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Felix - Super Bowl

felix - super bowl
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More Posts from Enchantedgrunge
How is this man real

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I mean… you not wrong but I’m curious as to why 👀
all of your moots as alpha / beta / omega ? 🥺
Oh but of course thank you for asking hehehe~
Mooties, just lmk if you want to be removed or want to know why I've chosen yours <3
@operation-steal-chans-laptop(<3) - part of me wants to say omega because you're mine so hehe omega <3
@kaciidubs - omega (you can try argue with me, we both know it)
@onmykneesforchanlix - omega leaning beta
@hanniessleepyeyes - alpha leaning beta
@hyunlixwife - beta leaning alpha
@blankdyean - beta leaning omega
@seo--changbin - omega through and through <3
@chansdoll - oof, alpha for sure
@enchantedgrunge - omega leaning beta
Hyunjin said the reason he was in a tank top.. was cause he died his hair black?? And lix also might have died his hair black?? 🤪 (I’m jk obv just think it’s cute)

I can’t not today
hyunjin body roll.... with the eye contact...
💖 Snapshot (Idol!Hyunlix x Reader) 💖

Chapter Two - New Feelings - MDNI
Paring: Idol!Lee Felix x Reader x Idol!Hyunjin (Some Hyunlix action)
Word Count: 2.7K ~
Warnings: I don’t think there are many maybe cursing? And some feelings of being too much for people?? (angsty) Please let me know if I missed anything!
A/N: Thank you all so much for the positive feedback on the first chapter of Snapshot! This is chapter two and I wanted to give you a bit more writing than the previous time! Please let me know the length of stories you prefer in the comments! Also, I'm trying to work on getting my flow and timing how I like it, so I'm sorry if anything in this seems a bit rushed! Also, please remember MDNI!!

Dance practice continued smoothly and after a while the guys stopped dancing, so you took a seat in between Hyunjin and Jeongin. “Can I ask you something?” You asked Hyunjin as you messed with the settings on the camera getting it set up to take some more behind the scenes photos. “Sure,” he smiled at you. “You can say no, but could you maybe teach me one of your dances?” You asked shyly still not sure even why you are asking. “I’m not that great but I have always wanted to learn and now that I’m around some of the best dancers I would ask if maybe you could help me learn.” You were rambling at this point, and you could feel the tips of your ears heating up as Hyunjin watched you. “Yeah, I could help you with that.” He says laughing the kind of laugh where he throws his head back. “Lee Know, Felix and I practice extra to make sure we have our dances down to help the others, I can help then if you would want to join us.” You nodded and leaned your head on him a bit which he didn’t seem to mind. “I would appreciate that thank you.” You listened as everyone talked and joked around your eyes slowly falling closed. The next thing you know you felt yourself shift a bit and something soft was placed over you.
Hyunjin placed his jacket over you as he laid you down on the couch. “Someone is worn out today.” Hyunjin said more to himself rather than anyone else. Chan noticed the younger man's smile toward you, “It's probably been an exciting and stressful day.” He said to Hyunjin and then added, “You seem to be fond of her, don’t normally let people fall asleep on you like that. The only other person you let do that is Felix.” Hyunjin nodded and laughed a bit. “Yeah, get the same feelings or well vibe with her as with him.” He corrects himself quickly trying to make it sound like he just vibes with you both not that feelings are involved. He hums before standing up. “Keep the music volume low, we should get back to practice.”
Hyunjin couldn’t help but watch you as they continued to dance and practice. He made sure everyone kept their volume low so you were able to stay asleep. He didn’t particularly understand why he felt protective over you this fast, the only other person he felt this for was Felix. He tried to focus on the dance, he would deal with his feelings and emotions later. He hasn’t even opened the box on how he feels about Felix and its been 2 years in the making, he has no idea how he’s going to deal with your box which has only been about 4 hours.
You woke up from a particularly loud shoe squeak and rubbed your eyes looking around slightly disoriented before you started to blush deeply realizing what happened. You grabbed the jacket over your body and buried your reddening face in it, breathing in the calming scent of fresh laundry. Hyunjin. Not sure how you already knew his scent, but you weren't complaining. You sighed calming down a bit and looked up at the man who was walking over to you. “Good morning,” he said with a soft smile. “I’m so sorry,” you blurted out “I didn’t get much sleep last night and I guess it all kind of caught up to me.” You rambled a bit and Hyunjin just laughed shaking his head. “Don’t worry about it, you’re more than welcome to take a nap.” You went to hand him back his hoodie and he pushed it back into your arms. “Keep it.” He smiled before going back and restarting the music to continue practice.
- Three Weeks Later –
A lot and very little at the same time has happened in the past three weeks. It has been a lot of moving your items into the dorm as well as getting to know the guys. You had gotten closer to the kids especially Hyunjin these past two weeks before they had to leave. The kids had just had to fly somewhere you believe in the states for an interview and a photoshoot and you were told you weren’t needed to go along since it was for a magazine. The nights leading up to their trip were filled with long nights of laughs, talking, and playing games. Late night conversations with Hyunjin and Jeongin made you feel accepted into the group in a way you had never felt previously. Honestly because of the late nights you and Hyunjin had grown close, and you began to form a crush on him. You were not planning to act on it since this was your first major photography job and you didn’t want to mess it up. However, little did you know, Hyunjin was also starting to have a crush on you.
You took this past week without the kids to get your room set us as well as clean up the dorms and restock the fridge for when they returned. All the food was on the company credit card, so you didn’t need to worry about money. The night the kids were supposed to come back you decided to cook dinner for them as a welcome home gift. You left a note on the counter telling the kids when they got home there was dinner already made in the fridge, in case you were asleep by then.
However, you were lounging in the living room wearing some sleep shorts and Hyunjin’s hoodie, from your first day, when the kids walked through the door. “Welcome home guys.” You said with a yawn rubbing your eyes. “You didn’t need to wait up for us darlin’” Changbin says as he goes to set his bag down. “I didn’t dinners in the fridge.” You smiled as you watched the boys happily go to reheat the dinner you made for them. You turned on a show that was generally liked by everyone and relaxed into the couch.
“We have dance practice tomorrow would you like to come, and we can start working on your dancing?” Hyunjin asked sitting down on the couch beside you and Felix sat on the other side of him. You hummed in agreement, and everyone fell into a comfortable silence. Your eyes flicked to Felix and sighed a bit as you saw him cuddled up to Hyunjin and it made you a bit sad he still hadn’t warmed up to you in that way.

You couldn’t help but let your thoughts spiral a bit about the fact that he might not like you, or that something might be putting him off of being close to you. You had tried to initiate some skinship a bit because you honestly loved it too, but he never seemed to want to reciprocate. You worried you might be making him uncomfortable and so this past week you had stopped trying as much. You leaned onto Hyunjin a bit and sighed, “Jin can I talk to you once everyone goes to bed?” You asked quietly. To everyone else it looked like you were just whispering in his ear, some of the kids had some suspicions about something more going on between the two of you. He nodded a bit and squeezed your knee where his hand rested.
The evening came to an end after laughs about the show and Chan saying the kids needed to get some rest since it was back to schedules the next day. You got up and patted Hyunjins head before heading to your room to wait for him. 20 minutes had passed and you were playing with the strings of the hoodie when there was a light knock on the door. You got up and opened smiling at Hyunjin, “Hey Jinnie.” You sat back on your bed crossing your legs and rubbing your hands over your face. “What’s going on?” he asked sitting across from you his hand placed gently on your knee. “Does Felix not like me” you asked weakly.
He gave you a confused look “What do you mean?” He had never known Felix to not like anyone or at least not blatantly tell them. “I know I’m still new around here, but you all have warmed up to me pretty well, he hasn’t.” You say softly and it dawns on Hyunjin that you’re right. Felix has been distant with you and less receptive of cuddles and hugs. “Honestly y/n I have no idea, would you like me to find out?” He asked taking your hands in his, he didn't like seeing you upset over this. However, he wouldn't he kind of was jealous that you cared if Felix was touchy with you or not. He shook his head and focused back on you. You had been picking at your nails which is a nervous habit, you blush as he rubs his thumb over your hands. “Could you just talk to him and see if I did anything wrong? I’d like a chance to correct what I did if I made him feel uncomfortable.” You say softly and he nods rubbing your hands. “Of course, do you want me to talk to him now?” You fiddled with the rings on his hands a bit taking a deep breathe. “If he’s not asleep sure, but I don’t want to bother him with all this if he’s trying to rest.” “So considerate,” Hyunjin stood up and placed a kiss to your forehead unexpectantly. “I’ll be back, maybe with Felix if things go well.” He says softly leaving you in your room, your facing heating up from the small action of him kissing your forehead.
Hyunjin walked down to Felix’s room and knocked lightly popping his head in. “Hey you still awake?” He saw Felix sitting at his computer with his headphones on. “Yeah, what’s up Jin?” Felix asked taking off the headphones and turning toward where Hyunjin sat on his bed. “So, I guess being forward is the best way to handle this. Do you not like y/n or did she do something to make you uncomfortable?” Felix scrunched his face at the question, “No, she is great! I think she’s extremely talented and respectful of us!” He says still a confused expression on his face. “Well, is there a reason you’ve been distant with her? Is it because she’s a new addition to the group?” Felix face scrunched more, and he shook his head. “I was trying to avoid making her feel uncomfortable and in the process I did it anyway.” He sighed running his hands over his face much like you had done earlier. “Lix explain to me what’s going on please” Hyunjin said noticing the younger males’ distress again not liking how he was stressed about this.

Felix sighed and looked down, playing with his own rings. “I overheard some staff before y/n started, they were talking about how the amount of skinship I show makes them uncomfortable and how I made them not want to work with is anymore.” He says gently tears filling his eyes, this is the first time he's spoke about it. “I just didn’t want to make her feel uncomfortable and decide she didn’t want to work with us, especially after hearing chan-hyung say how much he liked her work.” Hyunjin felt his whole body soften for the man in front of him, he got off the bed and squatted down in front of his taking the man's cheeks into his hands rubbing away the tears that had begun to fall. “Oh baby, I’m so sorry you had to hear that, you could have come talk to me or Channie, you know we love your skinship and we would have helped.” He whispered feeling sadness for the man who just wanted to make everyone feel loved and happy. “But I do think you need to talk to y/n if not tonight then tomorrow, okay? She wants skinship from you Lixie, she thinks she did something to make you uncomfortable.” Hyunjin says softly still rubbing Felix’s cheeks as the younger sniffled and nodded. “Okay, I don’t think I can tonight, but I will tomorrow. Thank you, Jin.” He said softly placing his hands over the olders. After a few moments Hyunjin stood and placed a kiss on Felix’s forehead. “I’m going to go tell her you’ll speak with her tomorrow, please try to get some sleep Lix.” Hyunjin smiled before leaving.
Felix face broke out into a blush as he watched Hyunjin leave. He honestly had the biggest crush on him and when he did things like that it made him remember why he liked him so much. He shook his head to get those thoughts out of his head and crawled into the bed to get some rest for tomorrow it was going to be a long day.
Hyunjin came back to your room and smiled lightly. He sat down on the edge of your bed and took your hands again rubbing his thumbs over them. "Does he hate me?" You asked quietly when you noticed Felix wasn't with Hyunjin. "No sweetheart, he just has a lot going on himself which is for him to explain. He told me he would speak to you in the morning or tomorrow at some time." He says gently and yawns, "I think it's time for both of us to get some sleep." You bite your lip as he goes to get up and you grip his hand softly. "Don't leave Jin." He looks at you with wide eyes before nodding and he crawls into the bed beside you. You cuddle into his side, and he rests his cheek on the top of your head breathing softly. "Get some sleep sweetheart." He says gently as he watches you drift to sleep. This definitely wasn't going to help his feelings for you, but he knew he couldn't resist.
The next day came, and you had gone into the kitchen early that morning to get everyone something to eat since they had a busy day of schedules. You were nervous for today seeing as Felix was supposed to talk to you about what's been going on. "Mornin' can we talk?" Felix's deep morning voice breaks your thoughts, and you turn around nodding. "I'm just making some breakfast for everyone to make sure they at least get one meal today." Felix can't help but smile because you're so thoughtful. He hops up on the island and sits watching you. He begins to explain what happened before you started working with them and the reason, he has been so distant with you. "Oh," you say softly and nod as you take the skillet off the oven and turn to Felix. You take a few steps closer to him and he allows you to slot yourself in-between his legs. "But I like this." You say softly as you take his hands and play with the silver rings on it. "It makes me feel nice and warm." You say softly and finally look up to meet Felix's eyes. "I- as long as you're sure Y/N, I can start being with you like I am the others." He says hopping down from the island which causes your bodies to press against each other. You let out a small gasp and Felix can't help be smirk he swaps your bodies and quickly picks you up setting you on the counter. You let out a squeak and your face heats up. "Now sit there and let me finish cooking okay?" He says and places a quick kiss on your cheek. Your face heats up as you rub your cheek once he has turned around.
Once the kids all come out and leave for their separate activities of the day, you are left in the dorms with Felix and Hyunjin. "Ready to get to the practice room? Minho said he had to do some recordings with Chan, so it'll just be the three of us." Hyunjin says smiling watching you and Felix cuddled up on the couch. It was like nothing had ever happened and Lix was back to being his normal cuddly self. "Come on cuddle bugs." The older man laughs grabbing all three of your bags and heading to the dance room which the two of you quickly follow.

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