Jungkook Romance - Tumblr Posts
LOVE LOVE LOVE (wins all)
I want to live her perfect life (maybe exept riding a bike)
I miss my baby Bamie. I watched ITS2 this week and I love Bam so much.
I loved all the perfect details about Bamie's food, and washing and showerhead usage.
![Index [Snippet #45 - Showerhead]](https://64.media.tumblr.com/05e23373e0051dc58dd94591d8a5bb01/4d6e4d515d3b8f32-d6/s500x750/137bacb9092c6a6adcba66d15175984da0ee5b02.jpg)
↳ Index [Snippet #45 - Showerhead]
"When you and Jungkook get each other off with a showerhead."
Genre: married life!AU, Slice of Life Fluff, Smut
Warnings: the cozy small town vibes we all love TCT for <3, Kookie being a sexy tattoo artist, he's a tired bean as is OC, a cozy night in with burgers from Seokjin's diner, Bam being the cutest dog, the next warnings are for smut: this is kinda a quickie, there's no specific roles just a married couple having some sexy time to let off some steam, they had a lil bit of a stressful day and relax this way, shower sex, making out, naked grinding, some grinding on his thigh, they use the showerhead on each other to make each other cum, Jungkook being wet and hot, sexy communication, dirty talk, praise, size & strength kink, squirting, giggly aftercare, this is the kinda sex you can only have with someone you know well and love dearly, they're so in love you guys :(, *shrivels up* the domestic comfort *implodes*
Wordcount: 5.3k
a/n: my explanation for this? i love this universe, i love this couple, i love their bond. enjoy besties 🧡
![Index [Snippet #45 - Showerhead]](https://64.media.tumblr.com/a8c526b8a8eaf0a1cb72a0ecc9fc795b/4d6e4d515d3b8f32-dc/s500x750/260b044a93cc4d054426257e736c3aa7a616a0b2.png)
“Hey there.”
Seokjin lifts his head from the receipts he was sorting through. His eyes light up instantly, an adoring smile curls his lips.
“___! Yooo, you’re here”, he hollers and leaves his place behind the counter with stretched open arms.
You fall into the hug, letting out a little giggle because you’re really happy to see him.
“I am. Today was stressful as fuck though”, you say.
“Yeah? Busy day at the restaurant?”
“One could say that, yeah”, you say and break the hug, “how was your day?”
“Stressful as well. I don’t know why people were so hungry today, but it’s only just calmed down.”
You scan your eyes over the familiar diner. Seven of the twenty three tables are occupied. You shake your head in comradery knowledge and look back at Seokjin.
“I think it’s the weather. People like eating out when it’s cloudy.”
“Yeah, I guess so. Speaking of food, I’ve got your burgers in the back”, he says and turns to leave.
“You’re a fucking saviour, you know?”
“Tell me once I’m back”, he calls out and disappears in the kitchen.
He reappears again after a few seconds, carrying a paper bag with your order.
“Here you go. Two deluxe beef burgers with extra bacon for Kook and lots of sauce for you.”
“And two servings of chilly cheese fries.”
“Of course, with extra cheese because it’s you.”
“Dude, I seriously love you. You saved our evening. I feel too tired to cook and I know Kook’s gonna wanna lie down the moment he’s home.”
“Where is he? Still at the studio?”
“Yeah, till eight. He’s got a full back tattoo to finish. He’s been at it since nine.”
“Geez, whoever is getting the tattoo is either insane or has lost all feeling in their nerves ‘cause a full back tattoo for elven hours is fucking mental.”
“Right? Dude, when Kook did the snake on my shoulder blade?” you turn your shoulder to him, pointing at it even if currently your biker jacket is keeping it hidden.
“I cursed at him multiple times. Not ‘cause I wanted to, but ‘cause it happened on instinct. It hurt like a fucking bitch.”
Seokjin laughs, “I know how you feel. My back tattoo experience still haunts me.”
“Didn’t you curse at him too?”
“I think I might have even threatened his life at one point.”
You and he laugh.
“Totally understandable”, you joke.
“Yeah, ah funny”, Seokjin says and walks behind the counter again.
“How much do I owe you?”
“Please, it’s on the house.”
“I hate it when you do that. How much do I owe you?”
“It’s fine, dude. Just bring me some of those parmesan rind balls you’re serving at the restaurant and we’re even.”
You roll your eyes and place the correct amount of money on the counter.
“Good thing I worked here for years”, you say and turn your back to Seokjin to strut off.
“I should change the prices, seriously”, Seokjin jokes as he looks at you, reaching for the money you left.
You snicker, turning in the doorway, “see you at Tae’s and Hobi’s on Saturday?”
“Of course. I’ve been looking forward to DnD night all week. Namjoon keeps talking about how much fun being DM is. He says this session will be unlike any before.”
“He always says that and then they never disappoint.”
“Seriously”, Seokjin agrees, “and Jimin was here this morning and said that Yoongi will bring apple pie.”
“Seriously? Oh my god, mhhm”, you groan, “I’m so excited, dude.”
“Me too”, Seokjin says and lifts his hand for a wave, “drive safely, ___.”
“Thank you. You too, Seokjin”, you say and turn to leave.
![Index [Snippet #45 - Showerhead]](https://64.media.tumblr.com/a23f76303fad56ebe8636222cc1577ba/4d6e4d515d3b8f32-dd/s500x750/7b2d62a19ae9994f32738e74d0412487156b0dab.png)
You store your dinner in the safety compartment on your bike and put your helmet on. You fix your gloves and then finally sit down on your bike to drive off. The smell of warm concrete tickles your nose as you cruise through the familiar streets. The diner soon disappears behind you and Hoseok’s garage appears to your right. You slow down to see if you can spot him. You can. He is working outside. He lifts his head at the sound of your bike and stands up, lifting his hand to wave at you. You wave back at him, slowing down your bike because luckily for you, the lights turned red. You open your visor.
“Yoongi brings apple pie on Saturday!” you call out loudly over the rumbling of your bike and also to bridge the distance.
“Dude, that’s fucking awesome!” Hoseok calls back, making a funnel with his hands to be louder, “driving home?”
“Yeah! I got burgers at Jin’s!”
“Nice! Enjoy them!”
“I will!”
The lights turn green again.
“See you Saturday!” you yell happily and close your visor to drive off.
Hoseok gives you a wave with both of his hands, swaying his hips from side to side to really get his excitement across. You laugh in fondness, giving him a wave until a turn to your left, naturally forces both your hands back onto the handles so you could take it safely.
![Index [Snippet #45 - Showerhead]](https://64.media.tumblr.com/a23f76303fad56ebe8636222cc1577ba/4d6e4d515d3b8f32-dd/s500x750/7b2d62a19ae9994f32738e74d0412487156b0dab.png)
The denser inner town soon disappears behind you as the road takes you along the coast. You pass Jimin’s and Yoongi’s house on tonight’s route. The lights in the street facing rooms are turned off, but you can spot the garden lights being on. You sound your horn as you pass them, knowing that they will know that it was you greeting them. Then you speed up, leaning into it. The road allows you to do so safely and there is nothing better than feeling the warm night air on your skin. Today is a good day. Even if it was stressful, the small moments of familiarity and good friendship were already enough to make it a good day.
![Index [Snippet #45 - Showerhead]](https://64.media.tumblr.com/a23f76303fad56ebe8636222cc1577ba/4d6e4d515d3b8f32-dd/s500x750/7b2d62a19ae9994f32738e74d0412487156b0dab.png)
Bam waits for you by the garage door, containing his excitement by sneezing repeatedly and tippy-tapping with his hind legs.
“Hello there Bamie, how was your day?” you greet him in a squeaky voice.
Bam huffs out air, shaking his head.
“That’s good to hear. I had a stressful day, but I got burgers”, you say and walk off to the kitchen. Bam follows next to you, sniffling at the bag, “it’s not for you, you greedy boy”, you laugh, moving it higher so he can’t reach it anymore, “don’t worry, mommy’s gonna feed you right away”, you say and open the fridge, “are you hungry, baby?”
You and Jungkook started a new diet with Bam after consulting with your trusty vet. It consists of raw, fresh meats, vegetables, fish and eggs presented in a bowl which makes him work for the food so he gets mental stimulation out of it as well. He even gets some berries and the most delicious unsalted bone broth to wash it down with. Truly, your little doggy son eats like royalty with you. You swear that ever since you started his diet, his fur glowed more and his poops smell better.
Bam waits by your feet with his tail wagging excitedly, looking up at you with big eyes.
“Almost done, baby. Wow, you can’t even imagine how stressful today was. I had to run around so much, my feet hurt”, you say and pick up the filled bowl to carry it to Bam’s feeding station.
The Doberman follows you and sits down in perfect position instantly. Just like you and Jungkook have trained him.
“Good boy”, you praise him, “turn.”
Bam follows.
Bam follows.
“Good boy. Wait.”
Bam follows, watching you put his food bowl into the mount. You straighten up. Bam looks up at you.
He doesn’t move.
He doesn’t move.
Bam finally moves and jumps up to begin eating his food. You give him a little pet on his back.
“Good boy. There we go, enjoy your food.”
You give him his space afterwards, leaving the kitchen to change into comfortable clothes and wash your hands. You are in the hallways leading to the stairs when Jungkook comes home.
“Sweetie! I’m home!”
“Hellooo”, you coo, jogging down the stairs and meeting Jungkook at the end of them. You stay on the last step, hooking your arms behind his head to pull him into a kiss. He has to tilt his head up for it, wrapping his arms around your waist, “mwuah”, you end the kiss, giving him a happy scrunch of your face.
He retorts it, hugging you.
“How was your day?” he asks you.
“Stressful, but not bad. Yours?”
“Exhausting. My back’s killing me and my neck’s already dead.”
You slide your hand to his neck to massage it gently.
“I can imagine. Did you finish it?”
“Yeah, the madman actually sat through the entire tattoo.”
“That’s actually crazy.”
“Yeah”, Jungkook chuckles and lifts his head, resting his chin against your chest. He grins as he talks, “did you get the burgers?”
“Of course I did. They’re waiting for us in the kitchen.”
“I’m so hungry already.”
“Me too”, you say and break the hug by getting down from the last step, “wanna watch The Witcher as we eat?”
“Yes, that sounds like a plan”, Jungkook says as he jogs up the stairs to change into comfortable clothes and wash his hands.
![Index [Snippet #45 - Showerhead]](https://64.media.tumblr.com/a23f76303fad56ebe8636222cc1577ba/4d6e4d515d3b8f32-dd/s500x750/7b2d62a19ae9994f32738e74d0412487156b0dab.png)
You have the burgers and fries prepared on your coffee table when Jungkook comes back. Bam is on the sofa next to you, resting his head on his front paws as he enjoys his post dinner nap. Jungkook wakes him as he gets on his knees in front of him and greets him with kisses all over his face.
“Hello Bamie”, he coos in a squeaky voice, “did you have a good day? Daddy had a really long day. Oh Bamie, my baby.”
The Doberman accepts his dad’s kisses with a wagging tail. It makes a dull sound of impact each time it slaps the couch cushions.
“Mwuah”, Jungkook finishes his kisses with a smooch to Bam’s forehead and then stands up. He picks up his burger and plops down on the couch so Bam was between you and him. He stretches his legs out and lets his head plop against the cushions. Then he sighs, “that’s luxury, seriously.”
“Yeah”, you agree, “ready?”
You press play on the show and for the next twenty minutes, you enjoy your dinner as the show was running. You pause it once you are finished with your food so you could carry the dirty plates to the kitchen and start the dishwasher. You return with some chocolate drops for dessert.
“Choco snack?” you offer Jungkook.
“Uuh, yes thank you”, Jungkook says and scoops a good handful out of the bowl. Bam left the spot between you and him by now so he could instead scratch at his favourite scratching mat. The sounds of his playing fill the background as you press play on the show again. You rest on the couch in a way which enables Jungkook to lie down between your legs. You put the snack bowl on his stomach and begin massaging his shoulders.
“Mhm yeah, that’s premium”, he says, wiggling happily, “thankies.”
“Tell me if I hurt you”, you say and then no other words are exchanged between you and him as you enjoy the show. You snack, you cuddle, you massage his shoulders and you react to good scenes in the show. It’s truly the perfect evening.
After the episode finished, you stay on the couch to chat about your days. You and Jungkook are facing each other. He is sitting on the sofa cross-legged as he massages your feet because you complained about them hurting.
“By the way, I just remembered”, you say during a moment of nice silence.
“Seokjin told me that Jimin was at the diner today and that he told him that Yoongi will bring apple pie on Saturday.”
“This just made my entire night. Yoongi’s apple pie is the best apple pie ever. Sorry baby, yours is amazing too, but I gotta be honest.”
You laugh, “no, I agree. There is no better apple pie than Yoongi’s. And Jinnie said that Joon can’t shut up about how good this session will be.”
“He always says that and then it’s never a lie.”
“I said the same thing.”
You and Jungkook share in little chuckles.
Bam appears by your side, stubbing Jungkook’s knee.
“I think he needs to shit”, he says.
“Yeah, I think so too. His eyes are glassy.”
“Do you need to poop, baby?” Jungkook coos at Bam. The dog huffs out air and leaves the living room for the front door, “okay yeah he does. I’ll take him for a walk, okay?”
“Yeah, I’ll stay here if you don’t mind. My feet are gonna shrivel up if I take another step today.”
Jungkook chuckles, “no worries. I need the movement either way”, he says and gets up. He kisses your forehead as he passes you, “it shouldn’t take too long.”
“Yeah, okay. If I’m not here when you return, I’m taking a shower.”
“Okay. See you later, sweetie.”
“See you, honey.”
![Index [Snippet #45 - Showerhead]](https://64.media.tumblr.com/a23f76303fad56ebe8636222cc1577ba/4d6e4d515d3b8f32-dd/s500x750/7b2d62a19ae9994f32738e74d0412487156b0dab.png)
Just like you told Jungkook, you are taking a shower when he returns. He knocks on the door.
“Come in!”
He enters the bathroom and locks the door behind him. He scans his eyes up and down your naked body, but doesn’t say anything raunchy about it.
“How was the walk?”
“Good. I feel human again”, Jungkook says and rolls his shoulders, “Bam’s in his crate already. He totally passed out after the walk. He did so much sniffing, I think it tired him out.”
“He’s so cute.”
“Yeah, he really is”, Jungkook sighs dreamily, "our son."
You chuckle fondly and guide the showerhead over your left arm, “do you wanna join me?”
“Uuh, yes I do”, he coos and begins undressing in little dance moves. It makes you laugh because he is such a dork.
Now buttnaked, he grins cutely and steps into the shower. He leans in for a little kiss, but you attack him with water instead by turning the showerhead and covering his chest with it.
“Hey”, he laughs.
You snicker mischievously then begin guiding the showerhead over his body to wet him.
“Not cool. I wanted to kiss you”, he chuckles.
“Kisses come later. You’re sweaty.”
“Wow, so mean”, he laughs and turns his back to you so you can wet it as well.
You turn off the water afterwards, picking up his soap to squirt some into his hands.
“You’re welcome”, you say and switch out his soap for yours.
You and he soap yourselves up, going thoroughly to really make sure the day is washed off. You even soap up your cracks, feeling no shame in doing so. It was a little awkward in your beginning phase, because soaping up your intimate places is a very personal thing to do, but these days, you don’t think it’s embarrassing to do it in front of each other. In some weird way, it’s kind of nice to do it in front of each other. You are bonded for life and there are no other people you know as intimately as you know each other. Feeling comfortable in washing even the most personal places in front of each other just means that what you and he have is real and it’s home.
Jungkook takes on the job of washing the soap off your bodies. First you and then himself. He keeps the water running afterwards, guiding it over your body for now to warm you up.
“And now?” he asks.
“We could dry up and watch more Witcher or we could get a little sexy.”
“A little sexy?” Jungkook asks and glances at your tits, “like sexy sexy?”
“Yes, sexy sexy”, you snicker, nudging his chest, “doofus.”
“What? I gotta make sure, I don’t wanna be weird.”
“Cutie”, you say and take the showerhead from him to warm him for a change, “do you wanna be sexy sexy with me?”
“Yeah”, Jungkook nods his head, “yeah, I can be convinced.”
“You can?” you ask seductively.
“Mh-hm”, Jungkook hums and wiggles his brows.
You turn the water off and put the showerhead in its mount for now. You step closer to Jungkook and touch his chest.
“You can get your kisses now”, you tell him.
“Finally”, Jungkook says and grabs your butt with both his hands to pull your body close. He claims your lips in a kiss, purring happily.
“Mhhm”, you hum, burying your fingers in his hair as you get lost in his kisses.
You kiss, you touch, you grope and hug. You stumble, press each other against the tiles, giggle, kiss some more and turn each other on in the process. Most of your shared showers don’t end in sex, so tonight feels extra special. You felt like it. You had such a good day and Jungkook is such a cutie that you just wanted to at least shoot your shot. That Jungkook said yes was the sweetest cherry on top.
By now, Jungkook has you against the tiles with one knee between your legs so you can grind on it as you kiss. He is rolling his hips against you, finding sweet electricity on your stomach as his hard cock moves against it.
Jungkook breaks the kiss to nibble on your neck.
“I love it when you mark my thigh”, he rasps.
“I know”, you sigh. Your lips feel puffy and tender from kissing, “shit Kook, it feels so good.”
“Yeah, it does”, he agrees, squeezing your butt, “my goddess. Gotta love that ass.”
“You’re stupid”, you snicker and moan, “fuck, you feel good.”
“Mhm, yeah”, he sucks a spot of sensitivity to your neck, “so good.”
“Kiss me again”, you say and pull him into a kiss.
And so you do it again. You kiss, you touch, you grope and grind. You moan, sigh, shiver and pull each other closer. You stumble and move around, almost knock the soap bottles over and hit the showerhead hose with your elbow.
You break the kiss again. You are both out of breath and heated up. Jungkook looks at you with heavy eyes.
“Wanna do something fun?” you ask.
“More fun than this?”
“Tell me.”
“Wanna get each other off with the showerhead?”
“Yes”, Jungkook furrows his brows, “fuck, your mind. You’ve got the sexiest ideas.”
“I know”, you snicker, “you first. I’ll make you cum”, you say and push him away from you gently.
“Okay”, Jungkook stumbles back, lifting his hands in defeat, “I’m not stopping you.”
You take the showerhead off its mount and turn the water on, checking the temperature with your hand. You lower it then turn it to Jungkook.
“Is that good for you?”
“Yeah, it’s nice.”
“Okay then, get ready.”
“I’m so ready”, Jungkook says and looks at his hard cock.
You place your palm on the upper side of his cockhead and use your thumb to hold it in place. You tilt it and guide the showerhead to his sensitive tip.
Jungkook gasps, taking a wobbly step closer while his cock throbs into the sensation.
“How’s that?” you ask him, lifting your eyes to meet his gaze.
It is foggy in pleasure. His lids are lowered halfway.
“Good”, he whispers and parts his lips for a soft moan.
“You’re so pretty”, you speak quietly too. It feels right to do so.
“No, you are. Ah”, he furrows his brows, “there. Woah, ah”, and his eyes fall closed before his nose scrunches in pleasure. Another moan rolls off his tongue, his lips stay parted afterwards.
You look back at his cock. The water is hitting him right at his frenulum, reaching parts of his flushed tip as well. His thick vein is pulsating, moving his entire cock on your palm. His lower abs tense and tremble.
“Right there?” you ask, drawing circles.
“Yes, don’t stop. Keep, ah, please keep going.”
“Okay”, you say and try to keep the movements as they are right now. Slow circles with a minimal diameter so most of the water is focused on his sensitive frenulum. He says it’s where the pleasure goes especially deep. There and right on his tip. You don’t want to change the motion for the sake of finding out if his tip feels just as good however. Jungkook sounds so perfect right now.
“This feels so good”, he moans, touching your shoulder just to run his hand down your arm. He lingers on your elbow, giving it a gentle squeeze.
“It does. It’s so hot, baby.”
“Yeah-ah”, he bites his lower lip and smiles the kind of smile he always does when the pleasure hits just right, “that’s wow, aha”, he laughs breathily and opens his eyes, looking down at his own cock. He follows the showerhead as you guide it over his cock, sliding his hand to the back of your neck.
“Fuck, looking at it…” Jungkook closes his eyes and furrows his brows, “...yeah that’s gonna make me cum. Fuck….baby…”
“Can I try your tip? Just to see.”
Jungkook nods his head. You guide the showerhead away from his frenulum to instead draw circles on his tip. His cock throbs. He lets out a soft gasp.
“Yeah”, he rasps and rolls his hips, “I liked the other spot more. Please.”
“Mhm, that’s sexy”, you purr and guide the showerhead back to where you were before, “there?”
“Lower, ahnm it’s good just low- yes! Ah”, he moans loudly, throwing his head back, “there. That’s the fucking spot, holy shit.”
His cock pulsates and leaks. The water washes it away instantly, but the twitchy nature of his cock remains.
“You’re so sexy. Fuck, I’m going insane”, you rasp and feel tingles run all over your skin.
“Baby, you’re making me cum”, Jungkook gets out and squeaks in a moan, “a-ah”, he clears his throat, “sorry, voice cra-ah-ack. Ah fuck, ___ holy shit.”
You snicker, “you’re cute”, you say and draw a little heart. And another one. And one more for good measures, “and sensitive.”
“Yeah I was close”, he says and scrunches his nose, “this is gonna feel so. So ah. So good”, Jungkook stutters and rolls his hips, “stay there. There. Baby, please.”
Jungkook moans loudly, scrunching his face.
“Yeah, right there”, you rasp, “you’re such a pretty boy, getting your pretty cock all clean and nice for me.”
“Fuck, oh fuck.”
“So pretty. You’re such a pretty boy with the prettiest cock.”
“Now”, Jungkook gets out and moans, convulsing in his high. He spills all over his tummy and your hand, but the water washes it away instantly. He wobbles, finding support by holding your shoulder, “I was right, it feels so good”, he whines and reaches down to play with his own tip, “oh god, ____. Ah!”
“You’re so hot. So fucking hot”, you moan with him, feeling your own knees buckle. There are only a few things hotter than watching your husband orgasm. You could fucking do it for hours. It’s addictive, especially when he’s wet from a shower and his knees are wobbling like crazy.
“Woah”, Jungkook gets out and slacks against you, dropping his head on your shoulder as his arms close around you. He audibly gulps repeatedly, nuzzling his nose into your skin. His cock is squished between your tummies, throbbing slowly. You hold the showerhead behind his back for now, letting the water hit the tiles.
“Liked it?” you ask him, tracing his spine.
He nods his head and exhales shakily, “holy fuck.”
You giggle, “you’re cute. I’m happy you liked it.”
“Yeah, I did. Seriously wow”, he exhales happily and lifts his head, giving you a goofy grin, “you’re the best ever. Thank you.”
You do a little curtsey, “you are very welcome.”
Jungkook laughs and gives your waist a little squeeze. His eyes lower playfully, he licks his lips. You feel your heart speed up and your pussy throb.
“Now give me the showerhead. It’s your turn”, he rasps and smirks.
You give it to him without hesitation, parting your legs so he can have access. You keep staring into his eyes, feeling yourself totally lose yourself in him. Jungkook gazes at you, eye fucking you so well that your breath is already shaky even without any sort of stimulation.
“Count to three for me”, he whispers.
Jungkook slides his left hand to your hip.
Jungkook leans down to place a kiss on the most sensitive spot of your neck.
“Three”, you sigh, closing your eyes in anticipation.
Warm water hits your pussy and stimulates your aching clit. You grip his strong upper arms, squeezing desperately.
Jungkook purrs deeply, using his lips and teeth to play with your earlobe. He slides his left hand to the small of your back and tilts your hips with a gentle push, making it so your clit is more exposed to the stream of warm water.
The moan you let out bounces off the walls, but you find no shame in it. On the contrary, you allow another sound to slip, rolling your hips into the sensation.
“Is that nice, mhm?” Jungkook asks in a rasp and his voice tickling your ear.
“Yeah, nice”, you get out, gliding your hands to his pecs. Fuck, his skin is so wet and silky from the water. His muscles are twitching under your touch, his deep purr tickles your palm.
“You’re so sexy like this. Keep touching me, baby. Feel how strong I am, mhm?”
“Yeah…” you sigh, moaning when he tenses his pecs just for you.
Jungkook growls playfully and moves the showerhead closer. You twitch instinctively, feeling your knees shake.
“Wait. It feels weird like this”, you say.
“Yeah? What do you need changed?”
“Don’t laugh, but I want it like this”, you say and sit down on the floor. You rest against the tiles and prop up your feet, parting your legs.
“This is so hot”, Jungkook says and kneels down in front of you. He scoots close and gets comfortable with his legs crossed. You place your legs over his’, propping your feet up on the floor behind him. Like this, you have skin on skin contact and Jungkook is facing you head on. He leans in for a kiss, breaking it by gently nipping on your lower lip.
“You’re sexy”, he rasps and guides the showerhead to your pussy.
You jolt up, arching your back.
“Can you, ah, use your fingers to spread me?”
Jungkook nods his head and uses his left hand to part your folds for the water. Trembles shake your legs, your hips roll into the sensation.
“Fuck yes, ah like this.”
“This is so hot. I love this”, Jungkook rasps and switches his gaze to your pussy. He licks his lips, wiggling his hips in desperation. You are so spread for him and the water takes such pretty paths along your pussy. He makes sure to bundle the stream onto your clit area. You already look so swollen, especially now that he is keeping you spread, “you look so sensitive, baby.”
“Your thigh”, you mewl and it’s enough for Jungkook to understand that grinding on his meaty thigh brought you just as close as your stomach did him.
“Fuck, so hot”, he growls and spreads your pussy more. He draws lines up and down your clit, listening for your reaction.
“Jungkook, baby”, you moan, rolling your head back.
It falls against the tiles. Jungkook looks at your face. Your eyes are closed, a droopy smirk curls your lips.
“Does it feels good what I do?” he asks in a soft spoken voice.
You nod your head.
“Should we try circles too?”
You nod your head again.
Jungkook changes the lines for circles, sending trembles through your legs.
“It’s that. Ahng”, you scratch your nails over the tiled floor before grabbing your own thighs for support, “that. It’s, it’s that. Ah, fuuck….” you open your legs further, panting heavily as your back arches off the wall.
“Fuck, this is hot. I’m going insane”, Jungkook confesses in a raspy voice and his darkened eyes flitting back to your pussy.
“Don’t stop please. This feels so good.”
“I won’t, baby”, he promises you and leans in for a kiss. He manages to place one on your jawline, ending it with a little suck.
“Ah, mhm, ah”, you let out and writhe, “it’s soon.”
“Yeah? So hot. My pretty girl with her pretty pussy. It’s so sexy how she’s getting all wet for me.”
“Keep talking, holy fuck.”
“Mhm, my pretty girl. You’ve got the prettiest pussy, baby”, Jungkook rasps and swirls the showerhead just how you need it, “my prett-”
“Now!” you fall into his words as your high hits you. Sit up in reaction, grabbing Jungkook’s arm for support as the only sound leaving you is a throaty “ngn.”
“Baby”, Jungkook moans with you, staring at your throbbing pussy obsessively. She is pulsating so much.
“Holy fuck, this is actually making me squirt. Ohgod. Urgh”, you moan and groan, convulsing uncontrollably as the intense stimulation of the water makes you squirt.
“Holy fuck, baby. Holy fuck”, Jungkook growls, gawking obsessively. The water washes any kind of proof away instantly, but the way you grab him and shake, is enough to let him know that you weren’t bluffing. The showerhead is making you fucking squirt all over the shower floor and it’s Jungkook’s doing.
“You’re a fucking goddess. Holy shit, I’m going insane”, Jungkook moans and helps you ride it out until you push away the showerhead on your own.
You drop against the wall, letting your head tangle tiredly.
“No more. Holy fuck”, you croak and writhe, “wow…”
Jungkook, who is still keeping you spread with his left hand, uses his pointer finger to rub your clit. He gets as far as to lightly brush his the pad of his finger over it and then you already flinch in overstimulation. Your legs fall closed as best as possible, your eyes open and beg him to stop.
“Seriously don’t. I’m so-” you twitch and flinch as Jungkook does it again.
As gently as possible. But you are way too overstimulated, so it felt as if he was using his entire force.
“Kook”, you both moan and complain, “stop it, I’m too sensitive”, you say in a laugh, reaching between your legs to pull his hand away.
Jungkook laughs and lets you. He holds your waist instead, closing in so he could claim your lips in a smiley kiss.
You kiss him back, but soon push him away gently. You slap his chest with both hands, barely using strength for it.
“You’re fucking awful. My clit’s sensitive”, you chuckle.
“Sorry, it was too tempting not to”, he snickers, “you know I love it when you’re like this.”
“I know. Too much unfortunately. One day I’ll accidentally kick you ‘cause you activated some sort of reflex. Seriously.”
Jungkook laughs. You laugh. You fall into a giggly kiss again, ending it with a mutual “mhm” and a stub with your noses.
You rest your forehead together, keeping your eyes closed.
“So this was amazing”, he whispers
“Yeah, it was. Exactly what I needed tonight.”
“Definitely. I feel so good. You?”
“Me too, yeah. Although, two things.”
“Yeah?” Jungkook is already snickering.
“My tailbone is starting to hurt and I’m getting sleepy.”
He chuckles and pecks your lips.
“Let’s actually dry ourselves, do our routines and then go to bed?” he suggests.
“Sounds like a deal. Snuggles later?”
“Snuggles definitely later. Oh hell yeah, you can bet on it”, he says, making you giggle.
“You’re cute. Now help me up, I’m ruined, seriously.”
Jungkook laughs, “hold onto me. Your strong hubby will help you.”
“Wow, I married the strongest person ever. My hero”, you joke, looking into Jungkook’s sparkly eyes as you and he once again share in giggles and laughter.
hahaha, that was so cute and funny. I love that Lucky is still friends with the girls at the club and they feel comfortable sharing all the hot stuff.
I liked how Lucky showed off her collection of sex toys as if they were the most expensive jewelry, hahaha, and drawers with light and soft closing
but wait a minute, was Jungkook at dinner with Taehyung as IHYILY Taehyung, HER husband? They are friends now... it's good I guess

“You and your friends celebrate girl’s night at the penthouse. This however, isn’t an excuse for Jungkook not to receive his welcome home kisses. You won’t complain, he’s your cutie after all.”
Pairing: CEO!Jungkook x f.Reader
Genre: married life!AU, Slice of Life Fluff, casual BDSM
Warnings: just girlies being best friends <3, they talk very freely about kink, she shows off her playroom, mentions of sex work & BDSM events, mommy kink, Kookie being her cute Bunnybaby <3
Wordcount: 2.5k
a/n: i reread the caravan chapter of aaol and in it, Koo mentions that she can bring her girl friends over for girl's night whenever she wants to. so i wrote something about that feat. Koo being a cutie. have fun besties 🤎

You had your girls over tonight. It has been ages since you last saw them and it couldn’t be any more exciting to have them stay at your place. You call it your Paradis Girls’ Sleepover. Hyejin brings the snacks, Byulyi the drinks, Yongsun is responsible for the face masks and Wheein brings candles. You offer them your guestrooms to sleep in, comfy pajamas to wear and fluffy socks to show off.
The sleepover started at four. Hyejin and Wheein were the first to arrive. Like always. Yongsun was next and Byulyi came last. You all greeted each other with happy squeals and tight hugs, falling into excited conversation instantly. Your voices overlapped, everyone had something to tell and unsurprisingly, nobody was heard. You giggled about it and then agreed on taking turns telling your stories.
Yongsun and her now-fiancé are currently trying for a baby and are moving apartments. She stopped working at Paradis four months ago. You knew of the last fact of course because you and the others were her emotional support cheerleader in the group chat during the process. She doesn’t miss the work and says that sex with her partner feels so much better all of a sudden.
“That’s what I’m always saying. Sex hits so good when you’re only doing it with your love”, you say, snacking on some salted pretzels.
“Yeah I agree, it hits hard. You’re especially lucky though. Kook’s kinky as fuck”, Yongsun says as she sips on her makgeolli.
“Is Shiwon vanilla?” Wheein asks, “that’s news to me.”
“Oh hell no, not vanilla. Just not as kinky as Kook. You guys have a playroom. That’s so hot.”
“Oh, yes right!” you exclaim, clapping into your hands, “Yongsun, do you still wanna tell us more? Because I just remembered that we redid the toy shelves and you didn’t even see them yet.”
“Okay slay. Please show us”, Hyejin says, “unless you still want to talk, Yongsun. We don’t wanna cut your time short.”
“No, I can still talk during the house tour. I need to see the new shelves.”
“Slay. Let’s do that”, Hyejin says and gets up from the couch.
You and the other girls follow.
“Did you realise that you’ve started saying slay all the time?” Byulyi asks.
“Yes god so annoying”, Hyejin groans, “I’m watching this streamer and she keeps saying slay all the time. I can’t stop doing it because of her. Last night, I literally told one of my customers slay after we finished”, she whines, making your little group chuckle.
“Did he say something?”
“Yeah, he asked me what it meant and I had to explain to him. He said that he didn’t get it and then left. Weirdo, it’s not like he wanted to lick cheese sauce outta my belly button before that.”
Wheein cracks up, you and the others laugh as well. You can clearly imagine how weird that customer was. You had so many of those during your time at Paradis.
You chat about the streamer on the way to the playroom. Hyejin tells you that she really likes her streams and that she always watches them in the evening during dinner and her night routine. She then proceeded to gush about this new rice water moisturiser she is trying, which in return made Byulyi think of how she got a new favourite brand of rice. Conversation shifted to Byulyi and her favourite brand of rice and how she thought of so many recipes already. Wheein asked for them and Byulyi gladly shared them.
You keep the door to the playroom open, turning on the lights.
Your girls gasp and coo in unison, looking around the playroom with sparkling eyes.
“This won’t ever lose its spark”, Yongsun gushes, “it’s so hot. Seriously I’m getting all wet just being here.”
“Totally understand you”, Wheein agrees.
“Wait till you see the upgraded toy drawers. That’ll make your clits throb”, you tell them, leading them to the drawers with a happy skip in your steps.
The ladies follow you happily, looking left and right to really take in everything.
“Is that swing new?”Hyejin asks.
“Mhm? That?” you look at the black leather sex swing, “I think you girls haven’t seen it yet, but we’ve had it for like seven months.”
“Slay. Did you use it already?”
“What do you think?” you say and grin mischievously.
“Huge slay.”
Byulyi laughs because of Hyejin, patting her back sisterly.
“It’s sturdy. Also it gives me a good grip on Kook. I can really go to town on him when he’s in there”, you say.
“I can imagine”, Yongsun says, “pegging in a swing just hits so much harder”
“Yeah definitely”, Wheein agrees.
You nod your head and turn to the drawers, “now look at those drawers.”
You and your girls gather in front of them as you open them and reveal your vibrator collection to them.
“Woow so cool”, they gasp.
“Right? Right? Check out the lighting in there. Helloo? We have drawer lights”, you gush, waving your hands around in the drawer.
“That’s genuinely so fucking cool. And the pillowing too. It makes the toys look so expensive”, Byulyi gushes, poking her finger into the velvety pillowing.
“And now check this out”, you say, pushing the drawer closed. It slides closed carefully, slowing down on the last few inches before closing silently, “they have a fucking automatic break in them. Remember the stupid ass drawers in Room 14?”
“They are still getting stuck each time you close them. Trust me, I’m still struggling”, Wheein says.
“I know right. God”, you groan and open the drawer again just to show off its closing mechanism to them, “look at how smooth that is.”
“This is so cool, seriously. Now stop closing the damn drawers I wanna see the collection”, Byulyi says, making you laugh.
“Okay, okay fine. A girl can’t do anything here”, you joke.
Byulyi chuckles deeply, looking into the drawer with a lopsided smirk on her lips.
And so you show them your new toys and give them a few details about how it is to play with them. You show them your pegging dildo collection and Wheein asks about Jungkook’s progress, which you proudly show them. They react in coos and honest praise and you felt so proud of your husband. There is no better feeling in the world than being able to show off with him.
And there are also no better people to do it to than your friends. You share everything about your sex lives. No topic, kink or fetish is taboo. Conversations about them are normal to you and them and part of the bond you share. You honestly think that if you suddenly stopped being so open with each other, the friendship would feel weird. Sex was what brought you five together, it is what you first bonded over as you had to talk shit about weird customers and even now, when two of your little group stopped working at the club, sex will still be a topic keeping you together. After all, there are many kink events where the five of you and your partners go to together. The shared love for kink and fetish is just part of your identities and a big reason why you loved to be friends.
It is obvious how normal kink conversations are in your friendship, when in the middle of you showing off the sturdiness of your flogging post, Byulyi begins talking about her rice again and you all exchange recipes.
By the time the clock showed eight, Jungkook comes home from work. You and your girls were back in the living room again, but still haven’t started the movie you actually wanted to watch. Conversation was just too good to interrupt it with movies.
Jungkook is a welcome interruption however. You look at the elevator until its doors open and reveal Jungkook in his business attire.
“Hey there!”
“Welcome home, Kook!”
Your girls greet your husband happily, giving him enthusiastic waves.
His eyes light up instantly.
“Hey there, girls”, he greets them, stepping out of the elevator, “hey, my love”. he tells you.
“Hey, Bunny. How was work?”
“Okay. I’ll just quickly take off my outside clothes and then I’ll be with you, okay?”
Jungkook disappears in the dressing room for a moment.
“He worked later today, didn’t he?”
“No, he went for dinner with a friend. I told him to take his time. I’m surprised he’s home already.”
Jungkook reappears again, making his way to you. He looks so handsome in his grey suit that you can’t stop making heart eyes at him.
“___ says that you went for dinner with a friend?” Wheein asks him.
“Yeah, Tae. We had pork ribs. It was so yummy and I ate way too much. My pants are uncomfy now”, he says, tugging on the hem of them to give his tummy a well-deserved break, “I had to drive home with my pants undone”, he says and makes you laugh.
“I understand you so well”, Wheein says, “it’s kinda nice too though. I like being so full with food ‘cause it means that the food was yummy.”
“Yeah definitely.”
“So why are you home already?” Hyejin asks.
“Actually, funny story. Tae had to hurry home because his daughter suddenly got explosive diarrhea and his wife begged him to help her with it.”
“Eew really?”
“Yeah”, Jungkook laughs, “apparently it went all over the walls?”
“Eeew that’s so nasty eeww”, Hyejin says jokingly, “you sure you wanna get knocked up, unnie?” she teases Yongsun.
“Haha, very funny.”
“You and Shiwon are trying for a baby?” Jungkook asks.
“Yup, at least we’re trying for one. I can’t say that I’m hating the process.”
Jungkook laughs, “I can imagine.”
He finally reaches the couch, scanning his eyes over the snacks and drinks.
“Don’t look at the drinks”, Byulyi says, covering the glasses of makgeolli with her hands.
Jungkook chuckles, “it’s fine. I don’t mind looking at alcohol. You girls enjoy”, he says and closes in on you.
He gets on your lap and hugs you, nuzzling his face into the crook of your neck. You hug him back instantly, smiling dreamily.
“Hey, Mommy”, he says.
“Hey there, Bunny.”
“How was your day?”
“Good. And yours?”
“Okay. I had too many meetings”, he huffs out air, “so annoying.”
“Gosh, I’m sorry Bunnybaby. But you did it, I’m proud of you.”
“Thank you, Mommy”, he giggles happily, “I thought of you during the meetings.”
“You did?”
He nods his head and lifts it so he gazes into your eyes.
“I also have to fly to Shanghai for two nights. I gotta meet with a few business partners”, he says and pouts.
“When are you leaving?”
“Wednesday. I should be home by Friday night again”, he sacks his shoulders, “I’m sorry. I know this is really last-minute, but I only learned about it today.”
“It’s okay, you didn’t know”, you assure him and squeeze his dainty waist, “gosh Bunny, I’ll miss you so much. Like damn.”
“I know. Me too, Mommy”, he whines and hugs you tightly, “we gotta call each night.”
“Of course we gotta”, you say, making him giggle and lift his head so he could look at you again.
He caresses the sides of your neck, scrunching his nose cutely.
“You’re so pretty, Mommy."
“Mhm, Bunny you’re so cute. Come closer and let Mommy have her kisses.”
Jungkook leans in gladly, kissing you deeply and with his hips squirming on your lap unapologetically. You and he only act this way in front of your girls. No one else in your lives, not even family, knows this side of you. There would simply be too many awkward follow up questions and quite frankly, it was more comfortable to keep this part of your relationship private. But not in front of your girls. They know you for who you truly are. Jungkook was shy about it at first, because he never experienced sharing his kinks with people before. But once he realised that he won’t find judgment with your friends – and he visited enough kink events with you and your friends to know they are just as kinky as you – he began opening up more and more. These days, he is not ashamed of acting like Mommy’s best Bunny in front of them and he is most definitely not ashamed to show how much he likes your kisses. Everyone should know that he is Mommy’s happy Bunny when he gets your kisses.
You break the kiss because you didn’t want it to deepen too much. Jungkook will get horny again and you can’t be with him for at least a few more hours.
He smiles at you, licking his lips afterwards. You retort the smile, squeezing his hips.
“That was nice”, he says.
“Yeah, it was so nice.”
“I think I’ll go to my room then. I bet you girls have so much to talk about”, he says, looking at the others.
“It’s okay. We don’t mind the distraction”, Byulyi assures him.
“We saw the size you can take these days. That’s impressive”, Wheein adds.
Jungkook’s face is beet red in an instant. He gawks at you with big eyes.
“You showed them?”
“Of course I did. I gotta show off with my Bunny.”
Jungkook blushes even harder, hiding his face in his own hands as cute giggles leave him.
“Mommy, you’re so mean. Don’t show off with that”, he whines, making you and your girls chuckle fondly.
“Mhm no. I’ll keep showing off with my Bunny.”
“God”, he falls against you, hugging you tightly as he giggles, “this is so embarrassing. You’re so mean, Mommy.”
“Sorry Bunny. You know that I’m proud of you, yeah?” you say, patting his butt gently.
“Yeah, I guess. Hmpf so mean”, he says and straightens up. You give him a little smooch on his cheek and then it is already time for Jungkook to get up from your lap.
He looks at the snacks.
“Mhm snackies. Don’t mind me stealing some”, he says and grabs a handful of salted pretzels. He snacks on them as he leaves the living room, chewing happily, “will you girls stay the night?”
“Yup, we wanna watch a movie later.”
“Uuh movie. Which one?”
“Isn’t that the movie with the car scene?”
Jungkook cringes, “well good luck to you girls. ___ showed me the scene and I’m still traumatized”, he says, making your little group laugh.
“Thanks Kook.”
“I’ll be in the gym if you need me. I gotta work off the calories I ate. Mhm those are good pretzels. Damn”, he says and officially disappears out of sight.
You release a dreamy sigh.
“He’s so perfect, you guys. I’m so lucky”, you gush.
“Wah she’s so in love”, Hyejin teases lovingly, making you chuckle.
“I am. It’s getting stronger each day”, you say proudly, sighing adoringly.
hahahahaha. I can't with them, they re so goofy. Dis they really talk about alien dicks hahaha
they are so adorable hahahahahahaha
![Index [Snippet #46 - Affection]](https://64.media.tumblr.com/05e23373e0051dc58dd94591d8a5bb01/8cb82edb5aa38997-25/s500x750/580d19c3ef847ff93a0a6f75fb56a95ca40c6531.jpg)
↳ Index [Snippet #46 - Affection]
"When Jungkook wants some affection."
Genre: married life!AU, domestic Fluff, a hint of suggestive themes
Warnings: they're in love, snuggles & cuddles in bed, kisses, they also talk about alien dick at one point lmaaoaao, and how Kook would use it on her hahha listen they're both nerds <3, Kookie wants to be praised and kissed!!!, they are the one true couple <3
Wordcount: 2.1k
a/n: they're so important to me :( i love them so fucking much istfg :(
![Index [Snippet #46 - Affection]](https://64.media.tumblr.com/a8c526b8a8eaf0a1cb72a0ecc9fc795b/8cb82edb5aa38997-18/s500x750/aea1d775acc4abec930bf883fc1f39340b13aeb3.png)
You and Jungkook have a to-do list on your fridge. On there, you write all the things needing to be done this day, which aren’t part of the usual schedule. During the colder months, the list could include things like “make the greenhouse storm proof” while in the warmer months, things like “mow the lawn” finds its way onto the list. You even have the list separated in two sections. One for you and one for Jungkook. Because you hate doing some tasks, while Jungkook loves them and instead he hates other tasks you love. So some tasks will always find their way onto Jungkook’s side while others will be cozy on your side. The list works wonderfully and saved yourselves from many sleepless nights when the sudden realization set in that “oh shoot, you had to do something today but forgot”. It is also a perfect tool to prevent useless bickering about “who does it”, because once it’s on the determined side, it is clear to both who will be responsible for it.
The day is almost over and you are on your way to the shower when you decide to check the list just one last time. Just in case. Your brain has been awfully scattered throughout the day because of a bad night's sleep, so just to be sure, you want to make sure that the list has actually been worked through.
You and Jungkook have a pen each to write your lists. Jungkook’s side is written in black ink and his handwriting, while your side is written in blue ink and your handwriting. He had swipe the driveway, clean the bike gear closet on his side today. Both tasks are crossed off. You had water the upstairs plants and wash the upstairs curtains, kiss husband and tell him you are proud of him on your list. Both tasks are crossed off. Your eyes do a double take.
“Kiss husband and tell him you are proud of him?” you read out loud. You didn’t write that. Your eyes flit down to yet another task you didn’t fulfill, “Pin husband by the wrists and tell him he is yours? I’m sorry? I didn’t write any of this.”
Wait a minute. This is written in black ink. And it is Jungkook’s handwriting.
“Oh my god, Kook”, you gasp, having to laugh, “you genius doofus.”
This is such a Jungkook thing to do. It is silly, clever and exactly the kind of flirting that gets your heart racing. You married such a goofy sweetheart.
You abandon the list so you can take the quickest shower in wife history. You have tasks to fulfill, husbands to kiss. You slip into a cute two piece pyjama set once clean and hurry to his room.
The door is closed and so you knock.
“Come in”, he answers after the third knock.
You slide into the room, closing the door behind you. In typical Jungkook fashion, he has the big lights off and only his colourful LEDs on. The room is hued into a mixture of red and pink.
Your husband is sitting by his computer with his knees pulled to his chest. He is dressed in loose boxers and a white oversized shirt. His short hair is silky and on top of his nose, a pair of black framed glasses is perched. He started wearing prescription glasses. Well, in yet another typical Jungkook fashion, he only wears them occasionally because he either forgets or can’t be bothered. Whenever he does wear them however, he looks so handsome in them that it gets hard to function.
“Hey sweetie”, he greets you, studying you from head to toe, “this is such a cute set. It fits you so well.”
“Thank you. It’s satin. Touch it”, you hurry to him.
Jungkook touches your upper waist, sliding his hand down to your hip softly. His eyes follow his touch.
“Wow, so soft and silky.”
“Right? It’s so comfy. And? Check this out”, you say and grab the pants at the crotch part to drag it into his vision. You have to do a little bend for it.
“What are you doing?” Jungkook asks, having to chuckle at your silly antics.
“No middle seam”, you say, fixing your pants again, “which means no pussy and ass crack discomfort.”
“Ah that’s what you tried to show me. It looks so comfy. Yay to no crack discomfort.”
“I know. I’m so happy”, you say and turn to look at his screen.
He has a character creation window open. It seems like a sci-fi shooter game.
“Am I disturbing you?”
“No, it’s okay. I’m creating a character for the next round. I wanna be an alien this time.”
“I see. That seems cool”, you say and suddenly you feel so guilty for coming here. This is Jungkook’s recharge time, you shouldn’t ruin this for him. Maybe you can fulfill your tasks later. Once he’s in bed with you.
“What brings you here, sweetie? Fashion show or something else?” Jungkook asks, caressing your lower back as he talks.
“Yeah, no. Fashion show”, you turn to him, giving him a little sway of your shoulders, “I wanted to show you my new set.”
“I love it. You are beautiful in it”, he praises and smiles.
“Thankies”, you murmur shyly and wiggle your shoulders, “do you want any snacks? I’m making tea so I can drink some as I read in bed.”
“No, thank you. I have my beer and my crisps”, he says and gives your buttock a little squeeze, “you’re my favorite snack anyways.”
You nudge his cheek, “sweet talker.”
He chuckles, shifting his eyes to the screen again. Yes, you will definitely do your tasks later in bed. They will hit so much better this way.
“Okay, I’m in bed then”, you say, leaving his room again.
“Yeah okay. Have fun reading.”
“I will, heh. Have fun being an alien.”
Jungkook laughs, “I will.”
![Index [Snippet #46 - Affection]](https://64.media.tumblr.com/a23f76303fad56ebe8636222cc1577ba/8cb82edb5aa38997-97/s500x750/d45a4a90979187ade5f27ac169a51705a356f99c.png)
You already finished the chapters when Jungkook comes to bed. You are on your phone, watching a video, when he enters the bedroom. You pause the video and lock your phone, following your husband with your eyes.
He is walking to his bedside table so he can put his glasses there for the night. He massages the bridge of his nose afterwards, taking on a path to the bathroom.
“It was your turn to put Bam to sleep, right?” he asks.
“It was, yeah. He’s been sleeping for two hours.”
“That’s good. Our son”, he says, disappearing in the bathroom afterwards. Moments later, you can hear him pee.
You shake your head in disbelief, chuckling to yourself. He couldn’t even close the door for that.
The toilet flushes and moments later, you hear him brush his teeth. He even manages to make himself gag once as he scrapes his tongue, following it up with a “made myself gag” to which you answer him with a chuckled “poor man”.
Afterwards he finally appears, grinning at you.
“Wah baby, I just pissed so hard”, he says.
“I know. I heard. Couldn’t you have closed the door?”
“I could have. I was lazy”, he says and plops down on bed.
“You’re so weird sometimes.”
“You love me for it.”
“Mhm, yeah I guess I do. I hope you sat down.”
“Wah baby, who do you think I am? A heathen? Of course I sat down.”
You chuckle, “good boy.”
He snuggles into his pillow until he is cozied up on his side and with his big eyes gazing at you. “I was an alien”, he says, reaching out to intertwine his fingers with yours. He caresses your knuckles mindlessly.
“You were?”
“Mhm. It was fun. Hey babe, would you still love me if I was an alien?”
You laugh, lifting your brow at him in question. He flutters his lashes at you, expecting your answer.
“Obviously”, you say, “I’d call you my little alien and we could go on dates in your UFO.”
“Yeah that sounds romantic. Also, alien dick. Hello? Would you prefer tentacles, an egg laying one or a double trouble deluxe one?”
“I love that we instantly went from cute UFO dates to alien dick” you say with a chuckle on your lips.
“That’s important miss ma’am, I need to know your preferences.”
“Fine okay”, you give in, “tentacles? Fill me in.”
“Okay so. I would have no dick, you know, like Ken. But then I could grow tentacles and these tentacles produce their own lube so I can fuck you with them. And there’s lots of them so I can fill out whatever you want me to.”
“Alright”, you snort in amusement, “egg laying? What’s that about?”
“I don’t know, I saw it somewhere.”
“You mean porn?”
You laugh, “so it’s like a normal dick that lays eggs inside me?”
“Yeah basically, but it’s purple and is thicker at the tip and it also produces its own lube so I can be really wet and nasty with it. And, oh my god, I want it to glow as well so I can see it inside you. Yeah.”
“I feel like that’s your favourite.”
“Maybe, I want a glowing dick”, he says and pouts, making you laugh.
“Yeah it sounds fun. But I gotta carry your eggs inside afterwards?”
“I mean…yeah. You do that normally too, they’re just smaller.”
“You’re gross.”
He grins. You give him a roll of your eyes affectionately, nudging his cheek.
“And the last one? Is the double deluxe one your dick but just twice?” you ask him.
“Yeah, basically. Yup, my dick but twice”, he decides, nodding his head way too proudly.
“Then I’ll take this one. I like your dick. Having it twice sounds like fun.”
Jungkook scrunches his nose in a cute bunny smile. He looks way too giddy for the nature of the conversation.
“Do you really like it?” he asks.
“More than anything.”
“Is it perfect?”
“The most perfect ever.”
Jungkook giggles, kicking his feet.
“Thanks, yeah”, he clears his throat to make his voice appear deeper, “thanks babe.”
You laugh because you know he is being goofy again. Your little goofball. You roll onto your tummy and push him to his back. He lets you, looking at your face with sparkly eyes.
You take his wrists and pin them above his head. The sparkles in his eyes grow, his breathing speeds up just a little.
“You’re a goofball”, you speak softly, gazing at his pretty face.
Jungkook wiggles, grinning goofily.
“But you’re my goofball. All mine”, you say, giving him a knowing smile, “and I’m proud of you.”
Jungkook squeaks out a little snicker, smiling so brightly his eyes turn into crescent moons. You make it grow with one smooch to his lips and another one to the left side of his neck. He leans into the kisses, wiggling his toes because he is so, so happy to finally receive your affection.
Afterwards you lift your head, raising your right hand to draw invisible checkmarks in the air.
“Check and check”, you say, placing your hand back on his wrist.
Jungkook wiggles his feet. His pulse is racing under your palms. He is so giddy.
“I was already scared that you didn’t even see it”, he confesses.
“I did. I was so confused at first because I didn’t remember writing it, but then I saw it was in your handwriting and I knew.”
“Heh”, he snickers, scrunching his nose, “it was clever, wasn’t it?”
“Mhm so clever”, you praise and kiss his lips, “I married a genius.”
“You really did”, he says and uses his strength to wiggle out of your hold just so he can wrap you in his arms and hug you against him, “my honeyyy.”
You squeak a giggle, accepting your sweet fate gladly. So now you and he are rolling around the sheets as Jungkook cuddles you aggressively. Limbs tangle, sheets get messy and distances erased. It is truly such a delight. He also regularly smooches whatever part of your face he can reach, mumbling giddy words against your skin.
“Wah baby, you saying that you’re proud of me really made me so happy. It felt so good to hear.”
“I am, you know? I actually meant it, I’m really proud of you.”
“Thank you, my love”, he nuzzles his face into your neck, giving you little kisses whenever he can, “I’m proud of you too, my love. Wah baby I wanna melt with you, you’re so cute.”
You smile, closing your eyes to really enjoy his affection.
“You’re cute too”, you mumble into him, pulling him closer.
And she delivers 😉
I can't express how happy I am to read this. I missed them so much and I'm excited for this sweet story. Amount of fluff is so comforting 😊
Yoongi my shy boy, Kookie my sweet baby and Taehyung my poor boy, let me kiss you and hug you.
Thank you for answering (not only) her grandparents questions about their polyfamily dynamics. It's good to know how it works between them and that they are so human about it.
Can't wait for more 🤗
![Index[Chapter 01 - Besuch]](https://64.media.tumblr.com/fed05ec4ba913acf2f0447258272138a/0fc1975f47a69466-85/s500x750/0e6ff840f228f8c4f25c3af41cf9d2b13e28e82a.jpg)
↳ Index [Chapter 01 - Besuch]
• Besuch (German; noun: visit)
Focus on Pairing: Taehyung x f.Reader
Warnings: so many fluffy sweet moments, talks about polyamory & sexuality, Tae suffers from PTSD, but he gets so much comfort, Yoongi is a nervous cutie, Jungkook is so sweet <3
Wordcount: 14.5k
![Index[Chapter 01 - Besuch]](https://64.media.tumblr.com/7c284d92bb75cda0d3c39f3b2ed1829f/0fc1975f47a69466-8a/s500x750/be5d2180d86ee31375c74b20ae349bb2eff366cc.png)
“Okay. Are you ready?”
“I am.”
“Me too.”
“Where’s Yoongi?”
“He said that he’ll be here soon.”
“I could call him.”
The door opens.
“I’m sorry I’m late, I couldn’t get the button to close”, Yoongi says, running to get to you and the others. You are busy closing the safety circle while the others are waiting on your floor surrounded by your travel bags.
“Why are you dressed like this?” Taehyung asks, following Yoongi with his eyes.
Yoongi looks down at his own body. He is wearing a black suit with a small white boutonniere in his front pocket.
“What’s wrong with my outfit?” he asks with a pout, “you’re wearing a suit too.”
Taehyung, dressed in an emerald green suit, shrugs his shoulders.
“It is just that these are my normal clothes, but you look as if you stumbled out of the wrong movie.”
“Why? What’s wrong with my clothes?” Yoongi whines, “I’m meeting her grandma. Can’t I dress up for that?”
You and the others laugh fondly.
“Stop laughing, you brats”, he hisses, crossing his arms in front of his chest.
“I’m just laughing because you’re so cute, my love”, you tell him, sitting down cross legged and patting the spot next to you, “sit down.”
Yoongi follows, tugging and pulling at his clothes insecurely. He can’t even look at your eyes because he feels so insecure in them all of a sudden.
You lean in and give him a smooch on his cheek, “you look so handsome.”
Yoongi blushes, “thanks”, he mumbles.
“I also think that you’re handsome, hyungie”, Jungkook says. He is dressed in a fancy shirt and slacks and has his hair in a neat half-updo.
“Thanks”, Yoongi says.
“I still think that you look peculiar”, Taehyung teases.
“Tae, stop that”, you say, hitting his leg gently.
“Fine. I won’t say anything again”, Taehyung gives up and snickers.
“You’re a brat”, Yoongi says.
“Can we start now?” you ask, looking between him and Taehyung fondly.
“Yes, of course”, Taehyung says and takes your hand. Next he takes Jungkook’s hand, holding it tightly.
“I guess. It’s so mean, I dressed up for the occasion and I get made fun of”, Yoongi murmurs with a pout as he takes your and Jungkook’s hands.
“I wasn’t making fun-”
“Hush, you guys. Focus. I need to channel your powers and I can’t concentrate when you talk”, you stop them in a chuckle.
The two bickering vampires stop, looking at you with the most innocent of eyes.
“Now”, you begin, “close your eyes and relax. It’ll tingle a little.”
![Index[Chapter 01 - Besuch]](https://64.media.tumblr.com/a23f76303fad56ebe8636222cc1577ba/0fc1975f47a69466-74/s500x750/efdb2354c8dd876c3f6d2b1a1f2829f13b1c137f.png)
The next time you open your eyes again, the scent of pine and wild herbs tickles your noses.
The ground beneath your feet crunches like small, angular stones. You run your eyes over your surroundings. Your lovers are beside you, looking around with awe in their eyes.
A high, dense forest surrounds you. The call of a blackbird echoes high above your heads and the humming of thousands of insects hangs in the air.
“Remarkable”, Taehyung gets out under his breath.
“Yeah right”, Jungkook whispers.
You find yourselves on a narrow gravel road. The road is just wide enough for one car and on the parts where no tires run along, high grasses and forest flowers grow. They tickle your legs as you stand in them. It is a nice sensation.
You know this road. Behind your backs, it leads into denser forests and high mountain paths. In front of your eyes, it will bring you to your grandmother’s house. You took this path a hundred times when you were younger. You will always find your way on it.
“Are we right here? Where are we? It looked different the last time we were here”, Jungkook asks.
“Yes, we’re right. It’s just not the back entrance”, you assure him, “come, follow me. I know the way”, you say and shoulder your bag, taking confident steps into the correct direction.
The three vampires lift their own bags and follow you with their eyes sparkling in awe. At least those of Taehyung and Jungkook, Yoongi’s eyes are glued to the ground.
“I can’t believe that you truly managed to get us here”, Taehyung says, following a squirrel with his eyes as it escapes through the trees, “a squirrel! Right above our heads!”
“Where?” Jungkook gasps.
“There. Right there”, Taehyung shows him and after some intense searching, Jungkook finally finds it.
“Wow a squirrel! So cute!” he exclaims in a terribly cute voice. He and Taehyung share giggles and hold hands, swinging them back and forth happily.
You hold hands with Yoongi, who has been worryingly quiet until now.
“My love?” you call his attention with a soft pull at his hand.
His head snaps to you, “mhm?” his eyes are widened.
“Are you okay? You’re really quiet.”
“I’m okay.”
“Are you sure?”
He nods his head, “nervous”, he confesses and looks away.
“You’re nervous?”
He nods his head, rubbing the side of his neck.
“I never really did the whole, uhm, meeting my partner’s family and stuff before. Uh, yeah, it’s new to me. Scary, uh, yeah.”
“Aww my love, don’t be nervous. My grandma will love you so much.”
“Yeah, uhm”, he lowers his head shyly.
“I’m serious, love. She told me that she saw glimpses of you in my memories and that she can see how well you treat me”, you assure him, hugging his arm, “don’t worry, she’ll look at you and see a kind, sweet and very loveable person. Yeah?”
He nods his head and glances at you. He squeezes your hand just once and leans in to kiss your cheek.
“Thank you”, he whispers.
“I’m only saying the truth”, you say and pull Jungkook and Taehyung closer by holding Taehyung’s hand, “as a matter of fact, she’ll love all of you. Oh, you guys”, you begin skipping in happiness, “I’m so, so happy to be back and to see my grandma again and to introduce her to you.”
“I’m really happy too. I can’t wait to see grandma again”, Jungkook says, watching you with sparkling eyes. You are so happy. He likes that you are.
“I am very excited as well, my darling. I cannot wait to try her raspberry pie.”
“Yes, god you really can’t”, you say and wiggle your shoulders, “it’s so, so yummy.”
Another squirrel scurries past you, crossing the narrow gravel road in small jumps. Jungkook giggles.
“It’s so cute.”
“It truly is”, Taehyung says, “however, I cannot find an explanation as to why there are animals and insects living here. Isn’t this a realm for the souls of deceased witches and warlocks? How come there is other form of life in this realm?”
You all look at Yoongi for an answer.
“Why are there animals and insects here?”
“It’s just the way it is. I don’t know.”
“But didn’t Namjoon create this realm? Shouldn’t he have talked to you about his plans for it?”
“He did. I don’t know, it’s been too long. Maybe it’s because he loved plants and animals back then. I don’t know, sorry I’m nervous”, Yoongi says, ending his rant by exhaling loudly and blinking his eyes at you.
You give his hand an encouraging squeeze.
“It’s okay, love. Thank you for telling us.”
“Okay, okay I apologise for asking”, Taehyung says and reaches past you to caress Yoongi’s arm, “don’t be nervous, hyung. I am sure that you will be welcomed splendidly. If there is someone who should be nervous, it should be me.”
“Don’t say that, Tae. She’ll love you as well”, you insist.
“Yes, well”, Taehyung lets out a nervous chuckle, “she saw how wonderfully Yoongi treated you, so I am sure that she must have seen how awfully I acted.”
“Even if she did, that means she also saw how much you changed for the better. Don’t worry my darling, she will love you just as much as she’ll love Yoongi and Kookie.”
“Okay, okay”, Taehyung says and grins shyly, “thank you for saying this.”
You hug his arm against you and give it a little kiss.
“Of course, my sweetest”, you say and straighten up, “now let’s go. I can’t wait to see her again. Oh, I’m so happy. Do you guys think that she can feel that we are coming?”
“I am certain that she could sense it.”
“Yes, I get the feeling as well”, Jungkook assures you, while Yoongi is still lost in his nervous thoughts.
The walk to your grandmother’s cottage is a long one, but a terribly beautiful one. Being in nature is truly the best thing one can be. The long grasses and colourful flowers brush against your legs as you wander. The trees sway in the warm breeze and the sun shines through the canopy and makes light dance all around you.
“Did you know that there is a word in Japanese which describes the light shining through leaves?” Taehyung asks.
“No, I didn’t”, Jungkook says to which you agree with a shake of your head.
Yoongi seems to know already, because he doesn’t react. Or perhaps he is currently completely dissociated in nervousness. That would explain why he is staring into the distance with dazed eyes.
“Indeed there is”, Taehyung says, “komorebi. It is a beautiful word and I would say that it is rather fitting for such a beautiful view.”
“Yes”, you agree, letting your eyes follow the light. It is as if it was in a dance with the shadow, creating ever changing paintings, “yes I agree. Komorebi. I have to remember this word.”
“Thank you for telling us. I learned something new”, Jungkook says, painting great happiness onto Taehyung’s features.
The cottage is within reach. You can see the cozy house and the colourful, loved garden surrounding it. The rather unwelcome wooden stake fence doesn’t greet you this time around. A normal wooden fence stands in its stead. There are high wooden pillars on each side of the road and a wooden arch on which roses climb up and bloom. The gates are currently open, inviting you inside.
“It’s so peculiar not to see grandma’s staked fence”, you say.
“But it was there the last time we visited her, right?” Jungkook makes sure.
You nod your head, “it must be because we accidentally switched from my memories to this world. Remember? There were no stakes when we left the realm again, but because we were too preoccupied with our emotions, we didn’t really notice it.”
“Yes, right. Right, now that you mention it, I didn’t see any stakes when we left. So that means that we’re right, ___. You actually took us to the safe realm where no vampires are present.”
Jungkook breaks away from Taehyung and gets in front of you and the others. You all come to a stop. He steps closer and puts his hand on the chests of Taehyung and Yoongi. While Taehyung smiles at him, Yoongi seems to come back to reality with the touch. He blinks rapidly, gawking at Jungkook.
The latter smiles and bounces on the spot.
“You’re human”, he says, “you guys are human. We’re all human again”, he says and touches his own chest, “my pulse is back. Wow!”
Taehyung and Yoongi touch their chests and while Taehyung seems marvelled by it, Yoongi exhales shakily, blinking away the emotion in his eyes. He tightens his fingers around the fabric of his shirt, furrowing his brows.
“Oh how fascinating”, Taehyung gasps, looking at you, “darling, I can feel my heart beat.”
“I know”, you say, touching him gently, “I can feel it too, Tae.”
Taehyung smiles and places his hand over yours, pulling you closer this way, “sweetest”, he whispers and kisses you. It is a nice revelation that his first instinct upon being human again, is to kiss you. You kiss him back with a racing heart and in return, you can feel his heart race in his chest. Oh, how good it feels to kiss him.
By the time you pull back for air, you are just a little dizzy. He smiles at you, squeezing your hand gently. You retort his smile.
Jungkook’s giggles make both of you turn into his direction. He is giggling at Yoongi, while the latter is looking into Jungkook’s face. Their hands are on each other’s chests, feeling the other’s heartbeat.
“I can count the beats, hyungie”, Jungkook says, “your pulse is real.”
“Yeah, I know”, Yoongi answers him.
“It’s beating so fast.”
“Yeah, I know…”
You join their sides, caressing their arms.
Jungkook pulls you into a group hug instantly, smothering you between his body and Yoongi’s.
“Oh? Okay”, you accept your fate with giggles, which only grow when you can feel Taehyung join the group hug as well.
“We are human again”, Jungkook says and begins jumping in a circle. You join him soon even if Yoongi whines about it. It’s just way too exciting to be with each other.
“Honeybee!” someone calling your nickname breaks the group hug. The boys release you, watching with curious eyes as a couple seem to hurry to you. They are dressed in flowy summer clothes and seem to be in their forties. Jungkook is smiling, waving his hand.
“Grandma! Hello!” he calls out, but you can’t hear him anymore.
Your grandfather is next to your grandmother. Safe and sound. And alive. He is actually alive.
“Grandpa?!” you gasp, “you- oh”, you stop talking to instead run to them.
They welcome you with open arms, engulfing you in the kind of hug only loving grandparents can give. Despite promising yourself not to cry, you still do. You went so many years without them and to see both of them again, well and alive, overwhelms you in the best way possible.
“You’re alive! Grandpa, you’re alive!”
“Hello my little forest strider, how have you been?”
“Oh grandpa, I missed you so much”, you choke out and sob into his chest.
“Mhm, my girl”, he says and pulls you closer.
You break away after a few moments of emotional hugging, eyes switching between your grandparents’ faces.
“You guys are so young and, and you’re both here. I don’t understand. How can you be here?”
“This is a peaceful world. A good world. I am here because Agatha wanted me to be here.”
“And you are real? You are truly real?”
“I am”, your grandfather smiles and tugs your grandmother closer, “she just couldn’t say goodbye to me, could she?”
“How could I, Harald? I need to have someone I can annoy”, she jokes, which makes him laugh and kiss her cheek. She takes your hand afterwards, “there is a way to make sure that your loved ones will find peace in this world even if they aren’t born witches.”
“There is?”
“Yes, yes there is, but I will tell you later. My boys, welcome”, she says and turns to your three boys with open arms, “I’m Agatha, but you can call me grandma as well. Jungkook my dear, welcome back.”
“I’m so happy to be back, grandma”, he says, bowing his head.
She however tugs him into a hug, forcing a squeak out of him as he stumbles into her loving embrace. He is so much taller than her, lowering himself for her comfort.
“Welcome back, my boy. How have you been?”
“Good, really good. I missed you.”
They break the hug, but she keeps holding his hands.
“It’s so nice to have you back for a happy occasion”, she says to which he agrees with an enthusiastic nod.
Afterwards he turns to your grandfather, giving him a tight handshake.
“It is so nice to meet you. I’m Jungkook.”
“Agatha already told me a lot about you. It’s good to finally put a face to the stories”, he says and grabs his upper arm, “you’re a strong one. I can feel it. Are those tattoos?”
“Oh, uhm…” Jungkook blushes, “yes, I guess they are.”
“Aha, I see. How far up do they go?” he asks, trying to tug Jungkook’s shirt further up his arm.
Jungkook laughs nervously, glancing at you as a call for help. But before you can save him from your grandfather’s nosy, yet kindly meant, hands, your grandmother does.
“Harald, don’t be nosy. Dear god”, your grandmother swipes his hand away, turning her attention to Yoongi next.
“You must be Yoongi.”
“I am”, he croaks out, “sorry”, he says and bows deeply, clearing his throat as he does, “nice to meet you and thank you so much for housing us”, he says and bows at your grandfather as well.
“I’m happy to have you, my dear”, she says and gives his arm a soft caress.
“Agatha told me that you enjoy woodworking. I was a carpenter in my time”, your grandfather says and takes both his hands to inspect them, “mhm good worker hands. They don’t fit your face.”
“Uh? Thank you, yeah, uhm.”
Your grandmother rolls her eyes at him because he is being nosy again.
“___ told me that you were a carpenter. Yeah, uhm”, Yoongi pulls his hands out of your grandfather’s hold and scratches his own ear shyly, “I think woodworking is good. Yeah”, he mumbles and clears his throat again.
Your grandfather smiles. Yoongi is shy. Just as Agatha had told him.
Taehyung bows at both of your grandparents as well, “I am Taehyung. It is truly wonderful to finally meet the people who are so utterly important to ___.”
“We could say the same about you”, she says and studies him from head to toe. There is just the slightest, smallest, faintest mistrust in them.
“I, uhm”, Taehyung begins fumbling in his bag, “I have something for you”, he says and pulls out a box.
Your grandmother accepts it, opening it.
“Oh? Seeds?”
“Yes, indeed. They are seeds from our garden. ___ told me that she inherited her enjoyment for gardening from you and I thought that growing seeds from our garden in your own could be a special way to connect our families.”
Your grandmother exchanges a look with your grandfather. They smile, reaching out for a warm caress to Taehyung’s arms.
“Thank you, boy. We will cherish them.”
“This is such a wonderful gift, thank you my dear”, your grandmother says and points at the house, “come, I bet you must be really exhausted from the journey.”
“Not really. ___ did a really good job at sending us here”, Jungkook says and looks around, “it looks a lot nicer here than last time.”
“That’s because you entered this realm willingly and not accidentally. That is also why your heartbeats feel so real and why you can take bags with you. Because your bodies are actually here.”
“Woah, that’s wild to me. Did you know that, hyung?”
Yoongi shakes his head, “no, I’m sorry. I don’t know a lot about this world”, he murmurs shyly.
“I see. That’s okay, but you seem to know a lot, grandma.”
“Oh? Oh no”, she laughs, “I know enough to know that this world is safe, but that it will also be punishing to people who aren’t dead yet.”
“What do you mean? Are we in danger?”
“Only if you die in here. You will be lost forever, which is not a nice fate to have.”
“Oh god. You guys gotta be extra careful from now on. Okay?” you tell your three boys.
“We will, don’t worry”, Jungkook assures you to which the others agree.
“I’m sure nothing will happen”, your grandfather says and places his arm over your grandmother’s shoulder, “are you hungry? We were just about to start dinner when Agatha felt you enter this realm.”
“Dinner sounds lovely, Harald?” Taehyung says, “please forgive me if I got your name wrong.”
“You got it right. Name’s Harald, but you can call me grandpa if you want to.”
“It is lovely to meet you, Harald. ___ told me a great deal about you. You mean a lot to her.”
“Oh, she means more to me. My little girl, she’s my treasure.”
Taehyung feels warm in his chest. He loves to know that you have family who truly and honestly love you.
“We made raspberry pie as well”, your grandmother says.
“Yes, pie! I’m so ready to eat at least three slices!” you exclaim happily and take her hand, “grandma, can I have the recipe? I forgot to ask you last time, but I would really love to make it at home.”
“Of course, my honeybee. Do you have raspberry bushes at your home as well?”
“I do. Yoongi wants to teach me one day how I can make them grow like you make yours grow, but for now I have to learn better control.”
“Control is really important. I’m impressed that you managed to get all of you here unharmed.”
“I know. Oh god, grandma I was so nervous you have no idea.”
You take off your shoes by the front door. Your grandmother scurries off to prepare lemonade, while your grandfather leads you upstairs. He is carrying your bag because he insisted that it is a grandfather’s job to carry his grandchild’s bags.
“It’s so cozy here”, Jungkook says.
“Aye, cozy it is”, your grandfather says, leading you to your bedroom, “I built all of it myself. Not in this world, but the real one. The house was already there when I came here. Don’t ask me how it works, Agatha’s the one with magic, I’m just here to be her support.”
He makes you laugh with it. He smiles fondly, putting your bag on your bed.
“Two of you can sleep here. The rest can sleep in the guestroom. Ignore the mess on the desk. I use it as my hobby room when it’s just the two of us.”
“What do you enjoy as a hobby?” Taehyung asks, walking next to him. They are the same height, carrying themselves with good posture.
“I’m a collector of old weapons. Without the ammunition of course. I spend a lot of time cleaning and restoring old weapons.”
“Oh, that sounds wonderful. I have quite a few rare pieces in my own collection. I shall bring some of them with me next time we visit.”
“So you’re a collector too?”
“I am sure not as passionate as you, but my age automatically comes with many trinkets and pieces, which I find myself collecting.”
“I see, well anyways, that’s the guest room. Make yourselves comfortable”, he says and studies you, “however that will work. Do you pull cards to decide?”
“We prefer to decide spontaneously.”
“I see, well anyways, rest for a bit, get comfortable. I’m downstairs for now”, he says and turns to leave. He gives you a hug before he does, patting your head, “my girl.”
Once it is just the four of you, Taehyung speaks.
“I got the feeling that he wanted to ask more about our situation, but he didn’t know how.”
“Knowing my grandpa, he really did. Especially because I came back dating three men, who also date each other.”
“Mostly. Some are only acquaintances”, Yoongi corrects you, making Taehyung gasp dramatically.
“Acquaintances? Excuse me? Have we not spent enough centuries together to at least be friends?”
“I don’t know. You made fun of my outfit.”
“Oh, hyung you”, he nudges his arm, “you know that I was only jesting. You look very handsome.”
“Whatever”, Yoongi says and looks around the room awkwardly.
“Do you guys like it here?” you ask them.
“It’s so cozy. I like it a lot.”
“It also smells very good.”
“It does, gosh. And look, you can see the forest from here”, you say, hurrying to the small window.
Your three boys gather behind you, trying to get a glimpse.
“I spent a lot of time in this forest. I can’t believe that I get to walk in it again. We are gonna take walks in it, aren’t we?”
“Of course. I even packed my walking shoes for this occasion.”
“I’m so happy, you guys”, you say, following your grandmother with your eyes as she is hurrying through the garden to pick some mint, “I wanna go downstairs and help them.”
“We’ll come with you.”
You spent the rest of the day together, talking and laughing. You tell your grandparents everything which happened in the years they weren’t with you anymore and it felt so good to do because this time around, you know that you had no rush in speaking. Yoongi was with you again. Taehyung and Jungkook as well. Everything was well and you are allowed to waste time telling silly stories of your life. Your grandparents are so very happy to listen to every single one of them. And so you spent the day talking until the moon replaced the sun in the sky and the crickets sang their nightly songs.
Yoongi helped your grandmother with dinner. You could listen to them bond over food. They even exchanged recipes and chatted about bread making. It made you feel really good inside to hear how Yoongi talks to your grandmother. Respectful and in a soft spoken voice. He is such a gentle person.
You and your other two boys wanted to help as well, but then your grandfather dragged you into a game of cards. He was sure that he could win, because he always won when you were still a child, but soon had to realise that his little girl was all grown up now. It made him a little sad and so you let him win the next round, which made him tease you in the adoring way he always teased you when he won. It made you really happy. You missed the game of cards with your grandfather.
Dinner has been served by now. You sit around the table, sharing the food your grandmother and Yoongi prepared with utmost love. It tastes so good that everyone goes for a second serving. You even go for a third because the combination of Yoongi’s cooking and your grandmother’s cooking is quite frankly, the most delicious combination to ever exist. Two cuisines which taste like home mixed into one. Truly, food couldn’t get any better than this.
You talk about food for most of it. Soon your grandfather leads the conversation to a different topic however. It was during dessert when tea was shared with your grandmother’s raspberry pie. You feed a spoonful to Taehyung and then to Jungkook, doing so with giggles on your lips.
“Is it yummy?” you ask them.
“Really, I missed your pie so much”, Jungkook murmurs.
“It is so sweet and rich in flavours. I truly enjoy it”, Taehyung gushes.
“Well, thank you my dear”, your grandmother says with fondness in her eyes. She likes to know when people enjoy her food. Especially her pies. She is very proud of her pies. All the recipes are her creations and she takes great pride in them. She wipes down the counters with a happy smile on her lips, listening to the conversation.
You break off another piece of the pie and turn to Yoongi.
“Now you, my love”, you tell him.
Yoongi meets you in the middle with an open mouth. He takes the pie off your fork gently, meeting your eyes shyly.
He chews and swallows, nodding his head.
“Mhm”, he lets out, “really good. How are you getting the raspberry flavors to stay so intense, Agatha?”
“I couldn’t tell you. I think my raspberries really like me. It’s how they taste naturally.”
“Mhm, I could have figured. As a nature witch, you have a talent for gardens.”
Your grandmother chuckles mischievously and that is the moment when your grandfather stirs the conversation into a different direction.
“___ my girl, now I must ask something.”
“Yes, grandpa?”
“Why are you all dating?”
“Harald, you can’t ask that out of nowhere”, your grandmother gasps, dropping the wipe on the counter to run to him and nudge his arm.
“It’s not out of nowhere. I really thought about it before I asked”, your grandfather defends himself.
“It doesn’t make it okay”, she throws back, but you assure her that it was alright to ask.
“I understand that it’s not really common to see, questions are allowed. Right, guys? Is it okay for you as well?”
“Of course. We are very open to answer your questions”, Taehyung says.
“I don’t have a lot of experience with polyamory, but I’m okay as well”, Jungkook says.
“Me too. I’ll try my best to answer”, Yoongi says, “I was honestly just waiting for you guys to ask us. I know it must be weird to see your granddaughter return with three men by her side.”
“Not weird just…uncommon.”
“Gosh Harald, stop being so negative.”
“What? I’m just saying. It must be uncommon for you too. I’m sure they know that it’s not something you see every day.”
“It’s really okay, grandma. We know it’s not seen a lot. It would be weird if you weren’t confused.”
Agatha gives up with a sigh and sits down by her chair.
“Fine, okay. I admit that I’m a little curious as well.”
“What do you want to know? I don’t want you guys to have a bad idea of polyamory so I’m really open to all questions”, you say.
“What does it mean to be poly? Is that what you call the dating you are doing?”
“Yes, that’s the official name for it.”
“It sounds really stressful to me”, your grandfather says.
“It can be stressful if you don’t communicate and understand each other. If you talk and respect each other, it’s not stressful at all.”
“But how can you spend enough time with every person?”
“It’s easy for us because we live in the same estate, so sometimes we spend time by being in the same room.”
“I would also say that it really helps to make a schedule”, Taehyung says.
“A schedule?”
“Indeed. We sit down and make a plan of when someone wants to spend time with another. We plan dates, schedule holidays and decide on who wants to spend time with whom.”
“So you decide on special date days just for this one pairing? Are you even couples? How does it work?”
“Yes, we plan special couple days so nobody feels left out. Not all of us are dating however.”
“How can I understand that?”
“I’m dating Yoongi, Tae and Kook”, you say, “while Yoongi is only dating Kook and me.”
“I am dating ___, Yoongi and Tae”, Jungkook says, “but Tae only dates ___ and me.”
“So you and you”, your grandpa points at Yoongi and Taehyung respectively, “are just friends?”
“Indeed we are.”
“I guess.”
“But how does that work?”
“We aren’t interested in each other”, Yoongi says, “but we respect each other enough not to want to break up the polycule.”
“Indeed. We spend friendship time with each other, isn’t that so?”
“I guess”, Yoongi murmurs, avoiding Taehyung’s eye contact shyly.
“This is really mindboggling to me. All of it”, your grandfather says and looks at your grandma, “do you understand it, Agatha?”
“Oh Harald, why must you be so negative? If it makes our___ happy, then I understand everything I need to understand.”
“I wasn’t judging. I am just really confused. Don’t you get jealous or insecure?”
“Sometimes”, Taehyung says, “I think that jealousy can’t even be prevented in monogamous relationships and there are definitely more opportunities to get jealous in a polycule. Sometimes a person wants attention from someone, but the person they want affection from is busy with someone else. Jealousy or insecurities are unavoidable.”
“Exactly, sometimes you also feel as if your time spent with them is shorter than that of the others and you get jealous of that”, Jungkook agrees.
“Or as if you received less love than others, which can make you feel insecure”, Yoongi says.
“But the most important thing to remember is that jealousy is human and that it is important to talk about it. When one of us gets jealous or insecure, we sit down to talk and fix the issue together”, you say.
“It really helps because almost all of the time, the insecurities are gone after the conversation”, Taehyung says.
“And we realise that the jealousy was useless”, Jungkook says.
“I see. I might start to understand a thing or two. I thought that you never get jealous and found it unbelievable. It’s good to hear that jealousy happens, but that you talk about it”, your grandpa says and reaches out to caress your hand, “my girl, you have this from your grandmother. She always wants to talk about everything.”
“Talking about the issue is important. Otherwise it will linger and become an unwanted curse on your heart.”
“That is true, my darling witch”, your grandfather says and kisses her cheek.
She leans in with a mischievous giggle.
“Now one last question. You know me, I’m too nosy.”
“Does it mean that intimacy is always together?”
“Harald, you are inappropriate”, Agatha says with a slap to his arm.
“I’m just saying. You know, the seventies were a wild time. Your grandmother and I have some experiences with org-”
Your grandfather lifts his hands in defeat.
Your grandmother clicks her tongue, “crazy. Please don’t listen to him, he is being childish.”
Taehyung and Jungkook chuckle knowingly and exchange a boyish look with your grandfather.
“Do not worry. I find it very important to make sexuality a normal topic and to remove the negative stigma around it. Without sex, none of us would be here right now and intimacy can be a very important part to show affection to the people you love. So I believe that it is important to see sex as something positive and normal, instead of demonising it. Of course it is very important to keep such conversations age appropriate, but I see no evil in talking about it between adults”, Taehyung says.
“I agree, yes”, your grandfather says, “I don’t even want details, just a yes or no.”
“May I answer it?” Taehyung asks to which all of you consent to with a nod. So he looks at your grandfather and talks, “sometimes we share intimacy between more than two people, but most of the time, intimacy is shared between two people.”
“What about you and Yoongi?”
“We do not sleep with each other.”
“I see. Forgive me for asking.”
“Worry not. I hope that I could answer your questions.”
“You could”, your grandfather says and looks to the side. He seems just a little embarrassed to have asked such a question.
“Now I have a question as well”, your grandma says.
“Does polyamory mean that you like men and women?”
“It can, but not always. There are also strictly same sex polycules or non binary polycules.”
“What does non binary mean?”
“Well, to put it very short. It means when you don’t identify as female or male. In a sense the person can identify as both or neither. This is the very short answer.”
“I see. And in your case it means that you are all attracted to men and women?”
“Yes, in my case it does. However I identify as queer. Gender isn’t important for my attraction to form, as I am drawn to the person and not their gender identity and I feel most comfortable in identifying as queer.”
“Gender doesn’t matter to me either, so I resonate most with being bisexual”, Jungkook says.
“I don’t do labels. I like who I like”, Yoongi says.
“I don’t know what I am. Sometimes I think about kissing a girl”, you confess, “I never told this before. Please don’t tell mom and dad, they don’t know.”
“How should we tell them?” your grandmother says with a fond laugh on her lips.
“Ah yeah, I totally forgot that this isn’t the real world. Damn, it’s insane to think that we’re in a magical afterlife right now. It feels so real.”
“In an unexplainable, but wonderful way this is real.”
You smile at the thought, reaching out to hold your grandparent’s hands.
“I’m so happy that it is. I really missed you so much.”
“We missed you too, my honeybee.”
“My girl, hm, my girl.”
“How is it possible for grandpa to be here? You said that you would tell me later.”
“Ah yes, I did”, she says, shifting into a more comfortable position, “there is a ritual you can do to mark the soul of a person so it is worthy to live in this realm after death.”
“There is?”
“Yes, yes there is. Harald, get me the book”, she says and gestures to the bookcase in the living room.
Your grandfather stands up, “the purple one?”
“No, the black one with the moon on the front.”
He looks for it for a moment, returning with it once he found it. He places it on the table and sits down. Your grandmother opens it in the middle. Drawings of spell materials are on the right page while the left describes the ritual in detail.
“It is a very difficult ritual and dangerous too.”
“Yeah it really is”, Yoongi agrees, “if you get the mixture wrong, the soul ends up cursed.”
“So you know the spell?”
“No, I haven’t heard of it before, but I know what citrine powder mixed with too much beryl dust does. Especially when you use it in this kind of way and with these enchantments. It can curse the soul so that after death, it dissolves into nothing.”
“You know a lot about magic, don’t you?”
“Yoongi was a student of Nilrem.”
Your grandmother widens her eyes in surprise.
“Nilrem? The creator of magic?”
“The bringer of magic, yes. He always said that he came from another universe, but he was honestly crazy so I don’t know if he just made stuff up.”
“This is actually very shocking to me. ___ told me that you had knowledge in magic, but I never connected the dots that it is because you were one of Nilrem’s students.”
“Yeah no, I was”, he says shyly, scratching the side of his neck.
“Fascinating”, she says and giggles shyly, “please forgive me, but this feels as if I am meeting a celebrity.”
Yoongi blushes and looks to the side. You give his cheek a little kiss.
“He’s so cool, isn’t he?”
“Don’t say that”, he whispers, nudging you under the table.
“Mhm, he is the coolest”, you say and smooch him a second time despite his protesting nudge.
Your grandmother watches it fondly before looking back into the book.
“I bet you already know what you have to do for the spell to work, don’t you?”
“No please, don’t feel inferior in my presence. I seriously don’t know a lot about magic”, he assures her. He is being humble for her sake. It is obvious to all of you that he is.
“Did you enchant grandpa with this spell?”
“Yes I did. I measured the ingredients multiple times and practiced the spell many times.”
“So you can practice spells?”
Your grandmother looks at Yoongi.
“Please go ahead, Agatha”, he tells her, giving her enough confidence to continue.
“Yes you can. There is a method where you can enchant a hay puppet with it and then throw it into flames. When the smoke turns black, the spell would fail but if it turns white, the spell is correct.”
“I see. This is actually so helpful. When Yoongi was in a magical coma, I got help from Meredith and her coven.”
“I know Meredith.”
“Yes, we got help from them and they tested spells by drawing blood from Jungkook and inflicting the portions with the curse. It was really fascinating and I never thought that it was possible.”
“Oh you know so much already, my honeybee”, she says with great melancholy in her eyes, “it’s correct that you can find an antidote against blood curses by testing it on small amounts of the right blood”, she says and looks at Jungkook, “that would mean that you are from Yoongi’s bloodline.”
“I am. Wow, how did you know?” Jungkook gasps.
“The vampire curse is just a little different in each Creator’s blood, which means their creations are each just a little different because the change is based on the Creator’s blood. Which means that Meredith could only successfully test out the different antidotes on your blood because you shared Yoongi’s specific curse properties. It wouldn’t have worked otherwise.”
“Wow, I didn’t know that”, Jungkook confesses, “did you?”
Yoongi shakes his head, “not so detailed. I knew that my sire line shares the same curse as me, but I didn’t know that my curse also changed their blood to be the same as mine.”
“Does that mean that they’re the same in here as well?” you ask.
“No”, she shakes her head, “in here no curses can reach. You are all how you were when you were still human”, she glances at Yoongi, “or witches.”
Yoongi looks at his hands with widened eyes, as if he just realised what it meant to be free of his curse.
“Wow, this is so cool”, you are too occupied with being excited to notice, “you know so much, grandma. This world is so cool and this spell is even cooler. Does this mean that I could make sure that they find peace in this world if they ever die?”
“You could, but you have to be careful”, she furrows his brows in seriousness, “this curse isn’t to take lightly. I only started practicing it once I knew I had complete control over my powers and I only put it on your grandfather after practicing it for months.”
“I understand. I won’t do it without practice, I promise.”
“That’s what I want to hear, my honeybee”, she says and caresses your cheek, “I’m so proud of you.”
You lean into her touch, feeling so very warm in your chest.
“Thanks, grandma.”
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Taehyung helps with washing the dishes after dinner, while Jungkook and Yoongi help your grandfather outside with the animals. You stay with your grandmother and Taehyung, telling her more about how you think that your boys are the coolest people ever. She listens to you happily. After cleaning up, you play cards until your grandparents get too tired and excuse themselves for the night.
Your grandparents are the first to wash up, while Jungkook and Taehyung say that they will unpack their bags a little. You are the next to wash up, now currently leaving the bathroom in your coziest pyjamas.
“Oh? Oops”, you stop in your tracks after almost crashing into Yoongi.
He lowers his hand, having wanted to knock.
“Did you want to knock?”
He nods his head.
“I didn’t hear anything, so I didn’t know if it was empty already. Human hearing and shit, it’s useless”, he says, making you chuckle.
“It’s empty now”, you tell him and step out of the doorframe, “if you’re quick, you even get the warmth.”
“Yeah, thanks uhm”, he says and disappears inside.
You study the closed door for a moment, having to smile. He’s especially cute tonight. Really awkward. You love when he’s awkward, because he gets so adorable when he is.
![Index[Chapter 01 - Besuch]](https://64.media.tumblr.com/a23f76303fad56ebe8636222cc1577ba/0fc1975f47a69466-74/s500x750/efdb2354c8dd876c3f6d2b1a1f2829f13b1c137f.png)
Jungkook is in your bedroom, turning to you when you enter. He looked at your desk before that. His eyes begin sparkling, his lips curl into a smile.
“Hey there”, he says.
“Hey there”, you say.
“Wow, I love the pyjamas. Purple. The colour fits you so well.”
“Thanks, heh”, you say, posing for him in a cute way.
He appreciates it with sparkling eyes and the brightest smile ever.
“And they’re really soft.”
“I can tell”, he says and continues with a shy gleam in his eyes, “I didn’t wanna be all alone downstairs, so I waited for you. I hope you don’t mind.”
“Not at all. Did you find something you like?”
“I looked at the drawings on your desk. Are they yours?”
“Yup, my childhood drawings.”
“Wow, you had talent.”
You close the distance between you and him, travelling your eyes over the drawings.
“I did, didn’t I? I mostly painted the cottage, my grandparents and the animals. This is Moo and this is supposed to be Jumper”, you say, pointing at the childish drawing of a cow and a brown rabbit.
“I can totally see the resemblance. You really nailed Jumper’s long ears.”
“I did, yeah”, you say, having to snicker.
Jungkook snickers as well, rubbing his hand up and down your back in an innocent show of affection. He ends the adoration with a little massage of your neck and a soft brush down your hair. You really love receiving it, feeling safe in his presence.
“The fabric’s really soft. You’re right”, he says, caressing your back again.
“I know, it’s so comfy.”
He leans in and sniffs you by your shoulder.
“Hm, smells good too.”
“It’s the detergent we always use.”
“It’s nice.”
He kisses your shoulder in an innocent show of affection, then straightens up to look at the drawings on the wall. More drawings of the cottage and its animals, a few drawings of flowers and other plants and some are family portraits of you and your grandparents.
“It’s kinda cute that they kept all of this even in the afterlife”, he says.
“I know, it’s so cute. Do you think that it looks different here than it did last time?”
“Yeah, totally. More alive I would say and a lot more lived in.”
“Yeah, I think so too. Did you test out the bed yet?”
He shakes his head, “I didn’t know if I could. I’m still in my clothes and all.”
“No, you totally could have”, you assure him and walk to your bed. You throw yourself onto it, bouncing on it with a big grin on your lips.
Jungkook laughs in fondness.
“Come here, the bounce is great.”
Jungkook closes the distance and sits down next to you, laughing loudly when you bounce next to him, making him shake around this way.
“Do it too.”
Jungkook does as he is told, bouncing on the mattress with silly laughter on his lips. You have to laugh as well, wiggling your toes because it’s so fun to be silly with him.
“Ah, I love it here”, you say, dropping into the sheets with your arms stretched far from you.
Jungkook rests his weight on his hand, having his torso turned to you.
“It’s really nice here, yeah”, he agrees.
“It also smells so nice”, you say, sniffling vividly.
Jungkook breathes in deeply, “yeah right. Like fresh laundry and hay.”
“Yeah, so nice.”
“My nose is so weak though. It’s a little weird not to smell a million scents all the time.”
“Gosh, this must feel like a holiday.”
“It does. I can only smell the laundry, the hay and your soap. At home I would smell your emotions and your blood and the animals outside and, and, and”, he huffs out air, “damn, I really smell a lot don’t I?”
“You really do.”
“Ah, it’s nice to take a break from it.”
Silence overcomes you where Jungkook gazes at you and you gaze at him. You end up having to smile at him. He retorts it and shifts his eyes to your stomach.
“You’ve got a little skin showing”, he says, reaching to fix the slipped up shirt.
“I know, the movement made my shirt slip up.”
“Mhm”, he hums and does the unthinkable thing of pulling the shirt further up your tummy so he could lean down and blow raspberries on it.
“No please!” you squeak, lifting your legs and grabbing his head because it tickles so much.
Jungkook does it again, forcing the loudest cackle to escape you.
“Koo stop”, you complain, trying to push his head away.
“Sorry”, he laughs and pulls the shirt down. He lies down next to you and attacks your neck next.
“This isn’t better, Kook stop it”, you complain in cackles and little squirms.
Jungkook smiles against your skin. His heart is racing like crazy in his chest.
“You’re so fucking cute”, he whispers and goes to attack you again.
“Please”, you squeal, having to laugh honestly and loudly. He is tickling you, but it doesn’t feel awful. It feels good. Safe. Tingly. You can’t stop laughing, trying to fight him off with soft tugs at his strong arm.
But Jungkook is stronger than you, pinning you down even more by lying some of his weight on your chest and attacking the other side of your neck.
He probably would have teased you to the point of tears of laughter if someone hadn’t knocked on your door. He stops instantly, lifting his head. Did you wake your grandparents?
Knock. Knock.
“Yeah?” you call out.
“It’s me”, Yoongi says.
“Come in.”
The door opens and in steps Yoongi. He is in his black pyjamas with his hair unstyled and his cheeks looking especially dewy. He closes the door, waddling to your bed. Then he stands. Stands and stares and rubs his own tummy.
“Do you need something, my love?” you ask him, sitting up in bed.
Jungkook sits up as well, looking at Yoongi with curious eyes.
“I was maybe thinking that, I don’t know, maybe uhm maybe, uhm”, he stutters, blushing shyly, “nevermind, it’s stupid”, he says and tries to flee.
You however stop him with a gentle touch to his inner wrist.
“You can talk to us”, you assure him, giving him a sweet smile, “what’s the matter, love?”
“Uhm”, Yoongi begins, “uhm, uh. Do you wanna, uhm, share a bed tonight?” he finally gets out, looking at Jungkook.
“Me?” Jungkook makes sure.
Yoongi nods his head, touching his own ear to soothe himself.
“I was thinking maybe it could be nice. I don’t know, it’s stupid. Sorry, it’s stupid.”
“No, it’s not. I love this idea”, Jungkook says and reaches out to touch Yoongi’s waist, “I would love to share a bed with you, my hyungie.”
“Okay. That’s cool”, Yoongi says dryly but with flushed cheeks.
“Is that okay with you, ___?” Jungkook makes sure.
You look between them. Jungkook is excited, while Yoongi is nervous.
“Of course that’s okay with me. You two deserve all the bed snuggles in the world”, you say and grin, “I also get to snuggle Tae, so that’s a win for me.”
Jungkook chuckles fondly while Yoongi relaxes in relief.
“That’s true, Tae snuggles are very nice”, Jungkook says and pecks your cheek, “is the bathroom empty?”
“Yeah”, Yoongi confirms.
“Coolio, I’ll wash up and I’m expecting you in the guest bed once I’m done”, he says and snickers, rolling out of bed to leave the room.
He closes the door.
Yoongi sits down on bed instantly, taking your hands. He squeezes them so tightly, one might wonder if he wanted to crumble them.
“I’m sorry.”
“For what?”
“I don’t wanna make you feel as if you’re not important to me. I, I love sleeping next to you, but I, I wanna spend time with Jungkook too. Sometimes. I’m sorry, Please don’t be too mad at me.”
“Gosh Yoongi, you’re worrying for nothing”, you say in a fond chuckle and kiss his cheek. You keep close afterwards, running your fingers through his hair, “I’m not mad at you. This is part of what being poly is. Sometimes you just wanna spend time with a certain person, but that doesn’t mean the other automatically loses value. I don’t feel mad that you crave Kookie time tonight.”
Yoongi relaxes his shoulders, gazing at you.
“Thank you for understanding, you’re so…” he sighs and speaks in a softer voice, “I’m a mess and you’re calm. This is all new to me. I haven’t done poly before. I’m a mess. I practiced outside ‘cause I was scared of your reaction. You’re so calm. I feel peaceful.”
“Gosh Boongie, you cutie. I’m glad that I make you feel at peace”, you say and kiss his cheek a second time.
He leans into the affection, closing his eyes halfway.
“I also understand your feelings about doing poly for the first time. It’s my first time as well and I’m really scared to mess up, but I think that our little family can make it work.”
“Yeah me too”, he agrees, nodding his head.
“We’re doing really well, I think.”
He nods his head, shifting his eyes to your intertwined hands. He traces your knuckles with his thumbs, following the movement with sparkling eyes.
“How are you liking the stay here?” you ask him because you crave just a little more of his voice.
“Good. I think it’s good”, he says, nodding his head.
“Yeah? Me too. I really love it here. Gosh Yoongi, it was my dream to show this place to you. It makes me so happy that you can finally see it.”
“I like it, yeah”, he meets your eyes, “I’m sorry.”
“For what?”
“I didn’t talk a lot.”
“At dinner?”
“That’s okay, my love. You were perfect. I can assure you that my grandparents love you.”
“I hope. I’m really nervous.”
“I can tell, but don’t be. You’re doing really well”, you assure him, combing your fingers through his soft hair.
“Thank you”, he whispers.
You kiss his cheek, rubbing his back afterwards.
“I spent so much of my early childhood in this room. I have really dear memories of it.”
“It’s a good room.”
“Yeah it is”, you agree and stand up to get the drawings from the table. You sit down next to him and show them to him, “I painted a lot in my free time. Mostly the cottage, the animals and my grandparents. Do you recognise the cow?”
“Is it the one outside?”
“Correct. Her name’s Moo. I named all of the animals here, which is why the names are very unoriginal.”
Yoongi smiles softly and takes the drawing with careful fingers.
“Moo is a good name for a cow.”
“I guess so, yeah”, you snicker, “the bunnies are called Jumper, Flopsi and Daisy.”
“Yeah, they’re so cute. The second cow is called Milky.”
He laughs.
“Don’t laugh, I told you the names are very unoriginal.”
“It’s cute, I’m laughing ‘cause it’s cute”, he says, meeting your eyes shyly. You give him a grin, kissing his lips afterwards.
“You’re cute.”
He looks away, blushing instantly.
“You’ve been freaking cute the entire day. Do you know that, my love?”
He shakes his head, touching the side of his neck.
“Now you know.”
“Okay”, he mumbles and tries to change the topic by flipping the drawings, “do the chickens have names too?”
“Of course they do. I was obsessed with Greek mythology back then, so I named all the chickens after Greek goddesses, except for Jolene who I named after the song because my grandparents always played it and I was obsessed with it.”
Yoongi smiles. He thinks that you were very adorable as a child.
“The second brown chicken is Helen, the white ones are Aphrodite and Hera. The two black ones are Persephone and Hades.”
“I was obsessed with him. I genuinely thought that he was so cool.”
“You think the weirdest dudes are cool.”
“I think you’re cool.”
“Yoongi, come on”, you nudge his arm, “you’re not weird. In some strange way you remind me of him.”
“I do? Why?”
“He really loved Persephone and dedicated a lot to her. He’s this scary dude to so many people, but secretly he is just a big softie for his wife.”
“Yeah, I guess that’s true. I’m soft for you”, he says, leaning in to kiss your cheek.
You accept his affection with closed eyes.
“Didn’t he also kidnap her and force her to marry him and live with him? I don’t think that’s what a softie would do. He forced her and that’s definitely not me.”
You laugh, “no, that’s definitely the part we’ll ignore. You’re not like that at all.”
“Yeah, he’s a fucking asshole”, he agrees.
“God, you and your harsh tongue.”
“I mean it. He’s an asshole. I don’t think I’m like him at all. I would never force you to do anything.”
“Okay fine, I admit it. You’re not like him at all, sorry. You’re a cutie patootie”, you say and kiss his cheek.
He smiles, leaning in with a fluttering heart.
“But you are a softie. Don’t fight me on that.”
He laughs, “I can live with that.”
You snicker.
You and Yoongi look at the door where Jungkook is standing in a light blue pyjama set.
“Are you coming?” he asks Yoongi.
Jungkook steps into the room, grinning cutely. He struts to the bed and takes Yoongi’s hands. It results in Yoongi gawking at him with big eyes and parted lips.
“I told you to wait for me in bed, but you’re still here. Get your butt over here”, he says, tracing his knuckles gently.
“Sorry, I’m already coming”, Yoongi murmurs and looks at you, “sleep tight, my princess.”
“Sleep tight as well, my prince. And you too my honey, sleep tight.”
“You too, my honey”, Jungkook says, stealing a loving kiss.
You smile, smiling brighter when Yoongi steals a kiss as well before he finally stands up. The two men turn to each other and soon after, leave the room.
“What are you thinking, hyungie? Do you wanna make music together?”
“Only if you want to. I don’t know, maybe, yeah. Or no. If you want to.”
“Why are you so nervous? It’s just me”, Jungkook is teasing.
“Shut up, you brat I…”
Their conversation drowns out as they close the door behind them, but seconds later, Jungkook’s bright laughter can be heard.
You sigh in fondness, grinning to yourself. You are so happy that they have each other. To think that they will spend a lovely evening with each other, doing stuff they enjoy doing together, just makes you so incredibly happy. You really hope that their night is wonderful and filled with safe intimacy.
You roll out of bed and leave your room in search of Taehyung. You can’t wait to spend time with him.
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The cottage is empty. How weird. Where could he be? You look around for a bit, noticing that your grandpa left the lights on outside. You open the front door, which is surprisingly unlocked. How weird indeed. Your grandpa is normally very particular with locking the doors at night.
You turn off the lights to see better. There are candles burning where the small table is. Someone is sitting by it. You squint your eyes. Taehyung. Taehyung is sitting by the table. Your heart flutters. There he is, you finally found him. Oh, you can’t wait to get to him.
You wrap a blanket around yourself and grab one for Taehyung, leaving the house afterwards in your slippers. The good thing about this magical realm is that it never gets dark enough that you feel blind. You can still walk comfortably even now that it is night. And yet somehow when you are lying in bed, trying to sleep, the night feels like the darkest night you have ever experienced. Perhaps it is the magic infused in this air, which makes the night as bright or as dark as one needs it to be.
Taehyung doesn’t hear you. In the real world, he would have lifted his head the moment you stepped out the door, but not here. He is still oblivious to you. Only when you tap his shoulder, does he finally react.
“Oh heavens”, he gasps, flinching vividly.
“Sorry, oh dear”, you get out, placing your hand on his shoulder, “it’s just me, don’t be scared.”
“Darling”, he whines, looking up at you with big eyes, “you frightened me. Do not sneak up on me like this.”
“I’m sorry”, you say and snicker, “gosh, this was hilarious. You should have seen your face.”
“Yes, yes make fun of me all you want, but the truth is that I almost died right now”, he says and touches his own chest, “my heart is racing. Feel it.”
You reach down and place your hand on his chest. He wasn’t lying. His heart is hammering against his ribcage.
“That’s true. Your pulse’s going crazy”, you say and giggle.
“Yes, because you frightened me”, he says, giving your hand a gentle squeeze.
“I’m sorry, really”, you chuckle, “but I have to make use of you guys’ weak senses. You guys keep startling me in the real world, so this is all just part of my revenge plan.”
He laughs.
“Oh how terribly mean of you. I will pay you back.”
“Will you now?”
“Yes. Yes, I will”, he says and hugs your waist, squishing his cheek against your stomach this way. He giggles, scrunching his nose.
He is such a cutie. You feel so incredibly soft for him. You ruffle his hair, making him look up at you this way. The candle light shows his sparkling puppy eyes. His features look so timelessly beautiful. You trace them gently, which makes him open and close his eyes at you slowly.
“Okay, okay. If you really have to”, you say with a fond smile on your lips, brushing your fingertips down the slope of his nose.
Taehyung giggles and nuzzles his nose into your stomach. A kiss comes next. He turns back to the table afterwards.
You follow his line of sight. He is drawing. Using what formidable light the candles emit to sketch your bedroom. He uses a photograph as reference, drawing it with impressive accuracy.
“Are you drawing my bedroom?” you ask him, running your hand up and down his back mindlessly. He is already a little cool to the touch.
“Indeed I am”, he says, “I want to sketch it so I can finally start on designing the murals.”
“Really? Wow Tae, I’m so excited.”
“Yes, me too. I haven’t worked on murals in years, although I truly enjoy the process of them. Working on your wing will be a lot of fun.”
“I can imagine”, you say and rub his back more vigorously, “gosh darling, aren’t you cold? You feel so cold to the touch. Here, let me.”
You place a blanket over his shoulders, smoothing it down carefully. Taehyung looks up at you with big puppy eyes, holding his breath. You end your affection with a soft brush of your fingers against the underside of his chin. He tilts his head as he chases the touch.
“Why?” he asks in a whisper.
“What do you mean?”
“Why did you put a blanket over me?”
“Because I know how chilly it can get and you don’t have superpowers keeping you warm right now.”
“I see. That is correct”, he says, lowering his eyes shyly. His pulse is racing. It flusters him terribly whenever you take care of him.
“Can I stay with you a little while?”
“Yes, of course. Of course, you can”, he says, scooting to the side to make space.
You take it instantly, looking into the notebook. Your left hand is resting on his thigh.
“Are these sketches for the flower murals?” you ask him, pointing at the opposite page.
“Indeed, they are. What do you think of them?”
“They look lovely.”
“Do you like them?”
“I really do. I’m already excited to have them on my walls. I love them.”
Taehyung giggles and rests his cheek on your shoulder, grinning brightly.
“Thank you so much. It makes me so happy to hear this”, he says and nuzzles.
You turn your head, placing a kiss on the tip of his nose. Taehyung sighs and chases your kiss.
You and he share a sweet moment. He tastes like smiles and chocolate. It is a lovely combination. You break the kiss with a stub of your nose, caressing his skin with it afterwards.
“You taste like chocolate.”
“I am eating chocolate”, Taehyung says and sits up, “do you want some?” he offers.
“Thank you”, you say, breaking off a row. You bite off a good piece and let it melt on your tongue, the other piece you feed to Taehyung. He allows you with a fluctuating pulse. Truly, you make him feel so giddy.
“What do you think of it?” he asks you in a soft voice.
“It’s slightly bitter but with a sweet aftertaste. I really like it.”
“I like it as well”, he says and lowers his eyes, letting out a shy giggle. He turns his head away, “oh heavens.”
“What’s the matter?”
“When I look at you, my heart races. The feeling is so unfamiliar.”
“Can I feel it?”
Taehyung nods his head, holding his breath when you place your hand on his chest.
Badums. Badums. Badums.
His pulse is rhythmical and steady, keeping him alive here in this magical realm where no curse can reach and the world is alright. You circle your thumb in a gentle caress, lifting your eyes and meeting his shy gaze.
You smile. Taehyung retorts it.
“It’s racing.”
“It is.”
You kiss his cheek, speeding up his pulse for the duration of it. You pull back. Taehyung touches the spot you kissed, gazing at you with parted lips
“It fluttered when I did that”, you whisper.
“I know”, he breathes.
“It feels so strange, but in a good way.”
“I cannot get used to it.”
“You can’t?”
He shakes his head, “my heart stood still for centuries, but all of a sudden it beats again. I keep having to take deep breaths because I am so aware of it.”
“I can imagine. It must feel crazy to be alive again after all these years.”
“Crazy. I guess one can say it like this”, he whispers and turns away so he can draw again. Except that he doesn’t draw, twirling the pen in his fingers as his eyes race over the sketches.
You slide your hand to his side, hugging him and resting your cheek against his shoulder.
“Do you remember our first time?” you ask him.
“Our first time?”
You nod your head, “when we snuck away from acting class and hurried to my apartment. You were so touchy and I felt so giddy because you hadn’t been like this until then.”
Taehyung smiles softly, listening to you reminisce with a fluttering heart.
“I could barely unlock the door, but got nervous once inside. Do you remember?”
“I do.”
“Do you remember how we talked and shared some tea?”
“Of course I do. You told me that you didn’t have a lot of experience.”
“And you were so sweet about it”, you squeeze him gently, “do you remember the dreams we talked about?”
“You said that you wanted to make people happy.”
“And you told me that you wanted to be alive. That you wanted to be happy again.”
Taehyung lowers his eyes, tightening his jaw.
“I do”, he whispers.
“Well, now you finally know how it feels to be alive”, you say and lift your head to gaze at him.
You furrow your brows.
“What’s the matter?”
“Tae, what’s the matter?”
“I don’t know”, he says and turns his head away when you try to cup his cheek.
You try again, doing it with both hands. You succeed, meeting his eyes.
“What’s the matter, darling?”
“I don’t know if I’m happy”, he whispers, forcing your brows to furrow. He attempts to look away, to hide because the worry in your eyes embarrasses him.
“Taehyung my darling oh god, this is so awful. Is there a reason why you feel this way?”
“I’m sorry, I just…I shouldn’t have said that.”
“No, please don’t be embarrassed. Talk to me, my darling.”
He meets your eyes again. Worry and love meet him there. Honest, deep love. The kind of love that wants to welcome and heal, to hold and cradle, to stay and grow. He remembers the last part of his wish then. That he wanted to be loved for who he truly is. He remembers it and realises that he can find this kind of love in your eyes. And as he realises it, his heart races unbearably, reminding him that he is experiencing the first part of his wish as well. He is alive and he is loved unconditionally.
Only the second part is hard to do. It wasn’t always difficult, or perhaps it was and he pretended that it wasn’t, and lately he is very aware of it, finding it hard to accept.
“Talk to me, my sweetest”, you whisper.
“It”, he begins and looks away because it is too embarrassing otherwise.
You allow him, holding his hand instead and listening to him with all your attention.
“It is difficult to be happy. I do not know what to do with myself now that I am…” he falters.
“It’s okay, take your time.”
“Namjoon is captured. He won’t ever hurt me and Jimin again. I should be happy, but I am not. I feel so lost.”
“Because we don’t have to hunt anything anymore?”
“What then? If you want to tell me.”
“I want to tell you, but it is difficult to speak.”
“Do you want to write it down instead?”
He looks at his book. His pen. He picks it up and opens an empty page, writing down what he can’t speak. You allow him the time he needs, scratching his scalp all throughout.
Taehyung doesn’t take long. The unspeakable words aren’t much, but you know that sometimes the hardest words to speak are the shortest. I love you. I’m sorry. I need help. The words aren’t long and yet they are some of the hardest to speak for so many people. The way to the heart is short with them, which perhaps makes them so difficult to speak. Taehyung slides the book to you. You pick it up and read it.
“I feel lost and shaken, as if I am still drowning even now that I am on safe land. A scrambled mind and tortured body were my reality for decades and now I am to believe that I am free? How do I be free?”
You lift your eyes. He can barely keep up contact, but does it because he craves it.
“Oh Tae. My beloved, gentle Tae”, you get out and cradle his cheeks.
He leans into your safe touch, closing his eyes.
“I understand that the words are difficult to speak. This is a lot to feel all alone. How long have you been feeling this way?”
“Too long.”
“Gosh, come here”, you say, pulling him into a hug. You sway him gently, playing with his hair because you know that this soothes him.
Taehyung lets it happen with closed eyes and his arms tight around you. His nose is buried in the crook of your neck, his skin shares warmth with yours. The once scary words feel manageable in your arms.
“I’m so sorry that you feel this way, my darling. It must be so unfamiliar to be free after so many decades. I don’t know if you want advice from me and I honestly don’t know if I can even give you some, but I want to be there for you. That much is sure, you’re not going to figure it out alone because I’ll help you with it.”
Taehyung smiles and it is honest. He nods his head in understanding.
“Yeah, exactly. I’ll be with you. We’ll do it together. Everyone always says that healing is easy, but it’s not. Healing can be ugly and hard and scary. But we’ll do it together, okay?”
“Yes, okay”, he whispers, having to lift his head to make sure that you were truly real.
You cup his cheeks, caressing his skin. He smiles and so you smile as well.
“I’m happy right now”, he confesses in a quiet voice.
“You are?”
He nods his head.
“I doubt a lot in my life. I think the love I receive is an act of pity.”
“Except yours. I don’t doubt your love for me. I gaze at it in wonder and awe because I find it unbelievable that you still love me after all I did, but I never doubt it.”
Your heart flutters.
“Thank you so much. You told me that your wish was to make people happy. Well, you are making me happy”, he smiles shyly, “at least happier for now.”
You laugh softly. He does too.
“You’ll be happy again, I promise”, you say and tug a strand of his dark hair behind his ear, “also thank you for saying this. I love you so, so much and it makes me happy to know that I don’t make you doubt it.”
“I love you too. I have done so ever since we snuck away from acting class and will always do so.”
“Oh my darling Taehyung”, you whisper, leaning in until you can rub your nose against his’ slowly.
“Yes, this will never change”, he whispers, matching your rhythm with his eyes closed.
“Oh my sweet, gentle Tae”, you breathe, kissing him softly afterwards.
He kisses you back, holding you in his hands as if you were the greatest treasure. And in some way you were. He feels lost and vast of happiness most of the time, but not right now. You gave him support again, an anchor to hold onto and hope to cling to. Maybe the feelings won’t last forever, but at least for a little while, Taehyung feels safe again. And that is perfectly alright for him, because sometimes just a little while is already enough to keep the soul going.
Taehyung breaks the kiss so he could hug you against his chest and feel your heartbeat this way. He cannot hear it, but that is okay for him because he can feel it match with his’ tonight. He is alive with you. He is alive and safe and loved. Taehyung presses you closer, inhaling the scent of you to make all of this realer.
“Our hearts are beating the same”, he whispers.
“I can feel it too”, you whisper.
“Wow, I really love you so much.”
You smile, “I love you too.”
“Holy fuck, I really love you.”
You laugh, “I fucking love you too, Tae.”
He laughs, “you have me cursing. That’s what you are doing to me.”
You snicker, “it’s cute.”
Wind rushes in the trees and reminds you of your own vulnerability. You and Taehyung tug the blankets tighter around your bodies, but the cold remains.
“I am very cold.”
“Yeah, me too. Maybe we should continue the cuddles inside”, you suggest, “after a warm shower and under the sheets.”
“This sounds very cozy.”
“It is cozy. Come on, we’ll get warm inside.”
“Yes, okay okay”, he says, standing up and packing his stuff so you could get inside.
![Index[Chapter 01 - Besuch]](https://64.media.tumblr.com/a23f76303fad56ebe8636222cc1577ba/0fc1975f47a69466-74/s500x750/efdb2354c8dd876c3f6d2b1a1f2829f13b1c137f.png)
Taehyung allows you to brush your teeth first because he still has to wash up for the night and will therefore take longer. So after brushing your teeth, you go to your room alone. The slit under the door of Yoongi’s and Jungkook’s room shows no light anymore. They must be asleep already. You wish then a silent good night behind the closed door and slip inside your room.
Taehyung comes inside not long after, still wrapped in a towel and nothing else.
“My bag is in the guest bedroom”, he says with a pout, “I forgot to take out my sleeping clothes.”
“Oh dear. Do you want to borrow some of my clothes?”
“Your clothes?”
“Yes, wait”, you roll out of bed to get to your bag, “luckily for you, I have another sleeping gown with me. You’ll look really fancy in it. I could also offer you some of my panties.”
He laughs, “I have to decline. My good parts are not going to stay in such little fabric.”
You snicker, “I bet it would look pretty, though. Here, I can offer you this”, you say, unravelling a long night gown, “tada.”
It is made out of lilac cotton fabric and has a rather straight cut to it. It isn't at all the prettiest nor the fanciest dress, but it is comfortable and that is all which matters.
“Oh pretty. It will do”, he says and exchanges the towel for the dress. He twists and turns in it, fixing the creases in the front, “how do I look?”
“It actually fits you perfectly, wow, you are so handsome in it. You also kind of remind me of Ebenezer Scrooge.”
“Hey”, he gasps, having to laugh, “if you were attempting to compliment me, it did not work.”
You laugh, “no, it’s cute. It fits you really well.”
“It is so comfortable. No wonder you took it with you”, he says and wiggles his hips, “oh? I feel so very free between my legs this way”, he jokes, gyrating his hips in a funny way and making you laugh with it.
“You look so handsome. Gosh, Tae you cutie you, com’ere”, you hug him, using the momentum to pull him into bed.
He falls onto you with a squeaked laugh, burying you under his weight, which makes you laugh and hug him even closer.
“Careful, ah, darling you are going to expose my bottom this way”, he giggles, trying to fight you gently.
“Com’ere you cutie, god you cutie”, you care rather little about his complaints, rolling around the sheets with his body in a tight lock.
After some rolling around and soft wrestling, you have him on his back with his face under your lips as you attack it with kisses. Taehyung lets it happen with giggles and squirms, feeling so goddamn giddy that his heart might burst in his chest.
“Mwuah”, you end your love attack with a loud sound, lifting your head so you can grin down at him. You slide your hand down his torso so you could fix the messy dress, caressing his waist afterwards.
“What?” he whispers.
“I just love looking at you.”
“Oh”, Taehyung blushes and scrunches his nose shyly, “I love looking at you too.”
“Hehe”, you let out and give him a kiss, lying down next to him afterwards.
Taehyung sits up, tugging you in under the blanket. You let it happen with a fluttering heart.
“Thankies”, you say.
“My darling should stay warm”, he says and rubs his hand up and down your covered arm, “are you warm this way?”
“Yeah, I am.”
He leans down to litter your cheek and temple with kisses. He even kisses your ear and leaves a few tender love nibbles on your neck.
“My sweetest.”
He snuggles into the pillow, holding your hand. He gives you a cute grin.
“You are right, this is very cozy.”
“Right? It’s this place. Something about this room makes everything ten times cozier.”
“I truly believe that it is because everything is placed perfectly so the energies can flow.”
“Yeah, this could actually be it. It always felt healing to be here.”
“I can imagine. I find great healing here as well and it hasn’t even been a day.”
You smile, “I’m glad that you are healing. You deserve it.”
Taehyung kisses your knuckles in gratefulness.
“Thank you”, he breathes.
“I mean it. You and Jimin, you both deserve it.”
“Thank you.”
“Mhm, I mean it”, you say and kiss his lips.
You and he stay closer afterwards, still holding hands. You gaze at each other, feeling so connected that nothing could separate your souls.
You do not know how much time passes like this, but it must have been enough to allow sleepiness to settle in your fibers.
You yawn, setting off Taehyung as well.
“Oh dear, this sleepiness came out of nowhere, wow”, you say.
“Indeed”, he agrees mid-yawn.
“Do you want to turn off the lights?”
“Yes, we could do that.”
“You have to do it, you’re closer.”
“Okay, okay”, Taehyung says and reaches for the lamp, “I started saying okay, okay because of you”, he says, switching off the light, “it is addictive, I can’t seem to want to stop.”
“It’s cute, don’t stop”, you say, “it means that we’re spending so much time together that we started picking up habits from each other. I catch myself adding rather in front of words because of you.”
“I noticed”, Taehyung says and intertwines his hand with yours, “it is like we became versions of each other.”
“Yes, definitely”, you say and close the distance between you and him to rest your forehead against his’. You kiss his nose, nuzzling your own nose against it afterwards, “I love you, Tae.”
“I love you too, my sweetest”, he says, closing his eyes.
“I hope you’ll have a good sleep tonight.”
“I will. I am with you. I will.”
You smile, burying your hand in his hair to play with it until sleep drags you down. You are with him and he is with you. Sleep is going to be good. It truly will be.
“Yes, Tae?”
“I just…I don’t know why I called your name, I guess that I wanted to talk some more.”
You chuckle.
“What do you want to talk about?”
“Whatever. I really enjoy the sound of your voice.”
“Gosh Tae, you’re so sweet. I love your voice as well.”
He relaxes in a small wiggle, running his fingers over your scalp as best as your hair texture allows him to.
“What is your favourite colour?”
“My favourite colour?”
“Yes. Do not ask why this is my first question, I didn’t know what to ask.”
You laugh softly, “it’s a good question. Mhm, I guess my favourite colour is the colour of your blush after I called you mine.”
“___”, he gasps, “why would you say such a thing? Oh, heavens.”
He makes you laugh. He is so adorable when he flusters.
“I’m serious. It’s a very pretty colour.”
“You”, he wraps his limbs around you, shaking you around gently, “I will cuddle you to silence. Stop it.”
You giggle into his chest. Taehyung lets you go after a few moments, heart racing very noticeable.
“Do you have more questions, you cutie?”
“I do not know. I am afraid that you will use them to fluster me again.”
You laugh, “I would never do such a thing.”
“Yes, you would. You became such a flirt. I remember how shy you were in the beginning, how I always managed to fluster you and now look at what you have become.”
“Hey, do not complain about the monster you created. If you hadn’t been such a smooth talker with me all the time, I never would have learned all this stuff.”
He laughs, “I cannot even argue you on this one. You have shown me the truth.”
“See? I’ve simply learned from the best.”
Taehyung hums and tries to kiss your lips but because of the blinding darkness, he ends up snogging your nose.
“Ew Tae, that was so wet”, you whine, wiping your nose on his shirt.
“Forgive me, I aimed for your lips but I…ew? Excuse me, did you just call my kiss ew?”
“I did. Loud and proud. You completely snogged my nose.”
Taehyung closes his lips around your nose again and drags his tongue over it as sloppily as possible.
“Tae”, you squeak, fleeing him, “why did you do that?”
“This is for calling my kiss ew. Now I gave you something truly ew.”
“You’re so gross, dear god”, he makes you laugh. Wiping your nose on his shirt again, you snicker and chuckle. He does the same.
You tilt your head, touching his chin to feel for his lips. Once you found them, you make your move, claiming them in a kiss. He kisses you back eagerly, ending it with a soft bite to your lower lip. You stay close, smiling goofily.
“This was wonderful.”
“It really was. Gosh Tae, I love kissing you. It’s been so long since we shared a night of kisses.”
“Indeed, far too long. Either danger kept us apart or we fought or were forced to be separated. These past few years haven’t been very kind to our bond.”
“Yeah, they really haven’t.”
Taehyung feels for your lips and kisses you. He tastes minty, his lips are soft and so nicely moisturised. His big hand cradles your face, soaking you skin in his warmth. You touch his chest because his racing pulse feels amazing to you.
The kiss breaks because Taehyung is so human here and humans need air way sooner than vampires.
“Oh heavens”, he gasps for air, “I genuinely became out of breath.”
“Now you finally know why I have to keep breaking the kiss in real life.”
“Now I truly know. Is this also how you see when we kiss in darkness?”
“Yes, it’s exactly like that.”
“Well, this is just heartbreaking. All this time, I believed that you were seeing me at least a little bit, but there is nothing. How are you even able to figure out where to kiss?”
“Practice. I’ve only known nights to be dark, so I learned how to navigate it.”
“I see. This is still very sad, you cannot even see me.”
“I know, it’s sad. But it’s also exciting because it feels like sensory deprivation without the blindfold.”
“Oh? Oh, yes it does. Oh how exciting, if I wasn’t so utterly exhausted I would have asked you to play.”
“It’s okay. I’m really exhausted too. Bringing you all here was really tiring.”
“I can imagine”, he rubs your back, “you are truly remarkable. I do not know if I told you already, but I am very proud of you.”
“Thank you, wow”, you whisper, feeling like floating. Being praised by him will never lose its spark.
“My darling witch”, he says with a kiss to your lips. One he only breaks when air is sparse and you are both just a little droopy from it.
You touch each other innocently, both having your eyes closed without managing to open them again. Sleep is so very close. The safe intimacy and love you exchanged only strengthened the tiredness.
“What do you imagine our days to look like from now on?” he asks in a sleepy whisper.
“Peaceful. Probably exhausting for me because I need to learn control, but once I did and we managed to get rid of Superior, I think our days will be peaceful.”
“I truly hope that they will be. I wished for peace for too long.”
“I promise you that they will.”
Taehyung sighs, hugging you against his chest.
“My sweetest ___”, he whispers, “I am so entirely grateful that I never lost you. There were so many chances where you could have been taken from me, so I am entirely grateful that you never were.”
“Me too, Tae. You’re very important to me.”
He sighs again, tangling his legs with yours. He yawns into your hair and smacks his lips.
“Sleepy”, he whispers, making you snicker.
“Me too.”
“Sleep tight, my darling. This time for real.”
“Sleep tight, you cutie.” Yes, sleep will be peaceful. It really will be.
Gosh it was so sweet and hot and perfect and it made me miss Jungkook even more than I already was.
I want to hear his soft spoken voice and see galaxies in his eyes.
Also Taehyung you cute little baby boy. I could see his pout from here.
And I'm so happy that he and Yoongi are friends again.
I knew that Caerula Luna will heal my heart.
![Index[Chapter 02 - Destiny]](https://64.media.tumblr.com/fed05ec4ba913acf2f0447258272138a/39011799787c6bff-b4/s500x750/3c44a7624458e107f7c9c1e82422706ed0b91f3c.jpg)
↳ Index [Chapter 02 - Destiny]
Focus on Pairing: Jungkook x f.Reader
Warnings: the chapter ends in smut but the the cut is very clear so peeps who don't want smut can stop easily, so many fluffy sweet moments, a small wound, Tae needs to be protected at all costs please, Yoongi is so perfect i love him sm, Kook is the sweetest man ever, they're just a polycule of soulmates at this point tbfh, next warnings are for the smut: soft yet passionate Dom!Jungkook, sub!Reader, sex in a bathtub, passionate love making, lots of kissing, body worship, oral (both receiving), pussy fingering, sex standing up & from behind, multiple orgasms (f.receiving), praise, strength & muscle kink, he helps her to stay quiet in such a sexy way, holy fuck i'm his bitc-, cum swallowing, giggly aftercare, he is the safest boyfriend ever :(
Wordcount: 14.2k
a/n: i hope you guys understand why i couldn't possibly not include this smut in the mainstory I MEAN it's hot as fuck AND it's Kook first time with her without having to be supervised, it was necessary for the plot. have fun holy fuck i'll daydream about him until i draw my last breath 💙
![Index[Chapter 02 - Destiny]](https://64.media.tumblr.com/7c284d92bb75cda0d3c39f3b2ed1829f/39011799787c6bff-2d/s500x750/a9e9315e4a2e0b07c9b99b8b904d95de13a6e367.png)
“___, please come quick! It’s Taehyung!”
It is the second day of your stay here and you are currently plucking weeds in the vegetable beds when Jungkook comes screaming and running for you. He is almost stumbling over his own feet from how frightened he seems.
“Tae. He. He needs your help! Please.”
“Holy shit, what happened?” you gasp, dropping what you were doing to follow Jungkook to the cow stable. You are running so quickly that tears well up in your eyes and you can barely breathe. Jungkook is panting beside you, gripping your hand so tightly it feels borderline painful.
“He’s with Moo. Oh god, it all happened so fast.”
“Holy shit Kookie, what happened? Oh god, what happened? If, if something happens in here he, he could be lost forever. Kookie, oh god, I told you to be careful. I, I told you, oh god”, you fall over your words, panting from worry and fear.
You and he stumble into the stable. There in the corner, hunching on a stool, sits Taehyung.
“Darling!” you scream, breaking out of Jungkook’s grasp to run to your darling, “holy fuck, what’s wrong? Tae, talk to me! What’s wrong?!”
“Look”, Taehyung whines painfully, “I got a splinter and it, it hurts”, he says, showing you his finger.
You stop and stare. Stare. Stare. Look at Jungkook. He is panting, looking so utterly distressed.
“It’s so deep”, he squeaks, “and, and it doesn’t heal. ___, you have to help him. He doesn’t heal in here.”
You sag your shoulders, putting your hand so your hips.
“Seriously?” you ask in a deep voice.
“What do you mean? He can’t get the splinter out.”
“I am scared, darling. I have never gotten a splinter before.”
“You two deserve your bums spanked. Do you have any idea how scared I was?”
“But it’s scary”, Jungkook insists.
“I can’t get it out”, Taehyung stresses.
“Heaven help me, you two are gonna cost me my last nerve. I was imagining the worst things ever and you’re making such a fuss over a silly splinter.”
Taehyung and Jungkook pout.
“But it hurts.”
“What if he won’t ever get it out?”
You roll your eyes at them. Look at those two vampires, being sacred of a small speck of wood.
“The gentlemen lose their powers and are suddenly scared of splinters”, you mumble and then take Taehyung’s hand to inspect it, “is it there?” you run your finger over the tiny dark spot on his ring dinger.
“Yes. I was filling up the hay when I suddenly felt piercing pain and now my entire finger aches.”
“I’m sure it’s as terrible as you describe it”, you say and sigh in defeat, “come on, I’ll take it out for you.”
Jungkook follows you, clutching Taehyung’s “okay” hand as tightly as possible.
“You can really get it out?” he asks.
“I’ll try at least. It’s a very difficult task”, you say sarcastically, sending them a look.
“Oh darling, thank you. I feel so relieved”, Taehyung says and laughs breathily.
“Wow ___, thank you. I knew getting you would be the right decision”, Jungkook gushes, looking at Taehyung, “you’re gonna be okay again, Tae.”
“I know. Oh, I feel so relieved.”
You roll your eyes. What a bunch of big babies.
Yoongi is by the front door, looking worried as well. He must have been in the middle of putting on his shoes when Jungkook’s screams reached his ears. He still hasn’t put them on, watching you walk up the path with his eyes big.
“What happened? I heard screaming”, he asks, scanning his eyes over you and your two dramatic boys.
“Taehyung almost died”, you say with sarcasm in your voice.
“Hey, not cool”, Taehyung complains.
“Yeah, not cool. Tae is seriously hurt”, Jungkook throws in.
“I don’t get it”, Yoongi confesses.
“Tae got a splinter in his finger and can’t get it out. Now they’re acting as if it’s a life or death situation”, you explain and tug them past Yoongi into the cottage.
“Ah”, Yoongi turns to follow.
“Hey, you are making fun of the situation. It really hurts.”
“I believe you, Tae. It’s just not a reason for you to almost give me a panic attack. Upstairs. We’ve got something in the bathroom.”
You lead the way while your boys follow you.
“You should have seen Jungkook. He came running and screaming as if Taehyung was dying. I almost threw up ‘cause I panicked so hard.”
“I know. I heard it.”
“I think our reactions are very reasonable. We cannot heal here.”
“Yeah, we can’t”, Jungkook throws in and looks at Yoongi for help, “it’s really scary, isn’t it?”
“Don’t pull me into this”, Yoongi says, “I’m very well aware that I can’t heal in here. Why am I following you upstairs either way? It’s a fucking splinter. I wanted to help Agatha and Harald with the gate. You guys can manage without me, yeah? I don’t gotta worry you die on me?”
“Very funny, hyung”, Taehyung says and rolls his eyes.
You snicker, earning yourself a nudge from Taehyung.
“Don’t laugh at his joke, it isn’t funny.”
“It kinda is, sorry darling.”
“Tch, I am being bullied.”
You snicker, exchanging a playful look with Yoongi. He caresses the small of your back and pecks your cheek.
“I’m outside if you need me, yeah?”
“Okay, take care. Don’t forget to drink water.”
“I won’t, my love”, he says and leaves the bathroom with a playful, “try not to die, boys.”
“You’re not funny today”, Jungkook calls after him, while Taehyung pouts.
The door opens and closes as Yoongi leaves to help your grandparents. Now it is just you and your two drama kings. You snicker to yourself, turning your back to them as you get what you need for the lifesaving operation.
“Don’t worry, Tae. I’ll get the splinter out in no time. Wah you two, seriously. You almost gave me a panic attack back then.”
“Yeah well, it’s scary”, Jungkook defends himself, crossing his arms in front of his chest. He huffs out air, pouting.
“I’m sure it is”, you say and turn back to them with a medical kit in your hands. You look around the room. Because the bathroom is located upstairs and it is an old, homely cottage, the ceiling is tilted in the way the roof goes down. Only a small skylight window lets in natural light, making the room darker than other rooms.
“We should go outside, it’s really dark in here.”
“Yes, okay. Do whatever helps with it. You know better. I’ll get us something to drink too”, Jungkook says, hurrying away to be helpful.
“Okay, do that”, you say fondly. You must admit that his dramatic worry is a little adorable. You would rather take a person who cares too much than one that doesn’t care at all.
“Come on, darling. Let’s go outside where the sun shines”, you tell Taehyung, taking his hand gently.
He follows you with just a little gleam of annoyance in his eyes because you teased him with Yoongi.
You pass Jungkook, leaving the front door open because it was a warm enough day for it to be possible.
Your grandparents have many spots where you can sit in their spacious garden. In front of every stable and shed, a bench with a small table invites one to take a short break. Under some of the tall trees, benches or chairs wait to be rested on and even beside some of the flower beds, something can be used to rest. You sit Taehyung down on the bench next to their front door. Pots of flowers and other plants surround you, right behind you a window looks into the living area.
“Hold that for me”, you tell him, placing the medical kit on his lap. You open it, looking for the needle you know for a fact is kept in there. Your grandfather used it very often to get out little splinters from your fingers or toes whenever you got them during play outside. He always wiped your little tears afterwards and gave your small ache a healing kiss. It made the pain go right away and you went right back outside to continue playing.
“Got you”, you say to the needle, pulling out some sanitising wipes right along with it. You use it to clean his finger and the needle.
“It’s cold”, he says, watching you with curious eyes.
“Yeah, it’s going to make sure that you’re clean. We can’t have you catching an infection.”
“I could get an infection like this?”
You lift your eyes from his finger, “obviously.”
He pouts, “you are mocking me.”
“Obviously”, you tease.
“You are cruel”, he pouts even harder, earning himself a fond chuckle.
“I’m sorry, it’s my revenge for you guys scaring me like this.”
His eyes soften, he chuckles.
“I might have deserved it then.”
“Heh, maybe yeah”, you snicker, looking back at his finger, “I’ll begin now. Are you ready? I’ll try to be gentle, but it could still hurt a little.”
“Can I tell you when it hurts?”
“What?” you meet his eyes in surprise, “what? Of course you can. Darling, why shouldn’t you be able to do that?”
He lowers his head, “just so”, he whispers.
“Gosh, Tae”, you tilt his head back up with two fingers under his chin, “you can always tell me to stop, okay? You’re safe with me.”
“Yes, okay okay”, he smiles shyly, “thank you for telling me this. I feel more confident already.”
“Of course”, you kiss his lips, then sit back, “now, I’ll get started.”
“Okay, oh heavens, I’m nervous.”
“Don’t be, I’ll be gentle. Here comes the first poke”, you say as you begin removing the first layer of his skin, “how is that?”
“It tickles a little.”
“But it’s not painful?”
“Not at all.”
“That’s good.”
Jungkook comes outside as you are lost in the extraction process. He studies you and Taehyung.
“How’s it going?” he asks.
“It’s really deep in there”, you mumble, furrowing your brows tighter.
“Oh no, that’s bad isn’t it?”
“No, I’ll get it. Don’t worry.”
Jungkook puts the tray of lemonade on the table and sits down next to Taehyung, rubbing his thigh.
“How are you doing?”
“It doesn’t hurt. Ah”, he flinches back, “nevermind. I jinxed it.”
“Sorry, so sorry”, you look at him, “sorry, are you okay?”
“Yes, it pinched. Forgive me, I startled.”
“No worries. Can I continue?”
Taehyung sucks in air through his teeth, moving his head away as if he wants to flee. You glance at him.
“Should I stop?”
“No, it’s just uncomfortable.”
“Here, I’ll hold your hand”, Jungkook offers.
“Yes, that’s good, hold his hand. I’ve reached the second layer of your skin so it’s gonna be a lot more sensitive. I’m trying to get this piece free so I can tug it out with tweezers.”
Taehyung holds Jungkook’s hand tightly, scrunching his nose in discomfort. You grace the needle over his skin. He whimpers and turns away. You stop instantly, straightening your back and rubbing his thigh softly.
“Do you need a break?”
“Yes, I’m sorry.”
“Don’t apologise. Let’s drink something, okay?” you say and get the glasses, “did you make something yummy?”
“Yes, raspberry lemonade with fresh lemon balm.”
“Uh, that sounds good. Thank you for making this.”
“Of course, yeah.”
The three of you share a nice moment where you enjoy the delicious lemonade Jungkook made and look at the view. It also gives Taehyung time to decide whether he wants to continue or not.
It may seem weird to some and as if Taehyung was just being dramatic, but to you and Jungkook it doesn’t seem this way. Taehyung’s confession from your first night here is still in your head. That he doesn’t know how to be happy now that he is free and that pain was his reality for many decades. He wasn’t allowed to say stop when he hurt, he wasn’t allowed to make it end. Needing a break from getting a small splinter removed may seem like a silly thing to some, but it’s not in Taehyung’s case. It’s the first step of many on his healing journey. He can say that it hurts and he can stop it, even if the pain is just small. He can stop it.
It is very important to you that he knows that he has this right. You might have teased him a little at first, but you never seriously meant it. He is allowed to whine and to go his own pace.
“I think I feel ready again”, Taehyung says softly after a while.
“Yeah? Then I’ll continue. It shouldn’t take long anymore. It hurt before because I’m so close to getting this part free”, you explain as you put the glasses back on the table, looking at his finger afterwards.
Jungkook holds his hand again, using the other to rub his knee.
“I’ll start now, okay?”
“Yes, okay.”
“Squeeze my hand really, really hard if you need to”, Jungkook tells him to which Taehyung thanks him shyly.
Taehyung’s finger feels hot in comparison to his other fingers because the attention on it made the blood rush to it. You remove the skin as gently as possible, sticking out your tongue in pure concentration.
“How’s the pain?”
“It pinches.”
“But it’s bearable?”
“For now. Do you still have to do a lot?”
“No, I’m almost done. I just gotta get this part and then do this.”
“Ah”, he flees again.
“Sorry, that was the last part I had to do”, you say, pulling his finger back to you so you could blow air on it, “does this help?”
“Yes, a little.”
“You’re being very brave, my darling”, you praise, “we just have to use the tweezers now. Do you need a break before that?”
“No, I think I can manage.”
“Okay, tell me if you changed your mind”, you say and get the tweezers ready, “you’re getting a little break anyways. I need to sanitise them.”
Taehyung laughs, having the exhale deeply afterwards.
“I, I swear I am not normally like this”, he says.
“Don’t explain yourself. We don’t judge, everyone’s different with pain.”
“Exactly. I, for one, may be a little bit too into it”, Jungkook jokes in hopes of lifting the mood.
It works. Taehyung laughs honestly, looking at him with shy puppy eyes. Jungkook chuckles and nudges his chin, flustering Taehyung so much that he needs to look away and blush.
“You’re not wrong”, you tease fondly, taking Taehyung’s finger again, “are you ready, darling?”
“Yes, I am ready.”
“It’s gonna hurt a little because I need to push it out so I can get it.”
“Okay, okay.”
“Here it comes”, you warn and push at the back of the splinter to move it.
Taehyung huffs out air but stays still, feeling safe with you. He knows that the pain isn’t evil right now. It’s not meant to hurt him, it is an unlucky side product of an attempt to make him feel better. He braves through the sting with this knowledge and after one last uncomfortable pinch, his finger is finally free of the long splinter.
“And it’s done”, you say, wiping over the reddened spot. You kiss it, “good job.”
“It didn’t feel that painful in the end.”
“That’s good to hear. I really tried to be gentle”, you say, cleaning the wound with a new sanitising wipe.
“You were. Thank you so much. It meant a lot to me.”
“Don’t thank me. I’m just happy to help”, you say, leaning in to peck his cheek.
Taehyung chases your affection with closed eyes and his hand holding your elbow.
You stay seated on the bench afterwards. Jungkook and Taehyung finish their lemonade and you clean the tools to store them in the bag again.
Yoongi comes up the path as you do, studying you. He took off his flannel, keeping it around his hips for now and is now presenting his torso in a black, skin tight t-shirt.
“Don’t mind me. I’m just going for a piss”, he says.
“Good to know”, you chuckle.
“Couldn’t you have gone in the woods somewhere?”
“I prefer not to take my dick out somewhere close to ___’s grandparents”, he says as he takes off his shoes and studies Taehyung, “how’s the finger going?”
“Good. We just managed to get it out”, Taehyung says, showing his reddened finger to Yoongi.
“Just now? It’s been like forty minutes.”
“Tae needed to take some breaks”, you explain.
“Mhm, okay”, Yoongi says and goes to ruffle his gloved hand through Taehyung’s hair, “silly one.”
He doesn’t even realise what he is doing until he is already gone inside. Taehyung touches his hair, gawking at the door before exchanging a look with you and Jungkook.
“What’s gotten into him?” Jungkook asks.
“I don’t know, but that was really cute”, you say.
“I liked it so much”, Taehyung confesses with a blush.
“Gosh Tae, you absolute cutie you”, you say, hugging him, “I hope that this holiday can help you and Yoongi get closer together as well.”
“You do?”
You nod your head, “you’re both very important to me and I wish that you could at least become friends.”
“Oh”, he blushes, smiling softly, “I feel the same.”
“You do?”
He nods his head, “I truly wish to be his friend.”
Speaking of Yoongi, the latter comes back outside after his toilet visit, carrying two bottles of water in his pants pockets. He opens a third one with one hand and takes a healthy sip of it, ending it with a content sigh. He looks at the sun, squinting his eyes and sticking his tummy out in a cute stance. He almost looks like a cute cat trying to stand on two legs like this. If you try to ignore his exposed arms and his torso in that shirt and the fact that he can open a bottle with one hand.
“I think it’s gonna be a clear night today”, he says.
“I hope so, I wanna watch the stars later”, Jungkook says.
“Sounds good. You’ll have a clear view of them, yeah”, Yoongi nods his head and straightens up, “I think the gate’s still gonna take a while. The hinges are being little bitches.”
You chuckle at his harsh choice of words.
“Why are you laughing?”
“Just so. I like the way you talk.”
He scoffs fondly.
“I’m serious. They’re fucking with us on purpose”, he looks into the distance, “it’s good work. Yeah, a good day. It’s a good day”, he mumbles and glances at you, “what are you gonna do?”
“I still need to finish plucking the weeds”, you say.
“We still need to finish the stables”, Jungkook says.
“Mhm, sounds like good work”, he takes a deep breath and releases it, clapping into his hands as he does, “back to work. I’ll see you guys later. Agatha and I wanna make burritos for dinner, it’s gonna be good”, he says, kissing you and Jungkook on the lips. He ruffles Taehyung’s hair last, then turns to jog down the path back to the gate. Happiness practically radiates off of him.
“He is so cute, oh my god”, you gush.
“He really is. I think being here really does him well”, Jungkook agrees.
“Yes, I think so too. I think it does all of us well. We really deserve it, looking back at what we had to go through to get here.”
“Yeah, that’s right. We didn’t have it easy”, Jungkook takes a deep breath of relaxation, “this is easy though.”
“Yeah it is.”
“I feel good too”, Taehyung says shyly.
“You do?”
He nods his head.
“Right now I feel good.”
“That’s good to hear, my darling.”
“Yeah, it is”, Jungkook says, draping his arm over his shoulders.
Taehyung, blushing and entirely shy, leans into him as inconspicuously as possible. You enjoy their company for a while longer, then stand up to stretch out your back.
“Imma go back to the weeds soon”, you say mid stretch, which contorts your voice in a funny way. You straighten up, studying them.
“Are you gonna relax a little longer?”
“No, we need to go back too. Moo and Milky need their hay”, Jungkook stands up, stretching out his arms. They are exposed as well, because he is working in only a white tank top and cargo pants.
Taehyung is wearing a linen shirt, of course he is. He stands up as well, inching closer to you almost shyly. He tugs on your dungarees, looking at you with big puppy eyes.
“May I help you instead please? I don’t want to get hurt again.”
“Of course, darling. Can you manage alone, baby?”
Jungkook nods his head, “easy. We had so many cows and pigs at home. Stable work is like riding a bike to me. Easy peasy lemon squeezy.”
He makes you laugh.
“You’re so random sometimes. Well, see you later baby.”
“See you”, Jungkook says and leaves with a melody on his lips.
You and Taehyung go the opposite direction to the back of the garden. Your grandparents grow their shadow-loving plants there.
“Did you do a lot of garden work before?”
“I did. With Jimin and Ava when we lived on our farm.”
“Well, then I’m sure that you’re gonna do very well”, you say, kneeling down on the spot you worked at before.
Taehyung kneels down next to you.
“Is it safe for me to use my hand already?”
“Yes, it’s safe. The wound isn’t deep enough to be vulnerable.”
“I see, well then I shall work very diligently”, he says and rolls up his sleeves.
“Be careful with what you pluck though. We don’t wanna rip out good plants.”
“I understand”, he says and begins working.
You and he share a few moments of comfortable silence until Taehyung breaks it.
“I always wondered what differentiates a weed from a flower. Is it nothing but want? They grow and bloom the same and yet one is wanted, while the other gets killed.”
You glance at him. His hands are dirty from work, his hair hangs into his face, framing his pretty features.
“I never really thought of that. Damn”, you sit back on your heels, “that’s actually true. Why do we curse some plants while we marvel at others?”
You look at the heap of weeds you already plucked.
“No, now you’ve got me feeling really bad for weeds. No, I might cry”, you whine with a sad pout on your lips, “poor weeds, I feel so bad.”
“Don’t cry. Oh goodness, I was being my silly poetic self again”, he gasps, clasping your hands.
“You really were and you’ve got me rethinking my own gardening habits. From now on, I will only pluck weeds if it is really necessary. So other plants can grow for example. You know? When I grow tomatoes I want them to be able to grow big.”
“Yes, that is a very good reason. Sometimes certain plants aren’t meant to thrive in certain places, but that doesn’t mean that they cannot find a place in the world where they will blossom.”
“Exactly. Gosh Tae”, you have to kiss his cheek, “you seem like your old self today. I love to see you being poetic like this.”
He smiles shyly, “I was being truthful when I said that I felt good. I truly do. Although, I feel rather weak. Oh darling, it was rather frightening to get hurt so easily.”
“I can imagine. That must have been weird for you.”
“It truly was. If something like this happened to me in the real world, my powers would have pushed out the splinter before I could have even felt it and yet here, I felt every second of it.”
“It’s so crazy to me to think what your bodies can do. Getting a splinter is so normal to us humans. Sure it hurts, but it just happens sometimes. But it’s totally new for you.”
Taehyung nods his head, placing a heap of weeds aside. He fixes the messy dirt, looking very peaceful as he does it.
“Something which also utterly surprises me is how weak I am to bodily functions. I have to eat and drink and moments later, I have to relieve myself. And there is so much of it. Oh, being human is so utterly exhausting. One has to think of everything.”
You laugh, “now you’re just whining. Goodness, you are so spoiled as a vampire.”
“Indeed I am”, Taehyung agrees, laughing honestly.
Spending time with each other like this is truly wonderful.
![Index[Chapter 02 - Destiny]](https://64.media.tumblr.com/a23f76303fad56ebe8636222cc1577ba/39011799787c6bff-f1/s500x750/6d39821d049beab901372c1339dbcb075d1f9e92.png)
The burritos Yoongi and your grandmother make for dinner are the best burritos you have ever eaten. With vegetables and spices from the garden and homemade cheese, it truly melts on your tongue. Jungkook was helpful as well, making nachos from home-grown corn flour and serving them with the best Pico de gallo ever. Truly, you eat very well, finding it difficult to stop because it is in fact the best dinner ever.
Taehyung excuses himself to the garden after dinner, saying that he wanted to paint the fireflies. Jungkook excuses himself upstairs, saying that he wanted to relax in the guestroom. You and Yoongi stay with your grandparents. You are cuddled up to Yoongi, resting your head on his lap as you read. Yoongi runs his hand over your forehead every now and then, lost in his own book. On the other couch, your grandparents are cuddled up together. Your grandfather has his head on your grandmother’s lap as he solves a difficult riddle and she is lost in crocheting. Sometimes you hear them exchange a little kiss, which always makes you tug at Yoongi’s shirt to ask for a kiss as well, which he gladly gives you. It feels so nice to spend time this way. Your parents were never affectionate in your presence, making you question if they even loved each other and in return, if that meant they didn’t love you as well. You don’t feel this way in your grandparents’ presence. The love they have for each other and for you fills the room with warmth. They don’t have to speak it, it is so obvious even in the silence.
The clock shows ten when you start to get sleepy. You try to fight it for a while by putting the book aside and lying with your face snuggled into Yoongi’s stomach.
He lowers his book for a moment, studying you fondly.
You snuggle and nuzzle, looking up at him afterwards. You grin, he retorts it.
“My eyes are tired”, you speak softly in order not to disturb the peace.
“Mhm, close them it’ll help”, he answers you quietly, helping you close them by brushing his thumb down your lid gently.
You snuggle back into his stomach, while he returns to his book. It becomes harder and harder not to fall asleep when he runs his finger over your face and neck so soothingly. He even rubs your ear and plays with your hair as best as possible. It is quite frankly, impossible not to fall asleep. You sit up, smacking your lips. Yoongi glances at you.
“I’m too sleepy.”
“I can tell.”
“I think I’m gonna go upstairs already.”
“Yes, okay. Do you mind if I still stay up for a while?”
“No, it’s okay”, you say and get up, “good night everyone, I’m gonna go to sleep already”, you tell your goodbyes to your grandparents and Yoongi.
“Sleep tight, my honeybee”, your grandmother says without looking up from her crocheting project.
“Sweet dreams, my girl”, your grandfather says without looking up from his Sudoku.
“Good night, princess”, Yoongi says, looking up from his book to give you a kiss good night. He tilts his head back because you stand behind the couch, holding his cheeks between your hands.
You break the kiss with a smile, feeling your heart flutter when he retorts it.
“Good night, my love.”
“Mhm”, he hums, rolling his head to the front to continue reading.
Tranquillity surrounds them and so you let them enjoy the hours of the night, hurrying upstairs.
![Index[Chapter 02 - Destiny]](https://64.media.tumblr.com/a23f76303fad56ebe8636222cc1577ba/39011799787c6bff-f1/s500x750/6d39821d049beab901372c1339dbcb075d1f9e92.png)
The door to the guest room is next to the bathroom door. It is open, showing Jungkook sitting cross-legged on the window bench and looking outside.
You were planning to take a bath, but seeing him sit here in darkness is giving you an idea.
You knock on the doorframe, making him turn to you.
“Why are you sitting in darkness?”
“Don’t turn the lights on, they’re too bright.”
“Okay”, you chuckle, “do you wanna be alone?”
“No, I’m just looking at the stars. You can see so many here”, Jungkook says and looks outside again, swaying his shoulders from side to side mindlessly.
“Can I see?”
You hurry to him, sitting down next to him. Jungkook hooks his hand in your knee and pulls you closer to him so your legs were touching and he could rub your lower back.
“Wow, you’re right. There’s so many”, you gasp.
“I know. Look, that’s my star sign and over there is yours”, he shows them to you, tracing their shapes with his finger, “can you see them?”
“I can. Wow, so cool.”
“Yeah, it’s pretty cool. You know, when I was still hiding in the sewers, I sometimes came out of hiding when the streets were empty. I sat somewhere secluded and looked at the stars. All my problems felt so small in comparison to the night sky whenever I did.”
“This actually sounds really nice. I know your situation was shit, but you had moments of beauty.”
“Yeah, I was happy during those moments. Maybe they were what kept me going back then.”
“Maybe yeah.”
Jungkook leans in to kiss your cheek.
“I’m glad that they did. I could meet you and our family because I kept going.”
You meet his eyes, “you are so sweet, oh my god.”
“Heh”, he pecks your lips, “you’re cuter”, he says, looking at the sky again. He smiles to himself, “I love the stars and the moon. I really do”, he mumbles, reflecting the entire night sky in his dark, pretty eyes.
He makes loving him so easy. You rest your head on his shoulder, speaking your next words softly.
“They’re really beautiful.”
“Yeah, they are”, he agrees and sighs contently, “so nice.”
You and he share a moment of silence. The night sky is endless. No wonder he felt that his problems were small in comparison back then. The sky is endless, reminding you just how small you truly are in the grand scheme of existence.
“Hey, Kookie?” you whisper.
“Do you wanna take a bath together?”
“Yeah. I wanted to take it alone, but then I saw you sit here and thought that maybe we could take it together. You can say no if you want to continue looking at the sky.”
“No, I would really like a bath with you, my honey”, he says, kissing your hair, “the stars are gonna be there afterwards too.”
“Yay, I’m happy. Wanna go right now?”
“Sure, let’s go.”
You and he undress as the bathtub fills up.
“Can you untangle my hair?”
“Of course. What do I gotta do?”
And so you and Jungkook sit in your little robes as he rids your hair of today’s tangles, gently and with lots of care. He even massages you behind your ears and down your neck, ending the pampering session with a kiss to your shoulder.
“Did I do a good job?” he asks quietly.
“The best job. You only tugged on my hair three times.”
He chuckles, “sorry, I’m still learning. I promise to be gentler next time.”
You lean into him, practically melting in his arms when he slides his hand into your robe to rub your naked skin slowly. His touch never graces places he would need consent for, making you feel so safe and cherished.
“You’re already so gentle with me”, you assure him.
“Mhm, I can do better.”
You chuckle, “if you say so, my little perfectionist.”
He smiles against you, “I really am, yeah.”
The tub is soon filled and so you get inside together. Jungkook insists on holding your hand for support even if you could have managed on your own. You let him hold it because he looks so happy being helpful. He steps in after you, sitting down opposite of you. You can rest your feet on the edge and he instantly takes the opportunity to cradle your foot and kiss your ankle, even closing his eyes for it.
“That’s so nice”, he says, smiling at you.
“Yeah, it’s nice”, you agree and turn your head to kiss his ankle, resting your cheek against it afterwards.
“Heh”, he lets out and scrunches his nose.
“You’re cute.”
He shakes his head, “you are.”
You and he exchange a giddy grin. It is so nice to be so close and to share this kind of intimacy. Your bodies are touching at parts and you get to warm up and pamper your noses with the relaxing scent of lavender. You can’t do stuff like this in the real world yet, so this feels extra special. Just you and him, sharing a warm moment.
“Do you like your baths hot or warm?” you ask him because you love listening to him talk. His voice is so nice and he is always so soft spoken.
“I think this temperature is good. You?”
“I like it hotter. I kinda wanna feel like I’m being boiled.”
He laughs, “that’s really bad for your skin though.”
“I know, but I’m here for a good time not a long time.”
He laughs again, “that’s not true. Not with the spell Meredith is going to show you one day. You’ll live forever with us.”
“Right. Maybe I should stop boiling myself then.”
He laughs a third time, making your heart race. Knowing that you can make him laugh that much feels really good.
“Yeah, maybe you should”, he jokes and grins, “okay, question time. Shower or bath?”
“Wah, that’s a hard question. I think both have their pros and cons. I would say showers though because they’re faster than baths. I really love a good bath though, don’t get me wrong.”
“Yeah, I agree. I prefer showers for daily life, but baths are special.”
“Okay, next question. Liquid soap or bar of soap?”
“Are the questions gonna be bath based?”
You laugh. He grins.
“Liquid soap. I don’t know, but I can’t befriend the idea of using a bar of soap.”
“Interesting. I’m so for bars. They’re so convenient. I also think that they last longer.”
“You’re probably right. Okay, I have a question too.”
“Go ahead.”
“Dry off in the shower or step out wet and dry off on the rug?”
“Oh, hard one”, he says and tilts his head to the side as he thinks, “I would say step out wet and dry off outside.”
“Interesting. I’d pick dry off in shower and only dry off my feet on the rug.”
“That’s good too. I’m just always forgetting my towel so I gotta run through half the room to get it.”
You laugh. He laughs as well.
“That sounds like you.”
“It does?”
“Yeah, it’s a good thing”, you assure him, kissing his ankle.
“Okay, if you say so”, he says, gazing at you, “next question.”
“When are you the happiest?”
“That’s your question?”
“So no more bath questions?”
“I thought I’d switch it up.”
You smile fondly.
“When am I happiest?” you repeat, “wow, that’s a big question”, you say and look to the side to think.
All the moments of laughter with your found family come back to you, all the mornings with Yoongi and Taehyung, all the sweet moments with Jungkook and the endless chattering you can do with every single member of your forever family. You think of the moments you spend in the garden and the hours in the kitchen spend cooking with them. You think of the nights of dance with Taehyung and of naps with Yoongi. You think of cuddling Jungkook for the first time and of hugging Hoseok. You think of Seokjin’s laugh and Emma’s silly jokes.
You look at Jungkook
“I’m happiest ever since I’m with you guys”, you say.
His eyes soften.
“All I could think of right now, were moments with you guys, so that’s my answer. I’m happiest ever since I found my family.”
Jungkook smiles, “that’s a good answer.”
“When are you happiest?”
“I’m boring, but I actually have the same answer as you.”
“That’s not boring, that’s so sweet”, you say, caressing his calve, “is it my turn?”
“What made you get tattoos?”
“I always liked the look of tattoos. Not really when I was a human because back then, only gangsters had tattoos and I had a bad view on them. I got them in the early 2000s.”
“Did they hurt a lot? Tae told me that you guys would heal during a normal tattoo, so vampires need special tools and magic for them to stick and that it hurts really bad.”
“I could get them normally because my arm isn’t cursed.”
“Because your arm is still human?”
He nods his head.
“But isn’t that really dangerous? It makes other vampires know you have a weak arm.”
“Until now, everyone always thought that I’m just totally mental and got an entire sleeve on my vampire arm.”
You laugh, “okay that makes sense. So it really didn’t hurt?”
“They still hurt at some parts, but I kinda liked it.”
You chuckle, “of course you did.”
“I was just joking.”
“I don’t think so”, you joke, making him chuckle.
“Maybe not”, he confesses and changes his position. He pulls his legs to him, sitting cross-legged because the tub is big enough for it. Then he shimmies closer to you.
The water ripples, hitting you over your collarbones. You change position as well, keeping your legs parted so Jungkook can be between them.
“I started off on my under arm and added more and more stuff as time went on”, he explains, tracing his tattoos, “this one’s special to me because it’s my birth flower. Do you know this flower?”
“I actually don’t, sorry.”
“That’s okay. It’s a tiger lily. It symbolises the desire to be loved. If someone gifts you tiger lilies, they want to tell you please love me. I think it’s really romantic”, he says, caressing the tattoo, “I’m happy that this is my birth flower.”
“It fits you so well”, you say and trace the tattoo, “it even fit you when you had to isolate yourself. You wanted love, but couldn’t have it. It fit you.”
“It did. It’s destiny”, he scrunches his nose, “sorry, I sound a little crazy, but I really like the concept of destiny and fate and something otherworldly making sure that the right people meet each other when they need it most.”
“You don’t sound crazy at all. I love this concept as well. Honestly, my life feels like something big made me find you guys. Just think about it, I magically got a scholarship at a university where you all coincidentally pretended to be students at. Somehow former Sanguis, crazy old vampires with nothing to do, decided to try out studying and somehow you decided to keep an eye on them right in time so I could meet you.”
“I know, right.”
“And because I stumbled onto this path, the order of before crumbled and you managed to meet Yoongi, who in return helped you find your freedom. And if we spin it even further, Taehyung and Jimin found freedom as well. Seokjin found Emma again. And we all met love and bonded and became one big group and to make it even better, it turns out that I was a witch all along and now I’m being taught by one of Nilrem’s students and you have your very own witch to protect you. It sounds as if it was always our destiny to meet.”
“It does. Wow, it really does”, Jungkook flutters his lashes in adoration, “wow ___, this is so romantic.”
“It is. And the most beautiful part? I wasn’t even looking when I found you. I just found you and knew this is where I am supposed to be”, you say, having to giggle.
Jungkook giggles as well, taking your hands under the water.
“I love you”, he says.
“I love you too.”
“My heart is racing like crazy. I can’t believe how connected we have been since the beginning.”
“Me neither.”
“Can I hug you? I, I wanna hug you.”
You close the distance, hugging him as best as possible. Jungkook wraps you in his strong arms and giggles into the crook of your neck, cradling you against his chest.
“What you just said means a lot to me”, he confesses.
“You’re so sweet”, you whisper.
His heart is racing unbearably. He moves back because he needs to look at you. He does so, brushing his palms over your cheeks in a soft cradle, scrunching his nose as he does it. He is such a gentle person. There is truly no evil in his heart. Now that he is just human and no curse twists him, it is so entirely obvious how being gentle is his natural state.
You lean into his touch, gazing at his pretty face.
“I think I need to get a tattoo dedicated to our family”, he says.
“Yeah? That sounds so wonderful.”
“Yeah. Yeah, but I don’t know what I want. I want something meaningful.”
“What if you tattooed how the moon looked on the day our destiny started?”
He widens his eyes. The galaxies in them grow.
“I love this”, he presses out and touches your upper arms, “___, oh god, wow.”
He hugs you again, squeezing you gently.
“Do you like it?”
“I, I love it so much. Wow, you’re so perfect”, he says and squeezes you just a little tighter, forcing a giggle out of you.
He is still so gentle with it. Despite his obvious strength, he makes sure that you aren’t hurting.
“I’m far from perfect”, you mumble into his shoulder.
“No, don’t put yourself down. You may not be perfect to yourself, but you’re perfect to me.”
“You’re so sweet”, you whisper, melting in his arms.
He breaks the hug, showing you his tattooed arm.
“Do you want to decide the placement?”
“I can do that?”
He nods his head, gazing at you.
“Wow, this is so much trust you put in me.”
“Don’t worry, if you pick a weird spot I’ll change it”, he jokes, making you laugh.
“Wow, okay I see how it is.”
He snickers, pecking your cheek.
“I’m joking. I bet you’ll pick out a good spot.”
“Gosh, I don’t know”, you say and cradle his arm. You run your fingers over his tattoos, taking all of them in. They all fit so well together, telling the stories closest to his heart.
“What are you thinking?” he whispers into the silence.
“Just that your tattoos are beautiful. It’s like your arm is a storybook telling what matters most to you.”
Jungkook finds it hard to breathe, gazing at you with such fondness that he wants to scream from the intensity of it. You might not have been looking when you found them, but he did. He looked. He spent so many hours staring at the moon and thinking to himself that he will never meet someone who will understand his silly, hopelessly romantic views on the world and then you came into his life. And you look at the moon and see stories in it, you look at flowers and see meaning in them, you look at the invisible threat of fate until it becomes visible and you can embrace it.
You lift your eyes, meeting his gaze shyly.
“Sorry, I know I shouldn’t assume what your tattoos mean.”
He shakes his head slowly, “you’re right. You are so goddamn right.”
“Oh”, you fluster, looking at his arm again. The emotion in his eyes is difficult to accept. In a good way of course. It is just very difficult to breathe properly when he looks at you as if you were his moon because sometimes it is still difficult for you to accept that you shine to other people.
“I have an idea”, you whisper.
“Tell me”, he encourages you in a soft spoken voice.
You touch the tiger lily, tracing it with your fingertip.
“What if you put the moon here? To make it seem as if it is rising from behind the flower. It symbolises that you finally found love” you meet his eyes shyly, “that you finally have someone who is worthy enough to receive your birth flower.”
You widen your eyes in shock.
“Are you crying?”
“Yeah”, he whimpers and hugs you tight against him before you can react.
“Kookie, what’s wrong?” you gasp.
“I’m happy”, he says and does a loud sniffle, “I’m crying because I love it so much.”
“You do?”
“Yeah. Wah”, he grunts, “wah, I’m so grateful.”
“Gosh, you’re gonna make me cry too if you’re being so sweet”, you confess in a fond giggle, rubbing his back.
He giggles as well, wiping his tears on your shoulder and lifting his head afterwards. You stay close like this. You have your legs over his’ and he holds your waist.
You wipe the tears from his cheeks, allowing a bright smile to wash over his face. He leans into the touch.
“This kinda made your face wetter than it was before. Sorry.”
He laughs, “it’s okay”, he scrunches his nose, “thank you so much. I love it so much and, and I love the meaning even more.”
“I thought that it would have to mean something for you, so I thought of this.”
“It’s better than I ever could have imagined. It already means everything to me.”
“I’m so happy to hear this.”
Jungkook smiles, touching your stomach before moving up to your shoulders.
“Can I kiss you?” he asks.
He grabs your waist and pulls you closer, changing the position of his legs so they cage you in and your middles are almost touching. He keeps his left hand on your waist, cradling your cheek with his right hand.
“My destiny”, he whispers, sending flutters through your heart.
You lower your eyes, trying to do the same with your head but before you can, he has it tilted for a kiss.
You squeeze your eyes shut, having to grasp his shoulders and whimper. The kiss isn’t that passionate for you to have such a reaction, but your souls intertwined so tightly in this bath that finally tasting his love overwhelms you.
Jungkook answers your whimper in a whimper of his own, breaking the kiss just enough that he could talk.
“You’re perfect.”
“You’re perfe-”
He swallows your words, kissing you deeply and gently. You aren’t even mad that he did it, letting yourself fall into the kiss until it is all you exist for.
You can’t tell how much time passes where you and he solely breathe to kiss, where your heart solely pump the blood through your bodies so you could taste each other’s love, where every single cell in your bodies functions so you and he could connect. Perhaps a lot of time passed, perhaps rather little time passed, but what is clear to you is that through it all, Jungkook never once allowed his tongue to join the kiss.
You haven’t been kissed like this before and it makes your heart race like crazy because it is so gentle. He is so gentle. The way his hands caress your body in its most vulnerable, naked state. The way he lets your weakened legs rest over his’, the way he pulls you close when you get just a little wobbly from your emotions. He is so gentle that all you crave is the tenderness of his tongue.
You break the kiss for air, going back into it with your fingers in his hair and your tongue tracing his lips.
Jungkook moans softly, parting his lips to finally allow his tongue a taste. He traces your lips, meeting your tongue when you look for it almost needily.
Not long and you have to break the kiss to gasp for air. He caresses your cheek, feeling breathless himself.
“Okay?” he checks up on you.
“Yeah”, you get out, having to pull him back into a kiss. Your tongue looks for his’ instantly. He smiles, meeting you with it moments later.
He loves it so much to know that you are comfortable. He feels so utterly smitten for you, so ardently obsessed that he wishes to replace his air with your scent. He could kiss you differently if he wanted to, but he doesn’t. He doesn’t because your comfort is the most important thing to him. And now that he can finally slow down, now that no curse forces him to be ravenous, he really wants to savour the gentleness of it. He can finally make you feel as comfortable as possible. He can finally steal your heart with just a kiss.
Jungkook breaks the kiss for air.
“My beautiful girl”, he whispers.
You giggle, leaning into his hands when he cradles your face to kiss it all over. You keep your eyes closed, feeling your heart race like crazy. He doesn’t leave out any spot, placing the softest kisses all over your face. And as he does, he keeps whispering the sweetest words, finally making you realise just how much he actually feels for you.
You and Jungkook became a couple just like this. One day you didn’t know each other, then time passed and you suddenly were so tightly intertwined that being apart was too painful to even think about. You couldn’t tell when you fell for him, Jungkook has no recollection of it either, but it is clear to both of you that it was always meant to happen.
“My beautiful girl”, Jungkook whispers and kisses your neck.
“Koo, oh god”, you croak, writhing from side to side. The tingles he sent through you were unbearable in the best way possible.
He opens his eyes, “need a break?”
You shake your head, having to hide away in his neck afterwards. He rubs your back, letting you melt in his arms.
“What’s the matter, beautiful?”
“You”, you fluster, “oh god, I’m sorry.”
“For what?”
“You make me feel safe and it’s”, you shake your head, “it excites me.”
You lift your head, “sorry. I, I don’t expect anything. I just love this so much.”
His eyes soften, he cradles your heated cheek.
“Look down.”
You glance down, “oh.”
“Yeah, it’s affecting me too. You have no idea how much I’m enjoying this.”
“Oh god, Kook”, you let out a giggle.
“Yeah, I know”, he giggles too, caressing your waist.
“Should we do something about it?”
“Do you want to do something about it?”
“Do you?”
“I’m down for whatever you want.”
You nod your head shyly, “maybe we could do something about it?”
“Yeah?” he smiles, “god baby, come here.”
He pulls you into a tongue kiss, finally allowing his middle to melt with yours by pressing his hand to the small of your back. You moan into him, chasing the connection instantly. The angle allows you to rub against his base. His skin is so soft there, contradicting the raging hardness of his shaft. He is so hard. The proof of how deeply affected the long kisses and gentle touches left him makes you even needier.
He feels the same. It is such a wonderful realisation. He feels the same. He does. You have to break the kiss after little time, touching the sides of his neck needily.
“Kook I…” you trail off, wiggling your hips against him and whimpering softly.
“I’ll take care of it, yeah?”
“I’ll show you”, he says and shimmies back, changing position so he is sitting on his heels.
Like this, he closes the distance again, kissing you and smiling into it in such a sexy way that your heart is fluttering like crazy. His hands are between your legs, supporting his weight. He isn’t touching you, but man the way he kisses you makes you wish he did.
To make matters even worse, he breaks the kiss again, giving you a sweet smile.
You retort it, feeling just a little out of breath.
“Stay like this”, he says.
He slides down until he is submerged under the water.
“Huh? What are you- ah!” your hand is over your mouth instantly, your legs close at first but open wide again, trembling in the first shock of pleasure.
Jungkook is licking your clit. This madman submerged himself so he could eat your pussy.
His tongue is cool in comparison to the hot water. His licks are quick and placed without a plan in mind. You don’t blame him because he is underwater, having to hold his breath.
Speaking of breath. Jungkook gives your clit three more flicks of his tongue and then he is diving up again. The water drips off his body and hair, covering his skin in a glistening layer of sin. It wasn’t always sinful, but the pulsations between your legs is making it hard not to see his wet body as a fucking sin meant to haunt you.
You gawk at his lips and the sexy smile they are showing.
“How was that?” he asks in a rasp, breathing heavily to recover from his dive.
“So hot”, you get out.
Jungkook smiles even sexier and lowers his lips to your shoulder so he could kiss a path down to your breasts.
“Do you like it?”
“Yeah, so much.”
“Mhm, my pretty girl…”
He sucks on your nipple, tugging on it like this. Release. Your other one. Not a lot of time wasted and he is kissing a tingling path down your stomach. You arch into him, having to hold your breath with him when he disappears under the water again.
You release it in a shaky sigh when his lips lock around your clit and suck. You roll your head back, trying so fucking hard to be quiet.
It is difficult when you have him playing with your clit with just his lips and tongue. Each time he lets go, the hot water reminds you of how sensitive you actually are and how his mouth is the kind of relief you didn’t even know you needed.
Up again. Jungkook gasps for air, lets the water drip off of him. He fixes his hair, his arms flex as he does it.
“Kook”, you get out.
He smiles and comes closer, pressing his thick thigh against your pussy. He places his tattooed hand around your throat, making you whimper.
No pressure, just wet, hot contact. He pushes. Your head falls against the edge of the bathtub, your body slides down and forces your pussy to rub against his thigh. Another whimper leaves you willingly.
“Relax, okay?” he speaks softly but with sexy playfulness in his voice.
“Okay”, you get out.
“That’s what I like to hear”, he says and lets go of your throat to dance his hand down the middle of your torso. He scoots back so he can brush his fingers over your pussy, going slow but calculated.
You roll your hips into his touch, parting your lips in a moan.
“Relax, just relax. I’ll take care of the rest.”
“Oh god, Kook…”
He gives you a little smirk and inhales deeply, diving down seconds later.
“Oh god”, you croak, closing your eyes in a sensual roll.
Jungkook grips your hips and lifts them closer to his face, flicking his tongue over your clit as quickly as the water allows him to. He has his feet out of the water like this, resting on his stomach. He means business this time around, finding himself in a sexy fight between his own lungs and your willing body. Who will give up first? His instincts to breathe or your perfect body? Jungkook can’t decide what he wants. Breathing sounds fun, but so does dragging out your orgasm. Where’s the fun in getting you off after seconds?
He dives up again. He didn’t need to, but keeping you on edge is more important.
Your needy whimpers meet his ears instantly. Jungkook can’t see your face like this, but doesn’t care because he can see your chest like this.
“You’ve got the most beautiful breasts”, he purrs, “my pretty girl, fuck”, he says and takes a deep breath.
“A-ah”, you cover your own mouth again. Having him return to your pussy never loses its spark. You have to writhe and squirm and arch your back, otherwise you wouldn’t be able to function. It’s hard to describe how good it feels to have him lick you under the water. There is a certain veil between the sensation and your nerves. As if the water is hiding away the true potential of his tongue. You can’t feel his spit, his slickened tongue and wet lips. The water hides it away, keeps it from you, steals it from you.
Jungkook makes up for it with an eager suck until you clit sits between his lips and he can swirl his tongue around it. For just a second you feel his spit, his slickened tongue.
You moan his name into your hand, rolling your eyes back further. Electricity is all you feel.
Until you don't. Jungkook dives up again, fighting for air as his eager lips kiss up your torso. He is fixing his position again, whispering curses against your skin.
“Fuck, I tried to hold my breath for as long as I could, sorry”, he says and chuckles deeply, “I could have done better.”
He drags his tongue from your collarbone up to your neck. You writhe uncontrollably. This is it. His slickened tongue. Your neck feels it before your pussy can.
“Kook please”, you beg.
“Soon. Soon, gotta”, he takes a few deep breaths, “gotta breathe more.”
You can’t take it. You are so impatient. You stand up and sit down on the edge.
Jungkook looks up at you between your legs. Water still drips from his dark hair.
“Please”, you beg and open your legs, propping one foot on the spacious edge and exposing yourself even better.
“Fuck, look at you. I’m actually crazy for you”, he growls and dives in face first. He quite literally and genuinely buries himself in your pussy, rubbing his face into her eagerly. His nose is so big and perfectly shaped that the impromptu facial makes you want to give him a different kind of facial.
Your hand is over your mouth again, you drop your head against the wall, curling your toes. If he keeps this up, he is going to make you cum with nothing but his nose. Oh god, this is getting you off so hard and good.
“I can’t wait to do this in real life. I’m so fucking impatient”, Jungkook rasps, dimpling your hips, “Imma make my skincare your pussy once I can. Hear me? The others are gonna have to drag me away if they wanna get a taste as well”, he says and replaces his nose with his tongue.
He uses all of it. The precise tip, the wet edge and the warm flat of it. Jungkook uses every single inch of it, making you writhe and squirm on the edge of the bathtub. He might not be able to go down on you in real life, but in here? In here where no curse tells him to rip you apart, he is going to make up for it. He is going to drink every droplet of your pleasure, swallow every twitch, savour every throb. Jungkook moans into you, using his lips just as much as he does his tongue. His soft, pouty lips. He sucks and kisses, rubs them against you and messies them with your leaking pleasure. And as he loses himself, he keeps moaning and keening and sighing, sending the most back-arching electricity through your sensitive nerves.
“Holy fuck Kook, I can’t do that for long” you croak into your hand, having to pant for air afterwards.
“Mhhm”, he hums, pressing himself closer just so he can grind his tongue against your pussy. He lowers himself, tilting his head back and holding your hips so he can drag his tongue all the way from your taint up to your clit. No inch of your perfect heaven should be missed out, no inch will be left unlicked and cherished. Jungkook needs to taste you, devour you. It’s all he exists for right now.
“Kook, wait please”, you beg, grabbing his hair.
He lets you pull him away, worrying that he might have hurt you, used too much teeth maybe.
“Did it hurt?” he asks, gazing up at you while his lips worship the inside of your right thigh.
You shake your head, “close.”
He smiles, rubbing your thigh with his gentle hand.
“Why did you stop me?” he asks and sucks a little hickey to your thigh.
You writhe, having to croak your words because of the sensation.
“It’s too soon.”
“Mhm, is it?” he whispers, guiding his kisses to your other thigh. He lingers on your pussy on his way, tongue kissing your clit slowly. The electricity builds quickly. Way too quickly. You tense and gasp and Jungkook is already gone, chuckling softly because you squirm from denial. He finally reaches your other thigh, cradling it in his big hand and kissing every inch of the sensitive inside.
“You’re so beautiful”, he whispers, showing you his honesty with gentle touches. His hands are so warm, his palms so soft. It feels so good to be adored this way.
He lifts his lips, touching your inner thighs as he gazes up at you.
“Is this okay?” he asks.
“And this?” he asks, brushing his thumb over your pussy.
You twitch into it, parting your lips in a silent moan.
He places his other hand on your lower stomach and uses his fingers to part your folds, exposing your clit this way and brushing his thumb over it as softly as possible.
“Is this okay, honey?” he whispers.
You nod your head vigorously, struggling with looking at him.
“You’re so beautiful. You know that, don’t you?”
You feel your cheeks heat up and your heart flutter in your chest.
“Yeah, you do. That’s why you’re being so perfect right now”, he says and lowers his tongue to your clit, sliding his thumb to your entrance so he can massage it as his tongue worships your exposed clit in precise licks. He uses his tip for it, forcing your head to roll back and your back to arch against your will.
“Don’t stop, please.”
“Mhhm, baby…” he lulls, smiling against you and kissing your clit, “so sweet, you’re so sweet”, he purrs, returning to licking you softly but precisely.
He closes his eyes, falling into the moment with you. His heart is racing, his tummy is filled with butterflies. He is so happy. All he wants to do in the real world is to love the people he loves gently. There is no desire for violence in his tender heart, no wish to be rough in his gentle hands. And yet his curse turns him into a violent, rough monster. This is paradise to him. He can love you how his golden heart desires, he can touch you how his loving hands crave.
You touch his thumb, searching for his pointer finger. He gives it to you, kissing your clit slowly as he concentrates on what you are going to do with it. You guide it to your entrance and push, burying his first knuckle in your warmth.
“Baby”, he moans and fulfills your sweet wish. He buries his middle and ring finger inside you, curling them in search for your sweet spot.
“Aah, Kook….”
“Is that the spot?” he asks against you.
He bottoms out, curling his fingers slowly.
“Not there.”
He fixes it a little, feeling it before you can voice it. Your walls clench and throb around his digits, your clit pulsates under his tongue.
“Kook”, you squeak out, holding his wrist for support, “there…”
“Mhm baby”, he purrs, squeezing his thighs together needily. He’s doing a good job. All his wishes are being fulfilled right now.
You grip the edge of the bathtub with your other hand, biting down on your lower lip because otherwise you would be way too loud. He’s devoting his all to your most sensitive nerves on both sides. His tongue on the outside and his fingers on the inside. You don’t know where the pleasure begins and ends, it spreads all over your body by now, feeling strongest where you have his devotion. It warms you up so much that you can’t even feel the cool air on your wet skin anymore. It is also growing more and more the longer he stays between your legs.
Soon you roll your hips into his mouth against your will, keeping his fingers inside with desperate clenches. Jungkook soaks up every shift, clench and shake. This is how your body moves when he is leading you to climax. It feels like a dance to him and he wants to learn every fucking step of it until he can recall it in his sleep.
You taste so much richer too. Jungkook isn’t even a Ripper right now and he still finds it difficult to keep such a gentle rhythm. He wants to munch. Fuck, he wants to slurp you up until he can’t anymore. But he doesn’t. He stays gentle, furrowing his brows in desperation while you bury your hand in his wet hair and tug.
“Don’t stop, ah please.”
Jungkook moans into you from the burn of his scalp. You are losing yourself so hard that you can’t control your strength. Fuck, his cock is so hard. You are ruining him.
“I have to…you make me…Kook, I’m cum-ah”, you choke out, ripping your mouth open to scream silently as he throws you over the edge.
Hard. He was so gentle, resulting in your orgasm to take control over you roughly. You shake and tremble, twisting his hair.
Jungkook moans and growls, looking up at you with blown out pupils. His head is pounding from ecstasy. He’s feeling your orgasm. He is finally feeling it. One eager curl of his fingers and you feed it to him as well.
“Sorry, ah!” you squeak, squirting all over his face against your will.
“Ngn”, Jungkook gurgles, widening his eyes in surprise at getting his face wet. It gushes out of his mouth at first until he finally finds his composure again and he begins to basically suck it out of you, losing every single composure in the process. He moans and growls, sucks and slurps and rubs his face into your weeping cunt. He spoke of your pussy being the only skincare he needs and he is hellbent on showing you how honest he was. He shows you and shows you and shows you until you are drained and empty, now twitching on his fingers weakly.
“Please stop”, you get out, trying to pull him away, “no more, please.”
Jungkook breaks away with a sinful moan, stilling his hunger by kissing up your stomach. He grabs and kneads your softness as he does it, panting heavily because he is far, far gone in his obsession for you.
“I need to live inside you”, he gets out between his wet kisses, “holy fuck, I need my air to be replaced with you scent. Baby, holy fuck, baby.”
“Koo, I’m falling, ah”, you squeak and slide into the bathtub.
Jungkook cushions your fall with a strong grip, lifting you on his lap even if the position is a little uncomfortable.
“Are you okay?”
“Yeah, ahm Kook, dizzy.”
“Lean into me, I got you”, he soothes you, rubbing your back.
“Oh god, Kook this was so intense oh god”, you babble, barely catching your breath.
“It was. Baby, I wanted to do this for you for so long. Oh god”, he hugs you closer, “don’t let this be over please”, he begs, looking up at you with obsessed eyes.
“I’m sensitive”, you whimper.
“I’ll be gentle, promise. I’ll be so gentle.”
“Can you kiss me first, please?”
“Of course, baby. Of course, holy fuck of course. My baby, oh my baby.”
Jungkook lifts you off his lap so he can lie you down in the water, using his hand as your pillow so you wouldn’t dive under. He keeps his other arm around your waist, pressing you against his torso as he claims your lips in a kiss.
You are so utterly under his control right now. If he decides to drop you, the water would swallow you whole. He is giving you oxygen just as much as he is stealing it with every kiss. His lips taste like you, his tongue feeds it to you in sensual licks. His face smells just a little like you as well, messing up your sanity. He kisses you until you ache between your legs and the thought of having him inside is the only thing running through your scrambled mind. A lot of time passed before you felt ready and the realisation that Jungkook was willing to wait despite his aching desire makes you want him even more. He is willing to wait for you, he is seeing your comfort as a priority. You need him to fuck you violently, quite frankly, it is difficult not to when he is being such a safe space.
You break the kiss, “fuck me, please.”
“Really?” his voice is shaking as he speaks, “are you sure?”
“Yes, please.”
Jungkook pulls you up with him, swiping the water out your face. He can barely breathe, panting like crazy.
“Are you really sure, baby?”
“Yeah, so sure.”
He laughs breathily and shakily, gazing at you with blown out pupils and flushed cheeks. He can’t stop cradling your cheeks. He does it over and over again. Letting go, cradling, letting go, cradling. He is so utterly smitten for you and it is so sweetly obvious to you.
“How do you want me?” he asks, exhaling shakily when you touch his chest. Your fingers rub his nipples mindlessly, forcing his cock to twitch repeatedly.
“Take me how you want to”, you make submissive eyes at him, “please, I trust you.”
“You”, he cradles your face, widening his eyes, “I’m fucking obsessed with you. Holy fuck.”
“Then fuck me like you mean it, please.”
He gulps and nods his head vigorously.
“Fuck, this is hot”, he laughs breathily, “okay so uhm. Stand up”, he orders.
You obey, feeling your knees wobble when he pulls you close by the small of your back and kisses you. His left hand is still on your back, his right is holding the back of your head. You are skin to skin, body to body. No distance. Just wet, heated contact. It gets you off just as good as the best fuck would. Your hands are restless. Where to touch? His neck, his shoulders, his arms, his big chest or small waist? You can’t touch him like this in the real world and you don’t know where to start now that you can.
You are so far apart in real life. So fucking far apart because his veins are filled with a curse. You want to be how you are right now but can’t. It’s impossible to decide on which spot to touch first now that the only thing filling your veins is obsessive pleasure.
You somehow end up fondling his chest however. It feels so strong and big between your fingers.
Jungkook breaks the kiss with a moan when your fingers find his nipples. His puffy lips stay parted, he lulls his words as he looks at you half lidded and droopy.
“This is doing something for me.”
“It is?” you croak, feeling your stomach tighten.
“Yeah, you’re touching me so fucking good.”
“Kook, oh god.”
“Mhm”, he purrs and grabs your waist, “do you want to turn around?”
You obey happily. Jungkook takes your hands and places them on the wall next to your head. He touches your torso until he can hold your right leg. He lifts it, guiding it so you stand on the edge of the bathtub.
Then he finally steps closer, caressing your waist and kissing your neck.
“Stay like this, my beautiful honey”, he orders in a loving whisper.
“Mh-hm”, you whimper.
“Do you want to stay like this, mhm? Can I fill that pretty pussy of yours like this?”
“Please”, you beg, nodding your head vigorously.
“Mhm, I love when you’re begging me, babygirl”, he says and steps back.
He spits on his own cock, spreading it quickly so he can get to where he actually wants to be. He drags his cock down your ass until he finally has your wet entrance against his tip.
“I can call you babygirl, can’t I?” he asks.
“Ye-aAh”, you moan loudly in sync with Jungkook sinking into you.
“Shit, so tight”, he rasps, placing his hands over yours and pinning you against the wall like this, “breathe babygirl, you’re not hurting are you?”
“No”, you croak and drop your cheek against the cold tile, “I love cock so much, oh god”, you get out and sob softly, arching your back so he can slip deeper.
Jungkook bottoms out, caging you in between his strong body and the wall. He is burning up, squeezing your hands.
“You love cock?”
You nod your head vigorously.
“Mhm, babygirl….” he purrs and begins to roll his hips into you, making you moan and whimper instantly, “lucky for you, I’ve got what you want. Does that do something for you, babygirl?”
“Course it does. Such a good girl, you’re made for me. Made for my cock”, he rasps, putting emphasis on the last word by pressing his cock right against your sweet spot.
You sway uncontrollably, trying to claw for support. He gives it to you by pinning you tighter against the wall, holding your hip with a strong grip.
“Too rough?”
“No”, you mewl, fucking back onto him, “please don’t stop, please.”
“I’m not gonna stop. You feel so good, babygirl. So fucking good.”
He is right. This feels so good. Your bodies are so close, you feel every thrust. The position gives you a natural tightness, resulting in you to feel every inch of his cock going in and out of you. You feel the shift of your tightness tugging his skin over his tip, feel his veins and the throbbing of them whenever he is especially deep. This is so good. He is so right for saying that. This feels so good.
“You’re so perfect, holy fuck, you’re perfect”, Jungkook pants, burying his face in the crook of your neck. He lets go of your right hand, painting an adoring touch down your torso until he has your clit under his fingers.
Your knees buckle, he pulls you back up, keeping his grip on your hip and moaning into you when you reach behind you to bury your hands in his hair.
“Jungkook”, his name from your lips feels like ecstasy to him.
He keeps his fingers still on clit, using the natural movements of your hips to pleasure you. You begin chasing him even needier, now running after the warmth of his touch and the electricity of his cock.
“Do you like this?”
“Koo, help me”, you beg, having to fight your own voice.
“What do you need?”
“Can’t stay quiet.”
“Mhm baby”, he purrs and presses you against his chest, placing his left hand over your mouth.
“I’ve got you. Let go, I’m keeping you quiet, let go”, he growls, drilling you so, so good that you actually moan into his hand.
You grip his strong lower arm, tattooing nail marks on his empty skin. Your eyes roll back when his cock hits your deepest spots, knees buckling as he is the only one keeping you standing.
“That’s my girl, moan for me. I’m keeping you quiet, keeping it all for myself. Fuck, your pussy’s heaven on earth.”
You are falling into him and the pleasure he gives you. Now that he is keeping you quiet, you can finally let go. And how you let go. His touch feels like paradise, his cock truly seals the deal. There is nothing holding you back anymore and it feels as if you are floating away on pleasure.
“My destiny, my girl, my everything”, Jungkook chants, living on nothing but your scent. He doesn’t keep his fingers still on your clit anymore. He is too desperate for it, too obsessed with every second. He hopes that you like it. He hopes that you get off on it because it is the main reason he does it. He gets off on getting you off. It is the proof that he is destined for tenderness, that his hands can do good and not just hurt. He is making you shake and it isn’t from fear but ecstasy.
You drool into his hand, mewling his name because he rubs your clit just right. It is so difficult to stand when he is quite literally forcing your legs to stop working. You want to crumble and fall down with your legs spread so he could do whatever he wants with them.
“Lean into me, don’t worry I’ve got you”, he tells you with a shaky voice. The shakes are timed with his deep grinds into your warmth. He can’t thrust a lot in this position, but neither of you care because his cock sits just right to massage your favourite spots. Which it return, makes your needy pussy suck on his cock in desperate clenches. Truly neither of you care that he can’t thrust, grinding against each other as he makes it harder and harder for you to stand.
You tug his hand away from your mouth.
“I have to cum”, you choke out.
“Let go, I’m here.”
“You, you, you have to hold me, I’m so…ah…weak”, you stutter and feel the knot break, losing all strength instantly.
Jungkook pulls you against him, keeping you standing easily.
“Relax, I’ve got you. I, I’ve…holy fuck, you feel so good. Holy fuck”, he moans, scrunching his face as your pussy pulsates around him.
He treats you so well, is so strong and gentle that your emotions make you orgasm even harder, resulting in your seemingly drained body to wet his cock as well. It runs down your legs and his thighs, trickling into the water loudly.
You have to bite his hand because otherwise you would scream.
“Holy shit, you’re so hot. Oh god baby, I have to cum too”, he croaks, “please fuck, please, baby, please.”
You tug his hand away again, “cum for me, please.”
“Urgh fuck”, he growls and pulls out quickly to jerk off his cock. You turn around even if it is difficult, gawking at him in surprise because you expected his seed. He meets your eyes, his face is tight in concentrated pleasure, “just in case. We’re human here.”
He is so fucking considerate. Holy fuck.
“Kook”, you moan and fall down onto your knees, dragging your hands down his big thighs.
You tilt your head back and open your mouth.
“Seriously?” he squeaks.
You nod your head.
“Holy fuck, baby”, he moans and takes your head to guide your mouth onto his cock. He fits into you easily because he is only human right now.
He wants to be considerate and only feed you his tip, but you sink down deeper until you have him at the back of your tongue just about where your gag reflex would start. You slide your other to his balls and shaft, playing with what you can’t fit while your eyes gaze up at him. You begin bopping your head up and down, sucking as best as possible.
Jungkook’s knees buckle, he finds support by slamming his hands against the wall. He opens his mouth, letting out a shaky “a-ah” before closing his mouth again and furrowing his brows.
His fingers deepen in your hair, his lids flutter.
You suck on his tip as harshly as you can, making him growl before he remembers that he has to be quiet and he whimpers instead.
“Soon, really soon.”
He is throbbing in your mouth. You slide your hand up his shaft to get a good grip so you can pull his foreskin back and expose his tip even better. With his tip exposed, all his most sensitive nerves are sitting on your tongue, getting licked and sucked as you fuck your face with him.
“Now”, of course it sets him off. Of course it does. It feels so good to him. Jungkook rolls his eyes back and throws his head back, climaxing down your throat with a squeak of your name. His fingers tremble in your hair, his shaky legs can barely keep him standing.
You mewl around him, swallowing every single droplet your mouth can fit. The rest, you let trickle out of you, soiling your chin and chest. You are so hungry for him and show him until he is sucked dry and he has to flee in overstimulation.
He drops to his knees loudly, “holy fuck”, he croaks and pulls you into a kiss. You are both kneeling, pushing and pulling each other to get closer. He doesn’t even care that your mouth was still filled with his cum, licking it out of you hungrily as he floats on the afterglow with you.
You recover like this. Kissing and touching each other. You go from sloppy, needy tongue kisses to slower yet needy kisses until you reach gentle, little kisses and caresses.
Enough time passed that you and he feel a little chilly already, hugging each other to get warm.
“This was amazing”, he says and lies down in the water, pulling you with him so you rest between his legs with your head on his chest.
“Yeah, it was.”
“How are you feeling? Does anything hurt?”
“No, I feel so good, just really tired.”
“Yeah, me too. Wanna clean up and then get under the sheets?”
You and he wash each other with fresh water, you dry each other and help each other with your hair. And as you take care of each other like good lovers should do after such a moment of passion, you talk about said moment. Jungkook shares with you how he dreams of being like this with you in the real world and you assure him that one day he will. You share with him that when you first started having sex you found it scary at first to give yourself in submission but that he and the others make you feel really safe to which he holds you gently and thanks you for allowing him the privilege of seeing you this way.
Then you leave for your bedroom, holding hands as you do.
![Index[Chapter 02 - Destiny]](https://64.media.tumblr.com/a23f76303fad56ebe8636222cc1577ba/39011799787c6bff-f1/s500x750/6d39821d049beab901372c1339dbcb075d1f9e92.png)
You are already under the blanket and Jungkook is in the midst of climbing inside when you stop him.
“Hey, Kookie?”
“Can you get me some water? I’m so thirsty.”
“Of course, I’ll get it”, he says and leaves the room after kissing your forehead and putting on pants.
You are fighting sleep when he comes back a few moments later. He fucked you so good that you’re really exhausted now, fluttering your eyes at him sleepily.
“You won’t believe what I just witnessed downstairs”, he says, handing you the glass of water. You sit up, accepting it.
“What?” you ask, drinking the water gladly.
He takes off his pants and climbs into bed.
“Taehyung and Yoongi had a bonfire outside and apparently they talked it out. They’re friends now.”
“Really?” you gasp, feeling your heart flutter.
“Yeah, they’re washing the dishes downstairs and they’re talking.”
“Oh my god”, you get out, “oh my god, I’m so happy right now. I really wished for them to be friends again.”
“Yeah, me too”, he says and places the empty glass on the bedside table after you handed it to him.
You and he lie down, cuddling together under the blanket. Jungkook turns off the light and wraps his arms around you afterwards, tracing your spine slowly.
“Did you actually see them?” you ask quietly.
“Yeah, I talked to them and they told me.”
“Wow, this is so amazing. I’m so happy”, you whisper and cuddle closer, “I love you so much. All of you.”
It is the last thing you want to share before sleep drags you down.
Jungkook smiles, kissing the crown of your head.
“I love you too. The others love you too”, he whispers, rubbing your back, “sleep tight, my gentle destiny.”
Oh, my poor boys 🥺 We must protect them at all costs. They didn't have an easy life 😪 Honestly none of all polyfamily had. Their past lives were sad and hurting 😔 that's why I'm so happy that they are all together in this magical realm, that they have time to bond and heal.
I'm proud of Jungkook for being so strong, mature and protective. They're falling in love and their feelings are so pure and sweet.
Can't wait for Saturday ☺
![Index[Chapter 05 - Bonding]](https://64.media.tumblr.com/fed05ec4ba913acf2f0447258272138a/d55f48117b2ff8c8-d5/s500x750/351bdee8f92c413cabf5631f5270002550887763.jpg)
↳ Index [Chapter 05 - Bonding]
Focus on Pairing: Jungkook x Taehyung
Warnings: a romantic picnic date in the forest, Tae is a nervous mess, he is actually a mess in general, so many insecurities and anxieties and signs of PTSD, please seriously someone hold this man, despite these warnings this chapter is so romantic and healing, Kook is the sweetest and most patient person ever, he is so fucking important to Tae's healing journey, they're really bonding <3, they're so cute :(, there is a moment where "smut" could be implied but i can't say more without spoiling the plot, there is no smut though, ah yes there is also talks about being queer and how amazing it is to be queer, i love being queer no joke <3, and i love them :(
Wordcount: 10.4k
a/n: i feel like these warnings are a mess bahahah i didn't wanna spoiler too much, this chapter is definitely the "angstiest" though which says a lot about this story because it's still so fluffy and sweet despite the "angst"
![Index[Chapter 05 - Bonding]](https://64.media.tumblr.com/7c284d92bb75cda0d3c39f3b2ed1829f/d55f48117b2ff8c8-b3/s500x750/7bcbb60de639677c0d2d709be20ba6a1378c4039.png)
Yoongi’s softened eyes meet yours as you open them to a new morning. His face lights up, an adoring smile washes over his features. He must have been gazing at you for a while because his cheeks are slightly flushed.
You retort the smile instantly with your pulse speeding up. His eyes are dark brown again, his hair a deep black, and yet, the memory of how they glowed purple last night is still so fresh to you. He looked so incredibly beautiful.
You reach out and caress his cheek, making him flutter his lashes in contentment.
“Good morning, my beloved”, you speak softly.
“Good morning.”
“Did you sleep well?”
He nods his head and scoots closer to kiss your forehead.
“I love you”, he whispers, making your heart race.
“I love you too.”
“My love”, he sighs, giving you a gentle hug.
You snuggle into him, giggling quietly.
“Last night was so nice”, you say.
“It was incredible”, he agrees.
“I can’t stop repeating the way you looked.”
“Me neither, my love. Your magic is so beautiful.”
“Yours is just as beautiful.”
He gives you a gentle squeeze, “my beloved love.”
You giggle, “Yoongi, oh god. You’re so cute.”
You crane your neck, kissing his lips. He smiles into the kiss, purring in happiness as his hand caresses your cheek.
You break the kiss once you need to breathe, putting some distance between each other so you could gaze.
“I like you so, so much, Boongie.”
“I like you too, my princess.”
You smile. He retorts it, holding your hand.
“Do you feel normal?” he asks.
“Yeah, just really happy and a little hungry. Why?”
“Just so. I still can’t believe you let me cum inside.”
“Yeah”, you agree with a giddy scrunch of your nose, “I don’t regret it.”
“Me neither”, he squeezes your hand, “if something happens and you change your mind, I will support you. I just want you to know.”
You know what he insinuates, feeling so incredibly safe with him.
“Thank you so much”, you kiss his hand, “I love you.”
“I love you too”, he answers you and rubs his tummy, “I’m hungry too.”
“You are? Oh poor Boongie”, you go to rub his tummy even if he giggles as a defence mechanism, “should we get brekky?”
“Yeah, I’d like that.”
![Index[Chapter 05 - Bonding]](https://64.media.tumblr.com/a23f76303fad56ebe8636222cc1577ba/d55f48117b2ff8c8-28/s500x750/471b6d2ebfec06b7555bbd4b67b79e3ed598de35.png)
Taehyung and Jungkook are up earlier than you because the guestroom is already empty when you pass it. Yoongi thinks that they are downstairs and so you continue your way to the kitchen.
Taehyung is sitting cross-legged on the floor, freeing cherries from their pits together with your grandfather. Next to them, your grandmother is kneading dough for a pie. Jungkook isn’t present in the room, but the door to the garden is open. They have the radio on, playing songs from a long passed time.
“Good morning.”
Their heads turn in sync with your greeting. Their voices overlap as they all greet you and Yoongi. You hug your grandmother and your hug your grandfather, then you kiss Taehyung on his lips and caress his soft cheek. He leans into the touch with sparkly puppy eyes.
“Did you sleep well?” you ask no one in particular.
“I did”, Taehyung answers, “and you?”
“We did.”
“We didn’t get to see you at all yesterday.”
“I know, right? Yoongi and I practiced magic for almost the entire day and when we came back for dinner, you guys were still out, painting? Paps said that you were.”
![Index[Chapter 05 - Bonding]](https://64.media.tumblr.com/a23f76303fad56ebe8636222cc1577ba/d55f48117b2ff8c8-28/s500x750/471b6d2ebfec06b7555bbd4b67b79e3ed598de35.png)
One Day Prior
“Well then, I don’t wanna keep you from it. See you later, guys. I love you”, you say and send them flying kisses. You are below their window, carrying a picnic basket and a bright smile.
Taehyung and Jungkook catch the kisses you sent them, giggling just as you do.
“We love you too”, they say in unison, waving you goodbye as you continue your journey to the forest.
“She’s glowing today”, Taehyung says as he watches you skip along the path.
“I thought the same”, Jungkook says.
“Do you think that she will find Yoongi?”
“I bet she will. But even if she won’t, she’ll have a good time. She’ll probably just look at plants and cry over small animals.”
Taehyung laughs fondly. Jungkook does the same.
“That is something she would do.”
“Yeah right?”
You disappear out of their sight as the forest swallows you. The two men shift their eyes back to the view of the forest before them. Taehyung steps closer to Jungkook and hugs his waist tighter.
“Your heart’s racing like crazy, by the way”, Jungkook speaks softly as his fingers play with Taehyung’s mindlessly. He has his left hand rested on the window sill and Jungkook took the chance.
“Because I am with you.”
“You’re a softie.”
“I am. For you”, Taehyung kisses Jungkook’s neck gently, “my weakness.”
Jungkook smiles fondly, “softie.”
Taehyung purrs, rubbing his cheek against Jungkook’s shoulder. He slips his hands from their intertwined fingers and runs them along his arms instead. Once he reaches his elbows, he changes his touch to his stomach instead, tracing the lines of his muscles with his fingertips. Goosebumps cover Jungkook’s skin instantly, soft purrs rumble in his chest.
“Do you want to spend time with me today?” Taehyung asks in a whisper.
“Do you have something in mind?”
“Do you want to paint in the forest? Perhaps have a picnic as well?”
“A picnic? It sounds romantic.”
“It is supposed to be romantic. We haven’t truly gone on a date ever since all of this calmed down.”
“Right”, Jungkook agrees, “mhm, a picnic in the forest sounds nice.”
“Really? Do you truly want to spend time with me?”
“Sure, I’d like that.”
“O-on a date?”
“Yes, that sounds nice.”
Taehyung exhales shakily and presses a kiss to Jungkook’s shoulder.
“I am so happy to hear that”, he whispers and breaks away from Jungkook, “I am calling dips on the bathroom.”
Jungkook chuckles, “alright, do your thing.”
Taehyung keeps the bedroom door open, singing to himself on his way to the bathroom.
Jungkook tidies the room a little. He makes the bed, puts away yesterday’s clothing and cleans the clutter on the bedside tables. He takes the empty glasses of water and makes his way downstairs with a melody on his lips. The shower runs and Taehyung sings happily.
The downstairs is empty, but Jungkook doesn’t worry. He knows where you and Yoongi are and your grandparents are definitely in the garden. Jungkook thinks that it is so lovely that you got your passion for gardening from them.
Jungkook turns on the radio and begins making the picnic. He eats a slice of raspberry pie for strength and sips from his cup of coffee every now and then. Food tastes so good when it actually nourishes the body. Jungkook really loves it.
Taehyung comes downstairs when Jungkook has already finished two dishes.
“You tidied the bedroom.”
Jungkook looks at Taehyung. He is wearing beige dress pants and a white linen shirt with strings in the front to close the collar. He has his sleeves down and golden rings on his fingers. His dark hair is styled.
“I did”, Jungkook confirms.
“Are you making breakfast?” Taehyung asks and comes behind him to hug his waist.
“No. I’m preparing the picnic. I had raspberry pie for breakfast. I saved you a slice as well.”
“I see, thank you”, Taehyung says, nuzzling his nose into the crook of Jungkook’s neck.
“Tae, behave”, Jungkook warns and wiggles out of the hug gently.
“I am. I just wanted to smell you”, Taehyung defends himself.
Jungkook scoffs in amusement, placing the cooking towel aside.
“I’m washing up now. Take out the bread once the timer’s done and check on the potatoes. Don’t touch anything you have no idea how to cook.”
“You are mean”, Taehyung calls after him.
Jungkook chuckles. The door closes moments later.
Taehyung looks around the kitchen. Jungkook prepared sandwiches with various fillings, as well as rice rolls with vegetables from the garden. He also has potatoes for a salad boiling happily and seems to bake small baguettes in the oven.
Taehyung straightens up after looking into the oven, scratching his head in thinking. He has no idea what he could contribute to the picnic. He can’t cook and the one thing he can make - sandwiches – Jungkook already made.
Perhaps. Taehyung’s eyes light up. Perhaps he could try his luck with pancakes again. He must be better at them these days. He just must.
With this glorious plan in mind, Taehyung begins his contribution to the picnic.
![Index[Chapter 05 - Bonding]](https://64.media.tumblr.com/a23f76303fad56ebe8636222cc1577ba/d55f48117b2ff8c8-28/s500x750/471b6d2ebfec06b7555bbd4b67b79e3ed598de35.png)
Jungkook hurries downstairs.
“What’s burning?” he asks worriedly.
Taehyung has his sleeves rolled up by now and his hair dishevelled just a little.
“Don’t look.”
“Tae, what did you do?”
“Don’t come here.”
Jungkook reaches his side, looking at the stack of burned pancakes. He looks at them with big eyes.
“How can you burn them so bad?” he gasps.
“I swear I did everything right. I worked so diligently on getting them golden”, Taehyung says and pouts, “I’m sorry. I know you told me not to do anything, but I still did.”
Jungkook laughs, patting his butt gently.
“Hey, it’s okay. Don’t apologise. At least you tried. And look, you made five nice ones. That’s an improvement.”
Taehyung’s eyes light up, “that’s right. I did manage to make five nice ones.”
“Good job, Tae”, Jungkook praises and pats his butt, “also, you took out the bread and potatoes at the right time.”
“I even cut them. Can you see?”
“I can. Good job. They’re cut very nicely.”
Taehyung scrunches his nose.
“Thank you so much.”
“Now can you get me the salt and pepper? We need to marinate this salad. It’s gonna be so good.”
“Yes, of course. I can get you spices”, Taehyung says and begins working with sparkly eyes.
Jungkook studies him. He looks so happy and content now that he can be helpful. Jungkook smiles. He likes seeing Taehyung like this.
“Should I put them in already?”
“Yes, go careful. We don’t want it to be too salty.”
Taehyung goes careful, sticking out his tongue in concentration. He sprinkles salt over the potatoes, looking at Jungkook once his fingers are empty.
“Was that good?”
“That was perfect.”
Taehyung’s eyes sparkle.
“Go ahead and put the pepper in it as well, I’m getting the stuff for the sauce.”
Taehyung sings to the radio as he works. Jungkook listens to him with warmth in his chest. He is always the one others take care of, others baby and coddle and try to help. And while Jungkook likes being coddled, he also sometimes really needs to feel as if he could guide someone, as if he is the one being needed. He really likes what he has going on with Taehyung right now.
He returns with his hands full, looking into the salad.
“And?” Taehyung asks with expectant eyes.
“Looks good. You’ve done so well”, Jungkook praises.
“Thank you, wow”, Taehyung rests his head against Jungkook’s arm.
“Do you want to do something else?”
“Yes. I want to.”
“Why don’t you make a pretty charcuterie box? I’m sure someone like you can make pretty boxes.”
“Yes, oh I love charcuterie boards. Why a box?”
“So we can take it with us.”
“I see. I understand. I am going to make it very prettily. Just you wait, I will work very hard on it.”
“I’m sure you will.”
The two men share lovely silence like this. Jungkook finishes the potato salad and makes little wraps with a savoury filling, while Taehyung works hard on perfecting the charcuterie box. Jungkook also cuts up some fruits and puts grandma’s pie into a container, while Taehyung still works on his box. And as Jungkook fills the picnic basket with the food, cutlery and plates, Taehyung still works on his box.
Jungkook allows him this time, eventhough he feels stressed about it. He is someone who likes to move fast, work quickly and finish a lot in little time. He would have finished this box ages ago, but he knows not to comment on it. Taehyung needs it. Jungkook knows way better than one might assume, how important such small moments of quiet are to a traumatised mind.
So he lets Taehyung work and busies himself with cleaning instead. Taehyung doesn’t notice until Jungkook wipes the counter a little to his right. He lifts his head, looking around the room with big eyes.
“Am I taking too long?”
“It’s okay. Take your time.”
“I am sorry, I am almost finished. I, I am trying to get all the details right.”
“It’s okay, take your time. We still have all day”, Jungkook assures him with a chaste kiss to his jawline, “I’m gonna pop into the garden real quick and ask grandma if they have painting supplies. Take your time, okay?”
Taehyung nods his head, lowering it shyly afterwards.
“Take your time, okay? You’re doing well.”
![Index[Chapter 05 - Bonding]](https://64.media.tumblr.com/a23f76303fad56ebe8636222cc1577ba/d55f48117b2ff8c8-28/s500x750/471b6d2ebfec06b7555bbd4b67b79e3ed598de35.png)
Taehyung has finished his charcuterie box, as well as finished packing the basket when Jungkook comes back inside with your grandmother. They are talking about painting as she shows him what they could take for their picnic. Once all supplies are packed, they leave the cottage to finally go on their forest adventure. Jungkook carries everything because he finished putting on his shoes sooner than Taehyung. The latter jogs so he could open the garden door.
“Thank you”, Jungkook says and enters the forest path.
Taehyung closes the door, then does another light jog to catch up with Jungkook.
“Should I help you?” he offers, trying to reach for the heavy picnic basket.
“It’s okay, I can manage”, Jungkook says as he carries it with ease. It doesn’t feel heavy to him at all.
“At least let me carry the blanket.”
“It’s fine, seriously.”
“I feel so useless now.”
Jungkook ogles him and gives up with a sigh.
“Actually, maybe you could carry the blanket. It’s kinda heavy.”
“Of course”, Taehyung says and takes it happily. He throws it over his shoulder, giving Jungkook a shy grin. One Jungkook retorts.
Their adventure takes them past the lake you and Yoongi are spending time together at. The sound of someone cutting wood fills the air.
“So this is where she went”, Taehyung says.
“I guess so, yeah”, Jungkook agrees.
The two men slow down and linger in hiding. Yoongi is cutting wood while you are on the blanket reading a book. You and he seem peaceful and truly lost in your own little world.
“Should we join them?”
“No, let’s give them their privacy.”
“Very well. Then I want to walk along this path”, Taehyung says and takes Jungkook’s hand to lead him away.
Jungkook looks at their intertwined hands, then at Taehyung’s face. The latter seemed content and as if the sudden skinship felt normal to him.
“The sunlight looks especially beautiful on this path, wouldn’t you agree?” Taehyung asks, looking at Jungkook. He flusters and pulls his hand away, “forgive me.”
“It’s okay. You didn’t do anything wrong”, Jungkook assures him in a soft voice.
Taehyung lowers his eyes shyly and reaches for Jungkook’s hand again. Carefully. Just a brush of his fingers to test the waters. Pull away. Cheeks flush. Jungkook reaches out and intertwines his fingers with Taehyung, making the decision for him.
Taehyung meets his eyes and giggles.
“Mhm”, Jungkook lets out and smiles fondly. He never imagined Taehyung to be so timid, but he likes that he is. Normally, Jungkook is always the one who everyone wants to baby and call shy. So it is a very nice and welcome change to feel as if he could be the one babying someone.
He pulls Taehyung just a little closer, “you said the sunlight looks especially nice here?”
“Yes, I did. At least I think it does”, Taehyung says and flusters again, “ah please forgive me”, he gets out, breaking away to hide his face in his hands and giggles.
“What’s the matter?” Jungkook asks in a chuckle, nudging his arm playfully, “why are you so shy?”
“You make me shy”, Taehyung says and glances at Jungkook, “stop it, please.”
“Why? I’m not even doing anything”, Jungkook complains in laughter, stumbling slightly when Taehyung pushes at his arm softly.
“Yes, you do. You look at me.”
“Oh? I’m sorry then, it won’t happen again”, Jungkook teases and turns his head away.
Taehyung rounds him, but Jungkook turns his head away again.
“No”, Taehyung laughs and rounds Jungkook again only for the latter to turn his head away.
Taehyung whines and grasps for Jungkook, “don’t do that”, he is laughing.
Jungkook laughs as well, feeling happy when he can tease Taehyung one more time by turning his head away as the latter tries to get his eye contact.
“I didn’t mean it”, Taehyung says and cups Jungkook’s face. They fight each other gently. Jungkook could easily win in this realm, but he lets Taehyung win instead, laughing heartily at his adorable attempts to steal a glance.
Taehyung pulls him closer and rubs his nose against Jungkook’s. Jungkook keeps his eyes closed on purpose.
“Look at me, please”, Taehyung begs in a whisper as his fingers grasp Jungkook’s face almost desperately.
Jungkook opens his eyes.
Taehyung melts in giddiness instantly, scrunching his nose. He flutters his lashes prettily, letting out a shy giggle.
Jungkook chuckles softly and steals a kiss.
“You’re adorable right now”, he says, sliding his hand together with Taehyung’s and tugging softly, “come on, the basket’s getting heavy.”
Taehyung follows him with wobbly knees, hugging his arm. He rests his head against Jungkook’s shoulder, twisting the fabric of his shirt mindlessly. He hasn’t felt this way about a man in decades. He feels so entirely silly for it because in the grand scheme of endless time, he has only been with Jungkook for a very short time. Four months ever since Namjoon was defeated to be exact. The two men didn’t have enough time yet to truly get to know each other. Taehyung shouldn’t feel so strongly for him already, but he cannot help himself. Courting Jungkook makes Taehyung feel like a giddy, young queer again. He hasn’t felt this way in forever.
He keeps these thoughts to himself however because he fears to be too much. That is why he shied away from holding his hand or why he didn’t dare to call it a date. Yes, Jungkook is very openly and proudly bisexual, but Taehyung doesn’t want to be the reason why Jungkook could question it in a negative way. Taehyung truly feels that he could make him question it. Oh, he feels so insecure lately. As if he was a desperate, pitiful beggar asking for something he wasn’t worthy of.
Taehyung lifts his head from Jungkook’s shoulder, deepening the hand holding. He gulps. They begin again. The painful thoughts. They have been haunting him for months. They keep him up at night and steal his desire to be creative. The once beautiful sunlight is invisible to him right now. Jungkook’s hand in his’ feels like an act of pity. Taehyung wants to gulp, but can’t because his throat is beginning to constrict.
“Look. What do you think of this spot?” Jungkook asks and slows down on a small clearing. A patch of grass is stretching its green arms to the sunlight. Small forest flowers break up the lush green in specks of white and yellow. The spot is romantic and intimate. Jungkook knows that Taehyung will like it, so he gets worried when the latter doesn’t answer him.
He looks at him. Taehyung is staring into nothingness with glassy eyes. He is at the same time breathing heavily and not breathing at all.
“Tae?” Jungkook tries, giving his hand a gentle shake.
Taehyung doesn’t react, so Jungkook tries again.
“Taehyung?” he says a little louder.
When Taehyung doesn’t react again, he places himself in front of him and cups his cheeks.
“Taehyung, hey.”
Taehyung flinches, blinking his eyes a few times before they finally focus on Jungkook.
“I lost you for a moment. Are you okay?”
Taehyung grows embarrassed instantly, “please forgive me”, he whispers, trying to lower his head, but Jungkook doesn’t let him.
“Don’t apologise, you didn’t do anything wrong”, he assures him and brushes his thumb over his cheeks, “what’s the matter? Where did you go when I lost you?”
Taehyung shakes his head.
“You can’t say yet?”
He nods his head.
“Is it too painful?”
He hesitates, but nods his head in the end.
“I understand. Well, I’m glad that you’re back again and if you want to, you can talk to me.”
Taehyung nods his head and leans into Jungkook’s touch. He closes his eyes and sighs in relief.
“Now. What do you think of this spot? I think it’s very romantic”, Jungkook asks in order to take his mind off of whatever haunted him before.
Taehyung peels his eyes open and looks around for a bit. His face gains a happy glow as more and more seconds pass and soon, he carries an honest smile on his lips.
“I love this spot. It is so romantic”, he says.
“Yeah, right? Let’s set up our picnic here. Come on, teamwork. we’ll put down the blanket together.”
“Yes, alright”, Taehyung says with newly found joy in his voice.
The two men work perfectly together to prepare the picnic. They lay out the blanket, put down a few pillows and spread out the containers of food. Jungkook hands them to him and Taehyung opens the lids. It is truly perfect teamwork and only a few moments later, the picnic is set up.
Jungkook and Taehyung are facing each other because it naturally happened this way. Obviously, both men have their shoes off. Jungkook leans back on his hands and stretches out his legs.
“Ah”, he sighs contently, “that’s life. Picnics in nature are the best.”
He closes his eyes and tilts his face up into the sun. The light feels warm on his skin, filling him with a sense of freedom. He missed the sunlight so much. In the real world, he can’t stay in it for too long because his sensitive eyes would begin aching way too much. Jungkook really treasures the sunny moments here.
Taehyung watches him with a racing heart. Every single inch of his face is perfect. His jawline, his chin, his lips, his nose and forehead. The way his eyes look closed and how his cheeks are so soft. Because he is human in this world, Jungkook’s skin finally looks alive again. It is golden in the sunlight. Taehyung doesn’t exaggerate. He truly thinks that his skin looks as if made out of pure gold.
Taehyung reaches for his paper and gouache paints and begins sketching what he sees. Taehyung imagines everything in shapes of different colours when he paints. Humans, animals, nature and architecture are basically all just made up of different shapes in different colours to him, which he will replicate in his art until it shows what he sees. Taehyung thinks that Jungkook’s shapes are the most beautiful shapes he has seen in a man’s face in a long time.
Jungkook moves out of the position when he doesn’t hear Taehyung after a few moments. Worry is prominent in his eyes, he must have thought Taehyung was lost in painful thoughts again.
“What are you doing?” he asks him, studying him.
Taehyung lifts his head and widens his eyes.
“Please don’t move. I am not done yet.”
“Are you drawing me?”
“Yes, please move back to how you were before.”
Jungkook chuckles and does as he is told.
“Like this?”
“No, not like this. Tilt it further.”
Jungkook fixes his head.
“Like this?”
“No, wait”, Taehyung says and gets on his knees so he could reach for Jungkook’s head. He fixes his position in his stead, oblivious to Jungkook’s eyes on him until he goes to fix the strands of hair on his forehead. Jungkook is smiling at him, letting his pretty eyes run over his face. There is fond playfulness sparkling in them.
Taehyung flusters, pulling his fingers away.
“Forgive me. I didn’t ask for permission to touch”, he whispers, feeling mesmerised by Jungkook’s eyes.
Jungkook stays quiet, which makes Taehyung nervous.
“I am sorry”, he says, “really.”
Jungkook reaches up and brushes the back of his hand over Taehyung’s chin.
“You’re so handsome”, he whispers.
“What?” Taehyung breathes, feeling lightheaded.
“You’re so handsome”, Jungkook says and smiles, tracing his thumb over Taehyung’s lips.
They part. His eyes lower. His cheeks flush.
“Oh god”, Taehyung presses out and falls back with his face hidden in his hands, “please stop it.”
“Why? You’re normally not that shy.”
“Because you aren’t like this normally.”
“I don’t know what you’re saying. I’m just as I always am.”
“No you are not, you are looking at me.”
“Why am I not allowed to look at you?” Jungkook laughs and closes the distance between them to overwhelm Taehyung. He pushes him to his back, grabbing his wrists to pin them above his head.
“Ah”, Taehyung moans softly, having to gasp for air afterwards.
Jungkook is pinning him down, staring so deeply into his eyes, Taehyung feels dizzy.
“Mhm? Why am I not allowed to look at you?” Jungkook whispers in a slight rasp.
“I, I”, Taehyung stutters, but can’t think of anything to say.
Jungkook chuckles and places a kiss on Taehyung’s jawline. The latter arches his back and sighs, parting his legs for something which never comes.
“You’re so cute, Tae”, Jungkook whispers and breaks away to return to the pose.
Taehyung needs a few moments to function again. He lies still on the blanket, staring at the sky with a racing heart. The spot Jungkook kissed is tingling uncontrollably, his stomach is spilling over with butterflies. He is done for, isn’t he?
In the past, Taehyung was the one to fluster Jungkook, to steal his breath and make him malfunction with just a touch. Not anymore, not when true feelings are involved. Nothing but a look is already enough to mess up his thoughts, a touch truly renders him useless. Taehyung is so done for.
“Are you going to paint me?” Jungkook asks.
“Forgive me, I”, Taehyung sits up and tries to fix his hair. His fingers shake a little as he reaches for his brush, “ye-yes I am. Please uhm, please hold still.”
Jungkook chuckles, “you’re so cute”, he says and closes his eyes.
They spent quiet like this, but it is never truly silent. The song of birds, the humming of insects and the rushing of the wind keeps them company. Taehyung’s brush makes a faint sound as he guides it over the paper. It doesn’t take him long to finish his sketch. He has been painting for more than eight hundred years after all.
“You are allowed to move again.”
“Yeah? Did I turn out well?” Jungkook asks and tries to look.
“No peeking”, Taehyung says and moves the paper away, “I want to finish it first.”
“Alright, if you say so”, Jungkook chuckles and sits back. He shifts his eyes to the picnic, “you don’t mind if I start eating, do you?”
“No, go ahead.”
“Mhhm nice. Oh all of that looks so yummy. Mhm what should I take first? Uh gimbap”, Jungkook mumbles to himself as he fills his plate with a variety of foods.
Once his plate is finished, he prepares one for Taehyung as well. He places it next to him, laughing when he moves the paper away panickedly.
“I wasn’t tryna peek, just made you food.”
“Oh. Thank you”, Taehyung says with a blush.
“Enjoy”, Jungkook says and pecks his pink cheek, before sitting back to begin eating.
He does so with his eyes scanning over the scenic view. The sunlight breaks through the leaf canopy perfectly so that the sun rays are visible. There are small bugs and butterflies fluttering in the lights.
“I think I wanna paint the forest”, Jungkook says and busies himself by setting up his painting station. He makes breaks for snacking every now and then.
“The forest is a wonderful motive”, Taehyung murmurs with his mouth stuffed with food. He truly enjoys the taste. Jungkook is a very talented cook.
“Yeah, I agree. Have you been painting for long?”
“Yes, all my life. Even when I was still human, I painted in my spare time.”
“Damn, then you’ve been painting for forever.”
“I truly enjoy it. Painting, or art in general, brings me great peace of mind. I find myself truly zone out whenever I create art.”
“I get that. My brain sorta shuts off too when I paint.”
“So you paint as well?”
“I do, yeah. Just not as passionately as you.”
“I see. Did you paint as a human as well?”
“No, not really. I was more of a drawing kinda guy back then. I always loved the sketches I did, but hated colouring them. I honestly still do. I prefer to draw than to paint.”
“I see. I really love drawing as well, but I prefer painting.”
“It suits you.”
“What does that mean?” Taehyung asks, meeting Jungkook’s eyes.
“Just that painting suits you”, he smiles, “it’s a compliment.”
“Oh”, he flusters, looking away, “thank you.”
Jungkook feels warm fondness in his chest for Taehyung. He is genuinely so cute when he flusters.
“Okay, idea. What are your top five art forms?” he asks because he wants to keep talking to him.
“My top five art forms?”
“Yes, painting, sculpting, stuff like that. What are your top five? They don’t have to be in order, just what do you love the most?”
“No one ever asked me that before.”
“I thought it could be fun. Normal date questions can be so boring.”
Taehyung flusters. A date. He is truly on a date. He almost forgets about his answer because of how giddy he feels.
“Well then, uhm”, he begins, “I would say that painting is my most favourite, I enjoy pottery a great deal and the entire process of painting the pieces. I would also consider embroidery to be one of my favourites.”
“Yes, I like it.”
“That’s so cool. I never tried embroidery before, but I think it’s such an impressive art skill.”
Taehyung studies Jungkook’s features. Jungkook doesn’t hate him, does he? He is actually interested in him. Taehyung doesn’t need to feel like a pitiful beggar because there is nothing he needs to beg for with Jungkook. He gives him attention and interest willingly. Taehyung cannot put his feelings into words yet, but what Jungkook is doing right now feels healing to Taehyung.
“It is so much fun. I really love it”, Taehyung says and takes a deep breath. The air filling his lungs feels so good all of a sudden.
“You have to show me how to do it one day. I would love to learn.”
“Yes. Yes, I can teach you”, Taehyung says, bouncing on the spot excitedly.
Jungkook grins, “awesome. I’ll take you up on your offer then. Now back to the question, give me two more.”
Jungkook is so interested in him. Holy fuck, Taehyung feels like finally diving up for air after an endless battle under water. He talks with his heart racing addictingly in his chest.
“I would also say that I enjoy writing poetry a great deal and my fifth thing would be” he thinks for a moment, “does music count?”
“Of course it does.”
“Then I would say that I truly enjoy music. Making it or writing it. I love it.”
“These are good answers. They fit you all so well.”
Taehyung blushes. They fit him. His favourite art fits him.
“Thank you”, he whispers with a racing pulse. This is what being human is about. Racing heartbeats because of love.
“Now ask me a question. Let’s make a game out of it. We take turns asking questions.”
“Oh, I love this idea. I shall think of a question.”
“Don’t be shy. Every question is allowed. Even dirty ones.”
Taehyung blushes, “don’t say that.”
Jungkook laughs.
Taehyung takes in the sound and puts it into his memory drawer of favourite things. He studies Jungkook for a moment. He wants to get the first question right. Jungkook’s first question was so perfect that Taehyung doesn’t want to disappoint. Jungkook bites off from his sandwich. Food! Taehyung has the first question!
“Have you been cooking for long?”
“Yes, I liked to occasionally cook as a human, then had to give it up for a while because of my curse, but when I moved in with Seokjin and Hoseok joined us, I picked it up again.”
“That is so wonderful. I never learned how to cook.”
“I can teach you.”
“Oh? Oh no”, Taehyung shakes his head and laughs, “it’s rotten work.”
“Not to me.”
Taehyung stops laughing. He meets Jungkook’s eyes. The latter smiles sweetly.
“Not to me it’s not. I can teach you”, he says.
Something inside Taehyung snaps. Or shifts into its rightful place. Whatever the case, Taehyung cannot take the feelings in his chest and so he acts.
He closes the distance between him and Jungkook, grasping his face to pull him into a kiss. A kiss so passionate he feels tears well up in his eyes.
“Mhm”, Jungkook lets out in surprise, closing his eyes after a few moments of baffled blinking.
He laughs into the kiss, combing his fingers through Taehyung’s hair. The kiss is so passionate. So desperate. Filled with such urgent pleas. Jungkook soon feels his composure falter. He was never kissed like this before. He was kissed with passion, with desire, with desperation, with warm love and adoration, but he was never kissed with such suffocating urgency before. He was never kissed as if it was the only remedy to an ache unknown, as if his lips carried the only spark of life a dying flame clings to.
When Taehyung breaks the kiss, Jungkook feels just a little out of it. Not in a sexual way, but in a deeply emotional way. His lips still taste his kiss, his scalp still feels the paths his fingers took.
“Can I be yours?” Taehyung whispers shakily, resting his forehead against Jungkook’s.
“Please. I, I know I am rushing it. I know that I am too much and that I am not easiest to like, but-”
Jungkook places his finger against Taehyung’s lips. Taehyung exhales shakily.
“Tae, why are you asking this? You’re already mine.”
“I am?”
Jungkook nods his head, breaking away from him just so he can cup his cheek. Taehyung gazes up at him, holding his breath. The adoration in Jungkook’s eyes is honest and goes so very deep.
“You’ve been mine for months. Do you think that I see this as a casual fling?”
“I don’t know”, Taehyung whispers.
“Well, I don’t. I don’t do flings, I do it seriously or I don’t do it at all. You’ve been mine for months now.”
“Oh”, Taehyung lets out and overwhelmed by his feelings, he falls around Jungkook’s neck in a tight hug.
Jungkook chuckles fondly, hugging him back.
“I was so worried.”
“I could tell. Don’t be anymore, I want this to be serious just as much as you do.”
Taehyung lets out a relieved laugh and buries his face in the crook of Jungkook’s neck. He sobs softly afterwards, grabbing a bundle of his hair to hold it for support. He needs it. He would be lost without it.
“Hey, what’s the matter? Why are you crying?” Jungkook asks worriedly.
“I haven’t felt like this for a man in decades. I feel so young again. So, so…so…I feel so alive.”
“You’re so sweet, Tae. I feel really happy as well.”
Taehyung sits back on his feet, taking Jungkook’s hands. His glassy eyes never leave his’, racing between them in adoring obsession.
“I love being queer when I can feel this way.”
“You do?”
Taehyung nods his head, “I witnessed many phases of humanity and how it handled us. Most weren’t good. But the way you make me feel makes me so happy to be who I am.”
“Yes. Oh yes, I am so happy. I am queer”, he spills tears, smiling, “I am queer and I am free and I, I”, he falters, furrowing his brows as his lower lip trembles.
“Go on”, Jungkook encourages him in a whisper, thumb caressing his knuckles slowly.
“I am in love with you. I am so deeply in love with you that I could fill galaxies with it. This isn’t desire. I could go without sleeping with you if that is what you asked. I could miss out on sex. I could. I, I truly could be-because what makes me happiest is being with you.”
Taehyung fights for air before he continues.
“You have no idea what this means. I live for sex, I enjoy it, I desire it, I need it. But if we never made love again, I wouldn’t miss it because I could still be with you. I love you so much that I finally know what it is to love.”
Silence. Taehyung is panting for air. Jungkook studies his face.
“God Tae”, he says “you really held back on a lot, didn’t you?”
Taehyung shies away. His chest tightens. He was too much. Came off as overbearing and as if he wanted to bury Jungkook in love.
“I’m sorry”, he chokes out.
“No, god I’m sorry. I didn’t mean it in a negative way. I’m happy that you are letting it out. I wanna be someone you can share your feelings with safely”, Jungkook says and tilts his head up so their eyes reconnect, “okay?”
Taehyung nods his head, feeling the warmth return to his chest.
“I’m happy to be queer as well, Tae. I grew up in a very conservative, queerphobic time, so to be surrounded by people like us and to have the opportunity to love freely, makes me so happy to be queer.”
Taehyung agrees with a nod of his head.
“And I love spending time with you as well. You are cute and gentle and you have a good heart. I know you’re older than me, but I want to protect you and take care of you. It makes my heart race and I know it’s because I’m falling in love with you, I can feel that I am.”
“You do? You really do?”
“I do”, Jungkook smiles, “I don’t lie about love. If I say something, I mean it.”
“Oh”, Taehyung gets out and hugs him, “I’m so happy.”
The two men hug for quite a while. They settle back in their places after the hug, but sit a lot closer together. Their knees are touching at all times, sometimes Taehyung or Jungkook reaches over to caress the other’s leg. Taehyung can’t stop sneaking glances at Jungkook and neither can the latter. It feels good to know that the other felt the same.
“Were you in a queer relationship before our poly family?” Taehyung asks and picks his paint brush back up. He can barely paint. He is so giddy that his hand is shaking in a positive way.
“No”, Jungkook shakes his head, “the only relationship I had before our poly family was with my human sweetheart. Otherwise, I wasn’t in any kind of relationship before our poly family. I tried not to kill people by staying away from them.”
“I see. I am sorry. Life must be so lonely as a Ripper or Glutton.”
“It really fucking is”, Jungkook says and despite his words, smiles at Taehyung, “but I’m not lonely anymore. I have our family. My past was sad, but my present isn’t anymore.”
Taehyung smiles, “that is so good to hear. You deserve it.”
“Thanks. Yeah”, Jungkook says and looks at his painting. He looks just a little shy. Shy, but also content.
Taehyung studies his face for a little while, enjoying the way his heart races in his chest. He reaches out and caresses his leg.
“So you didn’t even try anything with Hoseok or Seokjin?” he asks.
Jungkook lowers his paint brush, looking at the trees as he thinks.
“Not really? Not actual sex at least. I was too out of control, I would have just ended up ripping their heads off.”
“I see. How terrible.”
Jungkook agrees with a nod of his head.
“We did cuddle a lot, but that’s not queer, that’s just being really good friends.”
“Of course. Good friends can cuddle just as well as partners can.”
“Exactly”, Jungkook smiles fondly, “I love them both so much. They saved me. I think I would have killed myself eventually if I had never met them.”
Taehyung furrows his brows. Jungkook meets his worried eyes. He touches the side of his neck awkwardly.
“I know, heavy stuff. Sorry.”
“Don’t apologise. Please don’t ever apologise for that”, Taehyung insists, shaking his head, “I understand. You had no support system, killed against your will and had to cope with it alone. Of course your situation drove you to consider suicide. I am so happy that you held out for as long as you did, so you could meet them. This world would have been a sad one without you in it. You are such a strong person, you truly are.”
Jungkook lowers his eyes, touching his chest.
“Well fuck, nobody ever called me a strong person for this. It took so much strength to keep going, so uhm, yeah. Thanks. Seriously, thanks.”
Taehyung holds Jungkook’s hand gently.
“I was truthful”, he whispers.
“I know”, Jungkook whispers as well, lifting his eyes.
Taehyung gazes at him, giving him a shy smile the moment their eyes meet. Jungkook leans in to place a soft kiss on Taehyung’s lips. The latter receives it with a fluttering heart. Jungkook pulls back afterwards, giving him a grin. He picks his paintbrush back up and continues painting.
Taehyung looks at him for just a second longer before continuing his painting as well.
“So who was your first ever queer experience?”
“Yeah. God, it’s so embarrassing to think about because I was so out of control back then”, Jungkook says as he has to laugh.
“Really? Tell me about it”, Taehyung snickers as well.
“God, it’s so embarrassing. We didn’t even try a lot. He just touched my cock and I already spiralled. I called him a fucker and tried to rip his jugular out.”
“Oh heavens.”
“Yeah, he had to use force to pin me down and then used his compulsion to calm me down. I kept snapping at him and growling like a fucking idiot. I was such a mess back then”, Jungkook says and laughs.
Taehyung joins him, staring at his lips the entire time.
“That does indeed sound like a very wild time.”
“It was. It really was. God”, Jungkook snorts in amusement, “I felt so bad afterwards and kept crying and beating myself up about it, but Yoongi stayed calm and comforted me. That’s why I can laugh about it these days. It could have become another bad memory, but I look back at it fondly.”
“Of course. It shows how far you have come.”
Jungkook meets Taehyung’s eyes in surprise. He understands.
“Exactly. Yeah, that’s right”, he breathes.
Taehyung smiles shyly, lowering his eyes at his painting. He feels giddy when Jungkook looks at him. He really does.
Jungkook studies his face for a few more moments. He starts to understand what Taehyung means. He hasn’t really felt this way about another man ever and it is a very good feeling. He feels really young and giddy this way.
“Did you always know that you weren’t hetero?” Taehyung asks.
“Mhm, I don’t know. I don’t think so”, Jungkook says, looking at the trees as he thinks, “I honestly felt really happy in my heterosexuality when I was human and I also didn’t really consider other men as attractive. Of course I could see that some were handsome, but I wasn’t attracted to them.”
“I see. So you discovered yourself when you were already turned.”
“I did, yeah. And you? You told me once that you first thought that you were just gay.”
“I told you that?”
“Yeah, in the car. After we hate fucked.”
Taehyung laughs, Jungkook does as well.
“You remember this all this time?”
“Of course I do.”
“Oh”, Taehyung says and lowers his eyes.
Jungkook watches him with growing worry in his chest. He keeps making himself small with each confirmation that Jungkook feels the same. As if he didn’t want to believe that he was worthy of affection.
“Is it my turn to ask you a question?” Jungkook asks him.
Taehyung nods his head, still staring at his hands.
“What troubles you lately?”
Taehyung looks up in shock.
“This is your question?”
Jungkook nods his head.
Taehyung looks away. He stays silent for a long time, losing himself deep in his thoughts. What isn’t troubling him? How does he put something into words which he doesn’t understand either? He can’t find an answer in the end.
“Can you please ask something else?”
“That’s okay, I can do that”, Jungkook assures him, “how many queer relationships were you in before our poly family?”
Taehyung relaxes again.
“Serious or casual?”
“Oh heavens, casual way too many to count. I am quite frankly, such a whore.”
Jungkook laughs, Taehyung does as well.
“As for serious, I would say that I had four serious relationships before our poly family.”
“Four you say? Are they still alive?”
“No, they were all human. I loved them all very much. Their loss ached very deeply.”
“I can imagine. I’m so sorry, Tae.”
“I have healed from it”, he assures him and leans in to kiss him.
Jungkook lets it happen with a fluttering heart. He gazes when the kiss breaks.
“What was that for?” he whispers
“Because I feel so happy to be with you”, Taehyung whispers.
“I see. Then I gotta steal one too, don’t I?” he says and takes Taehyung’s cheeks to use them as leverage to push him onto the blanket. Taehyung falls with a laugh.
They shove and push the picnic and paintings aside, losing themselves in the kiss seconds later. They will be lost in it for a long time. They will use this time in the sweetest, most healing way possible with tangled limbs and dancing lips, mixing in innocent touches and sighs of each other’s names.
And they will make each other feel good. It will feel so incredibly good to them that their hearts will beat in sync through it all. And it will be innocent. It will be the sweet, innocent exchange of touches between two people who are so freely themselves when they are together.
![Index[Chapter 05 - Bonding]](https://64.media.tumblr.com/a23f76303fad56ebe8636222cc1577ba/d55f48117b2ff8c8-28/s500x750/471b6d2ebfec06b7555bbd4b67b79e3ed598de35.png)
The sun is in the midst of setting already when Taehyung feels the need to share what had burdened him for months. A blanket cocoons them in, keeping their bodies warm in the sinking temperatures. They are on their backs, watching the sky change colours. Jungkook’s body is touching Taehyung’s, sharing warmth this way. Jungkook has his arm stretched to the side, Taehyung is resting his head on it.
“Can you keep secrets?” Taehyung whispers.
“I tend to forget a lot of what other people tell me, so I can definitely keep a secret because I’ll forget it again.”
Taehyung laughs loudly, craning his neck to look at Jungkook.
“I mean it”, Jungkook snickers.
“I know, I just thought that it was funny.”
“Yeah, I know”, Jungkook grins, “now what’s up? What secret do you wanna tell me?”
Taehyung rolls his head back into a more comfortable position. Despite his muscles, Jungkook’s arm is very comfortable to rest on.
“I think it is more of an empty talk about my feelings than an actual secret.”
“That’s okay too. I can listen.”
“I sometimes dream of being controlled. Of being told what to do, how to act, where to sit or stand or lie, what to wear. I dream of it. Dream of having every single aspect of my life dictated.”
Jungkook looks at Taehyung with slightly widened eyes, while the latter is too lost in his rant to notice.
“And the thing is? I haven’t figured out whether it is a trauma thing or not. For many, many centuries I didn’t have freedom and lived under constant mind control. I had someone controlling me, but he hurt me as well. A lot.”
“It’s okay”, Jungkook whispers and holds Taehyung’s hand. He heard the tremble in his voice and needed to be there for him.
Taehyung speaks easier with Jungkook’s support.
“I shouldn’t want to be controlled again, but I still dream of it. I truly do. I want to put myself into the hands of another and let them decide what is best for me. Is this wrong of me?”
“You asked me too quickly. I need to think about it for a little.”
“No, please. This was just a rhetorical question, please don’t tell me your stance on it.”
“Why not? It could be good.”
“And if it is not? I cannot bear to be ridiculed, I am not stable enough for it.”
Jungkook looks at Taehyung, the latter can’t bear to meet his eyes.
“Are you currently having a hard time?” Jungkook asks quietly.
“I think I might”, Taehyung confesses, “it hasn’t been that long since our situation has truly calmed down and I feel very lost these days.”
“You do?”
Taehyung nods his head, “my life is so different to how it once was. All of our lives are. In the past, Yoongi rarely left his wing, let alone conversed with us, but these days he is spending time with us and talking with us. You, ___, Seokjin, Hoseok and Emma weren’t part of my life either and suddenly you live with us. Peace was never truly lasting for Jimin and me, but now it is our new reality. I am aware that our dynamic changed when we travelled the lands in search for Namjoon, but I feel like we didn’t have time yet to truly bond.”
“We didn’t have time yet to make sense of our situation.”
“Exactly. We didn’t have time yet to truly let it set in. At least this is how I feel. I feel so lost because everything changed so much and now I do not know what to do. How do I live freely? How do I find happiness? How do I…”
Taehyung looks away, touching his chest.
“How do I heal?” he whispers.
“God Tae”, Jungkook whispers and rolls to his side. He gets on his elbow, closing the distance to Taehyung to place a tender kiss on his temple. He hugs his head gently, massaging his scalp slowly and keeping his lips against his temple.
“I do not know how to live my life now that I am free and I think that it gives me a hard time. I am restless and nervous and scared to settle. What if I settle and then something ruins it again? What if I make peace with the fact that I am free only to be captured again? What if I allow myself to heal only to be hurt again? What if”, Taehyung gulps, reaching for Jungkook’s chest, “Jungkook, I think I might struggle more than I initially thought. My heart is beating uncomfortably. I don’t like this sensation, my throat is so tight.”
“You’re safe. You’re in the beginning of a panic attack, but you’re safe”, Jungkook comforts him, rubbing his chest in slow circles, “try to follow my breathing. I know it’s difficult, but you’re not gonna die. Promise.”
Taehyung listens to Jungkook’s comforting words and finds healing in breathing with him. He felt smothered by his thoughts. Small, fragile and incapable of carrying their weight, but breathing helps. His pulse, which once tortured him, becomes bearable again. The rope once tightening around his throat dissolves again.
“There we go”, Jungkook caresses his cheek, “you did it. I’m so proud of you.”
Taehyung closes his eyes and leans into Jungkook’s palm.
“How did you know what was happening to me?”
“Experience. I didn’t have the easiest life as a human once I was drafted. I had a lot of panic attacks in the barracks and the trenches and I helped many of my comrades as well.”
“I see.”
“That’s why I’m so sorry that you feel this way. I understand how you feel so well.”
“You do?”
“Of course. When something changes you as a person as drastically as trauma does, it is difficult to relearn yourself. And it’s only natural to feel restless and lost in calm moments when your life consisted of pain and trauma for so long.”
Jungkook brushes Taehyung’s tears away.
“I know that our traumas aren’t the same, but I also felt like you feel right now when I first had a holiday from the frontlines. Life back home was relatively normal, nobody changed drastically and I should have found peace in resting, but I couldn’t. I had changed. I woke up screaming, crying and throwing up from my nightmares, every loud sound felt like torture to me, my sweetheart’s affection made me uncomfortable and I kept shaking even in calm moments. My family had no idea how to help me and I had no idea how to live a peaceful life anymore because peace felt like mockery to me after everything I went through at the frontlines.”
“I’m so sorry. Oh Kook, war is terrible. I hate that men never learn. It shouldn’t happen. It never should have. What an awful way to solve disagreements. What an awful, inhuman way.”
“I agree”, Jungkook says and rests his forehead against Taehyung’s, “but what I want to say by sharing this part of me, is that you’re not alone. Our traumas may have different origins, but I understand how lost you feel in the peace and how anxious this makes you.”
Taehyung whimpers softly, spilling tears against his will. Jungkook wipes them, keeping close to Taehyung.
“It gets easier, I promise. I never officially returned from the war because I became a Ripper before that, but I still experienced trauma afterwards and when I began to settle with Seokjin, I felt just as lost again because peace wasn’t an option for so long. It gets easier with time, I promise.”
“How long did it take you?”
“A few years.”
“Oh”, Taehyung gets out and sobs softly, “years.”
“It could be different for you. I wasn’t in control back, so obviously I didn’t have absolute peace. But your situation is different and maybe it won’t take you years to be comfortable in the peace. Oh Tae, it’s okay. Let it all out”, Jungkook says and works diligently to wipe every tear Taehyung spills.
“I don’t know why I am crying.”
“It’s okay. That’s all part of the healing. Let it happen.”
And so Taehyung cries. He cries in grief for the person he could have been if he had never gone through hell. He cries in relief from being freed of this hell. And he cries in sweet realisation that he wasn’t alone in this, that he had Jungkook offering him comfort. He cries for many reasons and it felt good to do so.
His thoughts are clearer after the cry, his chest not that heavy.
Jungkook changed positions by now, resting on his side propped up on his elbow and with his hand drying his tears.
Taehyung rolls to his side, looking up at him. He stopped crying many breaths ago. Jungkook still cradles his cheek and brushes his thumb under his eyes slowly.
“I feel better”, Taehyung whispers.
“That’s good to hear. You did really well. I know crying sucks, but it’s so healthy for you. Don’t ever hold it back.”
“It’s overwhelming sometimes.”
“That’s understandable. Come to me whenever you feel like crying. I’ll pay you company as you do.”
“What if it happens often?”
“Then I’ll pay you company until often turns into occasionally and sometimes until it finally turns into rarely.”
Jungkook brushes his thumb over Taehyung’s temple.
“You’re not a burden, Tae. You aren’t too much or overbearing. You never were and never will be. Not for me and not for our family.”
Taehyung places his shaky hands on Jungkook’s chest.
“Can you control me?” he gets out.
“I’m sorry?”
“Please can you control me? I don’t know what to do, but you do. Can you be the one to control me?”
Jungkook’s eyes soften.
“Oh Tae”, he whispers, “no, I won’t. You will always be free with me.”
“Please. I’m begging you. I don’t know what to do.”
“Then I’ll be with you as you walk the unknown path.”
“I won’t promise you anything like control, because I don’t ever want to take advantage of you, but one thing you can always count on is me. I’ll carry burdens which are too heavy for you, I’ll show you the way and you can always lean on me, okay?”
Taehyung nods his head.
“Okay”, Jungkook says and kisses Taehyung’s forehead.
Taehyung exhales shakily, chasing the affection with closed eyes.
“Sweetheart”, Jungkook whispers and kisses his lips gently. He had no ulterior motive behind the kiss, no ill intent. But Taehyung is fragile and confused, lost in a situation he knows not to handle healthily.
Taehyung whimpers into the kiss, he chases it, deepens it with trembling lips. His hands slide to Jungkook’s small waist, his breath is instantly quickened, his heart races unbearably. He kneads Jungkook’s waist, touches it, grasps it. He needs to make sure he stays. He needs to stay please. Taehyung whimpers again, lips shaking against Jungkook’s, and then he slides his hands under his shirt to feel his naked skin.
Jungkook breaks the kiss with a gentle “hey”, followed by a chuckled, “what are you doing?”
“I’m yours, please I’m yours so, so claim me.”
“Claim you?”
Taehyung pushes at Jungkook’s chest to gain space. The younger man lets him, gawking at him in confusion. Taehyung hooks his fingers in his own shirt and pulls it over his head.
“Tae, no wait-”
He is shirtless, panting heavily but his eyes carried discomfort Taehyung wasn’t even aware that he felt it.
“God Tae, what are you doing?” Jungkook gasps.
“Take me, I-I can serve you well”, Taehyung stutters, presenting himself in an arch of his back. There are tears in his eyes and fragility in his voice.
Jungkook studies his naked torso for a second, exhaling deeply. He takes Taehyung’s discarded shirt and unbuttons it.
Taehyung puts his hands together and presents them to Jungkook, thinking that he wants to tie him up with the shirt.
But Jungkook doesn’t. Jungkook cradles his hands and holds them one by one as he slides the sleeves back on. He smoothes out the shirt on his back and closes it again in the front.
“I don’t understand. Do you not want me?”
“I do, just not like this.”
“Is it because I’m human? I, I can make myself pretty, I-”
“No Tae”, Jungkook cups his cheek, silencing his anxious words, “no Tae” he whispers, “you’re beautiful. So incredibly beautiful.”
Taehyung lowers his eyes. Jungkook continues with the buttons.
“But you seem unstable to me.”
Taehyung meets Jungkook’s eyes again.
“Consent is more than just believing someone’s words. It’s about reading the situation and I can tell that you don’t really know what you actually want right now.”
Taehyung sniffles in order not to cry. It has been a long time since someone saw him.
“Let’s drink something for now, okay?” Jungkook suggests, rubbing his upper arms soothingly.
Taehyung nods his head.
“Okay. Do you want lemonade?”
“Yes”, he whispers.
“Okay. Me too. I think lemonade is really yummy. You?” Jungkook asks, preparing the fruity drink.
“Me too”, Taehyung whispers, accepting the cup from Jungkook.
Jungkook clings cups with him, making him giggle and lift his shoulders to his ears in shyness.
Jungkook smiles at him, draping his arm around his waist.
“I like hearing you giggle, Tae. You’re really cute.”
“I am?”
Jungkook kisses his cheek, “you are.”
Taehyung whimpers and snuggles his face into his neck, squeezing his waist tightly.
“Thank you.”
“It’s the truth. You’re cute.”
“No. Thank you.”
“For what?”
“For stopping it.”
Jungkook furrows his brows, tightening his jaw. How many people ignored the signs and took advantage of Taehyung’s unstable attempts to “serve”? He shouldn’t thank him. Not for something that should be the bare minimum. Jungkook is a very protective person. Once he loves a person (in whatever form that love comes) he will literally burn the world for them. He feels numbing anger right now, wanting to hurt whoever took advantage of Taehyung. But he doesn’t let it show for Taehyung’s sake, speaking softly with the mentally fragile man.
“You’ll always be safe with me, Tae.”
“I know”, his voice is shaky as he speaks.
“It’ll never change. You’re safe and I’m gonna keep you safe.”
Taehyung exhales shakily and while it was shaking, it carried the first indicator of stableness in it. Just a little, just enough that Jungkook knows that all Taehyung really needs right now is a shoulder to lean on and someone being gentle with his words.
“I don’t think I enjoy being dominant as much as I thought I did”, Taehyung confesses quietly.
Jungkook tries to glance at him as best as possible.
“Not in a sexual context, but in general. I crave to be taken care of. I ache for it.”
“That’s nothing to be ashamed of. You are in a vulnerable mental state. It’s okay to want to be taken care of.”
Taehyung lifts his head, looking up at Jungkook with glassy eyes.
“Will you take care of me? Please? At least this?” he asks – begs – him.
“Of course Tae, I’ll take care of you.”
“Oh god”, Taehyung chokes out and buries his face in Jungkook’s chest, “this felt so good to hear.”
Jungkook closes his arms around him, massaging his scalp slowly.
“Can we stay like this for a while?”
“Yeah, let’s stay like this for a while.”
Be still my heart 🥺
Thank you for this perfect example of romantic relationship between two men.

"Even after all these centuries of living, they can experience something new with each other."
Pairing: Taehyung x Jungkook
Genre: Comfort Smut, Slice of Life Romance, Falling in Love!AU
Warnings: they're normally vampires but 'cause of magic they currently aren't, just read the mainstory to understand tbh lmao, a romantic date by a bonfire, romantic conversations & daydreams, soft Dom!Taehyung, sub!Jungkook, Tae is the biggest service Dom ever, Koo is so sensitive hihi, body worship, so many words of adoration, gentle touches, lots of sighs and whispers <3, frotting, lots of kissing, a gentle rim massage, cumming together, cuddles & snuggles, this is so romantic :(
Wordcount: 9.7k
a/n: i genuinely love this universe so much holy fuck :( also, big shoutout to @ahyeonah for helping with the French translations hehe thank you queen 💜 and another sidenote, italic in this chapter indicates that they're talking in Korean
《 Bonus Smut to this 》

Taehyung finally comes back after having excused himself to go outside. Jungkook looks at him over the edge of his book, closing said book a moment later. He uses his thumb as a bookmark. He had been able to watch the older man scurry around the kitchen and hurry outside multiple times.
“You’re back”, Jungkook says, “where were you? ___’s grandparents already went to bed. Also, you missed one round of Uno.”
“That is alright. It is a terrible game, way too complicated. I always lose. Horrible”, Taehyung says dismissively and gives the dark haired man an excited grin, “I prepared something outside. Do you perhaps want to see?”
“Is that why you kept going to the kitchen?”
“Sure, I want to see”, Jungkook says and stands up from the couch to follow Taehyung outside. He used a pen as a bookmark, abandoning the book on the coffee table.
“May I? It is quite chilly outside and I wouldn’t want you to freeze”, Taehyung offers a jacket to Jungkook.
“Oh? Yeah okay, thanks”, Jungkook says giddily, smiling to himself when Taehyung helps him put the jacket on.
The latter ends it with a caress to his upper arms and a kiss to his shoulder.
“You look so handsome.”
“Thank you, Tae.”
“Come now, I shall show you what I have prepared.”
“I really wanna see”, Jungkook says and together they leave the house.
Taehyung takes Jungkook’s hand once outside, leading the way. The latter was looking around the garden at first, but flusters when Taehyung intertwines his fingers with him. He glances at him, flustering even more when Taehyung gives him a sweetest smile.
Taehyung leads him to the shed and then Jungkook can already see what he prepared. A bonfire. With blankets and pillows to get comfortable on.
“Wow, you built a fire?” he gasps.
“Indeed I did.”
“It’s so cozy here. Wow, look at all the pillows. Wow Tae, you put so much effort into this.”
“I really did”, he bounces excitedly, “do you like it?”
“Of course I do.”
“I, I thought that today was such a wonderful day and you made me feel so good and I wanted to end it with something romantic.”
“It’s so romantic and so cozy.”
Taehyung glows upon being complimented, giggling excitedly. He gestures Jungkook to sit and so he does. Taehyung kneels down in front of him, shoving a charcuterie board into his vision.
“So that’s what you were doing.”
“Indeed. It is the only thing I can truly make. I hope you like cheese.”
“I do. It looks really pretty.”
“Thank you. Wine?”
“I asked Harald for their oldest wine. I hope you enjoy red wine. Cheese must be enjoyed with a good red wine.”
“I like red wine. Thank you, that’s enough for the beginning.”
Taehyung prepares his own glass as well.
“Do you like to drink?”
“Yes, in moderation obviously.”
“Of course. I do not enjoy the taste of most alcohols, however, I quite enjoy the taste of wine.”
“It fits you.”
“It does?”
“Yeah. Wine’s elegant.”
“You believe me to be elegant?” Taehyung gasps.
“Oh”, he blushes, “thank you.”
“You’re cute”, Jungkook says and lifts his glass, “cheers.”
Taehyung clings glasses with him.
“To this relationship.”
Jungkook smiles, “yeah, to this relationship.”
They each take a sip, enjoying the full taste of it on their tongue.
“It is very good. The grape truly fills the taste and it leaves the tongue with an almost floral sweetness. Do you enjoy it as well?”
“Yeah, it’s good”, Jungkook scoffs, “you talk so fancy sometimes. It’s not bad, but I can’t talk like this about wine.”
“Oh worry not, the way you talk is perfect. I am aware that I talk, well, that I talk rather strangely sometimes. I learned English during a time where such speech was common and I never really rid myself of it.”
“I like it. At first I thought that you were obnoxious and it annoyed me, but I like it these days. You would sound really weird if you talked differently all of a sudden.”
“I can talk in more modern ways. Oh heavens, I attempted to talk without the accent but failed miserably. I can talk modernly? Is that how the young people would say it?”
Jungkook laughs, “just stick to your ways, you old sock.”
Taehyung chuckles, lowering his eyes shyly.
“What other languages can you speak?” Jungkook asks.
“Oh heavens, far too many. English of course, French as well as German. I can also read Latin and Greek and know the lost language of Nilrem.”
“How do you know this language? I never heard of it before and I know that nobody really does in the common world.”
“I have many friends who are witches, but there were also times when Namjoon was…well, he was kind in his ways. Jimin and I lived side by side with him without having to fear for our safety and during such times, we liked to exchange knowledge. He taught us the language. He called it the original language of magic, but never told us that he was present when it was still used.”
“I see. Damn, I didn’t think that he would do such a thing.”
“I must admit that thinking back, such times feel very unbelievable in comparison to all the agony he allowed to happen to us.”
“I’m sorry, Taehyung. You didn’t deserve any of it.”
“Thank you, but may we talk about something else please? I do not want to spoil this night.”
“Of course. So you can speak six languages?”
“Oh heavens, no. I can also speak Spanish and Italian and spent quite some time in Portugal as well, although my Portuguese is a little rusty these days”, he confesses in a chuckle, “my mother language however is Korean, I still think in it sometimes.”
“Oh Korean? Of course it’s your mother tongue. It’s mine as well”, Jungkook says in their native language.
“You speak Korean as well?” Taehyung answers him in it.
“Of course, I do. I grew up speaking it and still talk in it with Hoseok and Seokjin-hyung when we’re alone.”
“Oh Jungkook-ah, I feel so happy to know that you haven’t forgotten our language.”
“Me too. It’s been so long for you though, I’m surprised that you didn’t forget.”
“I almost did. Jimin reminded me of it when I met him. When we are alone, we only speak in it.”
“I get that. It’s nice to speak in a familiar language. Although I gotta admit that English feels like my second native language these days. I think in it and dream in it.”
“Yes, I agree. For me it is English and French.”
“French? Say something then.”
“Say something?” Taehyung lowers his eyes playfully, leaning closer until his lips brush Jungkook’s ear.
Jungkook shivers, listening to the unfamiliar words and finding it very hard to concentrate. Taehyung’s voice is deeper when he speaks French, carrying a seductive romance to it.
Taehyung finishes his sweet whispers with a kiss to Jungkook’s jawline, straightening up.
“What did you say? All I understood was mon chèri.”
“Your company is brighter than any fire and your kiss tastes sweeter than any wine, my darling.”
Jungkook nudges Taehyung’s chest.
“Shut up, oh my god.”
“No, or how I would say it in French, no.”
Jungkook laughs, Taehyung laughs with him.
“You’re funny.”
“Thank you”, Taehyung says and takes a slice of cheese to eat it deliciously, “mhm, you must try the cheese. It melts on your tongue.”
Jungkook follows his lead, eating it with a frown.
“Mhm, it’s good.”
“Isn’t it? Oh Kook, I appreciate a good charcuterie board a lot. There is such romance in it. To prepare food for your loved ones, to present it artfully. There is no greater show of appreciation in my eyes.”
Jungkook smiles shyly, “you think so?”
“I do, yes. You told me that this is your first experience with queer relationships.”
“Yeah, you and Yoongi. Although, you’re definitely romancing me harder. No hate to Yoongi, he is very sweet when we’re alone and I feel really loved by him, but you are definitely romancing me harder.”
“Well, I want to make the first experience special for you. Which is why I prepared all of this. I want to make it special, I really do.”
“Tae, god”, Jungkook says, sagging his shoulders in fond defeat.
Taehyung takes Jungkook’s pointer finger shyly, “do you…uhm, is it how you wished your first queer relationship to go?”
“I honestly didn’t really think about it a lot, but it’s definitely really nice. You’re so sweet and romantic, I like it.”
Taehyung relaxes, gazing at him.
“Shall we make rules?”
“Rules? Tae, I told you no control. You’re free with me.”
“I know, I know. It is not about control, I just”, he sighs in defeat, “I regret the way I treated you in the beginning. How I ran off to have blood orgies with Fringella or how I fucked around with strangers. I thought nothing of it as I have always lived my relationships in such ways, but it must have been painful for you.”
“It definitely was, but we already talked about it.”
“Well despite all that, this is your opportunity to voice your rules. ___ and I have rules as well. Do you wish me to stay in our polycule? Do you have any problem with me seeking out one night stands? Do you want me to be purely loyal to you and ___?”
“Oh that. I guess, the way it is right now is good for me. I don’t mind when you have one night stands. They’re definitely not something for me, but I know that you like them.”
“I can stop them if you wish me to.”
Jungkook shakes his head, “don’t change like this, I really don’t mind. One thing though, don’t abandon me during parties without saying anything and if you do want to use it as a sexual hunting ground, warn me beforehand. Also, if you ever make me watch you have sex, don’t let me witness you getting roughed up. It would make me so angry.”
“I’d just wanna fucking protect you then.”
Taehyung flusters, touching his chest where his heart fluttered. He lets a shy giggle escape, meeting Jungkook’s eyes.
“But”, Taehyung pouts, “you cannot tempt me with a good time. What if I want you to get angry in sheer protectiveness?”
Jungkook laughs, “you don’t wanna see me angry, trust.”
“But I did, it’s the very reason why we are here now.”
Jungkook rolls his eyes, “you’re silly.”
“Silly for you, yes.”
“Tae, is the wine working?”
“Forgive me. No, I am just, I am merely…oh heavens, all this talk about you watching me have sex and using a party as our sexual hunting ground affected me.”
“It affected you?”
Taehyung looks at Jungkook’s lips. Jungkook looks at Taehyung’s lips.
“It did?”
They inch closer, craving the others’ kiss.
“It did.”
Taehyung closes his eyes, Jungkook cups his cheek. With a gentle push, Taehyung falls to his back, allowing Jungkook to climb his lap. Taehyung writhes under his weight, finding it hard to breathe normally. Jungkook sits on his thighs right under his crotch. Taehyung begins to crave his weight on it, gazing at Jungkook with blown out pupils.
“You’re so silly, Tae”, Jungkook whispers, straightening up and therefore denying him of his kiss.
“Don’t tease me, please.”
Jungkook chuckles, caressing his chest.
“I’m not.”
“Yes, you are.”
Jungkook smiles, but says nothing else. Instead, he looks to the side and picks up a piece of cheese to snack on. He bites it off in the middle, guiding the other half to Taehyung’s lips.
The latter opens his mouth and sticks out his tongue, trying his hardest not to whimper when Jungkook places the cheese on it.
Their connected gazes never break as they chew the cheese, only once Jungkook studies the charcuterie board again does it finally break.
“Everything looks so good. I don’t know what to try next”, Jungkook says, keeping one hand on Taehyung’s chest and using the other to point at the different cheeses.
“You should try Brie with grapes.”
“Then I’ll do that”, Jungkook shoves both into his mouth and chews, “mhm!”
He widens his eyes, looking at Taehyung.
“Do you enjoy it?” Taehyung asks breathily. One more second pinned down on this blanket and he might die from heart palpitations. He is so ardently in love with Jungkook that it is difficult to stay calm when he is caging him in.
“It was savoury at first and then the grape burst and it got juicy and sweet. It tasted really good.”
“Didn’t it? I know how to enjoy cheese.”
Jungkook picks up Brie and a grape to guide it to Taehyung’s mouth.
“Open up.”
Taehyung follows, holding his breath. He never knew that his heart could flutter so incredibly much.
“Good job”, Jungkook praises softly and feeds Taehyung.
He closes his lips around Jungkook’s fingers, sucking on them for a few seconds before he releases them and chews the cheese. Jungkook seems flustered and mesmerised by the gesture, staring at Taehyung’s lips.
He runs his hands over his chest mindlessly. Each touch leaves goosebumps behind.
“I can’t believe I hated you once”, Jungkook says quietly.
“Did you truly hate me?”
Jungkook feeds both of them a piece of cheese, then continues to talk while Taehyung is still chewing. He also sips on his wine occasionally, feeling the effect more and more. It is warm and makes him feel cozy.
“I hated all of you. Alpha, I mean. We always knew that you also lived in town and that humans never returned from your estate. At least that’s what we thought happened. I don’t think that Yoongi ever allowed humans to die willy-nilly on his grounds.”
Taehyung shakes his head.
“We still thought that all of you were bad vampires and when we heard that you infiltrated the university, we instantly joined as well so we could keep an eye on you.”
“Did you also convince the head mistress in quite magical ways?” Taehyung asks with a mischievous gleam.
“Do you really think someone like me could have managed to get in honestly?”
Jungkook blinks in confusion. He didn’t expect this answer.
“You are intelligent and a hard worker. You are also a diligent person, who learns very quickly.”
“Oh. Wow, thanks”, Jungkook murmurs, lowering his eyes shyly.
“I mean it.”
“I know, thank you seriously”, Jungkook smiles.
Taehyung gazes, “but I assume that you also used compulsion to make it seem as if you had been students all along.”
“We did, yeah. Seokjin did all of it and he hated it, but we had to do it in order to keep watch. You know”, Jungkook chuckles, “if you asked me, it was so obvious that we weren’t students. The courses we attended made no sense major wise.”
Taehyung laughs, “mine did neither. I simply went with whatever sounded most interesting.”
“Same. That is if I was even present. I had to realise very soon that there were too many people around me.”
“I see. The scents.”
“I’m sorry, Jungkook.”
“Don’t. I feel better these days”, he assures him and smiles, “cheese?”
“Yes, please.”
“Any wishes?”
“Perhaps a slice of cheddar with onion chutney?”
“Sounds yummy. There we go, open up.”
Taehyung lets it happen with a dizzy head. What is happening to him? Can a heart truly feel so much for just one person? How do humans survive under such conditions? How do they not scream and screech from the intensity of such emotions?
Jungkook, oblivious to Taehyung’s overwhelmingly fond gaze, chews on his piece of cheese with his big eyes racing over the dark night. And Taehyung wonders how many times he can call him beautiful before the younger man grows annoyed by it, but then he remembers Yoongi’s words. How there is never too much love, but only the wrong receiver.
“You are beautiful.”
Jungkook looks at Taehyung. His eyes are widened in surprise.
“You are beautiful”, Taehyung repeats it and it feels so good to do.
Jungkook smiles, lowering his head shyly.
“You’re beautiful too, Tae.”
“You are so immensely beautiful.”
“You’re just as beautiful, Tae”, Jungkook says and leans down to kiss his cheek, “you softie.”
He straightens up, smiling at him with soft eyes as his fingers trace his chest mindlessly.
“You are so beautiful.”
“You’re beautiful too.”
Jungkook scrunches his nose and giggles, “I like it when you’re like this.”
Taehyung might truly scream. His heart feels at its limits. It is racing so unbearably much that the word “racing” feels rather unworthy to use. What is faster than racing? Because whatever it is, his heart is currently doing it. Yoongi was right. There is never too much love, just the wrong receiver and Jungkook is the right one.
“Why did you guys infiltrate the university either way? Were you planning on turning everyone?” Jungkook asks him then, still oblivious to Taehyung’s ever-growing feelings.
“Boredom.” Taehyung has to clear his throat before he can continue. The feelings were just too much. “It is truly as simple as that. We were fed up with our life and we wanted a change. Except for Yoongi, who only joined because he needed to make sure that we wouldn’t cause too much trouble.”
“Poor Yoongi. I bet he hated every second of it.”
“Why do you think that he was such a grumps at all times?”
Jungkook laughs, “you’re mean.”
“I am merely saying.”
“Yeah, yeah whatever. God”, Jungkook sighs and smiles fondly, “to think that the only person who actually got in legally was ___”, he hesitates for a moment, squinting his eyes in suspicion, “unless you guys had something to do with it.”
“Oh goodness, no. We had no knowledge of her existence. She managed to get in all on her own.”
“Wow, she’s so cool.”
“She truly is. You know, she allowed me to read the paper which granted her the scholarship and I must say that it is truly remarkable. She always undermines her intelligence and talents, despite being incredibly gifted.”
“I know, it’s so sad that she does that. She told me about her parents and what they did to her. I think they made her have such little confidence in herself.”
“I know. I truly cannot stand these people for the way they treated her.”
“Me neither. We have to hype her up a lot to show her how awesome she is.”
“Hype her up? What is that?”
“You don’t know what hyping up means?”
Taehyung shakes his head, “is it similar to complimenting someone?”
“I guess? I don’t know, I guess you can compare it to cheering someone on and giving them confidence through nice words.”
“I see, well that is a very positive word then. We shall hype her up even more from now on.”
Jungkook chuckles, “you old sock”, he teases, nudging Taehyung’s chin.
“Hey! It is not my fault that the youths these days think up so many new words. I can simply not keep up.”
“Okay, okay fine”, Jungkook laughs, “you’re so old. I get it.”
Taehyung pouts, “you are mocking me.”
“Yeah, I am.”
Taehyung’s pout grows. Jungkook wipes it away with his thumb, gazing at the older man fondly.
“It’s cute. I like how out of date you are.”
“This isn’t as much of a compliment as you think it is”, Taehyung complains, but laughs as he does it.
Jungkook scrunches his nose, laughing with him.
“Yeah, I kinda realised how mean that sounded. Sorry.”
“I forgive you”, Taehyung jokes. He feels happy right now. Honestly happy.
Jungkook picks up a piece of cheese and snacks on it, following it up with some wine. Taehyung props himself up on his elbows and drinks from his own wine glass.
“Cheese?” Jungkook offers.
Taehyung opens his mouth and allows him to feed him, gazing at him the entire time.
“Grape too?”
He nods his head. The fruit tastes sweet, but nothing beats the sweetness of happiness Jungkook allows Taehyung to taste with every smile.
“Did you date when you were at university?” Jungkook asks.
“Not seriously, I mostly hunted for one night stands and short love affairs.”
“I see. That fits how you were back then.”
“It does. Oh, I was so unlikeable.”
“You really were. I couldn’t stand you at all”, Jungkook snickers, making Taehyung giggle.
“I am grateful that I changed.”
“Me too.”
Taehyung gazes at him, touching his thighs gently.
“I assume that you didn’t date either?”
“Oh hell no”, Jungkook scoffs, “I barely even went to class because all the smells were overwhelming to me.”
“I figured”, Taehyung places his hand on Jungkook’s waist, “I watched you sometimes.”
“You did?” Jungkook gasps.
Taehyung nods his head.
“On the rare occasions when you were present during rugby training, I sat by the oak trees.”
“The really old ones west of the field?”
“No way, I never noticed you there.”
“I hid quite well.”
“Wow, you creep”, Jungkook is laughing, “and you watched me?”
“Well, I watched the other men as well, but whenever you were present, my eyes only lingered on you. I truly wanted to have you.”
“Tae, oh my god”, Jungkook flusters, “why did you never approach me?”
“I truly wanted to. So one day, I followed you. I had my mind set on approaching you, but then I watched you get into Hoseok’s Beetle and everything fell into place. That the reason you were rarely present was because you were Jeon Jungkook, the young Ripper who is friends with the other two Younglings. Oh, my heart was shattered on this day because I believed you to be human until this point.”
“Oh god, I’m sorry”, Jungkook snickers, “you can be glad that you found out before talking to me though because I knew exactly who you were and with how out of control I was back then, I would have jumped at you.”
Taehyung laughs.
“Then I can be truly glad that I never approached you.”
“Yeah”, Jungkook agrees playfully.
They share a moment where their eyes get lost in the other’s and only the crackling of the fire can be heard. Taehyung, who has been feeling overwhelmingly in love with Jungkook, flusters first, averting his eyes to the sky.
“You can see so many stars here.”
“The stars are endless here.”
Jungkook gets off Taehyung’s lap, lying down next to him. He lets his eyes travel over the vast sky and the countless stars flickering far away.
“You’re right. They’re endless. Do you know your zodiac?”
“That’s cool. Do you know your Western one too?”
“Oh? Forgive me. I am a Capricorn. Why?”
“Well you see, I’m actually a really big nerd for astronomy. This over here is my zodiac. Virgo.”
He shows him the sign in the stars, tracing its shape with his finger.
“Yeah and over there is yours”, Jungkook says, tracing Capricorn into the sky. “It’s the smallest constellation of the zodiac, but I think it’s really pretty. Its brightest star is called Deneb Algebi with a magnitude of two point nine.”
“It’s basically how bright a star shines.”
“I see. And the brightest star in my zodiac shines with two point nine magnitude?”
“Exactly. Capricorn is also the zodiac with the softest shining stars. Deneb Algebi is Arabic and means tail of the ram. It’s this one here.”
“I see”, Taehyung speaks softly.
“It’s a very pretty star. I know a lot about stars, I really do.”
“I never knew that this is my zodiac”, Taehyung whispers, gazing at the stars with sudden awe. For the longest time, the stars meant hell to Taehyung. To die and yet continue to burn. To never find peace and rest. He felt like this for a very long time. He died and yet continued to live in hell with peace so very far away.
“Yeah, it’s pretty cool isn’t it? Over there is ___’s zodiac and I don’t know Yoongi’s so I can’t tell”, Jungkook explains, painting shapes in the sky Taehyung had never noticed before, but which are so overwhelmingly obvious to him now that Jungkook shows them to him. The stars have meaning, they create art. They glow and burn and with it, they create pictures for all living beings to gaze upon. The stars aren’t hell. They are art.
“They are beautiful”, Taehyung whispers shakily, holding back his tears.
“Right? I think so too. I always loved the stars. They brought me great comfort when I was still alone.”
The parallels steal Taehyung’s air. To think that there was a time where he and Jungkook looked at the stars at the same time and while Jungkook found comfort in them, Taehyung found sadness in them. The same view and yet it was received with such different hearts.
He looks at Jungkook. His dark eyes reflect the galaxies, his cheeks are glowing. He looks so happy, so utterly content. His life was filled with such tragedy and sadness and he still carries honest happiness. Taehyung admires this about him as much as he envies it. More than anything however, he is happy for him. And so utterly in love.
Such different hearts and still, they somehow managed to find each other.
Taehyung swears to finally show Jungkook his atelier and then take him to his secret library. Jungkook has never been in these rooms before. Time spent together was simply too short, life only recently calmed down. There was no chance for Taehyung to show Jungkook his rooms, but if he knew how much the younger man loved the stars, he would have shown him sooner.
“I painted the stars once”, he tells him.
“You did?”
“I did. I must show you once we are home. I still have the painting in my atelier.”
“Yes, I’d really like that”, Jungkook says, oblivious to what waits for him, “I think your art is really good. I bet your stars are so pretty.”
“If everything was different back then, do you believe that we could have fallen for each other?” Taehyung asks him quietly.
Jungkook looks at him. He didn’t expect this topic change. Taehyung’s eyes are glassy and filled with love.
“What do you mean?” Jungkook whispers.
“If we were normal and human back then, do you believe that we could have fallen for each other?”
“I don’t know. I think you would have been a total art nerd and I’d have been a stupid jock. Maybe we never even would have met.”
“No, I believe that we would have. I truly cannot see you as a mindless jock. You speak of constellations and the beauty of stars. You paint and draw and you enjoy music. Your heart is too gentle and filled with too much art for you to have been a mindless jock.”
“So I would have been an art nerd too?” Jungkook jokes to which Taehyung chuckles.
“Perhaps. Or perhaps you would have studied astronomy.”
“Thank you, you’re really sweet. You really are”, Jungkook whispers, looking at the sky with flushed cheeks, “would we have met as humans? I seriously can’t tell, but I hope that we would have.”
“Yes, me too.”
“I still think that I’d have been a total sports nerd. I really like sports.”
Taehyung laughs, “well then, you would have been a sports nerd and I would have been an arts nerd.”
Jungkook chuckles, “that sounds like us.”
“Perhaps one night it would have happened that it would have just been you and I left at school and as we ran into each other, I would have been scared that you would hit me. Because all sports majors would have been straight, homophobic jocks and I would have been scared that you would use this opportunity to beat me up.”
“Tae, what are you doing?”
“Hear me out.”
“And you would have been cold at first, because you would have caught me staring at you during training once, but then I would have accidentally dropped my books and began picking them up so clumsily that you would have felt pity for me and so you helped me and, and our hands brushed and after we both stood up, you wouldn’t have been able to control yourself anymore and so you would have grabbed me and kissed me and then took me in an empty classroom until I would have been shaped just for you.”
Jungkook shifts, gulping heavily. His heart is racing like crazy. Taehyung’s little fantasy is affecting him.
“It would have felt so forbidden because up until this point, you didn’t want to admit that you were bisexual and so you would have taken out your frustration on me until I clutched your shoulders and wailed into your neck because you would have brought me to my limits and yet my body still would have craved for more of you.”
“Stop talking, oh my god.”
“Why? Do you not like it?”
“I do. A little too much.”
“Too much?” Taehyung glances at Jungkook’s crotch.
The latter notices, covering himself.
“Tae please, I don’t wanna take advantage of you, don’t make it so hard to resist.”
“It is not taking advantage when I wish the same thing.”
Jungkook swallows heavily. Taehyung rolls to his side and begins touching his hip. Jungkook chases the touch, breathing speeding up.
“Do you wish to know what would have happened after this night?” Taehyung asks with big puppy eyes.
“You would have driven me home and taken care of me and afterwards we would have sat on the sofa and talked with some cheese and wine. I would have realised that you are the sweetest man I had ever met and you would have grown fond for me. So fond in fact that you wouldn’t have been able to keep your hands to yourself from this day forward. But you would have done it secretly because you wouldn’t have been ready to come out yet. So we would have fucked in private, on the backseat of your car, after classes, the empty locker rooms, the abandoned atelier rooms.”
“Holy fuck, Tae. It’s so hot to think that we’d have been a secret.”
“It is. I am very affected by this.”
“Me too.”
“Did you ever fuck a man when you were human?”
“No, I always wondered what that would feel like.”
“I never fucked a man as a human either.”
Tension fills the silence. The day they shared was so wonderful and bonding, the night by the fire is warm and so excitingly private. Their hearts couldn’t be more intertwined with each other as they are today, the tension might finally be too much to bear.
“We’re human right now”, Jungkook whispers.
“I know”, Taehyung whimpers, grasping his hip.
“Do you…”
Taehyung nods his head vigorously. Jungkook props himself up on his elbows so he could rest himself over Taehyung. Taehyung lies back down as he does it, grasping his buttocks unapologetically. Jungkook lets him, eyes racing between Taehyung’s.
“We could share this first tonight”, he whispers.
“Kook”, Tae moans, chasing his kiss, “are you certain? Do you really want me?”
“I do. So much. Do you want me too?”
“Yes, yes please I do”, Taehyung begs and hooks his arms behind Jungkook’s head to pull him into a kiss.
Jungkook moans shakily, finding it difficult to match Taehyung’s rhythm. Not because the older man is sloppy, no, because Jungkook is so utterly overwhelmed by the feeling of getting to kiss him.
He wasn’t aware of how deeply affected he already felt, but it is finally getting so clear to him that he finds it difficult to breathe. Not that humans can really breathe when their faces are melted together for a kiss. Both men soon have to find out as their lungs ache for air. They break the kiss at the same time, panting for air while their lips still try to taste the other. They keep their eyes closed.
Jungkook is the one to go back in first, cupping Taehyung’s cheek while the other runs his fingers over his scalp. The kiss is already more heated than before. The tension is too big for it not to. Taehyung opens his mouth, asking for Jungkook’s tongue.
The latter breaks the kiss to breathe, speaking against his lips in an affected rasp.
“Did you ever kiss a man as a human before?”
“Not like this, please kiss me again please”, Taehyung begs, twisting his hair gently.
“I wasn’t kissed either”, Jungkook sighs, giving into the electric pull. Their tongues finally tangle, the kiss becomes even more intense. They taste the wine on each other’s tongue as much as they taste the growing hunger for more.
Hands soon begin roaming the valleys and hills of the other’s body, breaks for air are short but countless, moans soon begin to fill the silence. Their jackets come off as well, laid abandoned by the fire as they have each other to keep warm now. The touches begin to truly overwhelm them now that such little clothing was between them and their skins. They start panting and mewling into the kiss, matching each other’s neediness as much as they try to out-mewl it. The day has been long already and the two men are finally at their breaking point. All they exist for right now is each other. In both an emotional sense as much as in a sinfully carnal sense.
The next time the kiss breaks, they know that they won’t be able to kiss anymore. At least not before having taken the next step.
“I want more”, Taehyung gets out breathlessly, feeling up Jungkook’s waist.
“Me too”, Jungkook confesses, rubbing Taehyung’s chest.
“We don’t have lube a-and I didn’t warm up or clean out”, Taehyung stutters.
“I know, me neither”, Jungkook answers him out of breath.
“We are human. It won’t work how it does in the real world.”
“I know.”
The realisation that they won’t be able to connect as deeply as they could, aches for both of them, but the desire to be with each other is too big to let it soil the mood.
Jungkook sits up and takes off his shirt, throwing it to the side. Taehyung looks at him with a dizzy head. Even as a human, Jungkook is so perfectly muscular. Jungkook climbs onto Taehyung’s lap. Taehyung sits up to touch his chest. He outlines it with his fingertips, following his touch with his eyes. His skin is golden because he is human, the fire makes it glow amber.
“Your skin has the colours of sundowns right now”, Taehyung whispers, meeting Jungkook’s mesmerised eyes.
Taehyung traces his abs and the paths of his pecs, faltering when he reaches his nipples. Jungkook gives him silent consent with an arch of his back. He touches them. Jungkook moans, parting his lips and writhing on his lap.
“Your torso is a landscape I want to wander in for hours.”
Jungkook smiles softly, sighing in blissful pleasure. Taehyung’s gentle touch and his poetic words truly work on someone as hopelessly romantic as Jungkook.
Taehyung looks at his lover’s chest again because he felt his nipples harden under his touch. He exhales shakily. They are so dainty and perfect, standing against his amber skin in darker colour. Goosebumps cover the skin of his chest.
“Are you cold?”
“It feels so good.”
Taehyung’s heart flutters. Overtaken by adoration, he slides his hands to Jungkook’s side and pulls him closer this way, lowering his lips to his right nipple so he could lick and kiss it. Jungkook gasps for air, squeezing his legs together as best as Taehyung’s lap allows him to. Taehyung’s mouth is so warm around his nipple, in comparison to the chilly night air it truly steals his breath.
The intensity of the sensation grows when Taehyung releases his right nipple to worship his left instead and his once licked nipple is left in the cold air. Jungkook misses the warmth of his mouth, as much as he enjoys it on his other side. He closes his eyes, shivering immensely.
Taehyung feels the shivers as well, lifting his head to check up on him. Jungkook opens his eyes slowly. Even with the orange shine of the fire, Taehyung can see the pink flush of his cheeks.
“It is too rare that we get our nipples worshipped, isn’t it?” he whispers, massaging them with his thumbs slowly, “it is always a woman’s delight, but rarely that of a man.”
Jungkook agrees with a shy sigh. Taehyung’s touch feels so good that he can barely think of what to answer him.
“I want to pay attention to the parts which get overlooked. I may not have slept with a man as a human, but I had countless male lovers as a vampire. I am a man as well, I know the male body blindly, yet…” he meets Jungkook’s eyes again, “…I didn’t get the honour of learning yours yet.”
“Tae”, Jungkook gets out, having to gasp repeatedly. He was never promised to be treated like this before. So fully freed of gender roles, so entirely like a human.
“Can I learn you?”
Taehyung smiles, heart skipping a beat.
“Show me where to touch you. I want to learn each path to take.”
“Oh god, Tae”, Jungkook lets out, feeling really giddy right now. His head is getting foggy. Taehyung managed to switch the roles with just his poetic words. They truly are witchcraft to Jungkook’s romantic heart.
“I shall listen”, Taehyung promises, lowering his lips to Jungkook’s right collarbone, “mon chèri. Mon beau chèri.”
Jungkook sighs, touching his arms for support. He can’t tell where he likes it most because his skin is currently so sensitive that every spot feels incredible. Or perhaps it is because no one really adored his collarbones before and Jungkook can’t handle attention to them.
“You have such beautiful collarbones, mon chèri. So delicate”, Taehyung whispers, tracing them with parted lips.
“Tae”, Jungkook whines, writhing away.
Taehyung looks at him, “does this spot not please you?”
“It does, it’s just a lot.”
“In uncomfortable ways?”
Jungkook shakes his head, “good ways. It feels so good. So good.”
Taehyung smiles softly, lowering himself again, “what about this spot?”
His lips begin their adoring dance along Jungkook’s shoulders. From his left, along his collarbones and neck, to his right. He falters for a moment, looking at what felt so different against his lips. A scar.
“Is this where your arm ripped off?” he asks him, tracing it gently.
“Yeah. It’s uhm, it’s silver in the real world. I, I don’t know why”, Jungkook stutters, tingling like crazy from the kisses Taehyung leaves on his scar.
“It is magical. A reminder what the curse couldn’t repair. Jimin has the same scar on his chest and back from where Namjoon ripped his heart out.”
“That makes….sense…aahm…” Jungkook sighs, falling into warm bliss.
Taehyung is getting lost in kissing him again, taking on his way back and repeating his journey. Over and over until Jungkook is arching his back and sighing Taehyung’s name.
“Is this good for you?”
“Yes, so good…”
“And this?”
Taehyung guides his kisses down Jungkook’s right arm, showing his lips their way with his fingers. And Jungkook is gasping. He was never kissed along his arm before. He was touched, groped, held but never kissed. Never adored. Never worshipped. His body feels weakened, he can’t stop Taehyung from turning his arm so his inner wrist was bared to him because of how foggy he makes him feel.
Taehyung lingers on it, kissing and licking it slowly. Jungkook squirms, letting out a squeak followed by a nervous laugh. Taehyung slows down, gazing up at him in question.
“Mhm, mon chèri”, Taehyung sighs and turns Jungkook’s arm again to kiss each of his fingers and knuckles.
Jungkook closes his fingers around Taehyung’s hand. Once again, this never happened to him before. He doesn’t know what to do, how to handle all of this. All he knows is that he is starting to feel vulnerable in familiar ways. He only gets like this when someone is helping him fall into subspace. Jungkook isn’t scared of the implications, enjoying the fall with a racing heart.
Taehyung lifts his head only to lower it again to Jungkook’s left arm. No inch should be left unkissed. He is so immensely in love with Jungkook’s body. There aren’t many people who ever made Taehyung say this. He always appreciated a beautiful body, but whenever he did, it was based on desire. Not with Jungkook. There is no desire motivating him, only love. And the hope that Jungkook will feel the appreciation he deserves to feel.
He lifts his head once each knuckle was kissed. Jungkook is clutching his hand so tightly, breathing heavily with his cheeks flushed.
“Did this feel good?”
“So good”, Jungkook gets out, “Tae I-”
“I’m sensitive there.” Jungkook guides his fingers to his lower stomach on the part just above his hip bones. “There.”
Taehyung exhales shakily. He is starting to relax and feel comfortable in showing his spots. This is exactly what he wanted to happen. He wanted to allow Jungkook to fall into a comfortable headspace, to let go of societal expectations and simply enjoy being loved.
“Yes? Do you wish for me to kiss it?”
“Yes, please.”
“May I fix you?”
Taehyung picks him up to lie him down on his back, sitting down on his lap. Jungkook’s head rests on a pillow, his hair is messy this way. His chest heaves up and down quickly, his eyes are foggy in submission.
“Are you comfortable?” Taehyung makes sure, fluffing up the pillow before combing his fingers through his hair.
“Yeah”, Jungkook whispers, feeling small and vulnerable.
“That is good to hear. Relax, mon chèri, relax”, Taehyung whispers and lowers his lips to the spot Jungkook showed him before.
Jungkook moans his name loudly, grabbing his hair and arching his back. His legs tremble, his toes curl. He expected anything but for this to feel so good. The intensity is as if Taehyung sunk him deep into his mouth, as if his most pleasurable spots were being stimulated. Jungkook has to gasp just as much, dropping on the blanket only so he could arch his back again. And again. And again.
Taehyung feels out of breath as well. This is the moan of a man who is finally loved right. This is the moan of a man who is treated as a person. This is the moan of a man who has discovered his favourite spot. Taehyung feels patches of wet excitement soak his briefs. Jungkook turns him on so much. His kisses however are still placed with love not desire.
Jungkook soon pulls him away, writhing on the blanket.
“Stop please. Stop.”
“Are you still comfortable?” Taehyung asks him softly, holding still for now.
“It’s, it’s a lot. I, I was never- this is the first time I’m kissed there.”
“I figured. It can be very overwhelming to be touched on a sensitive spot. You did very well for your first time”, Taehyung praises, “may I reward you with kisses to your stomach?”
“Yes, please oh god”, Jungkook allows him, parting his legs. He wishes for his pants to magically disappear and for Taehyung to take him in whole.
But Taehyung isn’t ready yet. Well, he is, but he merely doesn’t want to yet. He wants to show Jungkook that it is also possible for men to feel breathless in desperation. That it is also possible to be truly turned on. Getting hard is easy for a man, it doesn’t take much and because it is, his pleasure is so often overlooked. Taehyung wants to show Jungkook how much it is possible to get aroused as a man. That a hardened cock is not the highest form of desperation a man can experience.
He dances his hands up and down, left and right on Jungkook’s stomach, guiding his fingertips along his paths and following it up with his lips and tongue. Jungkook’s stomach is so perfectly sculpted and such hard work needs to be adored and worshipped.
“You are beautiful. So beautiful.”
Jungkook has to writhe again. He needs to stop him. It feels too good.
“Stop, please.”
Taehyung soothes the shivers by kissing a path up to his neck to worship it instead. Jungkook whines, rolling his head to the side as far as possible to make sure that Taehyung gets every inch.
“I can feel your heart race”, Taehyung whispers to which Jungkook merely keens and writhes. Taehyung kisses up and down along his jugular, taking in the sensation of his pulse. “It is so wonderful to feel how it affects you. You are so beautiful, everything about you.”
“Tae”, Jungkook has to stop him again. Everything is just too much. He pushes at his arms, arching his back.
“Do you still feel comfortable?” Taehyung asks him, soothing him by combing his fingers through his hair.
“Fuck me please. I, I can’t do much more.”
Taehyung smiles, “yes, you can. Relax, mon bel amour. Just relax.”
Jungkook melts into the blanket, fluttering his lashes. His eyes are so hazy, his cheeks so red. He has enough general knowledge about languages to understand Taehyung’s nicknames for him and they are weakening him. He is his beautiful love.
“That’s it, relax mon amour”, Taehyung whispers and lowers his lips back to Jungkook’s neck. He kisses him with love and gentleness, leaving no inch untouched until he magically happens to be back at the spot above his hip bone.
Jungkook shakes instantly, moaning so freely that Taehyung has to moan with him. This must feel like heaven to him. Such moans are normally only leaving him when he is pleasured in more obvious spots. Taehyung pays even better attention to it, wanting him to feel heavenly for as long as possible.
It feels like heaven to Jungkook. It does. Perhaps it feels even better than heaven. Taehyung’s big hands are on each side of his waist, warming him and making him feel so utterly cocooned in safety. Taehyung’s body touches the inside of his legs each time Jungkook tries to close them. They remind him how easy it is these days to give in to Taehyung. But what truly ruins him are his lips. He always knew this spot was sensitive, but it is insane how intense it actually is.
“Take them off please”, Jungkook begs with no control over his own words.
“Your pants?”
“Yes, please”, Jungkook mewls, lifting his hips eagerly.
Taehyung doesn’t waste any time. He takes off his pants and boxers, placing them aside carefully. Jungkook’s length stands throbbing instantly, begging for attention. Taehyung gazes at it. It is smaller than in the real world and Taehyung wants to taste every inch of him. His tip is glistening in the fiery lights, his veins cast shadows.
“You are beautiful.”
Jungkook rolls his hips up, begging for his touch.
“You are truly so beautiful. Every inch of you.”
“Hyung, please.”
Taehyung glances at him. His cock throbbed in his pants at the sound of this beg. Jungkook knew what he was doing, using their native tongue for it. He is actually desperate enough to forget every language but that of his childhood.
“You are so beautiful”, Taehyung whispers and lowers his lips to Jungkook’s foot. He already got him to a point of utter desperation, but he doesn’t want to rush it. It would be unfair to his lower body not to be adored. Taehyung loves every inch of him and he needs to show it. He kisses each toe, each instep, each ankle and sole before he finally moves up to his shin and calves.
“Mon bel amour, oh how I cherish you”, he whispers.
Jungkook whimpers, twisting the blanket. He doesn’t know how much more he can handle. He was turned on before, but not like this. He can’t even think straight anymore, nor properly breathe. He wants it to be faster and yet last forever. Jungkook doesn’t know what to do now that he is so properly turned on.
Taehyung moves on to his thighs, starting on the outside and working his way to the inside. One by one. Jungkook sobs his name with the first kiss upon his inner thigh, ripping his legs open so widely one could worry he might pull a muscle.
“Is this a wonderful spot for you?” Taehyung asks, tracing it with his tongue and fingers.
“Yes”, Jungkook coughs out, fucking the air, “please.”
“My beautiful chèri, oh mon beau.”
“Please, oh god please. Please”, Jungkook gasps out.
More kisses to his thighs lets him know that he won’t be released. His hand acts against his will. He grasps his own length, jerking it quickly.
The loud whimper he releases because of it, makes Taehyung look up.
“Hey”, he gasps, stopping him instantly. It is embarrassingly easy to drag his hand away. “What are you doing?”
“I, I need to be touched. I can’t do this anymore.”
“But, you’re a good boy. You don’t do such things “
Jungkook shudders, “I’m sorry”, he cries, “I’m sorry, Sir.”
Taehyung melts. His heart races. He helped Jungkook into subspace. It was already known to him, but has it finally confirmed. With just his touch and romantic words, he helped him shed any kind of shame. Jungkook is so honestly him right now.
“Don’t apologise, you are still my good boy. My goodest boy”, Taehyung praises him and sits back, “now make me proud and hold still.”
Jungkook nods his head vigorously, humming an enthusiastic yes.
Taehyung undresses hastily at first, but falters once it comes to his briefs. He glances at Jungkook. Something in his eyes makes Jungkook want to sit up and hold his waist for support. He does so with a dizzy head.
“You’re beautiful”, he whispers, painting adoration onto Taehyung’s features.
“So you noticed my hesitation.”
“I did. Is everything still okay with you?”
“More than alright. I am simply just silly.”
“Silly? Why?”
“Please don’t laugh at me.”
“Why should I laugh at you?”
“I am not big. I, I am only that big because of the vampirism.”
“That’s okay. I’m only human too.”
“You are beautiful as a human.”
Jungkook smiles, “I’m sure you are really beautiful too.”
Taehyung blushes. He finally feels confident again. He takes off his briefs, looking at his own cock instantly. Jungkook moans, gazing at him.
“What if I try? Maybe I can do it”, he argues because everything inside him begs to have Taehyung fill him. His cock is just as hard as his own, glistening in the shine of the fire. Its size is so human, so manageable. Jungkook craves the weight of it inside.
“I don’t want to hurt you. Human bodies are so stiff and fragile”, Taehyung says even if he craves the warmth of Jungkook.
“I’ll try to relax.”
“And we’ll use what as lube?”
“I don’t know, spit or precum.”
“Don’t be silly. Human bodies aren’t made to function with such weak lubricants.”
“But I want you”, Jungkook gets out shakily.
“I want you too, but I don’t want to take advantage of you.”
“It’s not taking advantage when I want it.”
Their eyes meet. He is repeating Taehyung’s own words back at him. They share laughter.
“Oh Jungkook-ah, you mean so much to me”, Taehyung lets out, falling around his neck.
“Hyung”, Jungkook whimpers, sinking into his embrace.
“Lie down with me, please.”
They lie down, heads sinking into the pillows and limps tangling. They are both on their sides, facing each other. Well, they are falling into a kiss. A deep, passionate kiss. Taehyung keeps his arms hooked behind Jungkook’s head, while Jungkook’s right hand grabs Taehyung’s hip to pull him closer. He throws his leg over his waist, grinding his hips into him just to make it feel a little like penetration. At least the movement is the same even if the warm stretch is missing.
The kiss breaks messily. Jungkook moans heavily, Taehyung answers him with parted lips. He drags his shaky hand out of Jungkook’s thick hair, guiding his fingers to Jungkook’s lips. The latter takes them in without hesitation, sucking and licking them as if they were cock. He doesn’t open his eyes for it. Taehyung doesn’t either. They are completely lost in the moment.
Soon Taehyung pulls out, sticking his fingers between Jungkook’s buttocks to rub his hole.
“Hyung”, the submissive younger moans, faltering in his grinds as his brain short circuits. Taehyung is massaging him, drawing circles and applying enough pressure to make it tingle.
“Does this feel good?” Taehyung asks breathily.
“Yes”, Jungkook whimpers, nodding his head. He grabs Taehyung’s hair, “please”, he breathes out, “please don’t stop.”
“I won’t”, Taehyung finally opens his eyes to gaze. He meets Jungkook’s hazy, drugged out eyes. “I exist to pleasure you, mon chèri.”
“Hyung”, Jungkook convulses, “it feels so good.”
“It does. You feel so good. So incredibly good.”
“Why does it feel so good? Oh god”, Jungkook whimpers, shuddering as another wave of electricity courses through him.
“Enjoy it, mon amour. You deserve it”, Taehyung whispers, feeling drugged out. This is the kind of state he wanted Jungkook to be in. Disbelief over how good the pleasure feels. This is what he should experience. His beautiful darling boy.
Jungkook, overwhelmed in pleasure and with his heart barely wanting to keep up, slides his hand between their bodies to touch himself. His cock ached so much, he needed relief.
What he hadn’t calculated in was Taehyung’s length being so close to his’ and so it happens that his trembling fingers wrap around Taehyung’s length as well.
“Yes”, Taehyung, who believes the frotting to be planned, sighs and rolls his hips into the touch, “yes, oh Jungkook, ah.”
“Hyung”, Jungkook whimpers, picking up a rhythm. It might have been a mistake at first, but he doesn’t want to fix it. Their frenulums are grinding together, their shafts are too and their flushed tips are getting messy in shared slick. This is the best mistake he ever made.
He tightens his grip around them, concentrating his touches on their tips because it feels best there. It brings Jungkook terribly close to his orgasm, but he doesn’t want to stop. Being with Taehyung like this feels too good. He doesn’t want to lessen the pleasure for even one second.
“You are heaven. My darling heaven”, Taehyung sighs and rewards Jungkook with a faster rim massage.
Jungkook falters. The touch burns him too deep. He gasps and gasps, arching his back so their stomachs touch even more. Their cocks grind against each other in his shaking hold, the movement makes Jungkook gasp even more.
“Fuck, you’re beautiful”, Taehyung presses out.
Jungkook peels his eyes open, meeting Taehyung’s adoring gaze. The older smiles, carrying honest love in his eyes.
“You are so beautiful”, he whispers.
This is it. The moment Jungkook realises that he is also in love with him.
“Please don’t break my heart again”, he begs in a whimper, spilling tears as his body trembles in ecstasy.
Taehyung pulls him closer and wraps his hand around a bundle Jungkook’s hair, sending shivers down his spine. The pressure around their cocks is increased as well this way, the fingers on his hole are filling him up just a little. So close. They are so close this way. Jungkook curls his toes and twists Taehyung’s hair, having to moan because nothing could have prepared him for this moment.
“Your heart is safe with me”, Taehyung whispers in their native tongue.
“Promise me.”
“I promise. You are my north star, Jeon Jungkook.”
“Taehyung”, Jungkook chokes out and sobs, “you’re making me cum.”
“Don’t hold back, my north star. I will follow. I promise.”
“Taehyung. I love you”, Jungkook wails, breaking apart as his heart has finally reached its breaking point.
Taehyung spills tears instantly. Jungkook said it. He loves him too. He loves him.
“I love you too”, Taehyung croaks and follows Jungkook with a sob. Jungkook’s hand stops working around their lengths, but they make up for it with desperate rolls of their hips. Their shared mess smears all over their lengths, spilling on their tummies as well. It is so warm. So magical. So right. In this moment, their spilled pleasure has one single purpose. To show their deep connection.
They are both immensely out of breath after their shared high, hugging each other for comfort. Both their hands are messy, but Jungkook doesn’t care, pulling him closer as his tears don’t seem to stop. He is in love with a man and it feels so right. He finally understands Taehyung. It feels so good to be queer. It is so right.
Taehyung’s own tears don’t stop, but their reasons are different. He is in love with a man who loves him back. He is in love with a man who won’t hurt him. He is in love with a good man. And it is in such ways where Taehyung won’t have to hold back on his intensity of love because he likes it when he is romantic. Taehyung feels as if something in his life is finally going right.
They don’t get dressed for a while after they calmed down, cuddling under a second blanket as the fire slowly dies down. And as they cuddle, they exchange kisses and smiles and boyish giggles because the night is just too wonderful not to fill it with happiness.
“I love you, I love you, I love you”, Taehyung keeps repeating the words over and over again. In every language he ever learned and Jungkook answers him in giggles and whispers of adoration.
“How are you?” Taehyung asks him, cradling his cheeks as his sparkling eyes race over his face obsessively, “are you feeling alright? Did you enjoy it? Are you happy?”
“I’m so happy, it was so good”, Jungkook answers him, lulling his words because he is so far gone in a giddy, droopy headspace.
“Oh Jungkook, I love you”, Taehyung croaks and hugs him, “I love you, I love you, I love you.”
It won’t be last time he chants his most favourite words and Jungkook loves every single repetition.
Nooooooooo, please it can't end now 😢 I wish we could stay with them forever in this healing space and see more cute moments between OC and her boyfriends, Yoongi's acts of love and cool magic tricks 🤧
![Index[Chapter 08 - Lake]](https://64.media.tumblr.com/fed05ec4ba913acf2f0447258272138a/eef790e7535d416c-c1/s500x750/ffdd13f9d76a91e8080e11e00485442500726218.jpg)
↳ Index [Chapter 08 - Lake]
Warnings: good days and good feels and people being happy <3, emotional conversations by a bonfire, this is pure comfort, ah yes there is also skinny dipping by the lake, and a cute picnic date <3
Wordcount: 10k
a/n: now this is the end :( thank you so much for coming on this journey with me, i hope that you guys could find comfort and healing in this story and here to so many more stories about this universe 💙
![Index[Chapter 08 - Lake]](https://64.media.tumblr.com/7c284d92bb75cda0d3c39f3b2ed1829f/eef790e7535d416c-01/s500x750/d07a05e45e355d0bf348492084452017258594b9.png)
Taehyung startles awake, meeting Yoongi’s eyes. The latter is standing over him, staring at the peculiar scene with scrunched brows.
“Hyung”, Taehyung clears his sleepy throat and sits up, “what are you doing here?”
They are whispering.
“Just checking if any of you are awake. How did you manage to share this small bed?”
Taehyung looks to his side where you and Jungkook are cuddled together. Jungkook has both his arms wrapped around you. You have your chin against his chest which results in your neck to be bent into a weird position and for your mouth to be agape. Jungkook sleeps with his chin almost swallowed in your mouth and his own lips widely agape.
“These two seem completely gone”, Taehyung stifles a laugh.
“Yeah, doesn’t look comfortable at all.”
“Agreed. Come, let us let them sleep”, Taehyung says and rolls out of bed. He makes sure to tug you and Jungkook back in and leaves the room with Yoongi.
“You look better.”
“I do? What do you mean?”
Yoongi points at Taehyung’s ankle.
“You’re not in pain anymore.”
“I am? Oh! I am!” Taehyung widens his eyes in joyful realization, “oh this is remarkable. I can walk again.”
“Mhm good. You guys were reckless yesterday.”
Taehyung clicks his tongue, “why can’t you merely be happy for me once? Why must you always turn everything into a lecture?” he is teasing, which makes Yoongi laugh.
“It’s the age, I can’t help it.”
He jogs down the stairs in a light step. Taehyung does the same.
“Good morning”, your grandmother greets them. She is knitting, sitting on the window seat with a mug of tea by her side.
“Good morning, Agatha. Did you sleep well?”
“I did, thank you for asking, Yoongi dear. And you?”
“Like a baby.”
Your grandma scans her eyes over Taehyung’s ankle.
“How are you doing today, Taehyung dear? ___ told me that you and Jungkook had a little accident yesterday. We were worried.”
“We stupidly jumped down the hayloft.”
“You did? Oh my, oh my”, she gasps, throwing her hand over her mouth.
“Indeed. Jungkook jumped first and I followed in blind worry. Truly, you must know that in the real world we could jump down buildings without hurting ourselves.”
“Oh my, oh my. It was instinct then.”
“Indeed it was and we paid the price. Silly us.”
“But you’re okay again?”
“I am. It feels as if nothing ever happened. Yoongi’s spell truly helped. As did whatever was in the porridge yesterday. I thank you for making it. It was truly remarkable.”
Your grandmother smiles mischievously, “that’s good to hear.”
“What did you put in it for it to taste so healing?”
“Magic, my dear. Just a little bit of magic.”
“I see. Well, it was truly wonderful. Thank you. Like this, I can enjoy our last day here.”
“Is it already the last day? Oh my, time flies by too quickly”, she says and looks back at her knitting, “what a shame, I got so used to having you here with us.”
“We will definitely come back many more times”, Taehyung promises.
“Good, oh that is very good to hear”, she snickers mischievously, “I will have to beat you at Schnaps one day.”
Taehyung laughs, “then I must tell you that I will not lose without a fight.”
She laughs, “good. I wouldn’t want an easy fight either way.”
They exchange a mischievous look with each other and then Taehyung turns his attention to Yoongi instead. The latter is busy making coffee and tea.
Taehyung comes up behind him to hug his middle, resting his chin on his shoulder. The melody once leaving Yoongi’s lips, gets stuck in his throat, his body tenses up.
“What are you doing?”
“Friendship hug. I have a lot of catching up to do now that we are friends.”
“Does it have to be hugs? Can’t it be a handshake or a friendly nod?”
“No. No, it has to be hugs”, Taehyung says and gives Yoongi a little squeeze.
“You’re so weird”, Yoongi murmurs, but gives Taehyung’s hand an awkward pet. Just twice then he already pulls back, “okay enough. It’s getting uncomfortable.”
“You held out longer than I imagined”, Taehyung says and steps back, “you are very huggable, hyung.”
“This feels like a curse when you say it”, he jokes and follows it up with a gentle nudge to Taehyung’s chin and a fond, “brat.”
Then he turns his attention back to the coffee. Taehyung smiles, feeling flutters in his chest.
“Have you thought about our plan more?”
“What plan?” Yoongi asks.
“The plan to find your friends.”
“Ah”, Yoongi says and shakes his head, “not yet. I need time.”
“I understand. Well, if you need company on your endeavours, you can always count on me.”
“Thank you, Tae. I appreciate it.”
The eye contact is fleeting because Yoongi is shy. He clears his throat, scratching the side of his neck.
“Uhm”, he begins and clears his throat again, “carry the tea.”
He walks off with two mugs of coffee and Taehyung is left alone with two mugs of tea. He takes them and follows Yoongi upstairs.
“What are we going to do with them?”
“Wake the others. It’s the last day here, they should spend it well, not sleep till noon.”
“Yes. I agree. Oh hyung, I am very excited. We could take a walk in the forest or make music together.”
“Mhm, sounds nice.”
Yoongi uses his elbow to open the bedroom door.
“Wake up you two”, he says as he carries the coffee to the bedside table. He places the mugs on it then gives you and Jungkook a little shake, “wake up.”
Jungkook wakes first, flinching aggressively which in return wakes you. You whine, rolling to your other side so you could bury your face in the pillow. Jungkook grumbles quietly and hides away in the pillow instantly to continue sleeping.
“No snoozing, wake up”, Yoongi tells you in a soft voice and his fingers tracing your hairline. He is smiling fondly, thinking to himself that you look especially beautiful in the morning.
“Go away”, you mumble into the pillow.
He laughs and bends down to kiss your temple, “I’m not leaving.”
“I was dreaming so well, you’re so mean.”
“And you’re missing out on a nice day. Wake up”, he kisses your cheek then straightens up to reach over you to Jungkook. He shakes him gently, cradling his cheek afterwards, “you too, Kookie. Wake up.”
“Five more minutes”, he lulls.
“You two”, Yoongi laughs and steps back, “you’re gonna miss the entire day.”
“Listen to him”, Taehyung says and throws himself over you and Jungkook. He rolls around on top of you, earning himself loud whines, “wake up or I will tickle you.”
“Tae please”, you whine.
“Get off”, Jungkook whines.
“No”, Taehyung says and pinches his side.
Jungkook squeaks and sits up instantly, hitting his hand away.
“It’s not cool, don’t do that”, he whines with a pout.
“But it managed to wake you”, Taehyung says and pinches your side next.
“Tae”, you squeak and writhe away, “don’t do that.”
“Wake up, darling”, Taehyung coos and tickles you again.
“God, you’re so annoying”, you laugh, swiping his hands away as you roll onto your back.
Taehyung laughs and leans down to kiss your cheek. His hands are still on your waist.
“Are you going to fall back to sleep?”
“No god, just don’t tickle me again.”
Taehyung gets off bed, grinning at Yoongi.
“Mission accomplished.”
Yoongi snorts in amusement, “you definitely did. Coffee and tea are on the bedside table. Come down once you’re ready. We’re making breakfast.”
“Oh brekkie”, Jungkook coos with sparkling eyes.
“Mhm, we’re gonna eat it by the lake”, Yoongi says and leaves the room.
“Oh my god, picnic”, you gush, sitting up in excitement.
“Mhm, come on Tae we have lots to do.”
“Do you truly trust me with the kitchen, hyung?” he is teasing, bumping his shoulder with Yoongi as a snicker leaves him.
“No, but I’ll make sure you don’t burn the whole house down”, Yoongi throws back jokingly, making Taehyung laugh and then hug his arm.
The door falls closed behind them. Only you and Jungkook are left. You exchange a look with him. His hair is messy, the pillow is still marked onto his face in red streaks. He meets your eyes and grins sleepily, leaning in to kiss your lips before moving past you to get the coffee.
He sips on it, turning his back to you so he could sit by the window and look outside.
You take the mug of tea, then climb onto his lap. He wraps his arm around you, resting his chin on your shoulder.
“Did you sleep well?” he asks.
“Mhm yeah. My neck’s killing me though. What did I do?”
“Don’t know”, Jungkook kisses your neck as he talks, “probably slept weird.”
“Mhm probably”, you say and take a sip of the tea, “mhm Yoongi definitely made this.”
“Yeah, the coffee too. It tastes Yoongi made.”
Jungkook rests his chin on your shoulder again, travelling his hand up and down your waist mindlessly.
“Did you sleep well too?” you ask him.
“Mh-hm so well”, he says, “I didn’t even notice that the bed’s so small.”
“Yeah, it’s probably magical because I also had enough space.”
“Magical. Mhm that could be it”, he says and gives you a soft squeeze, “can’t we just stay like this forever? You’re so comfy on my lap.”
You giggle, snuggling closer into him, “I wouldn’t mind. You’re very comfy too.”
“My knees don’t hurt anymore, by the way.”
“They don’t?” you turn in his lap, “Kookie this is amazing. So the magic worked?”
“I think it did. Look”, he lifts you off his lap and hands you his mug so he can lie on his back and kick his feet into the air, “I can do this and it doesn’t hurt.”
“I’m so happy. I was so worried.”
“You did really well”, Jungkook sits up and kisses your cheek, “you’re so cool.”
“Yoongi did most of the work.”
“Yeah, well you helped so this makes you just as cool”, he says with a cute smile.
“Thank you, oh god”, you mumble, feeling shy.
He kisses your cheek, then sits back to sip on his coffee, letting his eyes race over your features.
“What?” you ask him shyly.
“I like looking at you”, he smiles softly, “you’re so beautiful.”
“Oh god”, you instinctively reach up to fix your hair, “I just woke up though.”
“And? I woke up too and do you think I’m ugly?”
“Of course not.”
“You’re not ugly either.”
“Gah Jungkook, stop it”, you gasp and nudge his chest, having to giggle, “you’re so sweet.”
“Heh, you too”, he says and kisses your cheek.
You wash your face and brush your teeth while Jungkook showers. Once he is done, you are already finished, having left the bathroom to get dressed and leave for downstairs.
Yoongi and Taehyung are in the kitchen. They have the radio running. Taehyung sits by the dining table, slicing fruits while Yoongi is in the midst of filling up containers with breakfast.
“This already smells amazing.”
They turn their heads in synch, looking at you.
“My darling, you are finally here.”
“I am”, you greet him with a kiss, “how is your ankle?”
“It is as good as new. Look, I can move it without pain.”
“That’s so good to hear. Gosh darling you, I was worried yesterday”, you say, ruffling his hair.
Taehyung grins and looks back at the fruits.
“And you”, you walk to Yoongi, hugging him from the back, “how are you doing, my love?”
“Good. I made breakfast and your grandmother made bread which we can take.”
“Gosh, I’m so happy. Where are they anyways?”
“In town again. Deborah needed that favour today.”
Deborah was one of your grandmother’s friends. Last night, your grandmother told you that she met her friend in town and that she needed help with fixing the lightning and that it could happen that they needed to leave for town today.
“I see. Gosh, now I’m sad. It’s our last day here and we can’t see them.”
“They promised to be back before dinner.”
“Good. Yeah. I think I would have cried if we had to leave before saying goodbye to them”, you say and look around the counter, “can I help you with something?”
“No, I’m almost done.”
“Yes, I can manage”, Yoongi assures you and leaves the hug so he can store the finished breakfast in baskets.
Now without a task and with Yoongi very obviously busy, you sit down next to Taehyung.
“Can I at least help you with something?”
“No, thank you. I am almost finished.”
“It seems that I’m really useless here”, you joke.
“Not useless. We simply enjoy spoiling you”, Taehyung says with a kiss to your cheek.
“Gosh, you guys are all so sweet.”
“Mhm this already smells amazing”, Jungkook comes downstairs, dressed in a modern hanbok and with his long hair in a ponytail.
“You look very handsome”, Taehyung says, gazing at him.
“Thank you. It’s a modern hanbok, I thought I’d save it up for the last day”, Jungkook says, posing for all of you.
“It’s very pretty”, you say.
“It fits you”, Yoongi says.
“You are so handsome, truly”, Taehyung says.
Jungkook smiles, then looks around the cottage.
“Are your grandparents outside?”
“No, they’re in town again.”
“Ah. Sad, I would have loved to see them again before we leave.”
“They’ll be back by dinner”, Yoongi assures him and shoulders one of the baskets, “take the second basket, we’re leaving.”
“Okay, hyungie.”
Taehyung takes the third basket and you are tasked with carrying the fabrics bag. Like this and with good mood all around you, you make your way to the lake. The song of birds and the buzzing of insects accompanies you just like every day and the scent of the forest is especially nice today.
The spot, where you and Yoongi had the picnic last time, is already under the shade of the tree. You like that it is because the sun is very hot today. You and Taehyung lay out the blanket and pillows, while Jungkook and Yoongi lay out the food afterwards. It is also important to mention that Taehyung excused himself for a moment and disappeared into the forest. None of you knew what he was planning to do, but you suggested that perhaps he just needed to relieve himself.
You sit down in a circle, leaving a space for Taehyung between you and Jungkook. Yoongi sits opposite of the empty space, pouring lemonade into four cups.
“You can already start”, he tells you, not looking up.
“Shouldn’t we wait for Tae to come back?”
“We should. Where is he anyways? It’s been ten minutes.”
“Maybe he went back to the house because he needed to poop.”
“That could be it, yeah.”
“When I first met you and you ran away from me, I thought that maybe you really needed to poop.”
Jungkook laughs, while Yoongi glances at you awkwardly.
“You did?”
“I did, yeah.”
“Oh god, this is bad. Now I’m embarrassed”, Jungkook snickers.
“I know better these days”, you joke.
“You guys are weird”, Yoongi murmurs, handing out the cups.
“Hey, I didn’t know that you guys don’t have these urges back then”, you defend yourself, making Jungkook chuckle and Yoongi glance at you.
“Okay, if you say so”, he says dryly and looks up, “where were you?”
You and Jungkook look at the path. Taehyung is walking back to you with his hands behind his back.
“I got something for the picnic”, he says and sits down on the empty space. He pulls his hands from behind his back, revealing a bouquet of forest flowers.
“Wow Tae, this is so pretty”, you gasp.
“I plucked them myself. We passed a very big field of flowers when we walked here, so I went back to get some. Do you like them? I thought that perhaps they could add beauty to the picnic.”
“We love them. They’re so pretty. Thank you for plucking them”, you say, pecking his cheek.
“They’re really pretty. Wow, you must have worked so hard”, Jungkook praises him.
“Thanks Tae, you can put them in here”, Yoongi says and fills a fifth cup with water.
Taehyung smiles at all of you with flushed cheeks. You each compliment the flowers one more time and then finally begin with the breakfast. It is useless to say that the breakfast is the best breakfast you have ever tasted. Yoongi’s food has this effect. It is prepared well and it is prepared with love – not only for the food itself but also for the people he makes it for – and one can truly taste it in every bite.
Some time passes where nothing truly significant happens, except that the food gets less and less and your tummies get fuller and fuller. You talk about things just as insignificant and it was so perfectly good this way.
You have reached the sweet part of the breakfast, snacking on the fruits Taehyung sliced when Jungkook lets his eyes run over the wood cutting spot.
“Is this were you cut wood last time, hyungie?”
Yoongi glances at it for a moment, then nods his head.
“Nice, that’s cool”, he looks at the lake, “does anyone wanna take a swim later?”
“Definitely”, you say.
“Me too”, Taehyung agrees, “would it bother you if I painted for a while however? The sunlight looks so beautiful right now.”
“Of course not. I could paint something as well”, Jungkook agrees.
And so it happens that the day of insignificant happenings continues after breakfast. Taehyung and Jungkook paint, while you and Yoongi loose yourselves in books. You read and he writes. Truly there is no day more insignificant than this day and that is exactly what makes it so perfect to all of you. It is peaceful, sunny and nice. God knows, you haven’t had such days in a very long time. Knowing that nothing will happen may seem boring to others, but not to your family. Because as long as the most exciting thing of your day is painting and books, it means that the world is at peace and your family is safe.
Jungkook places his pen aside when his drawing is halfway done. He rolls his neck and shoulders, letting out the kind of sound a person makes when they stretch their rusty bodies. Taehyung looks up from the painting.
“Do you want to swim?” he asks him.
“Just taking a short break. I sat in the same position for too long”, he stretches his arms high above his head, squeezing his eyes shut as he groans, “how do humans do that? Aren’t you in constant pain?”
“Are you okay?” you ask him in a chuckle. You are resting with your head on Yoongi’s tummy while the latter uses the basket as a back rest.
“Yeah, just really stiff”, he says mid-stretch. Then he drops his arms again, smacking his lips, “ah, that was nice. What are you painting?” he asks, getting on all fours so he could glance at Taehyung’s painting, “damn, the detail.”
“Do you like it? I find these flowers so beautiful that I needed to paint them.”
“It’s really pretty. Do you wanna see what I drew?”
“I do.”
Jungkook flips his sketchbook. He captured the current moment in black ink. Taehyung with a concentrated pout painting the flowers, Yoongi with the pen between his lips as he thinks of poetry and you with your widened eyes glued to the words in the book. The details aren’t perfect yet, but it is clear which silhouette is supposed to be who.
“Oh”, Taehyung lets out, meeting Jungkook’s eyes.
“Do you guys wanna see too?”
“Of course, show us.”
Jungkook flips the book.
“Kookie, wow”, you sit up, “this is so beautiful.”
Yoongi gawks with parted lips, which means that he is totally enchanted by the drawing.
“Thanks yeah. I still need to draw the details, but my eyes are tired. I need a break”, Jungkook says.
“It’s so pretty, I love it so much. Can I see what you painted too?”
“Of course.”
You crawl over the blanket to look at Taehyung’s canvas. The latter, drapes his arm around your waist and kisses your shoulder.
“Gosh, this is so pretty too. The colours are so nice.”
“Thank you. Do you like the book you are reading?”
“I do. It’s really captivating.”
“I am glad that you do.”
You and he exchange a soft kiss, then you sit back down again, preparing a new cup of lemonade because you feel thirsty.
“Tae, do you wanna take the swim now?” Jungkook asks.
“I do”, Taehyung says and begins undressing himself. Jungkook stands up as well, following his example.
Yoongi glances at them, while you run your eyes over them nonchalantly.
“What are you doing?” Yoongi gasps, ogling their briefs. He regrets it when seconds later, Taehyung pulls it down and exposes everything. Yoongi holds his breath in shock, gawking into his notebook with big eyes.
“Going for a swim”, Taehyung says and takes Jungkook’s hand, “the last one in the water is a stinky loser.”
“Tae wait, I wasn’t ready”, Jungkook follows him with laughter.
The two men play fight for a little, pushing and pulling each other to stop the other from getting into the water first. Jungkook ends the fight by suddenly wrapping his arm around Taehyung’s thighs and throwing him over his shoulder this way.
Taehyung squeaks, trying to fight his grip, but he can’t. Jungkook walks into the water with him, only letting him down once his head would be under water.
“Now there’s no winner”, Jungkook says.
“You are awful”, Taehyung whines, splashing his face with water.
Jungkook chuckles and drags Taehyung further out the lake with his arm around his waist.
You avert your eyes from them, studying Yoongi. His face is red.
“I didn’t expect them to strip.”
“Me neither”, he says, lowering his book so he could look at you, “I saw Tae’s dick. I didn’t wanna know how he looks.”
“I mean, it’s a good view.”
“You’re not funny.”
You chuckle, “sorry.”
“Brat”, Yoongi says, running his eyes over your hand, “what’s wrong, love?”
“What do you mean?”
“You keep touching your neck.”
“Ah that. I think I slept weird. It hurts, it’s giving me a headache.”
Yoongi sits up and places his hands on your shoulders.
“Lie down, I’ll make it better.”
“Really? Oh my god, I love massages”, you say and lie down so your head was resting in the crook of his crossed legs.
Yoongi fixes your hair for you so it wasn’t tugging and pulling, then runs his palms along your forehead and scalp. You grin, closing your eyes.
“This is already amazing.”
“Mhm”, Yoongi hums and begins his massage. He pays special attention to every inch of your tense neck, traces your features and massages your scalp and shoulders. He even dances his hands up and down your arms. All while the background is filled with Taehyung’s and Jungkook’s inaudible chatter and the song of birds. A slow wind has picked up which makes the leaves dance and babble as well. The sunlight breaks through the canopies, dancing behind your closed eyelids in shades of red and black.
“I can’t believe that today’s the last day. I want this to last forever”, you say after so many moments of nice silence.
“I know. We had a good time here. Although I’m a little sad you didn’t spend the night with me.”
You look up at him.
“Yeah. I looked for you when I didn’t see you in bed, but you were already sleeping when I found you.”
“Gosh no, I’m sorry. The porridge knocked me right out.”
“It’s okay, I figured.”
“The next time we visit, I will make it up to you. I promise.”
“Mhm”, he traces your brows, “I don’t doubt it.”
He leans down and kisses your lips, smiling fondly when you caress his cheeks.
“I hope you’re not too sad or angry.”
“No. I just wanted to tell you that you owe me cuddles now”, he jokes, making you laugh.
“Min Yoongi, are you actually talking cute right now?”
He chuckles, rolling his eyes at you fondly.
“Maybe. Don’t tell anyone.”
You roll to your tummy and sit up, resting your weight on your hands so you could kiss his lips. He cradles your cheeks for it, letting you show him the rhythm with a fluttering heart.
You break the kiss with a gentle bite to his lower lip, eliciting a sigh from him.
“My lips are sealed, lover boy”, you whisper, giggling when he rolls his eyes at you.
“That’s a dumb nickname.”
“Yeah? Just like Boongie was?”
“No”, he chuckles, “Boongie was never bad.”
“I see”, you say, closing your eyes when he pulls you into a kiss. He shows you the rhythm this time around, sending flutters through your chest. His kiss tastes so goddamn good. He breaks it with a stub of his nose, sliding his big, tender hands to your neck.
“How’s the headache?” he asks you, rubbing circles on your skin.
“I can’t feel it anymore. You really helped.”
“That’s good”, his eyes soften, he caresses your chin, “princess.”
You lean into his touch, feeling so incredibly giddy.
“Boongie, can you watch me?”
You sit back and lift your hand, closing your eyes to focus on the energies around you. The trees, the water and sun, the flowers. You focus on the sweet scent and dancing colours, using their good energies to create a flower. You open your eyes, presenting the flower to Yoongi with a blinding smile.
“You’re such a good girl, princess. Look at you making flowers all on your own”, he praises, making you giggle and do a little happy dance.
“It’s for you”, you say, “can I put it in your hair?”
He tilts his head to you, closing his eyes as you put the blue flower into his hair. You give his ear a little rub before you pull back, gazing at him.
He leans in to kiss you, kissing you on the cheek afterwards.
“My little witch”, he whispers.
“Yoongi, stop”, you gasp, feeling your heart skip a beat or two.
He smiles lazily, tracing your lips before he pokes your nose.
“Yoongi, oh my god”, you squeak, falling around his neck to cackle into the crook of his neck.
He laughs, hugging you in order not to fall on his back from the intensity of your love attack.
“What’s wrong? I didn’t even do anything”, he says calmly, even if his racing heart gives him away.
“Oh stop it you, you know exactly what you did. You did the boop”, you say, sitting back to poke his nose, “the boop.”
He ogles your finger, swiping it away gently to hold it instead.
“You’re cute.”
You and Yoongi turn your heads upon hearing your name being called. Jungkook is coming out of the water with his eyes glued to you, seeming very determined. He is trying very hard to look cool and mysterious, but the slippery stones and pokey roots make it very hard not to wobble. He is definitely cute.
“Already cold?” you ask him.
“You”, he points at you with furrowed brows.
You point at yourself, “me?”
“You’re coming with me.”
You glance at Taehyung in the background, who obviously waits for Jungkook with a mischievous grin. Almost as if these two made up a plan. A plan to get you.
“I don’t seem to follow.”
Jungkook reaches your side. He picks you up and throws you over his shoulder, giving your butt a playful spank. He flicks water into Yoongi’s face, calling it a “distraction tactic” when the older man complains in a whine.
“Now you’re mine”, he says, walking back down to the lake.
You finally understand. He is going to carry you into the water.
“Wait Kook wait”, you squeak, wiggling in his hold, “let me at least take off my dress.”
The water is coming closer and closer.
“Kookie please”, you laugh.
Jungkook changes his grip on you so you are in his arms bridal style. He steps into the water and squats down slowly.
“Kook, wait my clothes please”, you beg and wiggle in his arms with lines of laughter on your face.
Jungkook snickers and turns to place you on dry land.
“You are lucky that your begs are my weakness”, he jokes.
You slap his chest gently, “you meanie, you”, you snicker and hurry to get undressed.
You drop your stuff on the ground, squeaking loudly when Jungkook sweeps you off your feet again the second you are naked. Now there is no stopping him. He is walking into the water with you in his arms, smiling oh so brightly at the happy squeaks and squeals you let out.
“Oh it’s so cold! I’m gonna pay you back so bad!” you complain and then you are already submerged completely.
“It’s not even that bad”, Jungkook laughs, carrying you further out onto the lake.
“Yes it is. I was forced to my luck, you meanie you.”
Jungkook giggles when you bite his neck gently, feeling his heart skip a beat.
Taehyung takes over for Jungkook, carrying you in his arms and with his lips nibbling on your jawline.
“Hello there, my beautiful. It seems that our plan to kidnap you was successful”, he coos.
“God you two are awful. Brr it’s so chilly”, you laugh, snuggling yourself closer to Taehyung.
“We’ll warm you”, he purrs, snuggling you back.
Jungkook presses himself close to you on your other side so you are cocooned between them. You must admit, their technique helps splendidly. You are so warm and cozy between their heated bodies despite the cold water. The three of you snicker and laugh, exchanging little kisses as you enjoy the carefree moment.
Soon Taehyung lets go of you, giving you the freedom to swim on your own.
“We were thinking of swimming to the middle of the lake”, Taehyung says, “are you with us?”
“Of course I am”, you say and look at Yoongi, “my love, we’re swimming to the middle. Okay?”
He gives you a thumbs-up and lies down, covering his face with the edge of the blanket.
“He seems happy”, you say and look at your two boys, “loser gets his butt spanked. Go!”
You swim off quickly, cackling mischievously when your two boys whine in complaint.
“Spanks weren’t part of the deal”, Taehyung laughs.
“Hey, I wasn’t ready”, Jungkook whines.
They catch up with you soon. Taehyung pulls you back gently by your ankle.
“Come back you”, he warns with fondness in his eyes.
“I was only kidding”, you laugh and slow down so you were swimming between them, “let’s not race.”
“You are just scared that we would have beat you”, Jungkook says.
“Excuse me, mister? I am a better swimmer than you.”
“Mhm sure you are.”
You flick water at his face, earning yourself a flick of water back.
“Okay, okay truce. Truce”, you cackle.
“Fine, truce”, Jungkook agrees and looks around at the scenery, “it’s so nice here.”
“It truly is”, Taehyung agrees, “and it is the perfect weather for swimming. We must arrange more swimming days at the lake once we are home again.”
“I’d be down for that. It’s gonna be hot in the next few weeks, so it’s perfect.”
“I heard that too. I bet the lake’s gonna be really nice”, Jungkook says.
“We must take Jimin with us as well. He loves to swim in the lake”, Taehyung says, feeling nervous for a while because of past distaste between his best friend and the others.
“Sure, the more the merrier”, you agree.
“I won’t go easy on him by the way, so warn him”, Jungkook jokes, “I will beat him in swimming.”
Taehyung relaxes in relief, “he hates an easy win, so this is perfect.”
![Index[Chapter 08 - Lake]](https://64.media.tumblr.com/a23f76303fad56ebe8636222cc1577ba/eef790e7535d416c-0a/s500x750/18252b6b9e7505b9976808db63dc52220fa473a0.png)
You stay by the lake until the sun begins its slow decent. You went for two more swims, taking Jungkook and Taehyung with you each time. Yoongi never went into the water and you didn’t pressure him. He seemed very content in lying under the tree and enjoying the silence.
Your grandparents have already cooked dinner when you arrive back home, welcoming you with smiles and amazing food. You talk a lot during dinner, taking more time than usual because nobody really wanted this last dinner together to end. In fact, you take so much time that your grandparents excuse themselves straight to bed after dinner, telling you a good night. You decided to stay one more night and leave by the morning, which is why you were only a little bit sad when you watched them leave.
It is Taehyung, who suggests keeping the night going by having a bonfire outside. You and Jungkook agreed instantly and Yoongi did too after he saw how happy you seemed about the idea.
So now bundled up in warmer clothes, you are outside, preparing the fire.
Taehyung hurries to the pile of wood, picking up as many as his arms can carry. Like this, he waddles to the fire pit, peeking over the pieces of wood.
“Help me. I cannot carry all of it alone”, he says.
“Do you even know how to make a fire?” Yoongi teases, walking to the wood pile as well.
“Of course I do. I was born in a time where the only sources of heat were fires”, Taehyung explains, hurrying back to the pile after dropping the logs next to the stone circle.
“It doesn’t mean that you spoiled brat didn’t unlearn it again”, Yoongi says.
Taehyung sends him a look.
“I shall poke you with a stick soon, hyung” he warns, making Yoongi chuckle.
He squats down next to Taehyung and picks up firewood.
“The question is if you still know how to start a fire”, Taehyung says as he nudges him with his shoulder.
“Why?” there is amusement in Yoongi’s eyes as he meets Taehyung’s gaze.
“Because you locked yourself up for most of your life like a little baby.”
Yoongi laughs and slaps his arm gently, “I think we’re equal now.”
Taehyung laughs and nudges Yoongi’s arm. They did enough teasing for now. They both stand up with firewood in their hands and waddle to the fireplace. Taehyung places his stacks down first, sorting them into a pile. Yoongi goes next, letting Taehyung do the sorting because he seems to have his own technique behind it.
“Where should we put it?” you ask with a pile of firewood in your arms.
Jungkook is beside you, carrying even more.
“Put it aside for now. We’ll use it once the fire’s shrinking.”
“Okie dokie”, Jungkook says and helps you set down the wood. He claps into his hands afterwards, resting his hands on his hips, “what now? How are we gonna start the fire?”
“___ is gonna start it.”
“Me? But I have no idea how to.”
“Yeah, you do”, Yoongi says and snaps his fingers to let a small flame appear.
“Wooah”, you and Jungkook gasp, while Taehyung seems as if he already knew the trick.
Yoongi closes his hand. The flame disappears.
“The important thing about fire magic is to remember that fire will always be stronger than you. There is nothing about fire which doesn’t want to consume you if you let it get out of control.”
“And you want me to do what you just did? What if I lose control?”
“You won’t. It’s fairly easy to create a flame and to keep it small”, Yoongi says and starts a flame again, “it’s also important to remember that for as long as the fire you create is still connected with you, it can’t hurt you”, he explains as he allows the flame to consume his entire hand.
“Yoongi, stop. You’re gonna hurt yourself”, you gasp and try to reach for him.
“I don’t feel it at all. The danger is in setting it free. Once the fire leaves your hand, it will do what fire does best. Consume. That is when you can get burned, so never set it free unless you need to.”
“I don’t know if I can do this. I’m scared.”
Yoongi stops the fire in his hand and brushes your cheek gently. His hand feels warm, but not hot. So it truly isn’t dangerous for the person creating it.
“You don’t feel ready?”
You shake your head, “I, I don’t wanna hurt anyone.”
“Okay, then I’ll do it. Yes?”
You nod your head, “yes, please.”
“Good job, princess. A good witch knows when a spell is too difficult for them. You’ve done very well in knowing your own limits”, he praises, sending flutters through your tummy.
“Thanks”, you mumble with heated cheeks.
“So how are you going to light the fire now?” Jungkook asks.
“Easy”, Yoongi says and squats down in front of the wood pile. He lights his hand on fire and grabs one of the wooden logs. He grasps it tightly, infecting it with the hot flames until it glows all on its own. He places the log under the other pieces and grabs another one to light it as well. He extinguishes his hand and stands up. His eyes flash orange for a second as he forces the fire to grow. It pulsates rhythmically like a heartbeat and within seconds, the entire pile is aflame in bright, hot fire.
“And you thought that I could do that? This was seriously so impressive.”
“Seriously, hyung. You’re so cool.”
You and Jungkook gush, making Yoongi’s cheeks flush rosy.
“It’s not even that difficult. Fire magic is actually very easy to learn because fire is such a powerful source. It’s dangerous, but easy, which honestly makes it as dangerous as it is.”
“Because every idiot can learn it, right?” Jungkook asks.
Yoongi nods his head, “exactly. Every idiot can learn it and many pay the price because of it.”
“I can imagine. Fire has always been scary to me. I really respect it.”
“And you should. Fire isn’t something to play with.”
Taehyung chuckles, making the rest of you look at him.
“Why are you laughing?” Jungkook asks.
“Just because our dear Yoongi can never stop preaching.”
“Yah, I’m just saying”, Yoongi complains, but relaxes when he hears you and Jungkook snicker. He scoffs, softening his features, “I guess I really can’t stop preaching.”
“You’re like a dad”, Jungkook teases.
“I literally said on Tuesday that he’d be the type of dad who would be overly worried at all times and who’d always tell the kids to be careful.”
“Yes, this would be so him”, Jungkook laughs, caressing Yoongi’s back fondly.
“You guys are brats”, Yoongi mumbles and escapes his giddy feelings by sitting down on the ground.
“Wait, hyung I’ll get some blankets and pillows”, Taehyung says and disappears to run to the house.
“Why’s he running? Dirt never hurt anyone before.”
“You’ll complain about it later”, you say. You stand right behind Yoongi, running your fingers over his scalp in a tingly massage.
Yoongi tilts his head back, resting it against your legs.
“Whatever, brat”, he mumbles and closes his eyes, “that feels good.”
“You’re so cool, my love.”
Yoongi hums, but his face stays stoic otherwise. You know him well enough by now, that you are aware that this is his way of showing gratitude for a compliment.
Taehyung soon returns with the pillows and blanket you used for the picnic. You help him set it up, using the tree trunks, your grandfather laid around the fire pit to sit on, as your backrests.
You sit between Yoongi and Taehyung, while Jungkook sits on the other side of Yoongi. You are bundled up like this, sharing both the warmth of the fire and that of your bodies.
“So what are we gonna do now?” you ask into the silence.
“I don’t know”, Jungkook answers you.
“We could roast a few marshmallows”, Taehyung suggests.
“I’m not really hungry though.”
“I must admit, me neither”, Taehyung says and takes a deep breath, releasing it with a slight pout.
“What if we read something?” Jungkook suggests.
“But I don’t really want to.”
“Yeah, me neither actually”, Jungkook gives up with a pout.
“What if we play UNO?”
“No, this game is awful”, Taehyung instantly says.
“It’s only awful because you always lose”, you laugh.
“And must there be another reason for it to be awful? It is impossible to win.”
“No, it’s not. You’re just bad at it”, Jungkook teases.
“How dare you”, Taehyung gasps, clutching his imaginary pearls and making you and Jungkook laugh with it.
“Ah, you’re so funny”, you say and sigh contently, letting your eyes run over the endless flames. Their dance is almost hypnotising. Never ending and rhythmic, “have we reached a point in our day where we’re bored?” you ask, eyes still glued to the flame as if you were zoning out. It is so relaxing to watch the fire.
“Perhaps, we have.”
“Wow, that’s something new. I genuinely can’t remember a day where we were genuinely bored. Either one of us had to be somewhere or we were fighting some evil or we were too busy hunting shadows or being mad at each other. I don’t think that we had a day where we were all bored together.”
“True, yeah.”
“I must admit that I prefer the boredom.”
“Yeah”, you snuggle into Taehyung, “yeah I kinda do too.”
Jungkook rubs Yoongi’s upper back.
“Do you like it too, hyungie?”
“Yeah, I guess”, he says, touching his own ear nervously.
“You don’t seem like it.”
“N-no I do. It just…makes me nervous.”
“The boredom?”
“The peace said boredom means.”
Jungkook kisses his cheek even if that flusters Yoongi immensely.
“Do you wanna talk about it? We’re here for you if you do.”
Yoongi shakes his head, “I guess I’m just paranoid.”
“I’m sorry you feel this way, my love”, you say, caressing his thigh.
Yoongi gives you a shy smile, “it’s okay. Thanks”, he takes a deep breath. The darker aura still surrounds him however. You exchange a worried look with Jungkook.
“I have an idea”, Jungkook says.
“Tell us.”
“How about we each write down something we want to get rid off and then we throw it into the flames?”
“Like a cleansing ritual?”
“Yeah. I think we could all use that. We’ve been through a lot lately and I think we have a few bad things weighing us down. Maybe we could use the last night here to leave the bad things behind.”
“And come back from this journey as people further up their paths of healing”, Taehyung says.
“I love this idea very much. I know that I have quite a few things weighing me down.”
“I can think of a few things as well”, you say.
“Me too”, Jungkook agrees, “and you? Do you wanna join, hyungie?”
Yoongi falters for a moment, picking at his own skin.
“You don’t have to.”
“No, I”, he says, rubbing his neck shyly, “I want to.”
“Awesome, then we’ll do that. I’ll get the paper”, Jungkook says, leaving the fire.
“Don’t forget the pencils!” Taehyung calls after him.
Jungkook returns very soon, handing out papers and pens. He sits down cross legged, keeping a little distance to all of you so nobody could peek. Soon silence surrounds you where each of you writes down something you want to leave behind. Writing it down already feels healing. It comes easy to Taehyung and Jungkook and feels freeing to you. Yoongi looks around for the first few moments, refusing to write down what burdens him even if he knows every fucking word of it. He repeated it in his head over and over again to the point where he has created its own burdening poet about it. He knows what weighs him down, but is scared to put it on paper. Because writing it down finally makes it real and he doesn’t know if he is ready for that. And so it happens that each of you have finished your papers while Yoongi’s is still empty. You each return to the fire, sitting around it.
“Did everybody write something down?” Jungkook asks.
“I did.”
“Of course I did.”
“Yeah”, Yoongi lies, glancing at his empty paper.
“Nice, then let’s gather by the fire”, Jungkook says and stands up to walk to the fire. You follow his lead.
“Can I start?” he asks.
He lifts his hand over the flames, looking at the dancing fire, “I want to keep the uncontrollable hunger here. I know I’m not at the end of my journey to control and that I still have lots to learn, but I want to leave the uncontrollable hunger here. I want to return as a Ripper, who can kiss his lovers the way he was able to kiss them here. I want to return as a Ripper, who might not be able to drink human blood yet but who doesn’t go crazy at the mere sight of it. That’s what I want to leave here, those uncontrollable surges of hunger and violence”, he looks at you and the others, giving you a smile.
You and Taehyung return it, while Yoongi is too shy to do so. Jungkook looks back at the fire and opens his hand. The paper dances down and down until the flames finally swallow it. Jungkook takes a deep breath, folding his hands in front of his chest and closing his eyes as if he was praying.
You and the others do the same because it seemed important to Jungkook. You only open your eyes once you hear Jungkook sigh in relief. He smiles at all of you.
“That felt good. Who wants to go next?”
“May I?”
“Of course, Tae.”
Taehyung lifts his hand, looking into the fire.
“I want to rid myself of the traumatic memories haunting me. I made a lot of mistakes in my life, I am aware of them, so I want to leave this side of me here as well. I want to return as someone who uses his immortality to do good, to create art and make people happy. I want to be someone who stops doubting his place in this family because I finally became someone whose deeds are worthy of it. I want to return as someone who can heal from what was done to him so that one day I will be happy again. And, I know this isn’t something I want to rid myself of but a goal of myself, I want to help Jimin heal as well. He is my best friend and my true mate and one day, I want to see his smile reach his eyes again.”
Taehyung opens his hand, letting the paper sink into the flames. He folds his hands and closes his eyes, you all follow his lead, keeping them closed until he sighs in relief.
He wipes at his eyes.
“Are you okay?”
“Yes, I am more than fine”, he assures you, smiling honestly, “my heart feels lighter again. Thank you, Jungkook. This ritual was immensely healing.”
“I’m glad that it could help you. I like what you said”, Jungkook says, intertwining his fingers with Taehyung.
“My turn next”, you say.
“Go ahead.”
You lift your hand, looking into the flames.
“I was raised thinking that I’m unworthy of love, that I’m a burden and that for as long as I’m useful and make no mistakes, I’m wanted. I want to rid myself of this. Being here with you guys and spending time with my grandparents again made me realise that I am very easy to love unconditionally. I know that I’m far from perfect and that I make mistake or do stupid shit sometimes, but you guys and my grandparents never make me feel as if I’m loved less because of it. So I want to come back as someone who loves herself and who doesn’t beat herself up because of small mistakes. I’m human and humans aren’t perfect, but that doesn’t make them less worthy of love.”
You open your hand and let the paper fall into the flames. Just like Taehyung and Jungkook, you fold your hands and close your eyes, thinking your wishes far, far into the endlessness of the universe. Your boys only open their eyes once you sigh in relief.
You smile at them, “I feel so light all of a sudden. This really made me happy.”
“I’m glad it did. You also said really nice things”, Jungkook says, holding your hand as well.
When Yoongi doesn’t immediately start, you all look at him.
“It’s your turn, my love.”
“I know”, he whispers.
“We’re ready whenever you’re ready.”
“I know.”
He lifts his hand. He hesitates. He lowers it again.
“I lied. I didn’t write anything down”, he confesses, showing you the empty paper.
“Why not? Did you not think of anything?”
“I did, but…”
“But what?”
“If I write it down it becomes real.”
“Exactly and then you can throw it into the flames and watch it burn. You could try, maybe it will help.”
“I don’t know”, he looks into the fire with furrowed brows.
“You can also just tell us and throw away the paper as a symbol”, Jungkook suggests.
“I guess I could do that, yeah”, Yoongi whispers.
He needs a few moments to gain courage and when he finally does, he has crumbled the paper in his damp hand.
“I’m scared. I’m not nervous, I’m scared.”
Yoongi’s confession hangs heavy in the air. You are all looking at him. Yoongi doesn’t often confess that he is scared.
“Why are you scared, my love?” you ask him, holding his hand.
“Because one day you’ll have learned control and then we can create the cure.”
Taehyung and Jungkook exchange a look.
“And that means we have to see Namjoon again”, you say.
“Yeah”, Yoongi whispers, nodding his head and squeezing your hand, “I’m scared of that.”
“Because he’ll be mean to you?” Jungkook asks.
Yoongi shakes his head.
“Are you scared that he might break free and use it on you?” Taehyung asks.
Yoongi shakes his head again.
“I’m scared that I won’t be able to do it and I guess…I guess I’m also scared that it might kill him.”
“Why are you scared of that? He deserves it”, Taehyung says snappishly, but flushes in embarrassment when you nudge him in warning.
“It’s because he was his best friend once. Let’s try to see his side as well”, you say.
“Is that so?” Taehyung asks, glancing at Yoongi.
Yoongi nods his head, staring into the flames.
“What if it kills him? Then I’m so alone.”
“No, you’re not. You will always have us”, Jungkook says.
“I know, but nobody who gets how it is to be a Creator. I don’t wanna be alone.”
“Oh, my love”, you get out, hugging him from the side.
“I’m so angry at myself. I know that he is a monster and that he is everything which makes vampires wrong. I know that he tortured too many people and killed far too many and yet I still don’t want him to die. I’m so angry at myself for feeling this way, for being so scared and, and being a, a fucking hopeful coward. I keep wishing that the cure will bring him back, that he will become the gentle, kind man he was in the past and I know that this is wrong of me to wish. He became a monster, he hurt people I should wish him dead, but I can’t. Why can’t I fucking want him dead?”
“My love, stop that. You’re being really mean to yourself right now.”
“Why shouldn’t I? I’m the worst.”
“No, you’re not”, you gasp.
“Yes, I am. I’m the reason why so many people burned in the Eternal Scorch, why we were cursed, why vampires exist. I’m even the reason why we are hated. Because I lost control we became hunted, my friends died and Namjoon was shot in the head. He became a monster because of me. I’m the fucking worst.”
“Hyung!” Jungkook exclaims in shock.
“Yoongi, please don’t say that”, you exclaim, “your past mistakes don’t define you anymore. Yeah, you did a lot of shit, but you learned from it and not everything bad which happened was your fault.”
“I can’t feel this way.”
“Do not speak like that”, Taehyung gasps, “you are so very far from being the worst”, he says, hurrying to Yoongi’s side so he could take his hand. Like this, they are clutching Yoongi’s crumbled paper together.
Yoongi glances at him shyly.
“I have learned a great deal about you during this holiday. You are so very far from being the worst. You love people and you show it through a multitude of ways. Eventhough you always say that you seem cold and rude, you aren’t. You love to cook because it means that your family is fed well, you love to help because you cannot stand to know that people struggle alone, you always carry a fond word on your tongue because you want the people around you to feel good about themselves. You are filled with so much love, hyung, with so much love that you cannot shake the love you once felt for Namjoon.”
Yoongi tightens his jaw, trying so hard to keep the burning in his eyes from producing tears.
“___ always says that I’m full of love”, he whispers.
“Because she speaks the truth. You are. You are full of it and you will never be alone. I understand your hesitation and your fears, so do not struggle alone for you have people by your side who are willing to help you as well.”
Yoongi smiles, “thank you, kiddo”, he whispers and slides his hand out of Taehyung’s gentle hold. He lifts it over the flames.
“I’m scared, but I’m not alone. I guess, what I want to burn is my self-loathing. I get so angry at myself whenever I feel something unpleasant and instead of looking for help, I blame myself for my emotions to the point where I start hating myself. I guess, I don’t wanna hate myself anymore. I don’t know if I can do it, but I’ll try.”
“Trying already means that you are beginning to love yourself. If you still hated yourself, you wouldn’t want to try”, Jungkook says.
“Yeah, yeah I guess it does. Fuck, you guys, stop making me fucking emotional.”
You all laugh fondly, cuddling closer to Yoongi.
“Fuck, this is so stupid”, he says, but continues, “I want to burn my self-loathing and the fear of stuff I can’t control. As much as I try to control the outcome, some things are out of my control. Maybe Namjoon will die, but I can’t control this outcome so instead of being scared of it, I have to learn to live with it.”
He hesitates with opening his hand.
“Can I still wish that he doesn’t die?”
“Of course you can.”
“Then I wanna wish that he doesn’t die and that he becomes the gentle, kind man of the past again”, Yoongi says and opens his hand.
The fire swallows his paper, Yoongi squeezes your hand and Taehyung’s, staring into the flames until the paper is truly gone. He takes a deep breath, releasing it through his mouth.
“How do you feel?”
“I liked what you said, hyungie.”
Yoongi smiles at Jungkook.
“Thank you, kiddo. You had a good idea.”
“I’m grateful that you guys did it with me. Hoseok and Seokjin always do it with me whenever summer ends, so this tradition means a lot to me.”
“Maybe we can do it with them this year. We’ll include Jimin and Emma as well and have a barbeque in the garden”, you suggest.
“I love this idea so much, wow baby”, Jungkook gushes with sparkly eyes.
“I like it too. I wanna make the food”, Yoongi says.
“I bet it’s gonna be so delicious, my love.”
“And we shall each bring our instruments and make music until late into the night”, Taehyung says.
Yoongi smiles, “that’s a good idea, Tae. You know what we could do right now?”
“Tell us.”
“Make music.”
“Hyung, yes!” Taehyung exclaims, “we haven’t made music together in too long!”
“Okay, we’ll do it”, Yoongi says and reaches into the air to pull a guitar and violin from nothing.
“Woah, did you just pull a guitar and violin out of thin air?”
“Yeah”, Yoongi says, handing the violin to Taehyung, “manifestation magic. The object’s not really permanent, but it’s gonna stay long enough to have fun with it.”
“What do you channel for that to work?”
“Yourself in a sense. You reach into your imagination and pull out whatever you imagine.”
“Wait. Like this?” you ask and try it only to fail, “well, bollocks”, you pout, sagging your shoulders.
Yoongi chuckles fondly, leaning in to kiss your cheek.
“You’re cute. That’s difficult magic to learn, give it time.”
“I see. God, you’re so cool Yoongi.”
‘Mmh”, another kiss then he sits down on the ground. He looks at his guitar and begins tuning it. Its soft clinking and strumming fills the air together with Taehyung tuning his violin.
The rest of you sit down next to them.
Yoongi relaxes after a few moments by lying down and resting his head on Jungkook’s lap. He is playing the guitar softly, gazing up at him.
“Hey there, hyungie”, he says, combing his fingers through his bangs.
He blinks his eyes at the younger man slowly and gives him a toothless smile. Jungkook continues to play with his hair as Yoongi strums the guitar and gazes at him.
“Done. Your magical violin was terribly out of tune”, Taehyung says and lies down as well, resting his head on your lap.
“Mhm”, Yoongi hums.
You meet Taehyung’s eyes, retorting his smile.
“Very, you have comfortable thighs.”
“You’re cute”, you say, combing your fingers through Taehyung’s soft locks.
Taehyung lifts the violin to his chin and begins playing.
Something truly magical happens then. Yoongi and Taehyung sync within seconds, complimenting each other’s melody until it becomes one lively song. You imagine flowers blooming in spring and the beginning of a trickling stream. It is soft and gentle like a new beginning which will turn into something bigger with them. For now it dances shyly through the air, making the fire shine brighter and the scents of the night stronger. You glance at Jungkook, exchanging a fond smile with him. Life is well. Life is truly and honestly well.
The next song is lively, showcasing the happiness of life being so, so well. Yoongi and Taehyung have to sit up for it, matching each other’s tempos and supporting the other’s melody perfectly. There are parts where Yoongi’s guitar shines and others were Taehyung’s violin has its moment, while other parts are there for them to harmonise.
You think of running through fields or dancing in pubs when you listen to the melody.
They must have played together like this countless times before. Yoongi knows exactly what notes to play to support Taehyung’s vigorous play and Taehyung knows exactly when to slow down to give Yoongi his time to shine. You never figured that guitar and violin go so well together, but they do. Oh you want to jump up and dance.
“Kookie, do you wanna dance with me?”
“Dance with you?” Jungkook’s eyes light up, “yes. Oh my god, I would love to dance with you “
“Awesome. Come on”, you say and pull him up by his hands.
And so it happens that you and Jungkook dance under the forest trees while Yoongi and Taehyung accompany you with music. The melodies and your squeaky laughter echoes through the forest, letting every way of life know that time together was a wonderful time.
It will always be a wonderful time.
OMG Sibi 🥺
thank you thank you thank you for this surprise 😭😭😭
the fluffiest fluff that ever fluffied
I was begging you in my thoughts that they would confess before the story ends.
i'm actually crying buckets right now 😭😭😭
If I Was Your Boyfriend

"If he was your boyfriend, he would give you the actual world. Sadly he is just your best friend with the biggest unrequited crush ever."
Pairing: Jungkook x f.Reader
Genre: Unrequited Crush!AU, Idiots in Love!AU, Best Friends to Lovers!AU, Slice of Life, Fluff, Romance
Warnings: OC is scared of a bug (me fr), he kills it for her, he would do anything for her, yearning, unrequited feelings (? mhhm ?), listen. he may be a lil bit dense when it comes to reading signs jsjjss bless his heart, i need him as my boyfriend, so much tension between them, jsjsjs this is pure torture i want them to kiss!!, brief mention of adult toys, miscommunication because he suuucks at love confessions, protective & slightly jealous!Kook, he is the greenest flag though like seriously, the happiest end hihi, the inspo was seven mv kook, she is shorter than him because i have the hugest size kink with him and this is so self-indulgent <3, once again i need him as my boyfie
Wordcount: 10.5k
a/n: sometimes i have ideas for one specific trope without wanting to write the whole book lmaooo, so enjoy this lil slow burn fluff scenario which is so self-indulgent and fanfiction coded. also, it was inspired by a real life event where i found a bug in my bed and i had to kill it on my own :( i was being very brave about it 😔 ps: this is very unrealistic 'cause like why would you only be best friends with HIM? that wouldn't be an unrequited crush if that was me. happy birthday to kookie 💛

The call comes around two at night. Jungkook picks up with the first ring. He was working out before that.
“Hello? Are you okay?” he asks, resting his head against the edge of the sofa as he is currently sitting on the floor. He was doing sit ups before that, trying his hardest to regulate his sped-up breathing right now.
“Kook, please help me.”
Jungkook sits up straight.
“Where are you? Are you safe?”
“I don’t know. I think it’s following me. I locked it inside my room but I can still hear it.”
“Stay with me, I’m getting dressed”, he says, jumping to his feet to hurry to his front door.
“Please hurry please. I’m so scared.”
“I’m coming, don’t worry. Are you home?”
“Yes. Hurry please.”
“I’m coming, stay strong. Yeah?”
“Yes, thank you”, you say and end the call.
Jungkook curses, shoving the phone into his pants pocket. He puts on his jacket as he runs down the hallway and puts on his beanie once he is inside the elevator. He is restless in the small space, wishing for it to go quicker. It’s too slow.
“Come on, come on”, he stresses it, knowing that it is fruitless.

You are his best friend. Well, at least that is what you would call him. Best friend. Jungkook sees so much more in you. His best friend, his person of trust, his crush. He would never tell you his feelings because he doesn’t want to make it awkward. But if there were no consequences for speaking up, Jungkook would tell you that you are his dream girl. You are funny, sweet, caring, talented, intelligent, wonderful, perfect, amazing, beautiful, pretty, stunning. Yes, Jungkook thinks that you are all of these things and more. When he is close to you, his heart races and he wants to keep looking at your face. When you are sad, he wants to make you happy again and when you smile, he wants to keep it on your face. When you aren’t with him, he misses you and when you are with him, he hopes that time stops passing. You are the person he updates on the most mundane of things and whose text messages always bring a quick flutter to his chest. Your voice is the voice he could listen to for hours and your face is the face he doesn’t get tired of staring at when you and he video chat late night till you and he both run out of things to say. And at the same time, you are the person with whom Jungkook never runs out of things to talk about, if he didn’t have to breathe, he would continue to babble to you until your ears wore off. Jungkook swears that if there were no consequences for his words, he would tell you all of this.
But alas, there are consequences and so Jungkook is left keeping his true feelings hidden.
The outcome of tonight’s phone call obviously wouldn’t have changed whether or not he had romantic feelings for you. Jungkook loves you as a friend as well. And he will always be there for his friends. Especially when they are clearly scared by something.

Jungkook rings your bell. You open the door as if you were waiting for him, grabbing him by his wrists to drag him inside. Jungkook’s entire body flutters at the feeling of your touch.
“Finally you are here. Come in quick, please”, you tell him.
You must have been sleeping already. You are in your pyjamas and have no make-up on. Jungkook swears that you have never looked more beautiful before.
“What happened? Did someone break in?” he asks instead of telling you that you are beautiful.
“Kook, there is a huge bug in my room. Please kill it.”
Jungkook stops in his tracks. You call him over for that? You stop when you feel his strength all of a sudden, looking over your shoulder. He has his right brow cocked up.
“What?” you stress.
“You give me a heart attack for that?”
“What? Of course. It’s a bug.”
Jungkook sighs in annoyance, “seriously?”
“Yes, seriously.” You round him to shove him by his back. “Kill it for me, please Kook.”
“Fine, I’ll kill it”, he gives up and groans, letting you shove him to your bedroom. Jungkook would never dare to think this way, but right now he wished that you were shoving him to your room for something else. Nothing dirty of course, just cuddles. Lots of cuddles. He would literally trade both his kidneys so he could hold you in his arms until you fall asleep just once. He would make sure that you were warm and that you felt safe in his embrace. He would kiss your face and tell you sweet nothings like how he thinks of you when he listens to love songs and how he wishes that it was you and he whenever he sees a romantic scene in a movie.
God, Jungkook is so done for.
“Where is this stupid bug?” he acts annoyed to make the yearning a little easier. It is difficult when you have your hands on his back and they are so, so warm.
“In there.” You open the door carefully and look around. “Follow me”, you say, tiptoeing into your room.
Jungkook follows you, smiling fondly. You are cute when you are acting like this.
“Where is it?” he asks, trying his hardest not to think about how he wants to snuggle you for being cute.
“I don’t know. It was right there when I last saw it.”
“Maybe it’s already gone.”
“No, it was-”
The bug flies past you, you scream instantly, jumping at Jungkook for help.
“The bug! Eeeek Kooook! I hate bugs!” you squeak, hiding away in his chest.
Jungkook hopes that you can’t feel his racing pulse, because it is racing. You never touched him like this before, let alone snuggled so close to him.
Act cool. Act cool. Act cool.
He wraps one arm around you, patting the back of your head.
“There, there you big baby”, he teases.
“I hate bugs so much”, you whine, snuggling closer.
He glances down at you, feeling every beat his heart takes.
Act cool! Act cool! Act cool!
What if he wrapped both arms around you? Would that go too far? He wouldn’t mean anything dirty behind it, he just really wants to hug you and feel you melt in his arms.
“Kill it, Kook please”, you whine and move your head so you were looking up at him. Your eyes lock.
Jungkook bites down on his tongue, forgetting to breathe for just a few moments.
What if he cupped your face right here and now to kiss your nose and cheeks and forehead and chin and lips and eyes? What if he did that?
“Please kill it.”
“I am, you gotta let go for that”, he gets out, surprised at how normal his voice sounds eventhough he is currently losing his mind.
Please don’t let go. Please don’t let go.
You let go. Disappointment from his side. You hide behind him and grab his waist for moral support. Butterflies in his tummy, his knees buckle a little. Holy moly. Holy moly. Wow. Oh wow oh wow oh wow.
“You’re seriously so brave for this”, you tell him.
“Yeah, yeah or maybe you’re just a scaredy cat.”
He has no idea how he is able to talk properly right now when you have him literally messed up.
Jungkook inches close to where the bug is sitting on the wall while his thoughts and heart are racing. He has to act nonchalant about the situation. You are only holding him like this because you are scared.
“Do you have a shoe?” he asks you, hating his hand for shaking when he presents it to you.
You bend down and take off your right slipper, “will this do?”
Jungkook takes the slipper and carefully moves closer to the bug. Your fingers tighten on his waist.
“Careful now”, you comment.
“I am” he gets out, concentrating vigorously. He can’t mess up now, you are counting on him.
“Almost there. Almost there”, you cheer him on.
Jungkook slams the shoe down. The bug has no chance of escape. You scream.
“Did you get it? Is it dead? Kook, is it dead?”
Jungkook lifts the slipper and looks at the squished bug on its sole. He shows it to you.
“Yay, it’s dead. Ew how nasty, you can see the intestines.”
“Right. Give me a minute, I’m cleaning it.”
“Use acid for it. Just to be sure it doesn’t come back.
He chuckles, “sure, I’ll use acid.”
He leaves you in your bedroom to hurry to the bathroom.
Your apartment is familiar to him. He spends a lot of time here. Mostly to chill on your couch and watch shows with you. Sometimes you also cook dinner together and then eat it by the table, while other times you do a workout together. Seriously, you are his fucking dream girl.
One time as you and he were cooking together, he needed something from the shelf above you, but you couldn’t step away from the stove. So he got it while you were right in front of him and his chest brushed against your back and he swears that he heard your breath hitch for a moment. Jungkook wanted to hug you back then. When you later that evening turned to let him taste the cooking only to use the same fork to taste it yourself, Jungkook almost kissed you.
One time when you were watching a show, you got cold hands and Jungkook offered to warm them for you. He didn’t think you would accept, but you did and so he ended up with your cold hands under his hoodie as you warmed them up on his skin. Jungkook swears that he wanted to pin you against the sofa and kiss your cute face back then.
One time when you were doing a workout together, you struggled with a movement and asked him for help. He ended up having to hold you by your hips as he guided you through the movement. He wanted to flip you and kiss you senseless back then.
He never felt like this before. He was scared of these feelings at first, but now he can’t get enough. You are a foodie, a romance lover and a lover for couple workouts and it’s so impossible for him not to be in love. You are seriously his dream girl. There is no fucking way around this.
Jungkook knows that tonight will be such a memory as well. the kind of memory which tingles, but which also makes him regret that he didn’t act differently. When you cuddled into him, he wanted to hug you properly. When you grabbed his waist he wanted to turn in your grasp and kiss you against the door. But he knows that he can’t. He would ruin what you are having and he could never get over this heartbreak.
Jungkook looks at your toothbrush as he cleans the shoe. Sometimes he thinks about how it would feel to be represented in your bathroom as the second toothbrush right next to yours.
Jungkook bites down on his tongue, burning holes into the empty space next to your toothbrush. He would put so much effort into taking care of himself so you could always look at the best version of him. He would do skincare nights with you. He would try out hair masks with you and rub body lotion on the spots you can’t reach. He would brush his teeth, floss them and use mouthwash religiously just so his kisses would always taste good. He would do all of this if it meant you had an attractive boyfriend.
Jungkook looks away. He is doing it again, he is getting delusional. He shouldn’t do that. It isn’t his right.
He turns off the water and leaves the bathroom so he could return the slipper to you.
You are in the kitchen, looking at him instantly.
“Is it gone?” you ask him.
“Yup, it’s gone. Your slipper.”
“Thank you seriously. You just saved my life”, you say and lift a bottle of his favorite beer. “Thank You Beer?”
He shakes his head, “I need to drive.”
“Okay. Then a Thank You Water?”
“Yeah, I can drink that.”
Jungkook accepts the offer because he can stay with you longer that way.
“Coming right up. Get comfy in the meantime.”

Jungkook waits on the sofa, but stands up when you come inside the room. He accepts the water and sits back down. You plop down right in front of him, pulling your legs onto the pillow. Your knees are almost touching the side of thigh.
“You seriously saved my ass tonight. I was already in bed when I felt something tickle my arm and then I turned on the lights and it was right on my arm. I screamed so loud, you have no idea.”
“That sounds traumatic.”
“It was traumatic.” You shudder. “I hate bugs.”
Jungkook laughs softly.
“What? Are you laughing at me?”
“No, just laughing ‘cause I agree. You really hate bugs.”
“I do. Awful things, seriously.”
He laughs and you laugh as well. Your eyes meet again. He takes a sip of his water then asks a question which scares him a little.
“Why did you call me?”
“Why not?”
“I, I mean”, he stutters, feeling his heart do somersaults.
“You were my first thought. It’s probably because you’re always keeping me safe.”
Jungkook swears he wants to kiss you right now. He is the first person you think of when you need help. He is your safe person. Wow, wow, wow.
“Is that weird to say?” you ask him shyly.
“Not at all”, he gets out in a terribly hoarse voice.
“Okay phew. I knew that I could count on you.”
Jungkook gives you a smile. One you retort with a vast glance at his lips.

Jungkook brings the empty glass to the kitchen to clean it after he finishes it. You follow him.
“You don’t have to clean that”, you tell him, trying to reach for the glass but he moves it away.
“I got it”, he assures you, looking at you over his arm.
You and he are so close again. He can’t stop looking into your eyes. He knows that he is delusional, but in his mind, your eyes are so bright when you look at him. But it’s not real and he is acting stupid when he is staring like that. He turns his head away, blind to the few more seconds your eyes seem to linger on his face.
“What were you doing when I called you?” you ask him, watching his hands as he washes the glass.
“Working out.”
“Really? At this time?”
“That’s when I get energised.”
“Of course you do. What were you doing?”
“Just stuff on the floor.”
“Nice. Like push ups and stuff?”
“Yeah and sit ups.”
“That’s cool.”
He has his back turned to you, putting away the glass. He is wearing a white oversized shirt, but the movement makes it stick to his body, showing not only his skinny waist but also his built, muscular back. His shoulders grew so much over the past seven months. (Seven months ago was when you decided to download a dating app and told Jungkook about it. Jungkook started working out harder since then.)
He closes the cupboard and turns.
“Something wrong?” he asks, somehow oblivious to your stares.
“Nothing, no uhm.” You look to the side. “You probably wanna leave now?”
He doesn’t want to leave.
“If you still need me here, I can stay”, he offers.
Please say yes. Please say yes. Please say yes.
He nods his head, giving you a sweet smile with teeth. He would do anything for you, even mess up his sleep schedule.
“Maybe there is another bug, you know?” you say, playing with your own fingers shyly.
His heart is jumping in joy. He can stay longer.
“That could be possible, yeah. Should we check?” he offers as calmly as possible.
“Yeah, please.”
Yay! Yay! Yay!
“I know I sound so stupid.”
“You don’t. Come on, I’ll check.”
You and he go to your bedroom together. Jungkook wants to hold your hand, but knows that he can’t. You close the door to your bedroom. His pulse flutters for a moment. In another lifetime, this would be the moment you pull him into a kiss. But Jungkook knows that stupid things like different lifetimes are stuff of movies, not reality.
He has to act as your best friend who doesn’t have a crush on you if he wanted to or not. He lifts your blanket and shakes it out.
“No bugs”, he comments.
“That’s good, yeah. I should probably check the pillows.”
You crawl onto bed and make it your job to flip each individual pillow. Jungkook looks at you for a moment. He hates that things like different lifetimes are stuff of movies. Because in a different lifetime, he jumps onto bed with you to hug you. He listens to your giggle and makes you giggle even harder by tickling your sides.
You, oblivious to his longing stares, flip yet another pillow.
“No bugs here, thank god. I probably sound insane to you, but I’m actually so scared that there’s a whole bug family in this room.”
“You don’t sound insane. I’ll take care of them if we find them.”
“You’re seriously my hero.”
Jungkook is thinking. Maybe he could still make you laugh, he thinks. Not by showering you in skinship, but differently.
“Hey, check this out”, he says.
“What? Did you find another bug?!” you gasp, whipping around instantly.
“I’m a bug. Bzzz”, he says and jumps onto bed, flapping his arms as if he was a bug flying.
You cough out air, following it up with a loud laugh.
Jungkook flops onto his back and wiggles his limps.
“Now I’m flipped onto my back and can’t get up”, he says, squirming from side to side stupidly. “Help me. Bzzzz.”
You laugh to the point it becomes just a little ugly and way too loud. At least you would call it that. Jungkook calls it the most beautiful sound he has ever heard. He loves to be goofy when it means that he can make you laugh. Some people call him childish and tell him to act his age, but Jungkook doesn’t care about these people because you love the way he is. You always smile and laugh so much when he gets goofy and childish and it is so worth every rude comment he gets. One time, he played around with a snapback hat, acting silly with it until you cackled loudly. Another time he showed you a card trick with goofy sound effects, basking in the giggles you gave him. He knows that he looks stupid in these moments, but he would literally turn into a silly jester if it meant that you could laugh just one more time.
“Help me, I’m a bug and I can’t get up”, he whines dramatically.
“Wait, I’ll help you”, you joke and place your hands on his torso. One on his chest, the other on his stomach.
He tenses up like a board of wood, forgetting all about being silly. His limbs drop, as does his heart. You are touching him! This never happened before when he acted goofy. What should he do? What is the correct reaction to this?
“Why are you such a heavy bug? I can’t flip you”, you are still being playful with him, but Jungkook can’t find humour anymore. He is starstruck.
He chuckles deeply, letting out a breathy, “yeah.”
You glance at him. The second your eyes meet, his heart is racing. You are so fucking beautiful.
“Heh”, he lets out and places his hand over yours, eyes flitting to your lips unknowingly.
“Hm”, you let out, studying his gazing eyes. Your lips feel kissed just from his look.
“Mhm”, he hums and smiles, shimmying his head just a little closer to you. He feels your minty breath swirl over his face like this, squeezing your hand in reaction. What if he just did it? What if he just kissed you right here and now?
Your smile falls.
“Sorry”, you whisper, pulling your hands back and sitting up.
Jungkook gasps for air, coming back to reality. What was this moment? Is he going crazy? Why would he do that?
Your eyes meet for a brief second then you look away again, rubbing the side of your neck.
Jungkook sits up, “I should, uhm, probably check under the bed too, right?” he tries to change topics and rolls over to stick his head under the bed. He might die of heart palpitations.
There are a few boxes under the bed, some shoe boxes and an exposed adult toy. Jungkook does a double take. Oh god, panic.
Jungkook shoots back up, staring at you with big eyes.
“You uhm…”
“What?” You crawl to the edge and bend down to look, shooting up again within a second, “What did you see??”
His entire face flushes, he looks to the side instantly, right hand coming to rub the side of his neck. Your entire face feels on fire, you want to die on the spot.
“I, I didn’t see anything I swear”, he stutters.
“Kook, please don’t remember this”, you insist, shaking him by his shoulders.
“It’s seriously fine”, he assures you, panicking so so much.
“This is so embarrassing.”
“No, it’s okay. Sorry for invading your space like that.”
“I’m actually gonna cry, please don’t remember this”, you beg him.
“I didn’t even see anything”, he lies, feeling his heart give up. For real, it will give up. He feels so guilty. You are so upset and uncomfortable and it’s all his fault. “I’m sorry.”
“No you, I guess, I don’t know, I just”, you stutter, unable to form any coherent sentences.
Jungkook feels just as awkward as you, suddenly needing to stand up.
“I think I should go”, he says.
“Yeah, it’s getting late.”
“Oh, yeah. Totally.”
Fuck, fuck, fuck. You fucked it. You are internally panicking, blind to the fact that Jungkook is panicking as well.
His face is so red and it’s making him scared that you can see it. He doesn’t want you to think that he is imagining you like that, because he really isn’t. But for just a second it crossed his mind and it managed to dye his face so red that he feels like crying. Of course he wants to stay with you. Of course he wants to spend every single second of this night with you, talking and laughing and looking at you, but he might not be able to get rid of this blush right now. He needs to leave.
You follow behind him, panicking more and more. You let him put on his shoes and his beanie, you watch him close his jacket unable to say anything. You swear that you always clean up after yourself, but you were busy this morning and forgot to put it away after sanitizing it. Jungkook was never supposed to see it. Not him. Everyone but him.
“I’ll text you once I’m home”, Jungkook tells you.
“You’re not disgusted now, are you?” you finally get the scary words out.
You are both dragging out the inevitable.
“I don’t know, just…I tried the dating app stuff. I met people, you know?”
Jungkook feels like dying when you talk about this stuff. He stands in the apartment complex hallways, looking at you as you tell him about your hook ups and he wants to fucking die as he does. He has been loyal to you ever since he started this stupid crush on you. Of course he knows that it is impossible of him to expect the same from you. But he has been so fucking loyal to you that you literally broke his heart seven months ago when you told him about your newest download. He wasn’t strong enough to get over his crush, so now he dies all over again each time you tell him about your hook-ups.
“And it just felt weird. I couldn’t do it”, you confess.
“Really?” suddenly what happened before is wiped from his mind. You never went through with it? His loyalty was reciprocated? Jungkook knows that he is being so delusional right now and yet he still hangs on to your every word like a worshipper of your syllables, staring at your lips as you talk.
“Yeah, but I still have needs, you know? Oh god, why did I say that? This didn’t make it better. Just forget I ever said anything.”
“I, I didn’t hear anything”, Jungkook stutters, feeling weak-kneed. The wall between him being a good person and a reckless person is as fragile as a sheet of fresh ice. One wrong step from you and he might actually confess how he really feels.
“Okay good, let’s keep it at that.” You push at his chest. Jungkook swears he actually whimpers as you do it. “Go home and let us forget about all of this, please.”
Should he do it? Should he be reckless?
You step back, now standing in your apartment.
Do it! Open, mouth!
“Text me once you’re home, okay?”
No! This isn’t the right thing to say! Be reckless!
“Thank you for tonight, sleep tight.”
“Sweet dreams.”
Tell her! Fucking tell her!
The door closes.
Jungkook falls out of his fearful trance, gasping for air. His heart tells him to knock for another chance, his mind tells him not to. He turns and leaves, hitting his own head as punishment for being the most stupid person that ever existed. Tonight could have gone so well. He could have had more time with you, he got the confirmation that you never tried the dating app thing, he had everything and he has to ruin it by being a creep. Why did he look under your bed? That’s where most people store their sexy stuff. Why did he have to make you uncomfortable? What if you never want to see him again? What if he ruined your friendship without ever doing the one thing he always wished to ruin it with? In his dreams he always ruined it by confessing his feelings, but his reality was because he was a creep.
Jungkook cries in his car on his way home. He forgets about texting you and spends a sleepless night regretting his choices.

Maybe he did fall asleep, otherwise it would be impossible for his phone to rip him awake the next day. He barely opens his puffy eyes at first, but opens them widely when he sees that it is you calling him.
“Hello?” he picks up hastily.
“Oh thank god. You didn’t text me last night and I was worried.”
The text! Jungkook slaps his own forehead, sitting up straight.
“I’m so sorry, I…”
“It’s okay, I already had a gist that you forgot”, you assure him, “do you have time?”
“Of course, what’s up?”
“You know, uhm.” You laugh in embarrassment. “Last night was a mess, wasn’t it?”
“No uhm, it’s fine.”
“You wouldn’t be down for a grocery trip with barbeque and beer afterwards, would you? My treat, as an apology for traumatising you.”
“Of course, I would. Today?”
“Yes, in like two hours? I’ll get off work soon and could go straight to the store.”
You and Jungkook often go grocery shopping together. You already have a favourite store to go to. Jungkook loves these moments. He loves to carry the heavy bags for you and get the stuff you can’t reach. He loves to push the cart while you tell him about your day and then load the groceries into the bags with you. In another lifetime, you and he push the cart together and he steals kisses between aisles. In another lifetime, he holds your hand and the bags in the other. And in another lifetime, you and he go to your apartment to cook dinner for date night on the couch. Jungkook really wishes to live a different life sometimes.
“Two hours sounds great”, he agrees in a cool voice even if he wants to squeal. He gets to go grocery shopping with you! How amazing!
“Nice, then we’ll see each other there.”
“Yes, we’ll see each other. I’m really excited for it.”
“Me too. See you later, yeah? My boss is coming back.”
“See you later. Good luck at work.”
“Thanks, Kook. Bye bye.”
Goodbye, my everything, my dream girl, my love. He thinks.
“Bye.” He says.
The phone call ends. Jungkook drops back into the pillow and lets out a yelp of celebration, following it up with excessive kicking and punching of the air as well as squeaky giggles.
He didn’t ruin everything and he will see you in two hours. Today is the best day of his life! But wait! Jungkook gasps and jumps out of bed.
“I need to get ready! Shower and wash my hair and pick an outfit! And do my skincare and brush my teeth! There is so much to do, oh god” he talks to himself, running through his apartment.

You are pacing in front of the store. Jungkook isn’t late, you are just early. Early enough to become painfully aware of your nervousness. You wonder how it will be between the two of you after last night. You could barely fall asleep because you were so embarrassed. Work didn’t distract you either, your thoughts kept repeating what had happened last night. You hope that he doesn’t look at you differently after what he had to see. It would literally ruin you.
Jungkook is your best friend. But if someone asked you honestly, you would say that he is the boy of your dreams. He is everything you ever dreamed of and everything you will never be able to have. He is too perfect for you. If there were no consequences for your actions, you would tell him how you really feel. You would tell him that you think that he is the most attractive man and person you have ever seen, that he is the kindest soul with the sweetest heart. That he is talented and amazing and the funniest person ever. And that you feel safe with him.
You would tell him that every time he comes to your place or you to his’ and you spend time together, you wish that it was a date instead. You want to tell him that every time your bodies touch, your heart jumps out of your chest. You want to tell him that you keep repeating all the moments with him over and over again and that sometimes at work, you text him because you can’t stop thinking about him. You also want to tell him that you thought about killing the bug yourself before deciding to call Jungkook just to have him close.
And the worst of it all? You want to tell Jungkook that the only reason why you downloaded the dating app was to get over your feelings for him because you knew that someone as perfect as Jungkook would never want to have you. But actions have consequences and so you call him your best friend whilst secretly wishing for him to just be reckless and kiss you.
Jungkook appears on the horizon, swerving through the crowd in a stoic expression. Your heart speeds up instantly. He is wearing black pants with a stripped shirt and a black jacket today. His hair falls on soft waves, his skin glows in the sun. He is so dreamy and handsome.
His eyes find you in front of the store, his face lights up and he lifts his arm to wave at you. You wave back, bouncing on your tiptoes. He saw you! He is waving at you!
He hurries through the crowd faster than before, reaching you within moments.
“Hey there”, he says.
“Hey”, you tell him and give him a hug.
Jungkook short circuits. He gets no time to react before you already step back again. You just hugged him. Holy moly, wow.
“Sorry, was that not okay?” you ask, studying his frozen features.
“What?” He flinches back to life. “No, it was amazing, I mean, it was okay. I uhm, I have this for you.”
He lifts a bouquet of sunflowers.
“Sunflowers? For me?”
“Yeah, I saw them and thought of you.”
“You did?”
You accept them with shortened breath and a quickened heart. You are currently screeching inside. You feel on cloud nine.
“A-as a best friend of course, because we’re best friends.”
“Oh. Yes.” You clear your throat. “We are. Thank you for the friendship flowers. I’ll put them in water once I’m home. Hopefully they’ll survive till then.”
“I’m sure they will. That’s why I put the paper towel there.”
“I know, I saw. That’s so clever.”
“Yeah, thanks.” He does a little twirl so he stands next to you, hands stuffed into the pockets of his pants in a cute way. “So what do we need? Any particular groceries in mind?”
You and he start walking to the store. He opens the door for you, holding it until you are inside. He follows and goes straight for the carts. You are next to him.
“Yes, I’m out of multigrain rice so I’m buying all of them to make my mixture again and I wanna stock up on udon because they have a sale going on.”
“Neat, a sale. I’ll get some too”, Jungkook says, leaning his elbows on the cart as he pushes it. “I wanna see if they have the lychees again. They were so yummy last time.”
“They were. Especially with that sauce you made.”
“I can make them for you again.”
He nods his head, “sure, you could come over Saturday and we’ll watch a movie. I heard that there’s a few new movies to stream.”
“I should be free on Saturday.”
“Nice, then you’ll come over.”
You and he exchange a look, breaking it quickly to look at opposite sides. Unbeknownst to either, you are both panicking. Jungkook is so excited to have you come over but is also terribly nervous about the aspect of it. You can’t wait to visit Jungkook but are also scared of the yearning.
A moment of silence where you each fill the cart with stuff you want. You and Jungkook always fill up the cart together and then separate the groceries afterwards. In another lifetime, you don’t need to separate the groceries. In another lifetime, you share the same bag and fill the same fridge to cook from the same pots and eat on your shared couch whilst a show was running.
“How was your day?” Jungkook asks because other lifetimes don’t exist and in his real life, the only shared thing he gets with you is time.
“It was okay. Yours?”
“I woke up like two hours ago.”
You chuckle, “of course you sleep while I have to work my ass off.”
“Hey, I’m on a well-deserved break, I earned the night owl lifestyle”, he throws back, making you laugh with it.
“I’m not saying anything against it. I need a break soon.”
“Is work stressful?”
“Yeah, quite. There’s been lots of new projects coming in.”
“No, I’m sorry. If there is something I can do, let me know.”
You look at him.
“I will, thank you.”
In another lifetime, you would hug his arm and rest your head against it and you would tell him that you don’t mind a stressful workday when it meant spending time with him afterwards.
Jungkook meets your eyes. His heart flutters nervously, speeding up more when you look away. If he was your boyfriend, he would hold your hand and tell you that you looked beautiful after a long work day.
“I like the way you did your hair today”, he says instinctively. He has no idea why he said that because he never says stuff like that to you. He panics because of it. His tongue worked quicker than his brain.
You reach up to feel your hair, “you do?”
“Yes, it fits you really well.”
“Thank you”, you murmur and cross a corner without warning, leaving him alone for a few seconds.
Jungkook follows after you hastily, confused as to why you so abruptly fled. Oh no. He went too far with the compliment. He definitely creeped you out again.
You are squatting down in front of the grain section, reading the labels carefully. Jungkook parks the cart next to you, standing still. He tries not to, but still looks at you. You shift your eyes to him, widen them and look away again. Jungkook swears he might cry. He made you uncomfortable.
“I’m sorry for saying that. I, I meant it as a friend.”
“Hm? Ah, it’s okay. Thank you for saying it, I liked it”, you say and stand up, filling the cart with the grain. Jungkook’s heart flutters happily. He didn’t mess up. Yay!
“Got everything you wanted?” he asks.
“Yep, except black rice. Do you see it somewhere?”
“Up there”, Jungkook says, pointing at it. The lower racks are empty, only the racks which are clearly for staff to reach so they could refill the store are stacked with the rice.
“Nice.” You try to reach it, but fail. “Kook, can you get it?”
“Sure, let me”, he says, stepping right behind you to get the rice from the staff rack. His chest brushes against your back. You gasp. He feels dizzy, but acts nonchalant.
“There we go your….rice”, Jungkook says, eyes flitting down to you looking up at him. He didn’t even realise that you turned.
There is almost no distance and so Jungkook tries to step back to be respectful because friends don’t stand this close. You grab him by his jacket, making him gulp and panic greatly. His left hand grabs the edge of the shelf, his chest lifts in a deep gasp. You are taller today because of the shoes you are wearing. The shortened distance between your lips is making him dizzy.
“About last night”, you begin, but he interrupts you before you apologise for something you have no reason to.
“It’s alright. I shouldn’t have snooped, I’m sorry.”
“You didn’t snoop, I just…I clean up, I was just busy and forgot and I”, you exhales deeply, “I’m not making it any better talking by about it, am I?”
He laughs softly and reaches down to cup your hand, caressing your knuckles softly. The lines blur more and more. You both feel weightless. You can smell his cologne like this, he can smell your perfume. It’s like you are high on each other.
“If it makes you feel any better, I have some toys too”, he says, making your eyes widen. You look to the side and let out a giggle. Jungkook knows that it is of shy nature and so he giggles with you. “Did that help or did I just embarrass myself for nothing?”
“No, it helped.” You meet his eyes, fingers squeezing his jacket.
Jungkook holds his breath, fingers tightening on the shelf. He is being so greedy. It’s so unfair to you.
“I, uhm.” He clears his throat and slips his hand from the shelf to present the rice to you. “Your rice.”
“Oh? Thanks, uhm, put it in the cart.”
He steps back. Your hands slip from his jacket, his fingers stop holding you. They tingle in the memory of how it was to cradle you this way. His thoughts are racing, trying to calculate the weight of his confession. If he confessed, what would he lose? Your friendship, your time, the movie hangouts, the cooking together, the shared workouts, your texts and calls and video chats. All your laughter and smiles and giggles. Jungkook gulps. The loss is too great. He can’t confess. Nope, never.
He grips the cart and pushes it, hoping that walking it off will help with the heart palpitations. You walk next to him, resting your hand on the metal cage part of the cart.
“Did you sleep well last night?” he asks you.
“Can I be honest? Not really. I was so embarrassed.”
“I’m sorry.”
“It’s not your fault. I’m just awkward.”
He chuckles, you chuckle with him. You give him a glance.
“I think I don’t have to ask you if you slept well at night because you never sleep at night.”
He laughs, you do as well.
“That’s not true. I can sleep at night too, I simply choose not to. Oh wait. I need buckwheat noodles.”
You and he stop in front of the section. You stay by the cart while Jungkook browses the options.
“Should I make you makguksu?” he offers mindlessly.
“So you don’t wanna go for barbecue and beer?” You chuckle and nudge his arm, sending tingles all over his skin. “Did you already forget again, you doofus?”
“I might have.” He gives you a sorry, cute smile.
Jungkook makes you laugh with it.
“Kook, you little scatterbrain you”, you chuckle, leaning into him.
Jungkook leans closer, placing his arm around your waist without touching you. In another lifetime, he would close the last distance. But not in reality. He looks at your lips, asking himself why you seek him out today and why he takes the chances so greedily. He shouldn’t do that. You are just friends, nothing more.
“Uh, sorry”, you say and step away again.
Jungkook gulps, gasps for air. He doesn’t understand what today means, but whatever you are doing is actually messing with him. He hasn’t been able to breathe properly ever since that hug you gave him. You seem so clingy, but he doesn’t understand why.
You grab the cart and push it.
“I think I have everything I need. You?”
“Yeah, yeah sure”, Jungkook stutters, stumbling after you like a lovesick puppy. He doesn’t know where to put his hands and so he ends up stuffing them into his pants pockets while his eyes are glued to the back of your head. He is seriously under your spell. Every part of him.
You load the groceries on the conveyor belt together and then load them into separate bags. You pay for all of them and wish the cashier a good day. Jungkook carries the bags like always, while you are allowed to walk freely with the bouquet of flowers cradled in your arms.
“I’ll pay you back at home”, he says, swerving outside as you hold the door open for him.
“Today’s on me. As a thank you for yesterday and an apology.”
“What? But I bought so much”, Jungkook gasps, pouting sadly.
“It’s fine. I have money.”
“No buts. I’m paying.”
Jungkook pouts, huffing out air in defeat.
“Fine, but I’ll pay for your stuff too one day.”
You chuckle, “deal.”
You and he walk together.
“You should really start accepting when I offer. It’s not a competition.”
“I just feel uncomfortable making you pay.”
Because you’re his dream girl and you should never have to pay for him. He should be your wallet whenever you are out together, he should fulfil your every wish.
“I don’t know, just so. You work so hard for your money.”
“You work just as hard”, you say and chuckle. “Kook, you’re so competitive.”
Jungkook smiles, shaking his head in defeat.
“I guess am.”
You grin, hugging the flowers tighter. With a little skip in your steps, you close the distance. Just enough that one small movement would be enough for your arms to brush.
Jungkook glances at you. You are gazing at the flowers, smiling so brightly that your nose scrunches up. He could swear that your eyes are sparkling.
The lines blur again. He wonders if it would be okay for him to be a bad person, if he was allowed to slip his hand into yours even if you never gave him consent for it. There is not much he can still take.
You lower your nose into the flowers and smell them, closing your eyes in a happy squint. The metaphorical glass of how much Jungkook can take floats over.
He says your name and knows that the next words are coming out of him before he can think them through.
“Yeah?” You look at him.
He is nervous and scared, but still talks, “can we talk about something?”
“Sure. What’s up?”
Panic. His situation finally sunk into his consciousness.
“I uhm…uh…I have a crush on someone.”
Microexpressions wash over your face. Shock, surprise, disbelief, jealousy, hurt, friendliness. A smile curls your lips. It doesn’t reach your eyes.
“Yeah? It’s about time you do”, the words and your voice carry a hint of teasing, but most of all forced friendliness.
You lower the flowers, carrying them in one hand by your side. They look sad like this. Jungkook doesn’t notice because he is staring at the road in front of him because otherwise he would pass out in nervousness. He is almost twenty seven, but feels sixteen again.
“She’s like really, really great and awesome and amazing and wonderful and so kind and perfect”, Jungkook continues, heart racing to the point he feels dizzy. He saw this kind of confession in movies. He always thought that it was so cute when the guy did it. It isn’t obvious enough to ruin everything just in case you didn’t feel the same, but it is still cute enough that you can’t help but be giddy.
“Mh-hm”, you hum, nodding your head.
“And I keep thinking about her. She is so pretty when she laughs and I love being in her presence. She likes my jokes and she always makes me laugh in return. Yeah…”
“That’s great.”
“Yeah, she is so great. I really wanna ask if she feels the same.” Jungkook falters in nervousness. He is going to ask the question. He is so scared. “If you were me, what would you do?”
You take a deep breath and release it loudly, “I don’t know. I haven’t had a crush in so long.”
Jungkook falters, heart tightening. Oh no. Oh no, oh no. Oh. This is bad. This is really bad.
“Ah, I see.” He gulps.
“But let me know if you figure it out. Then we can go on a double date.”
Wait. Wait. This is bad. Double date? This is so bad.
“What do you mean?” he asks weakly.
“You know, you and your girl and me and my boy.”
“You have a boy?”
“Yeah, soon. I’m talking to this boy on the dating app. He is very cute.”
“But…didn’t you say that you gave up on the app?”
“No uh…no, it’s just that I only talk to this one boy now.”
Jungkook bites back tears.
“I see.”
“Mhm, yeah. Let’s go on a double date.”
No. No this is all wrong. No this isn’t what was meant to happen. No.
Jungkook doesn’t even realize that he begged out loud until you look at him in question.
“Please what?”
You and he stop. Strangers stream past you like you and he were two rocks in a river. You are facing each other, so close yet so far away.
You lied to him. There is no other boy. There never was and never will be. But there will always be other girls for him while you stay his best friend. Lying is all that you have at this point.
“Please what?” you repeat the question.
“I…” Jungkook breathes. “I…nevermind.”
Silence. Your eyes are locked so deeply that the world around you is blurry.
“Mhm yeah.”
His jaw tightens and he breaks the eye contact, looking to the side with his tongue in his cheek. He seemed angry. You would be lying if you said that you weren’t feeling angry yourself. You turn away from him and continue walking. You don’t want to be next to him right now. It hurts to only stay his best friend.
He looks at the back of your head and how it becomes smaller and smaller from distance. He doesn’t understand you. He thought that the way you looked at him in the store meant something. And yet all this time you had another boy. He feels so betrayed that for just a second, he considers walking the other direction and leaving you to wonder where he went. However, two things hold him back; his competitiveness and his honest feelings for you.
He won’t stay your best friend any longer. He just decided that. He is going to fight for you, make you fall for him and forget all about the stupid boys you meet on this stupid dating app. He is better than any of them. He could treat you better, make you laugh harder, give you better hugs and kisses and provide you with afterglow so addicting you will get hot cheeks at work just thinking about it. He is your best friend, goddamn it, and he knows you better than any of these strangers ever will. And he is not going to lose you to some boy.
He jogs to catch up with you, calling your name with a certain harshness.
You turn. Your eyes meet. Jungkook’s brain short circuits.
“What?” you ask him, sounding small because of being called so harshly.
“I, I was just wondering, uhm, should we get ice cream after?” he asks because he panicked.
You shrug your shoulders, “I guess.”
“It’s on me, yeah?”
“Yeah, okay.”
Jungkook inches closer, saying your name softly.
“What do you want?”
“I messed up before.”
“What do you mean?”
“I, I just. I thought that I was doing a good job, but I think I made you think something else.”
“Jungkook. I had a long day, please don’t talk in riddles.”
“Don’t date other boys.”
“Excuse me?”
Jungkook gulps, panicking because of your offended and harsh tone.
“I, I, I just”, he stutters, widening his eyes.
“No. What do you mean? I can date who I want.”
“I know, I didn’t mean it like that. I meant that, oh god, I meant that I don’t want you to see other boys.”
“Ah no, wait.” He slaps his own forehead. “Wait.”
You cross your arms in front of your chest, “what makes you think that you can tell me what I can or can’t do?”
“No I didn’t mean it like that. Wait just give me a moment, please I’m panicking.”
You purse your lips, studying his face intensely.
“Are you also so nervous?” he asks.
“What’s with you all of a sudden?” you ask him, honestly worried. His face is as red as ripe strawberries.
Jungkook closes the distance and takes your hands, eliciting a gasp from you. He squeezes them gently, staring into your eyes as deeply as possible.
“This wasn’t how I always imagined this to go, but I can’t stay quiet anymore. ___, the girl I have a crush on is-”
You and Jungkook turn around at the angry voice next to you.
“Suho? What are you doing here?” you ask.
“Who’s that?” Jungkook says.
“Kim Suho. I met him on the dating app. We went on like one date a month ago”, you explain and slip your hands out of Jungkook’s hold to turn to the other guy, “what are you doing here?”
Jungkook stares at him darkly, clenching his jaw. You told him about this dude in passing. He hates him so much, hating him even more now that he interrupted this moment.
“That’s what you’re going with? Seriously?” Suho throws back.
“Yeah, you-”
“What the fuck are you doing with him? I told you to stop being friends with him, didn’t I?”
Jungkook looks at you with big eyes. You never told him that. You always said that you lost interest in Suho because of different hobbies, but never mentioned that he could have been the actual reason.
“And I told you that you can’t tell me what to do. Jungkook is my best friend and I won’t give him up for a man.”
“Yes but I wasn’t any man, I was your man.”
“Huh? No you weren’t. We went on one date and you totally lost it when I told you that I had a male best friend.”
“Because he isn’t just your friend. You’re in love with him.”
Jungkook swears that he passes out standing up for a second. Feelings? You have feelings for him? Did you tell Suho that or is he assuming because he is one of those weird men that think women aren’t allowed to have male friends? What does all of this mean?
“What?” You laugh nervously. “No? Of course not.”
“Oh don’t be ridiculous. I followed you from work and through the store. I saw everything.”
“Huh? What?” you gasp, hurrying to Jungkook instinctively because you know that he will keep you safe.
“Dude, what the fuck? You creep, stay away from her”, Jungkook says harshly and steps in front of you, feeling the fire of protectiveness start to burn in his chest.
“I saw what I saw. You have feelings for each other”, Suho says, pointing an accusing finger at you and Jungkook.
Jungkook and you exchange a look.
“No I…”
Suho scoffs and looks at Jungkook.
“And you? Gonna fucking pretend that you’re just friends or should I start punching you?”
“Dude, I’ve never even met you”, Jungkook defends himself, crossing his arms in front of his chest.
“I’ll still fucking punch you.”
“Don’t you dare”, you hiss at him.
“Shut up, ___.”
“Hey, don’t talk to her like that”, Jungkook speaks up loudly, making himself bigger. He doesn’t care when people are aggressive to him, but he cannot accept aggression towards you.
“Or what?”
“You wanna find out? Don’t talk to her like that.”
Suho rushes to Jungkook and pushes at his chest. He thought that he could move him, but he can’t. Jungkook just gawks at him in utter surprise.
“What are you doing?” he asks confused.
“Why aren’t you budging? Fall over you idiot”, Suho growls and tries again with all his might.
Jungkook takes a small step back but then stays unmoving.
“Dude, seriously. What are you doing?”
Suho growls and punches Jungkook. Except that he is so bad at it that Jungkook can easily dodge him. He reacts calmly to the aggression, redirecting Suho by turning him and giving him a gentle push away from him.
Suho stumbles and whips around.
Jungkook steps closer, “give it up, man.”
Suho shifts his attention to you, pointing his finger at you. He tries to get to you by swerving past Jungkook, but the latter steps in front of you again, stopping Suho with a firm hand on his chest. He didn’t show it, but the contact was definitely made with strength because Suho stumbles back from it.
“I said. Give it up. I’m not gonna repeat myself again”, he warns. For just a second his voice was deeper than usual and his eyes darker. You can’t stop staring in awe, feeling so attracted to him that it is difficult not to grab him right here and now.
Suho ignores him, talking over Jungkook’s shoulder.
“It’s over. I’m breaking up with you.”
“Huh? We weren’t even together in the first place?” you say very confused.
“Yes, well…. Now it’s really over. And just so you know, I’ll block you on everything.”
“I mean, okay.”
Suho turns and runs down the street clumsily.
A moment of silence. Jungkook turns to you. He is ready to take you into his arms if you need support.
“Everything okay?” he asks hesitantly.
“Honestly? I couldn’t care less about this tantrum. What the fuck was that? We went on one date and it sucked ass. I mean, who in their right mind expects someone to give up their best friend? I don’t even know this dude.”
“Would you have done it if you liked him?”
“What? No, of course not. I like you, not him.”
You look at Jungkook with big eyes.
“I, I mean…” you look at his lips and Jungkook finally notices.
Holy fuck. Suho was right.
He drops the grocery bags and closes the distance, cupping your face. To his delighted surprise, you practically melt into his hands, gazing at him with dreamy eyes and your fingers closing around his wrists greedily.
“Was he right?” Jungkook asks, looking between your right and left eye. “Do you have feelings for me?”
“I’m scared”, you whisper.
“Scared of what?”
“You are so perfect and I’m not. I don’t want to know how you feel about me, so just…let’s just forget about what happened please.”
“You’re not perfect? What the fuck? You’re literally perfect. If someone’s unworthy, it’s me.”
Jungkook gulps.
You touch his chest.
“Kook, what?”
“You’re my fucking dream girl, ___” he finally confesses and now can’t be stopped, “I get excited when you text me and get sad when I don’t hear from you. Each time we hang out, I kinda wish that we somehow magically end up together. I repeat every little touch and shared laughter and look. Sometimes I can’t fall asleep because of you, but wish to do so because in my sleep I can meet you in my silly, wishful dreams. Do you have any idea how in love I am with you?”
“Are you serious?”
Jungkook nods his head, forcing your tears to finally flow. He gasps and begins wiping them away instantly.
“I’m sorry. Fuck, I’m sorry. Please don’t cry, I promise I won’t try anything. You, you won’t lose your best friend.”
“I’m just happy. So happy.”
“You are?”
“I feel the same for you. I have done so for a long time.”
“Yes, really.” You sniffle. “You’re my dream boy too, Jungkook.”
“Oh my god. Oh my god! Yippie!” he exclaims and overtaken by happiness, he swoops you off your feet to twirl with you, making you squeal happily as you hold onto him for dear life. Strangers definitely look at you weird, but you couldn’t care less. They are non-existent for you and him. He likes you and you like him back. This day is the best day you and he ever had.
He sets you down after the twirling, cradling your face so he could hold it still for way too many kisses. He gives you kisses everywhere except your lips, making you giggle and laugh and tingle the entire time.
“I’m so happy, you’re so pretty and perfect and amazing and pretty and amazing and I’m gonna kiss you there and there and there and oh my god you’re so perfect, I’m gonna kiss you there and there, wow oh wow…” he babbles between kisses, truly sending your heart into overdrive.
He probably would have continued his babbling for hours if you hadn’t stopped him by lacing your fingers in his hair and pulling his mouth into a kiss.
“Andmhgmh”, he lets out, gawking at you first before the realisation of his situation sinks in. His knees buckle, his left hand grabs your hips and his right hand cradles your head, eyes falling closed. He is kissing you. He feels weightless, floating in time and space. His heart races so much that he feels it throb against his ribcage, the butterflies in his stomach are unbearably exciting. He dreamt of this moment a million times before, fantasised about it twice as much and yet he still wasn’t ready for it. Your kiss is like heaven on earth. He swears that he gains new life through it. He wants to kiss you until his lungs run out of air, but you break it.
“Was that okay for me to do?” you ask him shyly.
Now it’s his turn to spill tears and for you to wipe them.
“I’m sorry, I should have ask-”, you don’t get to finish your sentence, getting kissed again by Jungkook.
“I’m so fucking happy, you have no idea”, he murmurs, showing you his feelings one deep kiss at a time. “You taste so good.” Kiss, oh so deep. “Your lips are so soft.” Kiss, the kind which makes your knees wobble. “You’re perfect, you’re so perfect.”
You giggle, gazing up at him droopily. Jungkook giggles as well, peeling his eyes open to gaze dreamily. You and he cup each other’s faces, resting your foreheads together.
“I’m happy.”
“I’m happy too.”
“Wow, I’m so happy.”
“Me too. So happy.”
You giggle together, swaying from side to side. Nothing, truly nothing, has never felt as right as this.
“Were you trying to confess to me before Suho interrupted us?”
You giggle as you talk, “you were really shit at it. I thought you were talking about someone else.”
“I know, I panicked so bad. I was so nervous”, he is giggling too, “are you actually talking to another boy?”
“Of course not, you doofus. I lied.”
“Oh my god, I’m so relieved”, he gets out and sweeps you off your feet again, carrying you under your butt. He twirls with you, smiling up at you as you squeak and laugh with your head thrown back.
“Jungkook stop please, I’m getting dizzy.”
He sets you down, but keeps touching you, seeking your closeness by rubbing his nose against your cheek. He is so close that the sunflowers are getting squished between you and him. It is a price you sadly have to pay in exchange for finally being able to be glued together.
“I’m so happy, I love you so much.”
“I love you too, Kook. So like barbeque and beer? Is it a date?” you ask.
“It’s the datiest date that has ever dated”, he says, making you giggle because he is so cute and funny and you like him so, so much. He giggles with you because you are so perfect and perfect and perfect and he likes you so, so much.
“I feel like we have a lot to talk about.”
“Yeah, oh god.” He kisses your cheek multiple times. “You have to tell me all the thoughts you had when we hung out. Were you also so giddy, oh god, I was always so giddy and I kept looking at you because you are so pretty. Were you looking at me too? And, and did you also wish for me to be reckless? I always wanted you to just kiss me. I’m talking so much, wow, I’m so happy.”
You giggle, cuddling into him, “you’re the cutest person ever. I can’t wait to tell you everything.”
You nudge him to leave, but stop when Jungkook exclaims a loud “wait!”
“What’s wrong?”
“The groceries. I almost left them here”, he says, bending down to get them.
“Oh god, you’re so cute”, you snicker, hugging his arm and nuzzling into him like you always wanted to do.
I love protective men, especially when it's Kook. wether if it's ogc!Kook or aaol!Kook. But...
It would be much better if they didn't have to be protective, yk
My heart is melting for soft and kindhearted Jungkook. I'm so happy that they have each other, and they are married for 5 years now, wow time flies.
Even Bunnies Bite

"When you get harassed during a night out - not once, but twice - Jungkook shows you that even gentle guys like him can fight, saving you from the harassers. You show him your apprecitiation for it once home. He deserves to know that he is the most perfect person to ever exist."
Pairing: CEO!Jungkook x f.Reader
Genre: married life!AU, Slice of Life Romance, slight Angst in the beginning
Warnings: sexual harassment by strangers in a club, protective!Jungkook, he is so angry at first but calms down in her arms, the most romantic love confessions ever, they're so in love it's insane, cuddles and snuggles, this is so romantic you have no idea
Wordcount: 3.6k
a/n: someone sent in this idea for kinktober and i was inspired. as i writing, i realised that smut would be out of place here, hence you are getting a super romantic, emotional oneshot instead 😭i love this couple so much, you girlies have no idea 🤎

You like to go out with your best friends sometimes. You spend all day preparing for it. You take an Everything Shower, plan outfits and send them into the group chat, asking which outfit was the best. You look up hairstyle and makeup inspirations and try to recreate the looks as best as possible. You make sure to eat something just in case a drink or two will be bought later. Truly, nights out with your girls means a day full of self care and the most divine feminine energies and you are loving them.
Sometimes you also take your men with you. Yongsun brings Shiwon, Moonbyul brings whoever she is currently dating and you bring Jungkook. You don’t think that the nights with your men are any less fun, on the contrary, you love having Jungkook with you.
Tonight is such a night. You put on a tight mini dress and some heels, feeling like it. Jungkook went for some skinny jeans and a shirt which he tugged into them. He matched the colour of his watch to the colour of your clutch.
Yongsun and Shiwon came matching as well, Moonbyul came solo tonight because her last man dropped her. He was trash, so the loss isn’t big.
You hug and squeal in greeting, then enter the club together.
The night is amazing. You dance until your feet hurt, share some drinks (except Jungkook and Shiwon because he was the driver), dance some more and talk whenever you find yourselves in a calmer spot. It is exactly how a night out should be and there is nothing that could spoil it.
Or so you thought because some men have nothing else but audacity. Stinking, annoying audacity.
You are on the dance floor with Moonbyul, shaking your booties to an amazing song, when you suddenly feel two hands on your waist. You don’t have to turn around to know that this wasn’t Jungkook touching you. Moonbyul’s instant yell and her hand coming up to slap the guy away is another indicator. You jump away with the first touch, whipping around to yell at the guy.
“Fuck off!”
“Ladies”, he says, lifting his hands in defence, “no need to get emotional, I was just getting a feel of you.”
“You’re gonna get a feel of my fists if you’re not letting off of her”, Moonbyul spits, almost jumping at the guy if you weren’t holding her back.
Moonbyul has always been a fighter and someone who takes no fucking shit from anyone, especially not from men. She says that it’s the reason why men are too afraid to stay with her to which you always tell her that these men wouldn’t be the right match for her anyways because she is a goddess and they are trash. She accepts it with a smile each time and a little kiss to your cheek.
The dude she is currently waving her fist at, seems determined to change her mind.
“Just one dance, alright?”
“No. Leave us alone.”
“I’ll leave once I danced with you.”
“You motherfu-”
“Unnie, let’s just go”, you stop her, dragging her away from him.
He thankfully doesn’t follow you.
“No, why are you dragging me away? I’ll punch him so hard.”
“That’s why I’m dragging you away. You’re gonna end up with a warning again.”
“He’d deserve it. The fucking audacity. Why do we have to stop having fun and dancing just because he decided? Why do we have to give up our space for him?”
“What’s wrong? What happened?” Hyejin asks, sitting by the bar.
You and Moonbyul explain the situation to her and she rightfully gets angry with you. You all agree that it is unfair that you always have to give up your space when entitled men decide it’s time to invade it.
In the time you curse the dude, he seems to leave for good. You share a shot then drag Hyejin onto the dance floor with you. It was clean again and Moonbyul a lot calmer. The music still was good and you try to let the incident be in the past. Soon you forget all about it, dancing happily with the other people around you invisible to the three of you.
Jungkook and the others return from taking an air break outside in the time you are dancing. Yongsun drags Shiwon onto the dance floor while Wheein stays with Jungkook. She often stays close to him during your nights out because he makes her feel safe. Tonight is no different.
“Want another drink, noona?” he asks her, waving the bartender to them.
“Of course, what do you want?”
“Maybe just another beer?”
Jungkook orders for her and orders a coke for himself. He pays and clinks bottles with her.
“Thank you for paying.”
“Don’t even mention it. Cheers.”
They drink their beverages, moving their bodies to the music slightly and enjoying the view of the dancing people.
Soon you and Hyejin return to the bar. You seek out Jungkook instantly, hooking your fingers in his belt loops to pull him into a kiss. He smiles, rubbing your lower back. You break the kiss with a goofy giggle, smiling at him.
“I’m so thirsty.”
“Yes actually, thank you”, you say and drink from the bottle Jungkook offers.
Hyejin in the meantime, convinced Wheein to join her on the dance floor.
“Can I keep this with you?”
“Of course, give me”, you assure her, taking her beer and shielding the opening with your hand. Soon the two women disappear on the dance floor. Jungkook glances at the hand on the bottle. This has never been his instinct to do. He would take any of the girls’ bottles like this, but he never developed the instinct with his own drinks. He thinks it’s insane how different the world is for someone just because they have something different between their legs.
You seem happy however, using the moment of togetherness to talk to him.
“I think we should go on Saturday because I checked the cinema and on Friday, there are only five seats in the front row left.”
You and Jungkook want to watch a new horror movie in the cinema and can’t decide on the day. You talked about it before meeting with the others.
“Saturday sounds good. It’s less stressful too because we have all day. We could go for dinner afterwards, somewhere nice maybe.”
“Yeah? Then I’ll book the tickets for Saturday.”
“Sounds good to me. And I’ll books us a table. Should we go for sushi?”
“Yes, that’s perfect. I’m so excited.”
“Me too.”
You grin at him, he retorts it.
“Hey there”, a random guy comes up to you. Jungkook’s face darkens instantly, his alarm bells are ringing. He stays calm for now, wanting to give you a chance to handle it yourself.
You turn to him. His face is unfamiliar to you.
“Hey? I think you’re mistaking me with someone.”
“No, I don’t think I am. I’m Woonyong but you can call me whatever you like. How can I call you? Sexy or maybe mine?”
“Ah yeah no”, you say with a scoff, turning away from the guy.
“Hey, don’t ignore me”, the guy says and tries to turn you back to him by touching your shoulder.
You wriggle out of his touch at the same time as Jungkook tugs the guy’s hand away. He can accept people trying to flirt with you and then pissing off once you told them no, but he draws the line at them getting pushy and touching you.
“Don’t touch her”, he spits and drapes his arm over your shoulder protectively. “She already told you no.”
The guy studies Jungkook and lifts his hands in defeat.
“Dude, I’m sorry I didn’t see you. I thought she was still to take.”
“Well she’s not and even if she was, she’s not something to take. She’s a person not a thing to own.”
“Chill man, you don’t gotta play white knight just to impress her.”
“I’m not playing anything, I’m being a decent human!” Jungkook yells.
“Chill dude, damn. She’s not gonna want you anyways.”
“Yah asshole, seriously piss off”, you speak up in a dark voice, “I literally said no to you and he’s my husband of five years, you’re just embarrassing yourself at this point.”
The guy gawks for a second then sends Jungkook a poisonous look.
“Fucking simp”, he hisses and leaves.
“I’ll actually punch you, come-”
“Jungkook.” You stand yourself in front of him, calming him down by kissing his lips. “He’s not worth it.”
“He objectified you. He’s worth it.”
“I’m okay, Bunny. I’m okay, thanks to you”, you assure him, kissing his cheek gently.
“I can’t do this. I’m so angry. How dare he objectify you. You’re a person and, and you’re amazing a-a-and he made you a thing. And he touched you, he fucking touched you eventhough you said no. He is such an asshole, I’m gonna hurt him. I mean it.”
“Fuck him then, I’m alright. Promise.”
He looks at you, both angry and frustrated, but also deeply saddened and defeated.
“Do you wanna go home?” you suggest, rubbing his chest soothingly, “I think this club is kinda trash. I already had someone grope me on the dance floor and now this.”
“What? Who did that?!”
“I don’t know why I told you that. I’m fine seriously.”
“No, it’s not fine. He has to pay. Who groped you? Show him to me, I’ll rip off his hands.”
“Okay let’s not do that”, you say in a chuckle, rubbing the nape of his neck, “besides, Moonbyul already cursed him.”
“Good”, Jungkook says scanning his eyes over the crowd angrily.
You shift his eyes to you by cradling his cheek.
“Let’s go home, yeah?”
He nods his head, huffing out air as he pouts angrily.
“Okay. Let’s just say bye to the others and then leave.”
“If you see the guy, tell me.”
“Okay I will.”
The others bid you goodbye, wishing you a good night. You hand Wheein her beer and tell her that you took the best watch of it, then you leave.
Jungkook puts his arm around your shoulders, keeping you close to him. You glance at his face. He has his scary look on, dark and serious. You don’t say anything. You simply smile to yourself and drape your arm over his waist. It’s actually so nice to know that you’re safe when he is with you.
Jungkook drives the car home because you drank one beer and a shot. You don’t feel the effects at all, but you know better than to trust your judgement. People who drank alcohol, should never ever sit down in the driver’s seat of a car. No matter how little they feel the booze.
Jungkook obviously is sober and uses almost the entire drive home to rant about “assholes like these dudes”. You let him because he seems so worked up about the topic that stopping him is impossible. For the last quarter of the drive, he has finally tired himself out, sharing the ride with you in silence. You appreciate it, watching the familiar streets pass you by.

You don’t get to talk in the elevator because there are other tenants and a few house worker who ride it with you. The first few moments in your penthouse are silent as well. You slip out of your shoes and jackets, where Jungkook helps you hang it up.
“Thank you Bunny.”
You glance at him. He has his back turned to you, busy with hanging his own jacket, but he is standing right in front of the mirror so his face was visible to you. He is clearly upset. You let out a deep sigh of defeat and put your clutch on the dresser so you have both hands free. Then you close the distance, calling his attention with a gentle hand on his right shoulder. Jungkook lifts his head and turns, lowering his head instantly when you run your fingers over his undercut. It is as if he leaning into the affection.
“Are you still upset, Bunnybaby?” you ask him.
He nods his head, tightening his features.
“I hate when men treat you like this”, he murmurs, voice shaking. You can’t decide if it’s anger or the first indicator of tears. “You don’t deserve it and, and I feel so helpless because whatever I do won’t make them see their shitty behaviour.”
“I know, baby, I know. It’s so frustrating and I share your feelings.”
He lets out a sound of defeat and nods his head, burying it in the crook of your neck within the next second, arms tightly around you. A whimper leaves him, he practically melts in your embrace.
“You deserve the world, but the world doesn’t deserve you”, he mumbles into you.
You smile, playing with his hair gently.
“You’re the sweetest person, my love. Mhm I gotta squeeze you.” You tighten the hug, shaking him from side to side gently. “I’m squeezing the frustration outta you, Bunnybaby.”
He lets it happen at first, but soon can’t stop himself from giggling. You chuckle, lessening the pressure to ruffle his hair.
“No but seriously, you’re the sweetest person and I’m so grateful for you standing up for me and other women. I know it feels like you aren’t achieving anything, but you are. It only takes one person to be brave enough to stand up and for it to mean that there will be others who follow.”
“You think so?”
“Of course I do. You know, Shiwon was always a good guy but he never really said anything when men were being pigs until you came around and actually stood up for us.”
“But Shiwon always says something to sexists.”
“Yes, because he saw you doing it and realised that he needed to change his ways.”
“Really?” he sounds in disbelief.
“Yes, really.”
“Wow”, he lets out in a breathy whisper, “wow”, his voice is louder and he steps back to lock eyes with you, “wow.”
You give him an adoring smile, cradling his cheeks.
“So keep being yourself and keep standing up for us. You’re helping, even if it feels frustrating to do.”
He shakes his head, “it’s not frustrating to help. It’s frustrating that I even have to help.”
“I know, it really is.”
“But ___, I made someone change his habits.” His face lights up. “I did it.”
“You did it.”
“Oh ___”, he swoops you off your feet and twirls you right here and now.
You laugh, holding onto his shoulders and throwing your head back in delight. He twirls three times then stands still with his arms under your butt and his sparkling eyes gazing up at you. You meet his pretty eyes, caressing his shoulders and neck.
“I will keep protecting you and standing up for you and being someone safe for you until you and every other woman can feel safe as well. The world doesn’t deserve you right now, so I’ll make it be worthy of you. I promise.”
“Oh Jeon Jungkook, you sweetheart of a person. I fucking adore you”, you get out, cupping his face to pull him into a deep kiss.
Once the kiss breaks, Jungkook’s eyes are hazy in love and he can’t stop smiling at you. You mirror his state, running your fingers over his temples and forehead.
“I really adore you, I really do”, you speak softly.
“I adore you too”, he says without hesitation, voice nothing but a whisper.
“I don’t think you understand how much I adore you though. I adore every single star in your galaxy brain, every single inch of your golden heart and every single particle of your perfect soul. I adore the way you think, the words you speak and how gently you voice them. I adore your silly jokes and adore your smile and laughter. I adore how you love so much and so big and so wholeheartedly because you cannot do it any other way. I adore that you are in love with love and that everything you do is done by your gentle, romantic hands. I adore how happy you get for food, how you hum to yourself when you do something, how you fill the room with warmth because you are such a warm presence. I fucking adore the very essence that makes you, Jeon Jungkook, and if I could turn back time, I would do everything the exact same way because I know that it would lead me to you one day.”
“Why are you saying that?” he presses out and instantly bursts into tears, dropping you on the floor gently to hug you as tightly as humanly possible.
“Oh sweetie, gosh, you gentle hearted soul you”, you say softly, hugging him just as tightly.
“You can’t just say that”, he sobs into your neck, making you chuckle and ruffle his hair.
“Goodness, you’re so sweet. Are you okay, Bunnybaby?”
“No”, he whimpers, shaking his head, “I’m so grateful and I wasn’t ready”, he gets out and sobs again.
“I’m sorry, I’ll give you a warning next time”, you joke, eliciting both a laugh and sob from him. He is truly the most endearing and wonderful person to ever exist.
“I’m so grateful. Thank you so much for saying all of this, oh god, I adore you so much. I, I could fill the entire galaxy with it and it still wouldn’t be enough.”
“Oh my Jungkookie.”
You and he fall into a moment of silence where you hug and enjoy each other’s presence. The night might have ended in a messy, frustrating way but does it really matter when at the end of it you and he are still together? Does it really matter that people are awful when you and he have each other? Does it really matter when you can forget all about the outside world in each other’s arms?

The tranquillity of togetherness continues as the night grows older. You change into comfortable clothes and make a 1 AM snack with nothing but the stove light glowing. You eat cuddled up on the couch as you watch an episode of your favourite show and realize that the best part of going out will always be the coming home. You take separate showers for practicality reasons. You downstairs and he upstairs so you and he could be in bed sooner than later. It is already 3 AM by now and Jungkook has to wake up early tomorrow.
He drops into the pillow, bangs hiding his eyes. You reach out with a soft chuckle, combing them out of his face. You tug them behind his ear, giving his neck a little scratch afterwards. He flutters his lashes, clearly enjoying the touch.
“My Bunny.”
He smiles with his eyes and holds the open hand you had resting on the sheets. Your fingers intertwine as tightly as possible. You guide your touch to his shoulder and upper arm, drawing little hearts on his clothed skin.
“I think we should stop going out. It’s so nice to stay home”, he says sleepily.
“If we do that, we’ll just end up as cave goblins.”
“That wouldn’t be bad. At least we would have each other and nothing could hurt us.”
“Mhm maybe you’re right, but in the end nothing can really hurt us, can’t it? We have each other.”
“Yeah”, he breathes and closes the distance, cradling the back of your head. He kisses your forehead then rests his own against it. His eyes fall closed.
You don’t want to close your eyes, gazing at him. When he is as close to you as right now, you swear that you get soaked in the glow of his sunlight soul until the very colours of your own soul shine brightly.
“I adore you”, he whispers.
“I adore you too”, you breathe.
“I’m so tired.”
“Then sleep, you have an early morning anyways. I hate when you get little sleep.”
“I don’t wanna.”
“Why not?”
“I don’t wanna end this. We are so together.”
“We’ll be together tomorrow too, I promise.”
“Not like this.” He pulls your closer, furrowing his brows. “Not like this. I won’t feel like this tomorrow.”
“How do you feel?”
“Like my soul is on my skin and I’m basically living in your own soul, like with each touch we share I find new meaning.”
“Oh Kookie”, you cradle the back of his head and kiss his forehead.
“Like this”, he gets out, hugging you as his face sinks into the softness of your chest. “It’s like I'm sinking into your essence. My soul feels so safe with you.”
“It is safe with me, my love”, you say softly, petting his hair soothingly.
Jungkook lets out a sound of relief, growing softer in your arms. You know that this means that he is losing his fight with sleep, that your warmth and scent are relaxing him beyond saving. You begin caressing his favourite spot on his head, the one which knocks him out within seconds.
“___, you can’t ever get hurt”, he gets out in a quiet sigh, exhaling deeply afterwards. His body grows slack. He fell asleep.
You kiss the crown of his head, keeping your nose buried in his hair afterwards.
“Sleep tight, my gentle hearted love”, you whisper and close your eyes, drifting off to sleep as gently as a boat drifting away on a calm ocean.
He says that his soul feels safe with you, unaware that he is the only person your soul ever felt safe enough to fall asleep with.
No please don't be sad Kook 🥺😭🫂
Sibi please, they can't ever be separated. They have to live together forever.
I can't live without them 🥺
And I love how she knows how to cheer him up, just good food and some casual nudity 😉
They're perfect match 😍
![Index[Snippet #51 - Sad Boy]](https://64.media.tumblr.com/05e23373e0051dc58dd94591d8a5bb01/96560faf2ffcd40f-91/s500x750/c9894cf30d37d1b74c5dce078fdd8c4bb76880cf.jpg)
↳ Index [Snippet #51 - Sad Boy]
"When Jungkook comes home sad from work and you cheer him up."
Genre: Fluff, Slice of Life
Warnings: mention of losing one's partner to death, Koo is a sad boi after work, but she cheers him up, he is a little shit and she is just as much of a little shit, hehe they're annoying <3, and sooooooo in loveeee!!!, casual non-sexual nudity, backhugs with non-sexual fondling of the teeds, he is just the cutest <3
Wordcount: 1.8k
a/n: i was struck by the random thought that ogc!koo would most definitely cry to his wifey if one of his customers had a tattoo wish with a sad backstory, so this snippet was born hihi he is actually the patootiestest <3 i luv him <3
![Index[Snippet #51 - Sad Boy]](https://64.media.tumblr.com/a8c526b8a8eaf0a1cb72a0ecc9fc795b/96560faf2ffcd40f-71/s500x750/a3ebae97b9ba5c5a1034573769ed59026a8f91c3.png)
You didn’t have work today and therefore made dinner. Jungkook should be home any second now and you are really excited for it. You made some of his favourite tonight because you wanted to make him happy. Not that there is a day where you don’t want to see him happy, but you felt like surprising him tonight.
Bam has been in the kitchen with you when his ears suddenly perk up. He lifts his head and sniffles, then suddenly stands up from where he was resting to run away. You know exactly what this means. Jungkook is home.
Feeling like greeting him by the door tonight, you follow Bam.
You find him and Jungkook in the hallway. The latter is kneeling, hugging Bam as tightly as possible.
“Hey there, my sweetheart”, you greet him.
Jungkook lifts his head, giving view to his teary eyes.
“Did you cry? What happened?” you gasp, instantly jumping into worried mode. “Kookie baby, what happened?”
Jungkook stands up and closes the distance, “I had a really sad day”, he says, hugging you tightly. He lets out small sound, melting into you.
“No, I’m sorry to hear this. Did something happen that made you sad?” you ask him, holding him and rubbing the back of his head.
“Yes”, he squeaks out, having to sob.
“Noo Googie, I’m here. Let it all out.”
“___ you, you can’t ever die. You have to promise me to, to never die.”
“I mean that’s a rather ambitious wish. Why are you asking me that all of a sudden?”
Jungkook coughs out a sob, making a sad sound.
“Let’s sit down first, okay?”
“Yes, okay”, he whimpers.
You guide him to the living room, sitting down next to him and holding his hands. The walk from the front door to the sofa gave him enough strength to finally tell you what made him so incredibly sad today. He does so with his head lowered and his sweaty hands clasping yours as if he needed your touch to survive.
“I had a customer today and, and he wanted a tattoo and it was”, his voice quivers in tears, “it was his wife’s star sign and then I started and he cried and told me that his wife died a week ago and that he wants to keep her with him always. It was so sad”, he whimpers, “he cried through the entire session and I cried with him and it made me so sad and made me think of how it would be lose you and, and you can’t die, ___ please you have to let me go first, I can’t go through losing you.”
“Oh Kookie, you sweetest person you”, you breathe, scooting closer to drape your arm over him, “this must have been such an emotional moment. I’m sorry that you had to go through this.”
“It was so sad. I had to, to take breaks because I kept crying so much”, he drops his head on your shoulder, “my head hurts so bad and I have ringing in my ears. I’m sad, please can you promise me not to die before me?”
“So I should deal with you losing you?”, you ask in a chuckle.
You laugh. He laughs with you, but sniffles vividly.
“You’re a doofus.”
“A really sad doofus.”
You snicker, kissing his forehead.
“Mhm, I promise you that I won’t leave you for a long time. I don’t wanna think about this day for too long because it’ll make me sad too, but I promise you it’s still going to be a long time till it happens.”
“I promise you too. And I love you so much. You’re my soulmate and my best friend and my life partner. Everything I do, I do for you.” He lifts his head, cradling your cheeks. His eyes, although teary, are filled with love. “Life for me began when I met you. I knew from the very first moment I saw you in Seokjin’s diner that I loved you. And ever since that moment, everything I did was for you. I love you, ___, I always have.”
“Oh god Googie, I love you too.” You cup his cheeks. “My soulmate, my best friend and my parter for life.”
Jungkook smiles, leaning into your touch.
“Also my cute, sappy doofus.”
He giggles, agreeing with a nod.
“If I didn’t tell you how I felt tonight, I would have imploded. Witnessing my customer grieve so deeply really hurt me. I felt his pain as if it was mine.”
“Of course you did. You have such an empathetic, loving soul. I’m sure that he felt deeply comforted to be understood this way. I’m sorry that it made you feel so sad though.”
“Thank you”, he mumbles and sniffles, “I feel better already. Talking about it really helped. Thank you for listening. I love you so much.”
“I love you too and I’m always happy to listen. We’re a team, we go through everything together.”
He nods his head, eyes softening.
“Maybe we could die together. When we're old like in- Oh no I’m crying again - like in The Notebook. ___, I’m so sad”, he wails, throwing his head back dramatically.
“Gosh you, come here”, you chuckle fondly, hugging him again.
“They were so in love and went together. I can’t do this today.”
“Gosh you, it’s okay. I’m right here.”
“I can’t do this, please just melt into me.”
“I’m trying, I really am”, you tease, ruffling his hair. “You know I love you, don’t you?”
“I love you too, so much.”
“And I made Tangsuyuk tonight with lots of different sides.”
“Wow, Tangsuyuk”, Jungkook whispers, forgetting all about crying at the mention of his favourite dish. “My favourite. Thank you so much.”
“Of course, everything for you my darling.”
He lifts his head, letting you wipe his tears and snot.
“No, don’t. It’s yucky.”
“It is. So yucky”, you agree and scrunch your nose, “you snotty baby you.”
A shy smile washes over his face. It morphs into a shocked gasp when seconds later you wipe his snot into his shirt.
“Did you just wipe my snot on my shirt?”
“Mhm I did”, you grin, standing up to run away from him, “what are you gonna do about it?”
Jungkook feels his heart flutter. When you are being playful like this, he forgets all about his sadness. He jumps to his feet, chasing you all the way to the kitchen.
“Come here you”, he calls after you.
You squeak and increase your steps, making him laugh and do the same.
He catches up with you, swooping you off your feet. You squeal and cackle, throwing your head back in joy as he twirls with you.
After the twirling he has the audacity to wipe his nose into your shirt, snickering boyishly at the yelp of complaint you let out.
He sets you down, laughing giddily when you push him away gently.
“That was so much. Why did you have to do that? Eww I can literally see the slime stick to the fabric.”
Jungkook laughs, throwing his head back and rubbing your waist.
“Tch, you’re rancid”, you say, swiping his hands away. You pull your shirt over your head.
“Baby wow”, he gasps, eyes instantly landing on your bared chest. “No bra?”
“We’ve been living together for how many years and you still get surprised that I don’t wear that shit at home?” you ask him, leaving the kitchen.
Jungkook follows you. You take the stairs down to the cellar where you have your laundry room. It is a very beautiful and homely cellar and feels more like an underground living area than an actual cellar.
“Your boobs never lose their power. Obviously I’ll keep being surprised by them”, Jungkook says.
You scoff in amusement, wiping some disinfectant on the fabric. Jungkook is going to do laundry tomorrow either way, but you just want to get rid of the worst.
Suddenly you have two hands on your breasts and two arms around you, a naked chest against your naked back and lips on your shoulder.
“What are you doing?” you ask him in a chuckle, leaning into his embrace.
“Just making sure that you’re real”, Jungkook whispers, guiding his kisses up to your neck and ear.
“And you had to take your shirt off for that?”
“It was dirty too”, Jungkook says and takes your earlobe between his teeth to tug on it gently, giving your breasts a playful squeeze at the same time.
You shiver and laugh at the same time, placing your hands over his’.
“For someone who had a sad day, you’re being very touchy right now.”
“I’m not trying anything just…” he sighs against your neck, wrapping his arms around you as tightly as possible, “...I get happy when you laugh. And if my goofiness makes you laugh, I keep doing it.”
“It does. You do. You make me laugh a lot”, you say, having to laugh a second later when he blows raspberries on your neck. “Not like this! I hate this, it tickles”, you squeal in giggles, fleeing him as he goes in for a second attack. “Jeon Jungkook, keep doing this and I’ll die right now out of spite.”
“No, you won’t. I won’t let you”, he says, picks you up and sits you down on the laundry machine. He is between your legs, hands on your waist and lips claiming yours in a kiss.
You smile and hum, tangling your fingers in his hair. He smiles as well, tugging on your lower lip before putting distance between your faces.
You cradle his cheeks, rubbing them softly. He leans into your touch, rubbing your waist. His eyes are spilling over with love and as he speaks, he does so in a soft voice.
“I just love being alive with you”, he says. He caresses your waist, your hips, your stomach and chest before landing on your face. “I love the way your skin feels, warm and soft. I love the way your hair falls, so beautiful and perfect. I love the way your eyes are so full of life and beauty and love how soft your lips are. You’re perfect and I love you.”
You smile, kissing his thumb as he guides it over your lips.
“I love you too, Kookie.”
“No but, I love you.”
“I love you too.”
Jungkook lowers his eyes shyly, “I’m sorry, it’s getting too much, right?”
You tilt his head back up, mirroring his adoring gaze, “this could never get too much, my sweetie.”
He smiles giddily.
“Although I do fear that dinner might be getting cold if we keep being so sappy.”
“Oh dinner! I totally forgot. Wow baby, I’m so happy to be home”, he says, widening his eyes dramatically and rubbing his own tummy, “I’m so ready to eat, wah baby seriously.”
You snicker, “me too, baby.” You jump off the washing machine and take his hand. “First I wanna put on a shirt though. I’m not down to get sweet and spicy sauce on my titties.”
“Why not? You have me. I can clean everything you get on your boobs. I promise, I’m an expert.”
“You’re a dork, that’s what you are”, you say in a chuckle and a fond roll of your eyes.
Happy Birthday Kookie - Housemates
Jungkook x Reader
Y/N and friends plan a birthday surprise for Jungkook 💖
*Birthday Planners*
Y/N💞: Guys! I need help! Jimin: There's a group to plan Jungkook's birthday. Wow. Tae: Whatever you need, Y/N. This is going to be great! Y/N💞: I wanna do something special for him, but Im just so nervous!! Apu👑: Don't worry, it'll be just fine Y/N💞: I want to bake him a cake first and then Apu and I thought of some things Rapmon😎: What should we do? Jin: I'll help you bake the cake, please!!! Y/N💞: You got it Jin! Jin: Awesome!!
Y/N breathed a sigh of relief as everyone were given work to do and things were looking good. Jungkook was sprawled across the couch, eyes on his cellphone. They couldn't get on with the plan when he was at home, so Tae and Jimin were in charge of keeping him out till midnight.
Once they had dragged him out, Jin and Namjoon helped Y/N with the cake. Hobi and Yoongi helped Apu with the decorations.
It was well into the night when Y/N was finally done with the rest of his surprise. Y/N quickly got showered and dressed before getting on with the final touches.
Yoongi and Hobi had gone way ahead with the decorations in the living room in Apu's absence.
'You guys! He's not turning 5!' Namjoon said shaking with laughter as they walked into a sea of balloons in the living room.
'He'll always be our baby' Yoongi said dramatically. 'Even if he has a girlfriend'
'I was away for 5 minutes, guy' Apu said, rolling her eyes.
*Birthday Planners*
Tae: We're almost there Y/N: OK 😨
'Guys they're almost here!' Y/N squealed running into the kitchen. Jin handed her the cake and made her way to Jungkook's room. Closing the door behind her, she set the cake on his bedside table.
*Birthday Planners*
Tae: We are home! Y/N💞: I'm scared! I think I overdid it! Jin: You didn't! It's perfect! Apu👑: Oh God, he's asking for you 😍😂 Jimin: He knows you're upto something 😂😂 Y/N💞: Shitshitshit Tae: Get ready, he's coming 😉
Y/N set her cellphone down and took the little chocolate cake in hand, waiting for him. She was almost terrified at the thought of him coming in, and shivered slight as she heard him outside the door.
'Y/N?' he said in a sing song voice, opening the door slowly. And he stood still, eyes wide in surprise.
He stepped in and closed the door behind him, the shock melting into a smile.
'Happy Birthday, Kookie' Y/N said smiling.
'Y/N' his voice was soft and she could swear his eyes were moist. He took the cake from her hands, setting it on the table, before pulling her into a tight hug. 'This is beautiful'
Jungkook cupped his hands on her cheeks as he kissed her. Y/N giggled as he pressed small warm kisses on her lips.
He pulled back, a hand around her shoulder and eyes scanning his room.
The dark room was lit only some pretty fairy lights and some heart balloons hovered over his bed, with pictures of the couple hanging at the end of the long strings. He moved towards his bed, to get a proper look at them before turning back to Y/N and holding his hand out to her.
'This is the best birthday ever!' he said, giving her his best toothy smile.
Y/N kissed his cheek feeling more happier than she could have thought.
He kissed her again, smiling against her lips each time he thought how lucky he felt.
'I love you so much' he murmured, pulling her against his chest.
'I love you too, Kookie' she whispered.
Once they were both feeling normal again, Y/N asked 'So gonna cut the cake or what? I made it'
'Of course' he said.
*Beauties and Beasts*
Y/N💞: Guys?

Tae: So it went perfectly! Jimin: 😍 J-hope🎵: Our turn!! JK : There's more? JK : 😱 Rapmon😎: Get down here you two Y/N💞: On our way Apu👑:😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁
Jungkook kissed Y/N one last time before making their way down to join the rest of the team. It's safe to say Jungkook had the best time ever.

Forever - 1
Jungkook x Reader (later Taehyung x Reader)
Warning: Mentions of death

A tear rolled down my cheek as my fingers came in contact with the pillow. His pillow. My heart clenched as I tried to push his memories aside. But I can't.
The wounds are still so fresh. The loss. The fact that I won't ever see him again. That I won't get to hold him in my arms anymore.
I broken sob left my mouth. It was only a month since I lost my fiance to cancer. He was the most colorful person I've ever met. Just the happiest brightest ray of sunshine. He could smile through literally anything. And he changed my life forever by taking me into his own.
He had proposed to me only a couple of weeks before he was diagnosed. I knew when I saw his light dimming in front of my eyes, yet he smiled like it was nothing. He tried his best for me. Because he knew I couldn't live without him.
The last couple of weeks, in between our journeys to the hospital and back, he voiced his fear for the first time. It wasn't for his own life. He was afraid what his absence would do to me. He made me promise I would move on. That I would always smile at our memories, not cry over them.
But I was doing a bad job at keeping that promise. The moment I stepped into our apartment, I knew I couldn't do it.
I felt a pain in my chest as his name left as a whimper. I burst out into tears, hugging his pillow. It smelled of him.
Six months. That's how long I sat inside, missing him. Crying over him. Talking out loud, hoping he could hear me. Wearing his clothes, so it would feel like he was around.
One morning, things look a turn. I was woken from my sleep by the constant ringing if the bell and knocks following. Rubbing the sleep out of my sore and swollen eyes, I walked to the living room, and opened the door.
I sighed on seeing my guests. My mother and my best friend Milly stood at my door with worried faces. But seeing our pet Bambi, I smiled. Bambi was our 2 year old Golden retriever.
'What have done to yourself darling?' my mother asked, gently reaching out to touch my face.
I looked away, my eyes falling on a picture of Jungkook and me, hanging on the wall. Jungkook was all about cherishing memories, so we had put some special pictures on one of the walls in the living room.
'Y/N' my mother, said.
I looked at her.
'This can't go on' she said. 'You have to learn to move on'
I avoided meeting her eyes and just keep rubbing Bambi's belly. I knew she missed Jungkook too. Sighing I placed a kiss on Bambie's nose.
'Look at me, Y/N!' my mother's voice cracked as she shook me. 'You cannot do this! I know he was your world! But he would never want you to crawl into a hole and weep in his name!'
'Listen to her, Y/N' Milly said 'At least try'
'I'm leaving Bambi here with you' she said. 'And we want you to move out of this apartment. As soon as possible'
'But -'
My heart was beating heavily at that thought. How can I be anywhere else? This is my home. I felt him here.
'I'm not taking no for an answer, Y/N' Mom said, strictly. 'You can move in with us, or find your own space. But not here.'
Bambi's soft snores helped me sleep that night. I had forgotten how a good nights sleep felt like. I cuddled up to her and slept peacefully.
The next morning, Bambi was unbearably restless. She kept running around the house.
'What is the matter, baby?' I asked, sitting on the floor next to her.
She ran off and came back with her leash. I bit my lip taking the leash in my hands. Of course. Whenever she visited, Jungkook would take her for a walk at the pet park near our place. It's their routine. I really didn't want to step out. All those pitiful looks. Those kind but stinging words and condolences.
Bambi licked me, and nudged me with her wet nose.
'OK! We'll go' I told her.
After a quick shower, I dressed up and we went to her park. There were too many people for my liking. She was way too excited to be here after so long. She kept on pulling at her least until it snapped and she made a run for it.
'BAMBI!!!!!' I yelled, running after her. 'Come back!'
I ran for a bit and then fell on my knees, panting. Tears stung my eyes as the realization that I had lost Bambi in this huge park dawned on me. I cried as I got up and walked around trying to find her.
I sat on a bench and wiped my tears. I felt almost numb. I decided to call Milly for help and started dialing her number, when I felt something wet on my feet.
I looked down to see Bambi giving me a guilty look.
'OH MY GOD! BAMBI! YOU CAME BACK!!!' I dived at her, wrapping my arms around her furry body and kissing her.
And then I noticed a pair of feet next to us. Blushing, I looked up and saw a man looking at us, a smile on his face.
He had a little black and tan Pomeranian in his arms and was holding Bambi's leash.
I stood up slowly.
'Hi,' he said smiling.
'Hi, thank you so much for bringing her back!' I said. 'But how did you -'
'Um, Bambi and Yeontan are friends' he said, scratching the back of his neck awkwardly.
He knew Jungkook.
I looked at little Yeontan. He was busy nipping at the collar of his Daddy's shirt.
'Thanks again' I said. 'I'm Y/N, by the way'
'I'm Taehyung'
Next Part >
Forever - 2
Jungkook x Reader (eventual Taehyung x reader)

'I'm Taehyung' he said.
Yetontan yapped at me as I shook hands with his dad.
'Sorry he's a bit weird when you meet him for the first time' Taehyung said, blushing.
'That's alright' I said, rubbing Yeontan behind his ear. He sniffed my hand before giving me a cautious lick.
Meeting Taehyung at the park with Bambi and Yeontan became a regular thing. It helped me relax. He was gentle and so easy to be around, unlike my friend's and family who treated me as if I were made of glass. Taehyung was a refreshing change to it.
Milly and I had began house-hunting. I wasn't interested in moving so I never liked anything I saw. Why didn't they understand that I didn't want to move yet. My heart broke each time I thought about selling it off and then watch someone else come and change everything. Their constant phone calls and visits drove me to the edge. I would cry out in frustration sometimes.
'You don't even know what I'm going through! It's just so easy to ask me to forget it all!'
'Baby, that's not-' Mom gave me a guilty look.
'Just don't' I said. 'It's time for Bambi's walk'
Bambi trudged behind me, happy to leave the tense environment.
'I thought you weren't coming' Taehyung said, his face brightening on seeing us.
'My parents were visiting' I told him as we walked. 'Same old house hunting and moving on stuff'
He nodded.
'Can't you stay with your friend Milly for a while?' he asked.
'She lives with her boyfriend' I said. 'Uh! This is just so stressful!'
'Calm down!' Taehyung said with a smile.
'It's very simple. I just don't wanna move' I said. 'I don't think I'm ready to start over yet'
He nodded again.
'They all treat me like I'm gonna shatter the minute they leave me alone' I said. 'I just wish they'd just relax first'
'I have something to say' Taehyung said, leading us to a bench and sitting down. I sat beside him and Yeontan jumped into my lap.
'So the issue is they want you to start over and you need time for it'
I nodded.
'Come stay with me' he said. 'We're friends, you know I won't push you. It's close to your apartment, you can come anytime you want. They'll be happy too.'
I stared at him.
'Are you serious?' I asked, my eyes wide.
'Of course!' he said, trying to balance Yeontan on top of Bambi. 'You need time. You can stay till you find something you like. You'll have to keep your apartment till you find a new one and move your stuff'
'Just suggesting, Y/N' he said, 'I do live alone, and I won't be home all day. So, you'll have your space'
He made it sound so simple. I knew he was a great guy, but moving in with him? Even if as a roommate?
'Sleep on it' he said. 'You are in no hurry to do anything'
I did sleep on it. I took me about a weekend to make up my mind. I called him up to let him know that I wanted to move into his apartment. It'll keep my parents and Milly off my back and I can come home anytime I wanted to.
My parents were excited. They wanted to come and help me pack, but I asked them not to. Milly came over, so did Taehyung.
Bambi and Yeontan were literally everywhere. Taehyung just ran behind them with an empty box in hand, pretending to help. I knew he did that just so that I would laugh at his silliness rather than cry over leaving.
I smuggled some of Jungkook's shirts into my suitcase when Milly wasn't watching. It was harder than I thought. I did break down, as Milly and Taehyung took my stuff to the car.
It was our little heaven. I sat on our bed, crying. I didn't want to leave. I wanted Jungkook more than ever that minute. My eyes wandered around the room, embedding every little detail in my mind.
A pair of arms wrapped around me from behind. Milly pressed her cheek against mine.
'It's not about the place, Y/N' she said, soothingly. 'It's about him. And you know he's always with you'
I nodded as I cried harder.
'Don't cry, sweetheart' she said. 'Just know it's for the best.'
My heart did shatter into a thousand pieces as we drove away.
@shadowstark , @hersheygrace
< Previous Part - Next Part >
Forever -3
Taehyung x Reader

'Baby, wake up!'
He was being a whiny baby. Again. He kissed my shoulder and placed his head at the back of my neck. His lips were cool against my warm skin. His arms went around my waist, holding me against his chest.
'Please!!' he said again.
'Kookie, stop!' I mumbled, trying to escape from his strong grip.
'Y/N' his voice had a hint of concern. 'Y/N?'
I woke up with a start. That was a dream? I was still trying to wrap my mind around this cruel dream when I heard a knock on my door.
'Y/N!' Taehyung's voice wasn't the usual chirpy one. 'OK, that's it. I'm coming in, I warned you!'
I rolled my eyes at his dramatic ways and watched as he opened the door cautiously. His head came in first and seeing me sitting up on my bed, he sighed in relief and came in.
'You scared me half to death' he said, sitting on my bed. 'I called so many times!'
'I didn't hear a thing' I said, shrugging. 'It's a Saturday! What are you doing up so early?'
'Sorry, but it's 10:30' he said.
'Exactly my point' I said 'Huh'
'Get your ass outta that bed!' Taehyung said, 'Please, we have work to do!'
'Fine!' Y/N sighed.
Taehyung was a simple man. He was a great roommate too. More than anything, he treated me like how I wanted to be treated. He tried his best to make me smile. I tried hard too. I tried for all those who were doing their best to bring me back to normal.
But some days were just not for pretending. A few days after moving in, I was experiencing one of my worst anxiety attacks. It just popped out of nowhere and decided to stay. I ran to grab one of Jungkook's shirts, burying my face in it, trying to catch his scent. Only they didn't smell like him anymore. I tried another, and another. But they just didn't work anymore.
I sat on the floor, weeping. What am I going to do now? Jungkook, come back! , my silly heart screamed.
Bambi whined from the other side of the door as she heard me cry. Yeontan seemed to join her soon after. The next thing I knew, Taehyung was at the door, asking for permission before stepping in.
He was scared at first. He didn't seem to know how to deal with it.
'What's the matter, Y/N?' he asked as he came towards me slowly. Bambi and Yeontan were already on either side of me, trying to console me.
I held out Jungkook's shirt, sobbing loudly.
'It doesn't smell like him anymore' I said in between hiccups.
Taehyung took the shirt in his hands, looking totally heartbroken. He rushed towards me, sitting next to me and pulling me into his arms. He sat with me that entire night, as I slipped into a very disturbed sleep.
I came to terms with the fact that I can't change certain things. I love Jungkook. I will forever, but I had to at least try. And that's what I did.
My parents were overjoyed to see my change. They pestered me to no end to let them come and visit. And that's why he wouldn't let me sleep that Saturday morning.
'I'm so excited!!' Taehyung sang as we waited for them.
On hearing the door bell, he ran, followed by Bambi and Yeontan. My parents definitely didn't expect such a grand welcome.
Taehyung smiled, said bowing to them respectfully, before being pulled into a bone crushing hug by my dad.
My dad said nothing, but his eyes said it all. He gave Taehyung a grateful look before wrapping his arms around me. My mother kissed his forehead and mine before scooping the two puppies into a tight hug.
They loved Taehyung. He sat talking to dad the whole day. Mom even let him sit on the kitchen counter and she and dad cooked, giving him things to taste and letting him help her.
'You never let me do that!' I complained.
Mom waved me off as I took my seat next to him. After lunch, we went for a walk.
Dad and Taehyung walked ahead, engaged in a conversation, as Mom and I followed a few steps behind.
'He's such a sweet boy' Mom said. 'Your dad loved him'
I smiled as I watched them.
'I'm so glad to see you like this, darling' she said. 'I know he's the one at credit'
'He helped a lot, Mom' I agreed.
'He's a special boy, Y/N' Mom said, squeezing my hand. 'Very special'
Something gripped at my heart the way she said that. They left later on, and we headed back home.
I was getting ready for bed that night, when Taehyung came in. He looked tired, but happy. He sat on my bed, giving me one of his signature smiles. I gave him a questioning look and he just hugged me.
'Thank you, Y/N' he said softly. 'This was the best day ever!'
Giving me a quick peck on my forehead, he rushed out of my room. I was sure I saw tears in his eyes as he left.
@shadowstark , @hersheygrace
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Master List
New Stray kids and Seventeen Content at @hanniebaeee

💜 Forever (Kim Taehyung X Reader) :
1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6 - 7 -8 - 9 - 10 - 11 - 12 - 13 - 14 - 15
💜 What you do to me (Kim Taehyung X Reader) :
1 - 2
💜 Housemates (Junkook X Reader)
1 - Housemates
2 - Shopping Spree
3 - Your Shiny Jacket
4 - Zip It
5 - To Your Rescue
6 - Birthday Special
7 - House Meeting
8 - It’s You Kookie
9 - Happy Birthday Kookie
💜 His Wife (Kim Taehyung X Reader)

Bucky Barnes
🖤 Bookish
🖤 My Bucky
🖤 The Button Issue
🖤 The Other Guy
🖤 Blush:
1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6
🖤 Mystical
🖤 Library Love:
1 - 2
🖤 A Suicide Meeting

Sirius Black
💛 The Dare!
💛 My Love:
1 - 2
💛 The Slumber Party
💛 The Party
Forever - 7
Taehyung x reader
Author's POV :

The first time Bambi came over to stay at Y/N and Jungkook's new apartment, Jungkook was beyond excited. He had a play pen ready with all kinds of toys ready for her. He had also found this pet park where he had planned to take her.
'OK, Mommy, we're going out for a walk' He called out to Y/N as he and Bambi made their way out.
'I need you both home for lunch!' Y/N said smiling at the two.
Jungkook and Bambi made this their regular thing - a walk in their favorite pet park. On one such day, they were on their usual walk when Bambi stopped all of a sudden.
'What's it Bambi?' Jungkook asked, crouching down to her level and scratching behind her ears.
Bambi began walking, pulling at her leash. She led Jungkook to one of the benches, where a man sat, singing. He had a little black and tan Pomeranian in his lap, watching him as he sang.
Bambi settled down in front to the bench, gazing at the man who sang with his eyes closed. Jungkook smiled in fascination as he watched the two dogs enjoy the music.
'How's that Tannie??'
The little dog yapped at the man, making him laugh. And then his eyes fell on Jungkook and Bambi.
'Oh, hi' he said, standing up.
'That was pretty awesome' Jungkook said. 'I didn't know dogs were into music'
The man laughed.
'Oh they are' he said. 'You just need to know what kind'
'I'm Jungkook and this is Bambi'
'We're Taehyung and Yeontan'
Jungkook wasn't the first person Taehyung befriended in the big city. But he was definitely one who left a mark in him.
Taehyung admired the way he loved his life. Nothing was an obstacle for Jungkook. Nothing could literally stop him for doing what he wanted.
They rarely discussed about personal life, but when they did, Taehyung couldn't help but feel warm about the way Jungkook spoke about his Y/N. They were perfect for each other. Exactly opposite, but just right.
Taehyung remembered the last time met Jungkook vividly. He knew something was wrong when he met him after months. He looked pale and the shine in his eyes were nearly non-existant.
'Jungkook, it's been a long time' he said, shaking hands with him.
Jungkook smiled and said 'Yeah, things have been a bit crazy'
Taehyung was heartbroken to learn of Jungkook's diagnosis. He knew he had just proposed to Y/N. This was all so wrong.
'There are so many good hospitals offering treatments for this, Jungkook' Taehyung said, shaking his head. 'It's nothing really'
'Yeah, I suppose' Jungkook said with a shrug.
He sighed before turning to face Taehyung.
'I'm not afraid.' he said. 'For myself. But Y/N-'
He fell silent for a while.
'She is this pampered baby' he said laughing fondly at her thought. 'She is already falling apart'
He look in a labored breath.
'It'll all be fine' Taehyung said, patting Jungkook on his shoulder. 'You're gonna be fine'
Jungkook nodded.
Taehyung would never forget that look in his eyes when Jungkook hugged him and walked away. It was the last time he saw Jungkook's smiling face.
Thanks to all my readers ❤ You guys are amazing!
@shadowstark , @hersheygrace

Jungkook - Red
1/7 (Check out other colours/members here)

Summary: Sticky sweet slice of life stories from the life of JungKook and his fiancé Andrea. (Better read "Bitter" first for more info)
/part one/
(I had Greedy by Ariana Grande in mind when writing this, so I suggest you do the same)
The second the door closed behind you Jung Kook snaked his arms around your waist, head buried in your neck, sniffing your hair. He lovingly squishes the softness of your curves, making you giggle.
“I love what you did for y/n and that guy. You are a wonderful friend. I love even more now. “he whispers in your ear.
Letting your head fall back, the stiffness of his sculpted chest supporting your body, your run your hands over his arms. Somehow you make your way to the car entangled, strutting left and right, like a pair of penguins. You take the passenger seat and the entire ride home Jung Kook doesn’t lift his hand from your thigh, giving you a light squeeze now and then. For some reason he is excessively enthusiastic today and he is singing old songs as you drive through the centre. Turning your head to the left to look at his tiny mushroom ponytail rocking along with him to the music of Muse. How did I get so lucky, you ask yourself. If he heard you, he would fire the question right back at you wearing a smirk. He never bothered that you are older than him or that you were a juicier woman, he wanted you as you were, as you are that’s why he asked you to marry him. Even in ten thousand lifetimes no one could love you like him and as he always says you are destined to be together, forever. The thought puts a smile on your face, that’s suck a Jung Kook thing to say. Taking one look at him you’d think, there’s a player, but no one is a bigger softie that Kookie.
You drop your keys on the kitchen counter and make your way to the bathroom. A hot shower after a big week at work is a must. You can hear Jung Kook messing around in the second bathroom. By the time you are finished you find him comfortably resting on your bed, suffocating under the blanket.
He pats the empty space next to him, “I am in dire need of cuddles with my baby, come quick.” You laugh at him and he draws his lips in a pout. As you make yourself comfortable, he cages you, under him peppering soft kisses all over your neck, your hands, your face. Just like that his hands are everywhere making you stir in excitement. He is humming a melody while nibbling your lobe and forcibly digging his hand on your plump behind. He has always had a thing about your ass. “I love your idea of cuddling” you whisper against his lips.
“I love your sweet scent. Your softness. Your wit. I love you.” Pausing to kiss you between each sentence. It always starts this way, sweet and soft at first, it’s just how you like it.
He traces his hand under your nightgown, reaching your breasts. His teeth capture your bottom lip and you lace your fingers in his wavy strands pulling him closer. He’s still humming songs as he’s marking his way to your breasts, nibbling your sensitive skin. His greedy hand is already cupping your pussy. Scoping your legs up with a swift motion your underwear is gone. Jungkook loves taking his time with you when making love but tonight you could tell you are in for a great fuck.
Masterlist: Crash Course in Love

summary: You’ve always played it safe, but when your thrill-seeker ex, Jungkook, obviously moves on, you decide it’s time to live on the edge too. So, naturally, you drag your grouchy cousin Yoongi on a two-week snowboarding trip in another attempt to reinvent yourself. What could possibly go wrong? pairing: snowboard instructor!Jungkook x ex-gf!female reader (feat. platonic OT6) genre: rom-com, Exes 2 Lovers, slow-burn, angst rating: 18+, MDNI warnings: strong language, slow burn, angst, alcohol consumption, fluff, smut, pls check each part for specific warnings! total word count: tba
a/n: This work is purely fictional. All characters and events are entirely imaginary and do not reflect reality. No translations are allowed without permission. Thank you for understanding! 💕

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5

Character asks
The one with JK's POV after the breakup

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