fantasiac - um... I- I just... uh
um... I- I just... uh

Her/she's kiss - I'm having a mental overload

227 posts

Can Confirm, Scrolls Of The Spire Will Have Sky Whales

can confirm, Scrolls of the Spire will have Sky Whales

they even have a fancy fantasy creature name; "Cetelea" (set-lee-ah)

i am making SotS a manga series, will release on the comics blog when i actually have something to show lol, however I will continue to make music for it bc I feel like it :]

  • fantasiac
    fantasiac liked this · 11 months ago

More Posts from Fantasiac

11 months ago
Omg She So Pretty

Omg she so pretty

Elodie from my Scrolls of the Spire Manga (furthest I've ever gotten into a project lol, might actually be able to post finished pages)

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1 year ago

no problem :)

it's my first request so I had to make it count lol

Drew Jayden For @jayden-for-now
Drew Jayden For @jayden-for-now

Drew Jayden for @jayden-for-now

10 months ago

I did some sound design bc i was bored lol

Original Animation by @NooB_B3D on "X" Go check out their account they're super cool :]

I Did Some Sound Design Bc I Was Bored Lol
I Did Some Sound Design Bc I Was Bored Lol
I Did Some Sound Design Bc I Was Bored Lol
I Did Some Sound Design Bc I Was Bored Lol
I Did Some Sound Design Bc I Was Bored Lol
I Did Some Sound Design Bc I Was Bored Lol


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11 months ago
11 months ago


so I thought I'd clear up some stuff because it's been all over the place for months and I think I finally got a grip on it. I guess this is my official "coming out" lol

my name is Raya (Ray-uh), I'm trans mtf and I use she/her pronouns 🏳️‍⚧️

I was going by genderfluid for a while, and it felt right at the time to just pick whichever gender I felt most like at the time and forget about it, there was definitely something missing. at one point I made a set of profile pictures, a boy and a girl, I thought I would be able to use them interchangeably, seeing as I didn't really feel like I was set on one at the time. but I hated the boy one, there wasn't really a specific reason I thought, it's not a bad drawing, I just didn't like labeling that as me. so I just kept using only the girl one, I talked to some friends about this (which I recommend, socializing and hearing them use pronouns out loud is incredibly helpful if you're unsure) and on the 1st of March I came to the conclusion that I just prefer being a girl, it felt right.

but I didn't rebrand right away, of course I still had some doubts, I would use he/him and other boy terms out of habit when using my old name (Logan) and I still had genderfluid in the back of my mind, I heard that it's normal for a preferred gender to last up to a month, so I waited, in case it suddenly shifted back to male, but it never did, and I'm officially going by trans, and actually knowing what gender I am has put me in such a better mindset for everything, I'm more forgiving to myself with my art, I'm motivated to draw for longer, and I actually want to experiment with stuff.

I'm still really new to all of this, and LGBTQ stuff isn't exactly normalized in my part of New Zealand yet, but I'm super excited to see what happens in the future, the weird cloud has parted to reveal hopes of a bright future :)

I hope at least one person reading this will see me as a girl.

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