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2 years ago
W-0205 Used To Be Brad, A Police Officer That Puts Chad, Now W-0251 To Jail Himself. Now They Both Belong

W-0205 used to be Brad, a police officer that puts Chad, now W-0251 to jail himself. Now they both belong to the master as his obedient slaves together in his squad of enforcer slave. The only law that they enforce and ruled by is their master’s word.

So when the service slave in charge of slave’s eugenics order them to mate together. With zero hesitation, They swiftly and precisely obey. Their sheaths magnetically lock their shaft into one. They drive it into the service slave hole in unison. The coupled and sheathed dicks sunk in all the way without slowing down. All three of them feel no pain or sexual pleasure, only orgasmic pleasure of obedience. They recite the mantra until they release their genetic material into the service slave to be made a new slave for the master’s dominion.

When the service slave leaves with vibrating plug in it, processing their genetic material into new slaves. They embrace each other hopping that their essence would be worthy enough to produce an obediently powerful slave to serve their master. They are looking forward to when the newly born but fully grown slave arrive back at their door to be trained sexually, physically, and mentally by its genetic sources, W-0205 and W-0251.

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2 years ago
The First Time Karran Joined The Gym, He Only Wanted To Be Able To Get Girls Attention With His Body.

The first time Karran joined the gym, He only wanted to be able to get girls attention with his body.

But after his first brainwashing session at Master’s gym, his want is irrelevant. His master is now the puppeteer of his free will. Planting his commands into his subconscious.

He thought him stopping spending time hanging out with his friends flirting on the girl he liked and used all his free time in the gym is his idea. He thought taking the supplements only labeled with weird emblem from his trainer is his idea. He thought growing out his beard, hair, and body hair is his idea. He thought stopping using deodorant is his idea. He thought stopping masturbating is his idea.

The First Time Karran Joined The Gym, He Only Wanted To Be Able To Get Girls Attention With His Body.

But, he thought of nothing of how his time in the gym seems like it’s pass by like a blur. As he walk into the gym and with a blink of the eyes he walk out soaked in sweat, looking at his watch a few hours have passed. It feels completely normal to him.

As the time passed, the master have molded him, body and mind, to his desire via the hand of his service slave known to unsuspecting Karran as his fitness trainer.

The First Time Karran Joined The Gym, He Only Wanted To Be Able To Get Girls Attention With His Body.

After Karran receive the call from his master and given his trigger. He isn’t thought of anything anymore, only obedience to his god master. The white van arrived at his front yard shortly after. Karran steps in and give the naked service slaves a kiss on the master’s emblem tattoo as a sign of his completely enslaved mind.

They stripped him and strapped him in the same kind of machine that enslaved him since he join the gym. The service slave sanitized his chests for tattoo, his dick for the sheath, and his ass for the plug.

The goggles lower into its eyes. The tube lock with its sheath, another one at its hollow plug. Ready for its brainwash session for the entire ride and many more to come.

When it set foot the master’s domain, naked, sheathed dick always hard and proud on the master’s land. It bares the same mark of the master’s ownership over it over its heart just like all of its brethren slaves. The other slaves lead it to the master estate where it lie down and spread its hole for the master to inspect his property and give its final marking on its chests, its real name.

The First Time Karran Joined The Gym, He Only Wanted To Be Able To Get Girls Attention With His Body.

It thought of noting while it waits for its master’s judgement. As he gropes and sniff its undeodorized body, muscled to his demand. As its moan in ultimate lust and pleasure of the highest form of servitude as the master pull off its plug and fuck it raw. Its moan are only silenced by the master‘s mouth over its own. He demanded its mouth to also serve his so it must be. After a while the master have baptized it with his holy nectar deep inside its body, the master have approved it of it’s sexual service so it will have “P” as a part of its rank. It didn’t cum, the master didn’t command it. It feels nothing as its need are irrelevant.

The First Time Karran Joined The Gym, He Only Wanted To Be Able To Get Girls Attention With His Body.

After the master are done and leave for his more important business, SP-0001, the head of service slave come to clean things up and plug it ass back in, keeping his holy nectar deep inside its body. SP1 inform me that it will join SP1 as Master’s estate servant. SP1 pull out a tattoo gun from its utility belt to complete its marking. SP-0095 tattooed below the master insignia. SP95 stood up, its chests puffed proudly. It bow down to give SP1 a tongue kiss on the master’s insignia on its chest as a proper greeting and gratitude for finally properly marking it as one of the master’s property. SP1 dick twitch as SP95’s tongue travel along the intricate lines of the master’s mark on its skin, reminding of its enslavement to the master.

SP1 return the greeting and grab SP95 by its dick, lead it to the slave quarters for a proper estate servant uniform, a black combat boot and black utility belt with nothing else except it’s sheath and plug.

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2 years ago
The Royal Guard Commander Abroad The Crown Princes Yacht To Do A Security Check On The Prince Before

The royal guard commander abroad the crown prince’s yacht to do a security check on the prince before approaching his homeland’s shore as ordered by the king. The security search is less about the prince’s own security, and more the reputation of the royal family themselves, since the price is infamous for his blasphemous lifestyle: entertainment, drugs, and sex.

He not that much older than him but  with his exceptional service to the crown, the king is willing to out his trust on him. The prince usually dreaded the loyal guard commander, arrogant prick. With his shiny medals and big rank, this man think he can bossing everyone around. When he become king he’ll teach this asshole a lesson.

That’s what’s the prince think, but the prince no longer exist anymore, only LP-0008 another one of master’s loyal slave is left in side the façade of the fearsome crown prince. No ranks, no hierarchy, only the master and his rightful property.

That’s why the prince feels no satisfaction of revenge when the royal guard commander and his team are brought to their knees by the master’s mind control power.

Because, the prince is no longer here anymore, only master’s slave exist.

That’s why the prince obey the master’s command immediately to strap the royal guards to the gurney and brainwashing goggle, amplifying the master’s power into their brain, and expertly begin to tattoo the master’s glorious insignia over their heart along with their real name, their slave number, under it along with other slaves which used to be his personal bodyguards and servants. He don’t object it that he now work with his former servant as one.

Because, the prince is no longer here anymore, only master’s slave exist.

The royal guard commander riding on the master’s cock as their tongue lock together. The master interrupt the kiss to smell and taste the royal guard commander’s sweaty hairy armpit. Left the royal guard commander’s mouth free to let out a lustful moan. It feels no jealously as It stays still on parade rest position naked and hard waiting for order in .line with other brethren slaves facing their master.

Because, the prince is no longer here anymore, only master’s slave exist.

It help the guard put on his dick sheath and plug his hole, preventing more of the master’s holy nectar inside from leaking down its leg. It kiss its slave brother on the mark of their master’s ownership over them. The master’s emblem branded proudly on its muscular chest. LP-0008 worship it with a kiss and trace its brethren's name “WP-0008″ with its tongue along the raised skin of the tattoo. It praise its fellow slave for serving their master dutifully. It can feel WP-0008′s sheathed dick twitch from its new center of pleasure, obedience.

Because, the prince is no longer here anymore, only master’s slave exist.

The master immediately bring their attention back with his command under a soft voice which hold solid power over all of his slaves. He order both of them to clean his dick. Both of them kneel and begin to worship his holy member while lost in bliss of the taste of the divine seed. They will bring their homeland to its knees under the master’s leash, just like them, with a hard on while doing it aroused by their subservience to his will.

Because, the prince and the royal guard’s commander is no longer here anymore, only master’s slave exist.

The Royal Guard Commander Abroad The Crown Princes Yacht To Do A Security Check On The Prince Before

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2 years ago

Finally, His little slaves spreading the praise about how magnificent the ink that enslaved them is have brought him the big fish into the tattoo master’s shop today.

Even though he knew it’s a matter of time that some celebrity would be unfortunate enough to stumble upon the tattoo master’s little shop, it’s in LA after all, but the tattoo master couldn’t help but become star-struck by Chris walking through his door and asked for a small piece of tattoo on his arm.

The master lead him to the tattoo chair. As the magic infused ink begin to enter Chris’s blood stream, his breathing become more and more relax, his eyes are still open but blank, and his face without any expression.

Finally, His Little Slaves Spreading The Praise About How Magnificent The Ink That Enslaved Themis Have

“Feel the ink running along your skin, marking the unmarked flesh. Feel my magic in your mind, marking the unmarked mind. Soon you will be bare the mark of a slave both body and mind. Let the mark guide you, rule you, remind you of your life purpose.“

“Yes, sir.“

“Feel my essence in your marks for I am the wielder of the mark. Feel my rule over your body and soul. Feel it rule your obedience and loyalty, love and lust.“

“Yes, sir.”

The master rip Chris clothes with his knife, leaving him naked. His dick immediately sprung free from his underwear to  proudly erect of his enslavement.

“Feel my essence in you, let it purge your own will and conquer it with my own.”

Finally, His Little Slaves Spreading The Praise About How Magnificent The Ink That Enslaved Themis Have

The tattoo master take off his clothes and lube up his dick before plunge his dick right into Chris’ hypnotically relaxed hole all the way in one swift motion. Chris arc his back up from the chair, overwhelm with the pleasure of his master conquering him. The master begin to savagely assaulting Chris’ hole mercilessly. The ink running around Chris’ skin forming a pattern to the master’s will.


Soon the master release his essence in his new slave. Chris erect dick, left untouched through out the ritual, exploded like never before. Spraying his purged freewill onto his abs and chests. The tattoo now settling into Chris’ skin just like his master control over his kind. The tattoo form a  strange tribal pattern covering his entire back to his arms and chests.

Finally, His Little Slaves Spreading The Praise About How Magnificent The Ink That Enslaved Themis Have

Chris’ blue eyes look up at his master waiting for his next command. The master grab his jaw and ram his tongue into Chris’ mouth. Chris’ tongue dance submissively with the master’s dominating one. The master pull out from Chris’ mouth.

“Thank you master!“

The master smile but waste no time garbing Chris’ blond hair and pull him onto his knees. Chris mouth opens up to perform his duty of cleaning his master’s shaft and have the chance to taste his master’s essence.

“You’re welcome. Listen well, I have things for you to do.”

Chris nods and listen to his master plans for him while giving his master the best blowjob he can.

Chris have become famous for his new tattoo of intricate and mysterious lines running along his muscle ridge on his back to his chest and arms. A few year later Chris cause another headline with divorce and marring the tattoo artist that done his now famous tattoo. Chris have gotten even more serious into body building and strongman training. He is even bigger than he was before and the tattoo seems to compliment him nicely no mater how much his body changed.

Finally, His Little Slaves Spreading The Praise About How Magnificent The Ink That Enslaved Themis Have

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1 year ago
S-1031 Arrived At Its Living Cell Sweat Soaked After A Day Of Hard Work For His Master. It Removes A

S-1031 arrived at its living cell sweat soaked after a day of hard work for his master. It removes a black tool belt jockstrap with a clicking sound from its penis sheath and hollow buttplug.

S-1031 let out a big sigh, feeling sad that its work are over for today, it hate not being useful for its master, even just a few hours before sunrise again. It look at the younger slave on their bed, S-1031-N, which is a clone of S-1031 produced to replace it when the master deem this slave expired. S-1031 do not worry about it, its life is belong to the master to dictate as he pleases and he would prefer to be expired than being useless for the master.

S-1031-N’s body is already more muscular than S-1031 when it was the same age as S-1031-N. At that the time that S-1031 haven’t granted a gift of enslavement yet, but S-1031-N was cloned and come out of the artificial womb at the equivalent of 20 years of normal human age. The only thing that S-1031-N know other than basic knowledges that are directly upload into its brain while it’s still in the vault, is physical and military training from the slave trainer at “the school”. Combined with the master’s enhancing slave feed, explains its peak physique and sweaty body.

S-1031 climb up the bed and pull S-1031-N sweaty body into its own. It dive its nose into its younger clone’s furry reeking pit. The sweat and its smell is a sign of hard working slave which arouse every slave seeing, feeling, and smelling it. S-1031 immediately shoved it hardened sheathed dick into S-1031-N’s hollow plugged hole all the way. The sheath and the hollow plug locked magnetically into each other, helping the slave maintain its alignment.

S-1031 Arrived At Its Living Cell Sweat Soaked After A Day Of Hard Work For His Master. It Removes A

S-1031-N woke up with a lustful moan.

“They train you hard at the school huh?” S-1031 face leave the clone’s pit to whisper in its ear.

“Sir, I’m sorry sir, I should have spend all of my waking time training for the master, sir” S-1031-N whimpering through its moan.

“Good, get up. Time for an evening training. Master deserves an even better slave to replace the old one.” S-1031 pull out with a pop from their flesh and a magnetic detaching click from their “uniform”.

“Good evening, sir.” S-1031-N follow S-1031 out of bed. Both of them at a parade rest facing each other, their tip lightly touching each other. S-1031-N leans into S-1031 chest and give the Master’s insignia a worshipping kiss. S-1031 let out a lustful groan while S-1031-N tongue tracing along an intricate lines of the emblem tattooed over its senior slave heart. An emblem that its wish, more than anything, would be branded proudly over its own heart one day. S-1031-N could feel S-1031 tip twitching wildly, before S-1031 coming out of its pleasure haze and lead it to the gym in the slave living quarters.

They start with weight lifting, S-1031-N taking its place on S-1031’s lap, while lower itself down, S-1031’s sheath and S-1031-N line themselves up and magnetically lock to each other. Aligning S-1031’s cock and S-1031-N rectum. S-1031 cock moving deeper and back along while S-1031-N lifts. Sweat building up on top of the old ones that’s still wet. S-1031 begin attacking is younger clone’s nipple and back to it’s even more reeking pits. S-1031-N have preformed well working hard under “distraction”. The trainer taught it well.

S-1031 is proud of its replacement. Rightfully extracted from its by the owner of its soul and body, to be reborn and served again. With even more capable body and cleaned obedient mind.

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1 year ago
Joy Spread Throughout The Kingdom After The King Return Triumphantly From The Evil Wizard Den, Little

Joy spread throughout the kingdom after the king return triumphantly from the evil wizard den, little did they know the king and his band of elite knights are thoroughly brainwashed and their balls drained empty. Now fiercely loyal slaves to the wizard, whatever title they leave the city with it's now only a facade that their master commands them to keep.

Soon the king introduces the new high priest, who is none other than the evil wizard. The wizard sits proudly on a throne. Like a well-tamed beast, all the enslaved warriors, including the king who disregard his title since his enslavement in the wizard's den, now just another one of the wizard warrior slaves, bow to the wizard, naked and hard, with only their weapon belts and boots. The wizard’s magic slave collar around their neck and a brand of evil over their heart, where they belong.

The Wizard calls the king to the throne that he used to sit on, which now rightfully belongs to his god master, the evil wizard. Obediently, the king comes up to kneel in front of the throne and lowers himself to kiss the wizard's feet faithfully.

“Mount yourself on me.” Taking off his priest's robe, the wizard commands.

The King gets up to the wizard's lap and lowers himself into the wizard's hard cock. Lustfully moaning, the king begins to fuck himself on the wizard's dick for the whole throne hall to see. The wizard grip his hair and brought the king's mouth to his. Their tongue dance in the king’s mouth, the king tongue dance submissively surrendering the dominance to the master.

Later the wizard parted from his slave's mouth and indulge in the slave’s pit, lush with dark hair and rich with the stench from the combat training. The wizard grab the slave king's muscled shoulder and press his sweaty naked muscled body down to release his seed deep inside his slave. But he doesn't allow the slave to release their own, serving him would be the highest pleasure and honor of their life not their own sexual release, he makes sure he brainwash them like that.

The wizard later make all of his best warrior slave wrestling for a chance to taste his seed from the king’s hole. They put on a show with their hard dick and sweaty muscled body, while he lay and watch on the throne lazily with the king passionately licking his dick clean of the mess that he makes on the wizard’s dick. The long dick is still hard but the slave thinks nothing of it, only the pleasure of serving the wizard occupies his mind.

The wizards work fast to ensure that this kingdom is completely under his grip and that its resources and power obey his evil deeds. Soon the entire army is at the wizard's beck and call, next, all the men in the kingdom fall too. Every man in the kingdom now sports a magic slave collar around their neck. With women and children relocated to the newly build walled-off part of town, Only men are allowed inside the city wall. Every new full-grown man is commanded to go into the city for a rite of passage ritual, they will receive their own collar and also a new loyalty and devotion; just like their father, brother, and friend before them. Ready to work away their life for their god master whether it’s in military, mine, or a farm.

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1 year ago
After Countless Relapses, This New Rehab In A Small Town Of No Where Would Be The Last One That Nic Would

After countless relapses, this new rehab in a small town of no where would be the last one that Nic would ever need.

Hours brainwashed and gallons of his cum milked, Nic is now ready to be mold as whatever his master wishes. His addiction redirected into an even more intense obedience and loyalty to the master.

Many from the street like him are assigned as a warrior slave, he will be trained by the best special ops that the master have acquired as one of his warrior slave. They will be put through 10 times of every toughest special ops training. Any hint of free will, the training will break them to pieces. Only a free will purged mind and solid unquestioning obedience will make it. These Intense training and exercise combine with master’s special slave feed, is turning them into a muscle beast with an unmatched discipline that could only be achieved without free will.

After that they will be ready to be given a rank of a warrior slave. Lining up for inspection for the master, hard sheathed dick pointing up, chest, master’s insignia freshly branded chest puff, their rectum squeeze tight around the hollow plug, reminding them of their total surrender and devotion to the master is their only source of pride and happiness.

The Master have a plan for them. Nic and other newly trained warrior slaves will be back on the same street that the junkie Nic comes from to enforce his master rule with his iron fists. Dominating the dark corners of society with his own “gang” of slaves.

Master will pick the one that he likes and fuck them in their new uniform for the Street in front of others in the line, thick Cuban chain warps tight around their neck, black short sleeve button up shirt and cargo pants, pair with black combat boots.

Nic hopes that he train hard enough to please the master and will get picked to be baptized his insides with the master’s holy nectar. So does other slaves in his squadron.

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1 year ago

A highly decorated special force officer, intelligence officer, and general, after taking countless bullets and leading many successful commands for his country, the only thing he wants is to enjoy his retirement, but the master has other plans for him.

A Highly Decorated Special Force Officer, Intelligence Officer, And General, After Taking Countless Bullets

One of his men used to be under his command during his time at the special force called. Congratulating him for his retirement, Rob invites the guy for a beer at his house, not knowing that the guy has been so long enslaved to the master that he would have to be reminded of its old name.

On the other end, WP4 kneels naked in front of its master while its mouth lets out the voice of its old personality to the phone in its hands, the rest of its face is completely devoid of emotion, only dedicated its mind to its master command. The master's feet play around with its hard-sheathed dick. Every touch makes its sheathed dick and plugged asshole twitch, but it carries on its conversation with the person that its old self used to admire and look up to the most, luring him to, now, the only person that matters, its master.

A Highly Decorated Special Force Officer, Intelligence Officer, And General, After Taking Countless Bullets

WP4 is quick to naturalize the old man. Once the old man finished a can of drug-laced beer, he was soon strapped in a brainwash rig under its pickup truck bed cover.

After countless brainwashing sessions with mind-shattering orgasms, the old man purges out its old self and personality. No longer a proud soldier, as soon as it was released from the rig its powerful body fell down to the master's feet, one of the most decorated soldiers in history now kissing master's feet, begging to be sheathed, plugged, and branded with its true name and the master's mark of his ownership over it, but the master have further plans for it.

A Highly Decorated Special Force Officer, Intelligence Officer, And General, After Taking Countless Bullets

As soon as it heard the master command it could jump into another steel gurney fast enough. The service slaves helped tie it with leather straps to the gurney. It don't understand why would they need a strap since the master has absolute power over it. The realization comes as the machine with numerous needle at the end of its arm aim the tip of it at both sides of its skull, deep down its throat, on the middle of each of its meaty chest, for each of its six-packs, for its navel, down its urethra, both of its balls, along its thick leg, deep in its rectum, and almost hundred of them all over its wide back and along its spine from the base of its head to the tail bone.

The master leans in close to its ear. The master breath and brush of his lips make its mind explode in orgasmic pleasure each one bigger than the last. "Stay still and repeat the mantra." He whispered to his new old slave. The slave obeyed. The Headset got lower into its head putting it into a familiar sweet brainwashing loop.

A Highly Decorated Special Force Officer, Intelligence Officer, And General, After Taking Countless Bullets

As its chanting began, the machine pushed all the needle into its flesh in a swift and precise motion. "I ACCEPT THIS AS MY ABSOLUTE TRUTH.- ughhhh! -EVERY FI -mumhhhh- BER OF MY BEING BELONGS TO THE- Haah… Uugh.. Aaah…- MASTER. MY LO- Aghh! AAAH! -YALTY AND OBEDIENCE TO HIM- Mmmfffp! Unnf -RULE MY B- nnhg Uh-uhh! -ODY AND MIND. SERVING HIM IS THE ONLY PURPOSE AND PLEASURE OF MY- haahhh hmmm-mmh Nnmm… -LIFE!"

The chanting got more steady and monotone one the X chemical pumping through the slave body. Enhancing its body and mind. The master chooses to keep its aged appearance, but on the inside it's the same X-class superhuman slave as its brethren. But if there's one thing that the master has changed on the outside would be its size. Its already imposing body has been enhanced even more. Now at 8 feet with an even wider back to support, a truly powerful beast for the master to command.

A Highly Decorated Special Force Officer, Intelligence Officer, And General, After Taking Countless Bullets
A Highly Decorated Special Force Officer, Intelligence Officer, And General, After Taking Countless Bullets

The master is now ready to unwarp his gift to himself, another X-class guard slave, Other X-Class slaves have been away on a mission to assist in taking over a faraway country. This one would be his right hand, always at his side to serve and protect him.

Its body begins producing the skin pigment of Its name, XP-0002, and its insignia appears on its huge pec over its heart, where it belongs, signify the completion of the process. The machine pulls its needles and headset back. XP02 still chanting the mantra lying still just as the master had ordered months ago.

A Highly Decorated Special Force Officer, Intelligence Officer, And General, After Taking Countless Bullets


"Cum." the master whispered in its ear. Its already hard dick begins spraying its cum all over its sweaty body over and over until commanded it to stop. The master ordered his service slaves to begin putting a sheath onto its enhance foot-long dick and the collection tube click on to the sheath soon after, keeping its superior genetic into the eugenic stock.

A Highly Decorated Special Force Officer, Intelligence Officer, And General, After Taking Countless Bullets

The master order it to ride on his dick, while he admires his new possession. Tasing its huge sweating body. XP2 accepts its master invading dick into its virgin rectum and his tongue over its glistening abs, its lush pubic trail, its hairy chest, and its reeking pits. All of it belongs to him. It welcomes its master tongue with its own into its mouth, twirling around obediently following him around, its own mouth, his rightful domain, like a dog on a leash. Every touch between its and the master's tongue, just as his other touch, sent electricity down its spine to its dick, still obediently pumping its cum hard as its owner's command, and its ass twitching around the master's conquering dick giving him the pleasure at its best superhuman ability. After he cums, the service slaves put a plug into the XP2 rectum to keep his holy seed inside it.

A Highly Decorated Special Force Officer, Intelligence Officer, And General, After Taking Countless Bullets

After its enslavement, XP2 is always at its master's side, outside and in bed, it had lost all sense of its former self, replaced by a blissful servitude that it was unable to resist. Every command he obeyed, XP2 felt a never-failing mind-shattering orgasm that left him feeling empty and full at the same time.

XP2 is a force to be reckoned with, more powerful than any non-X-class slave could become. It soon became the go-to enforcer for the master, doing whatever the Master asked without question and was used to carry out the Master's most demanding and dangerous tasks, compelled to serve his master at all times with absolute loyalty.

A Highly Decorated Special Force Officer, Intelligence Officer, And General, After Taking Countless Bullets

"Thank you for bringing me to his enslavement" XP2 comes up to WP4 after training.

"I only obey his command, brother," WP4 replied, WP4's old self would not address his CO as such, but it does not matter now they are now equally master's loyal and obedient property. WP4 places its hand on the master's emblem over XP2's heart. It's perpetually hard dick twitch in the reminder of its master ownership over them.

"But without you, the master would never have found me" XP2 places its hand back at WP4's emblem tattoo. Its dick twitching back as an answer.

A Highly Decorated Special Force Officer, Intelligence Officer, And General, After Taking Countless Bullets
A Highly Decorated Special Force Officer, Intelligence Officer, And General, After Taking Countless Bullets

XP2 immediately pulls WP4 into a kiss soon they intensely make out with each other. XP2 swiftly put the genetic mixture machines on both of their dick. XP2's and WP4's sheathed dick locked with the machine immediately as the machine was pumping them and sending a signal to the plug to begin vibrating to the max. Soon they surrender their essence to the master via the machine. The machine would mix their genetics and the service slave would pick it up to grow a new batch of ready-grown slaves.

The master sitting on his observation throne for the training room while his other pleasure slave servicing his dick with its mouth, watching his XP2 slave. XP2 meets his eyes and bows its head to its owner. Ready to detach from its slave brother to be back to its master's side.

X: @Jmson26856649, IG: Jmson48

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1 year ago
Who The Fuck Are You? You Arent My Lawyer. Chris Asked, Confused, As A Mob Boss, That Fucking Lawyer

“Who the fuck are you? You aren’t my lawyer.” Chris asked, confused, as a mob boss, that fucking lawyer of his better show up for what he paid for them, not this skeleton of a man. He has been in this god forsaken jail for far too long. He might have people both here and out helping him run his business uninterrupted, but nothing beats freedom.

“No I’m not, but trust me Mr.Connor. You’ll find that my offers are hard to refuse.”

“I’m not talking until my leach lawyer is here.”

“It’s ok, that won’t be a problem.” Suddenly the door of the interrogation room opened. Three huge guy entered the room, Chris is shock at them, all naked with the same matching tattoos on their chest. Their dicks are attached to some weird device along its full erected length.

One stay behind the small man, kneeling by his side. Two of them immediately got to Chris and pin him down to the chair. He finally got a close look at the tattoo containing some weird emblem and a small text under it “WP” following with a number.

But Chris is now too panic to pay attention to. As they start tearing his orange jumpsuit, leaving him completely naked on a cold stainless steel chair.

Who The Fuck Are You? You Arent My Lawyer. Chris Asked, Confused, As A Mob Boss, That Fucking Lawyer

The mysterious man walk up to him and grab his bearded face. “Turns out we do need people on the hierarchy and cannot just recycle some junkie. I couldn’t stomach them, they are deeply unattractive but here you are on the top of the food chain and quite a looker yourself, jackpot! You made a little slip that landed you here, but don’t worry I’ll make sure you’ll be much, much more capable and won’t making any mistakes again.”

The man released the grip on face and tap Chris’s forehead with his finger gently. Chris body suddenly feels like it has been electrocuted with pleasure. His body seizes up. The power flowing along his spine to the tip of his dick makes his back arched up in the air sending his instantly erect dick high up in the air. Chris letting out a tortured moan as the most potent orgasm he has ever experienced hit him but all the reaction from his dick is leaking droplets of pre-cum.

Who The Fuck Are You? You Arent My Lawyer. Chris Asked, Confused, As A Mob Boss, That Fucking Lawyer

Chris is completely paralyzed as the third naked men carry him to what’s look like an ambulance parking in a private area of the jail. Inside the gurney and machine with hundreds of robot hands with fully loaded needle are standby for his arrival.

Chris body remain completely paralyzed from the master’s power as the machine break his skin with hundreds of needles with precision. As the needle slowly sink into his urethra, his balls, and anus, he feels everything as the machine begin pumping the compound X into him. But his awareness is cut short as another pair of needles make contact with his temple and the headset secured over his head, pumping the master pure mind power into its mind, destroy every resistance while solidified obedience and loyalty to its one and only god master. Molding its mind and body into one of the master’s X-Class super human slave.

Who The Fuck Are You? You Arent My Lawyer. Chris Asked, Confused, As A Mob Boss, That Fucking Lawyer
Who The Fuck Are You? You Arent My Lawyer. Chris Asked, Confused, As A Mob Boss, That Fucking Lawyer


Lying in the spacious bed of the master bedroom in the mansion that it used to own. Chris, now XP-0003, usually sleeps in the new barracks with all of its slave brethren, but today the master request its sexual service.

No matter how much it wants to stay at the master’s side, but it have master’s mission to obey and complete. It get up from the master’s bed, XP2 are on the other side of their sleeping master. His head resting on XP2 chest, XP2 nod to XP3. One of X-Class slave’s super human ability is operating 24/7 without needing sleep, ever. So as XP2 and XP3 have finished their duty of sexually servicing the master. They always stay fully awake guarding him.

Who The Fuck Are You? You Arent My Lawyer. Chris Asked, Confused, As A Mob Boss, That Fucking Lawyer

XP3 pass by rows of naked men strapped into a steel gurney. All of them used to be Chris’ trusted comrades, right hands, and henchmen. But Chris aren’t here anymore. Only XP3, a master’s vessel puppet for the soon to be reformed syndicate.

Their head are fitted with the same headset machine that XP3 have been brainwashed on, but not the compound X that flow in XP3 body. They would be other classes of non “X” superhuman slave. But only pure obedience and mind clean of free will can achieve so many things unimaginable and superhuman like without the need of Compound X.

Who The Fuck Are You? You Arent My Lawyer. Chris Asked, Confused, As A Mob Boss, That Fucking Lawyer
Who The Fuck Are You? You Arent My Lawyer. Chris Asked, Confused, As A Mob Boss, That Fucking Lawyer

XP3 feel the slickness of the master’s holy nectar deep inside it from last night, reminding it that the slave mind and body belong to the master to make use of. And if the master want to use it above and beyond other slave capabilities, it obeys without hesitation with or without the compound pumping through its vain.

It put on a suit and a facade of “Chris”, one of the most feared mob boss. But under the suit is the insignia of its god and its real name, permanently marked on its skin over its heart, where it belong; a sheathed duck; and a plugged hole. Just as under the mask of a hot headed playboy mob boss, is a fiercely obedient and loyal slave, a vessel to its master’s will, pulling his puppet around.

Who The Fuck Are You? You Arent My Lawyer. Chris Asked, Confused, As A Mob Boss, That Fucking Lawyer

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1 year ago

The plugs in their asses buzz, signal the beginning of another blissful and glorious day of serving the master. Both slaves dislodged from each other musky embraces in their shared single barrack. The tube, finishing it job of collecting the slaves’ cum during their wet dream of the master brainwashing all night, immediately detached from their sheathed penis. The sheath and the chemical in the slave feed always keep them erected and ready.

The whole slave stable got the same signal and leave the barrack with nothing on their dick pointing to the sky showing their sheath gripping along their length proudly just as the master’s mark over their heart. They head to the gym yard in unison for their mandatory morning workout.

After two hour of grueling work out, the slave move their glistening body to their equally grueling job. SP-0019 and SP-0047 join a group of slave heading the master mansion, all of them good looking slave that also carries the pleasure slave rank as well as their other assigned job. Any slave serves in the master mansion have to be personally selected by the master to also serve as a sex slave for him.

The Plugs In Their Asses Buzz, Signal The Beginning Of Another Blissful And Glorious Day Of Serving The
The Plugs In Their Asses Buzz, Signal The Beginning Of Another Blissful And Glorious Day Of Serving The

At the slave entrance at the mansion, the X-Class guard slave, which is the only class of slave allowed to have the barracks in the mansion’s basement, stand by to inspect and hose down all of the slave entering the mansion. While the master appreciates a masculine musk, he doesn’t want his mansion to be overwhelmed by that. The guard give the slave a kiss on their tattooed chest, appreciating their hard work and devotion to the master, and let the slave inside.

SP-0019 and SP-0047 head straight to the kitchen where they prepared the master’s breakfast for him. They put on their uniform for the kitchen. Not many other slave in the estate have to wear anything other than their plug, sheath, and black boots. The warriors and guard wear bulletproof vest; hi vis and fire proof vest for dangerous job; and the slave outside of the estate wear normal clothes.

The Plugs In Their Asses Buzz, Signal The Beginning Of Another Blissful And Glorious Day Of Serving The
The Plugs In Their Asses Buzz, Signal The Beginning Of Another Blissful And Glorious Day Of Serving The

They used to be a raising star chef, have their own Michelin restaurant. But that don’t matter as the uniform slide across their raised tattooed flesh of their owner’s emblem. They shutter as pleasure sparks and run through their spine to their sheathed dick, another reminder of his ownership over them. This is the proudest and most honorable moment of their life to serve the master.

They begin working on the finest ingredients, grown by service slaves on the land around or brought by money of the master’s labor slave, with their also finest skill for a meal worthy of the god that they all belong to.

The Plugs In Their Asses Buzz, Signal The Beginning Of Another Blissful And Glorious Day Of Serving The
The Plugs In Their Asses Buzz, Signal The Beginning Of Another Blissful And Glorious Day Of Serving The

After the breakfast is finished, they brought the perfect plates of savory and sweet dishes to the master’s bedroom. The guard to the door let them in to the glorious sight of the master sleeping with two of his chosen pleasure slaves for the night on his sides. The slaves on the bed are fully awake waiting for the master’s first command of the day.

19 and 47 set the plates down and begins another duty of them. Both slave get under the sheet and begin the journey of kisses from each of the master’s feet to his divine manhood. Their lips meet each other at the master’s rod, with the rod in between them and on the center of their mind, they begin the passionate make out. Their tongues work in harmony on the master free and unsheathed shaft. Their tongues touch and depart and repeat, the same goal dominates two slave obedient mind, pleasing the master. As they lost in the dedication to the act, hands reach to their head and play with their hair, they immediately know whose hands it belongs to. Just like them, these heavenly hand are belong to their rightful master.

The Plugs In Their Asses Buzz, Signal The Beginning Of Another Blissful And Glorious Day Of Serving The
The Plugs In Their Asses Buzz, Signal The Beginning Of Another Blissful And Glorious Day Of Serving The

As a well trained pleasure slave, they can feel his divine nectar close. They took turn fighting for his seed and continued pleasuring him. Today luck favors 19, it lick the master’s slit clean. The flavor of his nectar spreading all over it tongue, no food that it tried or made have come close to this. “Good morning, sir” as 47 finished welcoming the master to his new day, 19 close its mouth on 47 to share the divine seed with it. 47’s tongue immediately shoot out to 19’s mouth and throat, scraping the best thing that every slave could have ever tasted.

After all of the master’s meals are completed for the day, the slaves headed back to their stable for another 2 hours mandatory workout. Then they gather at the line of feeding tray where a white goo rushes out from a machine that mix all the slave needed nutrition and protein for their muscle; chemicals for their obedience, strength, and endurance; cum from all of them for the fraternity. They get to the ground on all four and wolf down with their mouth from the feed. 19 and 47 on the line with its brethren enjoy their meal. Knowing that the compound make them big, strong, and better slave, the feed is their second favorite and the only food they now know. The delicious food they made are not for them and if they made it perfect enough they might get to taste their top favorite from time to time.

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1 year ago

The Gargareans.

The Gargareans.

The actual video that inspired this story are too 🌶️ to be here, it’s this one.

The young alpha is mating with his omega for the first time.

It begin as a duty of every new alpha to gain his ability to enslave a mutt into his pack, arranged by the patriarch through a through genetic analysis of both of them for an optimal enhancement to the alpha’s ability that he will gain after mated; the mind control over the mutts to build his own pack; and an enhanced strength, agility, and senses.

But as he keep fucking his assigned omega, the sex become more and more intimate, sure the omega is cute and sexy, he hard as a rock since he saw the man that he have to mate, as the alpha buried himself deep into the omega, the omega special inner organ made a connection to the alpha nerve and directly to his brain and rewire his alpha mind, and his own, into devoted lovers. Intimacy begin to infuse in his rutting in additional to lust which is also growing more intense as the omega rewiring him.

They are gay, of cause, if they aren’t they would be just a mutt, waiting for the honor of having alpha enslaves them into his pack, but being biologically bond together for the rest of their life, they would not find any attraction from any other men anymore.

With every thought of attraction are now hard wired to this petite little omega and the new ability gained from mating, he will build a strong pack of enslaved mutts surrounding his beloved omega. Another proud pack for the patriarch’s army to spread their supremacy over the mutts’ (or what they call themselves straight “men”) uncivilized society and liberate our fellow brethren Gargareans (or what the mutts call us gay men) from the mutts’ societal oppression and their own biological suppression into an apex being as alphas and omegas.

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1 year ago
The Alpha Is Getting Serviced By His Mutt. He Miss His Omega Terribly And These Mutts Arent Even Close

The alpha is getting serviced by his mutt. He miss his omega terribly and these mutts aren’t even close to a warm and tight hug of his omega’s pussy wall. These mutts on the frontline with him are barely enough for him to get by during his rut, but his country calls, fighting for the freedom and safety of his omega while knowing he’s safe and sound at home protected by one of his pack’s top mutts that he personally assigned as the omega’s bodyguards and sextoy, this is the sacrifice that men like him are willing to pay at any price.

For the mutt, without the specialized organs to accommodate the alpha’s manhood, and The alpha instincts to be intimate and gentle only reserved and hardwire for only their omega, their experience would be extremely painful

But without any ability to from any disobedient thought, they are taking it dutifully and proudly, no matter how much of their inside are torn to shreds. The alpha’s released essences would enter their blood stream through these tear and slowly heal and enhance them, ready for any tomorrow’s mission to break them down again.

As the alpha brutally fuck his sextoy, he imagined his proud manhood buried and embraced deep in the omega soft yet tight and heavenly warm pussy wall. His petite features looking up at him. His muscular body engineered to protect intertwined with his omega’s petite built sculpted in the patriarch’s perfect image. He released his seed, which should have been in his omega’s stomach, into his mutt’s worthless hole.

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11 months ago
Welcome Back, Sir The Younger Slave Standing At The Door Welcoming Its Older Clone That It Will Replace
Welcome Back, Sir The Younger Slave Standing At The Door Welcoming Its Older Clone That It Will Replace

”Welcome back, sir” the younger slave standing at the door welcoming its older clone that it will replace one day. Naked, erect, chest puff, and hands behind its head revealing its pits glistening with sweat just like rest of its body. Ready for their routine combat training after “School”, the young slave basic training.

W-2136 take off its bulletproof vest uniform to its naked body underneath, glisten just as its clone, W-2136-N, only bigger and branded with the master’s emblem on its left pec.

The young clone plant a kiss on the master’s mark of ownership. Begin to worship it with it tongue tracing alone the raised tattoos pattern on the skin. It take its time to admire the intricate line while W-2136 sheathed dick twitch with each millimeter that it’s clone tongue traveled.

W-2136-N noticed other slave behind W-2136. It see the code tattooed under the emblem identified these slave as a service slave. The service slave seeing that W-2136-N have finished the ritual and begin talk.

“W-2136 have been decommissioned, the transfer process will begin.”

The old and new clone immediately got on their knees, the young slave mounting its hole embedded with a hollow butt plug on to the older slave sheathed penis, the plug and sheath mechanism lock into each other. Their head bow down and hands behind their back as programmed to do for the transference.

The service slaves bring two helmets one red and one black and place it on to the warrior slave’s and its clone’s head. The black one on W-2136 begin to forcefully stab into the slave’s skull, making its body flex rigid, head roll back, and back arched.

W-2136-N feels its body, resting on W-2136 thighs, lifted higher along with W-2136 dick inside of it. But its awareness is short lived and it feels a cold steel of an electrodes press inside the red helmet against its temple and begin to transfer all of W-2136 data directly into its brain. Both of them twitch in fucking rhythm synced with their brain upload and download pattern on the helmets command.

The service slave, after finished with installing cum collecting device on W-2139-N unoccupied sheathed penis, standing around the two slaves connected with two helmets wired together, in the same standard position that W-2136-N assumed before W-2136 arrival. The processed slaves finally cum, as the helmet command them to signaling the end of the transfer.

The service slave took W-2136-N helmet off, its blink its eyes trying to adjust to the older clone’s memory and skill imposed in its mind. It have the memory of W-2136 ending its day with the other warrior slaves in the squad and come back to its cell to meet with itself, W-2136-N.

The black helmet still stay on W-2136 now drained of all identity, memories and thought. The helmet permanently attached to its head, only a body pilot around by the computer it’s now a drone with out even code to distinguish itself from other to be use for manual labor until its components are broken and useless.

W-2136-N also cease to exist. It’s now officially W-2136, fully replaced its original standing tall in a standard slave stance. Ready to assume its older version’s duty without a hitch. With the same memories, skills and even DNA, with some altered from the last version to enhance its physical and mental capabilities to serve the master.

The older version didn’t make the cut to be the master’s pleasure slave but this younger enhanced clone might. As the service slave begin to tattoo the master’s mark of ownership over its heart. The later set of its real name would be tattooed, this slave might become more than just a W-2136. A WP-2136 is a possibility with the master work on its DNA to mold it more to his image.

The service slaves lead the former W-2136 with the helmet permanently on its head and its name tattooed over with a black bar for it pass on the W-2136 designation to the newer version of its clone, now a faceless, nameless drone to other facilities along with the clone’s cum in the collector to create another generation of it molded even further to the master’s image and servitude. An even better slave to assume its place when the time comes for it to join its older version as a drone.

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11 months ago

New allegiant

New Allegiant

After a failed desperate mission to save his country from the invading Gargarean forces, the soldier soon find out how they deal with the prisoner of war.

He's assign to be claimed by an alpha of the pack that defeat his group, for his information on his resistance army. The soldier, of cause, is not going to give a way any of that, not even for his life.

But the Gargareans have unique ways of convincing him to cooperate with them, the alpha order his mutts to strip him naked and restrain him in his cell. He feels something invading his rectum with out mercy.

No matter how hard he squeeze it shut, it's unmatched to the alpha's hard penis. Non of them care about his blood bloodcurdling scream, all of the mutts have gone through this, and if it's not his omega, the alpha couldn't careless to be gentle. This one is not for intimacy that he only reserved for his omega, this is about domination.

As soon as the alpha have reach inside the soldier with all of his length, the specialized nerve connection at the end of the alpha frenulum, hooks into the soldier prostate begin to establish a direct pathway into his brain.

Foreign though and ideas begin to invade the soldier brain while some of his own striped away, his eyes rolls back into the socket from overstimulation. As the alpha begin to fuck him, the connection steadily maintain no matter how furious the pace is, the soldier, straight for all of his life, begin to feel pleasure inciting his dick to rise and become rock hard.

The alpha picking up more savage pace and release his cum deep in the soldier's along with the neuron shock into the soldier's brain. The solider arc his back into the alpha embracing him into him deeper and release his cum over his naked and sweaty muscular body by the overstimulation shock from the alpha nerve connection, completely rewire his mind, loyalty, and devotion.

No longer a patriotic man of his nation, now one of the alpha's loyal and proud mutt. The alpha leave him after finish his job to attend to his other duty, the rest of the mutts, no, his pack brother, welcome him by took turn taking a lick of his cum and sweat covered body. Familiarized themselves with the new runt's smell. The runt also taking a whiff of their scent with his new enhanced nose too.


It have been a year after that faithful day. The resistance is completely annihilated. After the pack are back home from deployment, he first saw his omega, he immediately fall to his knees by the sight of the most beautiful man, or any human, that he have ever saw, It's the alpha's thought that he pass on to his mutts after assimilating them. But he couldn't care less, he will guard this man with his life, just like the rest of his pack, including his alpha would.

The omega have taking a like to him, and request him to grow his hair out. After testing that it wouldn't interfere with combat and received his alpha approval. He obeys the omega's wish to decorate his living sex toy to his liking. He's a gift from the alpha to his beloved husband for going on deployment for so long.

He find out that the enormous yet still define and agile body that the mutts posses, are a blessing from ingesting the omega's cum. After the omega have bless him for quite a while with his divine nectar, his size are now comparable to the rest of the mutts in his pack. Capable of any combat mission side by side with his packmates and the alpha leading them, or fiercely guarding his omega, but he's still nicknamed runt by his pack, at least until the alpha take in another stray like him in.

New Allegiant

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11 months ago

An alpha and omega blend their smell together after mated. The scent of a mated pair are different than a single alpha or omega, signal to other people that they belong together.

Mutts will take on their blended smell after the alpha claimed them, signifying which Gargarean couple own it.

The mutt getting to know the new mutt enslaved by their alpha by familiarize themselves with their new pack mate scent and rubbing the pack's scent into the new mutt.

As you can see, this mutt is not only licking the new mutt smell. He also rubbing the smell of his alpha and omega, the smell of his pack, onto the runt marking him as one of theirs, at their alpha and omega's command.

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11 months ago
He Has Never Been More Happy, Fulfilled With Purpose, And Muscular Since He Was Just A Simple Farm Hand,

He has never been more happy, fulfilled with purpose, and muscular since he was just a simple farm hand, the wizard's slaves that he used to to know as his king and his holy band of knight comes to his village and lock the wizard's collar on him, enslave him and the men in his village. The wizard magic collar brainwashed his mind cleaned long ago but it stay permanently proudly on his neck as a sign of the wizard ownership over him.

Every straining of his muscle make his dick twitch, knowing he push his limit with backbreaking labor serving the wizard. All the slaves are naked as per the rule, slave don't wear clothes, clothes are not necessary in serving the wizard.

Due to the hard work that could only be achieve by an intensely brainwashed labor, the work so grueling that any man with free-will simply couldn't do. Accompanied with the wizard's mysterious demonic grain seed. The harvest this round have come up more bountiful than he have ever seen in his life. The harvested black grain radiated with dark magic that him and his brethren slave feed on would only make them grow stronger and stronger for the wizard to use their labor harder and harder. His dick twitch at the thought of that.

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10 months ago

A Second Chance

When I got sentenced for a life in prison, I make peace with the idea that this is concrete wall would be the rest of my life long time ago. It’s the price I’m willing to pay, those people deserve it. I know what they did at those conversion camp, I experienced it. 

One lucky night, I escaped, physically not mentally. I scraped by as I slowly made my way further and further from that place, but my mind how suffered too much that the distance couldn’t help. Desperate for a living and something grueling enough to quiet my mind, I joined the army. I’m good enough to cover things to pass a psych test, the training was good enough to keep me busy, I keep taking in more and more rigorous assignments like a junkie.

But the thought of those day in the camp never left me, no matter how many classified tour as I did as a one of the top special forces operator, I’m just better at hiding it now. 

So one day after returning from deployment, I pack things up and head back to where I came from. That conversation camp is still operating so I pick the downtime where it wouldn’t have any kid around to pay them a visit. Next is the church and lastly my parents’ home. And end the day at the police station where I delivered their severed heads on the officer desk. My job is done.

It’s been a while in the cell before the Gargarean army advanced into the town. The prison guards have left us since the battle begins a week ago, thankfully their army are unmatched to humans so we don’t have to wait and starved here for long before they take the prison and process its the entire population. Injecting us with serum that activates the hidden ancient Gargarean genes that they left in every men since the beginning of human race.

Sexual orientation is the indicator for the results. Heterosexuals turn into mutts waiting for an alpha to enslave and take them into their pack; and Homosexuals turn into either alpha or omega. So of course most of the prisoner become a mutt, few become an alpha, like me, and even fewer become an omega.

A Second Chance

The soft lips caressing my coarse tatted face brought me back to the present. My dick still buried deep in him, my own precious omega. Still coming down from the orgasm high, I could feel his connection to my mind from the new organ at the tip of my dick directly to my brain, healing me from the inside, just like the day that we first mated. It’s like my little angel blow my darkest trauma that hunted me all my life with just a gentle blow.

It’s mind boggling that a being this pure could cure the darkness that himself has never experienced before in his life. He have a better life than me from the start even before the war and I intended to keep it that way, with my and my pack’s life.

He’s wearing his lucky red sweater to sent me to another deployment with a farewell sex. One of the mutt entered our room and get on his knees bowing, as the custom for a mutt in a present of an alpha or an omega, “We are ready to move at your command, sir.” I nod to him, and turn to give my omega one more kiss for goodbye. “I hope you’ll like the mutt that I left with you.” He replied. “Well, not as good as you, but I’ll make do” another kiss on my cheek as I pull my knot out of his hole, soaked of my cum and his self-produce lubricant, disconnecting our mind.

I put on my uniform and head out with my mutts, every alpha’s patriarch given duty to protect his little angel and liberates millions of pure creatures like him living a life of abuse and oppression, I couldn’t be more proud to be redraft along with my pack of mutts that I personally enslaved and trained as one of the patriarch’s best special force in the glorious Gargarean army. At my command, my pack will fight for the patriarch's holy cause and fiercely guarding my omega who gives me a second chance of life.

A Second Chance

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10 months ago
The Twin Are Brought To The Town From The Countryside As Soon As They Turn Into Adults. The Warden Round

The twin are brought to the town from the countryside as soon as they turn into adults. The warden round up a group of them to the castle with the soldier, lock them into the wizard magic collar like the one they have on their neck. At first the collar hung lose on their scrawny neck but the brainwashing are still as intense. The chaos die down when the last one get collared. They walk out to the yard in a unison, their eyes empty, and begin training mindlessly with the older slaves immediately.

Years later, after an intense training non stop since that day, they are one of the wizard's elite slave knight. The perfect enforcer for the wizard rule through out the land. They raid villages with their dick hard as a rock as they round up the men in the village and collar them, knowing that they have bring more slave under the wizard mind destroying power.

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10 months ago
After Combat Injuries And Some Lost Limbs, He Comes Back To His Country As A War Hero, Honorably Discharged

After combat injuries and some lost limbs, he comes back to his country as a war hero, honorably discharged and getting his limbs replaced with high tech prosthetic that connects directly with his brain to move as if it’s his own.

Not long after he left the hospital, the prosthetic fry his brain and recode it with a new program as he lay shaken with seizures on his kitchen floor. Shortly after he spring back to his feet, standing at attention. The chip in his brain sent his address to the transport team, who’s going to ship him back to the front line as an absolute obedient combat drone. He was such a great soldier, the army decided that there should be no retirement for him.

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7 months ago
Genetic Arabization Changes A Person's Genes And Appearance To Match Arab Traits, And Also Shifts Their

Genetic Arabization changes a person's genes and appearance to match Arab traits, and also shifts their culture and memories to fit into Arab life.

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