fanfic-corner - Lina's Fanfic Corner
Lina's Fanfic Corner

Lina — she/her — 20 — here to spread love for people's fics, as well as share my own

924 posts

Eurovisionatural Ch 3 Sneak Peek

Eurovisionatural Ch 3 Sneak Peek

You can read the rest here!

Half the fun of flying to various countries for Eurovision, Paige knows, is the food. Seriously, those two weeks she spent in Germany a few years back… well, she’s genuinely surprised she managed to do anything productive, considering how much time she spent eating.

Until now, she had never even spared a second thought for Georgian food - in fact, she’d actually been hoping that Italy would win for the last few years just so she could spend a week eating pasta that wasn’t from one of those instant pouches - but she’d been pleasantly surprised in the last few days.

By ‘pleasantly surprised’, she actually meant that she was going to learn all of these recipes and cook them for the rest of her life, because the only thing that could prevent her from eating acharuli khachapuri every day is lactose intolerance and death.

It’s hard to tell whether Dean recognises that the noises he is making around his food is not really appropriate for a restaurant at lunchtime, but no one can find the heart to tell him that. Paige looks down at her plate. They are literally eating a dough bowl filled with melted cheese and egg; if she wasn’t supposed to be acting professional, she’s pretty sure she would be making the exact same faces. Maybe one day she could come back with Addy, since she was a way better cook than-

Paige stopped that train of thought as suddenly as it started. Addy wouldn’t be travelling anywhere with her. She had made her position very clear.

“You alright?” Eileen asks, snapping Paige out of her thoughts.

She forces herself to smile. “Just thinking about how none of the food in the UK is this good.”

Dean laughs around a mouthful of food, Sam wrinkling his nose in disgust. “I apologise for my brother’s table manners. Or, apparently, complete lack thereof.”

“There is no graceful way to eat this much cheese, Sammy,” Dean replies, mouth still full.

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More Posts from Fanfic-corner

3 years ago


I reached 200 followers recently (idk when or how that happened but I love you all) and, to celebrate, I'm asking for any prompts you might have!

I'll write (almost) anything for the Supernatural, Grishaverse, or Doctor Who fandoms.

Also, if you want to request a specific fic rec list, I'll also do that!

Thank you all so much for being here and putting up with my nonsense.

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3 years ago

Kanej fic recs

I've been reading some Kanej fics recently and I thought I'd share some with you that I really liked! This isn't an exhaustive list and there are a thousand fics that I have saved on my mfl, so I will almost definitely make another list of these in the future.

Killing Me To Love You by aphroditeversus / @crooked-kingdoms(31,665 words)

I've never read a hanahaki fic before but oh boy am I glad I read this one - it is so sweet, and it combines two of my favourite tropes: mutual pining and angst!

Drowning by witteefool (1,205 words)

if there's a specific type of hurt/comfort that works really well for this fandom... well, it has to be nearly drowning! And this fic is an excellent example of it as well, especially because of the traumatic implications with Kaz...

home by northyard (5,513 words)

you might have figured out by now that I love hurt/comfort and oh boy does this fic deliver. The fight scene is absolutely incredible and the comfort afterwards... have I mentioned how much I love Inej yet?

all in good time by terribletruths (15,682 words)

this fic is the pinnicle of Kaz being an absolute drama queen, and I absolutely adore it. It's like a sort of mini heist - so much like the books, but if they were on a little more crack and were only 15k words.

two solitudes by sixappleseeds (2,027 words)

oh god if someone ever told me they wrote a 'sharing the bed' fic and that was it I would be like "okay? is there nothing else?" but this is absolutely incredible - how they managed to pack so much emotion into such a small amount of words is beyond me.

farmer kaz by cafatonin / @sarahbela (7,104 words)

okay there isn't much I can say about this one other than we were robbed from this scene happening. We should have seen it. I feel betrayed. But if Ms. Bardugo won't do it, we still have this lovely fic.

+ a fic that's still in progress:

Dealing with Our Demons by ravenyenn19/ @ravenyenn19 (367,786+)

Originally, I saw this fic and wasn't going to read it because of the slightly intimidating word count, but oh god am I grateful I did decide to read it. First of all, it's split into sort of 'seasons' so it doesn't feel like too much to read all in one go, and the plot is absolutely fantastic! The amount of worldbuilding and the clear understanding and depth of the characters is astounding, and I love checking up on it to find a few extra chapters to catch up on!

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3 years ago

Hello! If you have the time/interest, I was wondering if you'd wanna rec some destiel fics that you think have the best kissing? Like the writers just do a really good job of setting the scene and describing things well? Idk just if anything stands out to you? Thanks for your time!

hi! thank you so much for asking - I love it when people ask for a specific fic list, so it's my pleasure! some of these fics have kissing scenes that I remember to be very romantic or they stand out in my mind, while others are just generally romantic and I thought you might enjoy them (and probably also have a lot of kissing, I just have a brain like a sieve and I can't quite remember).

to build a home by intothesilentland (383,152 words).

yeah, this fic has a very memorable kissing scene... and also, the build up to it is immense and the payoff for the slow burn is absolutely worth it. and in between all the romance and the slow burn and the plot, you get some of the best characterisation in a fic that I've ever seen!

Under the Midnight Sun by NorthernSparrow (232,029 words).

I went back and checked this was the fic I thought it was, and oh boy - the details of the world and surroundings that are in all of this writer's fics is absolutely incredible and this fic is absolutely amazing!

Everyone's a Critic by Englandwouldfall (109,418 words).

I can't remember this fic having a specific 'kissing scene' persay, however it is pretty much the definition of a romantic comedy and I adore it. I started laughing at "closeted garlic bread" and was hooked all the way to the end!

Angel Recovery Project by keylimepie (20,878 words).

a little bit of outsider pov for you. I felt legally required to include at least one fix-it fic, and this one is an excellent example!

A Crash Course in Computer Safety by followthattardis (85,269 words).

this is a great fic (in general but also) if you like your fics fast-paced! (I don't think this is too much of a spoiler to say...) let's just say that their first kiss has some lovely artwork and, uh, involves a near-death experience.

Start of Something Good by tricia_16 (184,136 words).

again, this doesn't have a particular kissing scene (that I remember, anyway) but it is adorable! one of the cutest relationship fics out there in my opinion, with a cute little baby Claire added for good measure!

The Mute!Cas Verse by Princess_Aleera (148,656).

oh, this verse... again, I can't exactly remember a kissing scene, but I feel legally obliged to include it! it takes you on such a journey - there's angst, and recovery, and the cutest relationship ever, and when I tell you I was openly sobbing at the end...

Serendipity by whelvenwings (23,891 words).

technically, this is a Christmas fic, but it's probably Christmas somewhere! (that's definitely how that works.) anyway, this fic has just about every character that has ever been in Supernatural involved and is basically the description of a Hallmark movie. I love it.

Kiss the Baker by Ltleflrt (112,697 words).

well, for starters, this fic has kiss in the title! and also it is so cute and I love coffee shop/bakery AUs anyway so I had to include one.

New All Over Again by Castielslostwings (5,747 words).

nothing does a good kiss like a New Year's kiss, and this fic is one of my favourites for that! as the tags say: "boys kissing". I don't think I can ask for more.

Sleep Deprivation by Honey_Honey (2,313 words).

this fic is perfect if you want just a little bitesize kissing fic! besides, I love the accidental kissing trope.

Once Upon A Time In A Disney Store by noxsoulmate (23,237 words).

thee kissing fic - Disney really does solve everything, and any fic where Dean and Cas are kissing because a child said they'd make a cute couple is alright for me.

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3 years ago
My Ace Ass Saw The Card Option And No Others. Thanks For Tagging Me!

my ace ass saw the card option and no others. thanks for tagging me!

i'll tag @kazcoded @cryptkai and @kermitdrinkingteadotjpg

Picrew time!!

Picrew Time!!


@heckinsnekboi, @waflbio, @vpow, @b0neless-gh0st, @diya-dreams, @notsofabulouslife07, @risenempire, @willies-skateboard, @peanut-butter-and-theatre, @beanie-jared-boyfriend

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3 years ago

Gay or European?

Gay Or European?

Welcome to Eurovision 2021, Team Free Will!

Summary: When the British contestant for this year's Eurovision Song Contest is suddenly out of the competition, it's left to four Americans and their Irish friend to take the microphone.

Paige, their manager, has not packed nearly enough painkillers for the chaos this trip will cause.

Posting a chapter every day of this week!

Read on AO3.