fancycollectormoon - fancycollectormoon

My heart belongs to Jungkook

667 posts

My Poor OC Having Nightmares And She's Looking Comfort In YoonKook's Presence

My poor OC having nightmares 😱 And she's looking comfort in YoonKook's presence đŸ„ș

Taehyung kept her old ring for her, but she has a new one.

What do you mean Yoongi made a ring for Jungkook too!!!! đŸ˜Č He cares about his babies so much.

I loved this festa feeling, everyone was happy dancing, playing music, laughing until that spoilsport Jimin showed up đŸ€Ź

I don't want Taehyung to be sad or broken because of Jimin. Good he has OC by his side to comfort him.

And TaeKook made up 😁 Jungkook was so cute acting angry with Tae, but he couldn't pretend for too long. He has a good heart.

And now all 3 are in one bed 😊 I wonder how it will end 😉 threesome maybe


↳ Index [Chapter 25 - Musique]

‱ Musique (French, music)

Warnings: nightmares, lotsa comfort, they share a really lovely moment, Jimin acts like a jealous dick though, like my dude it’s not that deep take a chill pill, she also does some stupid overthinking hahahelpher

Wordcount: 7.6k

a/n: idk what to say man, i just love this lil family so much


Someone is whispering your name. Over and over and over again. Louder and louder. You open your eyes. No. You are back in that corridor. That hallway you find yourself in each time you fall asleep. Dark walls, dark floors, sparse lighting and so much blood. Blood on the walls, the ceilings, all over the floor. Barely any air as panic controls you. There are figures in the shadows. Right at the end of the endless corridor. You can’t see their face, but you know that they are human. Or at least it pretends to be. Your name again and again and again. You try to shield it by covering your ears. The figure moves. Closer. You stumble back. Closer. Why is it moving? It never moved before. Why is it moving? Closer. It isn’t supposed to move! Closer. No! Wake up! Closer. Wake the fuck up!

You open your eyes. Your body is unmoving, looking unaffected while your heart is racing unbearably. You are awake again. You must have fallen asleep whilst reading. The book has slipped off your chest. Did this really just happen? The figure moved. It came closer to you. It shouldn’t have moved. It never did so before. You look around your room. Shadows hide most of it from you. You turn on the lights. The darkness disappears but the fear remains. The figure moved. It actually moved.

“I can’t stay here”, you get out as you flee from the scary loneliness. You want to find the others. Doesn’t really matter who, as long as they make reality feel real again. No more shadows and panic. Just real people being with you.

You find Yoongi and Jungkook first. Yoongi is showing Jungkook something on the guitar. He softens his play when he can hear you come inside the sitting room. Jungkook turns, sniffling vigorously.

“What’s wrong?” he asks. 

Yoongi shifts his eyes to him and then begins sniffling. Just a second later he furrows his brows.

So they can smell that you are upset. Amazing. 

“Can I be here with you?” you ask them. 

“Of course you can”, they say at the same time.

And while Jungkook adds a “what happened?” at the end. Yoongi chooses to go with “come here, love.”

You appreciate both options dearly.

“I just don’t wanna be alone”, you say.

Czytaj dalej

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More Posts from Fancycollectormoon

1 year ago

“They have finally met in the middle.“

What a great chapter. I was waiting for their honest talk. I was waiting for sweet Taehyung comeback. I want to believe that he will keep his promis and he will treat OC with respect.

Taehyung’s beautiful words on Yoongi’s wish to die really amazed me. And Yoongi’s words to Taehyung about being with someone you love as privilege, OMG.

Also the true story about vampirism, and Yoongi being a WARLOCK!!! that is not what I could ever imagine.

I love it!!!


↳ Index [Chapter 23 - Mitte]

‱ Mitte (German, middle)

Warnings: this is a Tae & Yoongs chapter, they finally talk with each other, it’s beautiful to see, so much mutual respect and healthy conversations, Yoongi also tells him a little bit about vampire history, their friendship is beautiful i wuv them

Wordcount: 8k

a/n: this is one of my fave chapters, i fucking love them


He spent a lot of time down here. The candles have burned down by now, but he doesn’t care. The dark hasn’t bothered him since three millennia.

The floors are wet, as are parts of the walls. The sound of moving water can be heard somewhere. The stench of magic is in the air, it forces his head to pound in a terrible headache. His body is cold as well. The clothes he decided to wear aren’t suited for such rooms. Pants and a button up, both made out of fabric too thin for cold, wet cellars.

He likes heated rooms and being warm, but he is used to the cold, so he doesn’t really mind. He does care for it. He hasn’t done so always, but ever since he feels, he would rather take a warm room over a cold one.

He can’t be picky however, not when so much is at stake.

Light cuts through the darkness then. It aches in his eyes and for just a few seconds, he is blind. He blinks, adjusting to the new situation.

“What are you doing here?” he asks the person holding the oil lamp.

“I could ask you the same question. It has been hours and you are still locked up in this awful room.”

“I can’t leave yet, I have to find out how to stop him.”

“You do, but you also have other priorities.”

“For example?”

“Helping us with the clean-up for example? Or perhaps coming up with what to do next? Or simply making sure ___ is safe?”

“How is she?”

“She is still the same. She is in shock and refuses to speak to anyone.”

“I see. I will check up on her later.”

“It’s too late for that. I helped her fall asleep.”

“Good. At least she won’t be able to think that way.”

“Yes, it’s good. Jungkook is with her for now.”

“Good. He’s perfect for that, he’ll keep her safe if she wakes.”

“I agree.”

Yoongi looks into Taehyung’s eyes for the first time ever since the latter joined him in this wet, cold room.

“Why are you here?” he asks him.

“The others asked me to see how you are doing.”

“Well, you did, now leave.”

Taehyung stays in the doorframe, shaking his head in refusal.

Czytaj dalej

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1 year ago

The beginning and the ending include OC and Yoongi’s scenes but are totally different. My heart hurts 💔 

At the beginning we got our two lovebirds, happily chirping. It was so good to read after everything that is happening lately. Their love is so special. I’m so happy for them.

Then the drive with Tae and Kook at the backseat again đŸ€­ I was happy for my sleepy baby, he was blushing and giggling, peak heaven for my heart, if only I knew...

Charles is a piece of shit. He and his stupid games. He almost made jungkook to lose his control, and talking about farming people for blood. What a douchebag.

And I loved how OC was talking back at him. I’m not bi but I fell for her. She’s my queen.

I must say that Taehyung really has shitty friends, including Jimin. I’m sorry but that’s the truth. Nothing good happened since he came back. Maybe Tae was happy at the beginning but is he still? With Jimin’s jealous ass it won’t last for long. He made Tae break up with Jungkook. I still can’t believe that he could say to Kook such words. I know it broke their hearts, and mine. How Tae can be sure that OC won’t be next? Is he going to give up on her so easily too, just to make Jimin happy?

And the ending 😭 My poor Yoongi. I want to give him the biggest hug and assure him that nothing changed. That he’s still the same in my eyes. Just as OC did. They are meant for each other. I want them together and with Kook. Taehyung can get lost with Jimin for now.


↳ Index [Chapter 13 - Creation]

Warnings: Min fucking Yoongi, he is a menace and I need him, hot vampires being hot, douchebags being douchebags, but also big sad and heartbreak and :(, I also have no idea of the workings of poker and only took a quick class on it for this chapter so if there are any mistakes please forgive them I am still trying to learn hahaha, i also want to state that my legs are wide open for min yoongi

Wordcount: 12.8k

a/n: me writing the beginning: hehe selphcÀre :D me writing the end: no selphcÀre  >:(


The soft scratching of a pen on paper wakes you the next morning. Perhaps it was the loud traffic of the city more than the pen, but you actively take in that little sound more than the rushing of cars and the roaring of buses. You know that they are so loud because it is currently storming outside. You can hear the rain hit the window each time an especially strong gust of wind pushes it violently.

You peel your eyes open, meeting the view of Yoongi sitting on bed and writing in his notebook. His head is propped up on two pillows and his button up is open in the front, giving view to his porcelain chest. He has his ear buds in and the waves once present in his long hair have faded overnight, leaving behind silky strands of hair hanging all into his face. It still looks a little ruffled from what you did to it last night when he chased you in desperate rolls of his hips and all you could do was hold him close. You feel yourself tingle at the memory. Sometimes you can’t believe that he is real and more so, that he is yours.

You reach out, dancing your fingertips up and down his tummy. His skin is covered in goosebumps instantly.

Yoongi takes out his ear buds, looking down at you with fond eyes.

“Hey”, he whispers in order not to disturb the morning peace.

“Hey”, you whisper, gazing up at him.

“Did you sleep well, my princess?”

You nod your head, giving him a sleepy smile. Yoongi retorts it, reaching down to brush the back of his hand over your cheek.

“That’s good to hear”, he says, tracing your eyebrow with just his fingertip before he runs it along your temple until he goes to tug a little strand of hair behind your ear, “how is your head? Do you still feel dizzy?”

“No, I feel better”, you say.

“That’s good”, he whispers and then leans down to kiss your temple, “I was worried yesterday.”

“You don’t have to be anymore, I feel really fine. Just a little thirsty.”

“Here”, Yoongi turns to get a glass of water from his nightstand, “drink that.”

You sit up, accepting his offer gladly.

“Thanks”, you say, setting your lips on the rim of the glass to drink afterwards. The water tastes fresh and has just the right temperature to feel wonderful on your tongue. You finish it with a content sigh, handing the empty glass back to Yoongi, “thank you.”

Yoongi nods his head and puts the glass back on the nightstand. Then he lets his eyes run over your bared body, “hm”, he lets out and takes off his shirt to drape it over your shoulders instead. 

“Better”, he says.

Czytaj dalej

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1 year ago

Oh, what a sad chapter đŸ„ș😭 

I’m sorry for OC. I’m sorry for Yoongi. I’m sorry for Taehyung. I’m sorry for Jimin. I want to believe in him being a better person from now on so badly.


↳ Index [Chapter 27 - Guilt]

Warnings: nightmares, Jimin is finally bettering himself, she keeps overthinking, Yoongi is going through it this chapter hahaha not in a bad way, this is both very sweet but also has sad moments

Wordcount: 7.1k

a/n: we stan a man wanting to do better


The kitchen is filled with the smell of food. The air dances in the music of Hoseok’s playlist. The latter is currently showing off a dance move to Yoongi, who shows him his support by nodding his head as his arms are crossed in front of his chest.

“Are you getting the peppers soon?” Seokjin calls over his shoulder.

“Yeah, yeah soon. God, I was showing off my moves”, Hoseok whines, stopping his dance, “sorry hyung, it’ll have to wait.”

“Yeah, yeah”, Yoongi dismisses him but overall he looks very content with himself.

“What did you think of it?”

“It looked good”, Yoongi praises him which makes Hoseok show off a huge grin.

“You guys seem to have fun”, you call their attention.

“Oh guys, finally you’re done. The entire house heard you”, Hoseok says.

“What do you mean?”

Hoseok rolls his hips in a sexual way, making weird faces as he does.

“Eh-hey”, he says, wiggling his brows.

“You’re so gross, will you finally get the peppers?” Seokjin hisses.

Hoseok stumbles away with a cackle, soon disappearing in the pantry.

“Did you actually

“No. He’s gross and listened in”, Seokjin answers you, studying you from head to toe, “how are you doing, Taehyung?”

“Good thank you for asking. And you?” he says.

“Good, yeah”, Seokjin purses his lips in preparation for what he will say, “I’m glad you’re feeling better.”

“Oh uhm”, Taehyung lowers his gaze shyly, “thank you, that means a lot to me.”

“Mhm yeah”, Seokjin turns back to the stove, stirring the onion with bright red ears.

“I’m happy too”, Emma says, giving Taehyung a sweet smile, “we have to do another dance party soon. I’ll get my Banjo then”, she adds.

“Certainly!” Taehyung nods his head vigorously, “oh, I haven’t played folk in so long, we ought to do it soon.”

“Definitely”, she says, flashing him one last smile before returning to her task of dicing the pumpkin.

Taehyung looks at you with sparkling eyes. Did you see that? He says with that look, we are finally getting along. For the first time in far too many months his eyes carried honest life in them again and you are so happy that they do, hoping that it will never die out again. 

You lean in to peck his cheek, telling him that you were happy with it.

Czytaj dalej

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1 year ago

“And you aren’t alone”, he says... We have each other and that means that we’ll go through everything together. As a family.”

The best family ever đŸ„ș


↳ Index [Chapter 24 - Familie]

‱ Familie (German, family)

Warnings: sadness & guilt, she is going through a lot, there is also lots of comfort in this chapter

Wordcount: 6k

a/n: i fucking love the found family trope :(



A warm hand places itself on your shoulder. You tense up, clutching the edge of the pillow. He is here. After all those days of nothing, he is finally here to tell you how much you fucked up. You are so scared of talking to Yoongi. After what happened with Suzy, just imagining what he could tell you, makes your stomach turn. He is trying to be such a good person and now he has to look into the eyes of a murderer. You feel like you robbed him of the only innocence in his life and that hurts so much.

“I made food”, he says, tickling the back of your neck with his fingertips in a soothing caress.

He made food? So he didn’t come here to yell at you?

The tension becomes less. His touch doesn’t feel as burdening anymore. 

“Pumpkin Gnocchi. Do you wanna try?”

You roll onto your back, looking at the bowl atop his lap. 

“You made them yourself?” you ask in a small voice. 

“Of course I did.”

You sit up, closing the distance between the two of you. You place your hands on his thigh, looking into the bowl. He shaped them like little pumpkins. He even gave each of them a leaf with some rosemary.

“You made that yourself?” 


“They’re so pretty. Oh my god, Yoongi”, you press out, lifting your glassy gaze, “they’re so pretty.”

His eyes soften fondly, “do you wanna try them?” he asks, lifting the fork to your lips. 

You accept the little pumpkin gladly, chewing it most delicately. The sweetness of the pumpkin harmonizes with the richness of the butter parmesan glace he made, a hint of rosemary lingers in the aftertaste. 

“This tastes so good. Oh my god, Yoongi.”

“Yeah?” he smiles shyly, “eat a lot, my love”, he says, feeding you another bite. 

You eat the gnocchi, feeling a little better doing it. They tasted so good, especially because Yoongi made them. 

The latter hands you the bowl so you could eat by yourself. As you eat, he cleans your room a little. First dirty laundry, it goes straight into a bag. Jungkook will wash everything later. That man loves doing laundry and has been the official laundry fairy of your group for the durations of your travels.

Then he opens the curtains.

“Let’s get some fresh air in here”, he says, opening the windows.

He turns to you, studying your face. You stopped eating again, holding the fork with weak fingers.

He hurries back to you and takes the fork in your stead.

“Do you wanna eat more?” he offers, watching you blink as if he ripped you out of your trance.

Czytaj dalej

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1 year ago

Woaaah, this was so cute. I had smile on face all the time through part 1 and part 2.

We all need sweet boy Handyman Jungkook in our lives

two point five. part two (m) jjk.


part one.

pairing. handyman!jk x reader genre. smut, fluff, friends to lovers word count. 12k warnings. jungkook’s love language is physical touch in case u were wondering!!, lots of kissing, fingering, too much teasing, multiple orgasms, jungkook might have a thing for overstimulation idk, unprotected sex, creampie hehe summary. so what if jungkook had loosened your bathroom pipes and his friends loved to tease him about you and your friendship. all he could think about was why the hell you hadn’t text him to fix it yet.  note. our fav handyman is back!! hehe thank u guys for loving him so much, i really enjoy writing about these two cute dummies. pls let me know what u think, feel free to send some more thirst asks abt him bc i will def be writing more drabbles abt them now<3


The sun beats down on Jungkook’s skin, leaving it prickling with sweat as he finishes loading up his truck. The thin white wifebeater does nothing to protect him from the heat, but he was using it to his advantage. He was currently on a job in the hills, a rich older woman wanting some help with hanging large day beds under her porch—and she brought her friends along to observe. 

Jungkook wasn’t stupid. He knew they weren’t interested in learning how to do this themselves. No, they were interested in the younger, tattooed and sweaty man grunting as he did it all himself. So he gave them a show, taking off his thicker shirt, revealing more of his body as he worked, raking his hands through his hair as he subtly flexed. He’d like to think it was an art. 

It really did pay off though. They brought out lemonade for him and even gave him a hefty tip, all of them giggling when he winked and wished them a good day before leaving. He really knew how to milk it. 

Czytaj dalej

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