famouskoaladetective - idk I follow from here
idk I follow from here

29 he/him minors don't interact my last account got fuckered

68 posts

Famouskoaladetective - Idk I Follow From Here - Tumblr Blog

5 months ago

I want to see a sitcom where the main couple are in their late 20s or older with kids and the whole pilot is this "straight" everyday suburban couple are trying to talk to their Sitcom Best Friend and panicking because "there's something I have to tell them and it'll ruin our marriage!"

At the end of the episode the couple sit down and decide to just yell out their confessions at the same time.


"husband": "I THINK I'M A TRANS WOMAN!"

and them just staring at each other before going, "thank GOD!" In unison and laughing and talking about the set up for the series: both of them coming out and adjusting to being a queer couple, but FUN. SITCOM. FUN STUFF.

Obviously it should be written and directed and acted by pretty much an entirely queer staff but it should feel like King of Queens or Home Improvement.

I just need it.

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5 months ago


When I was 16 (5'7" and 150lbs, 3 months pregnant) my stepdad (40s, 6'4" 250lb ex body builder with an opiate addiction) hit me in the face, and I hit him back to give myself enough space to escape to a nearby shopping mall to call the police.

Staties showed up. Cuffed me, took me to the hospital for a psych eval, and then charged me with simple assault.

Then they took me home where my mom was arranging for her husband to move into his brother's house. The chargers were dropped because he missed court due to being in a psych hospital for attacking someone while high on Vicodin.

But that doesn't change that cops will literally arrest abused kids and then send them back because they value legal guardianship over safety.

if you want to actually materially address child abuse, the single most important thing you can do to start is give children the legally enforceable right to leave any situation they no longer want to be in.

church, extracurriculars, summer camps, school classes, their biological family's houses. notably, these are the places that child abuse is enabled by the child's inability to just fucking leave if they need to. they can't walk out of church if their youth pastor touches them inappropriately; they'll get punished for leaving. if they walk out of their house because their dad hits them, the cops pick them up and give them right back to their dad.

children need the legal autonomy to leave abusive situations in order to even begin to usefully materially address child abuse.

original post by qweerhet because it's unrebloggable but very important

5 months ago

My dad was more self aware about the same thing. His motto was,

"I'm always right, and even when I'm wrong, I'm right."

He was often wrong and rarely acknowledged it

One time my father said: "I'm always right. And if I ever notice that I'm wrong, I will simply change my mind, and then I'll be right again." It was the wisest thing he ever said in my life. Unfortunately he was absolutely dogshit at noticing when he was wrong.

5 months ago

It's weird trying to plan my 5th anniversary while being pretty sure I don't want to be with my partner anymore.

5 months ago

Everything is like “QUEER history” and “List of QUEER young adult books” or “Top 10 QUEER movies” and queer this and queer that and for the love of god please just say LGBT.

5 months ago

Help a Homeless Trans Woman on the Street - My Wallet Got Stolen While I Was Sleeping In the Park

October 16th, 2024

Help A Homeless Trans Woman On The Street - My Wallet Got Stolen While I Was Sleeping In The Park

Hey, it's Thistle Daggers-Drawn again. I've been in the city trying to get my ID and EBT together and sleeping outside while I do.

Yesterday, I was sleeping in the park and someone stole my wallet from my pack. I lost everything including my ID and last working debit card. I have to use my phone to get money by loading prepaid cards or ask people to send money orders.

I don't have a charge pack or service so I'm having a hard time keeping my phone charged or accessing internet. These circumstances along with having no ID is making it very difficult to apply for EBT or get a new ID.

I need some funds and supplies to help me get my life back together and survive on the street until I get back to Slab City.

Please help, anything is something that can help me make it through these rough times.

Send Western Union or Walmart money order codes to:

Email: Newwavenova@gmail.com

TextFree: (616)580-4844

Or Cash App (my friend has a card still): $ThistleDD

You can also still send to Venmo but I have to pay for fees to send to Cash App: @ThistleDD

I'm surviving on your kindness right now. I really want to get back to Slab City to get back to my usual community work but I'm stuck right now. Please help me any way you can.

5 months ago
famouskoaladetective - idk I follow from here
famouskoaladetective - idk I follow from here
famouskoaladetective - idk I follow from here
famouskoaladetective - idk I follow from here
famouskoaladetective - idk I follow from here
famouskoaladetective - idk I follow from here
famouskoaladetective - idk I follow from here
famouskoaladetective - idk I follow from here
famouskoaladetective - idk I follow from here
famouskoaladetective - idk I follow from here
5 months ago

I distinctly remember a nurse telling me whenever I got my spinal cord injury after my first big seizure,

"it's just a CSF leak, it'll be better before you're married."

Now I'm 29, I've been divorced for 5 years, and my spinal cord injury still fucks with my life on a regular basis, and even though my seizures have gone from multiple a day to just one or two episodes per year they're still a fucking problem, and I kind of want to go back to that nurse and just tell her,

"it wasn't better before I got married the first time and isn't better after the divorce. Do you think if I get married again it'll cure me?"

Medical fucking gaslighting...

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5 months ago

One of those days where I'm at my absolute lowest point mentally but I'm not allowed to talk about it because talking about it online gets my account reported and taken down, and I can't talk about it in real life because very few people care and talking about it just makes them mad at me, and if I tell the wrong person, I'll have a "welfare check" of multiple armed cops showing up at my door treating me like a criminal.

Living with PTSD and depression is fucking impossible sometimes and nobody understands.

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5 months ago

Transgender men and sexual violence

Transgender men and transmasculine people are often erased and ignored by the wider queer community. This leads to our suffering being ignored and erased. While all transgender people are more likely to face sexual violence, Transgender men and transmasculine people have the highest rate of sexual violence of the whole queer community - disabled trans men and trans men of color being the most vulnerable.

Transgender Men And Sexual Violence

Trevor Project (2024)

Transgender Men And Sexual Violence

“There is a dangerous invisibility that comes with being a trans man that people are not speaking about: Trans men are not considered plausible ‘victims’ once they transition to male. I find the assumption that our gender instantly makes us invulnerable or always protects us from violence when others learn of our trans status to be violent in and of itself. Why? Because it makes me feel as if I cannot speak openly about my pain, about my struggles, about the dangers I face in daily life. I feel that I cannot get media coverage that wouldn’t trivialize my struggles because of some apparent all-encompassing privilege that many people assume I and most trans men have gained. And I can say for sure that I’m not the only trans man to feel this way.” Forge Forward

Transgender men and transmasculine people who are victims of sexual violence deserve support and community. Studies have shown that when victims of sexual violence don't have support and community they are likely to commit suicide. Places to donate that provide support to all transgender people:

The Trevor Project "The Trevor Project is the leading suicide prevention and crisis intervention nonprofit organization for LGBTQ+ young people. We provide information & support to LGBTQ+ young people 24/7, all year round." Mermaids "Mermaids supports transgender, non-binary and gender-diverse children and young people, as well as their families and professionals involved in their care."

Places to donate that provide support transgender men and transmasculine people: The international man project "The Intentional Man Project provides men of trans experience with the community and the programmatic support they need to live healthier, connected, and more fulfilling lives." Black Trans Men Inc "Since 2011, Black Transmen Inc has firmly planted ourselves on the forefront of organizing the modern movement for Black trans equality.  Still too often, black transmen are overshadowed in the fight for social equality.   Founded by Carter & Esperanza Brown, Black Transmen, Inc. (BTMI) takes pride in its role as the first national nonprofit social advocacy organization with a specific focus on empowering African American transgender men by addressing multi-layered issues of injustice faced at the intersections of racial, sexual orientation, and gender identities."

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5 months ago
Her Name Is Valentina Petrillo And She Is A Visually-impaired Sprinter.

Her name is Valentina Petrillo and she is a visually-impaired sprinter.

Time to support her, because even without the racism element I expect she will be getting some flak from Awful, Awful People.

5 months ago

Negotiated to outpatient X-ray and a follow up plus referral to rheumatology. They gave me Prednisone and Flexeril, so I can kinda get around now, but not really.

This is not fun

Being chronically ill is fun because my right leg is numb and the right side of my lower back and hip are in a huge amount of pain and I don't know if I dislocated something, if I aggravated the spinal cord injury I had when I was a kid, if I aggravated the fracture in my tail bone that I got in Spring/Summer of '22, if it's nerve pain from my Lyme disease and related palsy, or something completely new!

Also this is a fun time to not know where my fucking cane is! Usually it's in the car, but our car was totaled in August and I don't know if I rescued my cane from it after the crash.

Fuck my life, I can't fucking walk today.

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5 months ago
Wheelchair Vibes

Wheelchair vibes

Cripple vibes

Fuck yeah chronic pain

Fuck my life lmao

5 months ago

Being referred to the ER I guess because the doctor thinks I dislocated something deep in my hip and I might need surgery to fix it.

Hahaha I love life.

Being chronically ill is fun because my right leg is numb and the right side of my lower back and hip are in a huge amount of pain and I don't know if I dislocated something, if I aggravated the spinal cord injury I had when I was a kid, if I aggravated the fracture in my tail bone that I got in Spring/Summer of '22, if it's nerve pain from my Lyme disease and related palsy, or something completely new!

Also this is a fun time to not know where my fucking cane is! Usually it's in the car, but our car was totaled in August and I don't know if I rescued my cane from it after the crash.

Fuck my life, I can't fucking walk today.

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5 months ago

Being chronically ill is fun because my right leg is numb and the right side of my lower back and hip are in a huge amount of pain and I don't know if I dislocated something, if I aggravated the spinal cord injury I had when I was a kid, if I aggravated the fracture in my tail bone that I got in Spring/Summer of '22, if it's nerve pain from my Lyme disease and related palsy, or something completely new!

Also this is a fun time to not know where my fucking cane is! Usually it's in the car, but our car was totaled in August and I don't know if I rescued my cane from it after the crash.

Fuck my life, I can't fucking walk today.

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5 months ago

Randomly remembered that I went to highschool with a dude who was half Puerto Rican and would fuck with people who gave him shit over it or who would try to say that he was Mexican, and the one day he brought in a woven poncho and sombrero and randomly put it on in class, and proceeded to spend the rest of class responding to everything with "si, si", "no quiero Taco bell", and "su padre es pollo" (your father is a chicken, I think?) for all of class before someone finally just said like,

"Tommy we don't speak Spanish, we aren't Mexican."

"well neither am I but you guys put so much pressure on me...."

And then took the poncho off, held his sombrero to his chest sadly and just left for the day and never acknowledged it again. No idea how he left early btw, it was a charter school in a different county from where he lived and everyone took the bus so he didn't drive home, I don't know if someone picked him up or if it was planned, but it was bizarre.

5 months ago

I don't know if I am ever actually going to like talk about this again on any of my blogs but I'm technically not a binary trans man.

I often simplify my identity to just "FTM", "trans man" or "transmasculine", but to be completely honest, I'm demi masculine and nonbinary, but just heavily masculine leaning.

I have the demiboy symbol tattooed on my ankle, and I don't plan on getting it covered or changed anytime soon despite the fact that I usually refer to myself as just a transgender man instead of elaborating, because to me it is more accurate of a description for myself.

I identified as non-binary starting at the time I was like 16 years old until I came out as transmasculine at 24 (also should probably mention that I was diagnosed with an intersex variation at 22, which also affected how I viewed my gender identity in a lot of ways), and I still have a lot of nuances and fluidity to my gender, though none of that could be described as feminine or female. The closest that I really get to feminine or female is feeling kind of like a femboy or girlboy, but even that is pretty heavily leaning towards the "boy" side of things.

I guess the best way that I can describe it is that everyone's gender is like a different color in a crayon box, and if binary male was classic Blue, my gender would be more like dark teal or almost emerald green. Like, the blue is definitely there and it almost looks blue, but there's a bit of green in there and it's kind of dark and muddy.

I don't think that this really makes a lot of difference whenever it comes to things on my page but I feel like it's important to me so I wanted to mention it.

I'm a guy. But I'm also non-binary. I'm a non-binary guy. And there's really nothing that weird about that at all.

I know that most people are used to people who are younger identifying as non-binary and either growing out of it or just keeping quiet about it, so I really want to just normalize that I am almost 30, I have children and a family, I use primarily he him pronouns but also sometimes they or it, and I'm a non-binary man.

Just wanted to say that so that other people hopefully don't feel like the only people who are older than 25 with slightly unconventional or mogai identities. You aren't alone. We exist.

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5 months ago

Happy Fuck Christopher Columbus Day.

Give tribal nations their land back.

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5 months ago
YOU Hate Christopher Columbus.
YOU Hate Christopher Columbus.

YOU hate Christopher Columbus.

5 months ago
Happy Indigenous Peoples Day!

Happy indigenous peoples day!

5 months ago
5 months ago

Your vibes are like Jordan from Axis of Awesome in the best way possible

im the worlds most dorky transfem dj

a photo of maia behind turntables, it is lit in pink
a photo of maia below a pink spotlight, it looks content

📷/📹: Cosimo Augustoni

5 months ago

hey, you! have you ever taken over-the-counter melatonin for insomnia? congratulations! you've had hormone replacement therapy! now leave trans people alone

5 months ago

Ngl I'm a trans guy with kids and the second my son says he likes pink and wears something pink, I swear I smell the torches lighting.

People flip shit and cry "indoctrination" or even "grooming" (completely devaluing the actual meaning of those words) because cishet people can't comprehend a child liking things that aren't from the "correct" side of the blue vs pink toy aisle. And God forbid your kid steers into the clothing or shoe section for the "opposite gender" (yeah I'm putting that in quotes because garanimals and shit are literally the same in both sections other than the colors and logos. Boy's sweatpants and girls sweatpants are both just fucking sweatpants other than maybe the ankle elastic and pockets.)

Kids should be allowed to make decisions about what they wear and like. Even if you don't understand it or like it.

I don't like pink, both my kids do. I don't like paw patrol, but both my kids do. So I buy them pink paw patrol stuff because it makes them happy. 🤷🏻‍♂️ It's not that serious tbh but people act like the horses are eating each other.

the only thing transphobes hate more than gender nonconforming adults is gender nonconforming children

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