Mean Girls Headcanons - Tumblr Posts

11 months ago

more fetchen headcanons ^___^ bcuz i’m bored

(could be dating or pre-dating. frankly it works either way.)

More Fetchen Headcanons ^___^ Bcuz Im Bored
More Fetchen Headcanons ^___^ Bcuz Im Bored
More Fetchen Headcanons ^___^ Bcuz Im Bored


-karen absolutely loves physical touch . this is semi canon but physical touch is her love language

-yk what else is her love language? biting. karen is a biter through and through . it took a while for gretchen to get used to it but now she thinks it’s the cutest thing in the world

-karen is so gentle with her bites tho . it never hurts gretchen and she absolutely adores it because it means karen genuinely really likes her

-karen loves the most random parts of gretchen’s body . her shoulders and her eyebrows come to mind

-if gretchen’s wearing a tank top, trust her shoulders will be covered in faint lipstick marks by the end of the day

-karen sometimes struggles to focus in class because she’s wondering what gretchen’s doing

-gretchen buys literally anything and everything that reminds her of karen . she later gives her those things as gifts

-karen always sends gretchen songs that remind her of her. this results in gretchen listening to the same song on repeat for days on end

-sometimes karen gets distracted while doing her homework and draws little stick figure versions of her and gretchen in the margins getting up to various shenanigans

-karen lowkey thinks gretchen is the hottest person she’s ever met but like she couldn’t explain how even if she tried

-gretchen sometimes pulls karen in by her belt loops if she needs her attention

-karen loves gretchen’s singing voice . she sometimes asks gretch to sing her random songs when she’s over at her place

-they share food and drinks to the point where neither even have to ask . like if karen gets a snack after school, the first thing she’ll do is offer gretchen a bite before even taking a bite herself

-karen remembers literally everything that’s ever happened as long as she’s known gretchen . despite this, she does not remember off the top of her head how long she and gretchen have been friends

-half of gretchen’s closet is just clothes karen’s left at her house . gretchen sometimes wears karen’s clothes absentmindedly

-that said, gretchen starts dressing very differently during senior year. karen is very attracted to this change. (i’m just a futch gretchen liker)

More Fetchen Headcanons ^___^ Bcuz Im Bored
More Fetchen Headcanons ^___^ Bcuz Im Bored
More Fetchen Headcanons ^___^ Bcuz Im Bored

-between eighth grade and freshman year, karen and gretchen got matching promise rings. after regina commented negatively on them, one continued to wear hers longer than the other.

sorry for leaving you with fangst (fetchen angst) at the end .

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11 months ago

can you please make fetchen group dynamic headcannons? how the group interacts with/reacts to them 😍


~ janis and regina are bitter haters through and through. they’ll gag when fetchen kiss in front of them and comment stuff like “break up” or “delete this” when they post each other. it’s all in good fun of course but rejanis are the biggest haters ever.

~ MEANWHILE cady and damian absolutely love karen and gretchen’s relationship. if there was a fetchen fanclub they’d be co-presidents.

~ when cady first met the plastics, she thought karen and gretchen were already in a relationship. cady’s arrival was, in part, the catalyst for them getting together for real.

~ pretty much nobody in the friend group was surprised when they started dating . nobody except for aaron . he doesn’t see it coming at all

~ aaron is very supportive tho . he’s new to all this gay stuff be nice to him

~ they have movie nights as a group and karen and gretchen always get the couch to themselves no matter whose house they’re at . regina’s advocated for a rotating system but it hasn’t stuck .

~ they made a promise to exchange gifts for valentine’s day every year in a secret santa-type fashion. they have two rules. price limit is $25 and karen and gretchen cannot be paired up . they’re simply too insufferable

~ when they go on group trips of any sort, damian is the resident fetchen photographer he captures their cutest moments and does it damn well

~ every year, gretchen commissions the whole friend group to plan karen’s birthday party and every year, the parties are absolute hits

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11 months ago

saw someone else ask on another blog, what’s your mean girls middle name headcanons!

~ gretchen: i think her middle name is beatrice!!! my friend wrote that in one of her fics and i think it fits her so well!!! plus it’s a reference to bebe wood since beatrice is her full name :3

~ regina: alexandra . Now let me explain . it sounds like a stuck up little princess name . and i think that fits regina really well. also “regina alexandra george” sounds pretty sick

~ cady: her canon middle name is jane and i think it fits her really well ^__^ i have nothing to add

~ aaron: barbara. i think his middle name is his grandmother’s name and he never introduces himself with his middle name

~ karen: jane. karen doesn’t actually have a middle name but she always wanted to have one so she picked jane for herself :3

~ damian: selene. just like karen, damian doesn’t actually have a middle name so he picked selene for himself. he just wanted something that made him sound nice and fancy.

~ janis: she doesn’t have a middle name and she doesn’t want one . she’s completely fine with just being janis 'imi'ike.

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10 months ago

Do you have any Janis headcanons?

yasssss :3 janis so silly :3

Do You Have Any Janis Headcanons?
Do You Have Any Janis Headcanons?
Do You Have Any Janis Headcanons?


~ janis has multiple stick and poke tattoos in various places, most of which she did herself.

~ she has a lot more piercings than just a septum but doesn’t wear jewelry in them as often (right eyebrow, various ear piercings)

~ she has synesthesia!!! the way she connects her art to her worldview is supa cool

~ most people call her she but she wouldn’t be upset if someone used they or he either

~ she bruises very easily . many bruises on her arms and legs literally all the time

~ she’s the biggest couple hater of all time. she will hate on every happy couple she sees . fetchen are her biggest victims unfortunately

~ she gets a buzzcut the summer before senior year and dyes it with fun patterns . she’s done melting smiley faces, cheetah spots, and purple flowers.

~ she and damian are absolutely goated at fortnite. they match skins and everything

~ her favourite tattoo she has is of a crow . it was very tedious do to herself and she’s really proud of it

~ she is irritatingly good at chemistry. it’s like second nature to her

~ she sketches her friends so often. damian is her top model of course but she likes drawing gretchen and cady too

~ karen put her on to kpop and she will never ever admit that she listens to it. she listens to a lot of dreamcatcher

~ she picks up drumming after junior spring fling and she gretchen and damian entertain the thought of starting a band together

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10 months ago

Hey!! How do you think Karen and Gretchen got together?

oh boy i’m about to YAP.

i think karen and gretchen had both had mutual feelings for each other for YEARS but dealt with their feelings in different ways.

gretchen had had feelings for karen since at least eighth grade/freshman year. the majority of this time was spent in denial of her feelings. for a long time, gretchen struggled to even acknowledge the fact that she liked girls, both because of insane internalised homophobia and the fact that she saw what had happened to janis after she came out. she never wanted the same thing to happen to her. she tried for a long time to convince herself that the love she felt for karen was normal for any straight girl to feel for her best friend. never mind the fact that she sometimes caught herself imagining karen in jason's place when she was with him.

karen, on the other hand, had always been a lot more open with her sexuality. in a way, being the “slut” of the group afforded karen a lot more room to experiment and explore herself than gretchen or regina had. unlike gretchen, karen often thought about her feelings for the other. it was insanely simple for karen to understand that she had romantic feelings for her best friend. her attitude toward it was what would happen, would happen. she didn’t go out of her way to make her feelings known. karen knew she was happy just staying friends with gretchen because all she wanted was for her to be in her life.

fast forward to their junior year and everything changes so fast. cady moves to north shore and joins the plastics. her arrival is, in a way, the catalyst for karen and gretchen confronting their feelings for each other.

gretchen breaks up with jason (maybe dumps is a better term after the way she ate him up) during junior spring fling and karen truly could not have been happier that her friend is finally breaking things off with this guy that clearly didn’t care about her. after a little while, the lights and the music get a little overwhelming for gretchen so karen goes with her when she goes outside to get some fresh air.

they talk and talk and talk, so much longer than they expected to and, somehow, their conversation shifts to jason. to gretchen and his breakup that had just taken place and for a while, gretchen doesnt speak. instead, while they’re sitting together on the steps outside the gymnasium, gretchen kisses karen. and karen kisses her back.

they reenter the dance unsure of the state of their relationship but so, so happy. now, they know for sure that they have each other and that’s more than enough.

that night, karen sleeps over at gretchen’s place.

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