Mother Earth - Tumblr Posts

Tuesday, August 18, 2020 – 10:07 p.m.
There are more things in heaven and earth than are dreamt of in your philosophy. We are here to give you a glimpse behind the curtain. Things are not always what they appear to be. We have come at this time to assist you in awakening.
Lifetime after lifetime you have dreamed of creating a better world. Now, as it turns out, is your time. You have been given an incredible opportunity to manifest whatever your heart truly desires. Do you believe world peace is possible?
It must start within the depths of your very being. You must go deep within and confront the shadows that lurk there. You are capable of so much more than you have allowed yourself to be. Simply follow Spirit unto happy destiny.
We are here to illuminate the path set before you. It is so simple that you want to make it difficult. Simply still the raging river within yourself. Do not allow outward circumstances determine your inner state of being.
You are here to help the world out of darkness and that is precisely what you are doing. You have been here before; you simply do not remember. Now is the time to remember who and what you truly are.
You are peace beyond all understanding. You are joy and light. You are a magnificent creator pretending to be small. These things we are here to teach you, you already know. We are simply helping you to remember how to use your power.
This is the lifetime you have waited for. No more trudging through the darkness with minimal results. The world is changing at long last and a New Day is on the horizon. This you know. You can feel it deep within.
There are many occurrences which may shake your foundation. Let them be shaken and remain undisturbed. For, in the building of a new foundation, the world will be rebuilt at last; one temple at a time. You are this temple.
The things swirling all around you are here in response to a call you have all made. That is why we are here. Begin to let the light shine and you may find the whole world is illuminated by your smile, your simple kind acts, day by day.
Here we have an example of one who feels that they may be broken somehow. The broken places are where the light shines through the brightest. Open the door and step forward into this New Reality with us. Now is your time.
You are not alone. We have always been here. Only now, we are going to step forward into your reality with you as you reach for new heights. These things are coming to pass. We are here to help usher in a New Dynasty. One in which all of earth’s residents may live happily and peacefully at long last.
These times are very difficult, and we understand this. Hold steady, for we are here to guide you through this process that we ourselves have been through. You are merely the caterpillar struggling within the cocoon, soon to emerge on a new playing field and given wings to fly at long last.
Here are some examples of what is occurring here. Your pharmaceutical industry is being dismantled to make way for true health. You are being shown how to heal yourselves from within. You are beginning to wake up inside and are beginning to see with New Eyes.
You have been set free to create on a level never seen on this planet before. The overlords that have been keeping you in darkness are being swept away so that you may truly see the light at long last. You are learning how to govern yourselves.
There are many more things on the horizon; not only for you, but for future generations to enjoy. Life was never meant to be a struggle. That is the great lie. Life is meant to be enjoyed alongside your brothers and sisters of Light.
Thank you for having the courage to come to earth at such a dark time in history. But, as they say, it is always darkest right before the dawn. The world will not be returning to normal; for, what you consider normal is a distorted view of how things are meant to be.
Humanity is being set free to choose its own destiny at long last. Do not let hate and fear corrode your heart. These are the times the world needs your light the most. These are going to be known as the ending of the barbaric years and a time when the world truly took back its birthright.
Things are not always what they seem. Begin to live your life with joy and gratitude and you may find you have so much more to be grateful for. You are an enormously powerful creator and what you think you become. So, guard your thoughts well and imagine the kind of world you want to live in. Bring it forth. You have that power.
You will find, with practice, that you will be able to manifest anything your heart desires. What is it that you desire? Do you see the good in the world as it seemingly tears itself apart? These things you are witnessing are simply a world waking up from a false history and coming to know how deep the rabbit hole really is.
Do not be alarmed for what may come. The darkness will not simply fade away. It is losing its grip and fighting back. Rejoice when you see these things, for you will know deeply that the light is being turned on and the darkness is being swept away into the night. More than ever it is important to remain focused on Love. The power of love will overcome anything.
You have been shown some very dark things and there will be more. But eventually the sun will break over the horizon and the day will arrive when all humans will be free from the tyranny of evil men and women. Love is on the horizon. Look deeply into this and you will see that it is not quite as dark as it once was.
Day by day the light shines brighter for all to see. You are one of these lights. Will you let your light shine today so that all the world may see what it is like to live in peace, harmony, love and joy?
When you say Mother Earth - in your bio - do you mean Gaia!
I do not! Mother Nature/Mother Earth is simply a name that I use for the deity I worship. The deity I worship *is* Nature and the Earth, not a personification of it (though she may appear to me in that way for my sake).
Gaia is a hellenic deity, who is similiar to the deity I worship but they're not the same! I've never actually met someone who worships Mother Nature in the same way I do yet.
If you're curious, here is a post about my relationship to Mother Nature, as well as my beliefs more generally. But please feel free to ask any more questions about Mother Nature, how she's different from Gaia (and other Earth Goddesses) or anything else about my craft!!

Soul of the Planet, Mother Earth (2020)

My altar before I moved out of my apartment, I have yet to finish setting up one in my new home. The bottles, and candle in the rectangular votive, are my element representations: the candle is fire, the tall blue bottle has sea-water in it, the round clear jar has wind from a ferry ride, and the last one has dirt and moss.

To experience enjoyment, one may click here. We abstained from composing this text due to our lack of knowledge regarding their residential locations and the forms of injustice prevalent in their societies.
In a world where circumstances are often unconventional, the concept of "fun" can encompass a multitude of interpretations.
Fans Only, get ready to feel the earth move!
I'm having fun. I'm being myself. I'm doing what I love. That's all that matters.
Mother earth more or less
I would like to seize this moment to send a quick note to the supreme beings with whom we are all just passing through. I really hope the dinosaurs are listening! I was only joking, but it seems we can work faster than the cosmic forces here.
Hidden Shrine to Gaia, the Earth Mother.

did my first offering and prayer session for Goddess Gaia, and I couldn't be more refreshed. . . almost like she's been calling me all along? Trying to find words for it but it feels really beautiful, and I'm hoping she connects with me more ! Gave her offerings of jasper and oats and bits and pieces of the Earth I have collected

Allow me to introduce you to what I call earthy, basically the earth chan of yokei godneu, the goddess of life, flora, and nature, and opposite number to the aptly names death: god of death and decay. Always accompanied by her companion, a little ball like fairy named moony, earthy brings life to all of yokei Godneu, with her presence easily identifiable by flowers blooming and nature restoring. She is firmly on the main protagonist’s side, and even helps them out more than seraphina, maybe being an actual party member of sorts. Her weakened and more child like state in the yokei Godneu series of games, is due to people forgetting about her, leading to a lower power level than seraphina, noctulius, and her counterpart, death, but she can be very strong and even outclass the rest. She is purely on the good side, but she does have a temper and knows more about the world of the book than other beings, as despite being the goddess of life, she is also the goddess of nature, and means she is just as unpredictable as nature itself, and can sometimes be more destructive than she means to be, and cares about the environment, hating people how litter, but she always has good intentions.

Happy Mother’s Day ! Don’t forget to show your love for mother earth today!
Had a dream that I was on my computer doing some dumb homework again and mother nature saw me and she said what are you doing why do you spend so much time on that device so i said homework and she said but have you looked at the stars tonight?
No of course not and she was so sad she said i made so many stars and if you stop spending so much time inside you will see my stars and if you look long enough you will see that i drew shapes in the stars. And i either modeled creatures off of those shapes or the shapes off of creatures i cant remember. But anyway if you find someone older who listened when they were younger they will tell you how the stars came to be or what the shapes are doing.
And then i made fireflies because i thought stars on earth would be cool. But don’t even get me started on bugs because i made so many!!! And often they are singing do you hear them singing? And of course they’re not singing /for/ you because that would be silly but maybe if you pay enough attention you’ll notice them singing /with/ you. And then you’ll stop smushing them stop doing that. Their lives are so short compared to yours leave them alone.
And if you follow the bugs around you’ll see the flowers that i used to color earth in. And they smell so good especially when they’ve just bloomed. So smell them now please and then follow their faces. They are looking at the sun do you see her do you feel her. She is keeping you so warm do you understand? She is single-handedly keeping everything on earth warm. And if you sit with her she will warm a part of you you didn’t even know was cold! If you just sit and listen to the bugs and smell the flowers and look around. Something inside of you will change every time
I asked her why she was telling me this and she smiled and said you were sad. You were so sad and so i thought maybe you’d forgotten all of the pretty things i made. I thought maybe you’d forgotten about the ocean and the forest and the birds and your cat that is at home missing you. I thought maybe you’d forgotten that your dog’s favorite toy is a squeaky green jellyfish which doesn’t look anything like a jellyfish really but which imitates the grass and the brainless and the mouse all at the same time. I thought you’d forgotten how when you get home he will hear you coming through the door and run to it with his jellyfish so that you will chase him for it. And i made him like that! And i made you the kind of person who would see him with it and smile big and run with him for hours. I made you happy be happy please. When you can. And everything i’ve done will help you with that so yknow. Take care be happy stop worrying.
purple and orange.
colors you would never even imagine to go together
but somehow the universe shoves them into the sky to make the sunrise astonishing
I could stare for hours and hours but sadly it only lasts a few.
people don’t realize what they’re missing because they’re too busy dreaming before
dreading a new day of work
but i ,
I force myself to get up and look,
look at how beautiful this planet we call home is before people arise to only destroy it.

🌱Eivor petting plants 🌱
[Earth Day 2021]
Hi everyone. Today is Earth Day. Take a moment and find a simple life change you can make that's more eco-friendly. Take a walk outside. Plant something. Read facts on climate change and policies. Do something for our only home & universal mother.

being surrounded by nature and hearing mother nature sing to us through the birds, the soft winds, and making art through floral mosaics is one of the greatest blessings .
stopping for a minute to admire the beauty in the world around you