famouskoaladetective - idk I follow from here
idk I follow from here

29 he/him minors don't interact my last account got fuckered

68 posts

I'll Follow Accounts I Had Blocked On A Different Account A Week Ago But Hold Grudges Against Really

I'll follow accounts I had blocked on a different account a week ago but hold grudges against really popular accounts from 7 years and 10 accounts ago because they personally pissed me off during personal interactions.

If anyone is wondering why I don't share from some more popular lgbtqia content creators on here, assume that I was mutuals or had frequent interactions with them at one point a long time ago and they specifically did something to piss me off personally.

Like, someone can post about stuff I politically and personally agree with and they're super popular, but before I dropped off the Internet for awhile, they lied to me, were rude to me, were extremely hypocritical, or just personally pissed me off.

I've been lurking on this hellsite since its creation, account hopping, and I have had bad experiences with people that made me hold grudges against the IRL people behind the account for. Not like, "I'm gonna call them out, blah blah", but like... I don't fuck with them. At all. Block on sight. It's not worth it to interact.

  • dontcallthegaysat3am
    dontcallthegaysat3am liked this · 4 months ago

More Posts from Famouskoaladetective

4 months ago

*me on testosterone and the progesterone only pill* LET'S GOOOOO!!!!

THIS JUST IN: Progesterone makes you an even bigger faggot!

THIS JUST IN: Progesterone Makes You An Even Bigger Faggot!

I started a few days ago and it has rang very true so far :3

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4 months ago

Tobacco, too.

Everyone say thank you american indigenous people for cultivating corn, potatoes, peppers, tomatoes, cacao, pumpkin, squash, and anything i missed. Makes life more meaningful globally

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4 months ago

This in reverse though.

I'm a grown ass man but in 2007 I was xXxAr5oNiCxXx because my dumbass thought it was edgy to mix together "arson" and "arsenic".

The Relief That I Made A Plausibly Gender Neutral Name Back Then

the relief that I made a plausibly gender neutral name back then

4 months ago

Some of y'all are worse than Facebook moms throwing tantrums about being called cisgender

Some Of Y'all Are Worse Than Facebook Moms Throwing Tantrums About Being Called Cisgender

Why the fuck do some people just wanna be intersex so damn bad? Why does it piss these people off so bad to be reminded they're not intersex? What will it take to keep perisex people from talking over us?

If you believe shit like this, you;

Don't know what intersex means

Fetishize/idealize intersex bodies

Are too immature to accept when something isn't about you

Needless to say; No. An intersex body is NOT always similar to a person trans person's body. There isn't just one way a person can be intersex. We deserve non-pathologizing words to describe ourselves and advocate for our recognition as a natural variation in human anatomy. We deserve spaces to discuss our health and our issues, we're already drowned out by perisex people enough as it is. An intersex person, cis or trans, with Salt-wasting CAH or Sawyer syndrome or pre-cancerous ovotestes or Turner syndrome (+ others) has a far different body with far different needs than any perisex trans person. My variation is not life-threatening or disabling, but it DOES cause medical complications and is a huge headache for my doctors at times! I do not share these issues with perisex trans people! It is not fucking transphobic or ""eugenicist"" to say that!

Perisex does not imply any specific body type.

Perisex only implies a lack of naturally occurring intersex traits.

Perisex ≠ Cissexual

A perisex body can look like anything. Just as an intersex body can look like anything. Being trans puts you outside the 'sex binary', it makes you sex-variant, but it does not make you intersex.

If you believe it is possible to medically transition into Intersexuality, you must also believe medical abuse successfully 'fixes' us, and makes us perisex.

Referring to words coined & used by intersex people to differentiate our bodies from our oppressors as "eugenicist" is deeply intersexist and frankly fucking entitled.

Yes. I did say perisex people are an oppressor class. You can be a marginalized person and still be part of an oppressive majority (example, I am white). If this makes you angry, that's not my problem, it's yours. You need to recognize your privilege as a perisex person before you can be an ally to intersex people.