Leadership is "Guiding Intent with Integrity". Knowing the equation is one thing. How do you use it?
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It is the responsibility of leadership to beat the drums and maintain the mantra about why their company exists ...
The company exists for the sole purpose to provide a client w a product or service that improves their business or life by 5 to 25%.
When this message isnt conveyed from the top down, then no one knows why they are doing what they are doing. And, all suggestions for improvement fall on deaf ears.
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By assigning someone a task can we see into the inner workings of their mind .. on how they respond to the task, go about executing the task, and feel about the task.
Leadership in Business
Leadership in organizations, as defined by the definition of leadership and business acronym, is .. guiding intent w integrity .. to build a product that solves a business problem .. So, lets examine this further....
Your company has empowered you to build a team and build a product that their customers can use.
Your first step is to find someone who can analyze the customers pinch points. Not, just analyze the customers and see what they are buying, but what additive product do they need to compete in their market.
Your next step is to find people who can build these additive products. This may mean, building software, hardware, product assembly, shipping and receiving, customer service, marketing, and sales. Along w all the administrative staff to flesh out your department.
The last step is to continue sequestering more knowledge about your customers needs and pinch points, so that new teams can be assembled to build these new product categories, as well as expand the brand w new features.
Your teams remain relevant as long as there is a market large enough for your product offerings. When market saturation is reached, teams and products are merged to reduce cost and complexity, as well as build customer reliance integrated product offerings.
This is just one level of leadership where managing the teams expectations up front on how a business operates will ensure that individual team members by into the need to support the whole product offering to remain relevant.
If for example, you cant identify a large enough audience for your product offering, then the department will not be profitable. If sales cant convince a client of the products benefits to their operations, then the department wont be profitable. If production cant produce the product, there wont be a product to sell, let alone market. And, if customer support cant fix problems w the product fast enough, future sales will be disrupted by poor reviews from 3rd parties.
Which, now demonstrates the 3 levels of followers and observers a leader must be aware of. The 1st set of followers are his inner circle of team members that make up the product division. The next set of followers are his loyal customers. The next set are the independent customers to may or may not buy his product. The next set are those that dont need his product but follow his product offerings. The next set are those that are independent but use someone elses products. Then there are those who are loyal to the competitor. And finally, the competitors team.
Outside of all these groups stands observers. They write the reviews, go to the trade shows to see new offerings. Give their opinions on what works and what doesnt. They teach those entering the market place how to use the new products. And so on .. this group provides almost free marketing when they recommend tour products and cost you market share if they pan your products.
Most products have a 5 yr life span before a competitor can march your offering and enter the market w a better product.
And, while ive only talked about leaders and followers, there are managers who are monitoring the various groups related to production, marketing, sales, research and development. Their job is to make sure the tasks are complete, boxes ticked, quality maintained, and authorize the paychecks for work well done.
Teaching Gratitude to Your Team
There are 3 perspectives id like to add here. The first from ADHD, 2nd from the definition if Leadership, and 3rd from project mgnt.
From ADHD, it is easier to reach gratitude through positive events. 95% of all events are neutral, neither happy or sad . 5% are positive events, that generate a happy emoji ☺️. less than 1% of the events are negative, that generate a sad emoji 😭.
When you are happy, it is easier to express gratitude for the things you have achieved.
From Project Management, the first rule says .. manage expectations .. so, when working on a project, its important not only to manage the stake holders and contractors expectations, but also to provide feedback as the project is progressing. Thus feedback should not be held till an annual review, but constantly given during the project to encourage team members to keep working.
From Leadership .. guiding intent w integrity .. the style of leadership you choose determines the quality of the team you work with. So, for you, as a project leader, the goal is to teach the team members and stake holders how to give gratitude and why its important. And, as everyone starts saying thank you for little positive events, the team as a whole grows stronger w each experience to continue to work together and harder towards the goal.
