fawnhunter - claire.

20/taurus#chatterboxclaire to catch up on what you’ve missed.mostly headcannons, rare short fic, ask box always open!

381 posts

Its 11:05 And Im Thinking About Richboy! Armin.

it’s 11:05 and i’m thinking about richboy! armin.

Its 11:05 And Im Thinking About Richboy! Armin.

warnings- none it’s fluff, armin being in a trance and having nothing to say. implied black reader, not proof read.

thinking about rich boy armin who’s absolute favorite person in the world is the girl next door black! reader.

i just think that since armin’s parents are never home to spend the money they earn they would give him complete access to everything so he can use whatever he wants. i mean he’s a good boy with a good degree he worked had why not. so when he gets a new place on a whim. a nice condo with a nice view. oh he could get comfy here.

he’s quite pleased to see a familiar face on his way home in the elevator one day.

looking up from ur phone to see a familiar patch of blonde hair you smiled. you missed being able to tease home whenever you could. and once could say you missed spending time with him as well. but you decided to play coy, it’s always more fun that way.

God looking at you being here brought back so many memories of nights together when you were younger. you two were the only people in the elevator. he couldn’t help hit look at you and god it seems so long ago but you just looked so mature now. you’d filled out just about every where and he was telling him self not to get a boner in such a confined space with you. he couldn’t bring himself to speak a word to you.

Turns out, you guys were going to the same floor, and walking down the same hall, and oh? what’s this? doors right next to each other? armin couldn’t help but smile when he watched you unlock your door and step inside. only popping your head back out the door to blow him a kiss good bye. he stood kinda stuck outside his own door for a moment, kinda in a trance.

the next morning when he woke up, there was a tray of cookies wrapped in plastic, and a note that read. “i hope i get to see ur cute face again soon” you signed with ur number and he pulled out his phone with a smile. he knew you remembered.

thx for reading, pls consider leaving a request.

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More Posts from Fawnhunter

1 year ago

Sept's Aot Masterlist!

Hellooo!! everything here is written in a longish headcanon form, i will make sure to add correct descriptions to any fics i write in the future

Plug! Connie

Around her finger- When con can't go one day without speaking to reader

Patch me up?- When Con gets hurt and asks his girl to patch him up

Lover Boy Behavior- Some random Plug! Con headcanons/ world building

BFF'S4L- Con being the boy bestfriend (friend with benefits) we all love and fear

Put up wit her.- Con's just not going for that bratty shit

Time Stamps/ Drabbles

- its 9:34 and im thinking heading to bed with plug connie

- its 11:05 and i'm thinking about rich boy next door armin

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1 year ago

as someone who’s gone through some shit. this made me feel great <3 keep doing what you do babe

Cw: mention of abusive relationship , black reader in mind🙃

So anons keep sending me messages about this! THIS IS NOT TO OFFEND ANYONE NOT ROMANIZING ABUSIVE RELATIONSHIPS 🤦🏽‍♀️

Cw: Mention Of Abusive Relationship , Black Reader In Mind
Cw: Mention Of Abusive Relationship , Black Reader In Mind
Cw: Mention Of Abusive Relationship , Black Reader In Mind

Cw: Mention Of Abusive Relationship , Black Reader In Mind

You sat on the couch straddling him with hot tears pouring down your cheeks, left eye swollen shut, blood pouring down your face from your nose, and lip busted. He was whispering sweet reassuring words to you as he dabbed a warm towel on your face ever so gently to not hurt you or cause anymore pain then you already had endured. Shaking his head he asked you, “why do you continue to stay with that nigga ma” continuing to wipe the blood from your nose. You sniffed and said, “it was my f-fault, I s-shouldn’t have made him so angry” you continued to cry and let him clean you up. “Y/N this isn’t love, can’t even recognize you. you need to leave before he ends up ‘loving you' to death” your best friend since childhood told you sternly.

“But I have no one, where am I gonna go?” You asked him. “That’s not true baby and you know it. You got Connie and me” Ony told you kissing your forehead then adding “ we gon take care of you ma” he reassured you after cleaning you up and placing a bandaid on the cut on your eyebrow. “all I did was ask him who was Stacey and why was she calling him at 4 in the morning and he lashed out on me” you cried out hands hovering over the bruises that surrounded your neck. Ony saw red, how dare that bitch ass nigga put his hands on you. “Shhh princess don’t cry, you gon give yourself a headache. Tell me what you want us to do and how you want us to handle it” he asked in a hushed tone and the look you gave him was all he needed, to anyone else it might just been an innocent stare, but to him he knew what was up. “say no more ma” he leaned back and let your rest on his tatted chest and he lit his blunt and rocked you to sleep letting the gears turn in his head.

Cw: Mention Of Abusive Relationship , Black Reader In Mind

“Yo, this fool really tried to fu-” Connie walked into him and Ony’s shared penthouse yelling about a fool who tried to play him before stopping when he sees your face on his brothers chest. Placing his Glock on the counter along with his keys he slowly walked over to you and his tatted hand caressed your face before asking, “this clown again? Ony I’m a sick of sitting around and letting him treat my princesa like a fuckin punching bag” fixing the bonnet that was on your head and taking the blunt that Ony passed to him. “Don’t worry bout it Con, baby wants us to handle ‘em” Ony said as he stood up now holding you with your legs wrapped around his waist and he carried you to the guest room that had a California king sized bed, they’ve been waiting for this to happen. Both in love with you since the beginning of high school and just waiting for that nigga to fuck up and you realize they’re all you need.

Connie who followed y’all into the room and tucked you into bed and turned the tv on for you because he knows you’re scared of the dark. They both leaned down and gave you a kiss on your cheek, because that was the only part of your face that didn’t have bruises. Trust me if your lip wasn’t busted they would’ve kissed you there. As they were walking out of the room you called out to them, “come back and cuddle with me?” You asked giving a painful smile. They both hummed before Connie says, “mhmm daddy and papi is gonna handle this and when we get back we’ll give you all the cuddles you want mami” to which Ony nodded his head in agreement which made you smile and your heart flutter, because Ony was right, you didn’t need any other man but them. You smiled on the inside and out before going back to sleep when the door closed.

Ony and Connie put their shoes on before grabbing their Glocks and heading out the door. This was going to be the last time your bitch ass ex-boyfriend put his hands on you or anyone else.

This ran across my mind this morning and I just HAD to write it!

Hope you enjoyed it tho.

So anons keep sending me messages about this! THIS IS NOT TO OFFEND ANYONE NOT ROMANIZING ABUSIVE RELATIONSHIPS 🤦🏽‍♀️


1 year ago

Put up wit her.

Plug Connie X Bratty Reader.

content info unestablished relationship but you guys are super close. implied black reader. chunk of smut at the end - slight manhandling, mentions of fingering, , some possible squirting).

Put Up Wit Her.
Put Up Wit Her.
Put Up Wit Her.

- Plug! Connie strikes me as the kind of man who quite honestly loves ur bratty attitude a little more than he really should. Especially when it’s his fault that you caught an attitude in the first place. He likes to rile you up, just so you catch an attitude with him, just so he can complain about ur attitude and most likely make it worse in the end.

- Plug! Connie who, for fucking sure, makes sure you watch ur tone when y’all are in public, regardless of if u two are together or not. Loves when you two argue about stupid shit like no one’s watching. Loves it even more when you mouth back at him but loses his amusement quickly once you start raising ur voice and calling him out his name. yeah, no. he’s not going for that. He’s gon remind you where you stand with him real quick.

Backing you up against the nearest surface, arms pressed on either side of you daring you to push him away, leaning down real close to your face so he can shut you up with just a look. god he knows you so well. asking you what’s the problem in that sweet soft voice like he knows there’s something else going on with his sweet girl.

- Plug! Connie who gives in to your antics from time to time (almost all the time). Buying you whatever you look at for more than a second. carrying your things when you’re out together. paying for your food. grinding and rolling your weed. He keeps snacks and a blanket in his car for when you roll with him but stops to get you food regardless. He likes to take care of you, he likes to give you everything you want, so when you don’t get it you complain about it. But he mostly does it so he can see the smile on your face when he makes things happen for you.

- Plug! Connie who’s does not care for ur battiness when he’s had a bad day. He looks forward to ur shitty attitude as a chance for some stress relief.

- These are the nights when he comes to get you after ur done off work. He just wanted to see you, pick you up some food and take you home, but you’re tired from work and have an attitude and he has an attitude from his shitty day no money-making day. All it takes is one “ fuck you lookin at” when you get in the car, and one thing leads to another and he’s dragging you from between the front seats to the back. pushing you over his knees so he can pull down ur bottoms and spank your ass until he can feel the heat radiating off you and that’s when he starts to feel a little better. He knows he’s done well when ur eyes are shining when you look at him and ur babbling apologies about your attitude. He’s apologetic when he pulls you into his lap so he can press kiss to ur face and thank you for making his day. Sliding his fingers between ur thighs and pushing your folds apart so he can feel how wet you’ve gotten just for him. Pulling you as close as he can to his chest and pushing your head into his neck, encouraging you to mark him as yours. Pressing his fingers around your entrance and pushing one thick finger in at a time until he finds and abuses his fingers against that spot that makes you see stars. He fucks you in his lap with his fingers util he can feel your nails break his skin through the shirt on his back. His rings slinging off his fingers from how wet you are, and he doesn’t stop bullying his fingers into your cunt until his lap feels wet with the mess that you’ve made together. Holding on to you as you calm down and catch your breath. helping you out from the back seat to the front so he can help you get in. Once he starts the car, he feels like he has no cares in the world. He’s passing you a joint and his lighter so you can tell him what made your day so shitty on the way to ur home.

-  Whew, Anyway, Plug! Connie who loves your bratty ass, because he’s the only one who can put up with that shit, and still love you to death the very next day.

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1 year ago

Around her finger.

Plug! Connie who cannot go one day without speaking to Bestfriend reader. [MASTERLIST]

warnings- none, just some domestic fluff, connie being in love nd not knowing it

Around Her Finger.
Around Her Finger.

On those busy days when he knows he wont be able to see you, he finds himself thinking of you every chance he gets. when’s he’s around his friends or swervin niggas nd doing drop offs, it doesn’t really matter. he’s going to wonder where you are and what ur doing and what ur wearing and just- you take over his mind without even trying and there isn’t a day that goes by without him thinking of you.

He knows ur schedule down to a T, and makes you tell him if something changes. He has with no other intent than being able to know when you’ll be free for him to see you. Is always thankful that ur location shared with him. so he can continue his bad habit of pulling up on you. anywhere. Even if just for five minutes, he’s gon be there and in record time too.

He has a key to ur apartment so he can drop by whenever he wants. Sometimes ur not even home when he stops by, but it feels good to be in your space, surrounded by everything that is you. Feels more at home than the place he sleeps at night. He likes to drop things off for you to come home to, Little surprises and things he knows you love. he likes to stcok your fridge and buy you things ur running out of around the house. He just wants you to have anythig and everything you want and need.

And on those perfect days when you come home, and he’s already there, greeting u at ur door and taking ur bags out ur hands. You start to think it can’t get any better than this. And you seem to forget this is the man who leans out the passenger side window with a glock in his hands and a mask covering his handsome face.

one day he’ll realize how deep in love he is.

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1 year ago

at last

At Last

summary: jailbird!ony is home at last

cw: public sex, driving with an expired license lmfao

word count: 2.9k

At Last

today was the day. you don’t think you’ve ever popped out of bed so fast in your life. quickly getting yourself ready so you’re not even a half a second late to your important meeting.

“i’m be out on around the twenty fifth mama”

it’s been three weeks since you heard that, and for those three weeks you’ve been planning nonstop. the first thing you did was calmly let all of your friends know that the first day he gets out is for you. feeling that you deserve it for keeping it together for so long. the second thing you made sure to do was get ony a whole new wardrobe, already knowing he won’t be able to fit his old clothes because of how big he’s gotten. but you still kept all of his old clothes just incase you wanted to wear them. the last thing you made sure to do was get him lots of gifts and to get his most important gift touched up. dedicating a whole week to getting your hair, nails, and feet done as well as a nice wax.

you made quick work of getting dressed, already having your outfit picked out days ago for the occasion. your entire house was decorated and you had everything ready for a nice dinner to be shared, feeling content with yourself as you skipped out the door.

his facility was about two hours and some change away, so you had plenty of time to think of what you will say when you are finally met with the love of your life. as you kept your speech engraved in your mind, you decided to turn some of his favorite songs on when you got close where they’re keeping him, wanting him to have all of his favorite things on his first day out. you were so nervous, but excited at the same time. it’s been so long since you were able to touch and feel this man without a guard breathing down your neck. to be able to lay with this man, and walk around the house knowing that he was near and not two hours away.

during your last visit you asked if you needed to come in to sign anything or say anything for him to be let out, but all ony told you was to be waiting in the car, so that’s exactly what you did. the car stayed running with i gotta find peace of mind by lauryn hill playing as you stood with your back leaning on the passenger door. you checked the time on your apple watch and before you knew it the doors were opening. the sight of this man caused a million emotions to run through your mind at once. you were in complete awe at how beautiful he was.

tall built frame adorning a shirt so tight you thought it might rip as well as some sweatpants that hugged his thighs a little tighter than they used to. the only thing that seemed to fit like it used to was his sneakers. you instantly rushed into his arms, forgetting whatever words you had planned as you cried into his chest. “missed you too mama” his deep voice brought vibrations to his chest as he rubbed up and down your back.

“m-m’so happy. i t-though i wasn’t gonna be able to push through, b-but i did it and now you’re coming home” your words brought a couple tears to ony’s deep brown eyes, letting them freely roll down his cheeks as he left light kissed on your head. the two of you stayed like that for what felt like forever before calming down and getting a good look at each other. ony was big, bigger than before. the clothes he wore when he came in barely fit him anymore. “you’re huge” you giggled as ony flexed his arms for you. “i know. you brought some clothes for me pretty?”

you gave him a quick kiss before leading him to the car, opening the back seat before handing him some bigger sweatpants. “i forgot the shirt” ony waved it off, instantly putting his handing on the bottom of his shirt and taking it off, letting the tight white tank top he had on be shown to the world. “s’long as i can take these tight ass sweats off. feel like m’wearing leggings or sum” the two of you laughed before getting in the car. you drove him to a nearby gas station so he could change before getting back on the road to go home.

as you drove you could feel ony’s eyes on you, moving up and down on your figure as he watched you focus on the road. you couldn’t keep a straight face, shyly smiling as you spoke. “whattt?” you whined, making him chuckle before laying his hand on your thigh. “you so beautiful ma. really missed you” his hand lightly squeezed your thigh before creeping up higher. thick tattood fingers brushing against your skirt as ony leaned over to plant kisses on your neck. you knew this was coming.

“papa m’drivingggg. you want me t’crash?” you whined before lifting your shoulder to remove his access to your sensitive neck. “y’look so sexy when you drive tho. lemme just-” he slowly moved his hands between your thighs, surprised to feel his fingers immediately meet the flesh of your pussy. you smiled to yourself as ony released a quiet gasp at the realization. “no panties? you driving me crazy” his dick jumped in excitement at the sight of you as well as the feeling of your warm heat, making ony anxiously glance at the time. he prayed you were at least an hour out, but you’ve only been driving for fourth-five minutes and he knew he wasn’t going to last. “pull over ma”

“what? why? you alri-”

“yea i’m good i just need you t’pull over real fast.”

you listened to his request, slowly merging to the right until you’ve reached the side of the road. there weren’t many cars out today so it didn’t take much effort. as soon as the car slowed to a stop, ony got out. taking two steps before reaching the back seat door. “come here pretty girl” you opened your mouth to complain, but it was caught in your throat at you caught sight of the big bulge in this man’s sweatpants. you made your way to the back before ony quickly sat you on his lap. “pa i don’t have tints”

“ion care. need you t’ride this dick ‘fore i cum in my fuckin pants” he pulled your ass up, having your upper body leaning over his shoulder as he quickly dug two of his thick fingers into you. you instantly melted at the contact, the sensation feeling foreign to your body since it’s been so long. you couldn’t even speak at the moment, settling for deep breaths and the prettiest moans as ony quickly fingered you.

“y’so fuckin tight mama. my pussy been missin me huh?” his deep voice rang in your ears as you nodded your head to his question. ony wasn’t satisfied with that though, quickly snatching his fingers from your entrance to leave a hard slap on your ass before thrusting them back into you. “talk t’me baby. wanna hear that pretty voice” he dug into you as fast as ever, making you have to stutter each of your words out as you tried to give the proper response. “m-missed y-you so-soo much d-daddy”

ony smiled at your response, quickening his pace as he let you move your hips and fuck yourself onto his fingers. “that’s what daddy like t’hear. want y’to make a pretty mess on my fingers. can y’do that for me princess?” the word “yes” was on the tip of your tongue, but never fell as you felt ony snatch your release out of you, loud gasps and moans flew from your lips as you leaked all over him. your warm fluids trickling down his arm before soaking onto his grey sweatpants, but ony payed it no mind. he slowly moved his fingers from you before guiding your body down on his dick.

“i’ll be gentle” he reassured you before slowly sliding you down onto him. inch by inch you whimpered as you felt the stinging stretch of his dick. “i know mama, i know. daddy sorry. shouldn’t have left you like this f’so long.” he wiped your tears from your cheeks, giving you light pecks on the lips as he let you adjust to his size. “m’here now. wont do it again ‘kay?” ony didn’t look for a reply from you, slowly lifting your hips before fucking you onto his dick. your eyes rolled to the back of your head as you let out a silent scream. it’s been so long since you’ve had his body against yours, his big hands roaming your body as well as his thick dick rubbing against your walls.

tears start fall again as you happily bounced up and down on him, diamond chain dangling from your neck as his initial at the bottom sparkled in the sun. “fuckkk ma” he groaned before shooting ropes of cum deep into you. it’s clearly been so long for him as well. the feeling of your tight walls so foreign to him that he couldn’t help but fill you up quickly, but that didn’t stop him. ony’s dick stayed hard as he picked up to the pace you just held, eventually bouncing you down on him harder as the two of your releases mixed inside of you. “i got a lot more t’give you mama. try to keep up”

you had picked ony up at around eleven, but didn’t get home until five. after the two of you finished showing how much you missed each other, your legs were too weak to drive. you tried to tell ony no since his license was expired, but he ignored you. “you gon kill us if you try to drive wit them jelly legs ma” he chuckled before taking the wheel. he didn’t last another twenty minutes before his fingers were deep in your pussy again, quickly fucking you as he drove. as soon as you were finished you saw his dick, hard as can be in his sweats. “can’t leave you like that” you’d said before quickly getting to work. sucking him so good that he had no choice but to slow down and eventually stop to take you to the back and give you the best head of your life as a reward.

ony carried you from the car to the house, chuckling and giving you many kisses all over your face. you quickly wiggled from his arms and stood in front of the door. “you ready?” you said excitedlyyy. ony gave you two thumbs up, taking a deep breath before nodding his head. you unlocked the door and walked him inside. the house was the same, but different. many pictures of you replaced with pictures of him as he looked at the frames adorning the living room walls. the kitchen looked exactly how he left it as well as the dining room. as ony looked around you quietly went to the bedroom to bring out his gifts and putting them on the couch as you waited for him to finish his inspection. “how you feel?” you asked, smiling from ear to ear on the couch.

ony’s eyes were filled with disbelief. this was something he dreamed of doing while locked in his cell for all those years. walking freely around his home, only footsteps away from you instead of miles. ony turned towards you, eyeing the gifts before making his was to the couch. “real good. what’s all this?” he lightly ran his hands on one of the boxes while giving you a confused look. “s’for you.” his brown eyes looked into yours, shaking his head as he caressed your chin. “you always so good t’me ma” your stomach did flips as he slowly moved his hand from your chin to around your neck, lifting you from the couch before giving you a sloppy kiss on the lips. this was the first time the two of you have gotten to really enjoy each others lips. tongues gliding over each other as spit kept the two of you connected.

ony’s free hand smoothed down your back, stopping at you ass to give it a tight squeeze. before you knew it, he had you turned around and bent over the front of the couch, giving him a perfect view of your beautiful body as well as the lovely home he’s been missing. “missed this” he mumbled as he freed his dick from the confines of his sweats. lining up with your tight entrances before thrusting in fully. as his hips met your ass, a loud cry left your lips. your body jerking forwards from his hard thrusts as ony pounded your pussy with vigor. “m’so proud of you mama. you held this shit down real well”

ony looked all over his house, taking in the very missed scenery. an idea popped into his head, making a devilish smirk appear on his face as he pulled out of you. “daddy m’not finisheddd” you whined, earning you a hard slap on your ass before ony turned you around. “stop whining baby. ima give you what you want.” with that he lifted you in his arms, kissing you as you wrapped your arms around his neck. “gon fuck you everywhere in here”

before you could reply you were interrupted by the feeling of his dick being pushed up your walls. ony bounced you onto him in the air, walking around the house until he reached the dining room table. he laid you down on your back before wrapping his inked hand around your neck. “need you to cum in every room. can you do that f’me mama?” his dick caressed your walls perfectly as he roughly fucked you on the table, each stroke kissing all the right places. your moans bounced off the walls as you repeatedly cried out in ecstasy. you’ve spent many nights dreaming about what the two of you would be doing when he finally came home, but no dream could ever amount to this.

“throw that shit back mama. make daddy cum” ony groaned as you repeatedly fucked yourself onto his dick. the two of you were now on the kitchen floor, having fucked each other silly in every other room in the house except the bedroom. your pussy was sensitive to the touch and ony was two orgasms away from shooting blanks, but neither of you cared. continuing to love on each other as if y’all haven’t been fucking for hours. “missed you. so. fuckin. much mama shittt” his inked hand landed roughly on your ass repeatedly as he watched your ass move on his dick. pretty brown flesh ricocheting off his abdomen as you took all of his inches. “missed you oh my goddd i missed you so much too daddy. don’t want you t’leave me ever again” you said as another orgasm ripped through you. you cried out as you shook on the floor, your release spilling onto the tile as ony picked up where you left off. “ian ever gon leave you again mama, trust.”

when you got to the bedroom that’s when things started to wind down. ony fed you slow deep strokes as he looked lovingly into your eyes. “i love you so much…..so fuckin much” he moaned as he wiped your tear stained cheeks. you didn’t know what to do with yourself anymore, just laying there and letting him take control as you cried happy tears. all those nights where you’d scream and cry were finally over as you leaned up to kiss his wet lips. “i love you more papa. cant believe you’re really here” you mumbled through kisses as you felt ony’s dick reach deeper into you. “oh my god onyyyy!” you moaned, back arching off the bed as you felt your release on the tip of your tongue. “go head baby, m’right there wit you” ony stroked you deeper and before you knew it, the both of your releases mixed together before slowly tricking out of you from the sides. the two of you stayed like that, taking each other in as you caught your breath.

“ima run us a bath aight?” ony mumbled before slowly pulling out if you and making his way to the bathroom. the two of you bathed together, washing away the sweat and fluids from your night before getting out and putting on some comfy pajamas.

“how you know what size i am?” ony chuckled as he looked down at the pajama pants he had on. he expected to be met with small clothes when he got home, but you made sure to get him right. “when i went to visit i noticed how big you got. just went two sizes up” he nodded along to what you were saying before tying his durag up and crawling into bed. you crawled in next to him, cuddling up to his side before throwing your leg over his. “still can’t believe this is real. like you’re really in this bed with me. it’s been so long baby.” ony could hear the sadness in your voice, looking down at you before tilting your chin up towards him. he gave you a loving kiss, taking your hand and laying it on his chest where his heart was beating. “feel that?” he asked.


“good, ‘cause it’s real. i’m where i was supposed to be all those years, wit you”

ony stared down into your watery eyes. brown orbs mirroring yours as his began to well up too.

“i’m home”