Atla Toph - Tumblr Posts
Zukka but its The Hangover
Modern times, they have a bachelor party for aang the night before his wedding to katara. Sokka and Zuko wake up wearing rings, aang is missing, sokka lost his phone but has a random number in his pocket and zukko keeps getting calls from a random number. They really need to find aang before he misses the wedding and katara beats them.
They enlist in toph and azula's help - azula redemption in every universe - and they try to figure out what happened and where aang is. All the while sokka and zuko are panicking because... "did I just have a shotgun wedding with my best friend/crush and not remember?!"
But like would anyone read that?
Percy Jackson x Avatar, The last airbender
Since I didn't see much of these, I am gonna be putting the main atla heroes sorted based on what their godly parent could be. These are just my opinions, I don't put any claim that this would be canon or that you shouldn't think differently.
So...since Aang is the main character...yeah Idc, I am starting with my favourite Toph

Gaia - primordial Goddess of Earth or Hades - God of the Dead and Riches, king of the Underworld.
Well I couldn't find any picture of her kids and she doesn't have a cabin, so...well you know what erthbending looks like either way. Gaia or Gaea can control eveyrhting earthy, even bones and animals, her kids would be able to do most of the same things. They would be more powerful than any demigod from the camp, since Gaia is a primordial Goddess and Zeus is lesser in power to them, since they are the oldest. Toph is without a doubt the strongest earthbender. I read the children of Gaea avoided being away from earth, especially in the air, which is very Toph. It is also said they use the earth as an extension of themselves, which I do not kidd you, it really was there, is so Toph to a point. They are also described as stubborn and determined, but loyal. Do I need to say anything else? Toph would 100% be Gaea's child. But....if you don't like her being a child of a primordial Goddess...I guess Hades, God of the Dead and Riches and king of the Underworld. Hear me out....bone bending. If you haven't heard about it..basically there is a theory bone bending can be done by an earthbender...which in a way...could raise dead from the ground. Besides, Hades is said to have some control over stones and minerals. Since it's said his children can be surrounded or have affinity for money, Toph is also from rich roots and she often doesn't have problems attracting money, read cunningly getting some. This gives Hermes energy as well, but oh well. So yeah, Toph in my opinion is a Gaea's child....or Hades's, altho I am tilted more towards the green option. Oh, and for those asking why not Demeter or Persephone, they control the fauna mainly, not earth. We don't see Toph even once bend flowers in Atla.

Poseidon - God of the sea, storms, earthquakes, droughts, floods and horses.
With this one I had no trouble. I mean, not only by bending, but by characteristics. She can be calm and sweet as still waters and then raging and determined like a sea storm. Her personality matches the description in Rick Riordan's site. She is also fiercely loyal to Aang and loyalty is said to be the fatal fault of Poseidon's children. They can also heal by entering water. Really, there is nothing more worth mentioning. At least to me, Katara is an obvious child of Poseidon.

Athena - Goddess of wisdom, civilization, mathematics, strategy, defensive warfare, crafts, the arts, skills, intelligence and brilliance.
Okay, so, disregarding the logic that Katara and Sokka are siblings, Sokka as Athena's child makes the biggest sense to me. Yeah, he goofes around a lot, but you can not say he is dumb. He plans everything, the group is lost without his abilities to read maps, to make schedules and generally without his tactic mind. Sure, he gives off Poseidon vibes as well, since he is also very loyal and protective of his closed ones, but Athena really fits him more, at least in my opinion. Just to warn, I do not only watch the bending abilities, or in his case, lack of such, and you will see that when I do Zuko. So, yeah, I got off the main point, Sokka is very strategic, thoughtful and has great interest in war duties. He is also incredibly smart, maybe the smartest one in the Gaang. So yeah, for me, he is 100% Athena's child.

Hebe - Goddess of Youth and cupbearer to Zeus or Zeus himself - God of the sky, thunder, lightning, kingship, honor and justice.
Oof, is Aang hard to sort or what??? Okay, I think he could be Hebe's child, because, they are said to preserve their youthful look (Iceberg *couph couph*) and because they are described as caring, sociable, friendly, liking to make others happy and generally concerned with others's happiness, take pride in community services, enjoy parties and feasts and tend to heal fast from injuries. I think that sounds a lot like Aang. Honestly at some point I was thinking of putting Hermes in, because of Aang's cheeky and travel-loving nature, but then just dropped the idea. Also, when I searched for Wind Gods in PJO universe, the resultats weren't something that reminded me of Aang at all, so I left them out as well. In genral, Aang is very lively and childish in a good way and he likes to make others happy. Because he wanted to live out his childhood, at the beginning of the series, he was too irresponsible towards his duties as the Avatar, which I think would happen if you put a Hebe's child in his place. But why then do I think of Zeus as well? Well, because the children of Zeus are more or less born with responsibility and while they usually take on it with pride, who said that would be the case for everyone? Besides Zeus children can control the weather to some extend, which is said to be an ability for the airbenders. Plus, Zeus and the sky. Yeah, air nomads. While Aang isn't the one to love leadership roles like Zeus's kids usually do, he is good at it when the cause is to his liking. In comics of Atla, he is shown to start leading an air nomadic group and seems to be doing good and to be happy. He also loves his traditions, which I think would fit Zeus. Zeus's kids are also mentioned to be brave and strong, which Aang is. It is stated that Zeus kids can control air. I think it fits. Altho by duty I think Aang fits more Zeus, in personality he is much more like Hebe, and that's why I can't really decide. For Toph, I am heavy on Gaea even tho Hades fits as well, but for Aang I really can't decide whether he would be Hebe's child or Zeus's.

Ares - God of war or Hades - God of the Dead and Riches, king of the Underworld or Zeus - God of the sky, thunder, lightning, kingship, honor and justice.
Oh boy.....I was saying how Aang was hard to sort....Let's just dive into it. For me personally, Zuko would be most likely Ares's son. Just to mention, ignore all the daddy issues going on in the series, altho with a father like Ares who needs Ozai? Anyways, obviously, Zuko is very agressive, especially at the start of the series, war is surely on his mind, no doubt about it and of Ares are described as war streategic minds, with courage and determination. Okay...while Zuko was in a way forced in this position by his father, he was indeed brash and very agressive at the beginning. I know he settled down in the third season...but still. Hey, no one says you need to only be a bloodlusting screaming angry issues head to be a kid of Ares. They are smart, despite what your initial impression of them might be. Determination is what drives Zuko and fuels his firebending. Whether that would be the goal of catching Aang or later the goal of helping him stop his father, there is no denying Zuko needs an ending point or something he is passionate about to keep him going. I think that fits Ares great. But....Hades wouldn't be a bad option as well. Okay, yeah, Zeus, Ares, Hades, the great awful father trio....but I mean at least Zuko is used to it (Poor Zuko, he really needs more hugs from the Gaang). So, back on track, Hades. Why Zuko would make a good child of Hades? Well, Hades's children are said to hold grudges and to want to finish their business with someone. Doesn't that sound like our fire prince? Also, he really gives off this shadowy emo vibes that Hades usually has. His sass would also be very much appreaciated. Also, Hades's children can have some sort of control over fire and minerals. As I mentioned, I don't only watch the bending abilities when sorting. If I did, Zuko would either have to be Hephaestus son with Leo's rarer fire ability or Hestia's son...which as at least I can tell, does not fit him. So yeah, back to the main topic, while Zuko doesn't really give the vibe of necromancy stuff, his personality does fit well with that of the children of Hades. And now, Zeus. Look, I just added him, because of three main things. First, Zeus's children as mentioned in Aang's sorting are born with a heavy burden. Second, his kids are usually serious and goal orientated. And third, they are said to have good leadership skills and at the beginning of the series, while cold and distant, Zuko does a good job with commanding his soldiers. Not to mention he ends up as the next Fire Lord. Oh yeah, and he can also bend electricity, which is something Zeus and his kids are definetly known for. conclusion of Zuko...he is either a son of Ares, Hades or Zeus.

Arthemis - Goddess of the hunt, archery, wilderness, animals, forests, the Moon, radiance, maidenhood, and childbirth.
Okay. I mean, this one is very obvious. Suki is part of warrior girl group that is super badass and doesn't rely on bending abilities. How more Arthemis coded can it be??? Do I need to explain more??? Since Arthemis is a sworn virgin Goddess, Suki wouldn't be her daugher but part of her huntresses. They have more physical prowess than other demigods. Now...if you have to ask me as which God's kid she would be....I don't really know. I don't even know if I want to speculate tbh. If you want, go ahead, but I am leaving it at that. She is definetly one of Arthemis's huntresses. This would however make things between her and Sokka technically impossible tho....but oh well. I honestly am too tired to think it anymore lol, but I am definetly sure that if Suki was to be in the PJO universe, she would be a huntress of Arthemis.

[ID: A digitally drawn comic of Toph and Zuko from Avatar: The Last Airbender talking about Zuko’s scar.
It begins with Toph approaching Zuko, who is sitting near a campfire. “You have a scar?” she asks. Zuko replies, "Oh! Uh, yeah… You didn’t…?“ Toph cuts him off and says, "Came up in passing with the other guys.” Toph casually makes herself a seat out of rock and sits down next to him. “Must be pretty badass if everyone assumes I know it’s there, too,” she continues. Zuko looks aside awkwardly and says, “… It’s on my face.” “Ah.” Toph replies.
Zuko says, “Maybe you could… feel it?” “Huh?” says Toph. “I guess, if I concentrate hard enough.” Zuko reaches for Toph’s hand. “Uhm, just with your hand, if you want,” he says. “I don’t think I can describe it.” “… Gotcha. Guide my hand then, boss,” Toph says. Zuko does so, and there’s a pause as Toph touches his scar. The fire reflects in her eyes.
As Toph pulls her hand away, Zuko says, “…. You know, my left eye is almost blind, too.” “Seriously?!” Toph exclaims. “Why aren’t we a tag team yet?! The blind bandit and the half-blind dweeb!” “Come on…!” Zuko moans. End ID]
id by @strawberrygiorno , thank you!
i’ve had this comic sketched out for months but only decided to finish it now, it’s based on something i drew a couple years back of toph and zuko….don’t think too hard on when or how this takes place because i don’t really know either! it’s just a concept i’ve always wanted to draw
The continued motherification of Katara is tiring and needs to stop.
One of the first interactions between Aang and Katara is him taking her Penguin sledding and she says "I haven't done this since I was a kid!" and he yells back "You still are one!" and that will forever be one of the greatest moments in the show for me.
The show says time and time again that Katara does not like being perceived as a mother figure but that is the way she knows to show her care due to the role she was forced into at a young age.
The biggest point of contention between her and Toph is that Katara cares by mothering and Toph doesn't want a mother and they have to reach an understanding with each other on how to love the other properly. It wasn't just about toph learning to accept Katara's mothering but also Katara moving away from her equation of mothering = love, finding new ways to express that love and care. And their relationship is better for it.
Katara's mothering while not inherently bad or something I think she can ever really separate herself from, is not just a quirk of her character but an internalization of a deep trauma and duty. She's a kid in a tough situation that cares deeply for everyone around her but she’s still a kid. She still wants to be a kid.

This is self-made. Date: 06.05.2024
There were a lot of unexpected ships with very few hits, so I decided to make another chart including ALL ships with Toph as soon as I find the time.
I assume no guarantee or liability for the completeness, correctness and accuracy of this chart despite my best efforts.
Includes fanfictions in all languages available on Ao3, NOT English only.
Includes all fandoms connected to the character "Toph Beifong".
Percentages were rounded up or rounded down to natural numbers for easier comprehension.
Poly ships were included.
More charts will follow. :)
Want to have a chart for different pairings, headcanons etc. in your favourite fandom? Send me an ask!
Me: "Oh, you know, I've seen it all by now..."

Also me: "...never mind."
YAY!!! The Best Character in the Avatar Franchise gets to be a Leading Lady!!!!
Toph Gets Spin-Off Graphic Novel

Dark Horse Comics has announced a spin-off graphic novel focusing on Avatar: The Last Airbender’s Toph. The Last Airbender - Toph Beifong’s Metalbending Academy comes to us from writer Faith Erin Hicks, artist Peter Wartman, and colorist Adele Matera with collaboration from Avatar: The Last Airbender series writer Tim Hedrick.
Things are looking good for the Beifong Metalbending Academy, if a bit dull after all of Toph’s earlier adventures. “Luckily, Sokka and Suki come to visit and reintroduce some familiar faces from their wandering days. And while out and about to celebrate, Toph discovers something that just might put the spring back in her step.” (Dark Horse Comics)
The Last Airbender - Toph Beifong’s Metalbending Academy releases on February 16, 2021.

#inktober Day 9: TOPH!! This was late but whatever. obvious blind bandit
if you're going to repost my art please credit me
So i just finished watching the firebending masters and tho I've this series a lot of times ( enough that I could recall from memory the exact ep no and title despite not having seen it in the past two years) this time I saw from a more of a let's say storyteller's lense. Immediately you see that Zuko and aang have undergrown massive change ( this is pretty clear in prev eps as well esp the day of the black sun but it's even more clear here) the former particularly in his interactions and perceptions about himself and the Avatar.
The first clue was when aang is scared to try out firebending and instead of gently encouraging him ( like Katara would) or making him do it anyway( toph) Zuko agrees to aang's request for a demonstration fully trusting that aang would know how he learns best. It is also really interesting that aang is not particularly bad at firebending not is it particularly difficult for him to learn like earthbending was, it's just trauma that is preventing him from even trying it out and by the end of the episode that trauma is addressed and he is able to work past his fears (in a way it is similar to opening a hidden charkra)
Second is how aware Zuko is in his identity as the heir to the fire nation throne, more than ever. And it's not just a bragging or arrogant kind of thing, he is now fully aware of the duties and burdens he carries and has accepted them. When he shows respect to the sun warriors asking for forgiveness for what his nation has done to their culture and when he reflects upon his own firebending you can see how much his uncle has influenced him. Additionally he trusts aang pretty much throughout the episode going along when aang asks him to dance (twice) and telling him that he believes in aang ( 'you're a talented kid'). This is not blind trust, Zuko of all people is fully aware of what the Avatar and more importantly aang as a person is capable of doing.
Apart from this, this episode also has the famous jerk-bending scene, 'think about our place in the universe?' (which is definitely a line iroh has used he and Zuko got into trouble i just know it) Zuko being a goth theatre icon, and just reflections about cultural processes and heritage.
A little Izumi approached her dad and her aunt and uncle. Apparently Sokka (her dad),was getting tea with his father in law uncle Iroh. With one question on her cute innocent mind. "Papa,auntie,uncle Aang." She bowed despite not needing to. She was to polite for her own good. Aang chuckled. Zuko smiled. "What is it,Turtleduck?" Katara lifted her up and put her on her lap,while Aang pat her her head.
"I had a question. All my friends have grandparents,do I have any?"
A jolt went up Zuko's spine. Perhaps it was heaven sent? Hell if she was dead in Zuko's opinion. Aang stood there nervously. While Katara tried to come up with a response. "Uh," Katara chuckled nervously. "Well,sweetie..." Zuko took a nervous sip of tea to try to calm himself down.
"And what was Azula like when you were children,papa?"
Zuko spat his tea out and coughed aggressively. Aang stood up to try to help him. Katara waterbend it out of the ground,while Aang tried to slap Zuko's back,rather hurting him instead.
"Well,auntie Azula is good now."
"Was my grandpa a good father?"
Zuko was on the ground,if he wasn't he would be laughing at this ridiculous suggestion. Katara decided to take initiativ.
"Long ago-"
They turned around to see Sokka standing next to Iroh. Aang swiftly covered Izumi's ears.
"Hi? I'm right here you know?" Azula stated from the back. Chuckling to herself. She walked over to Izumi and took her into her arms. "Good job."
Izumi sat in her papa's lap. "Okay,I'm going to teach you something very important. Alright,repeat after me. Azula always lies,Azula always lies." "Azula always lies."
Azula and Katara peaked through the door,an offended Azula next to a smug,teasing Katara.
Iroh and Aang were lecturing Sokka,that as Izumi's dad,he shouldn't curse in front of her. Albeit,Iroh, slightly kinder than Aang. Toph was laughing her ass off.
Their found family bond means everything to me!!!!!!!!! This art is amazing and I am content!!!!

[ID: A digitally drawn comic of Toph and Zuko from Avatar: The Last Airbender talking about Zuko’s scar.
It begins with Toph approaching Zuko, who is sitting near a campfire. “You have a scar?” she asks. Zuko replies, "Oh! Uh, yeah… You didn’t…?“ Toph cuts him off and says, "Came up in passing with the other guys.” Toph casually makes herself a seat out of rock and sits down next to him. “Must be pretty badass if everyone assumes I know it’s there, too,” she continues. Zuko looks aside awkwardly and says, “… It’s on my face.” “Ah.” Toph replies.
Zuko says, “Maybe you could… feel it?” “Huh?” says Toph. “I guess, if I concentrate hard enough.” Zuko reaches for Toph’s hand. “Uhm, just with your hand, if you want,” he says. “I don’t think I can describe it.” “… Gotcha. Guide my hand then, boss,” Toph says. Zuko does so, and there’s a pause as Toph touches his scar. The fire reflects in her eyes.
As Toph pulls her hand away, Zuko says, “…. You know, my left eye is almost blind, too.” “Seriously?!” Toph exclaims. “Why aren’t we a tag team yet?! The blind bandit and the half-blind dweeb!” “Come on…!” Zuko moans. End ID]
id by @strawberrygiorno , thank you!
i’ve had this comic sketched out for months but only decided to finish it now, it’s based on something i drew a couple years back of toph and zuko….don’t think too hard on when or how this takes place because i don’t really know either! it’s just a concept i’ve always wanted to draw

Was testing out a new brush. so i sketched Toph! I haven't watched ATLA in a hot minute but she's still my favorite.
Rewatched Sokka’s Master today and while I’ve always known that episode was impeccable, what stood out to me this time was the subplot about Aang, Katara, and Toph missing Sokka, which I find absolutely wonderful because it has nothing to do with how “useful” he is in terms of his skill set. It’s not that they go on a mission and realize they’re lost without Sokka’s tactical abilities. It’s not that they’re in a situation where none of them can bend and they need Sokka to teach them how to fight in other ways. It’s genuinely just them being lost without Sokka because he’s funny. It’s not showing that Sokka’s indispensable as a warrior, but that he’s indispensable as the friend they can count on to lighten the mood, and that that’s just as important

people have pointed out before that zuko probably didn't actually know any of the gaang's names before joining their group. according to the data i've collected, it is unclear as to whether zuko knew any of their names before "the boiling rock," in which he addresses sokka by name multiple times. at no point in the show does he refer to toph, suki, or momo by name.
i find it particularly funny that zuko only seems to refer to katara by name after sokka says her name during their conversation in his tent; the transcript for "the southern raiders" reads as follows:
Sokka: So what's on your mind?
Zuko: Your sister. She hates me! And I don't know why, but I do care what she thinks of me.
Sokka: Nah, she doesn't hate you. Katara doesn't hate anyone. Except maybe some people in the Fire Nation. No, I mean, uh, not people who are good, but used to be bad. I mean, bad people. Fire Nation people who are still bad, who've never been good and probably won't be, ever!
Zuko: Stop. Okay, listen. I know this may seem out of nowhere, but I want you to tell me what happened to your mother.
Sokka: What? Why would you want to know that?
Zuko: Katara mentioned it before when we were imprisoned together in Ba Sing Se, and again just now when she was yelling at me.
we can thus assume that zuko went into this conversation knowing katara only as "[sokka's] sister," heard sokka refer to someone named "katara," and finally connected the dots.
i think the gaang according to zuko is just "the avatar, the avatar's bison, the avatar's.... little rat thing, sokka, sokka's sister, sokka's girlfriend, and, yknow, uhhhhh, the little green one."
so at what point is it no longer contraversial for me to say that both Toph and Sokka were transcoded in different ways
if there were a fantasy creature AU, this is EXACTLY how I see the gaang. They look amazing!!

Here’s the references to our main cast as their creature forms! Firebenders/tribe members are dragons, of course, and Earthbenders/tribe members are gargoyles. Waterbenders/tribe members are fishes, but only the Waterbenders have water forms (mermaid forms basically). And then of course, Airbenders are birds.
I just noticed how Azula almost never looks at mirrors. She always avoids looking at her reflection. Because she sees her mom. The one person supposed to love her unconditionally. Who then ended up calling her a monster and treating her like one until that's all she thought she could be.
“I’m afraid you won’t be able to metalbend that wall, Chief Beifong. It’s made of solid platinum. My mega tanks are platinum as well, not even your renowned mother could bend a metal so pure.”
Toph*shooting up from her bed*:I’ve been challenged

i’ve had this comic sketched out for months but only decided to finish it now, it’s based on something i drew a couple years back of toph and zuko….don’t think too hard on when or how this takes place because i don’t really know either! it’s just a concept i’ve always wanted to draw

best turtleduck siblings
Do not tag as ship
Do not repost, please! Reblogs are appreciated!

oh toph you will always be iconic