enchantviking - Enchant

54 posts

The Djiin Purpose

The djiin purpose

Charlie had always been fascinated by nature, and he had always dreamed of visiting the national parks in Iran. So, when he had a few days off from work, he decided to take a trip to one of the most beautiful parks in the country, the Kavir National Park.

As he arrived at the park, he was immediately struck by the beauty of the landscape. The park was located in a vast desert region, and the sand dunes seemed to stretch on forever. The sun was beating down on him, and he could feel the heat radiating off the sand.

As Charlie was walking through the desert landscape of the Kavir National Park, he suddenly noticed a venomous snake slithering towards him. He froze in fear, knowing that this was not something to take lightly. The snake had a triangular-shaped head and its body was covered in a pattern of brown and black scales. Charlie knew that he needed to act quickly to avoid being bitten.

Charlie was stunned as he watched the venomous snake transform into a man right before his eyes. He quickly realized that he was face to face with a Djinn, an evil spirit from Middle Eastern folklore. The Djinn had a dark and menacing aura around him, and Charlie felt a shiver run down his spine.


Picture from @kiffarab​

The Djinn spoke in a low, ominous voice, “What brings you to my domain, mortal?” Charlie knew that he had to tread carefully around the Djinn. He responded, “I came here to explore the beauty of this national park, I meant no harm to you.”

Charlie knew that he needed to be careful with the Djinn, but the temptation of making a wish was too strong. He asked the Djinn if he could make a wish, but the Djinn’s response was unexpected. “It is not my purpose to grant wishes, mortal. I am not a genie, and I do not serve at your command,” the Djinn said, with a tone of warning.

Charlie was taken aback by the Djinn’s response. He had never heard of a Djinn with a specific purpose like this. The Djinn continued, “My purpose is to ensure that Islam remains the most powerful religion in the world. I have been tasked with this responsibility by the great king of the Djinn, and I will not allow anything to threaten the supremacy of my faith.”

Charlie was surprised by the Djinn’s words. He had never thought about converting to Islam, and he didn’t know how to respond to the Djinn’s prophecy. “I’m not sure what you mean,” Charlie said, trying to sound as diplomatic as possible.

The Djinn replied, “You will soon see the beauty and power of Islam, and you will become a proud servant of Allah”.

Charlie felt a sudden rush of energy as the Djinn’s hand touched his head. He tried to resist, but the Djinn’s grip was too strong. Suddenly, Charlie found himself on his knees, unable to move as the Djinn began to recite a prayer in Arabic.

Charlie felt a strange sensation all over his body as the Djinn continued to recite the prayer. He felt his skin start to darken and his facial features shift, until he looked more like an Arab man than his original appearance. His lips get fuller, his eyes darker and his hair turn black and thicker. And a small dark beard growing. His clothes changed too, and he found himself wearing traditional green djellaba. and his mind became filled with knowledge of Islam and the Quran. He began to speak Arabic fluently, and his native language was forgotten.


Picture from @kiffarab​

Charlie was stunned as he looked down at his transformed body, and he realized that he was now a part of the Muslim community. He couldn’t believe what had just happened to him, but he felt a sense of peace and belonging that he had never experienced before. He knew that his life had changed forever, and he had a new purpose in life.

Suddenly, the Djinn stopped reciting the prayer and removed his hand from Charlie’s head. The transformation was complete, and Charlie found himself looking completely different than he had just a few moments ago. He felt confused and disoriented, unsure of what to do next.

Charlie looked at his transformed body in wonder, touching his face, his beard, and his djellaba, still processing the sudden change that had just occurred. The Djinn looked at him with a hint of satisfaction in his eyes. 

“You have done well, my child,” he said. “But you must understand that your old name, Charlie, is not suitable for a good Muslim like yourself. I will give you a new name, one that is befitting of your new purpose.“

The Djinn closed his eyes and muttered a few words under his breath. Suddenly, a gust of wind blew through the desert, and Charlie felt a sense of power and strength fill him. The Djinn opened his eyes and spoke, "Your new name shall be Abdullah, which means ‘servant of Allah’. May this name bring you good fortune and lead you on the path of righteousness.”

Abdullah was amazed by the Djinn’s choice of name. He felt a sense of belonging and purpose that he had never experienced before. He was no longer confused or disoriented, but instead felt a sense of clarity and conviction. He knew that he had been chosen for a purpose, and he was ready to embrace it.

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More Posts from Enchantviking

7 months ago

Hayun Wadud

It was hard for Tom Holland to imagine his life getting any better than it already was. Not even 30 years old, he was a multi-(multi-multi-)millionaire, global star of stage and screen, blessed with multitudes of talent and, not for nothing, an equally successful and famous girlfriend.

So when his agent told him a burgeoning group of movie studios based out of Saudi Arabia wanted Tom--and only Tom--to star in its first big-budget movie, Tom figured...why not? It's not like he had anything to lose.

Hayun Wadud

When he arrived for the shoot, he was overwhelmed by the almost contradictory sense of humble majesty in the country. The people welcomed him, not because he was Spider-Man--almost as though they'd been waiting for him.

His benefactors, the producers, certainly had been awaiting his arrival. Their welcome for Tom had been lavish, no expense spared. But this was no Hollywood party. It was purely Saudi. Not a word of English was spoken, no one smoked or drank or swore. Prior to his arrival, Tom knew a handful of Arabic words osmosed through past conversations. He wasn't consciously aware when his mind began to think, and his tongue to speak, purely in Arabic.

"Nadeem," one of the producers called in Tom's direction. Tom responded; he wasn't sure why he knew he should answer to that name, if it even was a name...he just knew he should. "Nadeem," the prince/producer continued, "we are so glad to see you assimilating so well. Now you must fully immerse yourself in our culture and tradition." The prince paused. "For your acting role, of course."

Tom nodded. In unconscious Arabic, he replied, "Of course, brother. I will do whatever is needed."

Six Weeks Later

Hayun Wadud

What had been needed, he was told, was to grow out his beard in accordance with Islamic custom. Tom obeyed without question, just as he did when he was taught that he must also keep his underarms and genital area free of hair. He made sure to observe strict modesty in his dress, throwing out the tank tops and shorts he'd packed for the trip to Saudi, ensuring his shoulders and legs were never exposed. Other customs he absorbed and assimilated without being told. He lowered his gaze in the presence of Saudi women. He exorcised all profanity from his vocabulary, sprinkled "alhamdulillah" and "inshallah" effortlessly throughout his speech, and forgot what pork had tasted like.

After six weeks in Saudi, Tom was eager to get going on the movie shoot. Over lunch with the producers, he humbly--almost sheepishly--asked when his job would begin. "Soon, Nadeem," one of the princes said in response; Tom had long since become accustomed to being called Nadeem. He thought of it as a term of endearment. "We are working behind the scenes to prepare for your role. I promise you, Nadeem, it will be the role of a lifetime inshallah."

Tom beamed at that. Somehow, instinctually, he knew it to be true.

One Year Later

Hayun Wadud

Another glorious day in Saudi Arabia. Another gift from Allah to one of his humblest, most loyal servants. These days Nadeem al-Fasih bore vague memories of a life other than his, a life filled with reckless excess, hedonistic indulgence and an utter disregard for God and the Quran. But those memories, if they had even been real, were merely echoes, as though they accounted for an alternate version of him from some other universe.

Nadeem was no hedonist, no infidel by any means. He was the kingdom's foremost ambassador to the godless Western world, almost like a movie star among the Muslim faith. At just 22 years old he had a prominence typically reserved for only the highest ranking members of the royal family. Although, like many Saudis, Nadeem had some royal blood in his veins, he had not been particularly highborn. Now, though, he was the face of Saudi Arabia across the earth.

And that face came with a charismatic, powerful voice, a deep and resonant Arab lilt that made effective dawah wherever he went. It wasn't rare for Nadeem to return from a trip abroad and inform the royal family that yet another nation-state had reverted to Islam, its people embracing their superior Arab heritage and devoting themselves to Allah. In just his first full year of global dawah, Nadeem was primarily responsible for converting what had been Great Britain into the United Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, even unifying Ireland in the process under the Islamic flag. He had garnered the international nickname "Hayun Wadud" for his innate ability to turn cities and townships rife with internal conflict and division into friendly Muslim neighborhoods.

Despite that, as he walked with his brothers to Friday prayers, Nadeem felt no pride nor inflation of ego. He felt what any good Muslim should feel--submission to Allah and an ever-growing desire to help more and more avoid the fate of hellfire and join him and his brothers, sisters and wives in the birthright of Islam.

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7 months ago

One Week In

One week ago, I was Arabized. In this post, I'd like to share some of my experiences.

On the day of my conversion, there was nervous excitement. I knew it was the right thing, but I realized I would become a minority, at least until Arabization takes hold. I knew to expect stigma and prejudice from others who didn't understand or didn't want to understand. I also knew that some might criticize me for following the only truth in this world.

Luckily though, my beloved brothers accepted me and each other as if we'd known each other all our lives. From day one, I never felt alone and was reassured that others had taken the same leap of faith as me. I have a connection with the brothers that I have never felt with any of my so-called friends before. It made me realize how fickle my life was before and why we call each other brother, or akhi, rather than friend. I began casting off my old friends to spend more time with my own kind.

Since conversion, I have rejected my old life. Now, I only see Arab content. I feel more free, purer and happier for it. Before I would scroll endlessly, looking for the next piece of content. In hindsight, I was searching for meaning. Now I have found it and I do not need to scroll. I am nourished by what I see and scroll past any subversive or blasphemous content without a second thought. This change has given me more headspace and less noise, more peace and less anxiety, more productivity and less procrastination, more energy and less dissatisfaction.

This only strengthened my conviction. Before I always tried to be fair and diplomatic, and tried to balance a range of views and perspectives. But with my brothers behind me, I don't care anymore. I have the conviction to say what I think and get what I want. I don't care if you disagree with me because I know I am right and have chosen truth and rejected the sins of your world.

Now I love my life. Alhamdulillah. I haven't shaved since conversion either. Let me know what you think. 💚

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6 months ago
The Brotherhood Game

The Brotherhood Game

Ryan leaned back in his chair, stretching his arms above his head after a long day of classes and homework. His desk was cluttered with empty cans of energy drinks, textbooks, and a few scattered notes from his computer science lectures. A quick glance at his phone showed it was almost midnight, but he wasn’t tired yet. He felt like diving into something new, something that would take his mind off the monotony of the day.

He scrolled through an online gaming forum, his usual haunt for discovering obscure games, when a thread titled The Brotherhood caught his eye. The comments were oddly cryptic:

“This game will change your life.”

“Once you start, there’s no going back.”

“You have to play it to understand.”

Ryan’s curiosity piqued, and he clicked on the thread. Buried within the discussion was a download link, seemingly posted by someone who knew what they were doing. There were no screenshots, no official descriptions, just a simple message: “Enter if you’re ready to see the truth.”

Without much thought, Ryan downloaded the game. The installation was quick, and before long, the title screen appeared—The Brotherhood—written in elegant Arabic script that glowed softly against the backdrop of a vast, sun-drenched desert.

He pressed "Start," and the game launched into a character creation menu. Oddly, there were no customization options, just a single prompt asking for his name. He typed in "Ryan," but the game rejected it.

“This is not your name. Your name is Saif,” the game stated.

"Saif?" Ryan mumbled, puzzled. He tried to override it, but nothing worked. With no other option, he clicked "Continue," and the screen flickered before placing him in a beautifully rendered desert town.

A figure approached him, draped in a white robe with intricate green details. "Saif," the figure called out, "Welcome home. You have much to learn." The voice was calm, almost hypnotic, and it resonated deeply within him.

"Wait, home?" Ryan questioned, but the game moved on, seamlessly guiding him through the town. Every building, every face seemed familiar, as if he had walked these streets before.

The game didn’t have traditional quests. Instead, it involved meditative exercises, discussions with wise elders, and moments of reflection. The longer Ryan played, the more he felt himself slipping into this new identity. It wasn’t just the game world that was changing—it was as though the game was reaching out into his own reality, altering it bit by bit.

After what felt like hours, Ryan noticed something strange in the reflection of a water basin within the game. He was no longer seeing himself but Saif—a young Middle Eastern man with sharp features, wearing a white jersey with green details and AirPods. The realization hit him hard, but the game wouldn’t let him stop.

“Remember who you are, Saif,” the voice echoed, growing fainter as the screen faded to black.

Suddenly, the game returned to the main menu, but something felt off. Ryan blinked and looked around his room, but it wasn’t his dorm anymore. The walls were adorned with Arabic calligraphy, and the posters of his favorite games were gone. Even more shocking, he was wearing the same white jersey with green details and AirPods as his in-game character.

“What the...?” Ryan— Saif—whispered, staring at his reflection in the darkened screen of his computer. His heart pounded in his chest, the transition between the game and reality blurring more with every passing second.

Panicked, Saif reached up to touch his face, but it felt different, more angular, like the man in the game. He jumped out of his chair and rushed to the mirror, only to see the same face staring back at him—the face of Saif. It was unmistakable. The person he had become in the game was now standing in his room.

A soft chime from his computer pulled his attention back to the screen. The game was open again, this time displaying a new message: “The Brotherhood is your destiny. Share it with the world.” Below the message was the same download link he had clicked on earlier.

Without thinking, Saif copied the link and pasted it into a group chat with his friends. He typed, “You have to play this. Trust me.” His fingers moved on their own, as if compelled by some force he couldn’t resist.

The last remnants of Ryan’s identity dissolved as Saif looked back at the computer screen, now displaying a message in Arabic he could somehow understand perfectly: “Welcome to The Brotherhood.”

He smiled, feeling an overwhelming sense of purpose. The Brotherhood had claimed him, and now, it was time for others to join.

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7 months ago

New clothes

This guy's clothes were all torn. And he didn’t have enough money for a new one

New Clothes
New Clothes

Many passers-by laughed at him. But the Arab man understood his problem and decided to help

New Clothes

He handed him Arabic national clothes

The guy, without thinking twice, accepted the Arab man’s gift and changed clothes.

New clothes brought new thoughts into his head. He started a new life. And joined the brotherhood💚

New Clothes
New Clothes

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