endofthestaff - Is That A Tumblr Enough Name For Ya?
Is That A Tumblr Enough Name For Ya?

He/him but don’t mind they/them so He/them or they/him

148 posts

Life Series Theory

Life series Theory


Idea for a new life series

Before limited life Grian made a hardcore series with Scar and Joel involving a red timer

Later, Limited life came to fruition (no doubt with the help of the trial timer run)

Scar, Joel, Grian and Jimmy all participated in a video where if one of them died, the others logged in and took over

Hence, my theory/idea…

Cursed life (title still a work in progress)

Cursed life is a limited life setup, but the sever starts with 3/4 of the player in survival the rest in spectator.

The spectators can fly around the world, find structures and so on but cannot interact with the world until either someone dies or an hour passes

When someone dies, the nearest spectator immediately takes their place and can do what they like. They are also immune to the hourly curse where the game picks 1/4 of the players at random to become spectators and allows previous spectators into the world for the rest of the session

If someone is red then they cannot become a spectator, but they can communicate with them. A spectator cannot use an elimination to enter the world.

Of course, this is just a theory/idea but who knows, it’s fun to think about.

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The Archives, The Kingkiller Chronicle by Patrick Rothfuss

I swear I've wanted to get here as much as Kvothe

There's a huge door in there and we have no idea what's behind them. Also one dude just lives in there

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The Royal Academy Library, Ascendance of a Bookworm series by Miya Kazuki and You Shiina

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