f4c4r - f4c4r

I do not roleplayfemale (57),sharing her beliefs on human relations & the dynamic between men and women. Pronouns: it/she MDNI 18+ only

91 posts

F4c4r - F4c4r - Tumblr Blog

5 months ago

Dom wants to buy a house next year, He's over the insecurity of landlords evicting you with little notice and He wants somewhere His own that will also be security for me if He should pass before me.

I asked Him to consider leaving the house to His nephew in His will but granting me lifetime inhabitance unless I choose to leave earlier. This suits both our needs for security and also my belief that females should not own any property.

5 months ago

19 ways to be a better cocksucker

#1 – Be able to host, especially if he is married.

#2 – Break your gag reflex by practicing with a banana or a dildo.

#3 – Never use your hands, unless told to.

#4 – Look him in the eyes when his cock is down your throat.

#5 – Learn to listen and observe non-verbal cues that tell you how to suck him better

#6 – Pay attention to his balls as well.

#7 – Buy some knees pads so you don’t need to take a break.

#8 – When he is cumming, keep sucking him all the way through until his orgasm ends.

#9 – Always swallow, unless he decides to blow it some other way, in which case, let him.

#10 – Keep his cock in your mouth after he has come, and let it get soft while he comes down from his orgasm. He might fall asleep with his cock in your mouth, let him.

#11 – When he is done cumming, your are done. Never expect him to reciprocate in any way.

#12 – Strive to make your mouth a replacement for masturbation. Many guys would much rather cum down your throat than jerk off.

#13 – Try to make note of when he usually contacts you. And the frequency of when he does, so you can make sure you are available when he wants to use you. When his balls are full, he’s not interested in what else you have going on in your life.

#14 – If he lifts his legs back while you are sucking him, that often means he would like to get rimmed as well, and your should do that for him.

#15 – When you are rimming him, don’t stop until he is finished enjoying it, which can be over an hour sometimes. Get used to that.

#16 – Never touch your cunt when you are sucking him, unless he tells you to.

#17 – Always provide porn for him to enjoy, and get the kind of porn he likes to watch.

#18 - Ask him if he wants to take pictures or record you sucking his cock to brag and show to his friends

#19 – When he is not using you, do not hassle him or bug him. At the very most, you can periodically let him know your availability, but never expect him to respond unless he wants to, when he wants to. And when he doesn’t feel like using your mouth, leave him alone to enjoy the rest of his life.

5 months ago

"Hypnosis can't make you do what you don't want" and other lies

I'm honestly sick to death of B--bi S--ep and other abusive files be written off as harmless fun.

And I'm pretty disheartened by the number of people who speak to me and hear my warnings and think it sounds fun.

And that's how these files are so effective. They prey on people who want to bliss out and escape the stress of the real world.

But these aren't that. These are damaging and can permanently FUCK YOU UP.

I speak from direct experience and I still struggle with no longer knowing what fantasies are mine and which were implanted.

Now some may be thinking that I'm weak or having a laugh.

Neither is true.

In many ways, I'm just like you. I'm an average person who just listened to hypno files to escape my baggage for a bit.

I just wanted to bliss out and get dumb and just ... be free of all the personal responsibilities and concerns and woes and all of it.

I've been listening to hypnosis files for over a decade with no problems.

With B--bi S--ep, I've had nothing but problems.


This stuff is seductive and it is well done, professionally done, to make you feel good as hell. That makes you want to return again and again.

And every pass makes you want it more. It makes you intentionally forget what is being said in the files. It makes you stupider and hornier and forgetful so you forget what memories are yours and what ideas are yours.

I can tell you with 100% certainty that I can remember sucking cocks of the entire football team under the high school bleachers. And I can also tell you with 100% certainty that that did not fucking happen.

And it layers in the new personality over and over and over and over again. And it literally buries your old personality deep within you as in a box, covered up and getting smaller and weaker each time.

And even with this warning, I will have people saying "oh fuck, that sounds so hot".

Seriously ... I feel bad for you if you really think that sounds hot.

It's destructive. It's ruination. It's not healthy. It's not fun. Love yourself more!

HYPNOSIS VERSUS CONDITIONING And you might say to yourself - or as likely hear it from a "bad daddy" trying to convince you to go deeper - "hypnosis can't make you do anything you don't want."

There is a reason why they call it the B--bi *CULT*.

If you have ever had a family member fall into a crazy conspiracy theory, you've seen it happen.

It's not a "ha ha listen to this file once and every time you hear the word PURPLE you act like a puppy" experience.

It's slow and steady conditioning that works at you, and works at you, and works at you, to install new behaviors, new desires, new feelings, new memories, and a new dominant personality.

The end goal is full erasure of your old personality.

And I already posted about the abusers lining up the door who will have no regard for you or your well-being. They will be there - and you will seek them out - to trigger you and push you and drive you and convince you to go further.

Stop considering it hypnosis for a moment. Go enjoy a nice hypnosis file. Get that trigger installed to bark like a dog when you hear the word "purple."

Hell - I'll join you for that and we'll have lots of laughs together.

B--bi S--ep is CONDITIONING. It's even used repeatedly in the files.

It's conditioning you to the effects.

This stuff works. It's been routinized and mapped out.

It's powerful. It's effective.

And you are not immune.

Play safe. I totally understand how seductive the appeal is to listen.

Find something safer. Please.

And for anyone that wants, I have a guided meditation process that I do to help you uncover your Rock of Protection that helps protect you and gives you strength - in and out of trance, no matter how deep you are. The Rock is there to help you break free and be strong against unwanted triggers and compulsions.

If you are interested in it, I'm happy to help you find it within you so you can play safely.

5 months ago

females do not require orgasms

I am a firm believer that females not only don’t need to orgasm for any reason but not having orgasms is a more natural, better state for our psychological and emotional well-being. Is this just a kinky fantasy that gets me aroused or is there some scientific proof to back this up?

Here is what I have discovered so far.

In earlier stages of evolution the clitoris was placed inside the vaginal canal and orgasm was necessary for ovulation to occur. The hormones released during orgasm is what triggered egg release. If an orgasm didn’t happen there simply could be no pregnancy. Over time some species began to develop regular ovulation cycles that did not require orgasm, humans are one. In our species the clitoris was also migrated to outside of the vaginal canal, moving further away over time. This gives humans an evolutionary advantage for species survival – more pregnancies will happen regardless of orgasm.

In some females the clitoral glans has moved to a position where it will not be stimulated through penal penetration alone. One theory about why some females never experience orgasm is that evolution is simply removing the ability to orgasm from females as it is simply not required for species survival. This would mean females who can’t orgasm are further along the evolutionary path.

How close the clitoral glans is to the vaginal opening is an inheritable trait. The more females who are unable to orgasm procreate girls, the more this will be passed onto the next generation.

The number of females who cannot orgasm is much higher than the number of males who don’t experience orgasm. In the case of females there is often no known cause or reason why – this would support it being evolution at work, yet with Men who don’t orgasm, there is always a reason.

Post menopause

Many females post menopause discover their clitoris is less sensitive to stimulation, shrinks in size and in some cases, disappears altogether. Since there is no chance of pregnancy at this stage, it would seem to suggest the use of a clitoris is a holdover from when it was required for ovulation. As females can live long, healthy lives post menopause, it gives more weight to the belief that an orgasm or clitoris is not actually needed by females for survival.

Effects of no orgasm in females

Many anorgasmic females report satisfying sex lives without orgasm. It absolutely is not required for procreation or enjoyment of sex, whereas Male orgasm is.

With females who experience no orgasm through denial, the vast majority report increased arousal with increased desire to please and serve. They have found it makes them more submissive, more feminine and more eager to obey. They are far more willing to explore more daring sexual activities than they would have if having regular orgasms.

Some females report orgasm denial makes them moodier and more depressed. That would be because of the hormones released during orgasm – dopamine and oxytocin. As orgasm is not essential for females, I believe this response to orgasm denial is akin to an addiction withdrawal, it’s not the lack of orgasm that causes mood change but the lack of the hormones in their system. Like withdrawal from any other chemical addiction, taking time to adjust and implementing other ways to gain these hormones (like increased exercise), will help females adjust to not having orgasms.


Yale researchers shed light on evolutionary mystery: Origins of the female orgasm
Female orgasm seems to be a happy afterthought of our evolutionary past when it helped stimulate ovulation, a new study of mammals shows.
Female orgasm is evolution’s happy gift
New research suggests that the female orgasm is a neuro-endocrine response inherited from older lineages of animals who only ovulate during
Use It Or Lose It: Can Your Clit Actually Disappear?
What is clitoral atrophy? We talk to a sex coach and someone who has experienced the condition — and reversed it.

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5 months ago

Bending over doing a mundane task and being made instantly aware of how aroused I am when my engorged cunt lips are squeezed between my thighs.

5 months ago

Dom goes out to do a quick bit of early morning shopping, brings home a cappuccino for me as a surprise. Such a wonderful, amazing Man. Love Him so much.

5 months ago

Several years ago the Dom and I went interstate for a big BDSM event we wanted to go to. He went all in black, I wore a short black dress with a red cloak, a chain around my waist with my hands in cuffs. We enjoyed the night and on the way home at 2am stopped by a convenience stop to pick up a few snacks. I was sent in alone.

The Man serving alone was a young, international student. Imagine his experience seeing a woman with her large tits almost falling out of her dress, chained at the waist and obvious handcuffs walking toward him. The stuff you only ever see in cheap porn mags. It does happen in real life. :)

5 months ago

Sexism doesn't exist

Men preferring to work with other Men, Men being paid more for a job than a female, Men showing appreciation for how attractive a female is in their presence - it's all natural.

All Men or mostly Men work places get more done because they do not have females dragging them behind or distracting them.

Men paid more than females for the same job is appropriate because Men are just better than females at every job. Men are just naturally better at everything.

Men and females both say they trust Men more in any given situation, have more confidence in Men's abilities, prefer Male lawyers, doctors, tax agents, builders, plumbers, mechanics, chefs, gardeners, the list goes on. The only career done mostly by females that has been accepted by everyone is airhostessing, a job were females play hostess to guests only in the sky. A natural role for females following our most basic abilities as females - to make others feel welcome and at home.

Everyone prefers Men over females - because it's natural. It's right. It's how it's supposed to be.

It's not sexism, it's just the way things are.

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5 months ago

There is a misunderstanding in the bdsm community, usually made by people who are new.

It is understandable, people read what others write and get super turned on. There is a mis-belief by many that any submissive is out here, waiting just to fuck you in whatever way you want.

Yes, there are some who will do that - but not all. It's not even the standard in the bdsm scene.

To get to the point of a submissive who will totally, blindly, willingly obey you whatever you ask

You have to put the time, energy and effort into them first.

Even submissives who accept male superiority are human and need to know you are as well. A hello and slip your cock in is not acceptable at Aunty Mavis' funeral and it is not acceptable in the bdsm scene unless it has been previously arranged.

When a submissive is owned property - do NOT approach them asking if they want to [fill in the blank]. You need to approach their Owner to ask, only their Owner can say if that will be OK or not

and chances are they will not be OK if you are a stranger to them. Every Dominant/Master I have met in person has valued their property and will not risk possible, unknown harm coming to them.

Protocols exist for a reason. You will go far in your local community and online, if you take the time to learn what they are.

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5 months ago

Gorean serve

One of the most beautiful and graceful expressions of submissions I was told to learn is a Gorean serve. Gor/Gorean is a subset of bdsm with their own culture and ways of doing things. You don't have to be part of it to take on elements you like. I make no claims this is an accurate representation as I am not Gorean, but I was taught by a Gorean couple active in their local Gorean community.

The Serve

The serve is done in one, sweeping, fluid movement from approach to offering. It can be done for food, beverages or an item you have been sent to fetch. If the item is a cup with a handle, make sure the handle faces the other's dominant handedness side (on your left if they are right handed).

Approach gracefully, have item in your hand, kneel and as your knees touch the floor slide them apart so your sex is exposed. Take the item, moving down in a softly rounded motion, place it between your legs next to your sex swirl it up to your heart raise to your lips complete the flowing swirl by going from lips to hands extended in front and slightly raised - while lowering your head. Hold that position until the item is taken from you.


Open legs when presenting means you are free for sexual use by the person you are serving. If you are not free for sexual use then keep knees together.

Item to sex, heart, lips can mean different things, I was taught I was offering my body, heart and mind in service.

It can take a bit of practice to get this right and be graceful but it is achievable. I've been a bbw all my adult life and I still achieved it, so not just for the thinner females.

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5 months ago


I love and need denial. Deny me:

the privilege of eye contact

the privilege of speaking

choosing my own clothes

wearing clothes


touching my clit or cunt to edge

certain foods

closing doors / privacy

sitting on furniture

using the toilet

the privilege of making decisions

being alone in public

sleeping in a bed

using dishes for humans

hiding my nakedness behind my hands when people visit

When rules are made that restrict, limit and deny me I feel safe and protected. I feel taken care of but most of all, it affirms my existence as nothing more than property to be owned and controlled for your pleasure.

And that makes me horny.

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5 months ago

It feels wonderful that Men see so clearly what my purpose is and very, very arousing.

How does it feel to know, deep down, that most men in your life have pictured you with your lips wrapped around their cocks? That men you think respect you, see you as an equal, a coworker, even a superior see a usable set of holes when they look at you? That so many men have dreamt of using your body like a fleshlight? That wherever you go, whoever you meet, you will always and forever be seen as no more than an object to get cocks off?

5 months ago

I am a woman.

As such, my body literally exists to take cock and breed. The fuckbags on my chest make it impossible for me to hide my bitch nature.

I know wherever I go, men just see a set of holes and udders.

Even as my cunt clenches in shame to admit it, I know I’m literally just fuckmeat.

5 months ago

Let me make this perfectly clear

Am I deep down a feminist who just has kinky fantasies? 


I reject that shit completely.  

Equality is an absurd lie.  Women should only worry about supporting and pleasing Men.  

Our job is to cook, clean, lick, suck, suffer and bear children.  We will lick your ass and drink your piss, but PLEASE do not try to treat us as equals!  

Ladies, who is with me on this? 

5 months ago

An older female looking amazing for Men. Gives me hope I could look this good one day.

f4c4r - f4c4r
5 months ago

This is NOT how you act as a Femdomme, Pro-Ds etc

Apparently audacity is at an all time high, or desperate people are giving REAL Dommes, ProDs a bad name.

Im sharing this as an educational moment.

This Is NOT How You Act As A Femdomme, Pro-Ds Etc

This account contacted me asking if I was looking for a Mistress. (Im trying to be polite as possible and I did report her)

If she had bothered to read my PINNED statement, she would have known Im offline for repairs and upgrades.

Then she proceeds to tell me to PAY HER for service.

This Is NOT How You Act As A Femdomme, Pro-Ds Etc

NO self respecting, true Dom would ever present themselves this way. This is a scammer or at best well.. you know.

ProDs will identify themselves and typically do not go out and try to coerce subs. People seek THEM out.

Also, real Ds are not pushy assholes first contact or demand honoriffics. Infact, it is bad form to do so unless a D brings it up down the road. There is proper basic etiquette to D/s.

Dont fall for this trap.

Thank you for coming to my BDSM Ted Talk.


5 months ago

No orgasm day 8. There's a ball of arousal permanently lodged deep inside my cunt, whispering one little cum won't hurt.

5 months ago
f4c4r - f4c4r
5 months ago

Reminds me of a time I was tied to a cross in a bdsm club, the air was full of tension and I suddenly got uncontrollable giggles. Dom walked away and that very quickly stopped my giggling. (I was in no danger by Him walking off).

The villain has captured you and strapped you into the Mind Control Chair and they turn the machine on to turn you into a mindless puppet but you’re one of those people who have a hard time being hypnotized and you’re just going :/ sorry I’m not feeling it and they’re losing their mind

5 months ago

Hello everyone! I’ve made it to over 1000 followers recently, and my dom and I agreed to make one of these posts to celebrate!

This post will run until October 16th Noon EST

*Edges and/or ruins controlled by my dom will not count towards this post, and if he makes me cum I must start all over again.

Edit: Spamming is encouraged by the way ☺️ I love the idea of an unobtainable goal

Edit 2: Edges from this post will be completed in the shortest amount of time as possible, which will obviously fry my brain as much as possible because that’s the whole point ☺️

Every one note is an edge I have to do, but special goals include:

Every 5 likes is an edge with mint chapstick on my clit and/or nipples

Every 5 reblogs is an edge I have to do with a dildo in, but no touching my clit

Every 5 comments is an edge I have to do with sensory deprivation

Every 20 likes is a minute I have to wear nipple and/or clit clamps while edging

Every 40 likes is an edge I have to do without a sex toy or my hands, anything else is fair game

Every 50 comments is a ruin followed immediately by smacking my cunt until its tingly

Every 100 of all is an edge I can have only by smacking my cunt and clit

Every 500 of all is an edge with the tens unit

Edit: If this post can get to 1000 notes, I will hard edge as many times in a row as I can handle (whatever the end result may be) with my legs tied open so I have no choice but to feel it and submit to it more and more

5 months ago

Quotes on why Men are superior

Men “generally have to undergo, during manhood, a severe struggle in order to maintain themselves and their families; and this will tend to keep up or even increase their mental powers, and, as a consequence, the present inequality between the sexes.“ Darwin

“women at home nurturing the young are out of reach of natural selection; thus they have evolved more slowly and their mental powers are lower.” Darwin

Natural selection meant “men were not only powerful and courageous, but aggressive, unscrupulous, intensely egoistic” while “women needed to develop the “ability to please”men. Herbert Spencer

“physically, mentally and morally, woman is a kind of adult child.” James McGrigor Allan

“even education could not lift women to intellectual equality with men. Since women’s inferior abilities were a product of natural selection, they were not “likely to be removed by even the most skillfully conducted educational selection.” Thomas H. Huxley

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5 months ago

Men don't "break" you into slaves, they simply bring out your true nature.

5 months ago

I was horny today. I mentioned it to Daddy indirectly but it was wholly irrelevant: when we came to bed, he fucked my mouth until he came down my throat. He gave me a cuddle and a kiss before rolling over and falling asleep, satisfied.

My sexual wants don’t matter and I find it super gratifying every time he shows me. Forget being fucked or having an orgasm; there wasn’t even the suggestion that I’d get an edge. I didn’t ask either because that’d seem like I expect or want reciprocity.

I don’t. I want this yearning, this inequality. I feel so lucky to be used in this casual, careless manner, to be kept so desperately horny.

Don’t think I’ll be able to fall asleep anytime soon though…

5 months ago

Let and Allow

Choice of words are an interesting 'tell' of how far into submission a female is. Two of the most common are 'let' and 'allow'.

Both words imply power and authority. You can only 'let' Him do it if you have the right to stop him. You can only 'allow' it to be done if you have the authority to prevent it.

"Oh Sir, I'm so horny I'd let you do anything'. Really? What if you weren't horny, does He have the power and authority in your relationship to do as He likes with you? Or are you negotiating as equals - a business contract as it were?

If you are someone who does consider Men superior and yourself owned property by a Man and you use words like 'let' and 'allow', what does this say about your subconscious belief about being owned? What are other words you could use to replace them?