Armin Fluff - Tumblr Posts

1 year ago

𝑎𝑐𝑎𝑑𝑒𝑚𝑖𝑐 𝑠𝑤𝑒𝑒𝑡𝘩𝑒𝑎𝑟𝑡𝑠 • 𝑎𝑟𝑚𝑖𝑛 𝑎𝑟𝑡𝑙𝑒𝑟𝑡 𝑥 𝑏𝑙𝑎𝑐𝑘 𝑟𝑒𝑎𝑑𝑒𝑟

just some adorable headcanons with armin and his long time academic sweetheart.

cw: black fem!, plus sized reader, both armin and reader are researchers and engaged, major fluff, mentions of med terms, comedy and banter, light nsfw, light angst

you first met armin when the two of you were in high school. He was the top of his class, excelling in all subjects and only rivaled by his fellow scholar, (y/n) (l/n). Your test scores were always neck and neck of course, the highest in the entire class. You guys weren’t exactly rivals but you didn’t talk much either.

that was until he noticed that you would sneak away from the class during lunch period and it wasn’t until he went to return a book did he realize that you were eating in the library by yourself this entire time. And of course, with your nose in a textbook.

“Mind if I join you?” “No..not at all..”

armin couldn’t understand for the life of him why such a sweet and gorgeous girl like you always ate alone. From what he could tell, you had no enemies..or any friends for that matter..even the would be cliche bullies never messed with you. So why? He couldn’t help but to ask.

“No one wants to be around someone with their face in a book and their mind in the clouds all day. Someone who has nothing to talk about except schoolwork. It’s always ‘boys, hanging out, hooking up’….none of that stuff interests me, y’know? So I gave up on trying to fit in. Not like anyone notices me anyway.”

armin most certainly did, he couldn’t help it when he watched you walk by on your way to your desk..smelling of vanilla, gorgeous face surrounded by big curls and round glasses, and of course, dressing so cute. Not to were brilliant. Matching his own intellect tenfold.

“I noticed..and I’d love to be your friend if you’ll let me.”

from that moment on, the two of you spoke everyday..always greeting you and even inviting you to hang with him and his friends. From there, you guys studied together, picked each other’s brains and you finally felt as if you belonged. But soon, that beautiful friendship, blossomed into a budding crush..on both sides! You fell for Armin after only a few months and it didn’t even take him a few weeks. He always wanted to be by your side, spend as much time with you as possible and even wanted to walk you home.

you guys would often go to the local coffee shop to talk about the new book you were reading or discussed some new discovery that had been made in scientific news..getting so swept in your conversations and each other, you’d be there until the streets lights came on and he’d have you sprinting to get home. You didn’t mind it though because you were happy to be with him.

high school was much more tolerable and a lot more fun. By senior year, you and armin were locked in, super close and practically in love. Voted student council presidents and for the first time, graduated as the only co-valedictorians because your GPA’s were too high and close to call it for one to be salutatorian. You guys attended prom together and looked absolutely darling. Literally everyone’s goals.

he even asked you to go with a sign of the periodic table and the elements spelling out prom and a box of nerds candy.

“Are you kidding? That’s the cutest thing I’ve ever seen.”

fast forward a few years, and not much changed! You guys were still two big nerds madly obsessed with one another. Eventually going on to a top university, majoring in the same field; pathology, research and development and sitting at the top of the class yet again. You guys done a lot of maturing during that time and grew into proper young adults. Even losing your virginity to one another..crying together on the night that you did so because it was so beautiful and overwhelming.

even thought your academic lives were quite hectic..sitting on this council, apart of this group and that research committee, you guys always made time for one another. Whether on one of your date nights where you’d get all dressed up to go out to a nice dinner and the museum or a play at the local amphitheater, it was always a great time. Or if you guys spent the day lazing around your off campus apartment, curled up in bed, drinking coffee while your two cats scoured the sheets as you binged your favorite movies together. Or even watching Jeopardy and seeing who can solve the most problems.

during college graduation and as your families snapped photos of you two in cap and gowns in front of your alma mater, he’d surprise you with a beautiful proposal by enlisting their help. Practically ruining the makeup you did prior because you were sobbing by the time he finished. And so was he..

“(Y/N), I don’t think—matter of fact, I know there isn’t a soul on this earth that completes me the way you do. Would you do me the absolute honor of spending the rest of our days together?” “Of course I will, ‘Min. I love you so much.”

a year or so passed and as you worked towards being able to afford the wedding you deserved, you guys began your residency at an esteemed research lab, practicing under top doctors and making names for yourselves in the scientific world. You had been featured in several publications, documenting your respective findings and what it could all mean for the world of medicine. You worked extremely hard but your main priorities were always one another!

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1 year ago

♡ ౨ৎ 𝐍𝐞𝐫𝐝!𝐀𝐫𝐦𝐢𝐧 𝐭𝐡𝐨𝐮𝐠𝐡𝐭𝐬 ౨ৎ ♡


₊ ⊹ armin definitely wears his glasses on the tip of his nose and constantly has to push them up

₊ ⊹ its because his little button nose!!! they are too big :(

₊ ⊹ all A’s. hes very strict about his work, lives for praise !!

₊ ⊹ always dresses in that dark academia vibe, and looks sooo gooood

₊ ⊹ he’s a neat freak, hates when everything is untidy it freaks him out

₊ ⊹ since he was an only child, ofc he was good at getting what he wants!

₊ ⊹ #1 manipulator .

₊ ⊹ has only two friends, eren and mikasa but eren is a airhead jock while mika is a goth.

₊ ⊹ accessories are a must for him

₊ ⊹ he loves rings!!

₊ ⊹ a sweet talker, but also very shy

₊ ⊹ man has NO games on his phone. loser.

₊ ⊹ his fav subject is def oceanography and marine biology

₊ ⊹ u were a freshman in college when u first meet, while he was a sophomore

₊ ⊹ u we’re struggling ofc, college was hard

₊ ⊹ and thankfully armin was willing to help!

₊ ⊹ and god.. u needed some work, u didnt know ANYTHING


“alright.. so this is a trick question. which one is older? sponges, or dinosaurs?” he asked you, underlining and reader the question off of your textbook. “easy!! dinosaurs!” you excitedly answer, fixing the pink bows in your hair. “hm, can you tell me why?” he asked patiently, tilting his head and sitting the pen down, crossing his arms.

“well because, dinosaurs are like super duper old.. and like! they go waaay back!” you said confidently, earning a smile and a praise from armin. “good. and what about sponges?” he asked.

“well like you can make sponges whenever n like! m pretty sure there was no machines to make em!” you chirped. making armin way beyond confused. “what do you mean?” he furrowed his eyebrows. “yanno..? like, dish sponges..?” you answered in a sarcastic manner.

‘oh lord..’ he thought. “no.. no y/n. sea, sea sponges.” he sighed out, pinching the bridge of his nose. “ooooh!!” you said loudly, letting out a giggle.

“then dinosaurs ^_^.” ( the answer was sea sponges. )



a/n: tehe!

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2 years ago

his kisses were light and feathery. he pulled you in by the waist, and ghosted his lips over yours before fully going in. these kisses left you satisfied, yet wanting more. his hand would find its way to cup your cheek as he leaned in. wrapping your arms around the base of his neck, you deepened the intimacy. you could feel the start of a smile form on his lips as he hummed in soft content. pulling away, you got a glimpse of his flushed cheeks and angelic smile. his hand remained cupping you face and he massaged you cheek slightly. he closed the small gap between you two once more, but instead left a small kiss on your forehead. his eyes shone with adoration and love as you stared at him dreamily.

KAZUHA, dainsleif, diluc, YUUTA, nanami armin, yuri briar (i just can’t resist), SUNA, kita, hinata, nishinoya, SUGA, TANJIRO, kyojuro.

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1 year ago

it’s 11:05 and i’m thinking about richboy! armin.

Its 11:05 And Im Thinking About Richboy! Armin.

warnings- none it’s fluff, armin being in a trance and having nothing to say. implied black reader, not proof read.

thinking about rich boy armin who’s absolute favorite person in the world is the girl next door black! reader.

i just think that since armin’s parents are never home to spend the money they earn they would give him complete access to everything so he can use whatever he wants. i mean he’s a good boy with a good degree he worked had why not. so when he gets a new place on a whim. a nice condo with a nice view. oh he could get comfy here.

he’s quite pleased to see a familiar face on his way home in the elevator one day.

looking up from ur phone to see a familiar patch of blonde hair you smiled. you missed being able to tease home whenever you could. and once could say you missed spending time with him as well. but you decided to play coy, it’s always more fun that way.

God looking at you being here brought back so many memories of nights together when you were younger. you two were the only people in the elevator. he couldn’t help hit look at you and god it seems so long ago but you just looked so mature now. you’d filled out just about every where and he was telling him self not to get a boner in such a confined space with you. he couldn’t bring himself to speak a word to you.

Turns out, you guys were going to the same floor, and walking down the same hall, and oh? what’s this? doors right next to each other? armin couldn’t help but smile when he watched you unlock your door and step inside. only popping your head back out the door to blow him a kiss good bye. he stood kinda stuck outside his own door for a moment, kinda in a trance.

the next morning when he woke up, there was a tray of cookies wrapped in plastic, and a note that read. “i hope i get to see ur cute face again soon” you signed with ur number and he pulled out his phone with a smile. he knew you remembered.

thx for reading, pls consider leaving a request.

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3 years ago


⇉︎︎ PAIRINGS: eren, armin, levi

⇉︎︎ GENRE: fluff

⇉︎︎ FORMAT: small drabble

⇉︎︎ A/N: sorry for not posting for two weeks— ive been busy with keeping up with school and my family. please feel free to send requests, and reblogs are appreciated!


EREN: it’s most likely his fault..he snores really loud at times and it can keep you up all night. nevertheless, he always asks you’re okay (you never mention the snoring though) and if he can get you anything, from a midnight snack, to cuddles. oblivious. but cute, eren really cares for your well being.

ARMIN: he honestly doesn’t know what to do besides stay up with you, by your side. or in some cases he offers you to stay up all night with him to read or play video games with him. but if you have something on your mind or any steam to release, armins always there to listen. and that alone, usually puts you to sleep.

LEVI: levi can't sleep, either. as in he can't sleep most of the time you two go to bed, seeing you awake with him is great - he gets to talk to you until he puts his own self to sleep, taking you with him. he’s always there for you, and as long as you're there with him, the two of you will soon fall asleep.


taglist: @ferzxni @megurulvr @sm1th @sscarchiyo @beezebub


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3 years ago


⇉︎︎ PAIRINGS: eren, armin, levi

⇉︎︎ GENRE: fluff

⇉︎︎ FORMAT: small drabble

⇉︎︎ A/N: sorry for not posting for two weeks— ive been busy with keeping up with school and my family. please feel free to send requests, and reblogs are appreciated!


EREN: it’s most likely his fault..he snores really loud at times and it can keep you up all night. nevertheless, he always asks you’re okay (you never mention the snoring though) and if he can get you anything, from a midnight snack, to cuddles. oblivious. but cute, eren really cares for your well being.

ARMIN: he honestly doesn’t know what to do besides stay up with you, by your side. or in some cases he offers you to stay up all night with him to read or play video games with him. but if you have something on your mind or any steam to release, armins always there to listen. and that alone, usually puts you to sleep.

LEVI: levi can't sleep, either. as in he can't sleep most of the time you two go to bed, seeing you awake with him is great - he gets to talk to you until he puts his own self to sleep, taking you with him. he’s always there for you, and as long as you're there with him, the two of you will soon fall asleep.


taglist: @ferzxni @megurulvr @sm1th @sscarchiyo @beezebub


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1 year ago


a/n: I’ve been thinking a lot about Joon-ho from extraordinary attorney woo 🫶🏽


he loves to listen to your ramblings, going on and on about whatever topic you fancy. his eyes glazed over in adoration, hanging off every fact you spew, finding how your lips spread in a slight smile cute.

his hand holding his chin, while his other grasps yours, lightly rubbing his thumb over your knuckles. he sighs, content with this moment.

“and I swear- oh, im boring you aren’t I?” you rasp softly, temperature rising, realizing you’ve been talking for a while.

his lips quirk in mirth, “no, not bored just waiting for a chance to speak,” he teases, enjoying the blush dusting your cheeks.

“just kidding, I’ll wait for as long as I need.”


Jean, ARMIN, Gojo, Geto, OIKAWA, Mikey, Draken, KAZUTORA.


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2 years ago

random armin headcannons (?) because i’m bored

warnings : slight nsfw, swearing, fluff

Random Armin Headcannons (?) Because Im Bored
Random Armin Headcannons (?) Because Im Bored
Random Armin Headcannons (?) Because Im Bored

he pays attention to everything. like if he sees your toothbrush is starting to look worn out, you wake up to find another new one that looks exactly like it in its place

he picks out your nail colors :( it was only supposed to be a one time thing but now you find yourself asking him each and every time

every pet name sounds ten times sweeter coming from him. “baby” has never sounded so soft and warm before he said it

he usually goes “hey pretty girl.” whenever he greets you after he’s been out somewhere and you haven’t seen him for a little while

we as a society don’t talk about gamer!armin enough. his favorite is probably breath of the wild and he’s probably played like every game in the legend of zelda series

what can i say, he’s always been a nintendo boy

if you’re playing it and reach a stage or challenge you can’t beat he offers to do it for you saying, “it’s not cheating, ‘m just helping out.”

he was peer pressured into playing call of duty and overwatch by his friends but he ends up really liking it. you just know he’s the groups strategist and he’s like half of the reason they win

he’s such a sly tease, like he purposely rolls up his sleeves or button downs more than enough buttons on his shirt cause he knows what it does to you

or he’ll ‘accidentally’ brush up on you and be like “oh sorry” and then proceeds to keep doing that

for such a smart boy he’s so fucking easy to prank😭 he’s fallen for every single deez nuts joke and he gets so pouty afterwards, “that doesn’t even make sense >:/”

he’s alwayssss kissing your knuckles or the side of your forehead. he thinks small actions of affection are very important

he silently watches how you eat and how much water you drink. sometimes you don’t even notice, but he’ll quietly place a glass of water next to you while you’re working

always saying “you don’t have to” and “it’s fine” when you wanna give him head like sir this isn’t just about you, pull down your pants 🙄

he remembers like every single date for everything, the day you two met, the day he asked you out and all that romance-y stuff

he is in charge of setting all the doctor and dentist appointments

yeah you two have most definitely role played a student x teacher/professor more than once. he gets sooo into it in the moment but the second you bring it up out of bed he gets all red, shushing you and covering his face with his hands

head pats :(

he is so proud of absolutely everything you do. and he’ll tell you exactly that

he is very protective and lowkey possessive over you when you’re around guys, not because he doesn’t trust you but because he doesn’t trust men

he is a protector of women !!!

again, for such a smart boy he’s so easy to prank😭 bro you did one break up prank on him and he really started tearing up and apologizing profusely that you had to tell him it was a joke halfway in cause you felt bad

“that wasn’t funny baby :(.” pouty and all. he expects a ton of kisses as reparations

if y’all are playing uno with a group of people he’ll slip you plus fours and plus twos secretly. he’s so smooth with it as well you two have never been caught

he has never lost a single game of monopoly and never will. he’ll let you win like every other game but not even you will get in the way of his monopoly winning streak

HE’S A LITTLE GOSSIP. spills the daily dirt on his coworkers/classmates everyday when he comes home

as smart as he is, he doesn’t expect the same from his baby. you could be a bimbo for all he cares, as long as you love him he does not care

such a talkative drunk😭 he gets soooo red and flushed and full on giggles while telling a really dumb story

his head game is immaculate. he picks up on every little reaction and expression you make and figures out what you like and what you don’t. he may be a little shy and inexperienced in the beginning but after a few times, he’s a god between your thighs

once said your pussy looks like a ‘cute clam’🥲. you laughed so hard at this but he meant it in a sweet and cute way so he’s just watching you laugh at him like 😀

“so what, is my clit supposed to be a pearl?” , “shut up, i was complimenting you >:/ .”

he gets so touched and flustered when you do anything for him. you wear your new lingerie and he’s just like “for me?” like yeah dude who else 🙄

tells you that you don’t have to dress up for him but he loves it so very much, it makes him feel so special and he will gladly show his appreciation

he takes it very personally when you don’t say you love him before you go somewhere. will stop you and look at you expectantly until he hears it

if you’re really tired after a night out, he makes you lay your head down on his lap and he’ll remove your makeup for you

he absolutely despises staying up really late. if he finds you on your phone he’s grabbing you by your waist and shoving your face into his chest

picks up your legs and places them on his lap when y’all are chilling on the couch

he is so proud of every little thing you do. and he tells you all the time

so very supportive and understanding. like you never have to worry about bringing something up to him, he’s all ears and is ready to hold your hand through it all

he gets you little gifts wherever he goes

you guys have soo many plants and he is the best plant father. the first time he hears you call them you twos ‘babies’ he gets so smiley. he hopes he’ll hear the same in the future but not with plants if you know what i mean 🥲

helps you pick out outfits. he is a master color co-ordinator

small actions eg fixing your necklace, straightens the creases of your blouse, pulls the edge of your skirt down when it rides up. and he does all of this with the most gentle hand

part-time mom. “hey, why aren’t you wearing a jacket you’ll catch a cold.”

takes polaroids of you. his favorite is one where you have the biggest smile that he adores so very much. he captioned it ‘my baby <3’ with a sharpie. it’s now in his clear phonecase like a kpop photocard

the first time he tells you he loves you is after a meticulously planned date. he stares at you fondly for like a minute and then says it to you so softly

yeah i want him so bad 🥲💔

Random Armin Headcannons (?) Because Im Bored

© 2021 cynamyngirl

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3 years ago

SNK /AOT guys and his girlfriend's favorite parts and they type of girlfriend.

(English is not my mother tongue so I ask for your patience)

⚠️: Nothing! Just a fluff post

Eren: It's a type of chest and belly type. He doesn't give a shit about they look like. He just loves the feeling when he is resting his head on your chest or tummy (also He would also like a girl with a strong and determined temperament). Although it seems strange, I think Eren would like tomboys or tomfems.

Jean: He loves long hair on women. He believes that it is a very important characteristic in female beauty. I really believe in this headcanon that he really likes women with long dark hair.

Armin: He likes hands. When he feels sad (o vice versa), putting your hands together helps him (and you) a lot.

Levi: He loves eyes. He believes that they are a window to the soul and that just by looking at a person in the eyes you can guess their intentions.

Connie: He loves shoulders and legs. He quickly gets intoxicated every time he sees them. He likes women with a sense of humor.

Reiner: He's a type of waist and hips. They are his favorite grip when he is by your side. Whether in hugs, when they are walking or dancing he will always have a chance to grab them. I think he'll like women smaller than him.

This was my first headcanon! I hope you liked it! Would you like a second part? 👀

Melody 🌸~

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