21, active and accepting requests !! Love 1D, 5sos, Andrew Garfield, Evan Peters, Pedro Pascal
36 posts
Evanpeterscoffeemachine - Readyfreddie - Tumblr Blog

Once more for those in the back.

Men’s thighs. Reblog you agree
AHHHH im so sorry y’all i’ve been MIA i’ve exams coming up and idk anythingggg
i’ll write sm after they’re over
fill my inbox
i promise i’ll write so many fics
“Your handwriting. The way you walk. Which china pattern you choose. It’s all giving you away. Everything you do shows your hand. Everything is a self-portrait. Everything is a diary.”
— Chuck Palahniuk, Diary
Crush, Night Changes and Something Sweet is from my old tumble page.
I request you to not plagarize my work. Its not nice at all.
They’re old and im still working on the requests
Keep re-blogging my posts and send reqs.
bye love yall
Crush ~~ draco malfoy.
This is simply a point of view of a third party.
Time : Golden Era
Warnings : None. Mentions of dirty comments and kissing and close proximity.
Pairings : Draco Malfoy x Reader
Please don’t steal my work. This is my first blog ever.
also feel free to fill my inbox with requests
I wanna line my walls with photographs you sent
Of you lying in your swimsuit on the bed
Can't live without your love inside me now
I'll find a way to slip into your skin, somehow
Draco had a way of pestering people. Including her. Someone he was madly infatuated with. Passing flirty, mean comments her way, whispering filthy things into her ear when no one was looking. Sneaking glances at her even when she was looking. He wasn’t embarrassed when he realized he was finding himself excited to see her when she came out of the common room in the mornings after with her uniform perfect. Starting to flirt with her was easy. Asking her about her skirt’s length and the boys she’d been with the previous nights, even though he felt a tug in his chest and held his breath unknowingly to hear her mutter some stupid git’s name or ‘shove off Draco’.
He liked the astronomy tower and she, the black lake. Turn by turn they’d visit these places. Before breakfast, meetings at the astronomy tower were ‘scheduled’ as said by Draco and then the black lake in the afternoon. The Common room owned their nights where they would talk for hours. Or rather she, while Draco looking at her, her eyes, her lashes or her lips which looked so sweet which he so wanted to kiss.
As a rich brat, he’d gotten himself several things but one became his absolute favorite- a Polaroid. He would carry it everywhere hoping he’d run into her in the hallways walking with her friends. He’s click a photograph of her without even telling her. When the ‘gifting season’ would come, he’d give her some of the Polaroids he had clicked before. And if he was feeling generous enough, he’d show her which ones he decided to keep of hers. With her permission of course. He was a gentleman after all.
I wanna fuck your love slow
Catch my heart, go swim
Feel your lips crush
Hold you here, my loveliest friend
The common room was silent. The fire was the only thing cackling in the dungeons. And of course Draco’s nervous breathes. She was sitting on the green colored carpeted floor, with her head resting on the couch head as Draco sat beside her admiring her beauty. She wasn’t daft. She knew they both felt a certain something for each other but was still unsure. Nervously, he asked her lightly whispering, “Can I kiss you ?” “I was hoping you’d ask me that Draco. Its high time anyway”. Laughing lightly, he pulled her in for a sweet kiss lasting about 5 seconds when she asked him the question he was waiting for since a long time ago, “Can we share your bed tonight, Draco? I’ve felt happy after a long time.” “Of course. I mean you can still see the black lake so we can skip the noon time to steal some kisses or cuddle?. I mean it’s whatever you’d like pretty girl.”. She blushed oh so lightly at his sweet silly compliment.
When he woke up in the morning, he kept re-playing the incident from last night not too long ago while staring at her in pure adoration when she said, “Its rude to stare you know.”
Night changes || Draco Malfoy x fem! Reader
Just a third person’s point of view
Warning : Implied smut, kissing, sexual thoughts. IDK hand holding ?
Pairings : Draco malfoy x female slytherin reader.
1st September, 1991.
Them meeting each other in the train was just as normal as meeting every other day. Their families had close bonds and so the children were also tolerable towards each other.
1st September, 1992.
This time they were seen off by only their mothers. The children went and sat down in a compartment avoiding all the sneaky, git- like gryffindors. Of course they’d been taught the meaning of ‘blood purity’ and they took it seriously. Second year came by and went.
1st September, 1993.
The year when puberty takes you on a ride. His hair were falling from the sides. He had parted his hair, no gel, he was a bit taller and had started to wear his tailored black suits to complete the image of being a Malfoy. She had grown tall too. She had started wearing earrings more often and wearing long, light greenish dresses to keep up with her name and reputation in the wizarding world. This year they had started to talk a lot more. Being in the same houses was an added bonus to them. Their family was just as happy and them being in a euphoric stage of experiencing boys and girls and doing activities which were frowned upon by some.
One day, after coming back from the library, Draco saw her going to Moaning Myrtle’s bathroom. She has tear stains on her face. She was obviously crying and had decided to wash her face since she didn’t want Draco to see her like that. Too bad he did.
He followed her acting like some crazy stalker without calling her name. Just walking briskly silently.
When she entered the bathroom, she walked over to the sink and washed her face. She grabbed a face towel from the side of the basin and looked up only to see Draco with a concerned look. He had tried to ask her what was wrong but she didn’t budge at all. He thought he had heard her mutter, “some stupid git told ‘em I was sleeping around”.
Turned out someone had. He beat them to a pulp the next day for hurting his “angel” as he started to call her.
1st September, 1994.
The yule ball. They had gone together. They were fair dancers to be honest. Their friends had been out with their dates from different houses to which upon hearing they only scoffed and said, “isn’t she a muggle-born” or ,“isn’t he a squib like creature”.
She had worn a soft green champagne dress down to her heels. With a simple pearl necklace Draco had gifted her and an ancestral watch along with black heels that complemented her oh so wonderfully. Her hair was all shiny and let down just like normal school days.
Draco looked dapper in his dress robes. He was wearing a white-button up shirt with a light pink bow, an all black coat with shiny black shoes. His hair was parted to one side with no gel.
They had danced and drank so much that day. They were just a little bit tipsy but still sober enough to walk themselves to their dormitories. Draco tried holding her hand to which she didn’t realize what was happening. He thought his hands were clammy and excused himself from the dance floor. Just as he walking out of the great hall, she walked hurriedly after him and held his hand and asked him to stay back. He did. He was just imagining his hands were clammy.
That night several witches and wizards were in other beds. Not specifically their own. Girls in boys’ beds and Boys and girls’ beds.
The effects of the drinks were wearing off. And now they were fully sober. They were holding hands and walking down to the dungeons to sleep in their own beds but Salazar had other plans for them.
They were walking silently, holding hands when she stopped in her tracks and said, “Draco, stop”.
“Why angel? What is it?”.
She was fumbling and fidgeting with her hands when he pulled her closer to him.
“Angel is this fine ?“
“Uh yes, this is what i wanted- i mean yeah this is wonderful no this is fine no that’s not what i meant i thought -. Let me just start over. Can i kiss you?“
“Angel, yes.“
He put his one hand on her lower back the other one cupping her jaw well. She held onto him as if her life depended on him. She had placed her hands on his face and kissed him tenderly.
Once he broke the kiss they smiled at each other. They kissed again. Pulled from the kiss and kissed again. This happened so many times and as they got lost into each other, they didn’t even realize she was in his dormitory. His friends were somewhere else to which he was so thankful for.
They were both lying on his bed. She was wearing a black shirt which he borrowed her. She wasn’t wearing any lowers. She just felt comfortable like that and this was Draco. Her friend?. He was wearing his usual emerald green joggers. He didn’t wear a shirt to sleep that day for some reason as she kept on blushing while looking at him and hearing his response with his signature smirk plastered on his face, “Like what you see angel? I mean I know I’m beautiful. But nothing and no one compares to you of course.”
“Well thank you Draco.“
“I want you. Your love, your pain, your sadness. I want all of you and of course a few treats here and there.“ She laughed so loudly at the latter part he felt satisfied for the night and the days to come.
“Only if you’re willing to share yours. Treats included Draco Malfoy.“
Something Sweet
I had two accounts here but then i decided tha i’ll use this one and ow writing what i wrote in the other account
Fanfiction : One Direction
Pairings : Harry x Zayn
Warnings : Fluff, implied stuff, touching
Mini imagine, massive blurb
Having a writer's block was something Harry never faced. It was his enemy. Something he absolutely despised. He had written so many songs based on his life - his unexplored sexuality, his thoughts on touch, love, girls, men and Louis. He just wanted the fans to see what Zayn meant to him.
Sitting in his office room, Harry thought of taking a break. A break. His room was right next to the kitchen in that shared apartment. There was a warm, salty vanilla-like smell that lured him straight into the kitchen.
And there he was. The Perfect Man. HIS Perfect Man, Zayn. He had gotten off the phone talking to Gigi about their daughter and parental duties. He was making those 'small mutton pastries' for his daughter.
Harry did not like Gigi. The way her family treated Zayn; if only they were lucky enough to see his side. He did like the little girl though. Maybe he thought he'll have one with Zayn or a mini guy Darcy but he did somehow.
He walked into the kitchen lazily and sat on one of the bar stools opposite perfection. Zayn had heard Harry's grunting while sitting on that stool and boy did it do something to him !
"What're ya makin' ?"
"Did you write anything for the new title track?"
"What're ya makin' Zayn ?"
"Samosas. Do you want one ?"
"Can I have you instead? "
A Calum Hood request please where the reader is just feeling a bit sad and he does little things like holds her hand and gives little pecks etc
Anything sweet really because I just feel a bit sad too haha
I hope you feel better soon <333
Pairings : Fem! Reader x Calum Hood
Warnings : Sadness, crying
She didn't feel like it was her day today. It had been happening since morning. Maybe it was the dream she saw at night. Or her constant turning in bed. Calum was nsoring away to glory and that was one way to keep her at bay for some time.
She felt peace whenever she saw him.
It had been a few years since they started dating. They now have a house together. And 3 dogs. The boys and their partners crash at their home sometimes. She felt happy indeed but there are days she feels helpless. She knows Calum is there with her and for her but it has been hard.
While she was razing her legs, she got a tiny cut but it hurt. While she walked out of her house, her pants got stuck in the door while she was closing it and saying "bye" to Calum and her dogs. Her car was less on fuel and she had to reach her office on time. She had to meet with important clients for her company. She met them. That part of her day was still fine. Lunch came, she realized she ordered the wrong takeout food dish. And then a small cactus plant in her office poked her finger. That small poke gave way to so many tears she burst crying. Evening came, her colleagues bade "goodbye" and "see you tomorrow Y/n".
She replied with a very tired hug to them and s small little smile that could've been found only with a magnifying glass.
"Honey, I'm home" she called out entering her home.
Calum ran towards the main enterance to greet her. He seemed so happy. He gave her a long hug and a cute kiss on the cheek. He led her to the sofa in front of the TV.
"Heyyy baby. How was work? I have so much to tell you. Oh my god." Calum was so excited to tell her what he did.
"Wait. I'm coming."
He knew her too well. He got her a water bottle and a tiny choclate.
They were both sitting on the couch. Calum looked at her from his side eyes like a small boy and took her phone. He kept it aise with his and took her hands in his. He looked hesitant at first but then realized it was y/n.
"Soo, Valentine's Day is coming up" he said.
They didn't like Valentine's Day but she guessed he was in the mood. They hadn't gone out in so long maybe he might not have that bad an idea.
She was just about to interrupt him when he shut her up.
"I know you don't like Valentine's because"
He took a small pause, smiled a little and then mimicked her "why would you want to show your partner love one day and treat them not lovey the next day or other days. But we should go to this super fancy place babe and-"
She got so lost in his words and then snapped back to reality when Calum saw her smudged liner and kohl under her eyes.
"Y/n, are you okay?"
That question triggered her that she started to cry in front of Calum. She was obbing so loudly Calum's heart hurt physically. He didn't like to see her cry. She was so precious to him. Almost his wife.
He took her in his arms and hugged her lightly. He stroked her head. He held her cute tiny hands. But no wait. They were the same size? No? Anyway, he looked at her small face and kissed her so passionately. He ran her fingers through her hair and scratched it soflty. They were sitting face to face on the couch. When she stopped crying, she laid her head on his arm. Calum stroked her wet cheek and she closed her eyes. She felt a little better after she saw Calum.
"Do you want to talk about it?" he asked her calmly.
She shook her head saying no.
"Maybe later. Thank you Cal. I would probably be devasted without you."
"Cmon y/n who isn't?" he threw his hands in the air laughing.
They laughed lightly in the calmness of night with their dogs.
I have a lot of requests rn and I'll write them all don't worry guys
I've been super busy w uni and everything so yeah that's why but I'll write all of em
Take care<3
Why would you say that?
Hi! Please could you write some angst for Evan Peters' character Kit Walker from the second season of american horror story (asylum), where like Kit and female reader are both inmates in there? Thank you!
Requested by : Anon
Pairings : Kit Walker x Fem Reader
Universe : American Horror Story
Warnings : Angst, cuss words, shouting, hitting and slut shaming (Dr. Arden to Sister Mary)
This starts with a theird person p.o.v. and later has dialogue
Note : this isn’t assss great but I hope you like it !!
Kit was a new prisoner. But she wasn’t. She was familiar with the rules and impositions in the asylum. She would feel sad for all the new prisoners but once she saw Kit, her eyes melted into his face and suddenly thought that the asylum might not be that bad. But except it was. Her gut feeling had always been so strong.
Sister Mary had started acting weird since the last past few days. She would sneak into the office of Dr. Arden and leave the door a little open.
She was walking through the halls after duties, snuck out. She was feeling adventurous and so she took Kit with her.
“We can’t be here y/n. Aren’t you familiar with the rules?“
“C’mon Kit. Don’t be such a buzzkill. Don’t worry the aliens won’t take you this time. I won’t let them“ she said while turning to him and opened her arms gesturing a hug. He dismissed her sweet little gesture and kept walking till they passed Dr. Arden’s office.
“Psst! y/n come here fast“ he gestured her to keep silent and kept his finger to his lips.
His lips, they look so soft. What all had she done in her mind with those lips of his and the smooth talking he does and the way he walks
She walked silently, tip-toeing to Dr. Arden’s office door and stood behind Kit.
“Sister Mary Eunice! What a slut you are. Have you no shame walking into my office wearing that robe of yours! Get off of my table and close your fucking legs, you slut!“
“Oh relax Doctor, as if you haven’t thought about me fucking you and you pouding yourself into me“
They heard footsteps from behind and didn’t want to take a chance. Kit and y/n slipped into a small room that hadn’t been occupied in a long time. They walked around the dimly lit room and she sat on the bed. All of this was happening so quietly, not even their breaths were audible. But there was so much tension between them. Y/n was sitting on the bed when Kit walked to her side of the small bed and sat beside her. His hands were exploring the bed, its sheets and her hands.
His eyes were on her hands. They would look so pretty around his neck or holding his own hands
She lighly cleared her throat and said, “So now Sister Jude won’t notice?“
“C’mon y/n. If she sees us she might as well just feed us to Bloody Face.Oh wait. That’s me“ said Kit.
“No but seriously Kit. Think about it. What if you are bloody face? Would you kill me too?“ She asked him. She shifted just a little closer to him. They were apart yet so close to each other. She could hear his breathing and he could see her breathing.
“Why would you say that? Do you think I am bloody face?“ he said.
“Kit I was just kidding. Calm down.“ she said.
He was still sitting there when he again said “Why would I lie about Alma? You know Grace was right about you. You are not a nice person and definitely have no idea when to say what”. He said all this while whispering and shouting.
“I-i-i am so sorry Kit. Genuinely; like i ne-never thought of it that way. I’m sorry.“
After a very breif pause, she said “Grace told you what about me?”
“We were just making converstaion about general things in the asylum. That’s it. You have nothing to worry about. Not like we had sex again.“
Y/n and Kit were not a ‘thing’ when he and Grace accidently made a baby. Grace annoys the hell out of y/n. Especially when she utters Kit’s name out of her mouth.
In her stupid accent, that murderer would just blabber about Kit and how he fucked her and not y/n. And now this lady had to be pregnant. What a coincidence. She could’ve easily just beaten herself in the head while they were fucking each other in the kitchen.
“Hey hey. It was nothing. It was right after you know we- i- had sex... with her. But it was just that once. She told me stuff about you that you killed her family but i know that it isn’t true. I trust you y/n. Even if it’s in this asylum“.
By now, she was furious. Not at Grace, not at the sisters, not her inmates but Kit.
To be honest they were both being totally unreasonable.
“When was the last time you spoke to Grace at all?“
“Uh well, just like maybe um two days earlier“ he said questioning his own memory.
“What do you mean by ‘why’? “
“Why were you talking to Grace at all?!“ She whisper-shouted at Kit with an angry face.
“Wait. So now you’re telling me that I cannot talk to Grace? the mother of my child?“
“Oh my god. You’re being so dramatic Kit.“
They were both whisper-shouting at each other that they were so close and could feel each others breaths on their lips.
“I don’t like Grace.“ she said.
“Neither do I“.
They got so into each other while taking off their clothes when they heard-
“And so neither do I” said another voice. It was Dr. Thredson wearning the Bloody Face mask.The prisoners had a silent deadly facial expression
Hi! Please could you write some angst for Evan Peters' character Kit Walker from the second season of american horror story (asylum), where like Kit and female reader are both inmates in there? Thank you!
ofc !!!
this is so sweet <33
Send requests my way, I'm finally active here.
I need ideas to write
I’ve been inactive snce sooo long and i need need need to write
fill up my messages
draco malfoy.

This is simply a point of view of a third party.
Time : Golden Era
Warnings : None. Mentions of dirty comments and kissing and close proximity.
Pairings : Draco Malfoy x Reader
Please don’t steal my work. This is my first blog ever.
also feel free to fill my inbox with requests
I wanna line my walls with photographs you sent
Of you lying in your swimsuit on the bed
Can’t live without your love inside me now
I’ll find a way to slip into your skin, somehow
Draco had a way of pestering people. Including her. Someone he was madly infatuated with. Passing flirty, mean comments her way, whispering filthy things into her ear when no one was looking. Sneaking glances at her even when she was looking. He wasn’t embarrassed when he realized he was finding himself excited to see her when she came out of the common room in the mornings after with her uniform perfect. Starting to flirt with her was easy. Asking her about her skirt’s length and the boys she’d been with the previous nights, even though he felt a tug in his chest and held his breath unknowingly to hear her mutter some stupid git’s name or ‘shove off Draco’.
He liked the astronomy tower and she, the black lake. Turn by turn they’d visit these places. Before breakfast, meetings at the astronomy tower were ‘scheduled’ as said by Draco and then the black lake in the afternoon. The Common room owned their nights where they would talk for hours. Or rather she, while Draco looking at her, her eyes, her lashes or her lips which looked so sweet which he so wanted to kiss.
As a rich brat, he’d gotten himself several things but one became his absolute favorite- a Polaroid. He would carry it everywhere hoping he’d run into her in the hallways walking with her friends. He’s click a photograph of her without even telling her. When the ‘gifting season’ would come, he’d give her some of the Polaroids he had clicked before. And if he was feeling generous enough, he’d show her which ones he decided to keep of hers. With her permission of course. He was a gentleman after all.
I wanna fuck your love slow
Catch my heart, go swim
Feel your lips crush
Hold you here, my loveliest friend
The common room was silent. The fire was the only thing cackling in the dungeons. And of course Draco’s nervous breathes. She was sitting on the green colored carpeted floor, with her head resting on the couch head as Draco sat beside her admiring her beauty. She wasn’t daft. She knew they both felt a certain something for each other but was still unsure. Nervously, he asked her lightly whispering, “Can I kiss you ?” “I was hoping you’d ask me that Draco. Its high time anyway”. Laughing lightly, he pulled her in for a sweet kiss lasting about 5 seconds when she asked him the question he was waiting for since a long time ago, “Can we share your bed tonight, Draco? I’ve felt happy after a long time.” “Of course. I mean you can still see the black lake so we can skip the noon time to steal some kisses or cuddle?. I mean it’s whatever you’d like pretty girl.”. She blushed oh so lightly at his sweet silly compliment.
When he woke up in the morning, he kept re-playing the incident from last night not too long ago while staring at her in pure adoration when she said, “Its rude to stare you know.”
Night changes || Draco Malfoy x fem! Reader
Just a third person’s point of view
Warning : Implied smut, kissing, sexual thoughts. IDK hand holding ?
Pairings : Draco malfoy x female slytherin reader.
1st September, 1991.
Them meeting each other in the train was just as normal as meeting every other day. Their families had close bonds and so the children were also tolerable towards each other.
1st September, 1992.
This time they were seen off by only their mothers. The children went and sat down in a compartment avoiding all the sneaky, git- like gryffindors. Of course they’d been taught the meaning of ‘blood purity’ and they took it seriously. Second year came by and went.
1st September, 1993.
The year when puberty takes you on a ride. His hair were falling from the sides. He had parted his hair, no gel, he was a bit taller and had started to wear his tailored black suits to complete the image of being a Malfoy. She had grown tall too. She had started wearing earrings more often and wearing long, light greenish dresses to keep up with her name and reputation in the wizarding world. This year they had started to talk a lot more. Being in the same houses was an added bonus to them. Their family was just as happy and them being in a euphoric stage of experiencing boys and girls and doing activities which were frowned upon by some.
One day, after coming back from the library, Draco saw her going to Moaning Myrtle’s bathroom. She has tear stains on her face. She was obviously crying and had decided to wash her face since she didn’t want Draco to see her like that. Too bad he did.
He followed her acting like some crazy stalker without calling her name. Just walking briskly silently.
When she entered the bathroom, she walked over to the sink and washed her face. She grabbed a face towel from the side of the basin and looked up only to see Draco with a concerned look. He had tried to ask her what was wrong but she didn’t budge at all. He thought he had heard her mutter, “some stupid git told ‘em I was sleeping around”.
Turned out someone had. He beat them to a pulp the next day for hurting his “angel” as he started to call her.
1st September, 1994.
The yule ball. They had gone together. They were fair dancers to be honest. Their friends had been out with their dates from different houses to which upon hearing they only scoffed and said, “isn’t she a muggle-born” or ,“isn’t he a squib like creature”.
She had worn a soft green champagne dress down to her heels. With a simple pearl necklace Draco had gifted her and an ancestral watch along with black heels that complemented her oh so wonderfully. Her hair was all shiny and let down just like normal school days.
Draco looked dapper in his dress robes. He was wearing a white-button up shirt with a light pink bow, an all black coat with shiny black shoes. His hair was parted to one side with no gel.
They had danced and drank so much that day. They were just a little bit tipsy but still sober enough to walk themselves to their dormitories. Draco tried holding her hand to which she didn’t realize what was happening. He thought his hands were clammy and excused himself from the dance floor. Just as he walking out of the great hall, she walked hurriedly after him and held his hand and asked him to stay back. He did. He was just imagining his hands were clammy.
That night several witches and wizards were in other beds. Not specifically their own. Girls in boys’ beds and Boys and girls’ beds.
The effects of the drinks were wearing off. And now they were fully sober. They were holding hands and walking down to the dungeons to sleep in their own beds but Salazar had other plans for them.
They were walking silently, holding hands when she stopped in her tracks and said, “Draco, stop”.
“Why angel? What is it?”.
She was fumbling and fidgeting with her hands when he pulled her closer to him.
“Angel is this fine ?“
“Uh yes, this is what i wanted- i mean yeah this is wonderful no this is fine no that’s not what i meant i thought -. Let me just start over. Can i kiss you?“
“Angel, yes.“
He put his one hand on her lower back the other one cupping her jaw well. She held onto him as if her life depended on him. She had placed her hands on his face and kissed him tenderly.
Once he broke the kiss they smiled at each other. They kissed again. Pulled from the kiss and kissed again. This happened so many times and as they got lost into each other, they didn’t even realize she was in his dormitory. His friends were somewhere else to which he was so thankful for.
They were both lying on his bed. She was wearing a black shirt which he borrowed her. She wasn’t wearing any lowers. She just felt comfortable like that and this was Draco. Her friend?. He was wearing his usual emerald green joggers. He didn’t wear a shirt to sleep that day for some reason as she kept on blushing while looking at him and hearing his response with his signature smirk plastered on his face, “Like what you see angel? I mean I know I’m beautiful. But nothing and no one compares to you of course.”
“Well thank you Draco.“
“I want you. Your love, your pain, your sadness. I want all of you and of course a few treats here and there.“ She laughed so loudly at the latter part he felt satisfied for the night and the days to come.
“Only if you’re willing to share yours. Treats included Draco Malfoy.“
Something Sweet
Fanfiction : One Direction
Pairings : Harry x Zayn
Warnings : Fluff, implied stuff, touching
Mini imagine, massive blurb
Having a writer's block was something Harry never faced. It was his enemy. Something he absolutely despised. He had written so many songs based on his life - his unexplored sexuality, his thoughts on touch, love, girls, men and Louis. He just wanted the fans to see what Zayn meant to him.
Sitting in his office room, Harry thought of taking a break. A break. His room was right next to the kitchen in that shared apartment. There was a warm, salty vanilla-like smell that lured him straight into the kitchen.
And there he was. The Perfect Man. HIS Perfect Man, Zayn. He had gotten off the phone talking to Gigi about their daughter and parental duties. He was making those 'small mutton pastries' for his daughter.
Harry did not like Gigi. The way her family treated Zayn; if only they were lucky enough to see his side. He did like the little girl though. Maybe he thought he'll have one with Zayn or a mini guy Darcy but he did somehow.
He walked into the kitchen lazily and sat on one of the bar stools opposite perfection. Zayn had heard Harry's grunting while sitting on that stool and boy did it do something to him !
"What're ya makin' ?"
"Did you write anything for the new title track?"
"What're ya makin' Zayn ?"
"Samosas. Do you want one ?"
"Can I have you instead? "

Travelling has always been a big part in my upbringing and my personality. I feel better instantly when I'm travelling, especially historical places. I live in India and this is Jaipur.
It gave me good feels and was a mesmerising place.
I really need inspiration to write
I'll write an imagine as you'd like.

Hey! My first Tumblr post
I hope you like it
Follow for more?
Be safe all you guys

Follow me :)
Salazar Slytherin