Bebe Wood - Tumblr Posts

11 months ago

this isn’t fetchenposting but every time i see lake and lucy i actually scream into my pillow briefly i forgot how cute they are

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11 months ago

~ fetchen fluff in which karen learns that gretchen plays guitar and begs her to play something.

one warm evening, karen sifts through gretchen’s closet, looking for something nice for gretchen to wear and, maybe, for her to borrow. instead, she finds two beautiful, spotless guitars- one acoustic, one electric. she quickly connects the dots in her head.

so, she practically runs out of gretchen’s closet.

“gretch! you can play the guitar?!”

gretchen is taken aback by karen’s enthusiasm and reluctantly confirms her suspicions. karen’s gasp of pure joy almost surprises gretchen even more.

“can you play me something?!” karen’s eyes are sparkling and she’s smiling perhaps wider than gretchen had ever seen her smile before. so what could she do besides oblige despite the fact that the thought of messing up a song in front of karen made gretchen want to come up with a plan to fake her own death?

so gretchen does. she pulls her acoustic guitar out of the closet and starts to play- a special song that she’d written all by herself.

gretchen’s voice is beautiful, almost hauntingly so, with the perfect amount of rasp to it. karen almost melts when she hears her.

karen absorbs every lyric, loves the way gretchen seems to get lost in her music. she sings about a love that she cherishes but feels deeply undeserving of- one that would change everything should she dare to embrace its true nature. at least, that’s what karen gets from it.

karen’s right. gretchen didn’t know it, but when she wrote the song she had exactly those feelings in mind.

gretchen’s song ends before either realise it’s over. “my beautiful butterfly,” is who the final lyric is addressed to.

gretchen expects karen to laugh. to make fun of her for writing something so sappy and dumb. instead, her jaw is hanging open and her eyes are wide. “that was so awesome. gretch, how are you so good?” karen asks.

karen thinks gretchen is awesome. something about that makes gretchen feel warm all over.

later in the night, karen’s gaze lingers on the hair clips she’d taken out minutes before. they’re molded in the shape of monarch butterflies. her heart skips a quick beat.

karen had never noticed how much of her clothing had butterflies on them until now.

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11 months ago

Hey!! How do you think Karen and Gretchen got together?

oh boy i’m about to YAP.

i think karen and gretchen had both had mutual feelings for each other for YEARS but dealt with their feelings in different ways.

gretchen had had feelings for karen since at least eighth grade/freshman year. the majority of this time was spent in denial of her feelings. for a long time, gretchen struggled to even acknowledge the fact that she liked girls, both because of insane internalised homophobia and the fact that she saw what had happened to janis after she came out. she never wanted the same thing to happen to her. she tried for a long time to convince herself that the love she felt for karen was normal for any straight girl to feel for her best friend. never mind the fact that she sometimes caught herself imagining karen in jason's place when she was with him.

karen, on the other hand, had always been a lot more open with her sexuality. in a way, being the “slut” of the group afforded karen a lot more room to experiment and explore herself than gretchen or regina had. unlike gretchen, karen often thought about her feelings for the other. it was insanely simple for karen to understand that she had romantic feelings for her best friend. her attitude toward it was what would happen, would happen. she didn’t go out of her way to make her feelings known. karen knew she was happy just staying friends with gretchen because all she wanted was for her to be in her life.

fast forward to their junior year and everything changes so fast. cady moves to north shore and joins the plastics. her arrival is, in a way, the catalyst for karen and gretchen confronting their feelings for each other.

gretchen breaks up with jason (maybe dumps is a better term after the way she ate him up) during junior spring fling and karen truly could not have been happier that her friend is finally breaking things off with this guy that clearly didn’t care about her. after a little while, the lights and the music get a little overwhelming for gretchen so karen goes with her when she goes outside to get some fresh air.

they talk and talk and talk, so much longer than they expected to and, somehow, their conversation shifts to jason. to gretchen and his breakup that had just taken place and for a while, gretchen doesnt speak. instead, while they’re sitting together on the steps outside the gymnasium, gretchen kisses karen. and karen kisses her back.

they reenter the dance unsure of the state of their relationship but so, so happy. now, they know for sure that they have each other and that’s more than enough.

that night, karen sleeps over at gretchen’s place.

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11 months ago

she is so doopid /vpos i love u bebe wood

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11 months ago

sometimes i see lake and lucy and scream into my pillow . they are so so cute it makes me genuinely insane

Sometimes I See Lake And Lucy And Scream Into My Pillow . They Are So So Cute It Makes Me Genuinely Insane
Sometimes I See Lake And Lucy And Scream Into My Pillow . They Are So So Cute It Makes Me Genuinely Insane
Sometimes I See Lake And Lucy And Scream Into My Pillow . They Are So So Cute It Makes Me Genuinely Insane

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11 months ago

bLake being their ship name that's so funny 😭 will be learning more about love, victor so i can fully absorb this lore but i Love it when characters who have less than flattering first impressions of each other end up becoming besties and i LOVE your art. the way you draw their hair and face and everything is just. perfect wow. be cringe and free <3

yeah like i said i started thinking about them as a ship bc their names are similar so it just fit as a ship name 😭 i could come up with something else (probably combining their last names) but bLake is funnier so i won’t

i’m very glad at least someone enjoys my cringeposting it’s very nice. trust i have so much more to yap about if given the chance ^_^ feel free to ask more about them bc i’m so invested in them now

i also want to use this as an opportunity to say feel free to ask abt my ocs i have two main ones ^_^ i introduced blake already but i can talk about onix too bc trust i’ll yap my head off about both of them

anyway i’m now a bLake (blake jung x lake meriwether) truther!!!! they are so doopid!!!!!

btw blake is 5’9 and my hc for lake is around 5’3 so. height difference am i right

also Eheehee :3 thanku for the compliments about my art hehe

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11 months ago

bebe wood as gretchen wieners and bebe wood as lake meriwether are so different to me. like i know they’re obviously different characters but wow different styles of makeup is really equivalent to magic at times

gretch bebe

Bebe Wood As Gretchen Wieners And Bebe Wood As Lake Meriwether Are So Different To Me. Like I Know Theyre
Bebe Wood As Gretchen Wieners And Bebe Wood As Lake Meriwether Are So Different To Me. Like I Know Theyre
Bebe Wood As Gretchen Wieners And Bebe Wood As Lake Meriwether Are So Different To Me. Like I Know Theyre

vs lake bebe

Bebe Wood As Gretchen Wieners And Bebe Wood As Lake Meriwether Are So Different To Me. Like I Know Theyre
Bebe Wood As Gretchen Wieners And Bebe Wood As Lake Meriwether Are So Different To Me. Like I Know Theyre
Bebe Wood As Gretchen Wieners And Bebe Wood As Lake Meriwether Are So Different To Me. Like I Know Theyre

truly different makeup styles have so much to do with the way an actor comes off in a role it’s really cool . this is like one of the best examples for me that shows how different makeup styles can change someone’s energy

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10 months ago

i’m coming to the conclusion that a big part of the reason she looks so different to me is because the shape of her eyebrows are exaggerated as gretchen. i won’t elaborate.

bebe wood as gretchen wieners and bebe wood as lake meriwether are so different to me. like i know they’re obviously different characters but wow different styles of makeup is really equivalent to magic at times

gretch bebe

Bebe Wood As Gretchen Wieners And Bebe Wood As Lake Meriwether Are So Different To Me. Like I Know Theyre
Bebe Wood As Gretchen Wieners And Bebe Wood As Lake Meriwether Are So Different To Me. Like I Know Theyre
Bebe Wood As Gretchen Wieners And Bebe Wood As Lake Meriwether Are So Different To Me. Like I Know Theyre

vs lake bebe

Bebe Wood As Gretchen Wieners And Bebe Wood As Lake Meriwether Are So Different To Me. Like I Know Theyre
Bebe Wood As Gretchen Wieners And Bebe Wood As Lake Meriwether Are So Different To Me. Like I Know Theyre
Bebe Wood As Gretchen Wieners And Bebe Wood As Lake Meriwether Are So Different To Me. Like I Know Theyre

truly different makeup styles have so much to do with the way an actor comes off in a role it’s really cool . this is like one of the best examples for me that shows how different makeup styles can change someone’s energy

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10 months ago

i never realised how giant that blazer bebe’s wearing in the first pic is omg … she is so cute

They Stand Together Like A Couple Going To Prom
They Stand Together Like A Couple Going To Prom
They Stand Together Like A Couple Going To Prom
They Stand Together Like A Couple Going To Prom

they stand together like a couple going to prom

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10 months ago

sigh shes so fine i’m in love with her

I LOVE Futch Bebe
I LOVE Futch Bebe
I LOVE Futch Bebe
I LOVE Futch Bebe
I LOVE Futch Bebe
I LOVE Futch Bebe
I LOVE Futch Bebe
I LOVE Futch Bebe

i LOVE futch bebe

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10 months ago

sigh i love gretchen wieners she is so literally me please ask me to yap about autistic gretchen or anything else gretchen related because i will

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10 months ago

i am begging you to yap about autistic gretchen because she’s literally me and we need all the gretchen content we can get

sigh shes also literally me !!!

a lot of people talk about cady being autistic and ykw she definitely is. but also. gretchen is right there

she resonates with me as an autistic person so deeply . to me she represents being a “high functioning” autistic person so perfectly

now let me explain . she is popular . she’s one of the plastics man she’s one of the most popular, highly desired people in the entire school and yet she still feels so out of place no matter what she does . why???? because she’s autistic.

she constantly wonders what’s wrong with her and what she’s doing wrong . not to mention she feels that way While also being part of the plastics .

i relate to her so hard in the sense that she constantly feels so alien despite the fact that she is in the top three most popular girls in all of north shore. she is, by all means, “normal” but she still feels constantly out of place

so that’s why i think she’s most definitely autistic (among other reasons)

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10 months ago

oh my godddd the way bebe squeezes avantika IM SICK

God They're So Cute It Makes Me Sick

god they're so cute it makes me sick

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10 months ago
Unfollow Me Now This Is All Im Going To Be Talking About Thinking About Writing About Etc Etc Theyre

unfollow me now this is all i’m going to be talking about thinking about writing about etc etc they’re so cute i cant do this right now

sigh bebe looks so comfy . i need to be killed

they’re literally the bffs ever

in other news. fetchen. i love fetchen this is so fetchen!!!!!!!

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10 months ago

hey guys . thinking about fetchen first kiss

in my mind, it happens during junior spring fling. karen and gretchen sat together on the steps outside the gymnasium because gretchen just needed a break from it all.

they ramble together about jason- how big of an asshole he was and how glad they both are that gretchen dumped him. and all of a sudden, it hits gretchen. she realises what her heart knew and that her brain should’ve caught up to all along- that what she’s been looking for is the girl right in front of her.

so, gretchen kisses karen and karen is happy for her to do so.

they pull away and all karen wants is to do it all over again, so eager and happier than she’s ever been. all she can think of is how beautiful gretchen looks under the moonlight.

gretchen thinks that she should’ve seen this coming. she thinks that if she’d just done this sooner she could’ve saved herself so, so much heartbreak. but she also thinks that it doesn’t matter. she’s happy. after all this time, she’s happy.

sigh They are so. :C

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