failedfrankensteincoded - medio pendejo pero tiene buenas intenciones
medio pendejo pero tiene buenas intenciones

intro post is pinned. if you ever catch me hating, that's not me, i've been possessed

750 posts

If Percy Tried He Could Really Do Smth

if percy tried he could really do smth

he could be fighting and loose riptide so he just focuses on the sweat to run down his arm into his hand and make a sword

he could focus on the scratch on his finger to make a small dagger in his hand

he could stab someone with like a shank and then focus on their blood to extend the shank or small dagger into becoming a full sword

he could spit into his hand make finger guns and shoot someone

he could explode ppl

he could make blood come out of someone’s eyes ears nose and mouth until they bleed to death

he could just make finger guns point at a person and their head could explode

if he was blind he could pull a toph and focus on the liquid in a person or in the earth

he could heal ppl using their own blood

he could use any body of water to make things-he could be walking downtown and make a skateboard out of water around him etc

if a car was thrown he could make it explode by focusing on the gas

he could uproot entire trees/make them explode as well

he can really make anything explode deadass

he’d be really good in a chase bc he would really do anything

if he was in a car he could drive off a clif and keep driving (if there’s water at the bottom obv) he could also do this if there’s a fountain near by

he could do that fingergun trick but with poison in his hand

he could twist poison arrows/bullets to where ever he wanted

he could make army’s out of water

he would have to learn how to do them and would have to learn about the human anatomy to do some other things but he could definitely be extremely op if he had the chance

if you can think of more feel free to add these are just the ones i could think of off the top of my head

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More Posts from Failedfrankensteincoded

Heyheyhey! :D Im Back With Another Drawing I Made For @pjo-hoo-bigbang!!

heyheyhey! :D I’m back with another drawing I made for @pjo-hoo-bigbang!! 

fic: Celestial author: @queenangst

image ID: Percy, Luke, and Annabeth are standing at the edge of some woods. The sun setting over the ocean is visible in the background. Annabeth is in the foreground, back to the viewer, lit from behind from presumably a fire- just the sparks floating up are visible. Her ponytail is pushed to one side, obscuring her face. Percy has his sword out, pointed at Annabeth. The much taller Luke has one arm around his shoulder, and is gesturing towards Annabeth as Percy says something. All three are wearing orange tees. end ID.

this fic made me so emotional ahahahhaaaaaa ;-;; GO READ IT YOU WON’T REGRET IT

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Honestly I think one of the craziest things (and possibly the thing I love most) about Percy

Is that he could literally be the child of almost any God/Goddess.

Like if it wasn’t for his water power and Poseidon’s claim I’m not sure we would have been able to pinpoint Percy perfectly.

Okay let’s think about this for a sec (and let me elaborate):

1. Percy upon finding a sword that worked for him was quick to learn, understand and conquer the battle field. He was extremely quick in battle thinking and very impulsive. Also hella protective– Ares

2. We all know Percy is crazy smart when it comes to quick fire decisions. Especially in times of desperation. He’s able to analyse and act according to the situation. He’s also pretty good at recalling information (proven on multiple occasions)– Athena

3. He is gorgeous. Don’t deny it. Don’t defend it. Every single girl Percy has met (and some boys too) have labelled him everything from skater-boy cute to literal Roman God (and any cushy nickname in between). His beauty has often startled people and the fact that his impulsive, sarcastic, slightly hilarious wit follows him into every conversation makes him a sure charmer– Aphrodite

4. People LOOK UP to him. He is their leader, their decision maker and often their anchor in times of need. He is also extremely powerful (even more so than the circumstances allow)– Zeus

I know some will say I’m stretching too far but I’d like to state my case:

· Not all demigod children will be the same as each other. Which means even if they have the same godly parent they’ll act, think, learn, grow differently.

I’m actually very set on this idea that Percy isn’t necessarily who he is because he is a son of Poseidon. We see so many traits of other gods in him. (I’m not saying Sally slept with all of them).

Thanks and goodnight!

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okay, so:

Rachel is literally one of the richest people in the country…all she had to do was say her full name and that chauffeur in botl immediately cancelled on his client to drive her and her friends around. When you add her wealth and status to the fact that she’s very outspoken about her family’s entire business and organizes and promotes multiple protests and does performance art…like. she’s popular online. no doubt.

Piper’s dad is supposed to be like, the hottest guy in Hollywood, and even though those girls from the wilderness school didn’t recognize her, he doesn’t really strike me as the type of celebrity parent to shield her from the media or events- he wants her to enjoy and take advantage of the privilege she has. I’m sure he’s got her plastered all over his social media and takes her as his date to every red carpet premiere. When you take into account she’s a Troubled Youth™, I’m sure gossip mags and anyone who likes celebrity kids is obsessed with her. 

Annabeth, since Magnus is ‘’’’dead’’’’, is legally the sole heir to her family’s entire fortune, and technically owns the building that Blitz and Hearth are running that wonderful homeless youth shelter out of. I’m sure that will get her some media coverage. 

And then we’ve got…Percy, the kid everyone remembers blew up the St. Louis Arch and I’m SURE there are still debates about whether he was really a hostage or not years later. Frank, who’s grandmother was a wealthy business woman, who hasn’t been seen since his family’s estate mysteriously exploded. Thalia and Jason, who are literally the missing children of a disgraced Hollywood starlet. Don’t you think this could…get messy?

Like…Percy popping up on Rachel and Annabeth’s instagrams, and people who recognize him are just like ‘hey what the fuck’, and internet sleuths who have been obsessed with that case look further into it, and realize Annabeth was also involved in the mysterious kidnapping/terrorist streak, then looking further into her and realizing…apart from her and her nuclear family, everyone she’s related to has died under very mysterious circumstances? Magnus was pulled out of a river with a hole burned into his abdomen. Randolph’s wife and children drowned at sea, Randolph was thrown down a cavern or something, Magnus’ mother was mauled by wolves in her apartment in the middle of Boston…like hello? Then they realize there’s no record of Annabeth like, existing, between the ages of 7 and 12, and…does this bitch even have a birth certificate? Her father’s a notable professor and author, but there’s no mention of her mother anywhere, not even a single picture, and when pressed his life long friends said he just showed up with a baby one day, without even having ever mentioned he was seeing a woman…so this baby just? appeared? one day, with no warning, and now she’s an heiress who owns a homeless shelter in a city she doesn’t live in? what the fuck? The internet sleuths started out trying to crack the mystery of the Arch Bombing and somehow opened up a whole other can of worms.

Oh, right- the bomber! How does Percy Jackson know Rachel Elizabeth Dare?! The conspiracy theorists are worried about that- maybe it wasn’t a kidnapping, maybe the kid really was on a crime spree, and now maybe Rachel is looking to take her protests up to a new level and is looking at this criminal mastermind for help. Some weirdo who knows how to use a facial recognition program and has too much time on his hands identifies them both as being present at the Hoover Dam Riots from a few years ago- the riot that lead to the destruction of those angel statues! The sleuths are then able to pull up an article tying both of them to an explosion at their high school- but with Rachel’s father’s wealth and Percy’s stepfather being a respected teacher there, it’s no wonder charges were dropped! They then find some other weird, buried reports- Rachel stealing a helicopter and flying it into Manhattan? Rachel appearing to have deranged, mysterious ‘episodes’ in the middle of class? Wait, what the fuck- Percy’s school principal reported him as a missing person, and his mother and stepfather were uncooperative with the police investigation? Then Percy showed up 8 months later and claimed his aunt kidnapped him, but wouldn’t give the police any information past that?

So the sleuths start digging into those 8 months- there’s security camera footage showing Percy, looking haggard and homeless, stealing a cop car? around the area of that huge explosion in Rome? spotted all around Greece in the days before the bombing at the Parthenon? What the fuck? 

Then, holy shit- they find footage of him and missing teen Frank Zhang getting onto a private plane less than 20 minutes after the Zhang estate was blown up?? These conspiracy theorists aren’t even barely ready for this rabbit hole. The Zhang kid isn’t very active on social media, but combing through Percy Jackson’s pages they’re able to find a few images of him. Recent, post-estate bombing ones. Most of them appear to be goofy selfies with Percy and an unidentified girl that was also spotted on the security footage with them, but there’s one group shot that catches everyone’s eyes- because apart from featuring the weird Chase girl, what the fuck is that Tristan McLean’s daughter????

So they start combing through Piper’s pages- she’s more active than the Zhang kid, but apart from posting her mugshots with goofy captions, going on rants about meat-eaters, and posting videos of her dad being weird, she doesn’t have a lot of information. Except…one internet sleuth that joined this internet search party swears she recognizes a boy that pops up in a lot of pics on her instagram. Some more digging and they got it- it’s Leo Valdez, the kid who was accused of killing his mother! He’s got some cousins that have been trying to clear his name for years now, but they haven’t been able to find him because he keeps running from foster homes, they have a whole page dedicated to people trying to track him down! They contact the Valdez family members, and they’re elated to find out he’s alive and safe- but then it becomes a question of how does he know Piper McLean and what was he doing with her, Percy Jackson, Annabeth Chase, and Frank Zhang in Greece around the time of the Parthenon bombing???

They start looking into the other two teenagers pictured with the group in Greece- they can’t find anything on the young girl, other than the Jackson kid referring to her as ‘Hazel’ in some of his posts, but the other boy…

He’s not very active online- just some aesthetic coffee shop pics, a few blurry selfies, and designs for what appears to be an architecture project at his school. But his username is ‘*disgraced*’, he’s called ‘Jay’ and ‘Jason’ in posts by his friends, he’s got blond hair, striking blue eyes, and a very specific scar on his lip…


Sleuths completely drop the bomb plot at this fucking point, and put all their energy in finding out if this is The Jason Grace, and- they literally can’t find a record of this person before he suddenly started appearing on Piper McLean’s and Leo Valdez’ media profiles. It looks like all his social accounts were started in August of the year he would’ve turned sixteen. But he’s the right age, he looks close to the computer generated age-up pictures made for the case, and- holy shit someone found a picture on Percy Jackson’s instagram of Jason and a girl called Thalia!

People are losing their minds- this girl looks a lot younger than the 20-something Thalia should be, but Beryl Grace was known for her innocent baby-faced look, so that can explain the difference between her and the aged-up picture. Same striking blue eyes as the boy next to her, same freckle pattern splashed across her nose, same raven hair and sharp smile that made her one of Hollywood’s biggest beauties before she could even talk properly. 

She doesn’t seem to have any social media herself, but pops up in quite a few of Jackson’s and the Chase girl’s pictures. Once Beryl Grace’s old friends, who have been searching for her children for years, see the picture of the smiling siblings together, it’s nothing but tears. They’re insistent that these are absolutely the Grace siblings, and are begging the police in charge of their case to track them down. They want to know they’re safe! And the rest of the world wants answers! Where have they been for all these years!

And how are they connected to what appears to be an ongoing bombing/murder/money grabbing plot????

what is going on here?!?!?!

 All this information gets dragged up in less than a month. People are going full Pepe Silvia level crazy trying to piece everything together. Netflix has already announced a conspiracy documentary about the hunt for the truth about this band of kids and what their end goal is.

Chiron’s just sitting at Camp Halfblood watching all this shit go down like:

Okay, So:

Annabeth’s little brothers Bobby and Matthew are going Full Feral Gen Z online to fan the flames of conspiracy, “oh yeah the first time we met Percy Jackson and Thalia Grace they stole our dad’s car and drove it off a mountain”, “one time Annie stabbed a man in front of us”, they post a tik tok of what appears to be Annabeth and Percy drenched in blood and dust cleaning off weapons??? They set an ABBA song over it??? Everyone’s losing their minds but then one day on a live stream people start asking if they know Why their sister and her friends are like this and they just dead pan, ‘oh, they’re all demigods. the ancient gods are all real and it just gets messy for their kids sometimes, Annie’s mom is Athena-” and everyone is like ah. they’re just assholes feeding us false information. (they still post tik toks like ‘put a finger down if one time your sister took you out for ice cream but then this weird man who would later hold the titan kronos in his body showed up and begged her to run away with him so he could avoid the kronos thing even though she was like 15 and he was an adult and then she pulled out a knife and told him she should slit his throat after all he’s put her through but then he called her out on her bluff but still accepted the rejection and left and then she offered to get you a second helping of ice cream if you didn’t tell your parents about that whole thing and then later the ice cream parlor was attacked by a snake woman’ lmao)

Anyway, desktop detectives keep pressuring the police and the fbi and whoever the fuck to look into this whole thing deeper and make some arrests, but they can’t, because while everything that’s been surfaced is suspicious, it’s all circumstantial. The only ones that actually have arrest records are Piper and Leo( and Leo’s was without evidence, as his cousins are still fighting to get the case reopened!), all charges on Percy and Rachel have already been dropped or overturned, there’s absolutely nothing physically connecting Annabeth and her father to their family’s deaths, Frank was never actually a suspect in his family’s fire and while the footage with Percy was suspicious it wasn’t illegal, and they still haven’t been able to physically produce the Grace Siblings or even get a phone number for either of them, so like….all that plus the occasional intervention of the Mist, even though it absolutely looks like this is a whole criminal master plot…they can’t prove it! Just taking a group picture on a boat in Greece isn’t enough to legally claim they bombed the Parthenon!

This all comes to a head when the Netflix docuseries premieres, full of the online theorists who pieced this whole puzzle together but where unable to find the last piece that would connect the whole plot and make it make sense….

Percy Jackson films a video of him and all his friends who are fingered in the docuseries watching and reacting to it. They think it’s completely hilarious. He posts the video to his youtube channel (which Sally later Murders him for) and it’s the top trending video for like…half a fucking year. 

like…the drama. the mess. the conspiracy. I want it. 

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things to remember :)

(trigger warning mostly for things at the end)

charlie one of percys best friends died on a boat in the middle of the ocean while he was there and then had to go back to camp and tell everyone that charlie had died on a boat in the middle of the ocean while he the son of poseidon was there and he probably hates himself for it every single day

percy probably still has moments where he thinks “oh charlie would love this” or “yo this makeup is so cheap it would be a great gift for silena” or “wheres the dam water fountain” etc and then remembers they all died and is put in a sad mood for the rest of the day like when he thought tyson had died—sometimes it takes someone else to remind him that they have died to remember

percy thought tyson died before he could call him brother

percy watched his mother die then thought she was going to stay dead through out basically 3/4 of the first book

percy watched clarisse one of the strongest ppl he knew and looked up to break down crying after watching silena die

percy was abused mentally physically and emotionally for most of his childhood

percy also watched his mother be mentally physically and emotionally abused for most of his childhood (and she was probably sexually abused as well but he didn’t see that)

percy doesn’t know jason died yet and will probably think his death was his fault bc he didn’t go with apollo on his quest

percy blamed/still blames himself for biancas death

percy watched luke k*ll himself

percy probably beats himself up about not staying behind in tartarus to help

percy has been through tartarus

percy probably hates himself for what happened in nicos childhood

percy probably still feels guilty for leaving calypso on her island and for blowing up that valcano

percy was burned alive and i would be extremely suprised if he didn’t have at least one scar to show for it

after meeting reyna and her sister and hearing what happened he probably feels guilty about that too

percy probably heard/listened to reynas pegasus’s last words as they died

percy has ptsd and i mean every type of ptsd- he sometimes still feels the terrible burning sensation from when he was burned in a volcano he still smells beer from when he was younger he gets frozen in things that happened years ago and he still hears bobs last words when things get too quiet

percy 100000% has panic attacks flashbacks and nightmares about these things not just tartarus and they are 100000% worst at night

when percy does have really bad panic attacks/flashbacks he can be stuck in them for hours and if he doesn’t have certain ppl (his mom or annabeth) to help him out of it he can be stuck in them even longer

percy eats a lot bc he grew up with so little that he feels terrible for not eating everything and is always waiting for when he finds out there isn’t any food left

percy 100000% has depression and 100000% has anxiety/social anxiety he’s just learned how to put his needs aside and take care of other ppl first/instead

percy can be put out of commission for weeks when it gets bad and he’s just forced to lay in bed and cry and feel and not feel

percy feels worthless most times it’s not something he grows out of

percy hates public speaking/hates being the center of attention

percy wonders why he’s still alive and thinks it would have been better if he had just died like he was supposed to-why couldn’t he have just followed that one rule and died like he was supposed to-or that maybe to save some trouble for the future he should just end it now

percy wants to have kids but he’s terrified that he will end up like g*be

percy blames himself for what happened to sally while g*be was alive

percy was bullied for 80% of his life and probably doesn’t like/want/thinks he can make any mortal friends other than rachel

90% of these memories and feelings are probably repressed bc that’s how your brain usually handles big trauma like these and that’s why we don’t see him completely melting down like you think he would

percy has terrible memory bc his brain has cut out large chunks of his life bc they are full of trauma and as a side effect to what hera did

percy hates himself

that’s all just thought y’all needed the reminder :)

i might make a pt 2 for more sad things or some happy/cute things bc percy is my comfort character but idk yet when/if i do i’ll like link it idk

on the next episode of: things to remember :)

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