Magnus Venatio - Tumblr Posts

1 year ago

This chapter was so needed after latest actions. It's so cute and gives me a little comfort.

OC is so lucky to have 2 hot vampires at her service all the time 😉

I'm so happy for Seokjin â˜ș I'm happy that my predictions were wrong. I hope that he and Emma will stay happy together forever.

And soft Yoongi is so cute, but I prefer his other, bossy, hot Creator side đŸ”„ I got weak in my knees when he was doing business with alpha. And his "I had my woman in my arms " was the hottest shÂĄt ever. He can call her princess or other pet names all he wants, but "my woman" does it for me 😅

I don't know if I should be worried about the ending. Who was the person that OC bumped into? đŸ€” I hope that Yoongi called Hobi or Jungkook to go and look for OC at the bus stop. But what if it's someone from Namjoon's followers or that awful Fringe woman đŸ˜Č


↳ Index [Chapter 08 - Loups]

‱ Loups (French, wolves)

Warnings: i’m kicking my feet at the beginning, it’s so cute!, we love a found family that communicates, werewolves!, they are so cool, Yoongi being so fucking hot whilst working, i fucking need him, OC gets lost at the end lmao lil idiot

Wordcount: 12.3k

a/n: this is one of my fave chapters. i fucking love the werewolves & their backstory


Someone opens the blinds. You grumble quietly, burying your face in the pillow to shield you from the light.

“Five more minutes”, Taehyung mumbles into your hair, tugging you closer.

“You already slept long enough, wake up you two”, Yoongi says.

“Why?” you whine.

“Tae has stuff to do today”, he says.

“It can wait”, Taehyung mumbles.

“No, it can’t. We have a busy schedule.”

Taehyung lifts his head from your hair, sending Yoongi a sleepy yet annoyed look.

“Why are you stressing us on this beautiful day?”

“We have a tight schedule”, Yoongi says nonchalantly, “come down in five and put on some clothes”, he says and with that, leaves your room.

Taehyung groans, dropping back on the sheets. Like this, he isn’t spooning you anymore. He runs his fingers through his hair, staring at the paintings of shadow and light the sun casts on the ceiling.

You roll to your side, placing your hand on his tummy.

“I’m so upset”, you mumble, “I wanted this to last eternally.”

Taehyung caresses your hand.

“Me too, my darling”, he says, rolling his head to the side. He studies your features and smiles, running the back of his hand over your cheek, “you are beautiful.”

“I look sleepy.”

“It doesn’t matter. You are so beautiful”, he says, tracing your lips, “you are the living proof that what Fringella said was a lie.”

You fluster, reaching out to nudge his tummy.

“Sweet talker”, you mumble.

Taehyung smiles cutely and props himself up on his elbows, leaning down to peck your cheek.

“I’m going to use the powder room to freshen up. Pick out some clothes if you want to”, he tells you and rolls out of bed.

Czytaj dalej

Tags :
1 year ago

WTF đŸ˜±đŸ€ŻđŸ€ŻđŸ€ŻđŸ’€Â 

I’m ded, what a plot twist. I cannot believe it. It took me 20 minutes to read first paragraph over and over again. Even though we all wanted this to happen I didn’t expect it actually would. Sibi you and your great mind.

this chapter put me through so many emotions that I feel drained from my blood. I will need few days to recover.


↳ Index [Chapter 09 - Ghost]

Warnings: lots of emotional stuff, just emotions man emotions

Wordcount: 14.9k

a/n: hehe (with intent)


“Jimin? Holy shit, how? I saw you die.”

“Yeah, uhm
about that.”

You reach out and touch his chest. Hard and firm and most definitely real.

“What? How? What?“ you stutter, “how? I literally saw the pile of ash.”

Jimin takes a step back, forcing your hand to slip from his chest.

“Resurrection spell. Good stuff, only works once and when done right. Fucking the brains out of a witch in secret has its advantages.”

“I think I’m gonna black out. You’re alive? All this bloody time you’ve been alive?”

Jimin scrunches his nose up in slight distaste.

“Geez, I see that you’re still dramatic.”

“No. Ohohoh no, you dickhead are not pulling that now”, you say, pointing an accusing finger at him, “you’re such a little shit, do you know that? Taehyung cried himself to sleep for months because of you and you are not going to appear here with accusations of me being dramatic.”

Jimin falters before sadness washes over his face.

“Taehyung cried because of me?”

“Yeah?” you laugh in disbelief, “maybe he shouldn’t have, given how you decided to act dead.”

“Now wait a minute”, Jimin hisses, “I was barely alive for months. You think being reborn from ash is something fun? Hell no, I’m back to ground zero.”

“What’s that supposed to mean?”

“It means I lost six centuries of strength.”

You snort.

“Don’t laugh”, he spits.

“I’m sorry, but this serves you so right.”

“You bitch”, Jimin gasps, blinking his eyes in disbelief, “where’s your compassion? I thought you were oh so nice.”

“Yeah, to people who didn’t try to kill me multiple times and on top of that abandoned their best friend.”

“I didn’t abandon-”, he stops himself, breathing in loudly. He raises his finger, pointing it at you vigorously, “you hah”, he laughs with fiery eyes, “you”, he steps closer, pointing his finger right at your face.


Czytaj dalej

Tags :
1 year ago

I think this is my favorite chapter so far. Thanks to Emma we got to know about OC’s past a little, about her relationships with her mom or other women in her life. And I’m so proud of her, because even though her life earlier wasn’t the happiest, she still grew up to be this beautiful and strong woman. She tries so hard to fight for her rights and beliefs. Finding Tae and other boys was her reward for the shitty past.

And I’m so happy that she found her first girl friend in Emma, that they can talk so openly about mandane things like shaving, periods, bl0wjobs and p0rn. We got some answers about their poly relationship as well. When I read their conversation I felt as if I was their friend as well. It felt really nice.

Her time with Tae was so cute. They are made for each other. He loves her so much again.

And Jimin...I agree that Jimin was an asshole in this chapter, but we can see how what Namjoon did to him in the past broke him. I think that it will take many years before Jimin will truly heal and will let himself be happy and careless with Tae.

but the ending... I’m still so shaken up 😭


↳ Index [Chapter 11 - Girls]

Warnings: a cute girls night, Jimin being a dick fjadsj, but I also wanna hug him, she has worries & fears, emotional conversations, Tae & Yoongi being absolute sweethearts, slight suggestive themes in the form of talks about sex

Wordcount: 9.9k

a/n: Emma is such a treasure


“Where are you going?”

Yoongi and Jungkook turn upon hearing your voice. They study your features.

“We’re going out tonight”, Jungkook answers you.

“Out?” you ask them, eyeing Hoseok and Seokjin, who just this moment appear by your side, both dressed in black. They join Yoongi and Jungkook by the doorway a second later.

“Someone told me about demons living by the docks”, Hoseok says, “Yoongi thinks that it could be related to Namjoon.”

“You think so? Wow, that’s good news.”

“Yeah, let’s hope Hobi’s informant was truthful”, Yoongi says dryly. He has his work voice on, which means he is already one step out of the door. At least mentally.

“And you guys are checking it out?”

“Yes, we’ll check it out.”

“Can I come with you?”

“No?” Yoongi cocks up an eyebrow, “stay here. Don’t try to get drunk again.”

then I’ll be all alone here.”

“Why? Where are Tae and Jimin?”

“They went out an hour ago. Partying. Can’t I come with you?”

“Princess”, Yoongi says with guilty eyes, “you know that you can’t. There will be fighting and it’s too dangerous for you. I would take you with me if I could, you know that.”

“I know”, you lower your eyes, “just be careful please, I want you all back tonight. In one piece.”

They chuckle, except for Yoongi, who seems more and more worried than anything else.

“Don’t worry, you’ll get us back”, Emma promises you, closing the zipper on her jacket as she rounds you and then joins Seokjin’s side

“Okay then, uhm
see you guys later? Maybe even with Namjoon as our prisoner.”

“Yes, see you. Call us if you need anything”, Hoseok says and turns to leave.

“See you, ___”, Seokjin gives you a grin and then turns to catch up with Hoseok.

Jungkook leaves once he told you to be careful.

Emma and Yoongi stay back for a moment, studying your face.

Yoongi steps closer, almost making you step back because you are a little nervous under his intense gaze. He cups your cheek, running his thumb over your skin.

“What’s the matter, my princess?” he asks in a soft voice.

Czytaj dalej

Tags :
1 year ago

Tae is a real sweetheart, and Yoongi is really cute, but all I can think of is why OC is cold, feels dizzy and smells different (acording to Jungkook). I’m really worried about her. What is happening to her? And there’s the next chater named “Creation”


↳ Index [Chapter 12 - Morgenrot]

‱ Morgenrot (German, dawn)

Warnings: Yoongi :(, Tae :(, the cutest fucking date, Jimin being jealous, Yoongi is so cute, Taehyung is the loveliest

Wordcount: 12.4k

a/n: if i can’t have him, i don’t want it


The morning is quiet. The others haven’t returned yet, but Jungkook texted you to let you know that they were still busy with the chase and that they were all okay. That was an hour ago right after you woke up all bundled up in Taehyung’s bed. The latter wasn’t present with you, but judging by the warm scent of his shower gel he must have taken a shower recently and then left the room. You throw on one of his shirts as you leave his room to look for him. You really need his comfort. Last night won’t leave your mind and being along with your thoughts for too long hurts. 

Jimin’s room is empty as you pass it. The view makes your stomach twist in discomfort, because it meant that he wasn’t back yet. Hopefully he isn’t out there murdering innocent people.

The kitchen is empty. No Taehyung in sight. Huffing out air in frustration, you decide to prepare breakfast. The kitchen doesn’t offer a lot of food, given how you didn’t get any extra groceries with Emma yesterday. You decide to cut up the last apple and warm up the last croissant, preparing a cup of tea with the last teabag. You open your phone to text Yoongi, asking him if he could bring home takeout later because you know for a fact that you will be hungry soon. He answers you while the tea was brewing, doing so in true Yoongi fashion with a simple “what do you want?”. It was nice to hear from him, even if it was only one of his terribly dry text messages. That means that he was okay and that you will see him soon. You told Yoongi to surprise you and then you enjoyed your breakfast in the living room whilst reading a good book. It was one of Seokjin’s books. It was very interesting and you plan on talking about it to him later.

You have just finished your tea when clattering in the kitchen calls your attention.

The others must back!

With a grin on your lips and equipped with the book and empty dishes, you hurry back to the kitchen.

“Oh?” you stop and stare.

Taehyung, previously bend over the sink, turns around, studying you from head to toe. His hands are wet.

“Good morning, my darling”, he greets you.

“Good morning, sweetest”, you say, sneaking a glance at him, “why are your hands wet?”

“No reason”, he very obviously lies, giving you a cute grin and swaying his shoulders from side to side.

“No reason?”

His smile grows, “close your eyes.”


Czytaj dalej

Tags :
1 year ago

The beginning and the ending include OC and Yoongi’s scenes but are totally different. My heart hurts 💔 

At the beginning we got our two lovebirds, happily chirping. It was so good to read after everything that is happening lately. Their love is so special. I’m so happy for them.

Then the drive with Tae and Kook at the backseat again đŸ€­ I was happy for my sleepy baby, he was blushing and giggling, peak heaven for my heart, if only I knew...

Charles is a piece of shit. He and his stupid games. He almost made jungkook to lose his control, and talking about farming people for blood. What a douchebag.

And I loved how OC was talking back at him. I’m not bi but I fell for her. She’s my queen.

I must say that Taehyung really has shitty friends, including Jimin. I’m sorry but that’s the truth. Nothing good happened since he came back. Maybe Tae was happy at the beginning but is he still? With Jimin’s jealous ass it won’t last for long. He made Tae break up with Jungkook. I still can’t believe that he could say to Kook such words. I know it broke their hearts, and mine. How Tae can be sure that OC won’t be next? Is he going to give up on her so easily too, just to make Jimin happy?

And the ending 😭 My poor Yoongi. I want to give him the biggest hug and assure him that nothing changed. That he’s still the same in my eyes. Just as OC did. They are meant for each other. I want them together and with Kook. Taehyung can get lost with Jimin for now.


↳ Index [Chapter 13 - Creation]

Warnings: Min fucking Yoongi, he is a menace and I need him, hot vampires being hot, douchebags being douchebags, but also big sad and heartbreak and :(, I also have no idea of the workings of poker and only took a quick class on it for this chapter so if there are any mistakes please forgive them I am still trying to learn hahaha, i also want to state that my legs are wide open for min yoongi

Wordcount: 12.8k

a/n: me writing the beginning: hehe selphcÀre :D me writing the end: no selphcÀre  >:(


The soft scratching of a pen on paper wakes you the next morning. Perhaps it was the loud traffic of the city more than the pen, but you actively take in that little sound more than the rushing of cars and the roaring of buses. You know that they are so loud because it is currently storming outside. You can hear the rain hit the window each time an especially strong gust of wind pushes it violently.

You peel your eyes open, meeting the view of Yoongi sitting on bed and writing in his notebook. His head is propped up on two pillows and his button up is open in the front, giving view to his porcelain chest. He has his ear buds in and the waves once present in his long hair have faded overnight, leaving behind silky strands of hair hanging all into his face. It still looks a little ruffled from what you did to it last night when he chased you in desperate rolls of his hips and all you could do was hold him close. You feel yourself tingle at the memory. Sometimes you can’t believe that he is real and more so, that he is yours.

You reach out, dancing your fingertips up and down his tummy. His skin is covered in goosebumps instantly.

Yoongi takes out his ear buds, looking down at you with fond eyes.

“Hey”, he whispers in order not to disturb the morning peace.

“Hey”, you whisper, gazing up at him.

“Did you sleep well, my princess?”

You nod your head, giving him a sleepy smile. Yoongi retorts it, reaching down to brush the back of his hand over your cheek.

“That’s good to hear”, he says, tracing your eyebrow with just his fingertip before he runs it along your temple until he goes to tug a little strand of hair behind your ear, “how is your head? Do you still feel dizzy?”

“No, I feel better”, you say.

“That’s good”, he whispers and then leans down to kiss your temple, “I was worried yesterday.”

“You don’t have to be anymore, I feel really fine. Just a little thirsty.”

“Here”, Yoongi turns to get a glass of water from his nightstand, “drink that.”

You sit up, accepting his offer gladly.

“Thanks”, you say, setting your lips on the rim of the glass to drink afterwards. The water tastes fresh and has just the right temperature to feel wonderful on your tongue. You finish it with a content sigh, handing the empty glass back to Yoongi, “thank you.”

Yoongi nods his head and puts the glass back on the nightstand. Then he lets his eyes run over your bared body, “hm”, he lets out and takes off his shirt to drape it over your shoulders instead. 

“Better”, he says.

Czytaj dalej

Tags :
1 year ago

Before I start melting over Jungkook I have to say that Yoongi is really the best friend and teacher. It doesn't matter how busy he is, he will always find time to talk to his friends and try to help them in some way. Sending OC to comfort Jungkook was a very good idea.

Their date was so cute. I loved their honest talk, singing and dancing, cuddles and kisses. It may be the beginning of something beautiful between them. I'm rooting for them.

Thank you Sibi for this lovely chapter.


↳ Index [Chapter 14 - Jungkook]

Warnings: Kookie is cute & sad but most of all cute, their first ever date!!, it’s cute, talks about struggle with sexuality, Koo is such an overthinker poor boy, they are so touchy with each other, this chapter is very sweet

Wordcount: 9.1k

a/n: i wanna give him the world


“Princess, do you have a minute?”

You lift your gaze from your book, “yeah sure, what’s up? Are you okay? You were gone when I woke up and I was really worried for you. Why didn’t you answer my texts?”

“Sorry I met with Carla, I didn’t look at my phone. I’m okay.”

Carla was the student he told you about on your lunch date. She wants to help Yoongi with his hunt for Namjoon.

“Yeah? You know if you want to talk about last night then-”

“No”, he interrupts you, “please don’t bring it up again”, he asks with his features contorted in awkwardness.

“Okay, I won’t”, you assure him. “so what’s up? What do you need?”

“It’s about Jungkook.”

“Oh dear, why that tone of voice? Is he okay?”

Yoongi waddles to you, sitting down on the bed next to you. The gesture was highly alarming, as Yoongi never sits down for a conversation unless it is serious (or you’re cuddling, but he currently doesn’t look like he is in the mood for that). 

“I don’t think he’s okay”, Yoongi whispers.

“Why? What happened?” you whisper back.

Czytaj dalej

Tags :
1 year ago


I'm so happy for all of them â˜șâ˜șâ˜ș

It started so soft and cute. Jungkook and OC were like little kids asking their dad if they can play in his office while he's working. I couldn't stop giggling đŸ€­ And then they were getting more and more excited and brave and passionate. It was going so well and I was cheering for them, but thank god Yoongi was there ready to step into scene when it got too much for Kook. And since then it was getting hotter and hotter 😏 OC is the luckiest girl on earth đŸ€­

AAAAAARGHHGG What a chapter đŸ”„ I hope it will be even better between them from now on. I'm the biggest yoonkook&oc stan right after our amazing author 😍


↳ Index [Chapter 15 - Romantic]

Pairing: Jungkook x f.Reader x Yoongi

Warnings: Smut, Soft Dom!Yoongi, Switch!Kook, switchy sub!Reader, kissing, sloppy breast worship, nipple & boobie sucking, vaginal fingering, edging & multiple orgasms (f.receiving), slow missionary with Koo, listen Koo is more dominant than you may think, he pulls her hair at one point and is utterly obsessed with her neck, passionate sex with Yoongs, she’s getting that good dick no fucking joke, also they both have their vampire cocks out so: big cocks, praises, gentle choking (f.receiving), Yoongi wears rings nngng, finger sucking, lotsa drool, he guides her hands (*swoons*), good boy!Jungkook, Yoongi calls them good boy & good girl, dirty talk, blood sharing between the bois, very brief frotting, blowjob (Yoongs receiving & Koo giving), Koo almost subdrops but they take the bestest care of him and stop it from happening, cuckholding in the sense that Yoongs watches Koo fuck her to make sure they’re safe, no joke besties I wanna be railed by them like my good sirs please calm down

Wordcount: 11.5k

a/n: i am broken


You knock on the door twice.


“It’s us, can we come in?”


Jungkook opens the door for you, “ladies first”, he says, bowing deeply.

With a fond grin on your face, you enter Yoongi’s room, “thank you, kind Sir”, you joke, having to giggle.

Once Jungkook closed the door behind him and took your hand, the two of you turn to face Yoongi. 

The latter is standing by the door, studying you and Jungkook from head to toe. He inhales deeply, lowering his eyes knowingly.

“I’m busy”, he says and turns to strut back to the desk on which the sheets of music, over which he had been hunching for the last hour, wait for him.

“Wait. You didn’t even hear us out”, you gasp.

“I don’t have to, I have a nose”, he mumbles, “you guys literally reek of it.”

“Of what?”


You and Jungkook exchange an awkward look.

“It’s not like that”, Jungkook insists, doing an awful job at covering up his burning cheeks because it was exactly like that.

Yoongi scoffs and shakes his head.


“Okay but”, you begin, “we have a really good idea.”

Yoongi tells you to try by giving you a flick of his wrist.

“What if you stay busy by working and we can get naughty in bed? Right next to you.”

Yoongi lifts his head, but doesn’t turn. He is twisting the pen between his fingers, doing so rather skilfully. It is hypnotising, how his long fingers seem to control the movements of the pen so well.

Jungkook nudges your lower back, signalling you with big eyes to keep going.

“That could work, couldn’t it? You could finish your work, but still make sure that Jungkook doesn’t lose control.”

You realise then that Yoongi is watching you. Right through the reflection in the dark windows. You can see the way his eyes are fixed on your faces and how dark they seem to be. It makes you nervous. Not because Yoongi scares you, but because of how intensely he is looking at you. As if he was trying to undress you with just his eyes.

Czytaj dalej

Tags :
1 year ago

I love them đŸ„ș I love them 😱 I love them 😭

And I want to give them both the biggest hug and whole fuc**ng world. They are the most precious people.

When Yoongi said to Jungkook that it's ok to cry just not doing it alone, I had tears in my eyes because it's what irl Yoongi said to Jungkook when he had hard time in the past đŸ€§ It's so good that they have each other, they can trust each other and feel safe in each other's company. I hope it never ends.

And when Yoongi was talking about OC, how he loves her and wants to keep her safe, and about blue colour. Aaaarghg

Great, great, great chapter!!!!

Only them could switch from deep conversion and heavy topics to talking about oral in a blink of an eye đŸ€­


↳ Index [Chapter 16 - Ehrlichkeit]

‱ Ehrlichkeit (German, honesty)

Warnings: emotional conversations, Yoongi opens up to Kookie & it’s beautiful, the unconditional love they share :(

Wordcount: 6.1k

a/n: i love them, i love them, i love them


Yoongi opens his eyes. He didn’t sleep much, but he doesn’t feel tired. He doesn’t get tired easily. It’s in his nature. You are still in his arms, fingers holding onto a bundle of his shirt just like you did when you fell asleep. Your body feels soft in relaxation.

“Hm”, he hums and smiles, pressing a kiss to the crown of your head. It makes you nuzzle into him even tighter. He pats the back of your head then looks at Jungkook. The young vampire is staring into the darkness, body tense and eyes slightly glassy.

“What’s wrong?” Yoongi whispers.

Jungkook flinches and looks at Yoongi with widened eyes. Yoongi knows that he didn’t expect him to be awake.

“Her heartbeat is really loud”, Jungkook says, pointing at his own ears with shaking fingers.

Yoongi understands instantly.

“Should we take a walk?” he suggests.

“Yes please.”

“Okay, let’s go”, Yoongi says and wiggles out of your grasp.

“Yoongi”, you whimper, half asleep and barely there.

“I’ll be back soon, princess. Go back to sleep”, he assures you, kissing your cheek.

You hum quietly, having already fallen asleep again.

The two vampires leave the room once dressed. They leave the hotel as well, walking on the empty streets next to each other. The night is cold, heavy fog hangs deep into the city and the air smells fresh. Jungkook seems to breathe easier because of it, but he still carries tension in his stance.

Yoongi doesn’t talk, because he knows that Jungkook needs the silence. Jungkook doesn’t talk because he is lost in his own thoughts.

The city turns the streetlights off after a certain time. The streets are pitch black, but to them it looks like a bright full moon night when snow lies on the world. Outlines are clear, paths are obvious and their faces are visible entirely.

The motel was close to a park. The gates are locked but the two vampires don’t mind. One little jump and their feet touch soft grass.

“Do you think someone saw us?” Jungkook asks.

“No. Not in that darkness”, Yoongi assures him, “come. I hear shuffling.”

“I think it’s a badger.”

“Yeah it sounds like one. Do you want to eat it?”

“No, I’m not hungry. You were really filling.”


The shuffling of little feet drowns out in their ears again right as they cross a corner. The grass blends into an asphalt path. Yoongi can hear the dampness stick to their shoes and somewhere far away water drips from a leaf onto the ground.

Jungkook inhales and exhales in a defeated sigh, kicking a pebble into the gutter. It hits the ground after a second, making an echoing sound of impact. It sounds loud in the vampires’ ears, but was mostly silent for humans.

“How do you do that, hyung?” he asks.

Czytaj dalej

Tags :
1 year ago

First part with OC, Yoongi and Jungkook was so cute. I love them together and want them to stay like this forever. They should just stay in that room, because it wouldn’t end up like it did.

And from now on only wrong decisions were made:

1. going to Charles’ home to meet Taehyung

2. saying the truth about Jimin’s bite (only partly because it’s good that she told   him, but it had its consequenses later

3. taking off her ring and giving control to Taehyung. He was unhinged...

and the ending 💔

“Why would you do this?” he sobs, knowing very well that you have long left him in consciousness.

My heart hurts so much for OC, but mostly for Yoongi. It just broke him 😭😭😭

Sibi you know very well what I went through while reading. And I want to do two things to you: first grab you by your arms and shake you screaming “how can you do this to us?” and second hug you so hard and say “thank you for giving us this masterpiece”.


↳ Index [Chapter 17 - Blurry]

Warnings: Fluff, Smut & Angst, besties it’s the best of all worlds, the beginning has me kicking my feet, the middle part has me on my knees, the ending rips me apart, Rough Dom!Taehyung, sub!Reader, the sex goes from a zero to a hundred real quick, body worshipping, rough jealousy sex, consensual mind control (he tells her to orgasm each time he bites her), biting, blood drinking, blood like there is lots of it jfadj, forced orgasms, multiple orgasms (f.receiving), he degrades her in a loving way, he calls her good girl & needy girl, he is also really possessive over her jsjs, his huge cock makes an appearance, he fucks her stupid with it, he is legit so rough with her, a full on animal, like besties omfg

Wordcount: 13.6k

a/n: there are no notes, i’m in shambles. be prepared for an emotional rollercoaster


You wake up to Yoongi and Jungkook spooning. Yoongi is holding your hand while his body is cradled against Jungkook’s bigger frame. They are so cute. You stifle a giggle at the view, feeling fuzzy in fondness. Yoongi wakes because of it, fluttering his lids a few times before he finally focuses his gaze on you. He smiles.

“Hm?” he furrows his brows, wiggling once now that he realises in what sort of position he finds himself in.

“Good morning”, you whisper, snickering.

“Morning”, he mumbles and tries to push off Jungkook’s arm. It backfires as Jungkook proceeds to close his arm around him tightly and throw his leg over him, quite literally keeping him in a lock.

“Help”, Yoongi gets out, getting smothered under Jungkook.

The view is so adorable that you can’t help but laugh, shimmying closer until you can kiss his barely visible nose. It is the only thing still sticking out now that Jungkook is squishing Yoongi’s face into the pillow and nuzzles his own face into him. Yoongi wiggles, whining your name.

“You’re so cute”, you say, settling back to gaze at them.

You know that he doesn’t actually need your help. He is stronger than Jungkook and if he actually didn’t want to be snuggled, he would make sure that Jungkook knows. His little whines are just for show.

They manage to wake Jungkook however, who flinches awake. He sits up straight, staring at the wall with widened eyes.

“You okay?” you ask him, watching him blink in confused sleepiness. 

“Mh, hm, mhhm”, he lets out, blinking quickly.

“That’s how he wakes up. He’s so weird”, Yoongi says. 

“Mhm not weird”, Jungkook gets out as he yawns. He drops back into the pillow and snuggles his nose into Yoongi’s neck as he purrs loudly, draping his limbs back around him.

Yoongi huffs out air and pouts, but stays still otherwise. 

“Did you sleep well?” you ask, petting Jungkook’s lower arm.

“So well”, he mumbles, “did you sleep well too?”

“So good, yeah.”

“Yeah. God Kook, wanna let me go now?” Yoongi asks in a chuckle.

“No. You’re so soft”, Jungkook says, squeezing Yoongi tightly, “you’re like a soft squishy toy.”

“Really? That’s what you wanna go with?” Yoongi asks and pouts, “tzt stupid.”

“You guys are so cute”, you gush.

Jungkook lifts his head, smiling at you with his eyes.

“You are so pretty”, he says.

“I am? But I just woke up.”


You fluster, “you’re both sweet talker”, you mumble.

Yoongi chuckles fondly, running his fingers down your temple. Jungkook settles back against Yoongi, hiding his face in the crook of his neck.

“Should we do something today?” he asks.

“What do you have in mind?” you ask.

“Don’t know. Just do something fun. Like hang out in bed all day or something.”

You snicker, “this does sound like fun, doesn’t it?”

Czytaj dalej

Tags :
1 year ago

I’m ruined 😭😭😭 

Yoongi and OC and their unconditional love. He's so hurt and sad but still finds strength to comfort her and be gentle with her. He's the only one she needs.

And the scene in the dining room. The knife, chopsticks, black fog, Yoongi in his full Creator mode, damn. It was so hot. The irony is that the smut in previous chapter made me anxious and and fight scene got me turned on.

I didn't expect anything good from Jimin, but Taehyung?! I'm so angry and disappointed. I thought that he will come crawling, begging for forgiveness and he acted like nothing happened. Like OC’s life wasn't in danger. He should know that if Yoongi decided to feed her his blood that it was necessary to keep her alive. I can't believe how weak he is, and how easily manipulative.

I can't believe that OC still wants to talk to him and she even deffended him. I’m shocked. He and Jimin can get lost for what I care. I will never forgive them that our poor OC blames and hates herself because of them. I want to give her the biggest hug and tell her that it was never her fault. Thank god she has Yoongi and others to do that.

How do you do that Sibi? huh? How does it feel to play with our emotions?


↳ Index [Chapter 18 - Chasma]

‱ Chasma (Latin, chasm)

Warnings: violence, like a lot of violence, graphic cursing, big sad, fear of abandonment, suicidal thoughts & self-hatred, lots of hurt & comfort moments sprinkled in between, there is more hurt than comfort though 

Wordcount: 11.5k

a/n: :(


You wake before Yoongi. He has his back turned to you. His legs are pulled to his chest and his hands are between his knees. He looks small like that and on other days you would have called him cute. But this morning it feels wrong to call him cute. You feel like you don’t deserve to call him like that.

You don’t think you have ever seen him in so much distress before.

Last night ripped you apart.

How he touched you with shaking hands, how his voice almost broke with every word he spoke, how he cried so miserably.

It is burned into your memories and haunts you.

You feel awful. You feel so fucking awful that your stomach aches and you feel close to throwing up.

Czytaj dalej

Tags :
1 year ago

OC my baby come here đŸ«‚

Seokjin I love you brođŸ‘đŸ»

Hobi being back to his usal selfđŸ€­ although when he was talking with his vampire face đŸ”„

Yoongi being protective boyfriend ang giving her a new ring made especially for her đŸ„č


not Jungkook at the end, schemming for his “Mommy and Daddy” to be happy again😂



↳ Index [Chapter 19 - Seaside]

Warnings: big sad, but it’s a little tinier already, the fighting continues, fears of abandonment & so much guilt, OC does way too much overthinking, Yoongi has done no wrong, I tried to sprinkle some good moments in between for damage control hahahelp, this is a healthy balance of hurt and comfort

Wordcount: 11.9k

a/n: i hope that there isn’t too much happening, but i thought that we all want them to make up as soon as possible. originally this chapter was supposed to be three individual chapters fjadsf it’s better that way i think


Yoongi isn’t with you when you wake the next morning. His clothes are gone. The only thing greeting you is the little leaf he picked for you last night. You sit up and reach for it, cradling the little bowl of water in which he put it. The sunlight is breaking in the water, casting figures of lights on the edges of the bowl in golden colours. On the parts where the leaf prevents the light from shining a small black dot is painted on the edge.

“Fuck”, you press out under your breath, lowering the bowl to your lap.

You don’t feel better. You feel awful. The sleep should have helped you, but it didn’t. All it did was stop the pain for a few hours. It is back again, now that you are alone and Yoongi is gone.

You wonder if he has already left. If he has taken Jungkook and the others and left you in this tiny single person bed. You wouldn’t even be angry at him if he did. You would deserve it.

You can’t believe that he still took care of you last night. After all the shit you did. The guilt you feel because of it makes you sick to the stomach. Yoongi shouldn’t have had to take care of you. He should have left you to cry and not given a shit. 

You hear a knock on your door.

You lift your head, but can’t call out to whoever is knocking.

The door opens regardless.

Hoseok steps in.

Czytaj dalej

Tags :
1 year ago
Yoongi How Much Can He Take. I Feel Really Sorry For Him OC Did Her Best To Help Him With Panic Attack,

Yoongi 😭😭😭 How much can he take. I feel really sorry for him 💔💔💔 OC did her best to help him with panic attack, and she let him be small in her arms. Their love is out of this world.

The ending, when Jungkook joined them, was so cute. And I'm waiting for the day when he will get his punishment đŸ˜‰đŸ€­

Yoongi being OC's little spoon, having his two loved ones beside him was the best ending for that heartbreaking night.

I'm melting


↳ Index [Chapter 20 - Attic]

Warnings: lots of emotion, they finally talk!, deep and honest conversation, i want them to be happy always

Wordcount: 6.1k

a/n: *in Kookie’s voice* finallyyy


“Princess?” he tilts his head to the side, “what are you doing here?”

“Kook called me and said that he needed help. What are you doing here?”

Yoongi shows you his phone.

“The same”, he says.

“I don’t get it. Where is he?”


You both flinch, eyes flitting to the door which just this moment flung closed.


Someone just locked it.

“What is happening?” you ask, hurrying closer to Yoongi because quite frankly, you were feeling very spooked. He seems annoyed, inching closer to the door, “do you know what’s happening?”

“Yeah”, he says, “hey, punk. What are you doing?” he calls out, banging his hand on the door.

“I’m doing what’s necessary!” Jungkook’s voice sounds behind the door.

“Kookie? What’s happening? Are you okay?”

“Yeah”, he says, “but you guys aren’t, so you are not leaving this room until you are.”

“Oh”, you let out, eyes flitting to Yoongi as everything falls into place.

“Open the door, brat”, Yoongi growls, banging on the door again.

“No! You guys need to talk first!”

“This isn’t funny, open the door before I rip it out of its hinges.”

“No” Jungkook sounds stubborn, “you guys love each other, so stop avoiding conversation.”

Yoongi sneaks a glance at you. The intensity of his gaze makes you gulp.

“This is your last chance”, he growls, wiggling the doorknob violently.

Music starts. Slow romance songs. Somewhere in this room Jungkook must have hidden his bluetooth speaker and now he pressed play on his phone.

“Jungkook!” Yoongi warns, “open this fucking door, you bratty punk.”

“I’ll open this door once you talked”, Jungkook answers him.

“Okay that’s it. I’m ripping it out”, Yoongi says, tugging at the doorknob.

You stop him, placing your hand atop his’.

“Or maybe we could try?” you say quietly.

Yoongi studies your face, jaw tense and eyes dark.

“Please? Maybe?” you whisper.

Czytaj dalej

Tags :
1 year ago



I need a cold shower


↳ Index [Chapter 21 - Shed]

Pairing: Yoongi x f.Reader x Jungkook

Warnings: this is carnal and raw thirst, Hard Dom!Yoongi, subbish!Reader, sub!Jungkook, this is monsterfucker smut jfadjsf because Yoongi is a whole fucking monster, he literally fucks her throat with his monster tongue (i will die on this hill), and he fucks Koo’s throat with his monster cock (another hill i will die on), he finally uses his strength on them, he pins her down, and holds Kook back from biting her, forced orgasms (OC & Koo receiving), multiple orgasms for all, blowjobs (Yoongi receiving), nipple play, sweaty!Yoongi who is a hardworking man, he is angry and they tell him to take it out on them, he does in a hot & consensual & monstrous kinda way, istfg i’m such a monsterfucker lmao help me, thighs, mutual masturbation between Koo & OC, he makes Kook fuck her doggy, Kook cums inside her multiple times, there is so much cum & spit & slick, creampies, squirting, cum eating, it’s nastayy besties, overstimulation (OC & Koo receiving), anal fingering (Koo receiving), spanking (OC receiving), choking (Koo receiving), degradation & praise (he calls them good girl/boy, but also pets & brats and babygirl/boy), sexy possessivness, bondage belts (she wears it), he straps a remote control vibrator to her so she has to cum whenever he wants her to, and fucks Kook’s ass to an orgasm, I’m so scared of him but in a horny way, i just love this trio

Wordcount: 13.4k

a/n: kitty wants cock, that’s all you gotta know



You stir upon hearing your name, opening your eyes to Jungkook looking at you. At least you assume that he is. His features are behind a veil of darkness.


“Yoongi is gone”, Jungkook is whispering, pulling his hand from your shoulder after having shook you awake softly.

“What?” you ask, sitting up slowly. You look around the attic, barely seeing anything.

“Yoongi’s missing.”

“What do you mean?”

“I woke up and he wasn’t here anymore. I think he left.”

“Do you think that he left to hurt Jimin?”

“I don’t know”, Jungkook sighs in defeat, “I seriously have no idea. What should we do?”

“Maybe we could look for him?”

“We could. I could go without you if you don’t want to get up.”

“No, I want to come with you. I can’t fall asleep again until I know that he is okay.”

The gaslamp flickers on. You blink to get used to the brightness, eyes locking with Jungkook a second later. His messy hair and puffy eyes let you know that he woke up recently as well.

“Should we go then?” he asks.

Czytaj dalej

Tags :
1 year ago

At the beginning Jungkook made me laugh. He’s the cutest boyfriend ever. i want to bite him.

Everytime Jimin made an appearance I was begging for next haeguem action. This guy pisses me off. what he said to Yoongi was so shitty and the way he treats Taehyung urghhh

OC our queen deserves standing ovation. I have the biggest crush on her. Everything she does is so HOT.

But the ending... holyfuckingshit


↳ Index [Chapter 22 - Inventions]

Warnings: there is so much going on idk where to start, the beginning makes me physically weak, there is death & betrayal & violence, Jimin is being a bitch again lmao, Yoongi deserves a hug, OC is a badass bitch we stan, much stuff is going on, there is a twist ohoho

Wordcount: 14.8k

a/n: *screams*


Yoongi is gone again the next day. You wake before Jungkook, staring at the emptiness between your bodies where once Yoongi rested.

You were so happy last night. You shared a passionate night with your two lovers and it was incredible. You feel flutters in your tummy just thinking about it. You reach out to tug a strand of hair behind Jungkook’s ear. To imagine how far he came from when you first met him. He couldn’t even be in the same room as you and something like passionate, unrestrained sex wasn’t even possible and now you shared a private moment with each other and fucked so goddamn hard. It makes you so happy to think about.

Jungkook opens his eyes, meeting your gaze.

He smiles tiredly and closes his eyes, “morning”, he mumbles into the pillow.


“Mhhm I’m so lucky”, he whispers.


Jungkook scoots closer and drapes his arms over your back. He presses a kiss to your forehead, staying close like that afterwards.

“Cause I can wake up to the best view.”

Your heart flutters. Giggling, you nudge his waist gently.

“You’re so cute.”

“Mhm”, Jungkook hums, pecking the bridge of your nose, “I had so much fun last night”, he whispers.

“Me too.”

“I’m so lucky, baby”, he leaves little kisses on your forehead as he speaks, “thank you for last night, you made me so happy.”

“No, thank you. My legs are still jello and I’m gonna be sore for days.”

Jungkook chuckles sleepily, inhaling deeply whilst pulling you closer. Like this, you can really feel his muscles tense in his arm and feel his warmth engulf you.

Czytaj dalej

Tags :
1 year ago

“And you aren’t alone”, he says... We have each other and that means that we’ll go through everything together. As a family.”

The best family ever đŸ„ș


↳ Index [Chapter 24 - Familie]

‱ Familie (German, family)

Warnings: sadness & guilt, she is going through a lot, there is also lots of comfort in this chapter

Wordcount: 6k

a/n: i fucking love the found family trope :(



A warm hand places itself on your shoulder. You tense up, clutching the edge of the pillow. He is here. After all those days of nothing, he is finally here to tell you how much you fucked up. You are so scared of talking to Yoongi. After what happened with Suzy, just imagining what he could tell you, makes your stomach turn. He is trying to be such a good person and now he has to look into the eyes of a murderer. You feel like you robbed him of the only innocence in his life and that hurts so much.

“I made food”, he says, tickling the back of your neck with his fingertips in a soothing caress.

He made food? So he didn’t come here to yell at you?

The tension becomes less. His touch doesn’t feel as burdening anymore. 

“Pumpkin Gnocchi. Do you wanna try?”

You roll onto your back, looking at the bowl atop his lap. 

“You made them yourself?” you ask in a small voice. 

“Of course I did.”

You sit up, closing the distance between the two of you. You place your hands on his thigh, looking into the bowl. He shaped them like little pumpkins. He even gave each of them a leaf with some rosemary.

“You made that yourself?” 


“They’re so pretty. Oh my god, Yoongi”, you press out, lifting your glassy gaze, “they’re so pretty.”

His eyes soften fondly, “do you wanna try them?” he asks, lifting the fork to your lips. 

You accept the little pumpkin gladly, chewing it most delicately. The sweetness of the pumpkin harmonizes with the richness of the butter parmesan glace he made, a hint of rosemary lingers in the aftertaste. 

“This tastes so good. Oh my god, Yoongi.”

“Yeah?” he smiles shyly, “eat a lot, my love”, he says, feeding you another bite. 

You eat the gnocchi, feeling a little better doing it. They tasted so good, especially because Yoongi made them. 

The latter hands you the bowl so you could eat by yourself. As you eat, he cleans your room a little. First dirty laundry, it goes straight into a bag. Jungkook will wash everything later. That man loves doing laundry and has been the official laundry fairy of your group for the durations of your travels.

Then he opens the curtains.

“Let’s get some fresh air in here”, he says, opening the windows.

He turns to you, studying your face. You stopped eating again, holding the fork with weak fingers.

He hurries back to you and takes the fork in your stead.

“Do you wanna eat more?” he offers, watching you blink as if he ripped you out of your trance.

Czytaj dalej

Tags :
1 year ago

You’re right that this doesn’t have any importance to the plot development, but it has 100% importance to our pleasure. OMG

sweet and soft morning sex with Tae melted me like a chocolate in the sun. I missed him being so sweet and gentle đŸ„č

and everything what happened from waking up Kookie until the end got me speechless. They treated our good boy so well, I really don’t know what to say.

I will have to read it again and again to fully anknowlege everything...


↳ Index [Chapter 26 - Affection]

Pairing: Taehyung x f.Reader x Jungkook

Warnings: Smut, soft Dom!Taehyung, switch!Reader, sub!Jungkook, Mistress & Sir kink (Koo calls them like that), lovely morning sex, vaginal fingering, oral (OC & Kook receiving), Tae fucks her missionary, they are doing it next to a sleeping Kook & try to stay quiet ehehe, then they wake him with a blowjob, they suck his cock at the same time & Koo loses it, rimjob (Kook receiving), handjob, anal fingering, prostate massage, edging (Koo receiving), nipple licking, multiple orgasms (f. & m.receiving), minor spit kink, squirting, lotsa cum, cum eating (Tae does it because he is greedy like that), he also spanks Kook once, Kook has the biggest praise kink, dirty talk, Taehyung is so greedy for both of them like my man can’t be stopped, this is so hot hahah help

Wordcount: 11k

a/n: does this have any importance to the plot development? no. do i fucking care? no. am i obsessed with this? yes. enjoy.


Fingers dance down your face like a feather laced with warmth. Along your forehead, down your temple, across your cheek. Your forehead again, down the slope of your nose and along the paths of your lips. Your cheek. A warm palm cradles it gently, then your pillow dents and you feel a kiss on your forehead. Another kiss. As soft as possible, placed right on your closed eyelid. Then one atop the tip of your nose. 

You finally open your eyes, burning to look at him. Your darling, who woke you in the sweetest ways.

Taehyung doesn’t know that you are gazing at him, having his own eyes closed as he rubs his nose against yours slowly. 

“Mhm”, you hum. 

Taehyung stops and opens his eyes. He smiles with them, leaning in to kiss your lips. And afterwards he rests his forehead against yours, pecking your lips every now and then. 

No words are spoken between you and him. The tranquillity of the morning is the only thing present. That and Jungkook’s soft snores behind Taehyung. It doesn’t feel out of place, somehow hearing Jungkook sleep so deeply soothes you. 

You close your eyes and place your hand atop Taehyung’s soft cheek. You drift off back to sleep minutes later. As does Taehyung, who finds comfort in being so close to you.

The next time you open your eyes, Taehyung managed to roll to his back and slumber with his mouth agape. He matches with Jungkook, who is still snoring happily.  

That means you can slumber too. You draw closer to Taehyung, resting your hand on his chest. It sinks and rises, sinks and rises, sinks and rises. It is a slow rhythm, one that is unfaltering and therefore soothes you. There are patterns which sometimes stress you out. They are the kind of patterns which are almost rhythmical and yet somehow one repetition is always either too soon or too late. Taehyung’s rising and sinking, rising and sinking, rising and sinking chest isn’t such a pattern. It is soothing and makes you feel relaxed. 

You press a kiss to his arm, staying close afterwards. He smells so good. Like lavender and ylang-ylang. This is exactly how Taehyung smells. It is such a nice scent. One that relaxes you and makes you feel safe. 

You drift back to sleep in this position very soon, only waking again when you feel lips on your face once more.

Czytaj dalej

Tags :
1 year ago

Oh, what a sad chapter đŸ„ș😭 

I’m sorry for OC. I’m sorry for Yoongi. I’m sorry for Taehyung. I’m sorry for Jimin. I want to believe in him being a better person from now on so badly.


↳ Index [Chapter 27 - Guilt]

Warnings: nightmares, Jimin is finally bettering himself, she keeps overthinking, Yoongi is going through it this chapter hahaha not in a bad way, this is both very sweet but also has sad moments

Wordcount: 7.1k

a/n: we stan a man wanting to do better


The kitchen is filled with the smell of food. The air dances in the music of Hoseok’s playlist. The latter is currently showing off a dance move to Yoongi, who shows him his support by nodding his head as his arms are crossed in front of his chest.

“Are you getting the peppers soon?” Seokjin calls over his shoulder.

“Yeah, yeah soon. God, I was showing off my moves”, Hoseok whines, stopping his dance, “sorry hyung, it’ll have to wait.”

“Yeah, yeah”, Yoongi dismisses him but overall he looks very content with himself.

“What did you think of it?”

“It looked good”, Yoongi praises him which makes Hoseok show off a huge grin.

“You guys seem to have fun”, you call their attention.

“Oh guys, finally you’re done. The entire house heard you”, Hoseok says.

“What do you mean?”

Hoseok rolls his hips in a sexual way, making weird faces as he does.

“Eh-hey”, he says, wiggling his brows.

“You’re so gross, will you finally get the peppers?” Seokjin hisses.

Hoseok stumbles away with a cackle, soon disappearing in the pantry.

“Did you actually

“No. He’s gross and listened in”, Seokjin answers you, studying you from head to toe, “how are you doing, Taehyung?”

“Good thank you for asking. And you?” he says.

“Good, yeah”, Seokjin purses his lips in preparation for what he will say, “I’m glad you’re feeling better.”

“Oh uhm”, Taehyung lowers his gaze shyly, “thank you, that means a lot to me.”

“Mhm yeah”, Seokjin turns back to the stove, stirring the onion with bright red ears.

“I’m happy too”, Emma says, giving Taehyung a sweet smile, “we have to do another dance party soon. I’ll get my Banjo then”, she adds.

“Certainly!” Taehyung nods his head vigorously, “oh, I haven’t played folk in so long, we ought to do it soon.”

“Definitely”, she says, flashing him one last smile before returning to her task of dicing the pumpkin.

Taehyung looks at you with sparkling eyes. Did you see that? He says with that look, we are finally getting along. For the first time in far too many months his eyes carried honest life in them again and you are so happy that they do, hoping that it will never die out again. 

You lean in to peck his cheek, telling him that you were happy with it.

Czytaj dalej

Tags :
1 year ago


Enough with all the sadness.

I want OC and Yoongi happy moments again.


↳ Index [Chapter 28 - Overthink]

Warnings: she does so much overthinking like omfg GIRL, Tae and Koo are her voices of reasons, we stan them, also the beginning rips me apart :(, Yoongs is really cute at some point in this chapter

Wordcount: 7k

a/n: *sobs* vmin *sobs harder*

 Index [Chapter 28 - Overthink]

Taehyung opens his eyes. 

Jimin is looking at him. 

Taehyung gulps. If he still had a heartbeat, it would have started to race. So Jimin stayed the night with him, sharing nudity and a hug. Jimin really did that.

“Hey”, Jimin says. 

“H-hey”, Taehyung answers him. 

“We slept for eight hours.”

“We did?”

“Mhm. I haven’t slept that much since we fell into Namjoon’s hands.”


“Yeah, couldn’t really. I didn’t wanna be, you know, vulnerable.”

“I see”, Taehyung studies Jimin’s features, “and when we weren’t with him?”

“Nightmares. Wonderful, kept me awake.”

“I see. Why did you never tell me?”

“I don’t know.”

“I see. I’m sorry”, Taehyung says and places his hand over Jimin’s. Jimin intertwines his fingers with him instantly.

“For what?”

“For what he did to you.”

“Why are you apologizing? It wasn’t your fault.”

“But it was. So many times you got hurt because I acted out of line.”

“You didn’t. It wasn’t your fault.”

“I feel as if it was.”

“Taehyung, shut up. It wasn’t your fault. Fuck’s sake, I’m just happy that you’re okay.”

“What do you mean?”

“I’m happy that you didn’t get hurt, that’s all that really matters.”

Czytaj dalej

Tags :
1 year ago

“I’d lose my immortality for you”, he whispers.  😭😭😭

that’s it. YOONGI IS THE ONLY ONE!!!


↳ Index [Chapter 29 - Erinnerungen]

‱ Erinnerungen (German, memories)

Warnings: Romance, Fluff, the softest Angst, I cannot write warnings without breaking into tears, just read it, I am a broken woman, this is the most romantic fucking shit I have ever written, it’s so cheesy I fucking love it, also nightmares in the beginning

Wordcount: 9.1k

a/n: *sits in corner and cries loudly*


You are showering, filling the drain with your tears just as much as you fill it with the blood soaked water. It doesn’t want to get off. It’s not leaving your skin. It is part of you.

“Get off of me!” you beg it, rubbing at your skin until it hurts.

It doesn’t get off. You are covered in blood and it doesn’t wash off.

“It’s your fault.”

You turn upon hearing the voice.

Suzy is here. Finally she isn’t just a shadow anymore. She is standing right outside the shower. Her eyes are red from the blood seeping out of her mouth. On her chest a gushing wound is looking at you.

“Go away.”

“Go away?” her voice is distorted through the constant stream of blood dripping from her mouth, “why? To make it easier for you? To help you pretend that you didn’t end another person’s life?”

She steps closer and spits her blood all over the shower door. She begins ripping at it, trying to open it.

“You murderer. You killed another person.”

“Please go away, please leave me alone.”

“You killed me! You killed me! You killed me!”

“I’m sorry! Please believe me! I’m so sorry!”

“You murderer! You killed me!”

“Please go away! Please I’m begging you!”

“You murderer!” she screeches.


You sit up, push at nothing. Your hands fall on your lap. Tears are streaming down your face.

“What?” you press out, staring into the darkness.

You had a nightmare. This wasn’t real.

You look at your hands. Moonlight illuminates them. They are still clean, not covered in blood.

“Oh god”, you press out and whimper into said hand, “holy fuck.”

It felt so real. As if she was right there with you, dying all over again whilst dragging you with her.

You turn to the person next to you in instinct. Taehyung is sleeping deeply, hugging a pillow to his chest.

You could wake him, allow him to hold you and soothe you back to sleep and yet.


You turn away from him and stumble out of bed.

You can’t explain it, you truly can’t explain why you left the room to search for another instead. It was almost like instinct. You couldn’t control it.

You can’t explain it even when you reached your destination. You just know that you opened his door and stumbled inside with your heart aching for his comfort. You need to feel his arms around you, smell his scent, listen to his soothing whispers. This is all you need tonight.

“Yoongi?” you call for him.

Czytaj dalej

Tags :
1 year ago

YES! YES! YES! Just what I needed. My favorite couple, comfortable with each other. Pleasuring one another.

Yoongi receiving đŸ«ŁđŸ˜ŠđŸ˜ł

Yoongi giving đŸ˜ˆđŸ„”đŸ”„

the ending hahaha


↳ Index [Chapter 30 - Beloved]

Pairing: Yoongi x f.Reader

Warnings: Smut, switchy!Yoongi, switchy!Reader, sleepy morning sex, body worshipping, he is so shy but loves being touched, he also tries not to be loud ajdfja, nipple play, body worship, she gives him kisses all over his body, he is a sensitive boy, he has the most sensitive tummy & thighs :(, oral (m. & f.receiving), handjob, face sitting (she makes him sit on her ohoho), rimjob, praise, loving dirty talk, edging (m. & f.receiving), multiple orgasms (f.receiving), choking (m.receiving), man once those roles are switched & she lets him take the lead he is the hottest bastard ever, he treats her so fucking right, he fucks her so good, the aftercare!!, their banter is toptier, they have really deep & emotionally vulnerable conversations afterwards, but it’s not angsty just really intimate, Yoongi is genuinely so endearing I want him

Wordcount: 13.9k

a/n: i want them to be happy always :(


You wake up with an unbearable ache to see Yoongi. Your eyes open quickly, your body feels awake instantly. You feel oh so refreshed, as if you just woke from a beautiful dream. Well, you did. You dreamed of flowers, sunny days, baking and running around libraries. You know that Yoongi made you dream about those things. And that is why you can barely handle not seeing him. You need to see him, tell him how much you love him, kiss his pretty face.

The latter is still sleeping, facing you. Like always, his knees are pulled into his chest and his hands are between them. His dark lashes rest against his ivory cheeks, his pouty lips are just slightly parted. And over his brows, strands of his obsidian hair are curling.

“Oh, my love”, you whisper shakily as you cup his cheek, “Yoongi, my prince”, you say, shaking his head softly. 

Your eagerness to get him to wake may seem selfish, but you can’t wait any longer. You have to see him. 

“Yoongi, wake up”, you stress, shaking him again, “wake up, my beloved.”

Yoongi stirs in his sleep. One more gentle shake and his eyes open slowly. They open and close. Open and close. Open
close. And never open again. 

“M”, is all he gets out then his voice cracks in tiredness and turns into a huff of air instead. 

“Wake up”, you stress, shaking him again. 

He licks his lips, tries to keep his eyes open only to fail again.

“What?” his voice is deep in sleep.

“Yoongi, you’re awake.”

“Yeah”, he mumbles, fluttering his eyelids before closing his eyes for good. 

“I’ve missed you so much. Oh Yoongi”, you say, attacking him with cuddles and big smooches to his cheek. 

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