21, active and accepting requests !! Love 1D, 5sos, Andrew Garfield, Evan Peters, Pedro Pascal

36 posts



I have a lot of requests rn and I'll write them all don't worry guys

I've been super busy w uni and everything so yeah that's why but I'll write all of em

Take care<3

More Posts from Evanpeterscoffeemachine


Crush, Night Changes and Something Sweet is from my old tumble page. 

I request you to not plagarize my work. Its not nice at all.

They’re old and im still working on the requests 

Keep re-blogging my posts and send reqs. 

bye love yall

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AHHHH im so sorry y’all i’ve been MIA i’ve exams coming up and idk anythingggg

i’ll write sm after they’re over 

fill my inbox 

i promise i’ll write so many fics

“Your handwriting. The way you walk. Which china pattern you choose. It’s all giving you away. Everything you do shows your hand. Everything is a self-portrait. Everything is a diary.”

— Chuck Palahniuk, Diary

Travelling Has Always Been A Big Part In My Upbringing And My Personality. I Feel Better Instantly When
Travelling Has Always Been A Big Part In My Upbringing And My Personality. I Feel Better Instantly When
Travelling Has Always Been A Big Part In My Upbringing And My Personality. I Feel Better Instantly When
Travelling Has Always Been A Big Part In My Upbringing And My Personality. I Feel Better Instantly When

Travelling has always been a big part in my upbringing and my personality. I feel better instantly when I'm travelling, especially historical places. I live in India and this is Jaipur.

It gave me good feels and was a mesmerising place.

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