fetchen - fetchen club president
fetchen club president

rue , they/she/he

283 posts

Yes Yes Yes Autistic Gretchen!! I'm Autistic And I Literally See So Much Of Myself In Her

yes yes yes autistic gretchen!! i'm autistic and i literally see so much of myself in her

ME TOO ^_^ i know a lot of autistic mg fans relate to cady a lot (and there’s nothing wrong with that) but as an autistic person whose traits don’t show as prominently and as someone who’s been masking all my life gretchen speaks to my experiences a lot more

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11 months ago

Fetchen mentioned

fetchen - fetchen club president
fetchen - fetchen club president
fetchen - fetchen club president
11 months ago

i’m adding fetchen to this sorry op.

i always imagined that when karen came out to gretchen she made her pinky promise not to tell anyone. they were in their sophomore year and she had just realised she liked girls and she trusted gretchen more than anyone else and gretchen takes it very seriously. she’ll tell people (cady, for example) that karen’s slept with 11 people but she won’t explicitly say that karen likes girls.

also. karen primarily clings to gretchen. she just thinks gretchen’s so nice and soft and warm and good to hug and hold hands with. gretchen loves it because she hates initiating anything of the sort.

some random mean girls 2024 head canon because of the pink colored brain rot i have <3

-aaron is the "sorry, i was asleep" friend. always uses that as his excuse for not replying, and its never a lie. almost never responds to a text in a timely manner, and when he does the gc BLOWS up to celebrate

-janis used :3 and X3 ironically so much that its now instinctual to her. it is no longer ironic, despite her claiming it totally still is

-gretchen believes that pinky promises are sacred girl code agreements that CANNOT be broken. she often spills secrets, but if a pinky swear is involved her lips stay completely sealed

-damian and regina get along really well and everyone is shocked at first until they realize just how perfect it is. they love gossiping and debriefing on the latest niche internet drama, especially pertaining to mua influencers. (both religiously quote "and you did it at my birthday dinner" and no one else understands what it means)

-cady cannot cook to save her life. she's tried so many times and something always has to go wrong, even if it isnt her direct fault. she's slightly better at baking, but only if theres box mix involved

-regina is gets into literature and writing post bus, especially because she started reading to pass time while she was healing from the accident. eventually she realizes that writing poems + journaling helps her get out her emotions in a healthier way and express herself without screaming. she definitely takes a creative writing/ap lit type class senior year

-janis and damian love terrorizing children on fortnight and roblox, and they do it for hours on weekends whenever they can. janis has had to ban evade roblox too many times to count. damian somehow doesn't get banned 9 times out of 10

-janis is extremely particular about how she portrays her music taste, and will claim to hate anything she isn't 'supposed' to like. regina does the same thing, but with songs that are the exact opposite to janis' taste. both listen to the music they say they hate in private, and their close friends know this but pretend they dont to keep the girls happy

-aaron isnt just a token straight, but also a rare member of any group gathering. its a 50/50 chance that he shows up to any event he's invited to, but everyone loves it when he does make it

-karen is super clingy and loves physical touch, and gretchen appreciates it because its reassuring to her and makes her feel cared about. regina catches on, and even though she doesnt particularly enjoy physical touch, she gives gretchen the occasional pat on the back or side hug

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11 months ago

more fetchen headcanons ^___^ bcuz i’m bored

(could be dating or pre-dating. frankly it works either way.)

More Fetchen Headcanons ^___^ Bcuz Im Bored
More Fetchen Headcanons ^___^ Bcuz Im Bored
More Fetchen Headcanons ^___^ Bcuz Im Bored


-karen absolutely loves physical touch . this is semi canon but physical touch is her love language

-yk what else is her love language? biting. karen is a biter through and through . it took a while for gretchen to get used to it but now she thinks it’s the cutest thing in the world

-karen is so gentle with her bites tho . it never hurts gretchen and she absolutely adores it because it means karen genuinely really likes her

-karen loves the most random parts of gretchen’s body . her shoulders and her eyebrows come to mind

-if gretchen’s wearing a tank top, trust her shoulders will be covered in faint lipstick marks by the end of the day

-karen sometimes struggles to focus in class because she’s wondering what gretchen’s doing

-gretchen buys literally anything and everything that reminds her of karen . she later gives her those things as gifts

-karen always sends gretchen songs that remind her of her. this results in gretchen listening to the same song on repeat for days on end

-sometimes karen gets distracted while doing her homework and draws little stick figure versions of her and gretchen in the margins getting up to various shenanigans

-karen lowkey thinks gretchen is the hottest person she’s ever met but like she couldn’t explain how even if she tried

-gretchen sometimes pulls karen in by her belt loops if she needs her attention

-karen loves gretchen’s singing voice . she sometimes asks gretch to sing her random songs when she’s over at her place

-they share food and drinks to the point where neither even have to ask . like if karen gets a snack after school, the first thing she’ll do is offer gretchen a bite before even taking a bite herself

-karen remembers literally everything that’s ever happened as long as she’s known gretchen . despite this, she does not remember off the top of her head how long she and gretchen have been friends

-half of gretchen’s closet is just clothes karen’s left at her house . gretchen sometimes wears karen’s clothes absentmindedly

-that said, gretchen starts dressing very differently during senior year. karen is very attracted to this change. (i’m just a futch gretchen liker)

More Fetchen Headcanons ^___^ Bcuz Im Bored
More Fetchen Headcanons ^___^ Bcuz Im Bored
More Fetchen Headcanons ^___^ Bcuz Im Bored

-between eighth grade and freshman year, karen and gretchen got matching promise rings. after regina commented negatively on them, one continued to wear hers longer than the other.

sorry for leaving you with fangst (fetchen angst) at the end .

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11 months ago

i’m fully convinced the fetchen hivemind is real


fetchen 😃

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11 months ago

fetchen play animal crossing together n have a joint island …

giving you these and running away

Giving You These And Running Away
Giving You These And Running Away
Giving You These And Running Away
Giving You These And Running Away
Giving You These And Running Away

janis put her minecraft bed next to regina's one btw

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