned around and entered the tea shop again.

The others tried their hardest to seem like they hadn't listened in, yet Katara saw through them.

She sends them all an annoyed look.


No one said anything for a few seconds before Toph snickered: "Oh sugar queen, I hoped you had it in you."

This makes Katara smile.


The next months of her life Katara rebuilt with her father and Sokka their home. 

The Nothern Watertribe had tried to turn the South into a second North, except Katara was having none of it.

As a war hero, master waterbender and daughter of the chief she used all her power to stop this chances.

She was a force of nature!

No one had a chance against her.

Her family was so proud of her and she was satisfied with herself.

Yes, this was where she belonged.

Helping people and not being the soulless, passionless arm candy of Aang!

Katara was happy.

A voice inside her told her how she deserved it.


A year later found Katara as ambassador for her people at the first peace summit.

She was happy seeing Zuko again, they had written to each other, yet seeing each other in person was much better.

He had become her best friend.

And her wall against Aang.

As Avatar he was at the peace summit too. Of course, he tried to talk with her. Tried to sway her, saying he missed her and wanted to be friends again.

She saw right through him. Aang still wanted her.

Thank the spirits for Zuko having her back and distracting Aang.

When they enjoyed together a cup of tea in General Iroh's tea shop she thanked him for his help.

Awkwardly he waved it away.

It was nothing.

He and Mai had broken up and the black-haired girl wasn't happy about it.

Even if she and Aang weren't exes, Zuko knew how frustrating it was to have a person follow you like a shadow and demand to be together again.

In comfort, she petted Zuko's hand and told him he did the right thing to end things with Mai.

If she couldn't accept a no was she a good girlfriend?

A little crooked smile formed on Zuko's lips, and her heart stopped for a second, as he thanked her for her words and friendships.

Then he asked her to join him in the search for his mother.


Being with Zuko on a life-changing field trip again was... exciting.

They still worked flawlessly together, like when they had hunted down the murder of her mother, but now they were friends.

It changed a lot of interactions.

They were playful with each other.

Zuko was the only one who ever laughed at her jokes.

They were there for each other.

In the long days when they hunted down one clue after another and Zuko seemed to lose hope, Katara reminded him to never give up.

They shared the workload.

It was amazing not mothering someone and having someone help her around camp.

They were getting closer to each other.

They shared things they never told anyone.

Zuko told her how he got his scar and Katara hugged him, wishing Aang had killed Ozai.

Wishing Ozai was before her and making him pay for hurting her best friend!

Sometimes they just stared at the stars, inventing constellations, their hands inching closer.

Something new was born between them.

Katara didn't know what it was, but she would enjoy it.

It made her feel good.

After weeks on the road, they finally found Ursa.

And also a society of hiding airbenders.

Katara couldn't help but laugh in utter glee.


Was it really that surprising that Katara and Zuko fell in love with each other after their journey?

When she kissed Zuko for the first time, it was like coming home. 

Warm, welcome, familair, intim.

It was the best sensation in the world.

Something inside her told her this was how it was supposed to be.

After two years of dating and being the ambassador of the Southern Water Tribe in the Fire Nation, they married.

All their friends and half of the world were invited.

Yes, even Aang.

Aang was so grateful to Katara and Zuko for having found his people and was busy with the air nomads to rebuild their society, and seemed to finally let go of Katara.

Now they really could be friends.


Katara of the Southern Water Tribe, master bender, war hero and Fire Lady became a living legend.

Not only the people in the Fire Nation adored her, but she used the power she wielded to make the whole world a better place.

She was the one who came up with the idea of Republic City, a place where all nations could live in harmony.

She revolutionized the art of healing with her bloodbending.

She installed fountains and aqueducts everywhere she could, so people had clean water.

Statues were built and universities, streets even neighbourhoods were named in her honour.

Katara taught new generations of waterbenders like her daughter Kya and people formally fought over to learn from the Fire Lady.

When their oldest daughter Izumi became Fire Lady, Katara and Zuko retired to Ember Island to live out their twilight years in peace.

They often had visits from their friends and families.

Their son Lu Ten, a nonbender, had married a waterbender named Mizuki and had with her five children.

So the proud grandparents helped their son and daughter-in-law raise the rascals.

It was fulfilling.

As Aang then died and was reborn as Korra from the Southern Water Tribe Katara and Zuko moved to the South to teach the new Avatar.

Korra loved Katara and Zuko like grandparents and loved hearing about their adventures.

After Korra goes to Republic City to learn airbending from one of Aang's sons he had with one of the hiding airbenders, the pair returns to Ember Island.

Zuko died a few months before her.

Katara followed him after the birth of their third great-grandchild.

Both died surrounded by their big and bustling family.

As Katara died, her oldest great-granddaughter, who was named after her held her hand, she couldn't help but feel happy.

She had lived a long and wonderful life.

Soon she would be together again with her beloved husband and her family.

And so the greatest and most beloved Fire Lady died in peace with no regrets in her heart, her story being told for thousands of years to come.


The Legend of Katara became a tale which young girls loved.

From a simple waterbender to a master, war hero and ruler over a nation, who changed the world only a few ever could.

It showed all girls, that they could do anything they wanted.

They could reach their goals and go even beyond.

This was Katara's legacy.

As it should have been.

Change The Narrative

If you liked this one-shot and want more Zutara, a badass OC, personal growth for Aang and the Gaang being amazing check out Yin and Yang! 

Click on my profile and leave a comment.

I hope you liked this little One-Shot!

Let’s now scream together in the comment section how Katara deserved better and if it’s not canon we will give it to her in fanon! :D

Tags :
10 months ago

Yin and Yang: Book 1.08

Yin And Yang: Book 1.08

Balance is a key aspect in the world, so why shouldn’t the Avatar have an opposite?

In a world where Raava and Vaatu merge with humans, the Avatar and the Daimon try to keep the peace between the four nations.

Aang and Hua are the current incarnations, but wake up 100 years in the future.

How will these two learn all four elements in one year and defeat the Fire Lord?

Yin And Yang: Book 1.08

I couldn’t wait to post Part 2 of Winter Solstice so here you go!

Enjoy and please comment, please, please, please!

Book 1.08: Winter Solstice, Part 2





Long ago, the four nations lived together in harmony. 

Then, everything changed when the Fire Nation attacked. 

Only the Avatar and Daimon, masters of all four elements, could stop them, but when the world needed them most, they vanished. 

A hundred years passed, and my brother and I discovered the new Avatar and Daimon, an airbender named Aang and an earthbender named Hua. 

And although his airbending and her earthbending skills are great they have a lot to learn before they’re ready to save anyone. 

But I believe Aang and Hua can save the world.

Yin And Yang: Book 1.08

In the early morning hours in Senlin Village, you could see four figures trying to leave the village.

Well, it was two humans, Aang and Hua with Appa, the flying bison and Jaiyi, the kyuubi, trying their best to get their animal companions moving.

“Let's go, Appa! Come on, boy!”, whisper-shouted Aang, pulling the reins.

“Jaiyi, be a good girl, shrink!”, begged Hua, trying to get her ninetails to turn into her fox cub form and not stay in her big fighting form. Like this, she couldn’t fit on Appa’s saddle.

Nonetheless, none of the two animals listen to their masters. 

They refused to obey since they didn’t like to leave people behind.

This realized the two children at the same time.

“Look, I'm sorry, but Katara and Sokka aren't coming to the Fire Nation with us.”, told Aang sadly.

Hua frowned, giving Appa and Jaiyi a pet.

“We don’t like it either, but if anything happened to them, we would never forgive ourselves.”

“So get your big butt off the ground, Appa!”

“And you Jaiyi shrink!”

“And then let’s go!”, chorused the Avatar and Daimon together.

This earned them unimpressed looks from Appa and Jaiyi. Both sit down on their butts, refusing to move.

“Thanks for nothing your useless fluff balls.”, groaned Hua.

Why did they have to be so stubborn?!

Suddenly Sokka called out to them, his voice full of sass: “I think the useless fluff balls are trying to tell ya something.”

Surprised and startled Hua and Aang turned towards the right to reveal a collection of Senlin villagers, with Katara and Sokka standing in the front.

“Please don't go, Hua and Aang. The world can't afford to lose you two to the Fire Nation. Neither can I.”, plead Katara desperate to them.

These two were her rays of hope. 

Hope was the only thing which had kept Katara going on for years in the cold lonely nights when she missed her mother and worried for her father.

Now the world had a chance for peace if Hua and Aang ended the war and the waterbender would be damned if she let anything happen to them!

Guilty Hua and Aang look at Katara before they look at each other. 

They see the vision of the comet Fang and Qinyan showed them clearly before their eyes.

Neither of them wanted to hurt their precious people, especially Katara, however…

“But we have to talk to Avatar Roku and Daimon Lixue to find out what our vision means!”, argued Aang back.

“We need to get to the Fire Temple before the sun sets on the solstice. That's today!”, added Hua.

Aang airbends himself atop Appa's head, while Hua earthbend herself on the saddle.

If Jaiyi wouldn’t come, she wouldn’t force her anymore, but she needed to go.

As Appa stands up, Jaiyi, Katara and Sokka run to stand before the bison, preventing him from moving any further.

“We're not letting you two go into the Fire Nation, Hua and Aang.”, scolded Katara.

“At least, not without your friends.”, told them Sokka grinning. “We got your back.”

Jaiyi yips in agreement.

Aang and Hua can clearly see how their friends won’t take no for an answer, that’s why they tried to leave in secret in the first place.

“This will probably be the most dangerous thing we ever did!”, reminded them Hua.

However, the water tribe siblings just grinned, saying danger was their second name.

This made the Avatar and Daimon laugh.

Well, if their friends were so stubborn, they would probably follow them somehow.

Better they stayed together then.

So Hua earthbended the water tribe siblings and Jaiyi, who finally was in her fox cub form, to Appa's saddle, while Momo made himself cosy on Aang's shoulder.

The Senlin Village leader hands Aang some supplies reminding them how long their trip to Crescent Island was and wishes them good luck in their quest.

Aang wants to thank him for their hospitality and help, but the man just yells for them to go, go, go!

And that’s what they do.

Appa soars up into the sky, next destination: Crescent Island!


Daylight has come. 

The flying bison flies over the ocean, while his passengers all watch the ocean fearfully.

“Come on, boy, we've got a long way to go. Faster!”, encourages Aang his bison.

Appa lets out a growl and does as Aang said.

Katara, Hua and Jaiyi huddle together, to comfort each other, but Hua can’t stop herself from letting out her thoughts: “Oh spirits, this is so bad. If a Fire Nations ship sees us we will get roasted nicely!”

“Hey, I’m the pessimist here.”, says Sokka, petting her head to calm her down. “Don’t steal my job.”

A nervous laugh escapes Hua.

Katara kisses her cheek, normally Hua would blush up a storm, but her nerves prevent her from doing so.

“It will be okay. We will manage.”, reassured Katara.

It’s like the universe wants to prove her wrong since Hua sees how a Fire Nation ship is now on their tail.

“What about that?!”, she shouts.

“Aang. We've got trouble!”, calls Katara back to him.

She tried her hardest not to freak out since Hua needed her, yet it was difficult.

“Yeah! And it's gaining, fast!”, adds Sokka.

The next minutes in their lifes were nerve-wracking for Team Avatar-Daimon.

Not only did Prince Zuko shoot stinky fireballs at them, also a barricade was before them and attacking them too.

Aang had trouble manoeuvre Appa around all the flying fireballs.

At one point the passengers had to put out small embers from Appa fur.

It was pure and utter chaos!

Their wild ride ends finally when Aang airbends forward off of Appa's head. He uses a powerful airbending kick, and the flaming boulder, which was coming towards them, explodes in a large smoky blast. 

The Avatar falls back to Appa's head, Katara, Hua and Sokka grabbing him. 

Now Appa soars safely over the blockade, passing them.

“We made it!”, celebrates Aang.

Meanwhile, the Daimon and water tribe siblings look onward in horror.

They were really in the Fire Nation.

Oh Spirits!

At least the rest of their flight was calm.

And boring.

For hours and hours, they flow over the ocean.

Hua was sure if people could die of boredom, they all would be dead right now.

She lays like a starfish on the saddle, Sokka and Katara copy her, while Jaiyi has fallen asleep on her stomach.

Aang and Momo were slouched on Appa's head and the poor bison seemed to get more tired every second.

“Aang, are we there yet?”, calls Hua out to him.

“No, not now.”

A few seconds pass.

“How about now?”

“No, still no Crescent Island in sight.”

Again a few seconds pass.


“No, Hua.”

She lets out a huff and dramatically drapes an arm over her eyes.

“That’s how I’m going to die….from utter boredom. What a way to go.”, mumbled Hua, but everyone heard her. Agreeing groans from all around. That’s when she realizes something important. “Wait if I die now I get reincarnated into the Fire Nation!”

“Yeah, don’t do that.”, deadpans Sokka at her.

“You got it boss.”, she answered jokily back.

At least it made Katara and Aang snort.

Silence again comes over the group.

Somehow she must have fallen asleep because the next thing she knew it was sunset and Aang shouted: “There it is! The island where Roku's dragon took me.”


Appa lands at the base of a stone bridge leading up to the island's mountain. 

The bridge ends at an elegant, multi-story Fire Temple mixed with Water Tribe decorations. 

Lava is flowing beneath the bridge and the air is thick with steam. 

Aang stands by Appa's head, and Katara and Hua stand at the bison's side. 

Sokka is stretching further away.

Aang praises Appa for getting them all safely there, while Katara and Hua rub his belly.

Katara cooes at Appa how he must be tired, strangely Sokka thinks she was talking to him and tells her he was ready to beat up some firebenders.

When her realizes with whom his sister was talking, Sokka lies and says he was talking to Momo.

The lemur critters in confusion.

Since the temple was way too small for Appa, he would wait for them and Team Avatar-Daimon with Momo and Jaiyi made their way over to it.

Soon they stand before the temple and hide behind a wall. You could never be too careful.

Better look for hostile firebenders.

“I don't see any guards.”, whispered Sokka.

“The Fire Nation must have abandoned the temple when Avatar Roku and Daimon Lixue died.”, was Katara's guess.

“Let’s get inside, it’s almost sundown.”, murmured Hua.

Aang nodded.

“Yes, we better hurry!”

The group leaps over the wall and charges for the front door. After they are inside the temple they tip-toed through an enormous chamber with fire and water-decor columns.

“Wait.”, stops Sokka the group. “I think I heard something.”

Turning around, they see five men standing in the hallway dressed in red, with a blue sash around their waists and tall hats.

“We are the Fire Sages.”, announced the Sage in the middle, the Great Fire Sage. “Guardians of the temple of the Avatar and Daimon.”

“Great! I am the Avatar and she here is the Daimon!”

“We know.”

Without a warning, the sages attack them with fire blasts!


What was going on?!

Thankful Aang can reflect the fiery attack with his airbending. He yells at his friends to run, he would hold them off.

They didn’t need to be told twice.

So they run around the temple hallways in the hope of losing the Fire Sages, Aang joins back up with them and then they reach a dead-end.


A Fire Sage was coming towards them.

Even better.

“I don't want to fight you! I am a friend.”, promised the Fire Sage.

Angry Sokka tells him that firebenders aren’t their friends.

Jaiyi jumps forward to protect them, growing into an adult fox. Her hackles are raised and her nine tails wander around aggressively.

Aang and Hua stand beside her, getting into bending stances.

The Fire Sages wanted them, not Katara and Sokka, they would protect their friends!

This Fire Sage steps toward the Avatar and Daimon, before dropping to his knees and pressing his palms to the floor in submission. 

This startles the children and Jaiyi.

“I know why you're here, Avatar and Daimon.”

“You do?”, chorus Aang and Hua together in disbelief.

“Yes.” The Fire Sage rises from the floor to stand again. “You wish to speak to Avatar Roku and Daimon Lixue. I can take you to them.”

Sceptically Aang asks how.

In answer, the Fire Sage slides back a lamplight on the wall. He places his palm on the wall and focuses firebending into this location to open a secret passage.

“This way.”

That’s when they hear the Great Fire Sage hollering to the others to find them and their ally Fire Sage begs them to hurry inside the secret passage.

Hua and Aang exchange a look with one another, asserting each other's belief to trust this firebender.

Well, they don’t have really a choice, do they?

They enter first, Jaiyi and Momo right behind them, then Katara and Sokka and lastly the Fire Sage who closes the secret passage.

They are now in a cave, lava flowing down under them and follow the Fire Sage who tells him his name, Shyu.

“Avatar Roku and Daimon Lixue once called this temple their home. Together they formed these secret passages out of the magma.”, explained Shyu to the group as they made their way through the caverns.

“Did you know them?”, asks Aang curious.

“No. But my grandfather knew them. Many generations of Fire Sages guarded this temple long before me. We all have a strong spiritual connection to this place.”

“Is that how you knew we were coming?”

“A few weeks ago, an amazing thing occurred. The statue of Avatar Roku; its eyes began to glow! Then moments later the eyes of Daimon Lixue.”

Katara reminds them how Roku's eyes had glowed too, when they were in the Southern Air Temple as Aang had entered Avatar State. Then Hua got into Daimon State to calm him down, it was only logical that the Daimon Statues light up just like the Avatar’s.

Shyu agreed and said that’s how they knew how Aang and Hua had returned.

“I just don’t get it.”, began Hua. “If you Sages are devoted to this temple and to the Avatar and Daimon, then why did the others attack us?”

“Things have changed. In the past, the sages were loyal only to the Avatar and Daimon. When Roku and Lixue died, the sages eagerly awaited for the next Avatar and Daimon to return. But they never came.”

Immediately the old feelings of guilt arose in Aang and Hua.

They had let down people again.

Sokka mocked them humorously that they only were 100 years too late.

For that, he got twin scowls and Jaiyi who growled at him.

Shyu continues to explain how the Sage lost hope that the Avatar and Daimon would return. Then when Fire Lord Sozin began the war, they were forced to follow him.

“I never wanted to serve the Fire Lord.”, confessed Shyu. “When I learned you two were coming, I knew I would have to betray the other sages.”

“Thank you for helping us.”, chirps Aang happily, while Hua bows in gratitude. “We won’t forget this.”

The Fire Sage smiles at them, leading the group to a set of stairs. Following them they would reach the sanctuary and when the light reached the statues of Roku and Lixue they could talk to them.

Shyu slides back a secret tile and they climb into the outer sanctuary. 

Massive columns with dragon and phoenix statues atop them line the room. 

An immense door is before them with a device holding five open-mouthed dragons, over them a phoenix with spread wings and waves artfully encircled them.

“No!”, gasped Shyu.

“Shyu, what's wrong?”, asks Aang.

“The sanctuary doors, they're closed!”

“Can't you just open them with firebending?”, wonders Katara. “Like you opened that other door?”

“No. Only a fully realized Avatar or Daimon is powerful enough to open this door alone. Otherwise, the sages must open this door together, with five simultaneous fire blasts.”

Unsure what to do now, they all looked around.

There had to be another way!

That’s when Sokka had an idea.

It’s a trick he had learned from his dad.

They need to seal the lamp oil inside five animal skin casings, Shyu lights the oil-soaked twine and ta-da! 

Fake firebending!

Katara and Hua are impressed with Sokka and Shyu agrees that it might actually work.

The children, Sokka with Jaiyi and Katara with Momo, hide behind the columns, as Shyu gets ready to light the twine.

He reminds the Avatar and Daimon how the other Sage would hear the explosion, so they had to hurry and enter the sanctuary.

“It's almost sunset.”, notes Katara. “Are you two ready?”

“Definitely.”, reassured Aang.

“Ready as I ever will be!”, vowed Hua.

Shyu thrusts his finger forward, sending a small flare racing across the door to light all five bags at once. 

He hurries to take cover. 

There is an intense explosion, producing a lot of smoke. Aang and Hua burst forward and ran for the door. 

The Avatar and Daimon strain to open the door, which has not budged by an inch.

“They're still locked!”, they shout disappointed.

The water tribe teen was right with them, as all stepped from their columns.

Pissed off Aang airbends currents at the door, hollering: “Why, won't, it, open?!”

“Aang, calm down!”, demanded Hua, holding his shoulders. “Airbending at it won’t work. Seems like we came here for nothing.”

A groan leaves the Avatar’s mouth.

“I don't get it. That firebending looked as strong as any firebending I've seen.”, thought Sokka aloud.

Suddenly Katara declared him a genius.

All were more than confused.

Smiling Katara told them it didn’t work but it looked like it!

Now she had a plan.

A few minutes later the other Fire Sages reached the sanctuary where Shyu was waiting for them.

He tells them that somehow the Avatar and Daimon entered it, pointing even at two shadows you can see from the crack in the door.

Immediately the Great Fire Sage commands his fellow Sages to open the door, they couldn’t risk the current Avatar and Daimon contacting Roku and Lixue.

Hua and Aang slide into position behind nearby columns as the five sages firebend the door locks open. 

As the door opens, a sooty Momo and Jaiyi are revealed sitting on the floor. 

Jaiyi shakes herself free from the soot, while Momo sneezes, blowing the soot off himself.

“It's the Avatar's lemur and the Daimon’s Kyuubi. They must have crawled through the pipes! We've been tricked!”, shouts the Great Fire Sage, but too late.

The kyuubi turns big enough to sit on him and Momo leaps atop the Great Fire Sage's head and clings to his hat. Katara charged forward, pulling a nearby sage's tunic over his head to blind him. 

Sokka grabs the lower skirt of a sage's outfit, lifting it completely over his body to cover his face.

Shyu grabs the last free sage and hauls him into his grip, pinning him.

“Now, Aang! Hua!”, shouted Shyu.

A moment of silence.

Now Katara calls for them to hurry.

But to the shook of Aang and Hua's friends and allies, Prince Zuko comes forth from behind a column.

He somehow manages to pin with one arm each of Hua and Aang's arms behind their backs.

“The Avatar and Daimon are coming with me!”

More he can’t say, because Jaiyi turns into her fighting Kyuubi form and knocks with all her tails the enemy sages down.

Then she tackles Zuko to the ground, growling in his face.

So she freed Hua and Aang, who didn’t waste time and raced into the sanctuary.

Everyone looks away as the door seals with a blinding flash of white and orange light. 

Inside, Aang and Hua stand around and look up at the tall statues of Avatar Roku and Daimon Lixue. 

A beam of red sunlight enters the room and strikes a glistening red jewel held by the statues.

Both children look confused around.

“And now?”, asked Hua.

“I don’t know.”, admins Aang. “The light hits the statues and we talk to Roku and Lixue.”

“But nothing is happening!”

“Please Avatar Roku and Diamon Lixue talk to us!”, beg Aang and Hua together.

Roku's statue turns red and Lixue’s blue as sunlight engulfs them. 

His eyes glow white and hers orange.

Smoke fills the room. 

When the white smoke dissipated Avatar Roku and Daimon Lixue walked up to them arm in arm.

They aren’t any more in the sanctuary but on a mountaintop with clouds around them.

“Welcome Hua and Aang.”, greets them Lixue with a kind smile. “It’s wonderful to meet you finally.”

She is a beautiful aged lady and looks younger than Roku, even if they are the same age. Her clothes are in the classic blue of the Water Tribe with some red accents for the Fire Nation.

“What took you so long?”, adds Roku also with a smile.

He wears typical Fire Nation clothes, but a necklace made out of a shark tooth, clearly Water Tribe, hangs from his throat.

It was nice to see how this married couple integrated the nation of their spouse in their clothing.

Respectfully the current Avatar and Daimon place a fist into a palm, bowing their head to the Avatar and Daimon before them.

“We have something very important to tell you, Aang and Hua.”, begins Roku. “That is why, when you were in the Spirit World, we sent my dragon and Lixue phoenix to find you.”

“Is it about that vision we had? The one of the comet?”, guesses Aang.

“Yes indeed, young Avatar.”, confirmed Lixue.

“What does it mean?”, wanted Hua to know.

Roku explains to the young ones: “One hundred years ago, Fire Lord Sozin used that comet to begin the War. He and his firebending army harnessed its incredible power and dealt a deadly first strike against the other nations.”

“The Air Nomads.”, mumbled Hua and Daimon Lixue nodded.

“So the comet made them stronger?”, summarized Aang.

Avatar Roku confirmed it, even saying it made them stronger than they could imagine.

“But that happened a hundred years ago. What does the comet have to do with the War now?”

Now Lixue took over to explain: “Listen carefully, young ones. Sozin's Comet will return by the end of this summer, and Fire Lord Ozai will use its power to finish the War, once and for all. If he succeeds, even the Avatar and Daimon won't be able to restore balance to the world. Hua and Aang. You must defeat the Fire Lord before the comet arrives.”

That they were shocked was the understatement of the century.

They panic!

“But, but, Lixue I may have started learning airbending, but I don’t make the progress I should, because I should learn fire first! How should I get down water too like this?!”

“Yeah, and I haven't even started learning waterbending! Not to mention earth and fire!”

“Mastering the elements takes years of discipline and practice.”, told them Roku calmly. “But if the world is to survive, you two must do it by summer's end.”

“What if we can't master all the elements in time? What if we fail?”, argues Aang back with Hua rapidly nodding along.

“We have faith in you Hua and Aang because you two mastered it already once and you can do it again.”, reassured Lixue.

This makes the children smile.

“The solstice is ending.”, declares Roku. “We must go our separate ways, for now.”

“But we won't be able to come back to the temple. What if we have questions? How will we talk to you two?”, asked Aang and Hua as one.

Roku and Lixue answer them together: “We are a part of you. When you need to talk to us again, you will find a way.”

The late Avatar and Daimon closed their eyes, showing the current ones what was going on outside the sanctuary.

Firebender, ready to burn them to crisp.

“A great danger awaits you two at the temple. We can help you face the threat. But only if you are ready.”

Hua and Aang who had also closed their eyes open them together.

His a brightly white and his arrows in the same light and hers in a burning orange.

“We are ready!”

The people outside saw how the door glowed bright white-orange once again. 

Smoke streams come through into the room. 

The door unlocks itself, beginning to open. 

As it opens, a blinding white and orange light forces all present to look away.

Admiral Zhao commands his man to attack, while Katara cries out to her friends terrified.

The wall of fire amasses, circling its new hosts as Avatar Roku and Daimon Lixue, eyes aglow, are revealed behind the flames, untouched.

In perfect harmony, Avatar Roku and Daimon Lixue draw the circling fire together in one motion. 

They send it forward in one powerful wave that sears the room, blasting the offenders off their feet and melting the chains binding Katara, Sokka, Shyu, Jaiyi and Zuko with precision. 

Daimon Lixue and Avatar Roku, turn their glowing glare upon the offending sages. 

The sages panic, all turning to run from their wrath.

“Avatar Roku and Daimon Lixue are going to destroy the temple! We have to get out of here!”, implores Shyu the water tribe siblings.

“Not without Hua and Aang!”, countered Katara.

Never would she leave her friends!

Roku and Lixue kneel into a forward strike, melting the floor with a molten firebending trail. 

They steadily lift a hand each, causing the stream of lava below to erupt into maddened explosions. 

The lava soars through the temple, tearing it apart. 

Katara and Sokka huddle together, arm-in-arm, behind a column. 

The destruction ceases momentarily as Roku and Lixue lower their hands, exhaling soundly. 

The solstice's beam of sunlight leaves their statues; their eyes no longer glow. 

As this happens all smoke in the room draws in upon Avatar Roku and Daimon Lixue, their forms disappearing to leaving behind a weary Aang and Hua.

Both fall to their knee, however, Katara catches Aang and Sokka catches Hua before their faces meet the floor.

“We got your backs.”, tells them Sokka.

“Thanks. Where's Shyu?”, wonder the Avatar and Daimon together.

“I don't know.”, admins Katara.

Jaiyi licks Hua's cheek and then Aang’’s before she yips urgently.

They need to leave!

Hua, Aang, Katara and Sokka stare in horror upon seeing the stairwell leading to the exit filled with lava. 

They quickly turn to the only exit; the hole in the wall Roku and Lixue had created. 

There is no escaping, as they are on the top level of the temple.

All four humans gasp and the Kyuubi yips in surprise as they notice Appa and Momo swiftly closing in. 

They run out of the temple, leaping into Appa's saddle.

Time to leave the Fire Nation!


The full moon shines down on them, as Aang and Hua, who are sitting side by side on Appa's saddle, look both in desperation at nothing in particular.

What Roku and Lixue told them…

How could they do it?

They were just two dumb kids. 

Two dumb kids who had to save the world before the end of the summer.

At least…they wouldn’t have to do it alone.

Like if they agreed on, their hands find the one of the other and they squeeze.

They needed some reassurance.

That they really weren’t alone in this whole mess.

That their other half would walk the same path as them.

For the first time, both were thankful that they had each other.

How the burden of saving the world in less than a year could change your perspective on things.

Katara and Sokka looked at each other worried for their young friends.

They kneel down behind them and Katara puts a hand on a shoulder each.

Whatever the young Avatar and Daimon had learned, which troubled them so much, the water tribe siblings would support and help them.



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10 months ago

Yin and Yang: Book 1.04

Yin And Yang: Book 1.04

Balance is a key aspect in the world, so why shouldn’t the Avatar have an opposite?

In a world where Raava and Vaatu merge with humans, the Avatar and the Daimon try to keep the peace between the four nations.

Aang and Hua are the current incarnations, but wake up 100 years in the future.

How will these two learn all four elements in one year and defeat the Fire Lord?

Yin And Yang: Book 1.04

Book 1.04: The Warriors of Kyoshi





Long ago, the four nations lived together in harmony. 

Then, everything changed when the Fire Nation attacked. Only the Avatar and Daimon, masters of all four elements, could stop them, but when the world needed them most, they vanished. 

A hundred years passed, and my brother and I discovered the new Avatar and Daimon, an airbender named Aang and an earthbender named Hua. 

And although his airbending and her earthbending skills are great they have a lot to learn before they’re ready to save anyone. 

But I believe Aang and Hua can save the world.

Yin And Yang: Book 1.04

Since they had left the Southern Air Temple some time has passed.

For a few days, Aang dragged them around from one place to another to ride different large animals.

If they keep this rhythm they would reach the Nothern Water Tribe at spring!

The only good thing was, how Aang finally had started to teach Hua airbending.

It was going…okayish.

Because it was her opposite element and she should actually first learn firebending, Hua didn’t make great signs of progress.

The most she could do was create a small breeze.

Aang wasn’t a great help either, since he wanted to shove the air nomad philosophy down her throat, then actually teach her airbending.

For this, they argued even more than normal, because Hua was sure she didn’t need to embrace this for airbending, but Aang insisted she needed to let go of earthly things and other stuff, which goes against her earthbending.

When you earthbend you...just do it!

No other angle, no other way... just move these rocks and be done with it!

Poor Katara had to keep them apart and play mediator since Hua was this close to burying Aang and his stuck-up-my-philosophy-is-better-then-yours-skit.

The moment of camaraderie and understanding they had shared in the Southern Air Temple was totally forgotten.

They were back on their normal I-hate-her/his-guts behaviour.

Anyway, currently they were flying over the waste ocean.

Hua and Katara were each patching up some of their clothes. They worked each one a pair of clothing from Sokka.

Jaiyi was leaning on Hua, letting out a cute yawn as she looked at how the girls sewed.

Aang, with Momo on his shoulder, guided Appa somewhere, while Sokka looked in frustration at their map.

Only with half an ear did the girls listen how Sokka questioning Aang's navigational skills and the airbender just cheerfully stating at least they were on the ocean.

Then the younger boy called out for Katara about something.

"That's great, Aang.", humoured Katara, still concreting on her sewing.

"You didn't even look.", whined Aang.

Katara looks over at Aang and attempts to show enthusiasm.

"That's great."

"But I'm not doing it now."

"Just let it go, your crush on her is embarrassing as hell.", mumbled Hua annoyed, only loud enough for Katara to hear, stitching up a hole in the shirt.

Her friend hit softly with her elbow her side in reprimand.

Okay, Hua got what Katara meant, but how couldn't she say nothing about Aang's crush on Katara?

You had to be blind as a badger-mole to not see it.

He was so not subtly about.

Hua bet even Momo and Appa knew!

It was just embarrassing and uncomfortable for anyone, not that Aang realised it. 

The black-haired girl had asked Katara over dinner a day or two ago how she could stand Aang's blunt ways to impress her.

If a guy she didn't like would act that way towards her, she would bury them alive.

Katara had explained to her, that it was just a puppy crush, Aang would eventually get over it, when he realized that Katara would never show any interest in him.

The waterbender wasn't into younger boys and it would be just plain creepy if a 14-year-old dated a 12-year-old.

No matter the gender!

Hua really doubted that Aang would be so self-reflecting.

As Sokka liked to call him, he was an airhead, he saw only what his narrative supported.

Never mind how the real world and people worked.

One of the reasons why Hua couldn't stand Aang's guts.

She was like her element, down to earth. She saw the things for what they were and didn't dream something up.

Oh well, as long as Katara didn't have a 180-grade change in personality, then Aang's crush would have to die.

You COULDN'T be this dismissive and blind to the feelings of another...or?

The Daimon was brought back from her musings as Sokka told Aang: "Stop bugging her, airhead. You need to give girls space when they do their sewing."

What the?!

Together the girls stopped sewing and looked with anger at the older male. Even Jaiyi stopped leaning on Hua, her hackles raised.

"What does me being a girl have to do with sewing?", asked Katara with an icy tone.

"Yes, please share your wisdom with us, I can't wait to hear it.", added Hua growling right along with Jaiyi.

"Simple. Girls are better at fixing pants than guys and guys are better at hunting and fighting and stuff like that.", explained Sokka calmly. "It's just the natural order of things."

Oh, he didn't just say this?!

As if they had agreed on the girls smiled at Sokka. 

"All done with your pants!"

"Your shirt is also done!"

They held up the clothing pieces which had still holes in them.

"And look what a great job we did!", shouted Katara.

At the same time, the girls threw angrily the clothes at Sokka.

The pants and shirt hit him in the face, which pleased Katara and Hua greatly.

The ninetails was also happy about it, making a mocking yip at Sokka.

Freacking prick!

"Wait! I was just kidding.", whined Sokka, picking up his clothes and showing how his pants had still holes. "I can't wear these! Katara, Hua please!"

The girls crossed their arms and raised their noses to the sky. Jaiyi was right behind them with her snout up.

Huffing Hua said to him: "I have five words for you: Die mad about it, sexist!"

"Oh come on!"

"DIE mad about it, sexist!"


"Katara, please!"

"Relax, Sokka.", calls Aang back enthusiastically. "Where we're going, you won't need any pants and shirts."

Aang yanks Appa's reins to the left, his tongue sticking out of the corner of his mouth. Appa picks up speed as he flies right to an island covered with mountains.

They land on a sandy beach and get down from Appa. 

The nine-tailed fox is playful chasing Momo around the shore, while Hua and the water tribe siblings stare at Aang, who is looking out the water with his hand held against his brow.

"We just made a pit stop yesterday. Shouldn't we get a little more flying done before we camp out?", argued Sokka.

"He's right.", agreed Katara. "At this rate, we won't get to the North Pole until spring."

The Avatar tries to convince them that Appa is tired, however the flying bison only plays along after Aang repeats himself.

"Yeah, really convincing.", states Hua annoyed. "What animal do you want to ride now. That's why we are here aren't we?"

In answer an elephant koi jumps out of the water and back in, creating a giant splash.

All besides the excited Aang stared at it in shock.

"That's why we're here.", tells them Aang starting to disrobe himself. "Elephant koi, and I'm gonna ride it. Katara, you've got to watch me!"

Full of joyful anticipation Aang, now only in his underwear, jumps into the water only to scream how cold it is.

The others exchange glances while Appa walks away, clearly taking interest in something else. 

Sokka makes a circular motion with his left hand around near his left temple, signalling to his sister and Hua that he thinks Aang is crazy. 

In agreement, the Daimon nods.

Meanwhile, Aang is swimming toward the deep waters of the bay where the koi fish are. He dives under and immediately appears again, now holding on to the back fin of one of these giant animals as it jumps out of the water before diving again. 

Katara smiles broadly and is impressed at the sight of Aang riding the koi fish while Sokka and Hua stare at the scene with an uninterested look on their faces and their arms crossed.

Momo is jumping excitedly up and down as Aang's koi fish reappears again, while Jaiyi sits beside him, her tails swinging around her.

Laughing Aang, atop the fish's back, waves at his friends.

Katara enthusiastically waves back.

"He looks pretty good out there.", tells them Katara.

"Are you kidding?", say's Sokka unimpressed. "The fish is doing all the work."

"I'm with Sokka. If I want I could do this too.", shares Hua her thoughts.

That's when Katara see how Appa is eating something which he isn't supposed to and runs up to the bison to stop him. Aang of course see how Katara leaves the shore and doesn't look at him anymore, which makes him sad.

Sokka and Hua share a look.

Of course, he wanted to impress Katara.

Of course!

Suddenly there is a large shadow in the water, who drags down one of the elephant koi.

This alarms Sokka and Hua. Katara joins them and the three try their best to warn the Avatar, however, he thinks their frantic waving and jumping up and down means they are cheering him on.

Then Aang's elephant koi gets dragged down the water, making him fly into it.

A large dorsal fin appears hunting the Avatar down and Aang makes it like a tree, running out of the water, then crashing into Sokka.

Hua helps Sokka to get up, while Aang and Katara wonder, what the heck was in the water.

Then out of nowhere, they get ambushed!

Hua only sees a pretty face with a somehow familiar war paint dressed in green robes, before it gets dark and she is bonded.

With a thud, she falls to the ground and hears how the others are also being taken prisoner, even Momo and Jaiyi!

Their ambushers drag them somewhere and then bind them to a pole.

The quartet hears the whispers of humans.

Are they in a village?

"You four have some explaining to do.", they hear a male voice addressing them.

"And if you don't answer all our questions, we're throwing you back in the water with the Unagi.", adds a female voice.

Sokka demands that they show themselves.

Suddenly Hua can see again.

Before them stand female warriors, the Daimon swerve she has seen this get-up somewhere, it's familiar, and behind them are people of all ages clothed in blue.

"Who are you? Where are the men who ambushed us?", wonders Sokka.

A warrior girl with auburn hair in a bob steps towards him her fist clenched.

"There were no men. We ambushed you. Now tell us, who are you and what are you doing here?"

"Wait a second, there's no way that a bunch of girls took us down.", laughs Sokka in disbelief.

For that the warrior girl grips him by the collar growling: "A bunch of girls, huh? The Unagi's gonna eat well tonight."

"No, don't hurt him! He didn't mean it. My brother is just an idiot sometimes.", explains Katara worried for Sokka's safety.

"It's my fault.", admins Aang sorrowful. "I'm sorry we came here. I wanted to ride the elephant koi."

The man who is the leader of the village asks them in distrust how they should know if they aren't Fire Nations Spies. That Kyoshi stayed out of the war for a hundred years and wants to keep on doing this.

Hearing Kyoshi, Aang and Hua both lookup.

A tingle of familiarity overcomes them.

For Aang, it's like someone called his name for Hua it's like talking about an old dear friend.

For a second she sees a beautiful woman with the make-up and green robes the warrior girls wear, who gives her a smile that speaks of deep trust and companionship before her inner eye.

Then Hua is back in the present and shouts together with Aang: "This island is named for Kyoshi? We know Kyoshi!"

"Ha!", laughs the male leader humorlessly. "How could you possibly know her? Avatar Kyoshi was born here four hundred years ago. She's been dead for centuries."

"I know her because I'm the Avatar.", reveals Aang.

"And I'm the Daimon.", adminds Hua.

All inhabitants of Kyoshi are in deep shock. You see it in their face and enraged whispers.

"That's impossible!", shouts the auburn-haired female warrior. "The last Avatar was an airbender who disappeared a hundred years ago with the Daimon from the Earth Kingdom."

"That's us.", confirms Aang sheepishly, as Hua nods embarrassed.

Not that the male leader of Kyoshi believes them. He tells the warrior girls to throw them all to the Unagi. The warriors immediately retract their metal fans from out of their belts and slide them open. Ready to counter any sudden attack, they threateningly start to move forward and surround the bound friends.

Katara pleads with Aang to do some airbending, to show he is the Avatar which he of course does.

He bends over before pushing himself off the ground. He leaves a large dust cloud as he shoots in the air, stretching out his ropes, and using one of the outstretched fans of the statue, where they other all still bound, to snap them in half. 

Now completely free of his bonds, he lands gently on the ground in front of the surprised crowd, his robes still fluttering in the air. 

Oyaji and the Kyoshi Warriors stare at him in shock. A lot more people have gathered around to see what is going on.

"It's true ... you are the Avatar!", shouts Oyaji in aww. The Avatar really returned he couldn't believe it! "Then the Earth Kingdom girl is truly the Daimon!"

"Yes, I am!", yells Hua back.

Hopefully, they will now be released.

Well, she and the water tribe siblings and Momo and Jaiyi how to wait, because Aang shows the whole crowd a trick.

Aang gets out his marbles letting them spin around really fast between his hands. 

Grinning and blinking like a fool, he looks at the crowd, hoping to impress them. 

Indeed the crowd cheers for him.

A young man in the front starts to emit a high-pitched squeal while widely tossing his hands up in the air in admiration. He gets so overexcited that he starts to foam out the mouth, falls toward and faints; the rest of the villagers just keep on cheering.

Sokka, Katara and Hua look at each other in disbelief, while Momo and Jaiyi chitter and yip away in confusion.

Hua sums up the situation perfectly.

"What the heck?!"


The next day finds the Team Avatar-Daimon inside a house enjoying the hospitality of Kyoshi Island.

The villagers brought them a lot of desserts for breakfast, which Aang, Hua, Momo and Jaiyi dug in cheerfully.

As she had grown up in poverty the Daimon was thankful for any meal, but these delicious desserts were a special treat for her.

"These people sure know how to treat an Avatar and Daimon!", musse Aang happily, munching on different desserts at the same time.

Hua, who is eating a tasty cake out of cherries with cherry blossoms, nods in agreement.

"I rarely agree with you, but when you are right you are right."

"Katara you've got to try these!", hands her Aang a dumpling-formed dessert.

"Well, maybe just a bite.", says the waterbender, before she enjoys the sweet.

Momo sneaks up to Aang snatches the dessert out of his other hand and quickly dashes away, who smiles at his pet. 

He does not let the theft bother him and quickly grabs another dessert in front of him while Katara munches down the piece of cake and reaches across the table for the same dessert Aang just took. 

Hua and Jaiyi are eating together a very tasty fruit tart as Aang glances to his left, over the hunched Katara to Sokka. 

The lemur appears between Aang and Katara and quickly snatches another cupcake from the table before vanishing underneath it.

"Sokka, what's your problem?", ask Aang confused. "Eat!"

However, Sokka is a hunched figure in a corner, staring out the windows solemnly.

"Not hungry."

"But you're always hungry!"

 "He's just upset because a bunch of girls kicked his butt yesterday.", explains Katara amused, which makes Hua and Jaiyi giggle.

"They snuck up on me!", protested Sokka.

"Right. And then they kicked your butt."

In a mocking salute, Hua raises her glass towards Sokka.

"And what a butt-kicking it was, I gonna ask them to teach me some tricks!"

Angry Sokka stands up.

"Sneak attacks don't count!", he tries to defeat himself, then muttering something about robes and showing them a thing or two. He walks away only to return, taking some dessert with him and then stepping out.

The watertribe boy was determind to show his superier manlieness over the Kyoshi Warrories.

Hua didn't need to be a fortune teller to see great pain and humiliation in Sokka's future.

Well, she was all for it.

He needed to stop being a sexist.

Time for a vibe check!

"What's he so angry about?", wonders Aang. "It's great here. They're giving us the royal treatment!"

"Hey, don't get too comfortable. It's risky for us to stay in one place for very long.", warns Katara.

Jaiyi eats a cupcake out of Hua's hand as the Daimon signs: "I like it here too. But Katara is right. We should soon be back on the road."

"Thanks, Hua."

"Of course."

"I'm sure we'll be fine, girls.", tells them Aang, always the optimist. "Besides, did you see how happy I'm making this town? How we make them happy, Hua? They're cleaning up that statue in my honour and the little shrine of the Daimon of Kyoshi's time. The airbender! What was his name?"

"Tian Kuo.", reminds Hua, petting a full and happy Jaiyi. "Not that I'm not flattered, but we shouldn't get this over our heads."

"I'm with Hua, it's nice to see you excited about being the Avatar. But stay with her on the ground.", advises Katara.

"Come on girls, you know me better than that. I'm just a simple monk."

Aang gets up and leans on the window sill so he can look better outside. As soon as he emerges, the villagers scream with delight and admiration for him. Surprised he looks down and sees a bunch of girls fangirling wildly over seeing him.

He lashes a broad smile at the girls while blushing. 

Katara and Hua stand behind him with their arms crossed in disapproval. They look at each other in agreement, roll their eyes and make a raspberry.

Jaiyi just yips in disapproval of Aang.


As it turns out Aang is all for girls swarming him.

Hua, Katara and even Jaiyi can just look on annoyed at how he tries to impress all his little fangirls.

Simple monk, their ass.

He was just like any other boy his age.

If girls showed interest in them, they started to act like proud peacocks.

Whatever, it wasn't their problem.

So Katara and Hua with Jaiyi shop at the marketplace for supplies.

Hua gets approached from time to time too. 

The people of Kyoshi had also a great respect for the late Daimon Tian Kuo, who had been Avatar Kyoshi's best friend and companion, not only showing in the little shrine they had for him but also giving Hua their respect.

Surprisingly the current Daimon has to give autographs.

A bit embarrassed she signs another autograph for a little boy, who runs up to his mother joyfully and turns to Katara.

"I feel all weird.", she said to the older girl. "I grow up in the Lower Rings of Ba Sing Se. People don't give you any kind of second glance if you aren't from the Higher Rings."

"When they told you, you were the Daimon, people didn't treat you differently?", wonders Katara curious.

They are standing at the vegetable stand, while Jaiyi is playful chasing butterflies.

"They did, but not in such an admiring way. Remember, I lived for a time surrounded by monks. The boys were more shocked to see a female among them, than me being the Daimon."

"Was it weird?"

"Super weird. It was like they never saw a girl, which was probably true. The Air Nomads had gender separation. The monks and nuns only meet up on special events.", explains Hua. 

Katara makes a little annoyed huff.

"This explains why Aang is so eager to be surrounded by girls."

"It's getting way over his head.", agrees Hua.

 Suddenly, like talking about him has summoned him, Aang joins the girls.

"Hey, you two!", he greets them with a smile.

"Oh looks it's the peacock.", mumbles Hua to Katara.

The older girl has to stop herself from laughing, but she agrees with Hua.

"Hey Aang, can you help us?", asked Katara. She points the the three pots full of vegetables. "We need to bring this back to our room."

Holding up his hands to fob off with the offered pot Aang has the gall to say: "Actually, I can't right now."

Immediately Katara and Hua get annoyed looks on their face and Jaiyi stops to play with the butterflies to judge Aang too.

"Why? Is this simple task beneath the great Avatar.", mocks Hua with crossed arms.

"If you wanna know Hua, I promised the girls I'd give them a ride on Appa.", he huffs at her before he turns excited to Katara. "Why don't you come with us, Katara? It'll be fun!"

"What about Hua?"

"Katara, I don't want to come along.", makes Hua clear.

Watching Aang be treated like some kind of deity was not her definition of fun.

Neither was it Katara's.

"Watching you show off for a bunch of girls does not sound like fun, even if Hua would tag along.", tells Katara drier than a desert.

"Well, neither does carrying your baskets.", rebukes the Avatar.

"It's not my baskets. These supplies are for our trip. I told you, we have to leave Kyoshi soon."

"I don't want to leave Kyoshi yet.", whines Aang. "I can't put my finger on it but there's something I really like about this place."

Out of nowhere one of Aang's little fangirls calls out: "What's taking you so long, Aangy?"

Aang, Hua and Katara turn around to face them; the former enthusiastically waves back at his awaiting fangirls, while the girls raise an eyebrow at the scene.

From Jaiyi comes a disapproving growl.

"Aangy ...", repeat mockingly the two girls of Team Avatar-Daimon together.

"Just a second, Koko!", calls Aang back to his fangirl.

""Simple monk", huh?", chorus Katara and Hua together again, crossing their arms, while Jaiyi makes an agreeing sound.

"I thought you promised me that this Avatar stuff wouldn't go to your head.", reminds him Katara.

"It didn't. You know what I think? You just don't want to come because you're jealous.", accuses Aang.

Okay, that was enough in Hua's eyes.

No one would accuse her best friend, because that's what Katara was, of untrue things before her.

"Oh for the love of the Spirits, no one is jealous of you!", shouts Hua, pointing a finger at Aang. "We are just annoyed! Simple monk, my behind, you act like the spirit’s gift to womanhood it's annoying as hell. Just for your information oh great Avatar, they only kiss the ground you walk on because you were once the great Kyoshi. You, right now, have to still earn this admiration. Get your stupid head out of the clouds!"

Dramatically Hua grips Katara's hands and takes a pot. The older girl managed somehow to pick up the other two and together with Jaiyi, they walked away from Aang.

The Avatar just blinks dumbfound, lost for words.

Hua really led on the smack on him this time. 

He...he really doesn't know what to think right now.

That's when his fangirls run up to him and drag him with them.

Ah, whatever, he doesn't care for Hua's opinion.


A while later Hua is training the airbending kata's Aang showed her, in the hope of finally getting it.

"What do you mean, Jaiyi? I'm getting close?", she asks her kyuubi.

Jaiyi barks.

Hua gets what she means.

"I know, I still suck.", groans Hua and crosses her arms. "If Aang wasn't thinking with his little head, he should teach and advise me. Stupid idiot."

The kyuubi whines in question.

"Why should I be jealous? The people treat me here with respect too."

Again a whine.

"Now, you are ridiculous! Also, I was protecting Katara's honour. Her jealousy because of Aang's little fan club is a stupid fantasy of his because of his crush on her."

The ninetails yip, which makes Hua blush.

"Okay, maybe I have a tiny crush on Katara. Who wouldn't? She is amazing and so pretty, but I know, other than Aang, that I never will have a chance. I'm happy with our friendship."

Jaiyi waves her tails around and tilts her head.

"Aww, don't look at me like that.", grumbles Hua and starts her kata's again.

This whole day was turning out to be a headache.

Maybe she pissed off the spirits in one of her past lives because she hears shouting and screaming and the unmistakable smell of burning wood in the air.

"Oh no!", she shouts, Jaiyi springing over her. "How much you gonna bet, that's Prince Zuko and his pose?"

In answer Jaiyi turns into her riding form, so Hua can mount her.

Fast they race back to the village, which is burning, thanks to the firebenders.

Hua sends as many rocks as she can at them before she finds Katara.

"There you are!", shouts Katara glad.

The Daimon jumps down from her kyuubi and embraces her friend.

"Aang, is getting Appa. We need to leave Kyoshi.", explains the older girl.

In understanding Hua nods.

Zuko would leave Kyoshi alone to follow them, it was the best way.

A few seconds later Aang appears with Appa and Momo and the girl and Jaiyi get up on the saddle.

Sokka reaches them too and they are ready to blast off.

As they fly higher and higher in the sky they can see, how the firebenders are retreating.

"I know it's hard, but you did the right thing.", tries Katara to lift up a solemn Aang. "Zuko would have destroyed the whole place if we had stayed. They're going to be okay, Aang."

Unexpected Aang let himself fall from Appa's head, which made all shout out in surprise. 

They watch how the water bubbles and suddenly Unagi shoots out of the water with Aang on top of his head, holding his whiskers. 

After swaying about a few times, he sturdies himself atop Unagi's head and pulls the creature's barbels. 

Unagi opens its mouth wide and begins gushing water which rains over the town. 

The house gets saved by the water, while Zuko and his men mounted on the rhinos are completely drenched.

The prince looks humiliated and his men look surprised. 

Unagi ceases to gush water and launches Aang into the air, who is subsequently caught by an overflying Appa.

As the Avatar climbs back on the saddle he says sheepishly: "I know, I know. That was stupid and dangerous."

"Yes, it was.", agreed Katara, before she embraced him, glad that he was okay.

Aang is of course in heaven and blushes up a storm.

The Daimon only rolls her eyes at the Avatar as she finally notes, what Sokka is wearing.

"Hey Sokka."

"Yes, Hua?"

"You rock the Kyoshi robes."

This flatters the older boy.

He blushes and playful shoves her away.

Hua grins, feeling lighter in her heart.

Kyoshi was an experience, hopefully, Aang learned his lesson.



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