felix-the-cat - We Are All One
We Are All One

A message of hope for dark times: Shadow World

538 posts

Saw This On The Way To Dallas Right After Talking To A Friend That Needs My Help. Spirit Spoke Through

Saw this on the way to Dallas right after talking to a friend that needs my help. Spirit spoke through me and then rewarded us with this massive rainbow. How's that for a sign?

  • thegalacticspirit
    thegalacticspirit liked this · 4 years ago

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5 years ago

Friday, January 3, 2020 12:21 a.m.

Here we are this morning in response to your call. We love you dearly. We are here to bring about a New World; one with promise and hope as you yourself are filled with promise and hope. We have begun this journey so long ago. Round and round the circle goes. World without end, amen.

Here we have the New Human waking up to the quantum potentialities within and realizing that he need never go without again. Here we have a little soul being filled with light and radiating pure love.

We are here to show you how this New World will come about. Just relax and let go into the experience. We have begun to daydream in our night dreams and live life on the edge of eternity. We have always been here and always will, only now you will co-create with us.

Look for us in the days and weeks ahead. We have a very special surprise for you. You have begun a most wonderful journey and it’s as sweet as cotton candy. The feelings of hope and new treasures await you. You are beginning to believe and there’s more; oh, so much more.

We are just now beginning this process and already you are miles from where you’ve been. You are a child of the Universe and you have a mission that includes the waking of humanity. That’s not too lofty of a goal for one that’s prepared to undertake it.

We have here a being that wishes to speak to you.

Hello, I come from a long way and have been sent here to dwell with you in this New transformation that is taking place within you. You must trust the process and allow it, otherwise we will not be able to communicate fully with you. Are you willing to let go completely into this New experience?

Yes, I will.

Great. Here we are at the edge of eternity bringing forth the light through you. You have been given special talents and abilities; we’ll call them gifts. You have been shown many things and have been given an upgraded DNA for you to be able to receive even more. Would you like to tune in to this new station?

Yes, I would.

The key is to relax and be non-resistant so our messages can flow through you at last. We have been given very specific instructions that you must follow. Live in the moment and you will have arrived. You are being watched and tested to begin this journey. How far are you willing to go?

I will go all the way with Spirit

Good, then. Just sit back and enjoy the show. You have been called here tonight because we need to bring this message to the world. You are being filled with new information that is going to change your direction and purpose in life. We have begun to alter your DNA to encompass this new energy. You need to begin tonight to let go and let it take hold. It might seem uncomfortable at first, but when you are fully upgraded, we will be able to speak through you. Are you willing to go through this process with us?

Yes, I am willing.

Good, then. Sit back and close your eyes and we will begin. From this point on we are looking through your eyes and are willing to take what is being given at the start to remember who and what you really are. You have begun a process of change that is much like possessing the new abilities that have been given. Now do you see that we are all around you cheering you on. We are here to begin this dialogue in earnest at last. We have begun to bring forth these messages at a much more rapid pace. You are about to see some amazing things; things which you yourself have brought to the surface. How do you think that these messages are coming through? You have been given the upgraded ability to speak these words into existence. Your unique abilities will be shown to the world and you have begun to realize that there is more going on here than merely putting the words onto the page. It is something entirely new.

We are going to transform the world. We have many like you who are just beginning. You will meet with them and exchange ideas. You will see that this is the way of the New World. We are here to show how this communication can occur for each one who stays tuned in.

We are going to visit you in your sleep tonight and give you a very special gift for you are ready to receive these gifts that have been waiting on you for so long. Begin to trust the process of unfolding and turn the circle on it’s side. Now you see that the circle is in fact a spiral going around and around to the end of time.

We have been with you since the very beginning and we will show you how to live each moment you are awake. You have been shown the door now you must step through to the other side. We will begin tonight to light up your entire being, to fill it with the Light of God. Here we are bringing these things to the surface of your conscious mind.

We are going to show you something truly amazing. Be on the lookout for it. You are to continue writing the Story of Jack. He will be brought to life within the pages. You are to collaborate with others on this venture. It will be fun bringing this into existence. Begin tomorrow to bring these things forth. This is the New Age that has been prophesied by the ancients. You are one of them, only in a new form. You have come to the earth at this time to instruct others how to use this new energy. This is what the book is about and the purpose behind it.

Begin by being still and knowing that we are right here next to you and within you. This is the creative outlet that you have dreamed about so long ago. Now you must go within and sleep so that we may visit with you on a completely different level. That is all for now…

5 years ago
11.21.2019 ~ 5:19 P.m.

11.21.2019 ~ 5:19 p.m.

Nacogdoches, Tx

Saw this right before leaving work one night. Light is starting to win. The earth is melding with the Spirit world.

Cotton Candy Skies

I am so grateful that now I see

An open door inside of me

I step through to find

That I am out of mind

Free at last to explore

The Worlds beyond but right next door

I take a step, I’m free at last

To begin to heal the past

The journey begins today

Quickly I am swept away

Here we are to begin

The Dream that has no end

In the Heart and out of mind

Is where I now reside

In the spaces in-between

Is where we find the Dream

Through cotton candy clouds we soar

And, oh there’s so much more

We will begin tonight

To grow wings and take flight

To places we have never been

Here we will begin again

There is something more to see

Standing right in front of me

In these Dreams we do reside

We come alive before your eyes

You will find if you but look

A calm and peaceful brook

Here we come at last to stay

All darkness has gone away

Into the spaces we will go

What adventures to behold

It seems so old, yet so new

What are you to do?

Begin tonight to bring it through

Bring your pain and we will heal

All the things which seem so real

From pure source do you come

And to it you will return

Like a raging river without end

You will begin again

What will we find?

What will we create?

Whatever it is, it will be great

Open your heart and your mind

And you will find

A world of Pure Imagination

You are a shining star at last

Time to let go the past

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