This blog will combine three things I love dearly: writing, talking about writing, and aesthetics. So if you have an amazing OC for which you crave an aesthetic moodboard or Instagram page - tell me all about them, and I will make you one! After all, every writer needs fanart.
187 posts
More Taggames! I Was Tagged By The Lovely @andtheotherwriter To Share The First Three Lines Of My WIP,
More taggames! I was tagged by the lovely @andtheotherwriter to share the first three lines of my WIP, while the wonderful @merigreenleaf tagged me to the share the last line (at least, the last I’ve written so far). This is for Elementary: He had been repeating the name in his mind for weeks. Tungsten. He muttered it when he was standing behind the counter of his father's shop, wrote it in inkt on his lower arm, whispered it into Miltons ears. Slowly, the sound had wrapped itself around him, comfortable like an old jacket.
And the last one: Tungsten sat down and cried. He's going to be okay, I promise! I’m not tagging anyone because this has been going around for a while now and I’m not sure who’s already done it, but if you haven’t, feel free to take this note as a tag!
andtheotherstars liked this · 7 years ago
concealeddarkness13 liked this · 7 years ago
merigreenleaf liked this · 7 years ago
More Posts from Everywriterneedsfanart

Princesses and feminists, these are for Cassandra and Helen by @futureauthor-mabye. I hope you like them! Requests for OC aesthetics are open.
Rules: Go to page 7 of your WIP, go to the 7th line, share 7 sentences and tag 7 more writer-blogs to continue the challenge.
Thanks for tagging me, @sancta-silje!
From Elementary: Maybe it was magic that triggered the memories. Walls sprung from the ground like weeds, kitchentools growing against them as fungi. A chair rose beneath him and suddenly his legs were too short to touch the ground. 'Your mother and I need to tell you something.' Eight years old: his father in front of him, kneeling so their eyes met, seemed bigger and stronger than he'd ever be. He gave his mother a quick look. She smiled with her lips tightly closed.
I’m tagging @fragrant-stars, @a-getaway-car, @greenhousewriting, @temporarysentences, @pixel-letters, @theimpossiblescheme and @hawkeyesout-punks.
Eleven traumatized magicians long to leave society, unknowingly start a squad war and end up trying to save said society.
Describe your WIP in one sentence
Short Lesbian and overly dramatic man-child peacocking over innocent bisexual red head
I was tagged by the lovely @dreamsofbooksandmonsters, @authorisada and @wchwriter to post the last line I have written. Thanks for thinking of me! From Elementary: He might have chosen a new name, but he had been Silver for years now. These two syllables kept his roles together, had even touched what lay beneath the masks. I will tag @morrigans-ink-0124, @aceofspace, @fragrant-stars and @greenhousewriting. No pressure, though!
Yes! Thanks! I love these children. Well, the protagonist, Tungsten, he’s the sweetest guy. He has just joined this band of traveling magicians and artists (the Elements), and he’s trying so hard to fit in. His biggest wish is quite simple: he wants to belong somewhere. But the antagonist, Espen, has his eyes set on the Elements. I don’t want to spoil how and why, yet! Espen isn’t brutal, but the end surely justefies the means to him. And he really believes in this end. By threatening the Elements, he forces Tungsten to help him spy on the very people Tungsten would love to call his friends. Poor Tungsten is going to feel pretty guilty for a while.
does anyone want to come tell me about their wip or their ocs? im procrastinating hard here lads