Tungsten - Tumblr Posts

tungsten is a w element

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More taggames! I was tagged by the lovely @andtheotherwriter to share the first three lines of my WIP, while the wonderful @merigreenleaf tagged me to the share the last line (at least, the last I’ve written so far). This is for Elementary: He had been repeating the name in his mind for weeks. Tungsten. He muttered it when he was standing behind the counter of his father's shop, wrote it in inkt on his lower arm, whispered it into Miltons ears. Slowly, the sound had wrapped itself around him, comfortable like an old jacket.   

And the last one: Tungsten sat down and cried. He's going to be okay, I promise! I’m not tagging anyone because this has been going around for a while now and I’m not sure who’s already done it, but if you haven’t, feel free to take this note as a tag!

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Thanks so so much, @siljehawthorne! This is the most perfect thing ever, I’m crying. The pictures, the coloring... it feels so much like Tungsten. I’m IN LOVE. Thanks so much again <3

OC Moodboard For @everywriterneedsfanart
OC Moodboard For @everywriterneedsfanart
OC Moodboard For @everywriterneedsfanart
OC Moodboard For @everywriterneedsfanart
OC Moodboard For @everywriterneedsfanart
OC Moodboard For @everywriterneedsfanart
OC Moodboard For @everywriterneedsfanart
OC Moodboard For @everywriterneedsfanart
OC Moodboard For @everywriterneedsfanart

OC Moodboard for @everywriterneedsfanart


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I was tagged by the amazing @pen-for-sword. Thanks a lot! 1. Who has the darker backstory, your protagonist or your antagonist? My protagonists (all of them). My antagonists are usually motivated by a false sense of what is right, rather than a dark backstory.

2. What creeps out your main character? Tungsten is creeped out by old, empty buildings full of cobwebbs and memories. Tin dislikes superstition and the idea of bad omens or spirits. She freaks out about stuff she can't fend off with her hands. Silver doesn't deal too well with closed spaces; he needs to know he can get on the road when he wants to. Phosphore can get anxious in big groups of people.  

3. How long have you been working on your latest WIP? Since december 2016.

4. Which character is most like you and why? I suppose I gave all of the Elements some of my characteristics and made them wholly unlike me in others. But if I had to choose one, I'd say I am a combination of Tungstens unease and will to travel and Bismuths instinct to nurture.

5. What genre is your latest WIP? Historical fantasy.

6. What’s your main character’s idea of a perfect date? Tungsten would like something simple, quiet and sweet. Maybe a walk in a pretty forest or watching a sunset while holding hands.  

Silver has a hard time being vulnareble enough to actually date anyone, so if he did, he would love something that proves to him his partner has put thought and effort into it. Something with style and grace, like a surprise-diner in a fancy restaurant.

Phosphore would like to visit a museum, stroll around silently, and have a cup of coffee afterwards to discuss the art and maybe life.  

Tin is the hardest to satisfy with a date. She would want to do something unconventional and no-nonsens, like join a protest mars. It's more about getting to know someone right away than being romantic.  

7. If your main character was an animal, what would it be and why? Tungsten would be a bunny: small, soft, nervous and impossible to dislike. Silver would be a cat. He wants all of your attention and love, but the moment you get close to actually pat him, he puts out his claws and hisses. Phosphore is a swan: solemn, beautiful and serene. Tin would be a guard dog. She is loyal to those who need her to be loyal, but any threath can be sure to be bitten. And she does not bother to hide that dangerous side.  

8. What books/films/songs have influenced your WIP, if any? Though the story has nothing to do with it anymore, Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them did spark my first idea of the atmosphere. The soundtrack also helped a great deal.  

9. What annoying writing habit do you have? (ie, too many commas, too many looong sentences etc). I can't properly connect one scene to the other, so I always end up with a list of two-page scenes instead of a seamless story.

10. Describe your WIP in one sentence. Eleven run-away magicians and artists attempt to live at the edge of society, but get caught up in a Romantic rebellion instead

I am tagging @dreamsofbooksandmonsters, @anightravensecho, @ladyliliana, @temporarysentences​, @authorisada and @andtheotherwriter. Don’t bother if you don’t feel like it!

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Tungsten basically lives in his tophat (actually, his pet Milton lives in his tophat, but you get my drift).

Phosphore is stunningly beautiful and enjoys wearing long, classy dresses in striking colours, like deep purple or yellow.

Zinc is always bruised and scraped, like he had a fight with a straycat or fell down a hill. Both are actual possible explanations.

Antimony has a long, velvet coat in dark blue, embroied with gold-tread stars.

Adam might be the most uitstanding (at least from a nowadays perspective). Like all the others, he lives in 1800 and dresses in this fashion. His jackets are mostly lightly coloured, in pink or baby blue, and his vests are often embroied with flowers. He wears matching gloves and walks with a limp and a cane (with a beautiful, silver grip, of course).

do any of y’alls oc’s have interesting physical feature/outfits? i want to hear!!

and also maybe draw them if i have the energy

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Fer describing my MC Tungsten to Silver (all from Elementary) : ‘I know you think he is spoiled and ungrateful, but I see something else: I see a lonely boy. Look at him stumble over his words. He might dress fashionably, but he’s a misfit as much as the rest of us.’

Let’s play a game!

Describe your MC in the voice of any secondary character, using no more than three sentences!

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Thanks to @ladyliliana for tagging me! (And sorry for not getting back to you, I want to and I will! I am just a mess). 

Writing tag game

1. If you could go to one of your OC’s bachelor/bachelorette party, which would you choose? (also: who would have the wildest one?)

I would probably want to go to Soufre’s. She’s happy and fun and would make sure everyone had a great time without getting too crazy.  The wildest one would definitely be Copper, simply because he does not know the word ‘moderation’, nor can he handle his drink half as well as he thinks he does. 

2. What’s your favourite time of day to write?

I usually write whenever, in between other tasks. But if I have time, I prefer early afternoon, when I am well-rested and have a long day in front of me. 

3. What’s your favourite relationship in your WIP? (platonic or romantic)

In Elementary, I’d say either Soufre and Zinc or Bismuth and Fer. Soufre and Zinc are the most lovely and healthy couple I’ve ever written and I make it a point to have them stay that way the entire course of the story (their relationship is not the main focus anyway, they just love and support each other in the background). Bismuth and Fer are best friends and the ultimate raincloud-and-sunshine relationship. The will sit by the fire endless hours in the evenings and just talk. All the other Elements have grown used to falling asleep with their voices in the background. 

In Waterwegen, I love Paco and Mikel, who are two rowdy eleven year old boys that will literally follow each other to the end of the world (and steal each other’s ice-cream cones). I also love Josepe and Alba, father and daughter, because there is a lot wrong and complicated between them, but they try their best and they are fascinating to write. 

4. How far are you into your WIP?

About 1/4 for Elementary, and at the start of Waterwegen. I am trying! 

5. If you were stuck in a broken elevator for twelve hours, which OC would you choose to be stuck in there with you? (note: you have to be in there for the twelve hours. no Houdini escape)

Mercury! Clever, funny, passionate, into philosophy and art and with no qualms to talk hours on end. 

6. What’s your favourite colour?

All shades of blue. 

7. Where would one of your OCs propose to the other? (if this question isn’t up your alley, replace “propose to” with “surprise attack hug”)

Since I’ve already talked about their relationship: if Zinc was to propose to Soufre, he would do it in a clearing in the woods that he knows. He has collected wildflowers there before, to give it to her. 

Also, Soufre might surprise him and propose instead! She would do it on a normal evening, by the fire, surrounded by all of their friends. She’d love to see his surprise turn into excitement, and she would want to make him blush. 

(Zinc will definitely cry in either scenario).  

8. Which OC is most like you?

Probably my main character, Tungsten, because he is always conflicted between his fear of new people and the big world, and his longing to explore. He is scared of opening up but he craves his own found family. He is timid, but he still wants to be on stage. He is always fighting himself.  

9. Do you prefer writing with ambient noise, music (if so, with or without lyrics), or in silence?

Depends on my mood. I usually write with either soundtracks in the background (preferably fantasy ones), classical music or one song on repeat. Because I tend to read my work out loud, I also often work in silence. 

10. If you suddenly got the power of teleportation, where in the world would you go first?

I’d love to explore Sumatra and Java, or visit my friend in New Zealand! 

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2 years ago

a metal logia would be cool.

i can imagine that it/they may have a naming convention similar to zoan fruits... examples being: metal metal fruit model TITANIUM, metal metal fruit model copper, metal metal fruit model lithium, metal metal fruit model tungsten, metal metal fruit model mercury, etc. etc.

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6 months ago
My Tungsten Cube

My Tungsten cube

His name is Uji

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