Spirituality - Tumblr Posts

6 years ago
Life Is Not Always About Being Happy. Sometimes Life Means Embracing Every Part Of Ourselves, From The

Life is not always about being happy. Sometimes life means embracing every part of ourselves, from the most structured to the most trasgressive. Living every single emotion, sometimes being euphoric and sometimes crying in pain. Until that moment that you find your place on this world and your purpose in this earth. . . Photographer: @riccardo_terzoli (thanks ✨) - My tiny holidays in Eraclea Mare, Italy with @nickytodesco . . . #water #sea #fun #spirituality #motivation #quotes #quote #instaquote #swimming #spirit #ancient #ancestral #summer #covering #ocean #happy #pool #man #smile #swimsuit #topshop #tanning #instadaily #instalike #gay #gayguy #muscle #swimmer #photooftheday #holiday (presso Eraclea Mare) https://www.instagram.com/p/BnpJPAoF6wb/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1e1neqabyrjsv

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6 years ago
Being Strong Means Embracing Who You Really Are, With All Your Gifts, All Your Secrets, And All Your

Being strong means embracing who you really are, with all your gifts, all your secrets, and all your damnations. . . . #spirituality #psychology #guy #boy #fitness #fit #bodybuilding #magic #muscle #gay #instagay #wisdom #fitfam #training #knowledge #fitfam #gym #quotes #gymmotivation #motivation #gainz #pump #lake #blue #nature #switzerland (presso Brienz, Obwalden, Switzerland) https://www.instagram.com/p/BpqAkRllcgy/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1uh7bcv1f3r9b

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1 year ago
Hilma Af Klint.
Hilma Af Klint.
Hilma Af Klint.
Hilma Af Klint.

Hilma af Klint.

Spiritual art. I can't fully understand it but i love that it's not about intellect but about intuition. Like the pictures can wake you up to some sacred knowlege if you're willing.

Something about overcoming darkness. Spirit descends to matter. Matter rises to the spirit. Light and Darkness, male and female.

How to be in balance. The Alchemy of Life. How to be a human being, what a task.

Probably i should try again to read "The alchemical wedding", does is have to be painful?

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10 months ago
Hilma Af Klint.
Hilma Af Klint.
Hilma Af Klint.

Hilma af Klint.

So spiritual. We should try to wake up in our age. Alchemical marriage , resurrection, love.

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10 months ago

I wish I was without a body.

I Wish I Was Without A Body.
I Wish I Was Without A Body.
I Wish I Was Without A Body.
I Wish I Was Without A Body.

ps: pics are not mine

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6 months ago
Today's Reading: The Seed From Kim Krans' Archetypes Deck.
Today's Reading: The Seed From Kim Krans' Archetypes Deck.

Today's reading: The Seed from Kim Krans' Archetypes deck.

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3 years ago

It’s freaky how right this was 😅💀

Love these experiments and how fun they are

Choose a Marylin Monroe

Lilith PAC

Choose A Marylin Monroe
Choose A Marylin Monroe
Choose A Marylin Monroe
Choose A Marylin Monroe
Choose A Marylin Monroe
Choose A Marylin Monroe

Choose the image your eyes landed first on or the one you’re most attracted to

Pile 1:

First of all, for you to become more independent you should stop overworking yourself. Take a break! Idk take a bath or something like that. Just take care of yourself at least once. My intuition tells me, that some people pleasers have chosen this pile. Also, as a character trait…I see that you’re very persistent and stubborn. Let go of the past and move forward. Stop staying at the same spot, it’s time to go and take some action in your life. Don’t dwell on the past, it doesn’t exist anymore… the only thing that really counts is the present and the future now. For your darker traits I see , that you’re very cunning and intelligent, therefore able to manipulate situations to your advantage. Another side of you is also very greedy. I think you’re the type of person to have many personalities and are able to create a personality, in order for someone to like you, which also makes you appear very charming and charismatic. To embrace your sexuality fully, you should stop dwelling on the past. Maybe you’re still thinking about that one person? Did someone hurt you in the past? Or are you ashamed of your sexuality, because of what happened in the past? Past, Past, Past…Move on, it doesn’t take you anywhere in life, it just stops you in your tracks! You will become happier after leaving all of this behind and opening a new chapter of your life. You might feel like the universe is against you, because trouble keeps coming your way. It’s always something, something always gotta go wrong. You feel like your life is a huge mess and you’re being pressured from all sides, your private and professional life. I think you’re someone who is very fast to make decision and sometimes don’t really think through them. Try to be more responsible and logical in making decisions to avoid being frustrated like this. How can you become more powerful? Don’t ignore the opportunities coming your way and work on your shadow and inner self, since creating all these personalities made you lose your sense of identity. Lilith’s message for you is that you should avoid making hasty decisions and don’t waste your energy on how you feel at the moment. Be more objective and try looking into the future.

Pile 2:

For you to become more independent you should set higher goals for yourself , and by setting them I don’t mean daydreaming about them, but working effectively and long to achieve them. I believe you have great leadership skills and are mentally capable to work hard. You’re the type of person, who has gone through many difficult times and you always come out stronger and never loose hope. You have many idealistic dreams and are enthusiastic about achieving them. I feel like you do work hard, but still people don’t recognise you for it. However, stay focused and keep going forward. Sooner or later everything will pay off and you will have a reason to be proud. Some of you might be attracted to more feminine things, for the ones, who like girls, you might particularly like breasts. Sorry this is random, but you might have a very overbearing or just a very hard-working mother. Some of y’all might also have built up anger and frustration, from not seeing immediate results from all your hard work. You probably like to be in control and have the upper hand in every aspect of your life, but Lilith is literally telling you to chill and be more patient. Do not overwork yourself

Pile 3:

I know for a fact, that you’re a procrastinator or someone who takes one many subject, but never finishes them. Be more focused on your goals, this will help you to gain more independence. I see that you’re a daydreamer, escapist and don’t like confrontation at all. You might be a loner or just an introvert. Also, I see that you’re a people pleaser, because you think you’re worthless and therefore put the needs of others above your own. You may struggle with self-esteem issues and have a low confidence. I can see you coming up with projects in your head, but never putting them into action. To fully embrace your sexuality, you should be more open-minded and flexible. I feel like some of you are already sure of your sexual orientation and have overcome the period of questioning, but the other group here is totally confused😂, therefore I would advice them to just explore more. There may be some people in your life that shine out negative energy or even infect you with it. I also sense an energy vampire, who’s sucking up all your energy. Stay away from them. They are leading you off your path. Surround yourself with well-minded people . To become more powerful, you should probably work on your mental health. I see that some of you might be dealing with depression, especially since the corona outbreak. Take care of yourself first and then go back to work. Some of you might have problems to distinguish good and bad or may have inflicting thoughts about a person. You’re not sure how to feel about them. Lilith tells you to not let these thoughts ruin your decision-making skills. She also tells you that the first decision that pop up in your head are usually the right and best ones for you.

Pile 4:

Ok, first of all, the reason why you’re not fully independent is, because of your inability to change. You might be very stubborn or afraid of moving forward, because you have an underlying fear of failure, that keep you from doing so. Change might be scary, but you need exactly that. As for your darker traits, I see that you’re very greedy and love money dearly. It might be, because you grew up poor or you didn’t have enough money to pay for the luxury that you crave. To express your sexuality more freely, you should allow yourself to fall in love and to love. You might be attracted to femininity and artsy things. Love and Sex has to feel like art for you. Some of you might be physically drained, try to find the reason behind it and work on it. You can also use art as a form to express yourself, create and craft something. People might have told you that your dreams and hopes are too big and said that they’re impossible to achieve. There is also not much support coming from the people around you. Don’t listen to them, don’t let them go to your head and don’t give up. Empower yourself and if you have to walk this path alone, than do so. I know you have a creative mind, but you don’t put all those ideas into action, they just stay in your head and eventually you forget about them. Liliths message is, that you will be treated the same way, you treat other people. So be nice and compassionate and you will get paid back greatly.

Pile 5:

Firstly, I just want to say that most of you are probably water signs or the element is dominant in your chart. Stop running away from your problems , you’ll never be fully independent like this. Ignoring your problems will lead you nowhere and the problems might get bigger the longer you choose to ignore them. I see that you set your worth on how successful you are. The song “Are You Satisfied” from Marina be the Diamond popped up in my mind, maybe you’ll be able to resonate with the lyrics. As for embracing your sexuality, you should follow your heart and do what feels right. Don’t try to logically reason your feelings. Some of you should definitely plan for the future and be more organised, cause I’m kind of getting a messy and chaotic vibe here. Also, something random popped up in my head: “ Dong be naive” , you shouldn’t trust/believe others or concepts so easily, it can lead to disaster. Some of you keep questions yourself a, you might also be unsure of who you really are. In order to be more powerful you should start searching for your true self and do what you think is best for you or rather what feels best for you. Liliths message is that you should take on the leader role, be more serious about your goals and don’t let anyone get in your way.

Pile 6:

For you I get the message that you sometimes shouldn’t give in to your temptations. You got to work for the long run in order to be independent. You’re the type of person, who had horrible experiences throughout life. This gave you a compassionate heart and you can easily sympathise with the underdogs. You’re also always there, when someone needs your help or is in need. I’m getting very mature vibes from you, life experiences made you grow and you might feel older, than all the others in your peer group. You’re also very mature in regards to sexuality and are perfectly able to express yourself in this matter. I see that people put lots of expectations on you, but I strongly advice you to do what’s important for you and not what’s important to them. You might feel like sometimes your help isn’t appreciated enough and people just use you, because of your kindness. For some of you life might seem monotone and boring right now, you’re probably living in an endless and boring cycle/routine. Take a break from it, be more flexible/open and realise who you are again. Liliths message is that you should stop wasting your energy on small and useless things and go for the bigger goals now. Go and achieve the impossible. Don’t waste your time on this boring cycle and finally break it!

Choose A Marylin Monroe

I finished this in school😭🏃🏻‍♀️🚶‍♀️, I hope you enjoyed reading it and tell me if it resonnates

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As I ventured through the snow filled forest I heard the most angelic voice.

It was unfamiliar but made me the calmest I'd ever felt.

I wanted to know who the voice belonged to.

I caught a glimpse of a female spirit.

She looked as if she was the embodiment of the cold.

I figured she was the one singing.

She filled the icy silent air with a divine tranquil melody.

Her spirit lingered in the woods.

I felt her soulful presence all around me.

She was beautiful.

The type you'd only believe if you saw it for yourself.

By the time she was finished I had already let the sleep overtake me.

I never did hear the end of her lullaby.

Oh how I wish I had.

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